Power Sharing
Power Sharing
Power Sharing
Answer: (b) B, C and D
2. In dealing with power sharing, which one of the following statements is NOT correct about democracy?
(a) People are the source of all political power. !
(c) In a democracy, due respect is given to diverse groups and views that exist in a society.
(d) In a democracy, if the power to decide is dispersed, it is not possible to take quick decisions and enforce
Answer: d
3. A belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants, by
disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority is:
(a) Power Sharing
(b) Central Government
(c) Majoritarianism
(d) Community Government
Answer: c
4. A system of ‘checks and balances’ is another name for which one of the following power-sharing
(a) Power sharing among different social groups.
(b) Vertical division of power or power shared among different levels of government.
(c) Horizontal division of power or power shared among different organs of the government.
(d) Power sharing in the form of political parties, pressure groups and governments.
Answer: c
Answer: c
D. Most of the Sinhala-speaking are Hindus or Muslims and most of the Tamil-speaking are Buddhists.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) A, B, C
(b) A, B, D
(c) B, C, D
(d) A, B, C, D
Answer: (a) A, B, C
Answer: d
Fill in the Blanks
1. When European countries came together to form the European Union (EU), ………. was chosen as the
2. The ………. distribution of power is also called a system of checks and balances.
1. Brussels
2. horizontal
3. Buddhism
4. Federal
5. Belgium
6. 1956 Previous Year’s Questions
1. Choose the correct option : [CBSE (CCE) 2011]
Power sharing is desirable because it helps :
(a) To increase pressure on government.
(b) To reduce possibilities of conflicts.
(c) To generate awareness among people.
(d) To increase percentage of voters.
2. Which major social group constituted the largest share in population of Sri Lanka? [CBSE (CCE) 2011]
(a) Sinhalas
(b) Sri Lankan Tamils
(c) Indian Tamils
(d) Muslims
3. Which of the following is an example of horizontal sharing of power? [CBSE (CCE) 2011]
(a) Power sharing between different states.
(b) Power sharing between different organs of the government.
(c) Power sharing between different levels of the government.
(d) Power sharing between different political parties.
NCERT Questions
6. Consider the following statements about power sharing arrangements in Belgium and Sri Lanka :
A. In Belgium the Dutch-speaking majority people tried to impose their domination on the minority French
speaking community.
B. In Sri Lanka the policies of government ensured the dominance of the Sinhala speaking majority.
C. The Tamils in Sri Lanka demanded a federal arrangement of power sharingto protect their culture,
language and equality of opportunity in education and jobs.
D. The transformation of Belgium from unitary government to a federal one prevented a possible division of
the country on linguistic lines.
Which of the statements given are correct ?
(a) A, B, C and D
(b) A, B, and D
(c) C and D
(d) B, C and D
7. Match List I (forms of powe- sharing) with List II (forms of government) and select the correct answer
using codes given below the lists :
List I List II
Additional Questions
10. A belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants is
(a) Community Government
(b) Federal Government
(c) Majoritarian
(d) Prudential
19. The majority of population in Brussels, the capital city of Belgium speaks :
(a) French
(b) Dutch
(c) German
(d) Roman
30. Consider the following two statements on power-sharing and select the answer using codes given below:
A. Power sharing is good for democracy.
B. It helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups.
Which of the statements are true and false?
(a) A is true but B is false
(b) Both A and B are true
(c) Both A and B are false
(d) A is false but B is true.
31. Indicate true and false for given statements and give valid reasons:
(a) In Belgium, the Dutch speaking majority people tried to impose their domination on the minority French
speaking community.
(b) In Sri Lanka, the policies of the government sought to ensure the domination of the Sinhala speaking
(c) The Transformation of Belgium from a unitary government to a federal one presented possible division
of the country on linguistic lines.
(d) The Tamils in Sri Lanka demanded a federal arrangement of power to protect their culture, language, and
equality of opportunity in education and jobs.
(a) False – because French people tried to impose their domination.
(b) True – As Sri Lanka followed the majoritarian concept.
(c) False – But it helped in power-sharing on linguistic lines.
(d) True – As Tamils were alienated from the mainstream of power-sharing.
1-A 2-C 3-A 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-C 8-D 9-B 10-B
11-A 12-C 13-A 14-C 15-B 16-A 17-A 18-D 19-C 20-B
21-C 22-A 23-C 24-A 25-C 26-D 27-B 28-B 29-B 30-B
31-C 32-B 33-B 34-C 35-D 36-A 37-A 38-C 39-C 40-D
41-A 42-D 43-A 44-B 45-C 46-B 47-D 48-B 49-B 50-C
51-B 52-B 53-A 54-C 55-C 56-B 57-C 58-A 59-D 60-B
NCERT Based questions(5) Q.1. What are the different forms of power-sharing in
modern democracies? Give an example of each of these.
In modern democracies, the different forms of power sharing are given below with an example of each
1. Power sharing among different organs of government such as the legislature, executive and
2. It is called horizontal distribution pf power
3. For example, in India Parliament enacts laws. Executive executes or implements them and
judiciary checks the functioning of executive or laws made by the leg statures.
1. Sometimes religious and linguistic groups too share power as is the case in Belgium where
there is a “community government” which is elected by people belonging to one language
community no matter where they live.
2. Such government enjoys power regarding cultural, educational and language related issues.
(4) Power sharing among political parties, pressure groups and movements : In a democracy political
parties, pressure groups and movements control or influence those in power. Sometimes power is shared by
different political parties having different ideologies. Such alliances form coalition government.
Q.2. State one prudential reason and one moral reason for power-sharing with an example from the
Indian context. [CBSE Sept. 2010]
(i) (a) India is a multicultural society.
(b) India is a democratic country.
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Q.3. After reading this chapter, three students drew different conclusions. Which of these do you
agree with and why ? Give your reasons in about 50 words.
Thomman – Power sharing is necessary only in societies which have religious, linguistic or ethnic
Mattai – Power sharing is suited only for big countries that have regional divisions.
Ousep – Every society needs some form of power sharing even if they are small or do not have social
The conclusion drawn by Ouseph is correct. Every society needs some form of power-sharing even if it is
small or does not have social divisions because power-sharing helps to reduce the possibility of conflicts
among individuals too. For example, there may be a difference of opinion among the members of a joint
family. Such differences may be resolved if responsibilities and powers are divided among the members of
the family. Similar is the case in societies and governments. Thus there should be power-sharing in small or
big societies or countries.
If there are different communities in a country they should try to accommodate each other as has been done
in Belgium – where the French-speaking people accepted equal representation in Brussels because the
Dutch-speaking community has accepted equal representation in the central government.
Q.4. The Mayor of Merchtem, a town near Brussels in Belgium, has defended a ban on speaking
French in the town’s schools. He said that the ban would help all non¬Dutch speakers integrate in this
Flemish town. Do you think that this measure is in keeping with the spirit of Belgium’s power sharing
arrangements ? Give your reasons in about 50 words.
The ban on speaking French in the town’s schools in Merchtem is not in keeping with the spirit of
Belgium’s power-sharing arrangements because this is a Flemish town. Dutch is spoken by the people in this
region. The ban is an example of the imposition of the will of the majority on the minority which is against
the principle of accommodation under which the Belgian leaders recognised the existence of regional
differences and cultural diversities. However, they amended their constitution to work out an arrangement
that would enable everyone to live together within the country. On the other hand, the ban on speaking
French may result in strained relations between French-speaking and Dutch-speaking communities.
Q.5. Read the following passage, and pick out any one of the prudential reasons for power sharing
offered in this.
“We need to give more power to the panchayats to realise the dream of Mahatma Gandhi, and the
hopes of the makers of our Constitution. The Panchayati Raj establishes true democracy. It restores
power to the only place where power belongs in a democracy – in the hands of the people. Giving
power to Panchayats is also a way to reduce corruption, and increase administrative efficiency. When
people participate in the planning and implementation of developmental schemes, they would
naturally exercise greater control over these schemes. This would eliminate the corrupt middlemen.
Thus the Panchayati Raj will strengthen the foundations of our democracy.”
Ans. The following prudential reasons are cited into the passage for power sharing.
(a) Reducing corruption by giving power into the hands of the people and thus, making them responsible for
their own decisions.
(b) Increasing administrative efficiency by delegating the decision-making function to the people affected by
(c) Improving the efficiency of the system by reducing the number of middlemen, and transferring the
planning and implementation to the people concerned through the Panchayats.
Question 2.
What is the meaning of ethnic ?
Question 4.
What is the percentage of French and Dutch-speaking people in the capital city of Brussels ?
Question 5.
State one special problem in Brussels.
In Brussels the special problem was that the Dutch-speaking people constituted a majority in the country but
a minority in the capital (Brussels).
Question 6.
Which language is spoken by majority of Sri Lanka ? [CBSE 2016-17]
Sinhala is spoken by 74 per cent people in Sri Lanka.
Question 7.
What is the percentage of Tamil-speaking people ?
18 per cent people speak Tamil.
Question 8.
What is majoritarianism ?
Majoritarianism is a belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it
wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority.
Question 9.
When was the Act passed to recognise Sinhala as the only official language in Sri Lanka ?
In 1956.
Question 10.
What was the result of policy of majoritarianism in Sri Lanka ?
It increased the feeling of alienation among the Sri Lankan Tamils.
Question 11.
What was the object of constitutional amendments between 1970 and 1993 in Belgium ?
The object was to work out an arrangement that would enable everyone to live together within the same
Question 12.
The community government in Belgium is a good example of which form of power sharing ?
[CBSE 2016-17]
Power sharing among governments at different levels.
Question 13.
Which is third unique form of govt, practiced in Belgium ? [CBSE 2016-17]
Apart from the central and the state government, what is the other form of government in Belgium ?
Apart from central and the state government there is a third kind of government viz community government
elected by people belonging to one language community – Dutch, French and German-speaking – no matter
where they live.
Question 14.
Which type of powers does the community government of Belgium enjoy ? [CBSE 2016-17]
The community government has the power regarding cultural, educational and language related issues.
Question 15.
Which are the two reasons for power sharing and mention one advantage of each ?
1. Prudential reason : It helps to reduce the possibility of conflicts between social groups.
2. Moral reason : It is good for democracies. It is the very spirit of democracy.
Question 16.
Mention four types of power sharing.
Question 17.
What is horizontal distribution of power ?
Under horizontal distribution, power is shared among different organs of government, such as legislature,
executive and judiciary.
Question 18.
How power can be shared among governments at different levels ?
Under this, there is a general government for the entire country (central government) and governments at the
provincial or regional level (state government).
Question 19.
What are the features of sharing power among governments at different levels ? State any one.
1. Under this power sharing, there is division of power between central and state governments.
2. It is vertical division of power.
Question 20.
Give an example of power sharing among different social groups such as the religious and linguistic groups.
Community government in Belgium is a good example of power sharing among different social groups.
Question 21.
Why the system of ‘reserved constituencies’ is adopted in India ?
The system of ‘reserved constituencies’ is adopted to give space/representation in the government and
administration to diverse social groups who otherwise would feel alienated from the government.
Question 22.
Give an example of power sharing among different political parties in a democracy.
Some time different political parties with different ideologies form an alliance. They contest elections jointly
and after winning in the elections, these parties form a coalition government. The example is present NDA
Answer: The minority French-speaking community was relatively rich and powerful. So
the Dutch speaking community, who got the benefit of economic development and
education much later showed the resentment between the Dutch-speaking and the
French-speaking communities during the 1950s and the 1960s. The conflict between
the two communities was more severe in Brussels because the Dutch speaking people
constituted a majority in the country, but a minority in the capital.
Answer: The ethnics composition of Belgium, a small country is very complex. Of the
country’s total population, 59 per cent live in the Flemish region and speak Dutch
language. Another 40 per cent people live in the Wallonia region and speak French.
Remaining 1 per cent of the Belgians speak German. In the capital city, Brussels, about
80 per cent people speak French while 20 per cent are Dutch-speaking.
4. Mention any four steps which were taken by the Sri Lankan government to
achieve majoritarianism.
Answer: (i) In 1956, an Act was passed under which English was replaced as the
country’s official language not by the Sinhala and Tamil but by the Sinhala only.
(ii) The governments followed preferential policies that favoured the Sinhala applicants
for university positions and government jobs.
(iii) A new constitution stipulated that the state shall protect and foster Buddhism.
(iv) Denial of citizenship to estate Tamils.
Answer: (i) It is a violent conflict between the opposing groups within a country, for
example the Sinhalese and the Tamils.
(ii) Due to the violent conflict between both these ethnic groups thousands of people of
both the communities have been killed. Many families were forced to leave the country
as refugees and many more lost their livelihoods.
(iii) The civil war has caused a terrible setback to the social, cultural and economic life of
the country.
Answer: (i) A community government is one in which different social groups are given
the power to handle the affairs related to their communities. They are expected to work
jointly for the benefit of the common masses without undermining any one community.
(ii) The ‘community government’ is elected by people belonging to one language
community-Dutch, French and German speaking – no matter where they live.
(iii) This government has the power regarding cultural, educational and language-
related issues.
8. How did the Sri Lankan and the Belgium government try to solve the ethnic
Explain any two important differences between the power sharing model
accepted by Belgium and Sri Lanka.
Answer: (i) The Belgium leaders tried to solve the ethnic problem by respecting the
feelings and interests of different communities and regions, whereas the Sri Lankan
government tried to solve the problem through majoritarianism.
(ii) Belgium leaders established a federal structure under which power was shared
between the Union Government and its other constituent units whereas Sri Lankan
leaders adopted Unitary Government structure.
(iii) The Belgium solution helped in avoiding civic strife whereas the majoritarianism in
Sri Lanka led to the civil war.
9. “Both Belgium and Sri Lanka are democracies but they follow different systems
of power sharing. ” Support the statement by giving three points of difference.
Answer: (i) Type of Government: Sri Lanka continues to be, for all practical purpose, a
unitary system where the national government has all the powers. Tamil leaders want
Sri Lanka to become a federal system under which the regional governments were
given constitutional powers that were no longer dependent on the central ‘government.
Belgium shifted from a unitary to a federal form of government.
(iii) Language and government : In 1956 Sri Lankan government passed an act to
recognize Sinhala as the only official language whereas Belgium government “tried to
protect and foster all the languages spoken by the people.
Answer: (i) The concept of providing a permanent share of power in the government
different communities or regions is termed as power sharing.
(ii) Under this the people and the leaders of the nation respect the feelings and
interests of different commodities and regions.
(iii) The principle of power sharing is very important for the unity and growth of
Answer: (i) Under the federal division of power the power is divided among different
levels of government; for example in India the power is shared among the three levels
of governments, i.e., Union government, the state governments and the local
(ii) This type of system is known as vertical division of power.
(iii) Under this the Constitution clearly lays down the power of each level of government
12. “Power may also be shared among different social groups”. Explain by giving
Answer: (i) Power may also be shared among different social groups such as the
religious and linguistic groups. ‘Community government’ in Belgium is a good example
of this arrangement.
(ii) In some countries there are constitutional and legal arrangements whereby socially
weaker sections and women are represented in the legislatures and administration. For
example in India we follow the principle of ‘reserved constituencies’ in assemblies and
the parliament of our country. This type of arrangement is meant to give space in the
government and administration to diverse social groups who otherwise would feel
alienated from the’ government.
(iii) This method is used to give minority communities a fair share in power.
• A democratic rule involves sharing power with those affected by its exercise, and who have to
live with its effects.
• People have a right to be consulted on how they are to be governed. A legitimate government
is one where citizens, through participation, acquire a stake in the system.
• Power is shared among different organs of government, such as the legislature, executive and
• Power can be shared among governments at different levels – a general government for the
entire country and governments at the provincial or regional level.
• Power may also be shared among different social groups such as the religious and linguistic
groups. ‘Community government’ in Belgium is a good example of this arrangement.
3. ‘Both Belgium and Sri Lanka are democracies but they follow different systems of power
sharing’. Support the statement by giving three points of difference.
• In Belgium, communities have equal share in the government while in Sri Lanka leaders of the
Sinhala community sought to secure dominance over government by virtue of their majority.
• In Belgium, there is no discrimination between various religions while In Sri Lanka, Buddhism
is the official religion of the country.
4. Write one prudential and one moral reason for power sharing.
• Prudential reason for power sharing: Power sharing reduces social conflicts among social
groups with different interests and aspirations. Social conflicts lead to violence and instability.
Power sharing ensures the stability of political order.
• Moral reason for power sharing: Power sharing is the very spirit and essence of democracy.
Democracy involves sharing power with those affected by its exercise, and who have to live
with its effects. People have the right to be consulted on how they are to be governed.
1. Belgium is a small country in Europe. It is smaller in area than the State of Haryana in India.
2. It has borders with Netherlands, France and Germany.
3. Its population is little over one crore. It is half of the population of Haryana state.
1. 59 per cent of the population lives in the Flemish region. They speak Dutch language.
2. 40 per cent people live in the Wallonia region. They speak French.
3. Remaining one per cent speak German.
4. Brussels is the capital of Belgium. Here, 80 per cent people speak French and 20 per cent
speak Dutch.
Thus, Belgium is a country of diversities based on languages. Dutch-speaking people are in
majority in the country, but a minority in the capital city of Brussels.
Question 2.
What was the cause of tension between Dutch-speaking and French-speaking communities during 1950s and
1960s ?
The minority French-speaking community was relatively rich and powerful. On the .pther hand Dutch-
speaking community got the benefit of economic development and education much later. This was the cause
of tension between two communities during the 1950s and 1960s.
Question 3.
Describe the geographical and ethnic composition of Sri Lanka.
The geographical and ethnic composition of Sri Lanka is given below :
Geographical composition :
1. Sri Lanka is an island nation just a few kilometers off the southern coast of Tamil Nadu.
2. Its population is about 2 crore.
Ethnic composition :
1. The major social groups are the Sinhala-speakers (74 per cent) and Tamil-speakers (18 per
cent). ‘
2. Tamil-speakers are further divided into two groups – Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian Tamils.
3. Sri Lankan Tamils are the natives of Sri Lanka. The Indian Tamils’ forefathers migrated from
India as plantation workers during colonial period.
4. Sri Lankan Tamils live in the north and east of the country.
5. Most of the Sinhala-speaking people are Buddhist, while most of the Tamils are Hindus or
6. There are about 7 per cent Christians, who are both Tamil and Sinhala.
Question 4.
Explain the three measures taken by Sri Lanka as per the Act passed in 1956. [CBSE 2016-17]
How was majoritarianism practiced in Sri Lanka ?
What were the reasons for alienation of Sri Lankan Tamils ? What were its effects ?
Which policies of the Sri Lankan government have led to the feeling of alienation among Sri Lankan
Tamils ?
Why Sri Lankan Tamils felt alienated ?
(1) Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country in 1948. The Sinhala community was majority
community. Their leaders sought to secure dominance over government. Thus the democratically
elected government adopted the following majoritarian measures :
1. In 1956, an Act was passed to recognise Sinhala as the only official language thus disregarding
2. The governments followed preferential policies that favoured Sinhala applicants for university
positions and government jobs.
3. A new constitution stipulated that the state shall protect and foster Buddhism.
(2) Effects : The above measures gradually increased the feeling of alienation among the Sri Lankan Tamils.
1. They felt that none of the major political parties led by the Buddhist Sinhala leaders were
sensitive to their language and culture.
2. They felt that the constitution and government policies denied them equal political rights.
3. They also felt that they were being discriminated in getting jobs and other opportunities. Thus
the relations between the Sinhala and Tamil communities strained and a feeling of alienation
grew among the Sri Lankan Tamils.
Question 5.
What were the effects of feeling of alienation among the Sri Lankan Tamils ?
The effects of the feeling of alienation among the Sri Lankan Tamils were as mentioned below :
1. The Sri Lankan Tamils launched parties and struggles for the recognition of Tamil as an
official language.
2. They demanded regional autonomy.
3. They also demanded equality of opportunity in securing education and jobs.
4. Their demand for regional autonomy was repeatedly denied.
5. By 1980s several political organisations were formed and they demanded an s independent
Tamil Eelam (state) in northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka.
6. The distrust and alienation turned into widespread conflict between the two communities. It
soon turned into a civil war.
7. In the civil war, thousands of people of both the communities were killed. Many
8. families were forced to leave the country as refugees. Many lost their livelihoods. Thus
although Sri Lanka had excellent record of economic development, education and health,
but the civil war has caused a terrible setback to the social, cultural and economic life of the
Question 6.
What are some of the basic elements of the Belgium model of power sharing ?
Describe the path of accommodation adopted in Belgium. What were its consequences
The Belgian leaders recognised the existence of regional differences and cultural diversities. So they
adopted a path of accommodation. Its features were as mentioned below :
1. Between 1970 and 1993, the constitution was amended four times so as to work out an
arrangement that would enable everyone to live together within same country.
2. The constitution prescribes that the Dutch and French-speaking ministers shall be equal in the
Central Government.
3. Some special law’s require the support of majority of members from each linguistic group. No
single community not even majority community (Dutch-speaking) can make decisions
4. The State Governments are not subordinate to the Central Government. Many powers of the
Central Government have been given to State Governments.
5. There is a separate government in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. Both the communities i.e.,
French-speaking and Dutch-speaking, have equal representation in the Brussels government.
The French-speaking people accepted equal representation in Brussels because the Dutch-
speaking community has accepted equal representation in the central government.
6. A third government which is called “community government” is elected by people belonging
to one language community – Dutch, French and German-speaking – no matter
where they live. The community government has power regarding cultural, educational and
language-related issues.The above model is complicated but it has worked so well that there is
no civil strife between the two communities. There is no danger of division of the country on
the linguistic basis.
Question 7.
How the composition of the capital city of Brussels is different from Belgium as a country ?
In Belgium, the composition of different communities is as given below :
Thus, Dutch-speaking people are in majority in the country but they are in minority in the capital city of
Brussels. On the other hand, French-speaking people are in minority in the country but they are in majority
in the capital citymf Brussels. This composition of different communities has led to the acceptance of
principle of accommodation in Belgium by them.
Question 8.
What do you learn from the principles followed in Belgium and Sri Lanka i.e., majoritarianism in Sri Lanka
and accommodation in Belgium ?
We learn the following lessons from the principles of majoritarianism and accommodation followed in
Sri Lanka and Belgium :
1. In Belgium, the leaders respected the feelings and interests of all communities and were
successful in maintaining the unity of the country. They recognised the existence of regional
differences and cultural diversities. They took various steps such as amendments to the
constitution in order to work out an arrangement that would enable everyone to live together
within the same country. The arrangements such as equal number of ministers of Dutch and
French-speaking people in Brussels and central govt, have worked successfully.
2. On the other hand in Sri Lanka, the Sinhala community tried to secure dominance over
government and adopted a series of majoritarian measure. The result was alienation of Sri
Lankan Tamils and civil war.
Thus it proves that the policy and path of accommodation is better than the path of major
Question 9.
Describe basic principles of democracy about power sharing. [CBSE 2016-17]
Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy. [CBSE 2016-17]
Why is power sharing desirable ? [CBSE 2016-17]
See Textbook Question 2.
Question 10.
What are the different forms of power sharing in modem democracies ? Explain any two.[CBSE 2016-17]
Different forms of power sharing are given below :
1. The power is shared by three organs of government i.e., legislature, executive and judiciary.
2. Generally, legislature enacts laws, executive executes the laws, makes policies and takes
3. Judiciary interprets the law and protects the rights of the people,
4. It is called horizontal distribution of power’because it allows different organs of government
placed at the same level to exercise different powers,
5. Such a separation ensures that none of the organs can exercise unlimited power.
6. Each organ checks the others and a balance of power is maintained.
For example in India, executive i.e., Council of Ministers is responsible to Lok Sabha. The
Council of Ministers must enjoy the support of the majority in the Lok Sabha. If they loose
confidence of the Lok Sabha, they have to resign. Similarly judges are appointed by the
executive, but they check the function of executive or laws made by the legislatures.
1. Sometimes religious and linguistic groups too share power as is the case in Belgium where
there is a “community government” which is elected by people belonging to one language
community no matter where they live.
2. Such government enjoys power regarding cultural, educational and language related issues,
3. In India, seats are reserved for SCs and STs in assemblies and parliament. Such a system is
adopted to give minority communities a fair share in power so that they are not alienated from
the government as has happened in Sri Lanka.
(4) Power sharing among political parties, pressure groups and movements :
1. When no party gets an absolute majority in legislature, different parties come together and
form a coalition government and share power in a democracy. For example, the present NDA
(National Democrative Alliance) government headed by Shri Narendra Modi is a coalition
government in which power is shared by different political parties that represent different
ideologies and social groups.
2. In addition to this, different pressure groups, interest groups and movements also directly or
indirectly influence the decision making process of the government. Thus there is power
sharing among political parties, pressure groups and movements.
Question 11.
Differentiate between horizontal and vertical power sharing in modem democracies.
The differences between horizontal and vertical power sharing in modern democracies is as
mentioned below:
(1) Power is shared among different organs of (1) Power is shared among governments at different
government such as the legislature, executive and levels i.e., central, state/ provinicial, regional level.
(2) The constitution clearly lays down the powers of
(2) It allows different organs of government placed at different levels of government as has been in Belgium/
the same level to exercise different powers. India. It is federal division of power.
(3) It ensures that none of the organs exercise
balance of power among various institutions. It is (4) It is vertical division of power as the powers are
called a system of checks and balances. divided involving higher and lower levels of
Question 12.
“Both Belgium and Sri Lanka are democracies but they follow different systems of power sharing.” Support
the statement by giving three points of difference.
The points of difference between systems of power sharing in Belgium and Sri Lanka are as
mentioned below :
(1) In Sri Lanka the leaders of the Sinhala community The Belgian leaders recognised the
sought to secure dominance over government by virtue existence of regional differences and
of their majority. The elected government adopted a cultural diversities. Between 1970 and 1993
series of majoritarian measures to establish Sinhala they amended their constitution four times
(4) In Sri Lanka, there was the feeling of alienation government has the power regarding
among the Sri Lankan Tamils. They felt that the cultural, educational and language related
equal political rights, discriminated against them in In Belgi um there is no feeling of alienation
getting jobs and other opportunities and ignore among any of the communities because the
Question 13.
Describe basic principles o f democracy about power sharing.
1. They elect their representatives through direct or indirect election. Those who win and secure
majority in the legislature form government at various levels i.e., national, state or local.
2. In democracy due respect is given to all social groups including minorities. For example in
India, minorities enjoy educational and cultural rights. Reservation has been made for SCs/STs
in Parliament and State Assemblies. Thus, in democracy power is shared at various levels and
among various social groups.
It is based on prudence or on careful calculation of gains and losses.
Competency Based Questions(1) 1.Assertion : Tyranny of majority is
highly desirable.
Reason : A big country divides power between constituent states and the national government.
5. Assertion: It is mandatory for every candidate who contests election to file an AFFIDAVIT .
Reason: The Supreme Court passed an order to reduce the influence of money and criminals.
7.Assertion: Communalism is based on the idea that religion is the principal basis of social community.
Reason: It is because the social and geographical diversity in such a large country is not easily absorbed by
two or even three parties
9.Assertion : Democracy transforms people from the status of a subject into that of a citizen.
Reason : Most individuals believe that their vote makes a difference to the way the governments run and to
their own self-interest
10.Assertion : Coalition government is formed during the dearth of coal in the country.
Reason : Community government helped in resolving conflict between different linguistic groups.
Reason: Constitution gives freedom to everyone to profess, practice and propagate any religion without
prejudices or any discrimination.
13.Assertion: In a democracy, political parties are a must.
18.Assertion : It is very simple to make the changes in the basic structure of the constitution.
Reason : Both the houses have power to amend the constitution independently.
19.Assertion : Non-democratic regimes often turn a blind eye to or suppress internal social differences.
24.Assertion : In Belgium, the leaders realized that the unity of the country is possible by respecting the
feelings and interests of different countries.
Assertion-Reasoning Answers
Case Based Questions(3-4) The Belgian leaders took a different path.
They recognised the existence of regional differences and cultural
diversities. Between 1970 and 1993, they amended their constitution four
times so as to work out an arrangement that would enable everyone to live
together within the same country. The arrangement they worked out is
different from any other country and is very innovative. Here are some of the
elements of the Belgian model. Constitution prescribes that the number of
Dutch and French-speaking ministers shall be equal in the central
government. Some special laws require the support of majority of members
from each linguistic group. Thus, no single community can make decisions
unilaterally. Many powers of the central government have been given to
state governments of the two regions of the country. The state governments
are not subordinate to the Central Government. Brussels has a separate
government in which both the communities have equal representation. The
French-speaking people accepted equal representation in Brussels because
the Dutchspeaking community has accepted equal representation in the
Central Government. Apart from the Central and the State Government,
there is a third kind of government. This ‘community government’ is elected
by people belonging to one language community – Dutch, French and
German-speaking – no matter where they live. This government has the
power regarding cultural, educational and languagerelated issues. You might
find the Belgian model very complicated. It indeed is very complicated, even
for people living in Belgium. But these arrangements have worked well so
far. They helped to avoid civic strife between the two major communities and
a possible division of the country on linguistic lines. When many countries of
Europe came together to form the European Union, Brussels was chosen as
its headquarters.
Question (i)
When and why was the Belgian Constitution amended by its leaders?
The Belgian leaders took a different path. They recognised the existence of regional
differences and cultural diversities. Between 1970 and 1993, they amended their
constitution four times so as to work out an arrangement that would enable everyone
to live together within the same country. The arrangement they worked out is different
from any other country and is very innovative.
Between 1970 and 1993 , the Belgian leaders amended the constitution four times so
that everyone lived together in harmony within the same country.
Question (ii)
How is power distributed among governments in Belgium?
Many powers of the central government have been given to state governments of the
two regions of the country. The state governments are not subordinate to the Central
In this way, power is distributed among the Government in Belgium.
Question (iii)
Which is the third kind of government in Belgium and who elects it?
Apart from the Central and the State Government, there is a third kind of government.
This ‘community government’ is elected by people belonging to one language
community – Dutch, French, and German-speaking – no matter where they live. This
government has the power regarding cultural, educational, and language-related
government .
community. This government has the power regarding cultural, educational, and
language issues.
Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option: Case Study Question 1:
The Sri Lankan Tamils launched parties and struggles for the recognition of Tamil as an official language,
for regional autonomy and equality of opportunity in securing education and jobs. But their demand for
more autonomy to provinces populated by the Tamils was repeatedly denied. By 1980s several political
organisations were formed demanding an independent Tamil Eelam (state) in northern and eastern parts of
Sri Lanka.
(ii) What were the steps taken by the government of Sri Lanka to alienate Tamils?
(a) Non-recognition to Tamil language
(b) Preference through Sinhalas in education and jobs
(c) State protection to Buddhism
(d) All the above