LP GROUP For Maam Wilmz

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Date: April 26, 2024 Grade Level: 8

Subject: English Time: 2:00- 3:00 PM

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. know the basic concept of journalism;
b. differentiate news, opinion, and feature writing;
c. show understanding of the lesson through essay or headline making; and
d. appreciate the significance of reading news, opinion and feature articles in daily life


A. Topic: Understanding the Basic Concepts of Journalism and News,
Opinion, and Feature Writing
B. Reference: Journalism Handbook by Estelita Constantino-Pangilinan
C. Materials: Visual aids, laptop, TV monitor, and printed materials
D. Values Integration: Teamwork, Respect, Discipline, Enthusiasm
E. Teaching Strategies: Collaborative/Cooperative, Inquiry-Based Method

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Daily Routine

a) Prayer
May we request everyone to please rise and
Ms. Rizhel, kindly lead us a short prayer. Dear Lord and Father of all, thank you for today. Thank
you for ways in which you provide for us all. For your
protection and love, we thank you. Help us to focus our
hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen, read and
write. Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more
about the world around us. We ask all this in the name of
Jesus. Amen.

b) Greetings
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon, Ma’am!
How are you feeling today, class? We’re feeling good ma’am.
Are you excited for another day of learning? Yes, Ma’am!

Wow! That’s nice to hear. It seems that you

are excited and enthusiast to learn and
discover new things and knowledge. And we
are hoping that you could maintain that
feeling and eagerness throughout our
discussion. Can we anticipate that from you? Yes, Ma’am!

c) Putting the Class in Order


Cleanliness and orderliness should always be

reflected to everyone. With this, kindly
arrange your chairs properly and pick the
pieces of trash that you see around.
(The teacher will roam around to check the (The students will arrange their chairs and clean their
orderliness of the classroom.) area)

You may now take your seats. (The students will sit down)
d) Checking of Attendance
To check your attendance, may I have the
class secretary to report it?
If everyone is present, clap to the chant
"Hey, hey! We are all present today!".
Otherwise, clap to the chant "Oh no! there
were (number of absent) who cannot go!" Hey, hey! We are all present today!"
Wow! It's great to know that we don't have
any absent for today. It just shows that you
are all really eager to learn.

e) Passing of Assignment
Last time, I gave you an assignment. Please
pass it forward. (The students will pass their assignments)

f) Review of the Past Lesson

Can you still remember the lesson we had
last meeting? Yes, Ma’am

Who can share with the class of what you’ve

learned or what you can still remember from
our last discussion? Yes, Ryan? Last meeting, we discussed the sensory imagery and we
analyze various excerpts and identify the sensory images
Well said, Ryan. Thank you so much for present on those excerpts.
sharing your ideas and learnings. It only
showed that you’ve really learned, and you
deeply understood our topic last meeting.
Are there any more questions or
clarifications about it? None, Ma’am

B. Motivation

If that so, let’s jump into our next lesson.

But, before we proceed to our discussion,
let’s have a short fun game activity. This is
an interactive group activity that will also
serves as an energizer for this afternoon. Are
you all excited? Yes, Ma’am

We will call this activity “Chika Minute:

Marites Describes” Do you have any guess
or idea about it? None, Ma’am

Okay, for you to know what you have to do

for this activity, kindly read the instruction,

1. The class will be grouped into 3.

2. Each group will be given a photo related to
current issues or events in the country.
3. The groups will brainstorm and analyze the
4. They have to describe the picture using a cloud
\ 5. The group that provides the most number of
appropriate descriptions of the picture will be the
6. The activity will last for 3 minutes.

Is the instruction clear, class? Yes, Ma’am

Please count one to three (The students will count)

Okay, 1 representative from each group,

kindly pick your picture here. (The students will pick a picture)

Please find your groupmates and proceed to

your respective areas. (The students will follow)

You may now start in 3…2…1 (The students will start the activity)

(End of the Activity)

Thank you everyone for your hundred
percent participation. Please go back to your
seats. Later, we will find out what is the
connection or relevance of this activity to our
lesson today. For now, give yourselves a big
hand, you all did a great job! (The students will clap their hands)

How’s the activity? Was it fun? Yes, Ma’am

C. Presentation of the Lesson


Since you enjoyed our activity, let’s continue

the fun by solving this simple puzzle. What
you’ll have to do is to paste the missing parts
of the puzzle to reveal what is the hidden
image. Please do it with the same group you
have. Then, clap when you have solved it.
You only have 1 min to finish it.

(The teacher will distribute the puzzle) (The students will do the activity)

Based on the activity, what do you think is

our topic for today? (The students will raise their hands)

Yes, Ms. Cueto? Based on the activity we had and the puzzle we solved, I
think out topic today is about journalism or news.
Thank you very much Rizza. Let’s all find
out if you are correct. Everyone, kindly read
what is presented on the presentation.
Understanding the Basic Concepts of Journalism and
So, Rizza is correct. Our lesson for today is News, Opinion, and Feature Writing
all about the Basic Concepts of Journalism
and News, Opinion, and Feature Writing

To begin with, kindly read the learning

objectives, Lara. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a) know the basic concept of journalism;
b) differentiate news, opinion, and feature writing;
c) show understanding of the lesson through essay
or headline making; and
d) appreciate the significance of reading news,
Thank you, Lara. And that are the learning opinion and feature articles in daily life
outcomes that we are expecting you to attain
at the end of our lesson.

To add spice and thrill to our discussion

today, we'll be implementing a pointing
system. I have here a snake and ladder card,
along with three different colored sticky
notes, each representing a different group.
Each answer will earn points that dictate
your moves on the snake and ladder board.
Simply reading the presented information is

equivalent to one point, while explanation

earns three points, and providing an
explanation with an example earns five
points. However, be cautious of the snakes!
We'll be using the same rules as the original
game of snake and ladder, where landing on
a box with a snake head sends you back to
the tail of the snake, while landing on a box
with a ladder allows you to climb to the top
of the ladder. Is that clear class? Yes, Ma’am

So, now, who has an idea about journalism?

Yes, Iyy? For me, journalism is like being a detective for the truth,
always seeking out and sharing stories that inform and
inspire viewers.
Nice idea, thank you. Let’s check if that is
correct. Kindly read, Mia. Journalism is the distribution of news and related
commentary and feature materials through such print and
electronic media. It can be presented on newspapers,
magazines, books, blogs, webcasts, podcasts, social
networking and social media sites, and e-mail as well as
through radio, motion pictures, and television.
So, Arquinz, do you think the idea of Ivy
earlier is correct based on the definition of
journalism Mia has read? For me, it is correct. Since in journalism involves
spreading news and opinions through different media like
newspapers, websites, and TV, acting as a truth-seeking
to inform and captivate audiences.
Precisely. Your explanation nicely sums up
journalism as sharing news through different
ways, like newspapers and TV. Is that clear
class? Yes, Ma’am

There are many types of journalistic writing

but today, we will be focusing on News,
Feature and Opinion article. Without further
ado, let’s start discussing them one-by-one,
starting with the News. Kindly read, Rizza. News refers to the information about a recently changed
situation or a recent event. Also, news is information that
is published in newspapers and broadcast on radio and
television about recent events in the country or world or
in a particular area of activity.
Thank you. Based on what Rizza have read,
what is News, Gem? News

News is fresh information about things that just

happened, like events or changes, often found in
newspapers, on the radio, or on TV, telling us what's
going on in the world or in specific areas.
That is correct. Are you all familiar with it
already, right? Yes, Ma’am

Okay, so let us know the qualities of a News

article. Please read, Noime. Qualities of a News Article
1. Proximity
2. Prominence
3. Timeliness
4. Oddity
5. Human interest
6. Conflict
7. Consequence
8. Impact
Thank you, Noime. Have you ever
encountered these qualities from the news
you’ve read or watched before? Yes, Ma’am

Blessing please share your experience. Yes, I've encountered these qualities in news articles I
have read and watched before. For example, I remember
reading a story about a local event from a specific place
here in Mindoro that involved prominent municipal
leader. And that event was for people from affected areas
of the oil spill that time. It also involves a financial
assistance for the involve individuals.
Thank you for sharing. So, from that
experience of Blessing we could see various
qualities of news article. Proximity and
timeliness, for instance, the news was
newsworthy because of its timing and
relevance to the people of that specific place.
And other qualities are also possibly present
in that article. Is news clear to you? Yes, Ma’am

Let’s jump to the next one. PD, please read. Feature article

In journalism, feature article is a greater and longer non-

fiction story that deals with actual events, issues, and
trends. Feature writing is also known as a feature article
and story. The feature articles are soft news and human-
interest stories. The significant objectives of feature
articles are adding color, humanizing, educating, and
entertaining the active and passive audience

Please explain the feature article, Arquinz. A feature article in journalism is a longer story that
explores real events, issues, or trends in-depth, often
focusing on human-interest topics. These articles, also
called features, aim to add depth, emotion, and insight to
That is correct. Feature articles provide a the news, while also entertaining and educating readers.
more nuanced and detailed perspective on
subjects compared to standard news articles,
often delving into the human aspects of a
story. Is that clear? Yes, Ma’am

Let’s now discuss its qualities. Please read

Maya. Qualities of a Feature Article

1. Variety of subject matter.

2. Variety of tone
3. Variety in form and style
4. Usually entertaining
5. Factual and requires reporting
6. May or may not be timely
7. Creative
So, why do you think those are the qualities
of Feature article? These qualities are important in feature articles because
they make the stories more engaging and appealing to
readers. By covering a wide range of topics, they capture
readers' interest. They are usually enjoyable to read and
provide factual information, often presenting a unique
perspective or insight. Feature articles can be written at
any time and allow writers to be creative in how they
Indeed. That is absolutely correct. Feature present the story.
articles, with their variety of topics, tones,
and styles, aim to captivate readers by
providing enjoyable yet informative
narratives that offer unique perspectives on
real events or issues. Any more questions
and clarifications regarding this? None. Ma’am

Let’s proceed to the next one which is the

opinion article. Please read, Lara. Opinion

An opinion piece is an article, usually published in a

newspaper or magazine, that mainly reflects the author's
opinion about a subject. Opinion pieces are featured in
many periodicals.
Based on the information, who could give
and idea about this one? Let’s hear from
Sunshine. An opinion piece is an article found in newspapers or
magazines where the author shares their personal
viewpoint on a topic, often reflecting their thoughts or
Exactly. That is correct. Opinion pieces
serve to express individual perspectives on
various subjects, contributing to the diversity
of viewpoints available to readers in
newspapers and magazines. Is that clear? Yes, Ma’am

Let’s discuss its qualities. Kindly read,

Bezalel. Qualities of an Opinion Article

1. Use persuasion and argumentation as main tools;

2. Use simple, objective and assertive language;
3. Address relevant and current issues in society

4. Identification and signature of the author;

5. Written in first and third person (since the author gives
his opinion on the subject);
6. Texts published in relevant media such as radio, tv and
7. Provocative titles.
So, why do you think those are the qualities
of Feature article? These qualities matter in opinion articles because they
use clear language and persuasive arguments to address
current issues, often signed by the author, and published
across different media with attention-grabbing titles.
That is correct. Opinion articles, with their
persuasive language and clear arguments,
engage readers on relevant topics, fostering
diverse discussions and reflections across
various media platforms. Is that clear, class? Yes, Ma’am

Do you have any questions and clarifications

about the three journalistic writing we have
discussed? None, ma’am


Let’s check if you really learned those 3.

Please help me answering and completing
this table.

Characteristic News Feature Opinion Characteristic News Feature Opinion

Length Length Shorter Longer Longer
Topic than than news than news
Tone feature
Purpose and
(The teacher will guide the students in Topic Timely Unfamiliar Timely
completing the table) and and unique and
known known
Tone Objective Objective Subjective
and and light
Purpose Inform Educate persuade
Thank you so much for helping me
completing the table. All of your answers are
correct. Please give yourselves a big hand. (The students will clap)


Going back to your first activity earlier, I’ll

give you 1 minute each, to present your
outputs. (The students will present their outputs)

Thank you so much. You did a pretty good

job in showcasing your creativity, teamwork
and critical thinking. Give yourselves Ang
galing clap. (The students will perform ang galing clap)

Now the question is: How did you know the

issues presented in the pictures? Anyone?
Yes, Gem. Ma’am I became informed of these issues because of
watching and reading news.
Okay thank you so much. Is watching or
reading the news still beneficial for
everyone? May I hear your thought Ryan? Yes, Ma’am. Staying informed through watching or
reading the news remains beneficial for everyone because
it helps individuals stay updated on current events,
understand important issues, and make informed
decisions about their lives and communities.
Indeed. Thank you so much for your brilliant

And as for the group winner of today's

discussion, Group 2 has received the highest
number of points and has reached the highest
position on the snake and ladder board. Let's
give them a big hand! Later, you will receive
simple prize for your excellent participation
in our discussion.

D. Application

Let’s continue our time together through a

group activity. This activity will test your
comprehension or understanding about the
discussion of the lesson we had earlier. And
this activity is called “Journalistic
Flashwrite” Kindly read the instruction,
Mia. Instructions:

1. The class will be divided into 3 groups.

2. Each group will be assigned a prompt related to
journalistic writing: a breaking news event, a
controversial topic for an opinion piece, or an interesting
human-interest story for a feature article.
3. They must quickly write a short paragraph or headline
for the assigned type of journalistic writing (news,
opinion, feature) based on the given prompt.
4. Each group will present their work to the class.

5. The activity is good for 5 minutes.

Is the instruction clear? Yes, Ma’am

We will be using the same group again.

Please proceed to your respective areas. You
will be graded according to this
Rubric/Criteria. Please read, Arquinz. Criteria Description Score
Content Relevance and depth 30
of information in the
Writing Style Clarity, coherence, 30
and adherence to
journalistic writing
Creativity Originality and 20
innovative approach
to the given prompts
Presentation Clarity, confidence, 20
and effectiveness of
group discussions

You may now start brainstorming and

(The students will start the preparation)
discussing with your groups.

Everyone your time is up, please go back to

your proper seats and please prepare
(The students will follow)
yourselves for the presentation.

Let’s start with the group1, to be followed by

group 2, and the last presenter will be the
(Group 1 will present and perform)
group 2.

Thank you so much group 1. Please give

(The students will perform the very good clap)
them a very good clap
(Group 2 will present and perform)
Next group

Thank you so much group 2. Please give

(The students will perform the Oppa clap)
them an Oppa Clap.
(Group 3 will present and perform)
Last group

Thank you so much group 3. Please give

(The students will perform the ang galing-galing clap)
them Ang galing-galing clap.

Thank you so much everyone. I am glad to

watch and witness your outstanding
presentations and it proves that you really
understood our lesson today.

E. Generalization

But wait there’s more. Another activity

awaits. To continue with, kindly put your
chairs at the side and form a big circle here. (The students will follow)

You are all familiar with the game Spin the

Bottle right? Yes, Ma’am

We will play this game and whoever the tip

of the bottle will point at will do a simple
task I have prepared together with a surprise
gift. Please spin the bottle Maya (The student will spin the bottle)

You are lucky today Jamaica. Here’s your

task. “Using your own words, briefly define
journalism” Journalism is about telling stories and sharing
information through things like newspapers, websites,
and TV to keep people informed about what's happening
in the world.
Thank you so much for your brilliant answer.
Here’s your gift. (The student will accept the gift)

Lenshaye, please spin the bottle again. (The student will spin the bottle)

You are also lucky today Bezalel. Here’s

your task. “Differentiate the three types of
journalistic writing discussed” News writing is about sharing facts about events or
developments straightforwardly, without personal
opinions. Opinion writing involves expressing personal
viewpoints, often with persuasive language. Feature
writing delves deeper into topics, often telling engaging
stories or providing analysis.

Very well said. Thank you, here is your gift. (The student will accept the gift)

And for the last time, please spin the botte

again PD (The student will spin the bottle)

Sunshine, you are the last lucky person

today. I have a question for you. "Is learning
this topic beneficial for you as a student?
Why or why not?" Yes, Ma’am. Learning about this topic is beneficial for
me as a student because it helped me broaden my
understanding of the world and how information is
communicated, enabling you me to critically analyze
news and form informed opinions.

Exactly. Thank you for that. Here’s your gift. (The student will accept the gift)

Okay class, please do arrange your chairs

and sit properly. Thank you for participating
in our activity. Give yourselves a big hand. (The students will clap)

F. Valuing

Going back to our first activity earlier,

you’ve said that you knew the issues behind
those pictures you’ve analyzed because of
the news from different medias right? Yes, Ma’am

So for you, class, what is the importance of

reading or watching journalistic articles?
Let’s here from Blessing. Simply put, reading or watching journalistic articles is
crucial for us as it keeps us updated and aware of what's
happening in their surroundings.

Well said. Please give her a Mcdo Clap (The students will perform the Mcdo Clap)

So, Blessing talked about being updated or

aware, how does staying informed through
reading or watching journalistic articles
contribute to individuals' ability to engage
meaningfully with societal issues and make
informed decisions in their daily lives? Yes, Staying informed through reading or watching
Rizhel? journalistic articles helps individuals understand societal
issues and make better decisions in their daily lives by
providing them with accurate information and diverse
Exactly. Thank you Rizhel. Let’s give her
Nice clap (The students will perform Nice clap)

Once again, I would like to express my

gratitude for your one hundred percent
participation throughout the discussion and
activities we've done. I hope you learned a
lot from us today, and that these learnings
will help you grow and become excellent
individuals and citizens of this country. I’ll
ask you one last time, do you have any
questions and clarifications about what we
have discussed today? None, Ma’am

G. Evaluation

I know that you enjoyed our recent activities,

but for now it’s time to see if you truly
comprehend today’s lesson by answering
these 10 items short evaluation.

(The teacher will distribute the answer


Get one and pass. Please read the statement

carefully. (The students will follow the instruction.)

You have 3 minutes to finish it. Your time I. True or False. Instruction: Write TRUE if the
starts now! statement is true and FALSE if otherwise.

___1. A feature article is entirely fiction.

___2. News should be factual sometimes.
___3. Opinion articles are claims of the writer with a
factual basis
___4. Features vary in form and style
___5. An opinion article is written in second person POV

II. Identification. Instruction: Identify the type of

journalistic writing of each item. Choose from the options
given below and write your answer on the blanks

A. News
B. Feature
C. Opinion

___6. South China Sea MANILA, Philippines - For his

first bilateral visit for 2024, President Ferdinand Marcos
Jr. put security and safety issues in the South China Sea
at the forefront as he met with leaders from Vietnam,
which also has claims in the critical waterway.
___7. How to go to Siruma? - A travel guide
___8. One may disagree with the President on many
things, as I do, but on this matter, the central cause of the
crisis of Philippine
agriculture, he was right on the mark
___9. MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine National
Police (PNP) on Wednesday said it has not monitored any
plot to bring down the administration of President
Ferdinand Marcos Jr.
___10. Farmers in Western Visayas and Zamboanga
Peninsula lost at least P109.44 million due to the effects
of the El Niño climate phenomenon, the Department of
Agriculture (DA) has reported.

4. TRUE 9. A. NEWS
5. FALSE 10. A. NEWS

Your time is up. Finish or not finish pass

your papers forward. (The students will pass their papers)

Please remain seated. Your paper will be

check later, and the results will be shared at
our subsequent meeting.


That ends our class today. But before you

leave, please copy your assignment to be
pass on our next meeting. Instructions:
1. Choose a reputable news source and watch a recent
news segment.
2. Pay attention to the main story, the facts presented, and
any supporting evidence or interviews.
3. Consider the tone and language used by the reporters
to convey the story.
4. Reflect on the impact of the news segment on your
understanding of the topic.
5. Write a 100-word reflection discussing the strengths
and weaknesses of the news.
That’s all for today! Please stand up
everyone (The students will stand)

Again, thank you so much and go home

safely. Goodbye class. Goodbye Ma’am. Thank you for teaching us today.

Prepared by:
Third Year Student
Approved by:



As Firestone (1993) defines it, media literacy is the ability to access, analyze evaluate and create
media. In our today’s digitalized world, where media serves as the gateway to vast information and
perspectives, we are able to stay informed and connected with global events and diverse cultures. Its rapid
dissemination of information fosters awareness and facilitates societal progress. However, the same
accessibility can lead to the spread of misinformation and manipulation, weakening critical thinking and
posing complications. In this lesson plan, we aim to instill media literacy through differentiated activities
and real life examples that will encourage and guide students to know the basic concept of journalism;
differentiate news, opinion, and feature writing; show understanding of the lesson through essay or headline
making; and appreciate the significance of reading news, opinion and feature articles in daily life. By
tasking them with activities guided by these objectives, they will be able to practice how to access, analyze
evaluate and even create media themselves.
By integrating lessons that promote media literacy, we can foster critical thinking and responsible
digital citizenship to our students which are essential skills in our world where misinformation and
manipulation can be rampant. Through integrating media literacy in our lesson, we will be able to train our
students to scrutinize and filter out factual information from those that are not. Moreover, this will make
them responsible digital citizens, aware that a simple click can either break or make, harm or help. Guiding
students in attaining media literacy will help them become individual well-equipped to traverse today’s
information-rich world, responsibly contributing to globally connected world.

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