Part A Dual Bahasa
Part A Dual Bahasa
Part A Dual Bahasa
1 The Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Security held 1 Konferensi Diplomatik ttg Keamanan Maritim yg
in London in December 2002 adopted new provisions in diselenggarakan di London pada bln Desember 2002
the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, mengadopsi ketentuan baru dlm Konvensi Internasional ttg
1974 & this Code* to enhance maritime security. These Keselamatan Jiwa di Laut, 1974 & Koda* ini utk
new requirements form the international framework meningkatkan keamanan maritim. Persyaratan baru ini
through which ships & port facilities can co-operate to membentuk kerangka kerja internasional agar kapal &
detect & deter acts which threaten security in the maritime fasilitas pelabuhan dpt bekerja-sama utk mendeteksi &
transport sector. mencegah tindakan yg mengancam keamanan sektor
transportasi maritim.
2 Following the tragic events of 11th September 2001, 2 Menindaklanjuti kejadian tragis tgl 11 September
the twenty-second session of the Assembly of the 2001, Sidang Majelis Organisasi Maritim Internasional
International Maritime Organization (the Organization), in (Organisasi) yg ke 22, pada bulan November 2001, dgn
November 2001, unanimously agreed to the development suara bulat menyetujui penyusunan ketentuan baru yg
of new measures relating to the security of ships & of port berkaitan dgn keamanan kapal & fasilitas pelabuhan utk
facilities for adoption by a Conference of Contracting diadopsi dlm Konferensi Negara Penanda-tangan
Governments to the International Convention for the Safety (Contracting Government) Konvensi Internasional tentang
of Life at Sea, 1974 (known as the Diplomatic Conference Keselamatan Jiwa di Laut, 1974 (dikenal sebagai
on Maritime Security) in December 2002. Preparation for Konferensi Diplomatik tentang Keamanan Maritim) pada
the Diplomatic Conference was entrusted to the bln Desember 2002. Persiapan utk Konferensi Diplomatik
Organization’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) on the telah dipercayakan kepada Komite Keselamatan Maritim
basis of submissions made by Member States, (MSC) atas dasar masukan dari Negara Anggota, organisasi
intergovernmental organizations & non governmental antar pemerintah & organisasi non-pemerintah yg
organizations in consultative status with the Organization. mempunyai status konsultatif dgn Organisasi.
3 The MSC, at its first extraordinary session, held also 3 Pada sidang luar biasa pertama yg diselenggarakan
in November 2001, in order to accelerate the development juga pada bulan November 2001, dalam rangka
& the adoption of the appropriate security measures, mempercepat penyusunan & adopsi tindakan keamanan yg
established an MSC Intersessional Working Group on sesuai, MSC telah membentuk Kelompok Kerja
Maritime Security. The first meeting of the MSC Intersessional tentang Keamanan Maritim. Pertemuan
Intersessional Working Group on Maritime Security was pertama Kelompok Kerja Intersessional tentang Keamanan
held in February 2002 & the outcome of its discussions was Maritim telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Pebruari 2002 &
reported to, & considered by, the seventy-fifth session of hasil pembahasannya telah dilaporkan & dipertimbangkan
the MSC in March 2002, when an ad hoc Working Group pada Sidang MSC ke-75 di bulan Maret 2002, pada saat
was established to further develop the proposals made. The suatu Kelompok Kerja khusus telah dibentuk untuk
seventy-fifth session of the MSC considered the report of mengembangkan lebih lanjut usulan yg dibuat. Sidang
that Working Group & recommended that work should be MSC ke-75 mempertimbangkan laporan Kelompok Kerja
taken forward through a further MSC Intersessional itu & merekomendasikan hasilnya diajukan lebih lanjut
Working Group, which was held in September 2002. The kepada Kelompok Kerja Intersessional yg dilaksanakan
seventy-sixth session of the MSC considered the outcome pada bulan September 2002. Sidang MSC ke-76
of the September 2002 session of the MSC Intersessional mempertimbangkan hasil sidang Kelompok Kerja
Working Group & the further work undertaken by the MSC Intersessional bulan September 2002 & tugas lebih lanjut
Working Group held in conjunction with the Committee's yg dilakukan oleh Kelompok Kerja MSC yg
seventy-sixth session in December 2002, immediately prior diselenggarakan bersamaan dgn Sidang Komisi ke-76 pada
to the Diplomatic Conference & agreed the final version of bulan Desember 2002, segera sebelum Konferensi
the proposed texts to be considered by the Diplomatic Diplomatik & disetujui versi akhir dari naskah yg diusulkan
Conference. untuk dipertimbangkan oleh Konferensi Diplomatik.
4 The Diplomatic Conference (9 to 13 December 2002) 4 Konferensi Diplomatik ( 9 s/d 13 Desember 2002) juga
also adopted amendments to the existing provisions of the mengadopsi amandemen ketentuan yg ada pada Konvensi
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 Internasional tentang Keselamatan Jiwa di Laut, 1974
(SOLAS 74) accelerating the implementation of the (SOLAS 74) yg mempercepat implementasi persyaratan
requirement to fit Automatic Identification Systems & pemasangan Automatic Identification System &
adopted new Regulations in Chapter XI-1 of SOLAS 74 mengadopsi Regulasi baru dalam Bab XI-1 SOLAS 74
covering marking of the Ship Identification Number & the tentang penandaan Ship Identification Number &
carriage of a Continuous Synopsis Record. The Diplomatic membawa dokumen Continuous Synopsis Record.
5 The provision of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 & this 5 Ketentuan Bab Xl-2 SOLAS 74 & Koda ini berlaku
Code apply to ships & to port facilities. The extension of bagi kapal & fasilitas pelabuhan. Perluasan SOLAS 74 yg
SOLAS 74 to cover port facilities was agreed on the basis mencakup fasilitas pelabuhan telah disepakati atas dasar
that SOLAS 74 offered the speediest means of ensuring the bahwa SOLAS 74 memberikan cara tercepat dlm menjamin
necessary security measures entered into force & given tindakan keamanan yg diperlukan yg harus diberlakukan &
effect quickly. However, it was further agreed that the memberi hasil yg cepat. Namun demikian, juga telah
provisions relating to port facilities should relate solely to disetujui bahwa ketentuan yg berkaitan dgn fasilitas
the ship/port interface. The wider issue of the security of pelabuhan hanya terkait dgn interaksi antara kapal &
port areas will be the subject of further joint work between pelabuhan saja. Masalah yg lebih luas tentang keamanan di
the International Maritime Organization & the International daerah pelabuhan menjadi tugas bersama antara Organisasi
Labour Organization. It was also agreed that the provisions Maritim Internasional (IMO) & Organisasi Buruh
should not extend to the actual response to attacks or to any Internasional (ILO). Juga disepakati bahwa ketentuan
necessary clear-up activities after such an attack. tersebut tidak mencakup reaksi nyata terhadap serangan
atau kegiatan pembersihan yg diperlukan paska serangan.
6 In drafting the provision, care has been taken to ensure 6 Di dlm membuat draft ketentuan, perhatian telah
compatibility with the provisions of the International diberikan untuk menjamin kesesuaian dgn ketentuan
Convention on Standards of Training, Certification & Konvensi Internasional tentang Standar Pelatihan,
Watch-keeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, the Sertifikasi & Tugas Jaga bagi Pelaut, 1978, sebagaimana
International Safety Management (ISM) Code & the telah diamandemen, Koda Manajemen Keselamatan
harmonized system of survey & certification. Internasional (ISM) & harmonisasi sistem survei &
7 The provisions represent a significant change in the 7 Ketentuan ini mencerminkan adanya perubahan
approach of the international maritime industries to the penting di dlm industri maritim internasional mengenai
issue of security in the maritime transport sector. It is masalah keamanan di sektor transportasi maritim. Diakui
recognized that they may place a significant additional bahwa ketentuan ini dapat menjadi beban tambahan yg
burden on certain Contracting Governments. The berarti bagi Negara Penanda-tangan tertentu. Sepenuhnya
importance of Technical Co-operation to assist Contracting diakui, pentingnya Kerjasama Teknis untuk membantu
Governments implement the provisions is fully recognized. Negara Penanda-tangan dlm menerapkan ketentuan ini.
8 Implementation of the provisions will require 8 Penerapan ketentuan ini akan memerlukan kerjasama
continuing effective co-operation & understanding between & pemahaman yg efektif secara kontinyu antar semua
all those involved with, or using, ships & port facilities, pihak yg terkait dgn, atau menggunakan, kapal & fasilitas
including ship’s personnel, port personnel, passengers, pelabuhan, termasuk personil kapal, personil pelabuhan,
cargo interests, ship & port management & those in para penumpang, yg berkepentingan dlm muatan, kapal &
National & Local Authorities with security responsibilities. manajemen pelabuhan serta pihak Otoritas Nasional
Existing practices & procedures will have to be reviewed maupun Lokal yg bertanggung jawab terhadap keamanan.
& changed if they do not provide an adequate level of Kegiatan & Prosedur yg sudah ada harus terus dikaji ulang
security. In the interests of enhanced maritime security & diperbaharui jika hal itu tidak menghasilkan suatu
additional responsibilities will have to be carried by the tingkat keamanan yg memadai. Dlm rangka meningkatkan
shipping & port industries & by National & Local keamanan maritim, tanggung jawab tambahan harus
Authorities. dilakukan oleh industri pelayaran & pelabuhan serta bagi
Otoritas Nasional & Lokal.
9 The guidance given in Part B of this Code should be 9 Petunjuk yg ada di Bagian B dari Koda ini harus
taken into account when implementing the security diperhatikan ketika menerapkan ketentuan keamanan yg
provisions set out in Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 & in Part terdapat pada Bab XI-2 SOLAS 74 & pada Bagian A dari
A of this Code. However, it is recognized that the extent to Koda ini. Bagaimanapun diakui bahwa lingkup penerapan
which the guidance applies may vary depending on the petunjuk ini dapat bervariasi tergantung pada kondisi
nature of the port facility & of the ship, its trade &/or fasilitas pelabuhan & kapal, perdagangan &/atau
cargo. muatannya.
10 Nothing in this Code shall be interpreted or applied in 10 Tidak ada satupun di dlm Koda ini harus ditafsirkan
a manner inconsistent with the proper respect of atau diterapkan dgn cara yg tidak sejalan dgn hak-hak dasar
11 Recognizing that the Convention on the Facilitation of 11 Diakui bahwa Konvensi tentang Facilitation of
Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended, provides that foreign Maritime Traffic, 1965, sebagaimana telah diamandemen,
crew members shall be allowed ashore by the public menyatakan bahwa awak kapal asing harus diijinkan
authorities while the ship on which they arrive is in port, berkunjung ke darat oleh pihak berwenang pada saat
provided that the formalities on arrival of the ship have kapalnya tiba di suatu pelabuhan, asalkan formalitas
been fulfilled & the public authorities have no reason to kedatangan kapal telah dipenuhi & pihak berwenang tidak
refuse permission to come ashore for reasons of public mempunyai alasan untuk menolak ijin turun kedarat karena
health, public safety or public order, Contracting alasan kesehatan, keselamatan & ketertiban umum, maka
Governments when approving SSP & PFSP should pay due Negara Penanda-tangan dlm menyetujui SSP & PFSP harus
cognisance to the fact that ship's personnel live & work on memberikan perhatian yg memadai bahwa kenyataannya
the vessel & need shore leave & access to shore based awak kapal yg tinggal & bekerja di kapal, memerlukan
seafarer welfare facilities, including medical care. kunjungan ke darat serta akses ke fasilitas sosial kepelautan
di darat, termasuk pelayanan kesehatan.
The objectives of this Code are: Sasaran dari Koda ini adalah:
.1 to establish an international framework involving co- .1 menetapkan suatu kerangka kerja internasional yg
operation between Contracting Governments, meliputi kerjasama antara Negara Penanda-tangan,
Government agencies, local administrations & the Badan Pemerintah, administrasi lokal & industri
shipping & port industries to detect security threats & pelayaran & pelabuhan utk mendeteksi ancaman
take preventive measures against security incidents keamanan &mengambil tindakan pencegahan terhadap
affecting ships or port facilities used in international insiden keamanan yg mempengaruhi kapal atau
trade; fasilitas pelabuhan yg digunakan utk perdagangan
.2 to establish the respective roles & responsibilities of .2 menetapkan tanggung-jawab & peran dari
the Contracting Governments, Government agencies, masing-masing Negara Penanda-tangan, Badan
local administrations & the shipping & port industries, Pemerintah, administrasi lokal & industri pelayaran &
at the national & international level for ensuring pelabuhan, pada tingkat nasional & internasional utk
maritime security; menjamin keamanan maritim;
.3 to ensure the early & efficient collection & exchange .3 menjamin pengumpulan & pertukaran informasi yg
of security-related information; dini & efisien yg terkait dgn keamanan;
.4 to provide a methodology for security assessments so .4 menyediakan metodologi utk penilaian keamanan
as to have in place plans & procedures to react to seperti tersedianya rancangan & prosedur utk
changing security levels; & mengantisipasi perubahan tingkat keamanan; &
.5 to ensure confidence that adequate & proportionate .5 menjamin & yakin bahwa tindakan keamanan maritim
maritime security measures are in place. yg memadai & sesuai telah tersedia.
In order to achieve its objectives, this Code embodies a Dlm rangka mencapai sasarannya, Koda ini mencakup
number of functional requirements. These include, but are sejumlah persyaratan fungsional. Persyaratan tersebut
not limited to: meliputi, namun tidak terbatas pada:
.1 gathering & assessing information with respect to .1 mengumpulkan & menilai informasi berkenaan
security threats & exchanging such information with ancaman keamanan & mengadakan pertukaran
appropriate Contracting Governments; informasi antara Negara Penanda-tangan terkait;
.2 requiring the maintenance of communication protocols .2 mewajibkan terselenggaranya tata cara komunikasi
for ships & port facilities; bagi kapal & fasilitas pelabuhan;
.3 preventing unauthorized access to ships, port facilities .3 mencegah masuknya pihak yg tidak berkepentingan ke
& their restricted areas; kapal, fasilitas pelabuhan & daerah terlarangnya;
.4 preventing the introduction of unauthorized weapons, .4 mencegah masuknya senjata tanpa surat ijin, alat
incendiary devices or explosives to ships or port pembakar atau bahan peledak ke kapal atau fasilitas
facilities; pelabuhan;
.5 providing means for raising the alarm in reaction to .5 menyediakan peralatan utk membunyikan alarm sbg
security threats or security incidents; reaksi thd ancaman keamanan atau insiden keamanan;
.6 requiring ship & port facility security plans based .6 mewajibkan SSP & fasilitas pelabuhan berdasarkan
upon security assessments; & hasil penilaian keamanan; &
.7 requiring training, drills & exercises to ensure .7 mewajibkan pelatihan, gladi & latihan utk menjamin
familiarity with security plans & procedures. pemahaman thd rancangan &prosedur keamanan.
2.2 The term “ship”, when used in this Code, includes 2.2 Istilah "kapal" yg digunakan pada Koda ini, meliputi
mobile offshore drilling units & high speed craft as defined unit pengeboran lepas pantai berpindah & kapal kecepatan
in regulation XI-2/1. tinggi seperti didifinisikan dlm regulasi XI-2/1.
2.3 The term “Contracting Government” in connection 2.3 Istilah "Negara Penanda-tangan" yg terkait dgn
with any reference to a port facility, when used in sections fasilitas pelabuhan yg digunakan dlm seksi 14 s/d 18,
14 to 18, includes a reference to the “Designated termasuk juga referensi "Otoritas yg Ditunjuk".
2.4 Terms not otherwise defined in this part shall have the 2.4 Istilah selain yg didefinisikan pada bagian ini harus
same meaning as the meaning attributed to them in chapters mempunyai arti yg sama seperti arti yg tercantum dlm bab
I & XI-2. I & XI-2.
3.1 This Code applies to: 3.1 Koda ini berlaku bagi:
.1 the following types of ships engaged on international .1 tipe kapal yg beroperasi di pelayaran internasional
.2 port facilities serving such ships engaged on .2 fasilitas pelabuhan yg melayani kapal-kapal yg
international voyages. beroperasi dlm pelayaran internasional.
3.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of section 3.1.2, 3.2 Disamping ketentuan butir 3.1.2, Negara Penanda-
Contracting Governments shall decide the extent of tangan harus memutuskan jangkauan penerapan Bagian
application of this Part of the Code to those port facilities dari Koda ini utk fasilitas pelabuhan di dlm wilayahnya,
within their territory which, although used primarily by meskipun terutama digunakan utk kapal yg tidak
ships not engaged on international voyages, are required, beroperasi di pelayaran internasional, namun adakalanya
occasionally, to serve ships arriving or departing on an digunakan utk melayani kedatangan atau keberangkatan
international voyage. kapal dlm pelayaran intemasional.
3.2.1 Contracting Governments shall base their 3.2.1 Negara Penanda-tangan harus membuat
decisions, under section 3.2, on a port facility security keputusan berdasarkan seksi 3.2, utk penilaian keamanan
assessment carried out in accordance with this Part of the fasilitas pelabuhan yg dilaksanakan sesuai dgn Bagian dari
Code. Koda ini.
3.2.2 Any decision which a Contracting Government 3.2.2 Setiap keputusan yg dibuat oleh Negara
makes, under section 3.2, shall not compromise the level of Penanda-tangan berdasarkan seksi 3.2, harus tidak
security intended to be achieved by chapter XI-2 or by this mengurangi tingkat keamanan yg dimaksudkan utk dicapai
Part of the Code. sesuai dgn bab XI-2 atau Bagian dari Koda ini.
3.3 This Code does not apply to warships, naval 3.3 Koda ini tidak berlaku bagi kapal perang, alat
auxiliaries or other ships owned or operated by a penunjang angkatan laut atau kapal lain yg dimiliki atau
Contracting Government & used only on Government non- dioperasikan oleh Negara Penanda-tangan & hanya
commercial service. digunakan utk pelayanan Pemerintah yg non komersil.
3.4 Sections 5 to 13 & 19 of this part apply to Companies 3.4 Seksi 5 s/d 13 & 19 dari bagian ini berlaku bagi
& ships as specified in regulation XI-2/4. Perusahaan & Kapal sebagaimana ditetapkan dlm XI-2/4.
3.5 Sections 5 & 14 to 18 of this part apply to port 3.5 Seksi 5 & 14 s/d 18 dari bagian ini berlaku bagi
facilities as specified in regulation XI-2/10. fasilitas pelabuhan sebagaimana ditetapkan dlm XI-2/10.
3.6 Nothing in this Code shall prejudice the rights or 3.6 Tidak ada satupun di dlm Koda ini yg merugikan hak
obligations of States under international law. atau kewajiban Negara sesuai hukum internasional.
4.1 Subject to the provisions of regulation XI-2/3 & XI- 4.1 Sesuai ketentuan regulasi XI-2/3 & XI-2/7, Negara
2/7, Contracting Governments shall set security levels & Penanda-tangan wajib menetapkan tingkat keamanan &
provide guidance for protection from security incidents. memberikan petunjuk utk perlindungan thd insiden
Higher security levels indicate greater likelihood of keamanan. Tingkat keamanan lebih tinggi menunjukkan
occurrence of a security incident. Factors to be considered kemungkinan lebih besar terjadinya suatu insiden
in setting the appropriate security level include: keamanan. Faktor yg perlu dipertimbangkan dlm
menetapkan tingkat keamanan yg sesuai meliputi:
.1 the degree that the threat information is credible; .1 tingkatan informasi ancaman dapat dipercaya;
.2 the degree that the threat information is corroborated; .2 tingkatan informasi ancaman yg menguatkan;
.3 the degree that the threat information is specific or .3 tingkatan informasi ancaman yg spesifik atau segera
imminent; & terjadi; &
.4 the potential consequences of such a security incident. .4 potensi konsekuensi dari suatu insiden keamanan.
4.2 Contracting Governments, when they set security level 4.2 Negara Penanda-tangan pada saat menetapkan tingkat
3, shall issue, as necessary, appropriate instructions & shall keamanan 3, harus mengeluarkan instruksi yg sesuai yg
provide security related information to the ships & port diperlukan & memberikan informasi keamanan yg terkait
facilities that may be affected. kepada kapal & fasilitas pelabuhan yg mungkin terkena.
4.3 Contracting Governments may delegate to a 4.3 Negara Penanda-tangan dapat mendelegasikan kepada
4.4 Contracting Governments shall, to the extent they 4.4 Negara Penanda-tangan sejauh yg dianggap perlu,
consider appropriate, test the effectiveness of the SSP or harus menguji efektivitas SSP atau PFSP atau
the PFSP, or of amendments to such plans, they have amandemennya yg telah disetujui, atau dlm hal kapal,
approved, or, in the case of ships, of plans which have been tentang rancangan yg telah disetujui atas namanya.
approved on their behalf.
5.1 Contracting Governments shall determine when a 5.1 Negara Penanda-tangan harus menentukan kapan
Declaration of Security is required by assessing the risk the Deklarasi Keamanan diperlukan dgn menilai bahaya yg
ship/port interface or ship to ship activity poses to persons, terjadi dlm kegiatan antara kapal dng pelabuhan atau kapal
property or the environment. dgn kapal yg dapat terjadi pada orang, properti atau
5.2 A ship can request completion of a Declaration of 5.2 Kapal dapat meminta pemenuhan Deklarasi Keamanan
Security when: jika :
.1 the ship is operating at a higher security level than the .1 kapal sedang beroperasi pada tingkat keamanan yg
port facility or another ship it is interfacing with; lebih tinggi dari pada fasilitas pelabuhan atau kapal
.2 there is an agreement on a Declaration of Security lain yg berhubungan dgnnya;
between Contracting Governments covering certain .2 ada suatu kesepakatan ttg Deklarasi Keamanan antar
international voyages or specific ships on those Negara Penanda-tangan yg mencakup pelayaran
voyages; internasional tertentu atau kapal khusus utk pelayaran
yg bersangkutan;
.3 there has been a security threat or a security incident .3 ada ancaman atau insiden yg berdampak kepada kapal
involving the ship or involving the port facility, as atau fasilitas pelabuhan, mana yg terkena;
.4 the ship is at a port which is not required to have & .4 kapal berada di pelabuhan yg tidak dipersyaratkan
implement an approved PFSP; or memiliki & menerapkan PFSP yg disetujui; atau
.5 the ship is conducting ship to ship activities with .5 kapal sedang melaksanakan kegiatan dgn kapal lain yg
another ship not required to have & implement an tidak dipersyaratkan memiliki & menerapkan SSP yg
approved SSP. disetujui.
5.3 Requests for the completion of a Declaration of 5.3 Permintaan utk pemenuhan Deklarasi Keamanan
Security, under this section, shall be acknowledged by the sesuai seksi ini, harus diketahui oleh fasilitas pelabuhan
applicable port facility or ship. atau kapal yg menerapkannya.
5.4 The Declaration of Security shall be completed by: 5.4 Deklarasi Keamanan harus disiapkan oleh:
.1 the master or the SSO on behalf of the ship(s); &, if .1 nakhoda atau SSO atas nama kapal; &, mana yg
appropriate, sesuai,
.2 the PFSO or, if the Contracting Government .2 PFSO atau, jika Negara Penanda-tangan menentukan
determines otherwise, by any other body responsible lain, yaitu badan lain yg bertanggung jawab utk
for shore-side security, on behalf of the port facility. keamanan di darat atas nama fasilitas pelabuhan.
5.5 The Declaration of Security shall address the security 5.5 Deklarasi Keamanan harus menetapkan persyaratan
requirements that could be shared between a port facility & keamanan yg bisa digunakan bersama antara fasilitas
a ship (or between ships) & shall state the responsibility for pelabuhan & kapal (atau antar kapal) & harus menyatakan
each. tanggung jawab masing-masing.
5.6 Contracting Governments shall specify, bearing in 5.6 Memperhatikan ketentuan regulasi XI-2/ 9.2.3, Negara
5.7 Administrations shall specify, bearing in mind the 5.7 Memperhatikan ketentuan regulasi XI-2/ 9.2.3,
provisions of regulation XI-2/9.2.3, the minimum period Administrasi wajib menetapkan periode minimum di mana
for which Declarations of Security shall be kept by ships Deklarasi Keamanan harus disimpan oleh kapal yg
entitled to fly their flag. beroperasi dgn benderanya.
6.1 The Company shall ensure that the SSP contains a 6.1 Perusahaan harus menjamin bahwa SSP berisi suatu
clear statement emphasizing the master’s authority. The pernyataan yg jelas yg menegaskan kewenangan nakhoda.
Company shall establish in the SSP that the master has the Perusahaan harus menetapkan SSP bahwa nakhoda
overriding authority & responsibility to make decisions mempunyai kewenangan lebih & bertanggung jawab utk
with respect to the safety & security of the ship & to membuat keputusan yg berkaitan dgn keselamatan &
request the assistance of the Company or of any keamanan kapal & utk meminta bantuan dari Perusahaan
Contracting Government as may be necessary. atau Negara Penanda-tangan, bila diperlukan.
6.2 The Company shall ensure that the CSO, the master & 6.2 Perusahaan wajib menjamin bahwa pertugas keamanan
the SSO are given the necessary support to fulfil their perusahaan, nakhoda & SSO diberi dukungan yg
duties & responsibilities in accordance with chapter XI-2 diperlukan utk melaksanakan tanggung-jawab & tugas
& this Part of the Code. mereka sesuai bab XI-2 & Bagian dari Koda ini.
7.1 A ship is required to act upon the security levels set by 7.1 Kapal diwajibkan utk bertindak sesuai dgn tingkat
Contracting Governments as set out below. keamanan yg ditetapkan oleh Negara Penanda-tangan
sebagaimana diatur di bawah ini.
7.2 At security level 1, the following activities shall be 7.2 Pada tingkat keamanan 1, aktivitas berikut ini harus
carried out, through appropriate measures, on all ships, dilaksanakan pada semua kapal dgn cara yg tepat dgn
taking into account the guidance given in part B of this mempertimbangkan petunjuk pada Bagian B dari Koda ini,
Code, in order to identify & take preventive measures dlm rangka mengidentifikasi & mengambil tindakan
against security incidents: pencegahan thd insiden keamanan:
.1 ensuring the performance of all ship security duties; .1 menjamin pelaksanaan semua tugas keamanan kapal;
.2 controlling access to the ship; .2 mengawasi akses ke kapal;
.3 controlling the embarkation of persons & their effects; .3 mengawasi embarkasi orang & barang bawaannya;
.4 monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only .4 memantau daerah terlarang utk menjamin hanya orang
authorized persons have access; yg berkepentingan yg mempunyai akses;
.5 monitoring of deck areas & areas surrounding the ship; .5 memantau daerah dek & daerah sekeliling kapal;
.6 supervising the handling of cargo & ship’s stores; & .6 mensupervisi penanganan muatan & perbekalan
kapal; &
.7 ensuring that security communication is readily .7 menjamin bahwa sarana komunikasi keamanan siap
available. digunakan.
7.3 At security level 2, the additional protective measures, 7.3 Pada tingkat keamanan 2, tindakan perlindungan
specified in the SSP, shall be implemented for each activity tambahan yg ditetapkan dlm SSP, harus diterapkan utk
detailed in section 7.2, taking into account the guidance setiap aktivitas yg dirinci dlm seksi 7.2, dgn
given in part B of this Code. mempertimbangkan petunjuk bagian B Koda ini.
7.4 At security level 3, further specific protective 7.4 Pada tingkat keamanan 3, tindakan perlindungan lebih
measures, specified in the SSP, shall be implemented for lanjut yg khusus yg ditetapkan dlm SSP, harus diterapkan
each activity detailed in section 7.2, taking into account the utk setiap aktivitas yg dirinci dlm seksi 7.2, dgn
guidance given in part B of this Code. mempertimbangkan petunjuk bagian B Koda ini.
7.5 Whenever security level 2 or 3 is set by the 7.5 Pada saat tingkat keamanan 2 atau 3 ditetapkan oleh
Administration, the ship shall acknowledge receipt of the Administrasi, kapal harus memberitahukan telah menerima
instructions on change of the security level. instruksi tentang perubahan tingkat keamanan.
7.6 Prior to entering a port or whilst in a port within the 7.6 Sebelum memasuki suatu pelabuhan atau sedang
territory of a Contracting Government that has set security berada dlm pelabuhan di wilayah suatu Negara Penanda-
level 2 or 3, the ship shall acknowledge receipt of this tangan yg telah menetapkan tingkat keamanan 2 atau 3,
instruction & shall confirm to the PFSO the initiation of the kapal harus memberitahukan telah menerima instruksi &
7.7 If a ship is required by the Administration to set, or is 7.7 Jika kapal diwajibkan oleh Administrasi utk
already at, a higher security level than that set for the port menetapkan atau telah berada pada tingkat keamanan yg
it intends to enter or in which it is already located, then the lebih tinggi dari yg ditetapkan utk pelabuhan dimana kapal
ship shall advise, without delay, the competent authority of akan masuk atau dimana kapal telah berada, maka kapal
the Contracting Government within whose territory the port harus segera memberitahukan kpd pejabat yg berwenang di
facility is located & the PFSO of the situation. Negara Penanda-tangan wilayah lokasi fasilitas pelabuhan
tsb & PFSO tentang situasi ini.
7.7.1 In such cases, the SSO shall liase with the PFSO 7.7.1 Dlm situasi demikian, SSO harus berhubungan
& coordinate appropriate actions, if necessary. dgn PFSO & jika perlu, koordinasikan tindakan yg sesuai.
7.8 An Administration requiring ships entitled to fly its 7.8 Administrasi yg menetapkan tingkat keamanan 2 atau
flag to set security level 2 or 3 in a port of another 3 bagi kapal yg beroperasi dgn benderanya di pelabuhan
Contracting Government shall inform that Contracting Negara Penanda-tangan lain, harus dgn segera
Government without delay. menginformasikan kpd Negara Penanda-tangan tersebut.
7.9 When Contracting Governments set security levels & 7.9 Bila Negara Penanda-tangan menetapkan tingkat
ensure the provision of security level information to ships keamanan & menjamin pembertahuan informasi tingkat
operating in their territorial sea, or having communicated keamanan kpd kapal yg beroperasi di perairan
an intention to enter their territorial sea, such ships shall be teritorialnya, atau kapal yg telah mengkomunikasikan akan
advised to maintain vigilance & report immediately to their masuk ke perairan teritorialnya, kapal itu harus
Administration & any nearby coastal States any diberitahukan utk waspada & melaporkan segera kpd
information that comes to their attention that might affect Administrasinya & Negara pantai terdekatnya tentang
maritime security in the area. setiap informasi yg harus menjadi perhatian yg mungkin
mempengaruhi keamanan maritim di kawasan tersebut.
7.9.1 When advising such ships of the applicable 7.9.1 Ketika memberitahukan ke kapal tentang tingkat
security level, a Contracting Government shall, taking into keamanan yg diterapkan, Negara Penanda-tangan harus
account the guidance given in the part B of this Code, also memperhatikan petunjuk sesuai Bagian B dari Koda ini,
advise those ships of any security measure that they should juga memberitahukan kapal itu tentang tindakan keamanan
take &, if appropriate, of measures that have been taken by yg harus mereka lakukan & jika diperlukan, juga tindakan
the Contracting Government to provide protection against yg telah diambil oleh Negara Penanda-tangan utk
the threat. memberikan perlindungan dari ancaman.
8.1 The ship security assessment is an essential & integral 8.1 Penilaian keamanan kapal adalah bagian penting &
part of the process of developing & updating the SSP. merupakan satu kesatuan dari pengembangan &
pemutakhiran SSP.
8.2 The CSO shall ensure that the ship security assessment 8.2 CSO harus menjamin bahwa penilaian keamanan kapal
is carried out by persons with appropriate skills to evaluate dilaksanakan oleh orang yg memiliki kemampuan dlm
the security of a ship, in accordance with this section, mengevaluasi keamanan kapal, sesuai dgn seksi ini dgn
taking into account the guidance given in part B of this mempertimbangkan petunjuk Bagian B dari Koda ini.
8.3 Subject to the provisions of section 9.2.1, a recognized 8.3 Menunjuk ketentuan seksi 9.2.1, organisasi keamanan
security organization may carry out the ship security yg telah diakui boleh melaksanakan penilaian keamanan
assessment of a specific ship. kapal dari suatu kapal tertentu.
8.4 The ship security assessment shall include an on-scene 8.4 Penilaian keamanan kapal harus termasuk survei
security survey &, at least, the following elements: keamanan ditempat & minimal meliputi elemen sbb:
.1 identification of existing security measures, .1 identifikasi tindakan keamanan, prosedur &
procedures & operations; operasional yg sudah ada;
.2 identification & evaluation of key ship board .2 identifikasi & evaluasi operasional penting di atas
operations that it is important to protect; kapal yg perlu dilindungi;
8.5 The ship security assessment shall be documented, 8.5 Penilaian keamanan kapal harus didokumentasikan,
reviewed, accepted & retained by the Company. ditinjau, disetujui & disimpan oleh Perusahaan.
9.1 Each ship shall carry on board a SSP approved by the 9.1 Setiap kapal harus membawa dokumen SSP yg telah
Administration. The plan shall make provisions for the disetujui oleh Administrasi. Rancangan harus memuat
three security levels as defined in this Part of the Code. ketentuan tentang ketiga tingkat keamanan sebagaimana
didefinisikan dlm Bagian dari Koda ini.
9.1.1 Subject to the provisions of section 9.2.1, a 9.1.1 Menunjuk ketentuan seksi 9.2.1, organisasi
recognized security Organisation may prepare the SSP for keamanan yg telah diakui boleh menyiapkan dokumen SSP
a specific ship. utk kapal tertentu.
9.2 The Administration may entrust the review & approval 9.2 Administrasi boleh mempercayakan penelahaan &
of SSP, or of amendments to a previously approved plan, persetujuan SSP, atau amandemen dari rancangan yg telah
to recognized security organizations. disetujui sebelumnya, kepada organisasi keamanan yg telah
9.2.1 In such cases the recognized security 9.2.1 Dlm hal organisasi keamanan yg telah diakui
organization undertaking the review & approval of a SSP, melakukan penelahaan & persetujuan SSP, atau
or its amendments, for a specific ship shall not have been amandemennya, utk kapal tertentu maka organisasi itu
involved in either the preparation of the ship security tidak boleh terlibat dlm penyiapan penilaian keamanan
assessment or of the SSP, or of the amendments, under kapal maupun SSP, atau amandemennya.
9.3 The submission of a SSP, or of amendments to a 9.3 Penyerahan SSP, atau amandemen dari rancangan yg
previously approved plan, for approval shall be telah disetujui sebelumnya utk mendapatkan persetujuan,
accompanied by the security assessment on the basis of harus disertai penilaian keamanan yg menjadi dasar dari
which the plan, or the amendments, has been developed. pengembangan rancangan atau amandemennya.
9.4 Such a plan shall be developed, taking into account the 9.4 SSP tersebut harus dikembangkan dgn memperhatikan
guidance given in part B of this Code & shall be written in petunjuk dlm Bagian B dari Koda ini & harus ditulis dlm
the working language or languages of the ship. If the bahasa kerja atau bahasa yg digunakan di kapal. Jika
language or languages used is not English, French or bahasa yg digunakan bukan Bahasa Inggris, Perancis atau
Spanish, a translation into one of these languages shall be Spanyol, maka harus diterjemahan ke dlm salah satu bahasa
included. The plan shall address, at least, the following: tersebut diatas. Rancangan tersebut minimal meliputi :
.1 measures designed to prevent weapons, dangerous .1 tindakan yg dirancang utk mencegah senjata, barang
substances & devices intended for use against person, berbahaya & peralatan yg dimaksud utk digunakan
ships or ports & the carriage of which is not authorized menyerang orang, kapal atau pelabuhan &
from being taken on board the ship; membawanya ke atas kapal tidak diperbolehkan;
.2 identification of the restricted areas & measures for the .2 identifikasi daerah terlarang & tindakan pencegahan
prevention of unauthorized access to them; masuknya yg tidak berkepentingan ke daerah tsb;
.3 measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to .3 tindakan pencegahan masuknya pihak yg tidak
the ship; berkepentingan ke kapal;
.4 procedures for responding to security threats or .4 prosedur utk merespon ancaman keamanan atau
breaches of security, including provisions for pelanggaran atas keamanan, termasuk ketentuan utk
maintaining critical operations of the ship or ship/port mempertahankan operasional kritis kapal atau
interface; hubungan antara kapal & pelabuhan;
.5 procedures for responding to any security instructions .5 prosedur utk merespon instruksi keamanan dari
Contracting Governments may give at security level 3; Negara Penanda-tangan pada tingkat keamanan 3;
.6 procedures for evacuation in case of security threats or .6 prosedur evakuasi dlm hal terjadinya ancaman
breaches of security; keamanan atau pelanggaran atas keamanan;
.7 duties of shipboard personnel assigned security .7 tugas personil kapal yg ditunjuk bertanggung-jawab
responsibilities & of other shipboard personnel on masalah keamanan & personil kapal lainnya perihal
security aspects; aspek keamanan;
.8 procedures for auditing the security activities; .8 prosedur audit aktivitas keamanan;
9.4.1 Personnel conducting internal audits of the 9.4.1 Personil yg melaksanakan audit internal thd
security activities specified in the plan or evaluating its aktivitas keamanan yg dijelaskan dlm rancangan atau
implementation shall be independent of the activities being mengevaluasi penerapannya harus tidak terkait dgn
audited unless this is impracticable due to the size & the aktivitas yg diaudit kecuali jika hal ini tidak dapat
nature of the Company or of the ship. dilaksanakan sehubungan dgn ukuran & kondisi
Perusahaan atau kapal.
9.5 The Administration shall determine which changes to 9.5 Administrasi harus menentukan perubahan dari SSP
an approved SSP or to any security equipment specified in yg telah disetujui atau thd peralatan keamanan yg telah
an approved plan shall not be implemented unless the ditetapkan dlm rancangan yg sudah disetujui, tidak boleh
relevant amendments to the plan are approved by the diterapkan dahulu sampai dgn amandemen terkait telah
Administration. Any such changes shall be at least as disetujui oleh Administrasi. Setiap perubahan minimal
effective as those measures prescribed in chapter XI-2 & harus sama efektifnya dgn tindakan yg ditentukan dlm Bab
this Part of the Code. XI-2 & Bagian dari Koda ini.
9.5.1 The nature of the changes to the SSP or the 9.5.1 Sifat perubahan SSP atau thd peralatan
security equipment that have been specifically approved by keamanan yg telah secara khusus disetujui oleh
the Administration, pursuant to section 9.5, shall be Administrasi sesuai seksi 9.5, harus didokumentasikan dgn
documented in a manner that clearly indicates such cara yg jelas menunjukkan adanya persetujuan itu.
approval. This approval shall be available on board & shall Persetujuan itu harus tersedia di atas kapal dan harus
be presented together with the International Ship Security diperlihatkan bersamaan dgn Sertifikat Internasional
Certificate (or the Interim International Ship Security Keamanan Kapal (atau Sertifikat Internasional Keamanan
Certificate). If these changes are temporary, once the Kapal Interim). Jika perubahan ini bersifat sementara, maka
original approved measures or equipment are reinstated, segera setelah tindakan dan peralatan keamanan yg asli
this documentation no longer needs to be retained by the diberlakukan kembali, maka dokumentasi sementara
ship. tersebut tidak perlu lagi disimpan diatas kapal.
9.6 The plan may be kept in an electronic format. In such 9.6 SSP dapat disimpan dlm bentuk elektronik. Dlm hal
a case, it shall be protected by procedures aimed at demikian, harus dilindungi dgn prosedur yg bertujuan utk
preventing its unauthorized deletion, destruction or mencegah penghapusan, perusakan atau perubahan yg
amendment. dilakukan oleh pihak yg tidak berkepentingan.
9.7 The plan shall be protected from unauthorized access 9.7 SSP harus dilindungi dari akses atau pengungkapan
or disclosure. pihak yg tidak berkepentingan.
9.8 SSP are not subject to inspection by officers duly 9.8 SSP bukan subyek pemeriksaan oleh petugas yg diberi
authorized by a Contracting Government to carry out wewenang oleh Negara Penanda-tangan utk menjalankan
control & compliance measures in accordance with pengawasan dan tindakan pemenuhan sesuai peraturan
regulation XI-2/9, save in circumstances specified in XI-2/9, sesuai dgn keadaan yg ditetapkan butir 9.8.1.
section 9.8.1.
9.8.1 If the officers duly authorized by a Contracting 9.8.1 Jika petugas yg diberi wewenang oleh Negara
Government have clear grounds to believe that the ship is Penanda-tangan mempunyai alasan yg jelas bahwa kapal
10.1 Records of the following activities addressed in 10.1 Pencatatan kegiatan berikut yg menygkut SSP
the SSP shall be kept on board for at least the minimum harus disimpan di atas kapal paling tidak dlm jangka waktu
period specified by the Administration, bearing in mind the minimum yg ditetapkan oleh Administrasi, mengingat
provisions of regulation XI-2/9.2.3: ketentuan regulasi XI -2/9.2.3:
.1 training, drills & exercises; .1 pelatihan, gladi dan latihan;
.2 security threats & security incidents; .2 ancaman keamanan dan insiden keamanan;
.3 breaches of security; .3 pelanggaran thd keamanan;
.4 changes in security level; .4 perubahan tingkat keamanan;
.5 communications relating to the direct security of the .5 komunikasi yg berkaitan dgn keamanan langsung
ship such as specific threats to the ship or to port kapal seperti ancaman tertentu kepada kapal atau
facilities the ship is, or has been, in; fasilitas pelabuhan tempat kapal berada;
.6 internal audits & reviews of security activities; .6 audit internal dan tinjauan dari kegiatan keamanan;
.7 periodic review of the ship security assessment; .7 tinjauan berkala thd penilaian keamanan kapal;
.8 periodic review of the SSP; .8 tinjauan berkala thd SSP;
.9 implementation of any amendments to the plan; & .9 penerapan dari setiap amandemen thd rancangan; dan
.10 maintenance, calibration & testing of any security .10 perawatan, kalibrasi dan pengujian dari setiap
equipment provided on board, including testing of the peralatan keamanan yg ada di atas kapal, termasuk
ship security alert system. pengujian dari sistem tanda bahaya keamanan kapal.
10.2 The records shall be kept in the working 10.2 Pencatatan harus disimpan dlm bahasa kerja atau
language or languages of the ship. If the language or bahasa yg digunakan di kapal. Jika bahasa yg digunakan
languages used are not English, French or Spanish, a bukan Bahasa Inggris, Perancis atau Spanyol, maka harus
translation into one of these languages shall be included. diterjemahkan ke dlm salah satu bahasa tersebut diatas.
10.3 The records may be kept in an electronic format. 10.3 Pencatatan dapat disimpan dlm bentuk elektronik.
In such a case, they shall be protected by procedures aimed Dlm hal demikian, harus dilindungi dgn prosedur yg
at preventing their unauthorized deletion, destruction or bertujuan mencegah penghapusan, perusakan atau
amendment. perubahan oleh pihak yg tidak berkepentingan.
10.4 The records shall be protected from unauthorized 10.4 Pencatatan harus dilindungi dari akses dan
access or disclosure. pengungkapan pihak yg tidak berkepentingan.
11.1 The Company shall designate a CSO. A person 11.1 Perusahaan harus menunjuk CSO. Orang yg
designated as the CSO may act as the CSO for one or more ditunjuk sebagai CSO dapat bertindak sebagai CSO utk
ships, depending on the number or types of ships the satu kapal atau lebih, tergantung pada jumlah atau tipe
Company operates provided it is clearly identified for kapal yg dioperasikan perusahaan dgn syarat secara tegas
which ships this person is responsible. A Company may, disebutkan kapal yg menjadi tanggung-jawabnya.
depending on the number or types of ships they operate Tergantung pada jumlah atau tipe kapal yg mereka
designate several persons as CSOs provided it is clearly operasikan, Perusahaan boleh menunjuk beberapa orang
identified for which ships each person is responsible. sebagai CSO dgn syarat secara tegas ditentukan kapal yg
mana menjadi tanggung jawabnya.
11.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this 11.2 Sebagai tambahan thd hal yg ditetapkan dlm
Part of the Code, the duties & responsibilities of the CSO bagian lain dari Koda ini, tugas & tanggung-jawab CSO
shall include, but are not limited to: minimal meliputi :
.1 advising the level of threats likely to be encountered .1 menyarankan tingkat ancaman yg mungkin dihadapi
by the ship, using appropriate security assessments & kapal, dgn melakukan penilaian keamanan yg sesuai &
12.1 A SSO shall be designated on each ship. 12.1 SSO harus ditunjuk utk setiap kapal.
12.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this 12.2 Sebagai tambahan thd hal yg ditetapkan di
Part of the Code, the duties & responsibilities of the SSO bagian lain dari Koda ini, tugas & tanggung-jawab SSO
shall include, but are not limited to: minimal meliputi :
.1 undertaking regular security inspections of the ship to .1 melakukan pemeriksaan keamanan kapal secara
ensure that appropriate security measures are reguler utk menjamin tindakan keamanan yg sesuai
maintained; tetap dipertahankan;
.2 maintaining & supervising the implementation of the .2 mempertahankan & mensupervisi penerapan SSP,
SSP, including any amendments to the plan; termasuk setiap amandemen dari rancangan tersebut;
.3 coordinating the security aspects of the handling of .3 mengkoordinir aspek keamanan dlm kegiatan bongkar
cargo & ship’s stores with other shipboard personnel muat barang & perbekalan kapal dgn personil di atas
& with the relevant PFSO; kapal lainnya & dgn PFSO yg terkait;
.4 proposing modifications to the SSP; .4 mengusulkan modifikasi SSP;
.5 reporting to the CSO any deficiencies & non- .5 melaporkan kepada CSO mengenai kekurangan &
conformities identified during internal audits, periodic ketidaksesuaian yg ditemukan selama audit internal,
reviews, security inspections & verifications of tinjauan berkala, pemeriksaan keamanan & verifikasi
compliance & implementing any corrective actions; pemenuhan & pelaksanaan tindakan perbaikan;
.6 enhancing security awareness & vigilance on board; .6 meningkatkan kesadaran & kewaspadaan di kapal;
.7 ensuring that adequate training has been provided to .7 menjamin pelatihan yg memadai telah diberikan
shipboard personnel, as appropriate; kepada personil terkait di atas kapal;
.8 reporting all security incidents; .8 melaporkan semua insiden keamanan;
.9 coordinating implementation of the SSP with the CSO .9 mengkoordinir penerapan SSP dgn CSO & PFSO
& the relevant PFSO; & terkait; &
.10 ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, .10 menjamin bahwa peralatan keamanan dapat
tested, calibrated & maintained, if any. dioperasikan dgn baik, diuji, dikalibrasi & dipelihara,
bila ada
13.2 The SSO shall have knowledge & have received 13.2 SSO harus mempunyai pengetahuan & sudah
training, taking into account the guidance given in Part B menerima pelatihan, sesuai dgn petunjuk yg diberikan pada
of this Code. bagian B dari Koda ini.
13.3 Shipboard personnel having specific security 13.3 Personil di atas kapal yg mempunyai tugas &
duties & responsibilities shall understand their tanggung jawab khusus tentang keamanan harus memahami
responsibilities for ship security as described in the SSP & tanggung-jawabnya utk keamanan kapal sebagaimana
shall have sufficient knowledge & ability to perform their dijelaskan dlm SSP & harus mempunyai pengetahuan &
assigned duties, taking into account the guidance given in kemampuan yg memadai utk melaksanakan tugas yg
Part B of this Code. dibebankan kepada mereka, dgn memperhatikan petunjuk
yg diberikan pada bagian B dari Koda ini.
13.4 To ensure the effective implementation of the 13.4 Utk menjamin efektifitas penerapan SSP, gladi harus
SSP, drills shall be carried out at appropriate intervals dilaksanakan pada interval waktu yg sesuai dgn tipe kapal,
taking into account the ship type, ship personnel changes, pergantian personil kapal, fasilitas pelabuhan yg akan
port facilities to be visited & other relevant circumstances, dikunjungi & situasi lain yg terkait dgn memperhatikan
taking into account the guidance given in part B of this petunjuk yg diberikan pada bagian B dari Koda ini.
13.5 The CSO shall ensure the effective coordination 13.5 CSO harus menjamin efektifitas koordinasi &
& implementation of SSPs by participating in exercises at penerapan SSP dgn berpartisipasi dlm latihan pada interval
appropriate intervals, taking into account the guidance waktu yg sesuai dgn memperhatikan petunjuk yg diberikan
given in part B of this Code. pada bagian B dari Koda ini.
14.1 A port facility is required to act upon the security 14.1 Fasilitas pelabuhan diwajibkan bertindak sesuai
levels set by the Contracting Government within whose dgn tingkat keamanan yg telah ditetapkan oleh Negara
territory it is located. Security measures & procedures shall Penanda-tangan di dlm wilayahnya. Tindakan & prosedur
be applied at the port facility in such a manner as to cause keamanan harus diterapkan di dlm fasilitas pelabuhan
a minimum of interference with, or delay to, passengers, sedemikian rupa agar meminimalkan gangguan atau
ship, ship’s personnel & visitors, goods & services. penundaaan bagi penumpang, kapal, personil kapal &
pengunjung kapal, barang & jasa.
14.2 At security level 1, the following activities shall 14.2 Pada tingkat keamanan 1, aktivitas berikut ini
be carried out through appropriate measures in all port harus dilaksanakan dgn cara yg sesuai di semua fasilitas
facilities, taking into account the guidance given in part B pelabuhan, dgn memperhatikan petunjuk yg diberikan pada
of this Code, in order to identify & take preventive bagian B dari Koda ini, dlm rangka mengidentifikasi &
measures against security incidents: mengambil tindakan pencegahan thd insiden keamanan:
.1 ensuring the performance of all port facility security .1 menjamin pelaksanaan semua tugas keamanan fasilitas
duties; pelabuhan;
.2 controlling access to the port facility; .2 mengawasi akses masuk ke fasilitas pelabuhan;
.3 monitoring of the port facility, including anchoring & .3 memantau fasilitas pelabuhan, termasuk tempat lego
berthing area(s); jangkar & tempat sandar;
.4 monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only .4 memantau daerah terlarang utk menjamin hanya
authorized persons have access; orang yg berkepentingan mempunyai akses;
.5 supervising the handling of cargo; .5 mensupervisi kegiatan bongkar muat;
.6 supervising the handling of ship’s stores; & .6 mensupervisi penanganan perbekalan kapal; &
.7 ensuring that security communication is readily .7 menjamin sarana komunikasi keamanan siap
available. digunakan.
14.3 At security level 2, additional protective 14.3 Pada tingkat keamanan 2, tindakan perlindungan
measures, specified in the PFSP, shall be implemented for tambahan sebagaimana ditetapkan dlm PFSP, harus
each activity detailed in section 14.2, taking into account diterapkan utk setiap aktivitas yg dirinci pada seksi 14.2,
the guidance given in Part B of this Code. dgn memperhatikan petunjuk yg diberikan pada Bagian B
dari Koda ini.
14.4 At security level 3, further specific protective 14.4 Pada tingkat keamanan 3, tindakan perlindungan
measures, specified in the PFSP, shall be implemented for lebih lanjut yg spesifik sebagaimana ditetapkan dlm PFSP,
each activity detailed in section 14.2, taking into account harus diterapkan utk setiap aktivitas yg dirinci dlm seksi
14.4.1 In addition, at security level 3, port facilities are 14.4.1 Sebagai tambahan pada tingkat keamanan 3,
required to respond to & implement any security fasilitas pelabuhan diwajibkan merespon & melaksanakan
instructions given by the Contracting Government within setiap instruksi keamanan yg disampaikan oleh Negara
whose territory the port facility is located. Penanda-tangan di dlm wilayah fasilitas pelabuhan berada.
14.5 When a PFSO is advised that a ship encounters 14.5 Bila PFSO diberitahu bahwa kapal mengalami
difficulties in complying with the requirements of chapter kesulitan dlm memenuhi persyaratan Bab XI-2 atau bagian
XI-2 or this part or in implementing the appropriate ini atau dlm menerapkan prosedur & tindakan sesuai yg
measures & procedures as detailed in the SSP, & in the dirinci dlm SSP, & di dlm hal tingkat keamanan 3
case of security level 3 following any security instructions mengikuti setiap instruksi keamanan yg diberikan oleh
given by the Contracting Government within whose Negara Penanda-tangan di dlm wilayah fasilitas pelabuhan
territory the port facility is located, the PFSO & the SSO tersebut berada, PFSO & SSO harus berhubungan &
shall liaise & co-ordinate appropriate actions. berkoordinasi utk tindakan yg perlu dilaksanakan.
14.6 When a PFSO is advised that a ship is at a 14.6 Apabila PFSO diberitahu bahwa kapal berada pada
security level, which is higher than that of the port facility, suatu tingkat keamanan lebih tinggi daripada fasilitas
the PFSO shall report the matter to the competent authority pelabuhan, PFSO harus melaporkan perihal ini kepada
& shall liaise with the SSO & co-ordinate appropriate pejabat yg berwenang & harus berhubungan dgn SSO &
actions, if necessary. jika perlu, koordinasikan tindakan yg perlu dilaksanakan.
15.1 The port facility security assessment is an 15.1 Penilaian keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan adalah penting
essential & integral part of the process of developing & & satu kesatuan dari proses pengembangan &
updating the PFSP. pemutakhiran PFSP.
15.2 The port facility security assessment shall be 15.2 Penilaian keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan harus
carried out by the Contracting Government within whose dilaksanakan oleh Negara Penanda-tangan di dlm wilayah
territory the port facility is located. A Contracting fasilitas pelabuhan berada. Negara Penanda-tangan boleh
Government may authorize a recognized security mendelegasikan kewenangannya kepada suatu organisasi
organization to carry out the port facility security keamanan yg telah diakui utk melakukan penilaian
assessment of a specific port facility located within its keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan pada fasilitas pelabuhan
territory. tertentu yg terletak di dlm wilayahnya.
15.2.1 When the port facility security assessment has 15.2.1 Bila penilaian keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan telah
been carried out by a recognized security organization, the dilaksanakan oleh organisasi keamanan yg telah diakui,
security assessment shall be reviewed & approved for penilaian keamanan harus ditelaah & disetujui utk
compliance with this section by the Contracting pemenuhan dgn seksi ini oleh Negara Penanda-tangan di
Government within whose territory the port facility is dlm wilayah fasilitas pelabuhan tersebut berada.
15.3 The persons carrying out the assessment shall 15.3 Orang yg melaksanakan penilaian harus mempunyai
have appropriate skills to evaluate the security of the port kemampuan yg memadai utk mengevaluasi keamanan
facility in accordance with this section, taking into account fasilitas pelabuhan sesuai dgn seksi ini dgn memperhatikan
the guidance given in part B of this Code. petunjuk yg diberikan pada Bagian B dari Koda ini.
15.4 The port facility security assessments shall 15.4 Penilaian keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan harus
periodically be reviewed & updated, taking account of ditinjau & dimutakhirkan secara periodik dgn
changing threats &/or minor changes in the port facility & mempertimbangkan perubahan ancaman &/atau perubahan
shall always be reviewed & updated when major changes kecil pada fasilitas pelabuhan & harus selalu ditinjau &
to the port facility take place. dimutakhirkan bilamana terjadi perubahan besar pada
fasilitas pelabuhan.
15.5 The port facility security assessment shall 15.5 Penilaian keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan minimal
include, at least, the following elements: harus meliputi elemen sebagai berikut:
.1 identification & evaluation of important assets & .1 identifikasi & evaluasi dari aset penting &
infrastructure it is important to protect; infrastruktur yg penting dilindungi;
.2 identification of possible threats to the assets & .2 identifikasi ancaman yg mungkin terjadi thd aset &
infrastructure & the likelihood of their occurrence, in infrastruktur & kecenderungan kejadiannya, dlm
order to establish & prioritize security measures; rangka menetapkan & tindakan keamanan yg
15.6 The Contracting Government may allow a port 5.6 Negara Penanda-tangan dapat mengijinkan penilaian
facility security assessment to cover more than one port keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan mencakup lebih dari satu
facility if the operator, location, operation, equipment, & fasilitas pelabuhan, bila operator, lokasi, operasional,
design of these port facilities are similar. Any Contracting peralatan, & desain fasilitas pelabuhan tersebut sama.
Government, which allows such an arrangement shall Setiap Negara Penanda-tangan yg mengijinkan pengaturan
communicate to the Organization particulars thereof. ini harus menginformasikannya kepada Organisasi.
15.7 Upon completion of the port facility security 15.7 Setelah penyelesaian penilaian keamanan
assessment, a report shall be prepared, consisting of a fasilitas pelabuhan, laporan harus disiapkan & terdiri dari
summary of how the assessment was conducted, a ringkasan bagaimana penilaian telah dilakukan, penjelasan
description of each vulnerability found during the setiap kerentanan yg ditemukan selama penilaian &
assessment & a description of counter measures that could penjelasan tindakan balik yg digunakan utk menghadapi
be used to address each vulnerability. The report shall be setiap kerentanan. Laporan ini harus dilindungi dari akses
protected from unauthorized access or disclosure. & pengungkapan pihak yg tidak berkepentingan.
16.1 A PFSP shall be developed & maintained, on the 16.1 PFSP harus dikembangkan & dipertahankan
basis of a port facility security assessment, for each port berdasarkan penilaian keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan utk
facility, adequate for the ship/port interface. The plan shall setiap fasilitas pelabuhan & memadai utk hubungan antara
make provisions for the three security levels, as defined in kapal dgn pelabuhan. Rancangan ini harus memuat
this Part of the Code. ketentuan utk ketiga tingkat keamanan sebagaimana
didefinisikan pada Bagian ini dari Koda.
16.1.1 Subject to the provisions of section 16.2, a 16.1.1 Menunjuk ketentuan seksi 16.2, organisasi
recognized security organization may prepare the PFSP of keamanan yg telah diakui dapat menyiapkan PFSP pada
a specific port facility. fasilitas pelabuhan tertentu.
16.2 The PFSP shall be approved by the Contracting 16.2 PFSP harus disetujui oleh Negara Penanda-tangan di
Government in whose territory the port facility is located. dlm wilayah fasilitas pelabuhan tersebut berada.
16.3 Such a plan shall be developed taking into 16.3 Rancangan seperti ini harus dikembangkan dgn
account the guidance given in Part B of this Code & shall memperhatikan petunjuk yg diberikan pada Bagian B dari
be in the working language of the port facility. The plan Koda ini & harus dlm bahasa kerja di fasilitas pelabuhan.
shall address, at least, the following: Rancangan ini harus memuat minimal hal berikut:
.1 measures designed to prevent weapons or any other .1 tindakan yg dirancang utk mencegah senjata atau
dangerous substances & devices intended for use setiap barang berbahaya lainnya & peralatan yg dapat
against persons, ships or ports & the carriage of which digunakan utk menyerang orang, kapal atau pelabuhan
is not authorized, from being introduced into the port & membawanya ke fasilitas pelabuhan & keatas kapal
facility or on board a ship; tidak diperbolehkan;
.2 measures designed to prevent unauthorized access to .2 tindakan yg dirancang utk mencegah masuknya pihak
the port facility, to ships moored at the facility, & to yg tidak berkepentingan ke fasilitas pelabuhan, kapal
restricted areas of the facility; yg berlabuh disitu & daerah terlarang didlm fasilitas;
.3 procedures for responding to security threats or .3 prosedur merespon ancaman keamanan atau
breaches of security, including provisions for pelanggaran keamanan, termasuk ketentuan dlm
maintaining critical operations of the port facility or mengendalikan operasional kritis thd fasilitas
ship/port interface; pelabuhan atau hubungan kapal dgn pelabuhan;
.4 procedures for responding to any security instructions .4 prosedur merespon instruksi keamanan dari Negara
the Contracting Government in whose territory the Penanda-tangan dimana fasilitas pelabuhan tsb berada
port facility is located may give at security level 3; yg mungkin diberikan pada tingkat keamanan 3;
.5 procedures for evacuation in case of security threats or .5 prosedur evakuasi dlm hal terjadinya ancaman
breaches of security; keamanan atau pelanggaran atas keamanan;
.6 duties of port facility personnel assigned security .6 tugas personil fasilitas pelabuhan yg ditunjuk
responsibilities & of other facility personnel on bertanggung-jawab masalah keamanan & personil
security aspects; fasilitas pelabuhan lainnya perihal aspek keamanan;
.7 procedures for interfacing with ship security activities; .7 prosedur hubungan dgn kegiatan keamanan kapal;
16.4 Personnel conducting internal audits of the 16.4 Personil yg melaksanakan audit internal thd
security activities specified in the plan or evaluating its aktivitas keamanan yg dijelaskan dlm rancangan atau
implementation shall be independent of the activities being mengevaluasi penerapannya harus tidak terkait dgn
audited unless this is impracticable due to the size & the aktivitas yg diaudit kecuali hal ini tidak dapat dilaksanakan
nature of the port facility. sehubungan dgn ukuran & kondisi fasilitas pelabuhan.
16.5 The PFSP may be combined with, or be part of, 16.5 PFSP dapat dikombinasikan dgn, atau menjadi bagian
the port security plan or any other port emergency plan or dari, rancangan keamanan pelabuhan atau rancangan
plans. keadaan darurat pelabuhan atau rancangan lainnya.
16.6 The Contracting Government in whose territory 16.6 Negara Penanda-tangan dimana fasilitas pelabuhan
the port facility is located shall determine which changes to berada diwilayahnya, harus menentukan perubahan dari
the PFSP shall not be implemented unless the relevant PFSP, tidak diterapkan dahulu sampai dgn amandemen
amendments to the plan are approved by them. terkait telah disetujui olehnya.
16.7 The plan may be kept in an electronic format. In 16.7 Rancangan dapat disimpan dlm bentuk elektronik.
such a case, it shall be protected by procedures aimed at Dlm hal demikian, harus dilindungi dgn prosedur utk
preventing its unauthorized deletion, destruction or mencegah penghapusan, perusakan atau perubahan yg
amendment. dilakukan oleh pihak yg tidak berkepentingan.
16.8 The plan shall be protected from unauthorized 16.8 Rancangan harus dilindungi dari akses atau
access or disclosure. pengungkapan pihak yg tidak berkepentingan.
16.9 Contracting Governments may allow a PFSP to 16.9 Negara Penanda-tangan dapat mengijinkan
cover more than one port facility if the operator, location, PFSP mencakup lebih dari satu fasilitas pelabuhan, bila
operation, equipment, & design of these port facilities are operator, lokasi, operasional, peralatan, & desain fasilitas
similar. Any Contracting Government which allows such pelabuhan tersebut sama. Setiap Negara Penanda-tangan yg
an alternative arrangement shall communicate to the mengijinkan pengaturan ini harus menginformasikannya
Organization particulars thereof. kepada Organisasi.
17.1 A PFSO shall be designated for each port 17.1 PFSO harus ditunjuk utk setiap fasilitas
facility. A person may be designated as the PFSO for one pelabuhan. Seseorang juga dapat ditunjuk sebagai PFSO
or more port facilities. utk satu atau lebih fasilitas pelabuhan.
17.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this 17.2 Sebagai tambahan thd hal yg ditetapkan dlm
Part of the Code, the duties & responsibilities of the PFSO bagian lain dari Koda ini, tugas & tanggung-jawab PFSO
shall include, but are not limited to: minimal meliputi :
.1 conducting an initial comprehensive security survey of .1 melaksanakan survey awal keamanan yg menyeluruh
the port facility taking into account the relevant port thd fasilitas pelabuhan dgn memperhatikan penilaian
facility security assessment; keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan yg terkait;
.2 ensuring the development & maintenance of the PFSP; .2 menjamin pengembangan & dipertahanlkannya PFSP;
.3 implementing & exercising the PFSP; .3 menerapkan & melatih PFSP;
.4 undertaking regular security inspections of the port .4 melakukan pemeriksaan keamanan secara reguler thd
17.3 The PFSO shall be given the necessary support 17.3 PFSO harus diberi dukungan yg memadai dlm
to fulfil the duties & responsibilities imposed by chapter melaksankan tugas & tanggung-jawabnya seperti yg
XI-2 & this Part of this Code. diminta dlm bab XI-2 & Bagian dari Koda ini.
18.1 The PFSO & appropriate port facility security 18.1 PFSO & personil keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan
personnel shall have knowledge & have received training, terkait harus mempunyai pengetahuan & sudah menerima
taking into account the guidance given in part B of this pelatihan, sesuai dgn petunjuk yg diberikan pada Bagian B
Code. dari Koda ini.
18.2 Port facility personnel having specific security 18.2 Personal fasilitas pelabuhan yg mempunyai tugas
duties shall understand their duties & responsibilities for khusus terhadap keamanan harus memahami
port facility security, as described in the PFSP & shall have tanggung-jawabnya utk keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan
sufficient knowledge & ability to perform their assigned sebagaimana dijelaskan dlm PFSP & harus mempunyai
duties, taking into account the guidance given in part B of pengetahuan & kemampuan yg memadai utk melaksanakan
this Code. tugas yg dibebankan kepada mereka, dgn memperhatikan
petunjuk yg diberikan pada bagian B dari Koda ini.
18.3 To ensure the effective implementation of the 18.3 Utk menjamin efektifitas penerapan PFSP, gladi
PFSP, drills shall be carried out at appropriate intervals harus dilaksanakan pada interval waktu yg sesuai dgn tipe
taking into account the types of operations of the port operasi fasilitas pelabuhan, pergantian personil fasilitas
facility, port facility personnel changes, the type of ship the pelabuhan, tipe kapal yg dilayani oleh fasilitas pelabuhan
port facility is serving & other relevant circumstances, & situasi lain yg terkait dgn memperhatikan petunjuk yg
taking into account guidance given in part B of this Code. diberikan pada bagian B dari Koda ini.
18.4 The PFSO shall ensure the effective coordination 18.4 PFSO harus menjamin efektifitas koordinasi &
& implementation of the PFSP by participating in exercises penerapan PFSP dgn berpartisipasi dlm latihan pada
at appropriate intervals, taking into account the guidance interval waktu yg sesuai dgn memperhatikan petunjuk yg
given in part B of this Code. diberikan pada bagian B dari Koda ini.
19.1.1 Each ship to which this Part of the Code applies 19.1.1 Setiap kapal yg terkena Bagian dari Koda ini
shall be subject to the verifications specified below: harus melakukan verifikasi yg ditetapkan bawah ini:
.1 an initial verification before the ship is put in service .1 verifikasi awal sebelum kapal dioperasikan atau
19.1.2 The verifications of ships shall be carried out by 19.1.2 Verifikasi kapal harus dilaksanakan oleh petugas
officers of the Administration. The Administration may, Administrasi. Namun demikian Administrasi dapat
however, entrust the verifications to a recognized security mempercayakan verifikasi ini kepada organisasi keamanan
organization referred to in regulation XI-2/1. yg telah diakui sesuai regulasi XI-2/1.
19.1.3 In every case, the Administration concerned shall 19.1.3 Dlm segala hal, Administrasi terkait harus
fully guarantee the completeness & efficiency of the sepenuhnya menjamin kelengkapan & efisiensi dari
verification & shall undertake to ensure the necessary verifikasi & harus mengambil langkah utk menjamin
arrangements to satisfy this obligation. pengaturan yg diperlukan utk memenuhi kewajiban ini.
19.1.4 The security system & any associated security 19.1.4 Sistem Keamanan & peralatan keamanan terkait
equipment of the ship after verification shall be maintained di kapal setelah verifikasi harus dipelihara utk memenuhi
to conform with the provisions of regulations XI-2/4.2 & ketentuan dlm regulasi XI-2/4.2 & XI-2/6, pada Bagian ini
XI-2/6, of this Part of the Code & of the approved SSP. dari Koda & SSP yg telah disetujui. Setelah verifikasi
After any verification under section 19.1.1 has been sesuai seksi 19.1.1 telah selesai dilaksanakan, tidak boleh
completed, no changes shall be made in security system & ada perubahan dlm sistem keamanan & peralatan keamanan
in any associated security equipment or the approved SSP terkait atau SSP yg telah disetujui tanpa persetujuan dari
without the sanction of the Administration. Administrasi.
19.2.1 An International Ship Security Certificate shall 19.2.1 Sertifikat Internasional Keamanan Kapal (ISSC)
be issued after the initial or renewal verification in harus diterbitkan setelah verifikasi awal atau verifikasi
accordance with the provisions of section 19.1. pembaruan sesuai dgn ketentuan pada seksi 19.1.
19.2.2 Such Certificate shall be issued or endorsed 19.2.2 Sertifikat tersebut harus diterbitkan atau
either by the Administration or by a recognized security dikukuhkan oleh Administrasi atau organisasi keamanan yg
organization acting on behalf of the Administration. telah diakui & bertindak atas nama Administrasi.
19.2.3 Another Contracting Government may, at the 19.2.3 Atas permintaan Administrasi, Negara Penanda-
request of the Administration, cause the ship to be verified tangan lain dapat melakukan verifikasi kapal &, jika A copy of the Certificate & a copy of the Salinan Sertifikat & salinan laporan verifikasi
verification report shall be transmitted as soon as possible harus dikirimkan secepatnya kepada Administrasi yg
to the requesting Administration. meminta. A Certificate so issued shall contain a statement Sertifikat yg diterbitkan harus berisi pernyataan
to the effect that it has been issued at the request of the yg menjelaskan bahwa Sertifikat tersebut diterbitkan atas
Administration & it shall have the same force & receive the permintaan Administrasi & harus mempunyai kekuatan yg
same recognition as the Certificate issued under section & pengakuan yg sama sebagaimana Sertifikat yg
19.2.2. diterbitkan sesuai seksi 19.2.2.
19.2.4 The International Ship Security Certificate shall 19.2.4 Sertifikat Internasional Keamanan Kapal harus
be drawn up in a form corresponding to the model given in dicetak dlm format sesuai dgn contoh yg tercantum dlm
the appendix to this Code. If the language used is not Apendiks Koda ini. Jika bahasa yg digunakan bukan
English, French or Spanish, the text shall include a Bahasa Inggris, Perancis atau Spanyol, teks harus
translation into one of these languages. diterjemahkan ke dlm salah satu bahasa tersebut diatas.
19.3 Duration & validity of Certificate 19.3 Jangka waktu & berlakunya Sertifikat
19.3.1 An International Ship Security Certificate shall 19.3.1 Sertifikat Internasional Keamanan Kapal harus
be issued for a period specified by the Administration diterbitkan utk suatu periode yg ditetapkan oleh
which shall not exceed five years. Administrasi yg tidak boleh melebihi lima tahun.
19.3.2 When the renewal verification is completed 19.3.2 Jika verifikasi pembaruan dilaksanakan dlm tiga
within three months before the expiry date of the existing bulan sebelum habisnya masa berlaku Sertifikat yg lama,
Certificate, the new Certificate shall be valid from the date Sertifikat yg baru berlaku mulai dari tanggal selesai
of completion of the renewal verification to a date not verifikasi pembaruan sampai dgn tanggal tidak lebih dari
exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing lima tahun terhitung dari tanggal habisnya masa berlaku
Certificate. Sertifikat yg lama. When the renewal verification is completed after Jika verifikasi pembaruan selesai dilaksanakan
the expiry date of the existing Certificate, the new setelah habisnya masa berlaku Sertifikat yg lama, maka
Certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the Sertifikat yg baru berlaku mulai dari tanggal selesainya
renewal verification to a date not exceeding five years from verifikasi pembaruan sampai dgn tanggal yg tidak lebih
the date of expiry of the existing Certificate. dari lima tahun dari tanggal habisnya masa berlaku
Sertifikat yg lama. When the renewal verification is completed more Jika verifikasi pembaruan selesai dilaksanakan
than three months before the expiry date of the existing lebih dari tiga bulan sebelum habisnya masa berlaku
Certificate, the new Certificate shall be valid from the date Sertifikat yg lama, maka Sertifikat yg baru mulai berlaku
of completion of the renewal verification to a date not dari tanggal selesainya verifikasi pembaruan sampai dgn
exceeding five years from the date of completion of the tanggal yg tidak lebih dari lima tahun terhitung dari tanggal
renewal verification. selesainya pelaksanaan verifikasi pembaruan.
19.3.3 If a Certificate is issued for a period of less than 19.3.3 Jika Sertifikat diterbitkan utk jangka waktu
five years, the Administration may extend the validity of kurang dari lima tahun, Administrasi dapat memperpanjang
the Certificate beyond the expiry date to the maximum masa berlaku Sertifikat melampaui tanggal habis masa
period specified in section 19.3.1, provided that the berlakunya sampai dgn jangka waktu maksimum yg
verifications referred to in section 19.1.1 applicable when ditetapkan pada seksi 19.3.1, dgn catatan bahwa verifikasi
a Certificate is issued for a period of five years are carried yg mengacu pada seksi 19.1.1 bisa diterapkan, jika
out as appropriate. Sertifikat diterbitkan utk periode waktu lima tahun.
19.3.4 If a renewal verification has been completed & 19.3.4 Jika verifikasi pembaruan selesai dilaksanakan
a new Certificate cannot be issued or placed on board the & Sertifikat baru tidak dapat diterbitkan atau ditempatkan
ship before the expiry date of the existing Certificate, the di atas kapal sebelum tanggal habisnya masa berlaku
Administration or recognized security organization acting Sertifikat yg lama, Administrasi atau organisasi keamanan
on behalf of the Administration may endorse the existing yg telah diakui yg bertindak atas nama Administrasi boleh
Certificate & such a Certificate shall be accepted as valid mengukuhkan Sertifikat yg lama & Sertifikat seperti ini
19.3.5 If a ship at the time when a Certificate expires is 19.3.5 Jika kapal pada waktu Sertifikatnya berakhir
not in a port in which it is to be verified, the Administration tidak berada di dlm suatu pelabuhan tempat kapal utk
may extend the period of validity of the Certificate but this diverifikasi, Administrasi boleh memperpanjang periode
extension shall be granted only for the purpose of allowing masa berlaku Sertifikat tetapi perpanjangan ini harus
the ship to complete its voyage to the port in which it is to dijamin hanya utk kepentingan kapal menyelesaikan
be verified, & then only in cases where it appears proper & pelayarannya ke pelabuhan tempat kapal diverifikasi, &
reasonable to do so. No Certificate shall be extended for a selanjutnya hanya diberikan dlm kasus yg layak &
period longer than three months, & the ship to which an beralasan utk melakukannya. Tidak boleh ada Sertifikat
extension is granted shall not, on its arrival in the port in diperpanjang utk periode lebih lama dari tiga bulan, & saat
which it is to be verified, be entitled by virtue of such kedatangannya di pelabuhan tempat kapal diverifikasi,
extension to leave that port without having a new tidak boleh ada perpanjangan lagi & kapal tidak boleh
Certificate. When the renewal verification is completed, the meninggalkan pelabuhan tanpa memiliki Sertifikat yg baru.
new Certificate shall be valid to a date not exceeding five Bila verifikasi pembaruan selesai dilaksanakan, Sertifikat
years from the expiry date of the existing Certificate before baru berlaku sampai tanggal tidak melebihi lima tahun
the extension was granted. terhitung dari habisnya masa berlaku Sertifikat yg lama
sebelum perpanjangan diberikan.
19.3.6 A Certificate issued to a ship engaged on short 19.3.6 Sertifikat yg diterbitkan utk kapaI utk pelayaran
voyages which has not been extended under the foregoing jarak dekat yg belum diperpanjang sesuai ketentuan di atas
provisions of this section may be extended by the dlm bagian ini, dapat diperpanjang oleh Administrasi utk
Administration for a period of grace of up to one month masa berlaku sampai dgn satu bulan dari tanggal habisnya
from the date of expiry stated on it. When the renewal sertifikat yg dinyatakan pada Sertifikat tersebut. Bila
verification is completed, the new Certificate shall be valid verifikasi pembaruan selesai dilaksanakan, Sertifikat yg
to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry baru berlaku tidak lebih dari lima tahun terhitung dari
of the existing Certificate before the extension was granted. tanggal habis masa berlakunya Sertifikat yg lama sebelum
perpanjangan diberikan.
19.3.7 If an intermediate verification is completed 19.3.7 Jika verifikasi antara selesai dilaksanakan
before the period specified in section 19.1.1, then: sebelum jangka waktu yg ditetapkan dlm seksi 19.1.1,
.1 the expiry date shown on the Certificate shall be maka:
amended by endorsement to a date which shall not be .1 tanggal habisnya masa berlaku yg tertera di Sertifikat
more than three years later than the date on which the harus diamandemen melalui pengukuhan ke tanggal yg
intermediate verification was completed; tidak boleh lebih dari tiga tahun dari tanggal
.2 the expiry date may remain unchanged provided one selesainya verifikasi antara;
or more additional verifications are carried out so that .2 tanggal habisnya boleh tetap tanpa perubahan dgn
the maximum intervals between the verifications catatan dilakukan sekali atau lebih verifikasi tambahan
prescribed by section 19.1.1 are not exceeded. sehingga interval waktu maksimum antar verifikasi yg
ditentukan dlm seksi 19.1.1 tidak dilampaui.
19.3.8 A Certificate issued under section 19.2 shall 19.3.8 Sertifikat yg diterbitkan sesuai seksi 19.2
cease to be valid in any of the following cases: menjadi tidak berlaku dlm kasus berikut ini:
.1 if the relevant verifications are not completed within .1 jika verifikasi terkait tidak diselesaikan dlm periode yg
the periods specified under section 19.1.1; ditetapkan dlm seksi 19.1.1;
.2 if the Certificate is not endorsed in accordance with .2 jika Sertifikat tidak dikukuhkan sesuai seksi
section & if applicable; &, jika berlaku;
.3 when a Company assumes the responsibility for the .3 jika Perusahaan mengambil alih tanggung jawab
operation of a ship not previously operated by that pengoperasian kapal yg sebelumnya tidak
Company; & dioperasikan oleh Perusahaan tersebut; &
.4 upon transfer of the ship to the flag of another State. .4 jika kapal berpindah bendera ke Negara lain.
19.4.1 The Certificates specified in section 19.2 shall be 19.4.1 Sertifikat yg ditetapkan dlm seksi 19.2 harus
issued only when the Administration issuing the Certificate diterbitkan hanya apabila Administrasi yg menerbitkan
is fully satisfied that the ship complies with the Sertifikat tersebut sepenuhnya yakin bahwa kapal
requirements of section 19.1. However, after [1 July 2004], memenuhi persyaratan sesuai seksi 19.1. Tetapi setelah 1
for the purposes of: Juli 2004, utk kepentingan:
.1 a ship without a Certificate, on delivery or prior to its .1 kapal tanpa Sertifikat pada saat penyerahan atau
entry or re-entry into service; sebelum dioperasikan atau dioperasikan kembali;
.2 transfer of a ship from the flag of a Contracting .2 perpindahan bendera kapal dari Negara Penanda-
Government to the flag of another Contracting tangan ke bendera Negara Penanda-tangan lainnya;
.3 transfer of a ship to the flag of a Contracting .3 perpindahan bendera kapal dari Negara Penanda-
Government from a State which is not a Contracting tangan ke bendera yg bukan Negara Penanda-tangan;
Government; or atau
.4 a Company assuming the responsibility for the .4 Perusahaan mengambil alih tanggung jawab
operation of a ship not previously operated by that mengoperasikan kapal yg sebelumnya tidak
Company dioperasikan oleh Perusahaan tersebut
until the Certificate referred to in section 19.2 is issued, the sampai Sertifikat yg ditetapkan sesuai seksi 19.2
Administration may cause an Interim International Ship diterbitkan, Administrasi dapat menyetujui diterbitkannya
Security Certificate to be issued, in a form corresponding Sertifikat Internasional Keamanan Kapal Interim, dlm
to the model given in the Appendix to this Part of the Code. format sesuai dgn contoh yg diberikan dlm Apendiks pada
Bagian ini dari Koda.
19.4.2 An Interim International Ship Security 19.4.2 Sertifikat Internasional Keamanan Kapal Interim
Certificate shall only be issued when the Administration or hanya boleh dikeluarkan pada saat Administrasi atau
recognized security organization, on behalf of the organisasi keamanan yg telah diakui atas nama
Administration, has verified that: Administrasi, telah memeriksa bahwa:
.1 the ship security assessment required by this Part of .1 penilaian keamanan kapal yg dipersyaratkan oleh
the Code has been completed, Bagian ini dari Koda telah dilengkapi,
.2 a copy of the SSP meeting the requirements of chapter .2 salinan SSP yg memenuhi persyaratan Bab XI-2 &
XI-2 & Part A of this Code is provided on board, has Bagian A dari Koda ini tersedia di kapal, telah
been submitted for review & approval, & is being disampaikan utk ditelaah & disetujui serta diterapkan
implemented on the ship; di kapal;
.3 the ship is provided with a ship security alert system .3 kapal dilengkapi dgn sistem tanda bahaya keamanan
meeting the requirements of regulation XI-2/6, if kapal yg memenuhi persyaratan regulasi XI-2/6, jika
required, disyaratkan,
.4 the CSO: .4 CSO:
.1 has ensured: . 1 telah menjamin:
.1 the review of the SSP for compliance with .1 penelahaan dari SSP utk memenuhi Bagian
this Part of the Code, ini dari Koda.
.2 that the plan has been submitted for .2 bahwa rancangan telah disampaikan utk
approval, & mendapat persetujuan, &
.3 that the plan is being implemented on the .3 bahwa rancangan telah diterapkan di kapal,
ship, & &
.2 has established the necessary arrangements, .2 telah menetapkan pengaturan yg diperlukan,
including arrangements for drills, exercises & termasuk pengaturan utk gladi , latihan & audit
internal audits, through which the CSO is internal dimana CSO meyakini bahwa kapal
satisfied that the ship will successfully complete akan berhasil menyelesaikan verifikasi yg
the required verification in accordance with diwajibkan sesuai seksi, dlm jangka
section, within 6 months; waktu 6 bulan;
.5 arrangements have been made for carrying out the .5 persiapan telah dilakukan utk pelaksanakan verifikasi
required verifications under section; yg diwajibkan sesuai seksi;
.6 the master, the SSO & other ship’s personnel with .6 nakhoda, SSO & personil kapal lainnya dgn tugas
specific security duties are familiar with their duties & keamanan tertentu telah mengenal & mengetahui tugas
responsibilities as specified in this Part of the Code; & & tanggung-jawabnya sebagaimana ditetapkan dlm
19.4.3 An Interim International Ship Security 19.4.3 Sertifikat Internasional Keamanan Kapal Interim
Certificate may be issued by the Administration or by a dapat diterbitkan oleh Administrasi atau oleh organisasi
recognized security organization authorized to act on its keamanan yg telah diakui & diberi wewenang utk bertindak
behalf. atas nama Administrasi.
19.4.4 An Interim International Ship Security 19.4.4 Sertifikat Internasional Keamanan Kapal Interim
Certificate shall be valid for 6 months, or until the harus berlaku utk jangka waktu 6 bulan atau sampai
Certificate required by section 19.2 is issued, whichever Sertifikat yg disyaratkan sesuai seksi 19.2 diterbitkan, yg
comes first, & may not be extended. mana yg lebih dulu, & tidak dapat diperpanjang.
19.4.5 No Contracting Government shall cause a 19.4.5 Tidak ada Negara Penanda-tangan yg beralasan
subsequent, consecutive Interim International Ship Security utk menerbitkan Sertifikat Internasional Keamanan Kapal
Certificate to be issued to a ship if, in the judgment of the Interim secara berulang utk suatu kapal jika, dlm
Administration or the recognized security organization, one pertimbangan Adminitrasi atau organisasi keamanan yg
of the purposes of the ship or a Company in requesting telah diakui, salah satu dari maksud kapal atau Perusahaan
such Certificate is to avoid full compliance with chapter memohon Sertifikat tersebut utk menghindari pemenuhan
XI-2 & this part of the Code beyond the period of the initial persyaratan sesuai dgn bab XI-2 & bagian ini dari Koda
Interim Certificate as specified in section 19.4.4. lebih lama dari periode Sertifikat Interim awal seperti
ditetapkan dlm seksi 19.4.4.
19.4.6 For the purposes of regulation XI-2/9, 19.4.6 Utk kepentingan regulasi XI-2/9, Negara
Contracting Governments may, prior to accepting an Penanda-tangan dapat, sebelum menyetujui Sertifikat
Interim International Ship Security Certificate as a valid Internasional Keamanan Kapal Interim sebagai Sertifikat
Certificate, ensure that the requirements of sections yg berlaku, menjamin bahwa persyaratan dlm seksi to have been met. sampai dgn telah dipenuhi.
General Umum
1.1 The preamble of this Code indicates that chapter XI-2 1.1 Pembukaan dari Koda ini menyatakan bahwa bab
and part A of this Code establish the new international Xl-2 & bagian A dlm Koda ini menetapkan kerangka kerja
framework of measures to enhance maritime security and internasional baru tentang tindakan utk meningkatkan
through which ships and port facilities can co-operate to keamanan maritime sehingga kapal & fasilitas pelabuhan
detect and deter acts which threaten security in the dapat bekerja sama mendeteksi & mencegah tindakan yg
maritime transport sector. mengancam keamanan sektor transportasi maritim
1.2 This introduction outlines, in a concise manner, the 1.2 Pendahuluan ini menguraikan secara singkat, proses
processes envisaged in establishing and implementing the pertimbangan dlm menetapkan & menerapkan tindakan &
measures and arrangements needed to achieve and maintain peraturan yg dibutuhkan dalam memenuhi dan
compliance with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and of part mempertahankan ketentuan bab Xl-2 & bagian A dari Koda
A of this Code and identifies the main elements on which ini & mengidentifikasi elemen penting keamanan dimana
guidance is offered. The guidance is provided in paragraphs petunjuk pelaksanaannya disajikan. Petunjuk ini dijelaskan
2 through to 19. It also sets down essential considerations, pada butir 2 sampai dgn butir 19. Selanjutnya petunjuk ini
which should be taken into account when considering the juga menunjukkan pertimbangan penting yg harus
application of the guidance relating to ships and port diperhitungkan ketika hendak menerapkan petunjuk ini yg
facilities. berkenaan dgn kapal & fasilitas pelabuhan.
1.3 If the reader’s interest relates to ships alone, it is 1.3 Jika pembaca hanya tertarik pada pembahasan yg
strongly recommended that this part of the Code is still read berhubungan dgn masalah kapal sangat dianjurkan utk
as a whole, particularly the sections relating to port membaca juga Bagian ini secara keseluruhan, terutama
facilities. The same applies to those whose primary interest bagian yg berkenaan dgn penjelasan mengenai fasilitas
are port facilities; they should also read the sections pelabuhan. Demikian pula sebaliknya utk pembaca yg
relating to ships. berminat pembahasan fasilitas pelabuhan; mereka harus
juga membaca pembahasan yg berhubungan dgn kapal
1.4 The guidance provided in the following sections 1.4 Petunjuk yg diberikan dlm bagian berikutnya
relates primarily to protection of the ship when it is at a terutama perihal yg berhubungan dgn perlindungan kapal
port facility. There could, however, be situations when a ketika berada di dlm suatu fasilitas pelabuhan. Akan tetapi,
ship may pose a threat to the port facility, e.g. because, Selalu ada kemungkinan kapal bisa menjadi ancaman bagi
once within the port facility, it could be used as a base from fasifitas pelabuhan, contohnya bila kapal digunakan
which to launch an attack. When considering the sebagai basis meluncurkan suatu serangan. Ketika hendak
appropriate security measures to respond to ship-based mengambil tindakan keamanan yg tepat utk bereaksi thd
security threats, those completing the PFSA or preparing ancaman keamanan yg berasal dari kapal, para petugas yg
the PFSP should consider making appropriate adaptations menyusun PFSA atau menyiapkan PFSP harus melakukan
to the guidance offered in the following sections. adaptasi yg sesuai sebagaimana disajikan dlm petunjuk yg
tercantum dlm bagian berikut.
1.5 The reader is advised that nothing in this Part of the 1.5 Pembaca disarankan bahwa tidak ada halpun di dlm
Code should be read or interpreted in conflict with any of Bagian B Koda ini boleh dibaca atau ditafsirkan
the provisions of either chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code bertentangan dgn ketentuan bab XI-2 atau bagian A Koda
and that the aforesaid provisions always prevail and ini & bahwa ketentuan tersebut selalu berlaku &
override any unintended inconsistency which may have mengesampingkan ketidak-konsistenan apapun yg tidak
been inadvertently expressed in this Part of the Code. The diharapkan yg mungkin dinyatakan dgn tidak hati-hati pada
guidance provided in this Part of the Code should always Bagian B Koda ini. Petunjuk yg dijelaskan pada Bagian B
be read, interpreted and applied in a manner which is ini harus selalu dibaca, ditafsirkan & diterapkan secara
consistent with the aims, objectives and principles konsisten dgn tujuan, sasaran & prinsip yg ditetapkan di
established in chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code. bab Xl-2 & bagian A dari Koda ini
1.7 CGs can designate, or establish, Designated 1.7 Dlm melaksanakan tugas keamanan yg terkait dgn
Authorities within Government to undertake, with respect fasilitas pelabuhan sesuai dgn bab-Xl-2, CG dapat
to port facilities, their security duties under chapter XI-2 mengangkat otoritas yg ditunjuk serta mengijinkan
and Part A of this Code and allow Recognized Security Organisasi Keamanan yg telah diakui utk melakukan
Organizations to carry out certain work with respect to port pekerjaan tertentu berkenaan dgn fasilitas pelabuhan, tetapi
facilities but the final decision on the acceptance and keputusan akhir thd diterimanya atau disetujuinya
approval of this work should be given by the CG or the pekerjaan ini harus dilakukan oleh CG atau Otoritas yg
Designated Authority. Administrations may also delegate ditunjuk. Administrasi juga diperbolehkan mendelegasikan
the undertaking of certain security duties, relating to ships, wewenang penanganan tugas keamanan tertentu berkaitan
to Recognized Security Organizations. The following dgn kapal kepada Organisasi Keamanan yg diakui. Tugas
duties or activities cannot delegated to a Recognized atau kegiatan berikut tidak bisa didelegasikan kepada
Security Organization: Organisasi Keamanan yg diakui:
- setting of the applicable security level; - menetapkan tingkat keamanan yg berlaku;
- determining which of the port facilities located - menentukan fasilitas pelabuhan yg terletak di dlm
within the territory of a CG are required to designate wilayah suatu CG yg diharuskan mengangkat PFSO
a PFSO and to prepare a PFSP; & mempersiapkan suatu PFSP;
- approving a PFSA or any subsequent amendments to - persetujuan thd PFSA atau amandemen dari
a previously approved assessment; penilaian yg telah disetujui sebelumnya;
- approving a PFSP or any subsequent amendments to - persetujuan thd PFSP atau amandemen dari
a previously approved plan; rancangan yg telah disetujui sebelumnya;
- exercising control and compliance measures; and - melakukan kendali & tindakan pemenuhan; &
- establishing the requirements for a Declaration of - menetapkan persyaratan utk Deklarasi Keamanan.
1.10 The CSO’s responsibilities include, in brief amongst 1.10 Tanggung jawab CSO meliputi, secara singkat antara
others, ensuring that a SSA is properly carried out, that a lain, memastikan bahwa SSA telah dilaksanakan dgn baik
SSP is prepared and submitted for approval by, or on behalf & SSP telah disiapkan serta diajukan guna mendapatkan
of, the Administration and thereafter is placed on board persetujuan oleh, atau atas nama Administrasi & sesudah
each ship to which part A of this Code applies and in disetujui oleh pihak Administrasi, SSP & SSA tersebut
respect of which that person has been appointed as the dibawa oleh setiap kapal yg terkena ketentuan Bagian A
CSO. dari Koda ini & sebagai dasar penunjukan seseorang
sebagai CSO.
1.11 The SSP should indicate the operational and physical 1.11 SSP harus menunjukkan adanya tindakan Keamanan
security measures the ship itself should take to ensure it secara operasional & phisik yg menjamin kapal tersebut
always operates at security level 1. The plan should also harus selalu beroperasi pada tingkat keamanan 1.
indicate the additional, or intensified, security measures the Rancangan juga harus menunjukkan adanya tambahan atau
ship itself can take to move to and operate at security level diintensifkan, tindakan keamanan kapal tersebut sehingga
2 when instructed to do so. Furthermore, the plan should dapat bergerak ke & beroperasi pada tingkat keamanan 2
indicate the possible preparatory actions the ship could take ketika diperintah utk melakukannya. Lebih lanjut,
to allow prompt response to the instructions that may be rancangan harus menunjukkan tindakan yg memungkinkan
issued to the ship by those responding at security level 3 to kapal merespon cepat instruksi tingkat keamanan 3 yg
a security incident or threat thereof. mungkin dikeluarkan kepada kapal utk menghadapi insiden
keamanan atau ancaman keamanan tingkat keamanan 3.
1.12 The ships to which the requirements of chapter XI-2 1.12 Bagi kapal yg terkena koda persyaratan bab Xl-2 &
and part A of this Code apply are required to have, and bagian A dari Koda ini diharuskan mempunyai &
operated in accordance with, a SSP approved by, or on beroperasi sesuai dgn SSP sebagaimana yg telah disetujui
behalf of, the Administration. The Company and CSO oleh, atau atas nama Administrasi. Perusahaan & CSO
should monitor the continuing relevance and effectiveness harus memonitor kesesuaian & efektivitas rancangan
of the plan, including the undertaking of internal audits. tersebut, termasuk tanggung-jawab pelaksanaan audit
Amendments to any of the elements of an approved plan, internal. Amandemen thd setiap elemen dari rancangan yg
for which the Administration has determined that approval telah disetujui sebelumnya, harus pula mendapatkan
is required, have to be submitted for review and approval persetujuan & diajukan kembali utk ditinjau ulang &
before their incorporation in the approved plan and their mendapatkan persetujuan sebelum amandemen tersebut
implementation by the ship. digabungkan menjadi satu dgn rancangan yg telah disetujui
sebelumnya & diimplementasikan di kapal.
1.13 The ship has to carry an International Ship Security 1.13 Kapal harus membawa Sertifikat Keamanan kapal
Certificate indicating that it complies with the requirements Internasional yg menunjukkan bahwa keamanan kapal
of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code. Part A of this Code tersebut memenuhi persyaratan bab Xl-2 & bagian A dari
includes provisions relating to the verification and Koda ini. Bagian A dari Koda ini meliputi ketentuan yg
certification of the ship’s compliance with the requirements berkenaan dgn verifikasi & sertifikasi kapal thd persyaratan
on an initial, renewal and intermediate verification basis. berdasarkan standar verifikasi awal pembaruan & antara.
1.14 When a ship is at a port or is proceeding to a port of 1.14 Ketika kapal berada dlm pelabuhan atau sedang dlm
a CG, the CG has the right, under the provisions of proses memasuki pelabuhan suatu CG, CG berhak sesuai
regulation XI-2/9, to exercise various control and dgn ketentuan peraturan Xl-2/9, utk melakukan
compliance measures with respect to that ship. The ship is pengawasan & menerapkan tindakan pemenuhan thd Koda
subject to port State control inspections but such ini kepada kapal tersebut. Kapal merupakan subyek
inspections will not normally extend to examination of the pemeriksaan petugas Port State Control tetapi pemeriksaan
SSP itself except in specific circumstances. The ship may, seperti itu biasanya tidak akan meluas sampai kepada
also, be subject to additional control measures if the CG pengujian SSP kecuali dlm keadaan spesifik. Kapal
exercising the control and compliance measures has reason mungkin juga terkena tindakan pengawasan tambahan jika
to believe that the security of the ship has, or the port CG yg menerapkan pengawasan & tindakan kepatuhan
facilities it has served have, been compromised. mempunyai alasan yg meyakinkan bahwa keamanan kapal,
atau fasilitas pelabuhan yg telah melayani, mencurigakan.
1.15 The ship is also required to have onboard 1.15 Kapal juga diharuskan utk membawa informasi, jika
information, to be made available to CGs upon request, diminta oleh CG, yang menunjukkan siapa yg bertanggung
indicating who is responsible for deciding the employment jawab dalam memutuskan pengawakan kapal &
of the ship’s personnel and for deciding various aspects memutuskan berbagai aspek yg berkenaan dgn pengawakan
relating to the employment of the ship. kapal tersebut.
1.17 The PFSA is fundamentally a risk analysis of all 1.17 PFSA pada dasarnya adalah suatu analisis risiko thd
aspects of a port facility’s operation in order to determine semua aspek operasional fasilitas pelabuhan dlm rangka
which part(s) of it are more susceptible, and/or more likely, menentukan bagian yg lebih sensitif, &/atau lebih
to be the subject of attack. Security risk is a function of the cenderung, menjadi sasaran pokok serangan. Resiko
threat of an attack coupled with the vulnerability of the keamanan adalah fungsi ancaman suatu serangan yg
target and the consequences of an attack. The assessment digabungkan dgn kerentanan target serang serta
must include the following components: konsekwensi dari suatu serangan. Penilaian harus meliputi
- the perceived threat to port installations and komponen:
infrastructure must be determined; - ancaman yg dianggap membahayakan instalasi &
- the potential vulnerabilities identified; and infrastruktur pelabuhan wajib ditentukan;
- the consequences of incidents calculated. - potensi yg rapuh yg teridentifikasi; &
- perhitungan konsekuensi dari insiden
On completion of the analysis, it will be possible to Setelah menyelesaikan analisis, akan dihasilkan penilaian
produce an overall assessment of the level of risk. The menyeluruh thd tingkatan resiko. PFSA akan membantu
PFSA will help determine which port facilities are required menentukan jenis fasilitas pelabuhan yg memerlukan
to appoint a PFSO and prepare a PFSP. penunjukan seorang PFSO & utk mempersiapkan PFSP.
1.18 The port facilities which have to comply with the 1.18 Fasilitas Pelabuhan yg diwajibkan memenuhi
requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code are persyaratan bab XI-2 & bagian A dari Koda ini harus
required to designate a PFSO. The duties, responsibilities mengangkat PFSO. Tugas, tanggung-jawab serta
and training requirements of these officers and persyaratan pelatihan utk para petugas & persyaratan utk
requirements for drills and exercises are defined in part A latihan & uji coba didefinisikan pada Bagian A dari Koda
of this Code. ini
1.19 The PFSP should indicate the operational and 1.19 PFSP harus menunjukkan tindakan keamanan
physical security measures the port facility should take to operational & phisik yg harus dilakukan oleh fasilitas
ensure that it always operates at security level 1. The plan pelabuhan utk memastikan selalu beroperasi pada tingkat
should also indicate the additional, or intensified, security keamanan 1. Rancangan harus pula menunjukkan adanya
measures the port facility can take to move to and operate tambahan atau pengintensifan, tindakan keamanan fasilitas
at security level 2 when instructed to do so. Furthermore, pelabuhan mencapai & beroperasi pada tingkat keamanan
the plan should indicate the possible preparatory actions the 2, ketika diperintahkan. Lebih lanjut, rancangan harus
port facility could take to allow prompt response to the menunjukkan tindakan yg memungkinkan fasilitas
instructions that may be issued by those responding at pelabuhan merespon segera instruksi yg dikeluarkan oleh
security level 3 to a security incident or threat thereof. mereka yg merespon keadaan tingkat keamanan 3 saat
menangani kejadian keamanan atau ancaman keamanan.
1.20 The port facilities which have to comply with the 1.20 Fasilitas pelabuhan yg harus mematuhi persyaratan
requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code are bab XI-2 & bagian A dari Koda ini diharuskan utk
required to have, and operate in accordance with, a PFSP memiliki, & beroperasi sesuai dgn, PFSP yg telah disetujui
approved by the CG or by the Designated Authority oleh CG atau oleh Otoritas terkait yg ditunjuk.
The PFSO should implement its provisions and monitor the PFSO harus menerapkan ketentuan & memonitor
continuing effectiveness and relevance of the plan, efektivitas & keterkaitan rancangan, termasuk mengawasi
including commissioning internal audits of the application audit internal utk aplikasi rancangan tersebut.
of the plan.
Amendments to any of the elements of an approved plan, Amandemen thd setiap elemen dari rancangan yg telah
for which the CG or the Designated Authority concerned disetujui, & bila CG atau Otoritas terkait yg ditunjuk telah
has determined that approval is required, have to be menentukan bahwa amandemen tersebut harus diajukan utk
submitted for review and approval before their mendapatkan persetujuan sebelum digabungkan dgn
incorporation in the approved plan and their rancangan yg telah disetujui terdahulu & penerapan
The CG or the Designated Authority concerned may test CG & otoritas terkait yg ditunjuk dapat menguji efektivitas
the effectiveness of the plan. The PFSA covering the port rancangan ini. PFSA yg mencakup fasilitas pelabuhan atau
facility or on which the development of the plan has been bila penilaian tersebut dipakai sebagai dasar pengembangan
based should be regularly reviewed. All these activities pelabuhan, maka penilaian tersebut harus ditinjau ulang
may lead to amendment of the approved plan. Any secara teratur. Semua aktivitas ini dapat mengarah pada
amendments to specified elements of an approved plan will dilaksanakannya amandemen thd rancangan yg telah
have to be submitted for approval by the CG or by the disetujui sebelumnya. Amandemen thd elemen khusus pada
Designated Authority concerned. rancangan yg telah disetujui harus disampaikan kepada CG
atau pihak berwenang yg ditunjuk.
1.21 Ships using port facilities may be subject to the port 1.21 Kapal yg menggunakan fasilitas pelabuhan menjalani
State control inspections and additional control measures pemeriksaan & tindakan pengawasan tambahan
outlined in regulation XI-2/9. The relevant authorities may sebagaimana tersebut dlm Peraturan XI-2/9 oleh Port State
request the provision of information regarding the ship, its Control. Otoritas terkait boleh meminta informasi
cargo, passengers and ship’s personnel prior to the ship’s mengenai kapal, muatannya, para penumpang & personil
entry into port. There may be circumstances in which entry kapal sebelum kapal masuk ke dlm pelabuhan.
into port could be denied. Kemungkinan akan terjadi kondisi dimana kapal ditolak
masuk ke suatu pelabuhan.
2.1 No guidance is provided with respect to the 2.1 Tidak ada petunjuk pelaksanaan berkaitan dgn
definitions set out in chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code. definisi yg ditetapkan dlm bab Xl-2 atau bagian A dari
Koda ini.
2.2 For the purpose of this Part of the Code: 2.2 Utk Bagian B dari Koda ini:
.1 “section” means a section of part A of the Code and .1 "Bagian" berarti suatu bagian dari Bagian A Koda ini
is indicated as “section A/<followed by the number & diberi tanda seperti ini "bagian A/<diikuti oleh
of the section>”; angka bagian>'';
.2 “paragraph” means a paragraph of this Part of the .2 "Paragrap" berarti paragrap Bagian B Koda ini &
Code and is indicated as “paragraph <followed by ditandai dgn paragrap <yg diikuti oleh angka
the number of the paragraph>”; and paragrap>"; &
.3 “CG”, when used in paragraphs 14 to 18, means the .3 "CG", sebagaimana digunakan pada butir 14 s/d 18,
“CG within whose territory the port facility is berarti "CG yg wilayahnya ditempati fasilitas
located” and includes a reference to the “Designated pelabuhan "& mencakup pengertian "Otoritas yg
Authority”. ditunjuk".
General Umum
3.1 The guidance given in this Part of the Code should be 3.1 Petunjuk pelaksanaan yg diberikan pada Bagian B
taken into account when implementing the requirements of Koda ini harus diperhitungkan ketika menerapkan
chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code. persyaratan bab Xl-2 & bagian A dari Koda ini.
3.2 However, it should be recognized that the extent to 3.2 Namun demikian, harus dipahami bahwa batas
which the guidance on ships applies will depend on the penerapan petunjuk pelaksanaan pada kapal tergantung
type of ship, its cargoes and/or passengers, its trading pada jenis kapal, muatan &/atau penumpangnya, pola
pattern and the characteristics of the port facilities visited perdagangan serta karakteristik pelabuhan yg dikunjungi
by the ship. oleh kapal ini
3.3 Similarly, in relation to the guidance on port 3.3 Demikian pula, dlm hal petunjuk pada fasilitas
facilities, the extent to which this guidance applies will pelabuhan, penerapan petunjuk utk pelabuhan tergantung
depend on the port facilities, the types of ships using the pada fasilitas pelabuhan , jenis kapal yg menggunakan
port facility, the types of cargo and/or passengers and the fasilitas pelabuhan, jenis muatan &/ atau penumpang serta
3.4 The provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this 3.4 Ketentuan bab XI-2 & bagian A dari koda ini tidak
Code are not intended to apply to port facilities designed dimaksudkan utk diberlakukan thd fasilitas pelabuhan yg
and used primarily for military purposes. didesain serta digunakan utk tujuan militer.
4.4 An RSO may also advise or provide assistance to 4.4 RSO dapat memberikan nasihat atau bantuan kepada
Companies or port facilities on security matters, including perusahaan pelayaran atau fasilitas pelabuhan dlm hal
SSA, SSP, PFSA and PFSP. This can include completion keamanan, meliputi SSA, SSP, PFSA & PFSP. Bantuan ini
of a SSA or Plan or PFSA or Plan. If an RSO has done so dapat pula mencakup penyelesaian SSA atau SSP atau
in respect of a SSA or plan that RSO should not be PFSA atau PFSP. Jika RSO telah melaksanakan SSA atau
authorized to approve that SSP. SSP, maka RSO tersebut tidak boleh diberi kewenangan
utk menyetujui SSP tersebut.
4.5 When authorizing an RSO, CGs should give 4.5 Apabila CG memberikan otorisasi kepada RSO,
consideration to the competency of such an organization. maka harus mempertimbangkan kompetensinya. RSO harus
An RSO should be able to demonstrate: mampu mendemonstrasikan:
.1 expertise in relevant aspects of security; .1 keahlian dlm aspek keamanan terkait;
.2 appropriate knowledge of ship and port operations, .2 pengetahuan yg tepat tentang pengoperasian kapal &
including knowledge of ship design and construction pelabuhan meliputi pengetahuan desain /konstruksi
if providing services in respect of ships and port kapal apabila melaksanakan pekerjaan terkait
design and construction if providing services in keamanan kapal & desain/konstruksi pelabuhan
respect of port facilities; apabila melaksanakan pekerjaan terkait dgn
.3 their capability to assess the likely security risks that keamanan pelabuhan,;
could occur during ship and port facility operations .3 kemampuan mereka dlm menilai resiko keamanan yg
including the ship/port interface and how to mungkin terjadi selama pengoperasian kapal &
minimize such risks; fas il i t a s p e l a b u h a n meliputi interaksi
.4 their ability to maintain and improve the expertise of kapal/pelabuhan & cara mengurangi resiko
their personnel; keamanan tersebut;
.5 their ability to monitor the continuing trustworthiness .4 kemampuan urtuk memelihara & meningkatkan
of their personnel; keahlian professional personilnya;
.6 their ability to maintain appropriate measures to .5 kemampuan utk melakukan pemantauan kepercayaan
avoid unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personilnya secara menerus;
security sensitive material; .6 kemampuan utk memelihara tindakan yg tepat utk
.7 their knowledge of the requirements chapter XI-2 menghindari penyebaran atau akses thd bahan atau
and Part A of this Code and relevant national and dokumen keamanan yg sensitif secara tidak sah;
international legislation and security requirements; .7 pengetahuan mengenai ketentuan bab XI-2 & bagian
.8 their knowledge of current security threats and A dari Koda ini serta peraturan nasional &
patterns; internasional yg terkait & persyaratan keamanan;
When delegating specific duties to an RSO, CGs, including Apabila mendelegasikan tugas khusus kepada RSO, maka
Administrations, should ensure that the RSO has the CG, termasuk Administrasi, harus memastikan bahwa RSO
competencies needed to undertake the task. mempunyai kemampuan utk melaksanakan tugas yg
didelegasikan kepadanya.
4.6 A Recognized Organization, as defined in regulation 4.6 Organisasi yg sah, sebagaimana dituangkan dalam
I/6 and fulfilling the requirements of regulation XI-1/1, Koda 1/6 & memenuhi persyaratan peraturan XI-1 /1, dapat
may be appointed as a RSO provided it has the appropriate ditetapkan sebagai RSO sejauh mempunyai keahlian
security related expertise listed in paragraph 4.5. profesional tentang Keamanan sebagaimana tercantum dlm
butir 4.5.
4.7 A Port or Harbour Authority or Port Facility operator 4.7 Operator Fasilitas Pelabuhan atau otoritas Pelabuhan
may be appointed as an RSO provided it has the dapat ditunjuk sebagai RSO sejauh mempunyai keahlian yg
appropriate security related expertise listed in paragraph tepat dlm hal keamanan sebagaimana tertera dlm butir 4.5.
4.9 Setting security level 3 should be an exceptional 4.9 Penetapan Keadaan Tingkat Keamanan 3 harus
measure applying only when there is credible information merupakan tindakan pengecualian yg diterapkan hanya saat
that a security incident is probable or imminent. ada informasi yg terpercaya kemungkinan terjadinya
insiden keamanan dlm waktu yg sangat dekat.
Security level 3 should only be set for the duration of the Tingkat keamanan 3 hanya digelar saat teridentifikasinya
identified security threat or actual security incident. While ancaman keamanan atau insiden keamanan yg
the security levels may change from security level 1, sesungguhnya. Sementara tingkat keamanan bisa berubah
through security level 2 to security level 3, it is also mulai dari tingkat keamanan 1 ke tingkat keamanan 2 & ke
possible that the security levels will change directly from tingkat keamanan 3, bisa pula terjadi perubahan tingkat
security level 1 to security level 3. keamanan secara langsung dari tingkat keamanan 1 ke
tingkat keamanan 3.
4.10 At all times the Master of a ship has the ultimate 4.10 Nahkoda kapal menjadi penangung jawab tertinggi
responsibility for the safety of the ship. Even at security utk keselamatan & keamanan kapalnya. Bahkan dlm
level 3 a Master may seek clarification or amendment of tingkat keamanan 3, Nahkoda dapat mencari klarifikasi
instructions issued by those responding to a security atau mengubah perintah yg berasal dari pihak yg bereaksi
incident, or threat thereof, if there are reasons to believe menghadapi insiden keamanan, sejauh mempunyai alasan
that compliance with any instruction may imperil the safety yg dipercaya utk mengabaikan instruksi yg apabila
of the ship. dilaksanakan dapat membahayakan keselamatan kapalnya.
4.12 While there may be circumstances when an 4.12 Ada kemungkinan kapal beroperasi pada tingkat
individual ship may be operating at a higher security level keamanan yg lebih tinggi dari tingkat keamanan yg
than the port facility it is visiting, there will be no diterapkan pada pelabuhan yg dikunjungi, namun tidak ada
circumstances when a ship can have a lower security level kapal yg menerapkan tingkat keamanan yg lebih rendah
than the port facility it is visiting. If a ship has a higher dari pelabuhan yg dikunjunginya. Dlm hal tingkat
security level than the port facility it intends to use, the keamanan kapa lebih tinggi dari tingkat keamanan
CSO or SSO should advise the PFSO without delay. The pelabuhan, maka CSO atau SSO wajib memberitahukan
PFSO should undertake an assessment of the particular kepada PFSO segera. PFSO harus melakukan penilaian
situation in consultation with the CSO or SSO and agree on situasi ini berkonsultasi dgn CSO atau SSO & bermufakat
appropriate security measures with the ship, which may dlm pelaksanaan tingkat keamanan kapal, yg mungkin
include completion and signing of a Declaration of berakhir dgn kesepakatan dgn penandatanganan suatu
Security. Deklarasi Keamanan.
4.13 CGs should consider how information on changes in 4.13 CG harus memikirkan cara yg harus diambil dlm
security levels should be promulgated rapidly. menindaklanjuti informasi mengenai perubahan tingkat
Administrations may wish to use NAVTEX messages or keamanan secara cepat. Pihak Administrasi mungkin
Notices to Mariners as the method for notifying such menggunakan pengiriman pesan melalui NAVTEX atau
changes in security levels to ship and CSO and SSO. Or, NTM sebagai cara utk menginformasikan perubahan
they may wish to consider other methods of communication tingkat keamanan kepada kapal, CSO serta SSO. Atau,
that provide equivalent or better speed and coverage. CGs Pihak Administrasi mungkin juga mempertimbangkan
should establish means of notifying PFSOs of changes in penggunaan komunikasi lain demi liputan & kecepatan yg
security levels. lebih baik. CG harus menetapkan cara memberitahukan
kepada PFSO tentang perubahan tingkat keamanan.
CG should compile and maintain the contact details for a CG harus menyiapkan & mengendalikan dafta detail
list of those who need to be informed of changes in security kontak kepada pihak yg memerlukan informasi perubahan
levels. Whereas the security level need not be regarded as tingkat keamanan. Meskipun tingkat keamanan bukan
being particularly sensitive, the underlying threat dianggap sebagai suatu hal yg sensitif, namun informasi yg
information may be highly sensitive. CG should give mendasari ancaman dapat menjadi sesuatu yg sangat peka.
careful consideration to the type and detail of the CG harus mempertimbangkan secara cermat jenis & rincian
information conveyed and the method by which it is informasi yg disampaikan serta metoda penyampaiannya
conveyed, to SSO, CSO and PFSO. kepada SSO, CSO & PFSO.
Contact points and information on PFSP Titik-Kontak & Informasi tentang PFSP
4.14 Where a port facility has a PFSP that fact has to be 4.14 Fasilitas pelabuhan yg memiliki PFSO harus
communicated to the Organization and that information memberitahukan hal tersebut kepada Organisasi &
must also be made available to Company and SSO. No informasi tersebut harus pula diberikan kepada Perusahaan
further details of the PFSP have to be published other than & SSO. Tidak ada keterangan lebih lanjut yg harus
that it is in place. CGs should consider establishing either diumumkan selain hal tersebut. CG harus
central or regional points of contact, or other means of mempertimbangkan titik kontak pusat maupun wilayah,
providing up to date information on the locations where ataupun alat lain utk memberikan informasi yg mutakhir
PFSPs are in place, together with contact details for the dilokasi tempat PFSO berada, bersamaan dgn penjelasan
relevant PFSO. The existence of such contact points should titik kontak utk PFSO terkait. Keberadaan titik kontak ini
be publicized. They could also provide information on the harus diumumkan. CG dapat pula menyediakan informasi
recognized security organizations appointed to act on tentang organisasi keamanan yg sah yg ditunjuk
behalf of the CG, together with details of the specific melaksanakan tugas atas nama CG & memberikan
responsibility and conditions of authority delegated to such penjelasan secara rinci tentang tanggung-jawab spesifik &
recognized security organizations. kewenangan yg didelegasikan kepada organisasi keamanan
4.15 In the case of a port that does not have a PFSP (and 4.15 Apabila pelabuhan tidak mempunyai PFSP (sehingga
therefore does not have a PFSO) the central or regional tidak ada PFSO) maka titik kontak pusat atau regional
point of contact should be able to identify a suitably harus dapat menentukan petugas di darat yg berkualifikasi
qualified person ashore who can arrange for appropriate & mampu mengatur tindakan keamanan yg tepat utk
security measures to be in place, if needed, for the duration ditugaskan di pelabuhan tersebut apabila diperlukan selama
4.16 CG should also provide the contact details of 4.16 CG harus juga menyediakan rincian titik kontak
Government officers to whom an SSO, a CSO and a PFSO Petugas Pemerintah dimana SSO, CSO & PFSO dapat
can report security concerns. melaporkan hal berkaitan keamanan.
These Government officers should assess such reports Petugas Pemerintah tersebut harus menilai laporan yg
before taking appropriate action. Such reported concerns diterima sebelum mengambil tindakan yg tepat. Situasi
may have a bearing on the security measures falling under keamanan yg dilaporkan mungkin menjadi bagian dari
the jurisdiction of another CG. In that case, the CG should tangung jawab CG. Dlm hal ini CG harus berupaya
consider contacting their counterpart in the other CG to menghubungi mitranya di CG lain tersebut utk
discuss whether remedial action is appropriate. For this membicarakan apakah tindakan pemulihan diperlukan.
purpose, the contact details of the Government officers Apabila ini terjadi, maka detil kontak Petugas Pemerintah
should be communicated to the International Maritime tersebut harus dilaporkan kepaada Organisasi Maritim
Organization. International
4.17 CG should also make the information indicated in 4.17 CG harus menyediakan informasi sebagaimana
paragraphs 4.14 to 4.16, available to other CG on request. dituangkan dlm paragraf 4.14 sampai 4.16 kepada CG lain
berdasarkan permintaan.
Fixed and Floating Platforms and Mobile Drilling Units Bangunan permanen & mengapung serta unit instalasi
on location pengeboran lepas pantai bergerak
4.19 CG should consider establishing appropriate security 4.19 CG harus berusaha menetapkan tindakan keamanan
measures for fixed and floating platforms and mobile yg sesuai utk bangunan mengapung & tetap serta unit
offshore drilling units on location to allow interaction with instalasi pengeboran lepas pantai berpindah utk
ships which are required to comply with the provisions of memungkinkan interaksi dgn kapal yg terkena ketentuan
chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code bab XI-2 & bagian A Koda ini.
Ships which are not required to comply with part A of Kapal yg tidak diwajibkan utk mematuhi bagian A dari
this Code Koda ini
4.20 CG should consider establishing appropriate security 4.20 CG harus mempertimbangkan upaya menetapkan
measures to enhance the security of ships to which this tindakan keamanan utk meningkatkan keamanan kapal yg
chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code does not apply and to tidak terkena aturan bab XI-2 & bagian A Koda ini &
ensure that any security provisions applying to such ships memastikan setiap ketentuan keamanan yg diterapkan pada
allow interaction with ships to which part A of this Code kapal tersebut memungkinkan interaksi dgn kapal yg
applies. terkena ketentuan bagian A dari Koda ini.
Threats to ships and other incidents at Sea Ancaman thd Kapal & insiden lain di laut
4.21 CG should provide general guidance on the measures 4.21 CG harus menyediakan petunjuk umum tentang
considered appropriate to reduce the security risk to ships tindakan utk mengurangi resiko keamanan bagi kapal yg
flying their flag when at sea. They should provide specific memakai bendera negara tersebut ketika di laut. Negara
advice on the action to be taken in accordance with security harus memberikan peraturan spesifik tentang tindakan yg
levels 1 to 3, if: diambil sesuai dgn tingkat keamanan 1 sampai 3, apabila:
.1 there is a change in the security level applying to the .1 terjadi perubahan pada tingkat keamanan yg
ship while it is at sea, e.g. because of the diterapkan pada kapal saat berada di laut, contohnya
geographical area in which it is operating or relating dikarenakan wilayah geografis atau perubahan lain
to the ship itself; and pada kapal; &
.2 there is a security incident or threat thereof involving .2 ada suatu insiden keamanan atau ancaman thd kapal
the ship while at sea. ketika berada di laut.
CG should establish the best methods and procedures for CG harus menetapkan metoda & prosedur terbaik utk
these purposes. In the case of an imminent attack the ship memenuhi tujuan tersebut di atas. Apabila terjadi serangan
should seek to establish direct communication with those mendadak, kapal harus langsung memberitahukan kepada
responsible in the flag State for responding to security negara bendera yg bertanggung jawab utk menangani bila
incidents. terjadi insiden keamanan.
4.23 CG should offer advice to ships operating in their 4.23 CG harus memberi petunjuk kepada kapal yg
territorial sea or having communicated an intention to enter beroperasi dlm teritorial mereka atau telah memberitahukan
their territorial sea, which could include advice: utk memasuki laut teritorial mereka, meliputi petunjuk:
.1 to alter or delay their intended passage; .1 utk mengubah atau menunda arah pelayaran;
.2 to navigate on a particular course or proceed to a .2 utk mengarahkan ke jalur tertentu atau masuk ke
specific location; lokasi khusus;
.3 on the availability of any personnel or equipment that .3 ketersediaan pengawakan atau kelengkapan yg harus
could be placed on the ship; tersedia di atas kapal;
.4 to co-ordinate the passage, arrival into port or .4 utk mengatur pelayaran, jadwal kedatangan atau
departure from port, to allow escort by patrol craft or keberangkatan, guna mendapatkan pengawalan oleh
aircraft (fixed-wing or helicopter). kapal atau pesawat patroli (fixed-wing atau
CG should remind ships operating in their territorial sea, or CG wajib mengingatkan kapal yg beroperasi dlm laut
having communicated an intention to enter their territorial teritorial mereka, atau telah memberitahukan akan masuk
sea, of any temporary restricted areas that they have ke laut teritorial mereka, utk tidak memasuki wilayah
published. terlarang yg telah diumumkan.
4.24 CG should recommend that ships operating in their 4.24 CG harus memberi petunjuk kepada kapal yg
territorial sea, or having communicated an intention to beroperasi dlm laut teritorial mereka, atau telah
enter their territorial sea, implement expeditiously, for the memberitahukan akan masuk wilayah laut teritorial
ship’s protection and for the protection of other ships in the mereka, utk menerapkan tindakan keamanan yg disarankan
vicinity, any security measure the CG may have advised. oleh negara tersebut guna melindungi kapal itu & kapal lain
4.25 The plans prepared by the CG for the purposes given 4.25 Rancangan yg dibuat oleh CG utk memenuhi
in paragraph 4.22 should include information on an persyaratan butir 4.22 harus mencakup pula informasi yg
appropriate point of contact, available on a 24-hour basis, lengkap tentang titik kontak didlm Pemerintah, termasuk
within the CG including the Administration. These plans pihak Administrasi yg dapat dihubungi 24 jam. Rancangan
should also include information on the circumstances in keamanan tersebut juga harus memuat informasi tentang
which the Administration considers assistance should be rincian keadaan yg memerlukan bantuan dari Negara pantai
sought from nearby coastal States, and a procedure for terdekat, & prosedur utk berhubungan antara PFSO & SSO.
liaison between PFSO and SSO.
When concluding an agreement, and thereafter, the CG Ketika menandatangani perjanjian, & sesudah itu, CG
should consult other CG and Administrations with an harus menghubungi CG lain & pihak Administrasi yg
interest in the effects of the agreement. Ships flying the flag terkena dampak dari perjanjian tersebut. Kapal yg bukan
of a State that is not party to the agreement should only be berbendera CG perjanjian hanya diijinkan utk berlayar pada
allowed to operate on the fixed routes covered by the rute yg ditetapkan dlm perjanjian dgn syarat kapal tersebut
agreement if their Administration agrees that the ship memenuhi ketentuan perjanjian. Perjanjian ini tidak
should comply with the provisions of the agreement and mentolerir tingkat keamanan kapal atau pelabuhan yg tidak
requires the ship to do so. In no case can such an agreement dinyatakan dlm perjanjian tersebut, & secara khusus, semua
compromise the level of security of other ships and port kapal CG yg tercantum dlm perjanjian dilarang melakukan
facilities not covered by it, and specifically, all ships kegiatan kapal ke kapal dgn kapal lain yg tidak tercantum.
covered by such an agreement may not conduct ship-to- Setiap kegiatan operasional yg melibatkan kapal yg
ship activities with ships not so covered. Any operational tercantum dlm perjanjian sudah selayaknya diatur dlm
interface undertaken by ships covered by the agreement perjanjian tersebut.
should be covered by it.
4.30 Regulation XI-2/9.1, control of ships in port, 4.30 Regulasi XI-2/9.1, yg menerapkan pengawasan kapal
implements a system for the control of ships while in the di dlm pelabuhan, menerapkan suatu sistem pengawasan
port of a foreign country where duly authorized officers of kapal dlm pelabuhan asing CG yg memberikan
the CG (duly authorized officers) have the right to go on kewenangan kepada petugasnya utk memeriksa
board the ship to verify that the required certificates are in kelengkapan sertifikat kapal. Kemudian jika terdapat alasan
proper order. Then if there are clear grounds to believe the yg kuat tentang ketidakpatuhan kapal maka akan dilakukan
ship does not comply, control measures such as additional tindakan pemeriksaan tambahan atau penahanan. Hal ini
inspections or detention may be taken. This reflects current mencerminkan sistem kendali saat ini.
control systems.
Regulation XI-2/9.1 builds on such systems and allows for Regulasi XI-2/9.1 membentuk sistem tersebut dan
additional measures (including expulsion of a ship from a memungkinkan tindakan tambahan (termasuk tindakan
port to be taken as a control measure) when duly authorized penolakan kapal dari pelabuhan sebagai tindakan kendali)
officers have clear grounds for believing that a ship is in ketika petugas yang ditunjuk menemukan kecurigaan yang
non-compliance with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or diyakini bahwa kapal tidak memenuhi persyaratan bab XI-2
part A of this Code. Regulation XI-2/9.3 describes the atau bagian A dari Koda ini. Regulasi XI-2/9.3 menjelaskan
safeguards that promote fair and proportionate tindakan pengawasan yang dilakukan secara adil dan
implementation of these additional measures. proporsional terhadap tindakan tambahan ini.
4.31 Regulation XI-2/9.2 applies control measures to 4.31 Regulasi XI-2/9.2 menerapkan tindakan pengawasan
ensure compliance to ships intending to enter a port of utk menjaga kepatuhan kapal yg akan memasuki suatu
another CG and introduces an entirely different concept of pelabuhan CG lain & regulasi ini menerapkan konsep
control within chapter XI-2, applying to security only. pengawasan yg berbeda di dalam bab XI-2, yaitu berlaku
Under this regulation measures may be implemented prior utk keamanan saja. Dengan pengawasan kepada kapal
to the ship entering port, to better ensure security. Just as in sebelum memasuki pelabuhan, jaminan keamanan menjadi
regulation XI-2/9.1, this additional control system is based lebih baik. Seperti dalam regulasi XI-s/9.1, sistem kendali
on the concept of clear grounds for believing the ship does tambahan ini didasarkan pada konsep kecurigaan yang
4.32 Clear grounds that the ship is not in compliance 4.32 Alasan kuat bahwa kapal (yg dikenai pengawasan
means evidence or reliable information that the ship does tambahan, red.) tidak memenuhi ketentuan artinya adalah
not correspond with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or bukti atau informasi yg dapat dipertanggungjawabkan
part A of this Code, taking into account the guidance given bahwa kapal tersebut tidak mematuhi persyaratan bab XI-2
in this part of the Code. Such evidence or reliable atau bagian A dari Koda ini, sebagaimana digunakan dlm
information may arise from the duly authorized officer’s petunjuk bagian B dari Koda ini. Bukti atau informasi
professional judgement or observations gained while tersebut bisa berasal dari penilaian atau pengamatan yg
verifying the ship’s International Ship Security Certificate dilakukan secara profesional oleh petugas yg berwenang
or Interim International Ship Security Certificate issued in saat pemeriksaan kebenaran Sertifikat Keamanan Kasai
accordance with part A of this Code (certificate) or from Kapal Internasional atau Sertifikat Keamanan Kapal
other sources. Even if a valid certificate is on board the Internasional Sementara yg diterbitkan sesuai dgn Bagian
ship, the duly authorized officers may still have clear A dari Koda ini (Sertifikat) atau dari sumber lain.
grounds for believing that the ship is not in compliance Walaupun Sertifikat kapal masih berlaku namun petugas yg
based on their professional judgment. berwenang mungkin saja mempunyai alasan profesional yg
dapat membuktikan kapal tidak memenuhi persyaratan.
4.33 Examples of possible clear grounds under regulations 4.33 Contoh tentang alasan kuat yg dimaksud dlm regulasi
XI-2/9.1 and XI-2/9.2 may include, when relevant: XI-2/9.1 & A-2/9.2 meliputi:
.1 evidence from a review of the certificate that it is not .1 bukti pemeriksaan bahwa sertifikat tidak sah atau
valid or it has expired; kadaluwarsa;
.2 evidence or reliable information that serious .2 bukti atau informasi yg dapat di pertanggung-
deficiencies exist in the security equipment, jawabkan atas adanya kekurangan yg berarti pada
documentation or arrangements required by chapter peralatan keamanan, dokumentasi atau peraturan yg
XI-2 and part A of this Code; diwajibkan oleh bab XI-2 & bagian A dari Koda ini;
.3 receipt of a report or complaint which, in the .3 Catatan laporan atau keluhan yg berdasarkan
professional judgment of the duly authorized officer, penilaian profesional petugas berwenang, berisi
contains reliable information clearly indicating that informasi dapat dipercaya yg dgn jelas menunjukkan
the ship does not comply with the requirements of bahwa kapal tidak mematuhi persyaratan bab XI-2
chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code; atau bagian A dari Koda ini;
.4 evidence or observation gained by a duly authorized .4 bukti atau pengamatan professional petugas
officer using professional judgment that the master or berwenang bahwa nakhoda atau awak kapal tidak
ship’s personnel is not familiar with essential mengetahui hal pokok prosedur keamanan atau tidak
shipboard security procedures or cannot carry out mampu melaksanakan latihan keamanan kapal atau
drills related to the security of the ship or that such belum melaksanakan prosedur & latihan tersebut;
procedures or drills have not been carried out;
.5 evidence or observation gained by a duly authorized .5 bukti atau pengamatan professional petugas
officer using professional judgment that key berwenang bahwa para awak kapal yg
members ship’s personnel are not able to establish bertanggungjawab atas keamanan di kapal tidak
proper communication with any other key members mampu berkomunikasi dgn benar antar sesamanya
of ship’s personnel with security responsibilities on dlm menangani keamanan kapal;
board the ship;
.6 evidence or reliable information that the ship has .6 bukti atau informasi yg dapat dipertanggung-
embarked persons, or loaded stores or goods at a port jawabkan bahwa kapal menaikkan orang, atau
facility or from another ship where either the port perbekalan kapal atau barang dari pelabuhan atau
facility or the other ship is in violation of chapter XI- kapal lain yg melanggar aturan bab XI-2 atau bagian
2 or part A of this Code, and the ship in question has A dari Koda ini, tanpa membuat Deklarasi
not completed a Declaration of Security, nor taken Keamanan, tanpa melaksanakan tindakan keamanan
appropriate, special or additional security measures yg benar, khusus ataupun tambahan ataupun tidak
or has not maintained appropriate ship security melaksanakan prosedur keamanan kapal yg benar.
.7 evidence or reliable information that the ship has .7 bukti atau informasi yg dapat
embarked persons, or loaded stores or goods at a port dipertanggungjawabkan bahwa kapal menaikkan
facility or from another source (e.g., another ship or orang atau perbekalan kapal atau barang di
helicopter transfer) where either the port facility or pelabuhan atau tempat lain (misal: kapal lain atau
the other source is not required to comply with pemindahan dari helikopter) yg tidak terkena
chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code, and the ship has peraturan bab XI-2 atau bagian A dari Koda ini,
not taken appropriate, special or additional security tanpa melaksanakan tindakan keamanan yg benar,
measures or has not maintained appropriate security khusus ataupun tambahan ataupun tidak
procedures; and melaksanakan prosedur keamanan kapal yg benar;
4.34 The international law implications of regulation XI- 4.34 Implikasi Hukum internasional dari regulasi XI-2/9
2/9 are particularly relevant, and the regulation should be ini sangat relevan, & regulasi ini harus diterapkan dengan
implemented with regulation XI-2/2.4 in mind, as the regulasi XI-2/2.4, karena pertimbangan potensi timbulnya
potential exists for situations where either measures will be tindakan pengawasan kapal yg tidak tercakup oleh bab
taken which fall outside the scope of chapter XI-2, or XI-2, atau ada hak dari kapal yg dikenakan tindakan
where rights of affected ships, outside chapter XI-2, should pengawasan yg tidak tercantum dlm Bab XI-2. Dgn
be considered. Thus, regulation XI-2/9 does not prejudice demikian regulasi XI-2/9 mendukung CG yg mengambil
the CG from taking measures having a basis in, and tindakan keamanan thd kapal berdasarkan & konsisten dgn
consistent with, international law, to ensure the safety or hukum internasional demi menjaga keselamatan &
security of people, ships, port facilities and other property keamanan manusia, kapal, fasilitias pelabuhan & harta
in cases where the ship, although in compliance with benda lainnya apabila ada resiko keamanan, walaupun
chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code, is still considered to kapal yg dikenakan pengawasan tersebut telah memenuhi
present a security risk. persyaratan sesuai dgn bab XI-2 & bagian A dari Koda ini.
4.35 When a CG imposes control measures on a ship, the 4.35 CG yg melakukan tindakan pengawasan tambahan
Administration should, without delay, be contacted with thd kapal, harus memberitahukan secara jelas kepada pihak
sufficient information to enable the Administration to fully Administrasi, agar memungkinkan saling kontak antara
liaise with the CG. pihak Administrasi & CG.
Ships intending to enter the port of another CG Kapal yg hendak memasuki pelabuhan CG lain
4.37 Regulation XI-2/9.2.1 lists the information CGs may 4.37 Regulasi XI-2/9.2.1 memberikan daftar informasi
require from a ship as a condition of entry into port. One sebagai persyaratan yg diminta oleh CG dari kapal yg
item of information listed is confirmation of any special or memasuki pelabuhannya. Salah satu informasi tsb adalah
additional measures taken by the ship during its last ten catatan tindakan pengawasan tambahan atau khusus yg
calls at a port facility. dilakukan pada 10 pelabuhan terakhir yg dikunjunginya.
Examples could include: Contoh bisa meliputi hal sebagai berikut:
.1 records of the measures taken while visiting a port .1 catatan tentang tindakan pengawasan yg dikenakan
facility located in the territory of a State which is not kepada kapal pada saat mengunjungi fasilitas
a CG especially those measures that would normally pelabuhan pada wilayah Negara yg bukan CG,
have been provided by port facilities located in the khususnya tindakan pengawasan yg biasanya
territories of CGs; and dilaksanakan oleh fasilitas pelabuhan pada CG, &
.2 any Declarations of Security that were entered into .2 Deklarasi Keamanan yg ada yg disepakati dgn
with port facilities or other ships. fasilitas pelabuhan atau dgn kapal lain.
4.38 Another item of information listed, that may be 4.38 Informasi lain dlm daftar yg mungkin ditanyakan
required as a condition of entry into port, is confirmation sebagai persyaratan kapal memasuki pelabuhan adalah
that appropriate ship security procedures were maintained informasi apakah kapal telah melaksanakan prosedur
during ship-to-ship activity conducted within the period of keamanan yg tepat selama melakukan kegiatan kapal ke
the last 10 calls at a port facility. It would not normally be kapal dlm 10 pelabuhan terakhir yg disinggahi. Informasi
required to include records of transfers of pilots, customs, tsb biasanya tidak termasuk catatan transfer pandu, bea
immigration, security officials nor bunkering, lightering, cukai, imigrasi, petugas keamanan, pengisian bahan bakar,
loading of supplies and unloading of waste by ship within pemuatan perbekalan kapal & pembongkaran sampah di
port facilities as these would normally fall within the fasilitas pelabuhan, karena hal tsb lazimnya dibawah
auspices of the PFSP. Examples of information that might pengawasan PFSP. Contoh informasi yg diberikan sebagai
be given include: syarat kapal masuk ke pelabuhan adalah sbb:
It is not the intention of chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code Bab XI-2 & bagian A dari Koda ini tidak bermaksud utk
to delay or prevent the delivery of those in distress at sea to menunda atau mencegah pengangkutan orang yg berada
a place of safety. It is the sole intention of chapter XI-2 and dlm keadaan darurat di laut ke tempat yg aman. Dlm hal ini
part A of this Code to provide States with enough bab XI-2 atau bagian A dari Koda ini semata-mata
appropriate information to maintain their security integrity. bertujuan utk memberikan informasi yg tepat kepada
Negara utk menjaga integritas pengamanannya.
4.39 Examples of other practical security related 4.39 Contoh informasi praktis lain sehubungan dgn
information that may be required as a condition of entry Keamanan yg mungkin diperlukan sebagai persyaratan
into port in order to assist with ensuring the safety and kapal utk dapat masuk ke pelabuhan utk membantu
security of persons, port facilities, ships and other property pelaksanaan keselamatan & Keamanan thd manusia,
include: fasilitas pelabuhan, kapal & harta lain meliputi:
.1 information contained in the Continuous Synopsis .1 informasi pada Continuous Synopsis Record
.2 location of the ship at the time the report is made; .2 lokasi kapal ketika laporan dibuat;
.3 expected time of arrival of the ship in port; .3 jadwal kedatangan kapal di pelabuhan;
.4 crew list; .4 daftar crew;
.5 general description of cargo aboard the ship; .5 penjelasan umum mengenai muatan di kapal;
.6 passenger list; and .6 daftar penumpang; &
.7 information required to be carried under regulation .7 informasi yg harus di bawa sesuai persyaratan pada
XI-2/10. peraturan XI-2/10.
4.40 Regulation XI-2/9.2.5 allows the master of a ship, 4.40 Regulasi XI-2/9.2.5 memungkinkan Nahkoda kapal,
upon being informed that the coastal or port State will ketika menerima informasi bahwa Port State atau daratan
implement control measures under regulation XI-2/9.2, to akan melakukan tindakan pengawasan sesuai regulasi XI-
withdraw the intention for the ship to enter port. If the 2/9.2, untuk membatalkan kapal utk memasuki pelabuhan.
master withdraws that intention, regulation XI-2/9 no Jika Nahkoda membatalkan tujuannya, maka kapal tidak
longer applies, and any other steps that are taken must be terkena regulasi XI-2/9, dan selanjutnya Nahkoda harus
based on, and consistent with, international law. melakukan tindakan berdasarkan hukum internasional.
4.42 Relevant States to contact should include those along 4.42 Negara terkait yg harus dihubungi meliputi negara
the ship’s intended passage to its next port, particularly if disepanjang jalur pelayaran yg hendak dilayari kapal
the ship intends to enter the territorial sea of that coastal menuju pelabuhan selanjutnya, terutama apabila kapal akan
State. Other relevant States could include previous ports of memasuki laut teritorial negara tersebut. Negara terkait
call, so that further information might be obtained and lainnya meliputi negara pelabuhan yg hendak dikunjungi
security issues relating to the previous ports resolved. sehingga bisa memperoleh informasi & masalah keamanan
yg diselesaikan pada pelabuhan sebelumnya.
4.43 In exercising control and compliance measures, the 4.43 Dlm menerapkan pengawasan & tindakan tindakan
duly authorized officers should ensure that any measures or utk menegakkan kepatuhan kapal thd peraturan yg berlaku
steps imposed are proportionate. Such measures or steps para petugas yg berwenang harus melaksanakan tindakan
should be reasonable and of the minimum severity and keamanan yg proporsional. Tindakan keamanan tersebut
duration necessary to rectify or mitigate the harus wajar & meminimumkan kesulitan serta waktu yg
noncompliance. diperlukan kapal utk memperbaiki ketidak-sesuaian tsb.
4.44 The word “delay” in regulation XI-2/ also 4.44 Kata ‘menunda’ yg dimaksud dlm peraturan XI-
refers to situations where, pursuant to actions taken under 2/ juga merujuk situasi penolakan kapal memasuki
this regulation, the ship is unduly denied entry into port or pelabuhan atau pengusiran kapal dari pelabuhan karena
the ship is unduly expelled from port. tindakan keamanan yg diambil sesuai dgn regulasi ini.
Non-party ships and ships below convention size Kapal dari Negara bukan CG & kapal berukuran
dibawah konvensi
4.45 With respect to ships flying the flag of a State which 4.45 CG dilarang memberikan perlakuan yg memihak thd
is not a CG to the Convention and not a Party to the 1988 kapal berbendera negara bukan CG & CG sesuai Protocol
SOLAS Protocol, CGs should not give more favorable Konvensi SOLAS 1988, sejalan dgn itu maka kapal
treatment to such ships. Accordingly, the requirements of tersebut harus dikenakan persyaratan sesuai dgn regulasi
regulation XI-2/9 and the guidance provided in this Part of XI- 2/ 9 dan petunjuk pada bagian B Koda ini.
the Code should be applied to those ships.
4.46 Ships below Convention size are subject to measures 4.46 Kapal yg berukuran dibawah ukuran konvensional
by which States maintain security. Such measures should terkena peraturan keamanan kapal suatu negara. Peraturan
be taken with due regard to the requirements in chapter XI- peraturan tersebut dilaksanakan dgn memperhatikan
2 and the guidance provided in this Part of the Code. kesesuaiannya dgn persyaratan bab XI-2 & petunjuk pada
bagian B Koda ini.
General Umum
5.1 A Declaration of Security (DOS) should be 5.1 Deklarasi Keamanan (DOS) harus dibuat apabila CG
completed when the CG of the port facility deems it to be menganggap deklarasi tersebut penting bagi fasilitas
necessary or when a ship deems it necessary. pelabuhannya atau bila diperlukan oleh kapal.
5.1.1 The need for a DOS may be indicated by the results 5.1.1 Kebutuhan DOS ini dapat disimpulkan dari hasil
of the PFSA and the reasons and circumstances in which a PFSA & alasan serta keadaan yg menuntut adanya
DoS is required should be set out in the PFSP. Deklarasi Keamanan pada PFSP.
5.1.2 The need for a DOS may be indicated by an 5.1.2 Kebutuhan DOS ini dapat ditunjukkan oleh fihak
Administration for ships entitled to fly its flag or as a result Administrasi utk kapal bendera negaranya atau disimpulkan
of a SSA and should be set out in the SSP. dari hasil SSA dan harus ditetapkan pada SSP.
5.2.1 In the case that a ship or an Administration, on behalf 5.2.1 Apabila kapal atau pihak Administrasi meminta
of ships entitled to fly its flag, requests completion of a pembuatan DOS atas nama kapal yg menggunakan bendera
DOS, the PFSO or SSO should acknowledge the request negaranya, maka PFSO atau SSO harus memberitahu
and discuss appropriate security measures. adanya permintaan tersebut & membahas tindakan
keamanan yg tepat.
5.3 A PFSO may also initiate a DOS prior to ship/port 5.3 PFSO dapat berinisiatif mengajukan DOS sebelum
interfaces that are identified in the approved PFSA as being interaksi kapal/pelabuhan yang telah diidentifikasi dalam
of particular concern. Examples may include the embarking PFSA yang telah disetujui. Contohnya adalah kegiatan
or disembarking passengers, and the transfer, loading or menurunkan & menaikkan penumpang, dan permindahan,
unloading of dangerous goods or hazardous substances. pemuatan & pembongkaran barang berbahaya atau zat
The PFSA may also identify facilities at or near highly berbahaya. PFSA mungkin juga mengidentifikasi fasilitas
populated areas or economically significant operations that didalam atau dekat dengan daerah berpopulasi padat atau
warrant a DOS. operasi penting bagi perekonomian yg memerlukan DOS.
5.4 The main purpose of a DOS is to ensure agreement 5.4 Tujuan utama DOS adalah utk menjamin pencapaian
is reached between the ship and the port facility or with kesepakatan antara kapal & fasilitas pelabuhan atau kapal
other ships with which it interfaces as to the respective dgn kapal lain, agar masing masing melaksanakan tindakan
security measures each will undertake in accordance with keamanan sesuai dgn ketentuan ketentuan Rancangan
the provisions of their respective approved security plans. Keamanan masing masing yg telah disepakati.
5.4.1 The agreed DOS should be signed and dated by both 5.4.1 DOS yg telah disepakati bersama harus dibubuhi
the port facility and the ship(s), as applicable, to indicate tanda tangan & tanggal oleh fihak fasilitas pelabuhan &
compliance with chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code and kapal untuk menujukkan pemenuhan persyaratan bab XI-2
should include its duration, the relevant security level, or & bagian A dari Koda ini & harus meliputi jangka waktu
levels and the contact points. berlakunya, tingkat keamanan yg sesuai dan informasi titik
5.4.2 A change in the security level may require that a new 5.4.2 Perubahan tingkat keamanan mungkin memerlukan
or revised DOS be completed. pembuatan DOS baru atau merevisi DOS yg ada.
5.5 The DoS should be completed in English, French or 5.5 Deklarasi Keamanan harus dibuat dlm bahasa
Spanish or in a language common to both the port facility Inggris, Perancis atau Spanyol atau menggunakan bahasa
and the ship or the ships, as applicable. yg digunakan bersama oleh pihak fasilitas pelabuhan &
pihak kapal, sebagaimana yg berlaku.
5.6 A model DOS is included in Appendix 1 to this Part 5.6 Suatu model DOS dicantumkan dlm Lampiran 1
of the Code. Bagian B Koda ini.
General Umum
6.1 Regulation XI-2/5 requires the company to provide 6.1 Regulasi XI-2/5 mewajibkan perusahaan pelayaran
the master of the ship with information to meet the utk memberikan informasi kepada Nahkoda yg diperlukan
requirements of the Company under the provisions of this utk memenuhi persyaratan sesuai dgn regulasi ini.
regulation. This information should include items such as: Informasi ini harus meliputi hal sebagai berikut:
.1 parties responsible for appointing shipboard .1 pihak yg bertangung jawab utk penentuan
personnel, such as ship management companies, pengawakan kapal, misalnya perusahaan manajemen
manning agents, contractors, concessionaries, for kapal, agen pelaut, kontraktor, pengusaha konsensi,
example, retail sales outlets, casinos etc; contohnya, toko barang eceran, kasino, dsb);
.2 parties responsible for deciding the employment of .2 pihak yg bertanggung jawab utk memutuskan
the ship including, time or bareboat charterer(s) or ketenagakerjaan kapal meliputi, pihak penyewa kapal
any other entity acting in such capacity; and atau badan lain yg bertindak sebagai penyewa; &
.3 in cases when the ship is employed under the terms .3 jika kapal beroperasi berdasarkan perjanjian sewa,
6.2 In accordance with regulation XI-2/5 the Company 6.2 Sesuai regulasi XI-2/5, maka Perusahaan diwajibkan
is obliged to update and keep this information current as utk memperbarui & menjaga kemutakhiran informasi
and when changes occur. apabila terjadi perubahan.
6.3 This information should be in English, French or 6.3 Informasi ini harus ditulis dlm bahasa Inggris,
Spanish language. Perancis atau Spanyol.
6.4 With respect to ships constructed before [1 July 6.4 Bagi kapal yg dibangun sebelumnya (1 Juli 2004),
2004], this information should reflect the actual condition informasi ini harus menunjukkan kondisi sebenarnya pada
on that date. tanggal tersebut.
6.5 With respect to ships constructed on or after [1 July 6.5 Kapal yg sedang dibangun atau sesudahnya (1 Juli
2004] and for ships constructed before [1 July 2004] which 2004) & kapal yg dibangun sebelumnya (1 Juli 2004)
were out of service on [1 July 2004], the information namun belum beroperasi hingga tanggal l Juli 2004,
should be provided as from the date of entry of the ship into informasi tersebut harus dibuat sejak tanggal kapal
service and should reflect the actual condition on that date. beroperasi & harus menyatakan keadaan sebenarnya pada
tanggal tersebut.
6.6 After [1 July 2004] when a ship is withdrawn from 6.6 Kapal yg berhenti beroperasi setelah tanggal 1 Juli
service the information should be provided as from the date 2004 harus memberikan informasi terhitung mulai tanggal
of re-entry of the ship into service and should reflect the kapal dioperasikan kembali & informasi tersebut harus
actual condition on that date. menyatakan keadaan sebenarnya pada tanggal tersebut.
6.7 Previously provided information that does not relate 6.7 Informasi yg disiapkan sebelumnya yg sudah tidak
to the actual condition on that date need not be retained on sesuai dgn kondisi riil pada tanggal tersebut tidak perlu
board. dibawa kapal.
6.8 When the responsibility for the operation of the ship 6.8 Apabila tanggung jawab pengoperasian kapal diambil
is assumed by another Company, the information relating alih oleh Perusahaan lain, maka informasi tentang
to the Company, which operated the ship, are not required Perusahaan lama yg mengoperasikan kapal tidak perlu
to be left on board. In addition other relevant guidance is dibawa oleh kapal. Disamping itu petunjuk Pelaksanaan yg
provided under sections 8, 9 and 13. relevan ditulis pada seksi 8, 9 & 13.
8.2 Prior to commencing the SSA, the CSO should 8.2 Sebelum melaksanakan SSA, maka CSO harus
ensure that advantage is taken of information available on menggunakan informasi hasil penilaian ancaman thd
the assessment of threat for the ports at which the ship will pelabuhan yg akan dikunjungi kapal & tempat menaik-
call or at which passengers embark or disembark and about turunkan penumpang serta informasi fasilitas pelabuhan &
the port facilities and their protective measures. The CSO tindakan perlindungan yg dilaksanakan. CSO harus
should study previous reports on similar security needs. mempelajari laporan sebelumnya thd kebutuhan keamanan.
Where feasible, the CSO should meet with appropriate Apabila mungkin sebaiknya CSO berkonsultasi dgn orang
persons on the ship and in the port facilities to discuss the yg tepat tentang kapal & fasilitas pelabuhan utk
purpose and methodology of the assessment. menentukan metodolgi yg digunakan pada penilaian.
8.3 A SSA should address the following elements on 8.3 SSA harus memperhatikan elemen di atas kapal,
board or within the ship: meliputi :
.1 physical security; .1 keamanan phisik;
.2 structural integrity; .2 integrasi struktural;
.3 personnel protection systems; .3 sistem perlindungan personil;
.4 procedural policies; .4 prosedur kebijakan;
.5 radio and telecommunication systems, including .5 sistem radio & telekomunikasi, termasuk sistem
computer systems and networks; komputer & jaringannya;
.6 other areas that may, if damaged or used for illicit .6 hal lain yg bila mengalami kerusakan akan
observation, pose a risk to people, property, or memberikan resiko thd manusia, harta benda atau
operations on board the ship or within a port facility. pengoperasian kapal atau fasilitas pelabuhan.
8.4 Those involved in a SSA should be able to draw upon 8.4 Pihak yg terlibat dlm SSA harus meminta bantuan
expert assistance in relation to : ahli utk menyimpulkan hal berikut :
.1 knowledge of current security threats and patterns; .1 pengetahuan ttg ancaman & pola keamanan saat ini;
.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous .2 pengenalan & pendeteksian persenjataan, zat &
substances and devices; peralatan berbahaya;
.3 recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of .3 pengenalan thd karakteristik & pola tingkah laku
characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons manusia yg cenderung membahayakan keamanan,
who are likely to threaten security; tanpa unsur diskriminasi;
.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures; .4 teknik yg digunakan melakukan tindakan keamanan;
.5 methods used to cause a security incident; .5 metoda yg digunakan penyebab insiden keamanan;
.6 effects of explosives on ship’s structures and .6 dampak yg ditimbulkan oleh bahan peledak pada
equipment; bangunan & peralatan kapal;
.7 ship security; .7 Keamanan kapal;
.8 ship/port interface business practices; .8 praktek bisnis melibatkan kapal / pelabuhan;
.9 contingency planning, emergency preparedness and .9 Rancangan darurat, kesiapan & penanganan keadaan
response; darurat;
.10 physical security; .10 keamanan phisik;
.11 radio and telecommunications systems, including .11 sistem radio & telekomunikasi, termasuk sistem &
computer systems and networks; jaringan komputerisasi;
.12 marine engineering; and .12 permesinan kapal; &
.13 ship and port operations. .13 kegiatan operasi kapal & pelabuhan.
8.5 The CSO should obtain and record the information 8.5 CSO harus memberikan dan mencatat informasi yang
required to conduct an assessment, including: diperlukan dlm melakukan penilaian, meliputi :
.1 the general layout of the ship; .1 Lay out umum kapal;
.2 the location of areas which should have restricted .2 lokasi daerah yg dibatasi aksesnya, seperti anjungan,
access, such as navigation bridge, machinery spaces kamar mesin kategori A & stasiun kontrol lain
of category A and other control stations as defined in sebagaimana didefinisikan dalam pada bab II-2, dll.;
chapter II-2, etc.;
.3 the location and function of each actual or potential .3 lokasi & fungsi setiap titik akses ke kapal yg ada atau
access point to the ship; yg potensial;
.4 changes in the tide which may have an impact on the .4 perubahan kondisi laut yg berdampak pada
vulnerability or security of the ship; kerentanan atau keamanan kapal;
.5 the cargo spaces and stowage arrangements; .5 ruang muat & pengaturan pemuatan barang
.6 the locations where the ship’s stores and essential .6 lokasi dimana perbekalan kapal & peralatan
maintenance equipment is stored; pemeliharaan yang penting disimpan;
.7 the locations where unaccompanied baggage is .7 lokasi dimana bagasi yang tak jelas pemiliknya
stored; disimpan;
.8 the emergency and stand-by equipment available to .8 peralatan darurat dan yg harus selalu siap digunakan
maintain essential services; guna menjaga operasi penting kapal;
.9 the number of ship’s personnel, any existing security .9 jumlah personil kapal, tugas keamanan yang ada dan
duties and any existing training requirement practices & persyaratan latihan yg ada;
of the Company;
.10 existing security and safety equipment for the .10 peralatan keselamatan & keamanan yg ada utk
protection of passengers and ship’s personnel; perlindungan penumpang & awak kapal;
.11 escape and evacuation routes and assembly stations .11 jalan keluar darurat & rute evakuasi & tempat
which have to be maintained to ensure the orderly berkumpul yg harus senantiasa dijaga agar evakuasi
and safe emergency evacuation of the ship; darurat bisa dilaksanakan dgn tertib & selamat;
.12 existing agreements with private security companies .12 perjanjian dgn perusahaan keamanan yg memberikan
8.6 The SSA should examine each identified point of 8.6 SSA harus memeriksa setiap titik akses yg
access, including open weather decks, and evaluate its diidentifikasi, termasuk geladak cuaca terbuka, serta
potential for use by individuals who might seek to breach mengevaluasi kemungkinan digunakan seseorang utk
security. This includes points of access available to melanggar keamanan. Hal ini meliputi titik akses yg
individuals having legitimate access as well as those who diberikan kepada personil yg berwenang masuk serta orang
seek to obtain unauthorized entry. yg tidak berwenang utk masuk kedlm akses tersebut.
8.7 The SSA should consider the continuing relevance of 8.7 SSA harus mempertimbangkan tindakan keamanan
the existing security measures and guidance, procedures yg ada sehingga senantiasa relevan atau sesuai dgn
and operations, under both routine and emergency petunjuk pelaksanaan prosedur & operasi dlm keadaan
conditions and should determine security guidance rutin atau darurat & harus menetapkan petunjuk keamanan
including: meliputi:
.1 the restricted areas; .1 daerah terbatas;
.2 the response procedures to fire or other emergency .2 prosedur penanganan kebakaran atau keadaan darurat
conditions; lainnya;
.3 the level of supervision of the ship’s personnel, .3 tingkat pengawasan awak kapal, penumpang,
passengers, visitors, vendors, repair technicians, pengunjung, rekanan, teknisi perbaikan, pekerja dok
dock workers, etc.; dll.;
.4 the frequency and effectiveness of security patrols; .4 frekwensi & efektivitas patroli keamanan;
.5 the access control systems, incl. identification .5 sistem kontrol akses, termasuk sistem identifikasi;
.6 the security communications systems & procedures; .6 sistem & prosedur komunikasi keamanan;
.7 the security doors, barriers and lighting; and .7 pintu keamanan, penghalang & pencahayaan; &
.8 the security and surveillance equipment and systems, .8 sistem & peralatan keamanan & monitoring, jika ada.
if any.
8.8 The SSA should consider the persons, activities, 8.8 SSA harus mempertimbangkan perlindungan thd
services and operations that it is important to protect. This manusia, aktifitas, pelayanan & operasi yg dianggap
includes: penting untuk dilindungi, meliputi:
.1 the ship’s personnel; .1 awak kapal;
.2 passengers, visitors, vendors, repair technicians, port .2 penumpang, pengunjung, rekanan, teknisi perbaikan,
facility personnel, etc; petugas fasilitas pelabuhan, dll.;
.3 the capacity to maintain safe navigation and .3 kapasitas utk menjaga keselamatan berlayar &
emergency response; penanganan keadaaan darurat;
.4 the cargo, particularly dangerous goods or hazardous .4 muatan, terutama muatan barang berbahaya atau
substances; zat-zat yg membahayakan;
.5 the ship’s stores; .5 perbekalan kapal;
.6 the ship security communication equipment and .6 sistem & peralatan komunikasi keamanan kapal, jika
systems, if any; and ada; &
.7 the ship’s security surveillance equipment and .7 sistem & peralatan pengamatan keamanan kapal, jika
systems, if any. ada.
8.9 The SSA should consider all possible threats, which 8.9 SSA harus mempertimbangkan semua ancaman yg
may include the following types of security incidents: mungkin ada yg meliputi bentuk insiden keamanan sbb:
.1 damage to, or destruction of, the ship or of a port .1 perusakan atau penghancuran kapal atau fasilitas
facility, e.g. by explosive devices, arson, sabotage or pelabuhan, misalnya bahan peledak, pembakaran,
vandalism; sabotase atau vandalisme;
.2 hijacking or seizure of the ship or of persons on .2 pembajakan atau perampasan kapal atau orang di
board; atas kapal;
.3 tampering with cargo, essential ship equipment or .3 perusakan dengan muatan, sistem atau peralatan
systems or ship’s stores; kapal yg penting atau perbekalan kapal;
.4 unauthorized access or use, including presence of .4 penggunaan akses oleh orang yg tidak berwenang,
stowaways; termasuk penumpang gelap;
.5 smuggling weapons or equipment, including .5 penyelundupan senjata atau peralatan, termasuk
weapons of mass destruction; senjata perusak masal;
.6 use of the ship to carry those intending to cause a .6 penggunaan kapal utk membawa orang yg berniat
8.10 The SSA should take into account all possible 8.10 SSA harus memperhitungkan seluruh kerentanan atau
vulnerabilities, which may include: kelemahan yg meliputi:
.1 conflicts between safety and security measures; .1 konflik antara tindakan keselamatan & keamanan;
.2 conflicts between shipboard duties & security .2 konflik antara tugas rutin kapal & tugas keamanan;
.3 watch-keeping duties, number of ship’s personnel, .3 tugas jaga, jumlah awak kapal, terutama implikasi
particularly with implications on crew fatigue, dgn kelelahan, kesiagaan & kinerja awak kapal;
alertness and performance; .4 setiap kekurangan pada latihan keamanan yang
.4 any identified security training deficiencies; and diidentifikasi; &
.5 any security equipment and systems, including .5 sistem & peralatan keamanan, termasuk sistem
communication systems. komunikasi;
8.11 The CSO and SSO should always have regard to the 8.11 CSO & SSO harus memperhatikan efek tindakan
effect that security measures may have on ship’s personnel peraturan keamanan thd awak kapal yg berlayar dlm waktu
who will remain on the ship for long periods. When lama. Ketika menyusun tindakan keamanan, penting
developing security measures, particular consideration mempertimbangkan kemudahan, kenyamanan & kebebasan
should be given to the convenience, comfort and personal pribadi para awak kapal serta kemampuan mereka untuk
privacy of the ship’s personnel and their ability to maintain menjaga keefektifan mereka dlm waktu yg lama.
their effectiveness over long periods.
8.12 Upon completion of the SSA, a report shall be 8.12 Setelah SSA selesai, laporan harus dibuat yg berisi
prepared, consisting of a summary of how the assessment ringkasan mengenai cara pelaksanaan penilaian, penjelasan
was conducted, a description of each vulnerability found setiap kelemahan yg ditemukan selama penilaian serta
during the assessment and a description of counter penjelasan tindakan yg bisa dilakukan utk mengatasi setiap
measures that could be used to address each vulnerability. kelemahan tersebut. Laporan tersebut harus dilindungi dari
The report shall be protected from unauthorized access or akses orang yg tidak berwenang atau pengungkapan
disclosure. kerahasiaannya.
8.13 If the SSA has not been carried out by the Company 8.13 Jika SSA tidak dilaksanakan oleh Perusahaan, maka
the report of the SSA should be reviewed and accepted by laporan SSA harus ditinjau ulang & diterima oleh CSO.
the CSO.
General Umum
9.1 The CSO has the responsibility of ensuring that a 9.1 CSO mempunyai tanggung jawab memastikan bahwa
Ship Security Plan (SSP) is prepared and submitted for SSP telah disiapkan & diajukan utk mendapatkan
9.8 The remainder of this section addresses specifically 9.8 Bagian yg tersisa dari seksi ini mengupas terutama
the security measures that could be taken at each security tindakan keamanan yg dapat dilakukan pada tiap tingkat
level covering: keamanan meliputi :
.1 Access to the Ship by ship’s personnel, passengers, .1 akses ke kapal oleh awak kapal, penumpang,
visitors, etc; pengunjung, dll;
.2 Restricted Areas on the Ship; .2 daerah terbatas pada kapal;
.3 Handling of Cargo; .3 penanganan bongkar muat barang;
.4 Delivery of Ship’s Stores; .4 penyerahan perbekalan kapal;
.5 Handling Unaccompanied Baggage; and .5 penanganan bagasi yg tidak dijaga; &
.6 Monitoring the Security of the Ship. .6 monitoring Keamanan kapal.
9.10 For each of these the SSP should identify the 9.10 Thd setiap akses ini, SSP harus mengidentifikasi
appropriate locations where access restrictions or tempat yg tepat utk diberlakukan sebagai akses terbatas
prohibitions should be applied for each of the security atau larangan pada setiap tingkat keamanan. SSP harus
levels. For each security level the SSP should establish the menetapkan bentuk batasan atau larangan yang diterapkan
type of restriction or prohibition to be applied and the dan cara untuk memberlakukan hal tersebut.
means of enforcing them.
9.11 The SSP should establish for each security level the 9.11 SSP pada setiap tingkat keamanan harus menetapkan
means of identification required to allow access to the ship cara identifikasi yg diperlukan utk memungkinkan akses ke
and for individuals to remain on the ship without challenge, kapal & tetap berada di kapal tanpa gangguan, hal ini
this may involve developing an appropriate identification mungkin melibatkan pengembangan sistem identifikasi yg
system allowing for permanent and temporary tepat memungkinkan identifikasi sementara & tetap utk
identifications, for ship’s personnel and visitors awak kapal & pengunjung. Setiap sistem identifikasi di
respectively. Any ship identification system should, when kapal harus dikoordinasikan dgn sistem identifikasi yg
it is practicable to do so, be coordinated with that applying dipakai di fasilitas pelabuhan, jika memungkinkan.
to the port facility. Passengers should be able to prove their Penumpang harus bisa membuktikan identitasnya dgn pas
identity by boarding passes, tickets, etc., but shouldnot be naik kapal, tiket, dll., namun dilarang masuk pada daerah
permitted access to restricted areas unless supervised. The terbatas, meski tanpa melalui pemeriksaan. SSP harus
SSP should establish provisions to ensure that the menetapkan ketentuan yg menjaga agar sistem identifikasi
identification systems are regularly updated, and that abuse diperbaharui secara berkala, & pelanggaran thd prosedur
of procedures should be subject to disciplinary action. harus dikenai tindakan disiplin.
9.13 The SSP should establish the frequency of 9.13 SSP harus menetapkan frekuensi pengawasan akses
application of any access controls particularly if they are to ke kapal terutama apabila akan diterapkan secara acak &
be applied on a random, or occasional, basis. berdasarkan adanya kejadian tertentu saja.
9.15 At security level 1, all those seeking to board a ship 9.15 Pada tingkat keamanan 1, semua orang yg berusaha
should be liable to search. The frequency of such searches, naik kapal harus diperiksa melalui penggeledahan.
including random searches, should be specified in the Frekuensi kegiatan penggeledahan ini, termasuk
approved SSP and should be specifically approved by the penggeledahan acak, harus ditentukan secara spesifik
Administration. Such searches may best be undertaken by dalam SSP & secara spesifik mendapat persetujuan dari
the port facility in close co-operation with the ship and in pihak Administrasi. Penggeledahan terbaik dilakukan oleh
close proximity to it. Unless there are clear security fasilitas pelabuhan bekerja sama dgn pihak kapal. Kecuali
grounds for doing so, members of the ship’s personnel terdapat alasan yg kuat, awak kapal tidak diwajibkan utk
should not be required to search their colleagues or their menggeledah temannya sendiri serta barang bawaannya.
personal effects. Any such search shall be undertaken in a Kegiatan penggeledahan wajib dilakukan dgn cara yg tidak
manner which fully takes into account the human rights of melanggar hak azasi manusia & menjaga martabat mereka.
the individual and preserves their basic human dignity.
9.19 The SSP should ensure that there are clearly 9.19 SSP harus memastikan bahwa telah ada kebijakan &
established policies and practices to control access to all tindakan praktis utk mengawasi akses ke seluruh daerah
restricted areas them. terbatas.
9.20 The SSP should provide that all restricted areas 9.20 SSP harus memberikan tanda yg jelas pada seluruh
should be clearly marked indicating that access to the area daerah terbatas yg menyatakan bahwa akses ke daerah
is restricted and that unauthorized presence within the area tersebut terbatas & orang yg ada dlm daerah terbatas tanpa
constitutes a breach of security. otorisasi dianggap melanggar keamanan.
9.21 Restricted areas may include: 9.21 Daerah yg terbatas dapat meliputi:
9.28 Checking of cargo may be accomplished by the 9.28 Pemeriksaan barang bisa dilakukan dgn cara berikut:
following means: .1 pemeriksaan secara visual & phisik; &
.1 visual and physical examination; and .2 menggunakan alat scanning/detection, alat mekanis,
.2 using scanning/detection equipment, mechanical atau anjing.
devices, or dogs.
9.29 When there are regular, or repeated, cargo movement 9.29 Jika terjadi perpindahan muatan secara reguler atau
the CSO or SSO may, in consultation with the port facility, berulang-ulang, CSO atau SSO dan dgn konsultasi fasilitas
agree arrangements with shippers or others responsible for pelabuhan, dapat menyetujui pengaturan dengan pihak
such cargo covering off-site checking, sealing, scheduling, pengirim atau pihak yg bertanggung jawab atas muatan
supporting documentation, etc. Such arrangements should melakukan pemeriksaan, penyegelan, penjadwalan &
be communicated to and agreed with the PFSO concerned. dokumentasi pendukungnya diluar area pelabuhan.
Pengaturan tsb harus diberitahukan & disetujui oleh PFSO
9.31 Detailed checking of cargo may be accomplished by 9.31 Pengecekan detil thd barang dapat dilaksanakan dgn
the following means: menggunakan cara sebagai berikut:
.1 increasing the frequency and detail of visual and .1 peningkatan frekuensi & detil pemeriksaan secara
physical examination; visual & fisik
.2 increasing the frequency of the use of .2 meningkatkan frekuensi penggunaan peralatan
scanning/detection equipment, mechanical devices, scaning/ deteksi, alat mekanis, atau anjing; &
or dogs; and .3 mengkoordinasikan tindakan peningkatan keamanan
.3 coordinating enhanced security measures with the dgn pihak pengirim barang atau pihak lain yg
shipper or other responsible party in accordance with bertanggung jawab sesuai dgn perjanjian & prosedur
an established agreement and procedures. yg telah ditetapkan.
9.34 For ships regularly using the port facility it may be 9.34 Utk kapal yg regular menggunakan fasilitas
appropriate to establish procedures involving the ship, its pelabuhan, dapat menetapkan prosedur pengamanannya
suppliers and the port facility covering notification and meliputi kapal, supliernya & pihak fasilitas pelabuhan dlm
timing of deliveries and their documentation. There should hal pemberitahuan & waktu pengiriman serta
always be some way of confirming that stores presented for dokumentasinya. Harus ada cara utk mengkonfirmasikan
delivery are accompanied by evidence that they have been bahwa barang perbekalan kapal yg dikirim memang betul
ordered by the ship. barang yg dipesan oleh kapal.
9.43 When used, automatic intrusion detection devices 9.43 Apabila digunakan peralatan otomatis pendeteksi
should activate an audible and/or visual alarm at a location gangguan harus mengaktifkan alarm pandang-dengar pada
that is continuously attended or monitored. lokasi yg dijaga & dimonitor secara terus menerus.
9.44 The SSP should establish the procedures and 9.44 SSP harus menetapkan prosedur & peralatan yg
equipment needed at each security level and the means of diperlukan pada tiap tingkat keamanan & peralatan utk
ensuring that monitoring equipment will be able to perform menjamin agar peralatan monitoring dapat bekerja secara
continually, including consideration of the possible effects terus menerus, termasuk perhitungan atas efek karena
of weather conditions or of power disruptions. perubahan cuaca atau terhentinya tenaga penggerak
peralatan tersebut.
9.46 The ship's deck and access points to the ship should 9.46 Geladak kapal & titik akses ke kapal harus diterangi
be illuminated during hours of darkness and periods of low selama malam hari & cuaca gelap serta tingkat visibilitas
visibility while conducting ship/port interface activities or rendah selama kegiatan kapal di pelabuhan atau kegiatan
at a port facility or anchorage when necessary. While lego jangkar apabila diperlukan. Saat dlm pelayaran kapal
underway, when necessary, ships should use the maximum harus menggunakan pencahayaan maksimum sesuai
lighting available consistent with safe navigation, having keperluan & konsisten dgn keselamatan berlayar, hal ini
regard to the provisions of the International Regulation for sesuai dgn Regulasi internasional utk Pencegahan Tabrakan
the Prevention of Collisions at Sea in force. The following di Laut yg berlaku saat ini. Hal berikut ini harus
should be considered when establishing the appropriate diperhitungkan saat menetapkan tingkat & lokasi
level and location of lighting: pencahayaan :
.1 the ship’s personnel should be able to detect .1 awak kapal harus mampu mendeteksi aktivitas
activities beyond the ship, on both the shore side and di luar kapal, pada kedua sisi di daratan & perairan;
the waterside; .2 cakupan pencahayaan harus meliputi daerah di kapal
.2 coverage should include the area on and around the maupun seluruh sekitar bagian kapal;
ship; .3 cakupan pencahayaan harus memudahkan
.3 coverage should facilitate personnel identification at pengidentifikasian personil pada titik akses; &
access points; and .4 cakupan pencahayaan mungkin bisa dipenuhi dgn
.4 coverage may be provided through coordination with bekerja sama pihak fasilitas pelabuhan.
the port facility.
9.48 Additional lighting may be necessary to protect 9.48 Pencahayaan tambahan mungkin perlu utk
against a heightened risk of a security incidents. When melindungi dari suatu insiden Keamanan yg meningkat.
necessary, the additional lighting requirements may be Apabila diperlukan kebutuhan pencahayaan tambahan
accomplished by coordinating with the port facility to dapat berkoordinasi dengan pihak fasilitas pelabuhan utk
provide additional shore side lighting. penyediaan pencahayaan tambahan di wilayah daratan.
Activities not covered by the Code Aktivitas yg tidak tercakup oleh Koda ini
9.51 The SSP should establish details of the procedures 9.51 SSP harus menetapkan detail prosedur & tindakan
and security measures the ship should apply when: keamanan yg harus diterapkan oleh kapal ketika :
.1 it is at a port of a State which is not a CG; .1 Kapal berada di pelabuhan negara bukan penanda-
.2 it is interfacing with a ship to which this Code does tangan
not apply; .2 Kapal melakukan kegiatan dgn kapal lain yg tidak
.3 it is interfacing with fixed or floating platforms or a terkena Koda ini;
mobile drilling unit on location; or .3 Kapal melakukan kegiatan dgn bangunan mengapung
atau bangunan tetap atau unit instalasi pengeboran
.4 it is interfacing with a port or port facility which is bergerak di lokasi; atau
not required to comply with chapter XI-2 and part A .4 Kapal melakukan kegiatan dgn pelabuhan yg tidak
of this Code. terkena aturan bab XI-2 & bagian A dari Koda ini.
General Umum
10.1 Records should be available to duly authorized 10.1 Pencatatan harus disediakan utk petugas yg
officers of CGs to verify that the provisions of SSP are berwenang dari CG dalam memverifikasi penerapan
being implemented. ketentuan SSP.
10.2 Records may be kept in any format but should be 10.2 Pencatatan dapat disimpan dlm berbagai format
protect from unauthorized access or disclosure. namun aksesnya harus dirahasiakan dari orang yg tidak
Training Pelatihan
13.1 The CSO and appropriate shore based Company 13.1 CSO & petugas Perusahaan di darat terkait serta SSO
personnel, and the SSO, should have knowledge of, and harus mempunyai pengetahuan & mendapatkan pelatihan
receive training, in some or all of the following, as beberapa atau keseluruhan item utk hal sebagai berikut :
appropriate: .1 administrasi keamanan;
.1 security administration; .2 konvensi, koda & rekomendasi international yg
.2 relevant international conventions, codes and relevan
recommendations; .3 peraturan & regulasi Pemerintah yg relevan;
13.2 In addition the SSO should have adequate knowledge 13.2 Sebagai tambahan SSO harus juga mempunyai
of, and receive training, in some or all of the following, as pengetahuan yg memadai & mendapatkan pelatihan yg
appropriate: diperlukan dlm beberapa hal sebagai berikuti:
.1 the layout of the ship; .1 lay out kapal,
.2 the SSP and related procedures (including scenario- .2 SSP & prosedur terkait ( termasuk pelatihan yg
based training on how to respond); berdasarkan skenario tentang cara penangganan);
.3 crowd management and control techniques; .3 manajemen menghadapi kerusuhan & teknik
.4 operations of security equipment and systems; and pengendaliannya;
.5 testing, calibration and whilst at sea maintenance of .4 pengoperasian sistem & peralatan keamanan; &
security equipment and systems. .5 pengujian, kalibrasi & pemeliharaan sistem &
peralatan keamanan di laut
13.3 Shipboard personnel having specific security duties 13.3 Awak kapal dgn tugas keamanan yg khusus harus
should have sufficient knowledge and ability to perform memiliki pengetahuan & kemampuan utk melaksanakan
their assigned duties, including, as appropriate: tugas yg dibebankan meliputi :
.1 knowledge of current security threats and patterns; .1 pengetahuan tentang pola & ancaman keamanan saat
.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous ini;
substances and devices; .2 pengenalan & pendeteksian persenjataan, bahan
.3 recognition of characteristics and behavioral patterns berbahaya & alat berbahaya;
of persons who are likely to threaten security; .3 pengetahuan karakteristik & pola tingkah laku
.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures; manusia yg cenderung membahayakan keamanan;
.5 crowd management and control techniques; .4 teknik utk menghindari tindakan Keamanan;
.6 security related communications; .5 manajemen menghadapi kerusuhan&
.7 knowledge of the emergency procedures and pengendaliannya;
contingency plans; .6 komunikasi keamanan;
.8 operations of security equipment and systems; .7 pengetahuan prosedur darurat & rencana keadaan
.9 testing, calibration and whilst at sea maintenance of darurat;
security equipment and systems, .8 pengoperasian peralatan & sistem keamanan;
.10 inspection, control, and monitoring techniques; and .9 pengujian, kalibrasi & pemeliharaam peralatan &
.11 methods of physical searches of persons, personal sistem keamanan di laut
effects, baggage, cargo, and ship’s stores. .10 teknik pemeriksaan, pengawasan & pemantauan; &
.11 metoda penggeledahan phisik thd manusia, barang
pribadi, bagasi, muatan & perbekalan kapal.
13.6 To ensure the effective implementation of the 13.6 Untuk menjamin efektifitas implementasi ketentuan
provisions of the SSP, drills should be conducted at least SSP, latihan harus dilakasanakan setidaknya satu kali
once every three months. In addition, in cases where more per-tiga bulan. Disamping itu, apabila 25 % awak kapal
than 25 percent of the ship’s personnel has been changed, diganti sekaligus oleh awak kapal yg belum pernah berlatih
at any one time, with personnel that has not previously pada kapal tersebut tiga bulam terakhir maka pelatihan
participated in any drill on that ship, within the last 3 harus diberikan minimum satu minggu setelah pergantian
months, a drill should be conducted within one week of the awak kapal. Latihan ini harus menguji setiap elemen dari
change. These drills should test individual elements of the SSP tersebut sebagaimana ancaman keamanan yg
plan such as those security threats listed in paragraph 8.9. ditunjukkan pada butir 8.9.
13.7 Various types of exercises which may include 13.7 Berbagai jenis latihan gabungan yg diikuti oleh
participation of CSO, PFSO, relevant authorities of CGs as CSO, PFSO, pihak berwenang dari CG & juga SSO harus
well as CSO, if available, should be carried out at least dilaksanakan sedikitnya setahun sekali dengan jangka
once each calendar year with no more than 18 months waktu antara satu & latihan lain tidak melebihi 18 bulan
between the exercises. These exercises should test Latihan ini harus menguji komunikasi, koordinasi,
communications, coordination, resource availability, and ketersediaan sumber daya, & cara penanggulangan. Latihan
response. These exercises may be: ini dapat berupa:
.1 full scale or live; .1 secara keseluruhan atau latihan sesungguhnya;
.2 tabletop simulation or seminar; or .2 simulasi atau seminar; atau
.3 combined with other exercises held such as search .3 digabungkan dgn uji coba pelatihan lain sebagai
and rescue or emergency response exercises. pelatihan uji coba SAR atau penanganan keadaan
13.8 Company participation in an exercise with another 13.8 Keikutsertaan Perusahaan dalam latihan uji coba dgn
CG should be recognized by the Administration. CG lain harus dgn sepengetahuan pihak Administrasi
General Umum
15.1 The Port Facility Security Assessment (PFSA) may 15.1 Penilaian Keamanan Fasilitas Pelabuhan (PFSA)
be conducted by a Recognized Security Organization dapat dilakukan oleh suatu Organisasi Keamanan yg diakui.
(RSO). However, approval of a completed PFSA should Namun, persetujuan PFSA harus dilakukan oleh CG terkait.
only be given by the relevant CG.
15.2 Jika CG menggunakan Organisasi Keamanan yg
15.2 If a CG uses a RSO, to review or verify compliance diakui utk meninjau ulang atau memverifikasi pemenuhan
of the PFSA, the RSO should not be associated with any PFSA, RSO tersebut tidak terlibat dgn RSO yg
other RSO that prepared or assisted in the preparation of mempersiapkan & membantu penyiapan penilaian tersebut
that assessment.
15.4 Those involved in a PFSA should be able to draw 15.4 Pihak yg terlibat dlm PFSA harus dapat
upon expert assistance in relation to: memanfaatkan bantuan ahli utk:
.1 knowledge of current security threats and patterns; .1 pengetahuan ancaman & pola keamanan saat ini;
.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous .2 pengenalan & pendeteksian senjata, alat & unsur
substances and devices; berbahaya;
.3 recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of .3 pengetahuan tentang karakteristik & pola tingkah
characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons laku orang yg cenderung membahayakan keamanan;
who are likely to threaten security; .4 teknik yg digunakan menghindari tindakan
.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures; keamanan.
.5 methods used to cause a security incident; .5 metoda yg dipakai utk mengatasi insiden keamanan;
.6 effects of explosives on structures and port facility .6 efek bahan ledak pada bangunan & pelayanan
services; fasilitas pelabuhan
.7 port facility security; .7 keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan
.8 port business practices; .8 praktek bisnis pelabuhan
.9 contingency planning, emergency preparedness and .9 rancangan penanganan keadaan darurat, kesiapan &
response; penanganan keadaan darurat
.10 physical security measures e.g. fences; .10 tindakan keamanan fisik, seperti pemasangan pagar;
.11 radio and telecommunications systems, including .11 sistem radio & telekomunikasi, mencakup sistem &
computer systems and networks; jaringan komputer;
.12 transport and civil engineering; and .12 transportasi & teknik sipil; &
.13 ship and port operations. .13 kegiatan operasi kapal & pelabuhan
Identification and evaluation of important assets and Identifikasi & Evaluasi infrastruktur & asset penting yg
infrastructure it is important to protect perlu dilindungi
15.5 The identification and evaluation of important assets 15.5 Identifikasi & evaluasi asset & infrastruktur yg
and infrastructure is a process through which the relative penting merupakan proses tentang infrastruktur & asset yg
importance of structures and installations to the functioning perlu dilinclungi adalah suatu proses, guna menetapkan
of the port facility can be established. This identification kepentingan relatif & bangunan instalasi thd berfungsinya
and evaluation process is important because it provides a fasilitas pelabuhan Kegiatan ini penting karena
basis for focusing mitigation strategies on those assets and memberikan dasar strategi penanggulangan perlindungan
structures which it is more important to protect from a asset & bangunan akibat insiden keamanan. Proses ini
security incident. This process should take into account harus memperhitungkan adanya potensi hilangnya nyawa
potential loss of life, the economic significance of the port, kepentingan ekonomis pelabuhan, nilai simbolik, & adanya
symbolic value, and the presence of Government instalasi milik Pemerintah.
15.6 Identification and evaluation of assets and 15.6 Identifikasi & evaluasi asset & infrastruktur harus
infrastructure should be used to prioritize their relative digunakan utk menentukan prioritas kepentingan
importance for protection. The primary concern should be perlindungan masalah utama yg dihindari adalah kematian
avoidance of death or injury. It is also important to consider atau luka-luka. Hal lain yg perlu dipertimbangkan adalah
whether the port facility, structure or installation can kelanjutan berfungsinya fasilitas pelabuhan bangunan atau
continue to function without the asset, and the extent to instalasi tanpa adanya asset & jangka waktu
which rapid re-establishment of normal functioning is pembangunannya kembali sehingga bisa berfungsi
possible. sebagaimana mestinya.
15.7 Assets and infrastructure that should be considered 15.7 Asset & Infrastruktur yg penting utk dilindungi
important to protect may include: meliputi:
.1 accesses, entrances, approaches, and anchorages, .1 akses pintu masuk, gerbang masuk, daerah alur
maneuvering and berthing areas; masuk & lego jangkar, daerah manuver kapal &
15.8 The clear identification of assets and infrastructure is 15.8 Identifikasi yg jelas thd suatu infrastruktur sangat
essential to the evaluation of the port facility’s security penting bagi evaluasi persyaratan keamanan fasilitas
requirements, the prioritization of protective measures, and pelabuhan, prioritas tindakan pencegahan & keputusan
decisions concerning the allocation of resources to better pengalokasian sumber daya utk lebih melindungi fasilitas
protect the port facility. The process may involve pelabuhan. Proses ini dapat melibatkan suatu konsultasi
consultation with the relevant authorities relating to dgn pihak berwenang yg terkait, karena bangunan yg dekat
structures adjacent to the port facility which could cause dgn fasilitas pelabuhan & dapat menyebabkan kerusakan
damage within the facility or be used for the purpose of atau dapat digunakan merusak fasilitas pelabuhan atau
causing damage to the facility or for illicit observation of mengaburkan hasil observasi atau utk mengalihkan
the facility or for diverting attention. perhatian.
Identification of the possible threats to the assets and Identifikasi kemungkinan ancaman thd asset &
infrastructure and the likelihood of their occurrence, in infrastruktur & kecenderungannya guna menetapkan
order to establish and prioritize security measures & menentukan prioritas tindakan keamanan
15.9 Possible acts that could threaten the security of assets 15.9 Tindakan yg mungkin mengancam keamanan asset
and infrastructure, and the methods of carrying out those & infrastruktur serta metode yg digunakan harus
acts, should be identified to evaluate the vulnerability of a diidentifikasi untuk evaluasi kelemahan asset atau lokasi
given asset or location to a security incident, and to insiden keamanan, serta utk menetapkan prioritas
establish and prioritize security requirements to enable persyaratan keamanan utk memungkinkan perencanaan dan
planning and resource allocations. pengalokasian sumber daya.
Identification and evaluation of each potential act and its Identifikasi & evaluasi setiap tindakan yg berpotensi serta
method should be based on various factors, including threat metodenya harus didasarkan berbagai faktor termasuk
assessments by Government agencies. By identifying and penilaian ancaman oleh badan pemerintah. Dgn
assessing threats those conducting the assessment do not mengidentifikasi & menilai ancaman maka pihak yg
have to rely on worst-case scenarios to guide planning and melaksanakan penilaian tidak melakukan kesalahan
resource allocations. skenario dlm membuat rencana & pengalokasian sumber
15.10 The PFSA should include an assessment undertaken 15.10 PFSA harus meliputi penilaian yg dilaksanakan dgn
in consultation with the relevant national security berkonsultasi organisasi keamanan nasional yg terkait utk
organizations to determine: menentukan:
.1 any particular aspects of the port facility, including .1 aspek penting fasilitas pelabuhan, termasuk lalu
the vessel traffic using the facility, which make it lintas kapal yg menggunakan fasilitas pelabuhan yg
likely to be the target of an attack; dapat menjadi target penyerangan.
.2 the likely consequences in terms of loss of life, .2 kecenderungan konsekuensi hilangnya nyawa,
damage to property, economic disruption, including kerugian harta benda, gangguan perekonomian,
disruption to transport systems, of an attack on, or at, termasuk pengacauan sistem transportasi atas
the port facility; terjadinya penyerangan atau thd fasilitas pelabuhan;
.3 the capability and intent of those likely to mount .3 kapabilitas & tujuan dari unsur yg cenderung utk
such an attack; and mempertinggi serangan tersebut; &
.4 the possible type, or types, of attack. .4 bentuk atau jenis serangan yg mungkin terjadi
producing an overall assessment of the level of risk against menghasilkan penilaian secara keseluruhan tentang tingkat
which security measures have to be developed. resiko yg harus diatasi dengan tindakan keamanan.
15.11 The PFSA should consider all possible threats, 15.11 PFSA harus memperhitungkan semua ancaman yg
which may include the following types of security mungkin timbul meliputi bentuk insiden keamanan berikut:
15.12 The process should involve consultation with the 15.12 Proses ini harus melibatkan konsultasi dgn pihak
relevant authorities relating to structures adjacent to the berwenang terkait sehubungan dgn adanya bangunan di
port facility which could cause damage within the facility sekitar fasilitas pelabuhan yg dapat merusak fasilitas
or be used for the purpose of causing damage to the facility tersebut atau digunakan utk menyebabkan kerusakan thd
or for illicit observation of the facility or for diverting fasilitas atau utk mengaburkan observasi thd fasilitas atau
attention. utk mengalihkan perhatian.
Identification, selection, and prioritization of Identifikasi, pemillihan, & prioritisasi penanganan &
countermeasures and procedural changes and their perubahan prosedur serta tingkat efektivitas dlm
level of effectiveness in reducing vulnerability mengurangi sifat rentan thd serangan.
15.13 The identification and prioritization of 15.13 Identifikasi & penetapan prioritas penanganan
countermeasures is designed to ensure that the most keamanan dirancang agar tindakan keamanan yg diambil
effective security measures are employed to reduce the adalah tindakan yg efektif yg dapat mengurangi kerentanan
vulnerability of a port facility or ship/port interface to the thd serangan pada fasilitas pelabuhan atau interaksi
possible threats. kapal/pelabuhan thd ancaman yg mungkin timbul
15.14 Security measures should be selected on the basis of 15.14 Tindakan keamanan harus dipilih berdasarkan faktor
factors such as whether they reduce the probability of an seperti apakah efektif utk mengurangi kemungkinan suatu
attack and should be evaluated using information that serangan & harus dievaluasi menggunakan informasi yg
includes: meliputi:
.1 security surveys, inspections and audits; .1 survey, inspeksi & audit keamanan
.2 consultation with port facility owners and operators, .2 konsultansi dengan pemilik & operator fasilitas
and owners/operators of adjacent structures if pelabuhan dan pemilik/operator instalasi di sekitar
appropriate; pelabuhan, jika perlu
.3 historical information on security incidents; and .3 informasi historis tentang insiden keamanan; &
.4 operations within the port facility. .4 operasional dlm fasilitas pelabuhan.
15.16 Identification of vulnerabilities should include 15.16 Identifikasi sifat rentan serangan harus
consideration of: mempertimbangkan hal berikut:
.1 waterside and shore-side access to the port facility .1 akses di perairan & daratan menuju fasilitas
and ships berthing at the facility; pelabuhan & dermaga kapal di pelabuhan.;
.2 structural integrity of the piers, facilities, and .2 kesatuan struktur dari dermaga, fasilitas & bangunan
General Umum
16.1 Preparation of the Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP) 16.1 Persiapan Rancangan Keamanan Fasilitas Pelabuhan
is the responsibility of the PFSO. While the PFSO need not (PFSP) adalah tanggung jawab PFSO Meskipun PFSO
necessarily personally undertake all the duties associated tidak perlu secara pribadi melakukan semua tugas yg terkait
with the post the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that dgn jabatannya, tanggung jawab terakhir utk memastikan
they are properly performed remains with the individual bahwa PFSP dijalankan dgn baik melekat pada PFSO ybs.
16.2 The content of each individual PFSP should vary 16.2 Isi setiap PFSP harus berbeda tergantung dari
depending on the particular circumstances of the port keadaan fasilitas pelabuhan, atau fasilitas yg meliputinya.
facility, or facilities, it covers. The Port Facility Security Penilaian Keamanan Fasilitas Pelabuhan (PFSA) akan
(PFSA) will have identified the particular features of the mengidentifikasi kondisi tertentu dari fasilitas pelabuhan
port facility, and of the potential security risks, that have & potensi resiko keamanannya, yg diperlukan utk
led to the need to appoint a PFSO and to prepare a PFSP. menugaskan seorang PFSO & mempersiapkan suatu PFSP.
The preparation of the PFSP will require these features, and Persiapan PFSP akan memerlukan kondisi ini &
other local or national security considerations, to be pertimbangan keamanan dari pihak lokal atau nasional
addressed in the PFSP and for appropriate security lainnya, menjadi masukan dlm PFSP & tindakan
measures to be established so as to minimize the likelihood keamanan yg ditetapkan dalam meminimalkan
of a breach of security and the consequences of potential kecenderungan suatu pelanggaran keamanan &
risks. CGs may prepare advice on the preparation and konsekwensi resiko potensialnya. CG dapat memberikan
content of a PFSP. saran dalam persiapan & isi PFSP.
16.4 Preparation of an effective PFSP will rest on a 16.4 Persiapan PFSP yg efektif berdasarkan pada
thorough assessment of all issues that relate to the security penilaian dari semua hal yg terkait dengan keamanan
of the port facility, including, in particular, a thorough fasilitas pelabuhan, termasuk, pengetahuan menyeluruh
appreciation of the physical and operational characteristics tentang karakteristik phisik & operasional setiap fasilitas
of the individual port facility. pelabuhan.
16.5 CG should approve the PFSPs of the port facilities 16.5 CG harus menyetujui PFSP fasilitas pelabuhan sesuai
under their jurisdiction. CGs should develop procedures to dgn yurisdiski mereka. CG harus menyusun prosedur utk
assess the continuing effectiveness of each PFSP and may menilai kelanjutan efektivitas dari tiap PFSP &
require amendment of the PFSP prior to its initial approval mensyaratkan amandemen PFSP sebelum persetujuan
or subsequent to its approval. The PFSP should make awal-nya atau persetujuan yg berikutnya. PFSP harus
provision for the retention of records of security incidents membuat koda utk pencatatan data insiden keamanan &
and threats, reviews, audits, training, drills and exercises as ancaman, peninjauan ulang audit, pelatihan, latihan & uji
evidence of compliance with those requirements. coba sebagai bukti pemenuhan persyaratan itu.
16.6 The security measures included in the PFSP should 16.6 Tindakan keamanan yg tercakup di PFSP harus
be in place within a reasonable period of the PFSP’s berada di tempat dalam suatu periode persetujuan PFSP yg
approval and the PFSP should establish when each measure layak & PFSP harus menetapkan kapan setiap tindakan
will be in place. If there is likely to be any delay in their berada pada tempatnya. Jika nampaknya akan ada
provision this should be discussed with the CG responsible keterlambatan penetapan maka harus dibahas dgn CG yg
for approval of the PFSP and satisfactory alternative bertanggung jawab menyetujui PFSP & memenuhi
temporary security measures that provide an equivalent alternatif tindakan keamanan temporer yg mengatur suatu
level of security should be agreed to cover any interim padanan tingkat keamanan harus disetujui utk meng-cover
period. sementara waktu.
16.7 The use of firearms on or near ships and in port 16.7 Penggunaan senjata api di atas atau dekat kapal & di
facilities may pose particular and significant safety risks, in dlm pelabuhan dapat menyebabkan resiko keselamatan yg
particular in connection with certain dangerous or signifikan, khususnya dalam kaitan dgn bahan/barang
hazardous substances and should be considered very berbahaya harus dipertimbangkan sangat hati-hati.
carefully. In the event that a CG decides that it is necessary Seandainya suatu CG memutuskan, bahwa diharuskan utk
to use armed personnel in these areas, that CG should menggunakan personil bersenjata di dlm daerah ini, negara
ensure that these personnel are duly authorized and trained tersebut harus memastikan bahwa personil tersebut diberi
in the use of their weapons and that they are aware of the hak & terlatih dlm penggunaan senjata mereka & bahwa
specific risks to safety that are present in these areas. If a mereka menyadari resiko thd keselamatan yg muncul di
CG authorizes the use of firearms they should issue specific dlm daerah ini. Jika CG memberi hak penggunaan senjata
safety guidelines on their use. The PFSP should contain api, mereka harus mengeluarkan petunjuk keselamatan
specific guidance on this matter in particular with regard its spesifik tentang penggunaan senjata itu. PFSP harus berisi
application to ships carrying dangerous goods or hazardous tindakan spesifik masalah ini, khususnya aplikasinya di
substances. kapal yg membawa barang atau zat berbahaya.
Organization and Performance of Port Facility Security Organisasi & kinerja tugas keamanan fasilitas
Duties pelabuhan
16.8 In addition to the guidance given under section 16.3, 16.8 Sebagai tambahan thd tindakan yg disampaikan pada
the PFSP should establish the following which relate to all bagian 16.3, PFSP harus menetapkan hal berikut yg terkait
security levels: dgn semua tingkat keamanan:
.1 the role and structure of the port facility security .1 peran & struktur organisasi keamanan fasilitas
Organisation; pelabuhan;
.2 the duties, responsibilities and training requirements .2 tugas, tanggung-jawab & persyaratan pelatihan bagi
of all port facility personnel with a security role and semua personil fasilitas pelabuhan dgn peran
the performance measures needed to allow their keamanan & kinerja yg diperlukan utk penilaian
individual effectiveness to be assessed; efektifitas kinerja setiap individu.
.3 the port facility security organization’s links with .3 hubungan organisasi keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan
other national or local authorities with security dgn otoritas nasional atau lokal lain yg memiliki
responsibilities; tanggung-jawab keamanan;
.4 the communication systems provided to allow .4 sistem komunikasi yg disediakan utk memenuhi
effective and continuous communication between kelangsungan komunikasi yg efektif antara personil
port facility security personnel, ships in port and, keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan, kapal di dalam
when appropriate, with national or local authorities pelabuhan &, bila perlu, otoritas nasional atau lokal
with security responsibilities; lain yg memiliki tanggung jawab keamanan;
.5 the procedures or safeguards necessary to allow such .5 prosedur atau pengawasan yg diperlukan utk
16.9 The remainder of this section addresses specifically 16.9 Bagian akhir dari bagian ini menunjukkan secara
the security measures that could be taken at each security rinci tindakan keamanan yg dilakukan pada setiap tingkat
level covering: keamanan mencakup:
.1 Access to the Port Facility; .1 akses ke fasilitas pelabuhan;
.2 Restricted Areas within the Port Facility; .2 daerah terlarang di dlm fasilitas pelabuhan;
.3 Handling of Cargo; .3 penanganan muatan;
.4 Delivery of Ship’s Stores; .4 penyerahan perbekalan kapal;
.5 Handling Unaccompanied Baggage; and .5 penanganan bagasi &
.6 Monitoring the Security of the Port Facility. .6 monitoring keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan.
16.11 For each of these the PFSP should identify the 16.11 Utk setiap hal, PFSP wajib mengidentifikasi lokasi
appropriate locations where access restrictions or yg sesuai jika pembatasan atau larangan akses yg harus
prohibitions should be applied for each of the security diterapkan pada setiap tingkat keamanan. Utk setiap
levels. For each security level the PFSP should specify the tingkat keamanan, PFSP harus menetapkan jenis
type of restriction or prohibition to be applied and the pembatasan atau larangan yg diterapkan & cara utk
means of enforcing them. memberlakukannya.
16.12 The PFSP should establish for each security level 16.12 PFSP harus menetapkan setiap tingkat keamanan
the means of identification required to allow access to the peralatan identifikasi yg diperlukan utk mengijinkan akses
port facility and for individuals to remain within the port kepada fasilitas pelabuhan & utk individu yg tinggal di dlm
facility without challenge, this may involve developing an fasilitas pelabuhan tanpa rintangan, hal ini termasuk suatu
appropriate identification system allowing for permanent sistem identifikasi yg permanen bagi personil fasilitas
and temporary identifications, for port facility personnel pelabuhan & temporer utk pengunjung. Setiap sistem
and for visitors respectively. Any port facility identification identifikasi fasilitas pelabuhan harus dapat dilakukan &
system should, when it is practicable to do so, be dikoordinasikan dgn yg berlaku di kapal yg secara teratur
coordinated with that applying to ships that regularly use menggunakan fasilitas pelabuhan ini. Para penumpang
the port facility. Passengers should be able to prove their harus dapat membuktikan identitasnya dng kartu tanda pas
identity by boarding passes, tickets, etc., but should not be masuk, tiket dll., tetapi harus tidak diijinkan masuk daerah
permitted access to restricted areas unless supervised. The terlarang kecuali jika diawasi. PFSP harus menetapkan
PFSP should establish provisions to ensure that the ketentuan utk memastikan bahwa sistem identifikasi ini
identification systems are regularly updated, and that abuse secara teratur diperbaharui, & penyalahgunaan prosedur ini
16.13 Those unwilling or unable to establish their identity 16.13 Mereka yg menolak atau tidak mampu utk
and/or to confirm the purpose of their visit when requested menunjukkan identitasnya &/atau utk mengkonfirmasikan
to do so should be denied access to the port facility and tujuan kunjungannya ketika diminta, harus ditolak masuk
their attempt to obtain access should be reported to the ke fasilitas pelabuhan & kejadian ini harus dilaporkan
PFSO and to the national or local authorities with security kepada PFSO & otoritas nasional atau lokal yg
responsibilities. bertanggung-jawab masalah keamanan.
16.14 The PFSP should identify the locations where 16.14 PFSP harus mengidentifikasi lokasi dilakukannya
people, personal effects, and vehicle searches are to be pemeriksaan orang, barang pribadi & kendaraan. Lokasi
undertaken. Such locations should be covered to facilitate tersebut harus dijamin akan tetap berlangsung dlm segala
continuous operation regardless of prevailing weather kondisi cuaca, sesuai frekwensi di dlm PFSP. Setiap
conditions, in accordance with the frequency laid down in penggeledahan terhadap orang, barang pribadi & kendaraan
the PFSP. Once subjected to search people, personal effects harus langsung diproses di daerah terbatas, daerah
and vehicles should proceed directly to the restricted keberangkatan atau daerah muatan mobil.
holding, embarkation or car loading areas.
16.15 The PFSP should establish separate locations for 16.15 PFSP harus menetapkan lokasi terpisah utk orang yg
checked and unchecked persons and their effects and if sudah diperiksa & belum diperiksa dan barang bawaannya
possible separate areas for embarking/disembarking serta jika mungkin lokasi terpisah utk
passengers, ship’s personnel and their effects to ensure that embarkasi/disembarkasi penumpang, personil kapal &
unchecked persons are not able to come in contact with barang bawaannya utk memastikan bahwa orang belum
checked persons. diperiksa tidak dapat melakukan kontak dgn orang yg
sudah diperiksa.
16.16 The PFSP should establish the frequency of 16.16 PFSP harus menetapkan frekwensi tentang segala
application of any access controls particularly if they are to pengendalian akses terutama jika diterapkan secara acak,
be applied on a random, or occasional, basis. atau sekali-kali.
16.18 At security level 1, all those seeking access to the 16.18 Pada tingkat keamanan 1, semua orang yg ingin
port facility should be liable to search. The frequency of masuk pelabuhan harus periksa. Frekwensi pemeriksaan,
such searches, including random searches, should be termasuk pemeriksaan acak, harus ditetapkan di dlm PFSP
specified in the approved PFSP and should be specifically yg disetujui & harus secara rinci disetujui oleh CG. Kecuali
approved by the CG. Unless there are clear security jika ada alasan keamanan yang jelas utk melakukannya,
grounds for doing so, members of the ship’s personnel anggota personil kapal tidak diharuskan utk memeriksa
should not be required to search their colleagues or their para rekan kerja mereka atau barang pribadinya. Setiap
personal effects. Any such search shall be undertaken in a pemeriksaan harus dikerjakan melalui suatu cara yg secara
Restricted Areas within the Port Facility Daerah terlarang di dlm fasilitas pelabuhan
16.21 The PFSP should identify the restricted areas to be 16.21 PFSP harus mengidentifikasi daerah terlarang yg
established within the port facility, specify their extent, ditetapkan di dalam fasilitas pelabuhan, menetapkan
times of application, the security measures to be taken to luasnya, waktu penerapan, tindakan keamanan yg
control access to them and those to be taken to control dilakukan utk mengendalikan aksesnya & hal yg harus
activities within them. This should also include, in dilakukan utk mengendalikan aktivitas di dlmnya. Hal ini
appropriate circumstances, measures to ensure that harus meliputi tindakan utk memastikan bahwa daerah
temporary restricted areas are security swept both before terbatas sementara adalah aman, bersoh sebelum dan
and after that area is established. The purpose of restricted sesudah daerah tersebut ditetapkan. Tujuan daerah terbatas
areas is to: adalah utk:
.1 protect passengers, ship’s personnel, port facility .1 melindungi penumpang, personil kapal, personil
personnel and visitors, including those visiting in fasilitas pelabuhan & pengunjung, termasuk mereka
connection with a ship; yg berkunjung terkait dgn kapal;
.2 protect the port facility; .2 melindungi fasilitas pelabuhan ini;
.3 protect ships using, and serving, the port facility; .3 melindungi kapal yg menggunakan & melayani
.4 protect sensitive security locations and areas within fasilitas pelabuhan;
the port facility, .4 melindungi lokasi yg sensitip di dlm pelabuhan;
.5 to protect security and surveillance equipment and .5 melindungi sistem & peralatan keamanan; &
systems; and .6 melindungi muatan & perbekalan kapal dari
.6 protect cargo and ship’s stores from tampering. pengrusakan.
16.23 The PFSP should provide that all restricted areas 16.23 PFSP harus mengatur bahwa semua daerah terlarang
should be clearly marked indicating that access to the area harus ditandai dgn jelas yg menunjukkan bahwa akses ke
is restricted and that unauthorized presence within the area daerah terlarang & kehadiran yg tidak resmi di dalam
constitutes a breach of security. daerah itu merupakan suatu pelanggaran.
16.24 When automatic intrusion detection devices are 16.24 Jika alat pendeteksi gangguan otomatis dipasang, alat
installed they should alert a control center which can tersebut harus memberi sinyal ke pusat kendali yg dapat
respond to the triggering of an alarm. bereaksi membunyikan alarm.
16.26 The security measures may extend, with the 16.26 Tindakan keamanan dapat diperluas, dgn persetujuan
agreement of the relevant authorities, to restrictions on otoritas yg relevan, sampai ke pembatasan pada akses yang
unauthorized access to structures from which the port tidak berwenang ke bangunan yg dapat mengamati kegiatan
facility can be observed. dalam fasilitas pelabuhan.
16.31 The security measures should include inventory 16.31 Tindakan keamanan harus meliputi prosedur kendali
control procedures at access points to the port facility. Once penyimpanan pada titik akses menuju ke fasilitas
within the port facility cargo should be capable of being pelabuhan. Sekali ketika di dlm fasilitas pelabuhan, muatan
identified as having been checked and accepted for loading harus dapat diidentifikasi bahwa telah dicek & diterima utk
onto a ship or for temporary storage in a restricted area dimuat ke kapal atau utk penyimpanan sementara di dlm
while awaiting loading. It may be appropriate to restrict the daerah terbatas selagi menunggu pemuatan. Dapat pula
entry of cargo to the port facility that does not have a dilakukan pelarangan masuknya muatan ke pelabuhan yg
confirmed date for loading. belum mempunyai tanggal yg ditetapkan utk dimuat.
16.33 Checking of cargo may be accomplished by some or 16.33 Pemeriksaan muatan dapat terpenuhi dgn beberapa
all of the following means: atau semua cara yg berikut:
.1 visual and physical examination; and .1 pengujian visual & phisik; &
.2 using scanning/detection equipment, mechanical .2 menggunakan scanning/peralatan deteksi, alat
devices, or dogs. mekanis, atau anjing.
16.34 When there are regular, or repeated, cargo 16.34 Ketika terdapat pergerakan muatan yg regular, atau
movement the CSO or the SSO may, in consultation with diulangi, CSO atau SSO dapat, setelah berkonsultasi dgn
the port facility, agree arrangements with shippers or others fasilitas pelabuhan, menyetujui pengaturan dgn pengirim
responsible for such cargo covering off-site checking, atau pihak lain yg bertanggung jawab thd muatan tersebut
sealing, scheduling, supporting documentation, etc. Such yg mencakup pengecekan off-site, penyegelan,
arrangements should be communicated to and agreed with penjadwalan, dukungan dokumentasi, & lain lain. Peraturan
the PFSO concern. tersebut harus dikomunikasikan ke & disetuju oleh PFSO
16.36 Detailed checking of cargo may be accomplished by 16.36 Pemeriksaan muatan yg terperinci dapat dipenuhi
some or all of the following means: dgn beberapa atau semua cara yg berikut:
.1 increasing the frequency and detail of checking of .1 meningkatkan frekwensi & merinci pengecekan
cargo, cargo transport units and cargo storage areas muatan, unit pengangkut muatan & kawasan
within the port facility (visual and physical penumpukan barang muatan di dlm fasilitas
examination); pelabuhan (pengujian visual & phisik);
.2 increasing the frequency of the use of .2 meningkatkan frekwensi penggunaan scan
scanning/detection equipment, mechanical devices, ning/peralatan deteksi, alat mekanis, atau anjing &
or dogs; and 3. mengkoordinir peningkatan tindakan Keamanan
.3 coordinating enhanced security measures with the dgn pengirim atau pihak lain yg bertanggung jawab
shipper or other responsible party in addition to an sebagai tambahan utk menetapkan suatu persetujuan
established agreement and procedures. & prosedur.
16.39 For ships regularly using the port facility it may be 16.39 Bagi kapal yg secara reguler menggunakan fasilitas
appropriate to establish procedures involving the ship, its pelabuhan lebih baik menetapkan prosedur meliputi kapal,
suppliers and the port facility covering notification and penyalumya & fasilitas pelabuhan yg mencakup
timing of deliveries and their documentation. There should pemberitahuan & waktu penyerahan & dokumentasi
always be some way of confirming that stores presented for perbekalan. Pasti ada beberapa cara untuk menetapkan
delivery are accompanied by evidence that they have been bahwa perbekalan yg akan diserahkan disertai dgn bukti
ordered by the ship. bahwa perbekalan telah dipesan oleh kapal tersebut.
16.41 Checking of ship’s stores may be accomplished by 16.41 Pemeriksaan perbekalan kapal dapat dilakukan
some or all of the following means: melalui beberapa atau semua cara yg berikut:
.1 visual and physical examination; and .1 pengujian visual & phisik; &
.2 using scanning/detection equipment, mechanical .2 menggunakan scanning/peralatan deteksi, alat
devices or dogs. mekanis atau anjing.
16.43 Detailed checking of ship’s stores may be 16.43 Pemeriksaan yg rinci tentang perbekalan kapal dapat
accomplished by some or all of the following means: di lakukan melalui beberapa atau semua cara berikut:
.1 increasing the frequency and detail of searches of .1 meningkatkan frekwensi pemeriksaan secara detail
delivery vehicles; thd kendaraan angkut;
.2 increasing the use of scanning/detection equipment, .2 meningkatkan penggunaan scanning/peralatan
mechanical devices, or dogs; and deteksi, alat mekanis, atau anjing; &
.3 restricting, or prohibiting, entry of stores that will not .3 pembatasan, atau pelarangan, masuknya perbekalan
It is not envisaged that such baggage will be subjected to Tidak disarankan bahwa bagasi disaring baik oleh fasilitas
screening by both the port facility and the ship, and in cases pelabuhan maupun kapal, & dlm keadaan dimana
where both are suitably equipped, the responsibility for kedua-duanya dilengkapi peralatan yg sesuai, tanggung
screening should rest with the port facility. Close co- jawab utk menyaring harus terletak di tangan fasilitas
operation with the ship is essential and steps should be pelabuhan. Kerjasama erat dgn kapal adalah penting &
taken to ensure that unaccompanied baggage is handled tindakan harus dilakukan utk memastikan bahwa bagasi
securely after screening. ditangani dgn aman setelah screening.
16.50 When used, automatic intrusion detection devices 16.50 Ketika digunakan alat pendeteksian gangguan harus
should activate an audible and/or visual alarm at a location dapat mengaktipkan suatu alarm visual dan/atau dapat
that is continuously attended or monitored. didengar dari suatu tempat yg secara terus-menerus dijaga
atau dimonitor.
16.51 The PFSP should establish the procedures and 16.51 PFSP harus menetapkan prosedur & peralatan yg
equipment needed at each security level and the means of diperlukan pada setiap tingkat keamanan & cara
ensuring that monitoring equipment will be able to perform memastikan bahwa peralatan monotoring mampu
continually, including consideration of the possible effects melaksanakan secara terus menerus, kemungkinan akibat
of weather or of power disruptions. gangguan cuaca atau gangguan daya listrik
Activities not covered by the Code Aktivitas yg tidak tercakup oleh koda ini
16.56 The PFSP should establish details of the procedures 16.56 PFSP harus menetapkan prosedur rinci & tindakan
and security measures the port facility should apply when: keamanan yg berlaku bagi fasilitas pelabuhan ketika:
.1 it is interfacing with a ship which has been at a port .1 sedang disinggahi kapal yg berasal dari pelabuhan
of a State which not a CG; yg bukan anggota CG
.2 it is interfacing with a ship to which this Code does .2 sedang disinggahi kapal yg tidak termasuk dlm koda
not apply; and ini; &
.3 it is interfacing with fixed or floating platforms or .3 sedang disinggahi platform tetap atau terapung
mobile offshore drilling units on location. atau unit bergerak pengeboran lepas pantai di lokasi
16.59 The PFSP should be reviewed at the discretion of the 16.59 PFSP harus ditinjau atas keputusan PFSO. Sebagai
PFSO. In addition it should be reviewed: tambahan PFSP harus ditinjau:
.1 if the PFSA relating to the port facility is altered; .1 jika PFSA yg berkenaan dgn fasilitas pelabuhan ini
.2 if an independent audit of the PFSP or the CG’s diubah;
testing of the port facility security organization .2 jika suatu audit independen PFSP atau uji coba
identifies failings in the organization or questions the organisasi keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan oleh CG
continuing relevance of significant element of the mengidentifikasi kegagalan organisasi atau
approved PFSP; mempertanyakan kelanjutan elemen penting terkait
.3 following security incidents or threats thereof dari PFSP yg telah disetujui;
involving the port facility; and .3 menyesuaikan insiden keamanan atau ancaman
.4 following changes in ownership or operational keamanan yg thd fasilitas pelabuhan; &
control of the port facility. .4 menyesuaikan perubahan kepemilikan atau
operasional pengawasan fasilitas pelabuhan.
16.60 The PFSO can recommend appropriate amendments 16.60 PFSO dapat merekomendasikan amandemen thd
to the approved plan following any review of the plan. rancangan yg disetujui mengikuti setiap peninjauan ulang
Amendments to the PFSP relating to: PFSP Amandemen PFSP berkenaan dgn:
.1 proposed changes which could fundamentally alter .1 usulan perubahan yg dapat merubah dasar
the approach adopted to maintaining the security of pendekatan yg diadopsi utk memelihara keamanan
the port facility; and fasilitas pelabuhan; &
.2 the removal, alteration or replacement of permanent .2 penghapusan, perubahan atau penggantian
barriers, security and surveillance equipment and penghalang permanen, sistem & peralatan keamanan
systems etc., previously considered essential in & pengawasan dll., yg dianggap mendasar dlm
maintaining the security of the port facility; should memelihara keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan; harus
be submitted to the CG that approved the original disampaikan kepada CG yg menyetujui PFSP asli
PFSP for their consideration and approval. Such sebagai bahan pertimbangan & persetujuan mereka.
approval can be given by, or on behalf of, the CG Pengesahan tersebut dapat diberikan oleh, atas nama
with, or without, amendments to the proposed CG dengan atau tanpa amandemen thd perubahan yg
changes. On approval of the PFSP the CG should diusulkan. Pada saat persetujuan PFSP, CG harus
indicate which procedural or physical alterations menunjukkan perubahan prosedur atau phisik yg
have to be submitted to it for approval. mana yg harus disampaikan dlm rangka persetujuan.
At all stages steps should be taken to ensure that the Pada setiap tahap tindakan harus dilakukan utk memastikan
contents of the PFSP remains confidential. bahwa isi PFSP tetap rahasia.
16.63 The Statement of Compliance for Port Facility 16.63 Statemen Pemenuhan Fasilitas Pelabuhan harus di
should be in form set out in the appendix to this Part of the dlm format yg tertera dlm appendiks bagian B dari Koda
Code. If the language used is not Spanish, French or ini. Jika yg digunakan bukan bahasa Spanyol, Perancis atau
English, the CG, if it considers it appropriate may also Inggris, CG, jiks perlu, dapat mencantumkan terjemahan ke
include a translation into one of these languages. dlm salah satu bahasa tersebut.
General Umum
17.1 In those exceptional instances where the SSO has 17.1 Dlm suatu pengecualian jika SSO mempunyai
questions about the validity of credentials of those seeking pertanyaan tentang kebenaran dokumen identifikasi orang
to board the ship for official purposes, the PFSO should yg akan naik kapal sebagai petugas, PFSO harus
assist. membantu.
17.2 The PFSO should not be responsible for routine 17.2 PFSO tidak bertanggung jawab utk konfirmasi rutin
confirmation of the identity of those seeking to board the mengenai identitas orang yg akan menumpang kapal.
In addition relevant guidance is provided under sections 15, Sebagai tambahan petunjuk pelaksanaan yg relevan
16 and 18. disajikan pada bagian 15, 16 & 18.
Training Pelatihan
18.1 The PFSO should have knowledge and receive 18.1 PFSO harus memiliki pengetahuan & menerima
training, in some or all of the following, as appropriate: pelatihan, tentang beberapa hal atau semua hal berikut:
.1 security administration; .1 administrasi keamanan;
.2 relevant international conventions, codes and .2 konvensi Internasional, koda & rekomendasi yg
recommendations; relevan;
.3 relevant Government legislation and regulations; .3 peraturan & regulasi pemerintah yg relevan;
.4 responsibilities and functions of other security .4 tanggung-jawab & fungsi organisasi keamanan lain;
organisations; .5 metodologi PFSA;
.5 methodology of PFSA; .6 metoda survei & pemeriksaan keamanan kapal &
.6 methods of ship and port facility security surveys and pelabuhan;
inspections; .7 operasional & kondisi kapal & pelabuhan;
.7 ship and port operations and conditions; .8 tindakan keamanan kapal & fasilitas pelabuhan;
.8 ship and port facility security measures; .9 Rencana menghadapi keadaan darurat & respon thd
.9 emergency preparedness and response and keadaan darurat;
contingency planning; .10 teknik instruksi utk pelatihan & pendidikan
18.2 Port facility personnel having specific security duties 18.2 Personil fasilitas pelabuhan yg mempunyai tugas
should have knowledge and receive training, in some or all keamanan khusus harus memiliki pengetahuan & menerima
of the following, as appropriate: pelatihan, dlm beberapa atau semua hal berikut, yg sesuai:
.1 knowledge of current security threats and patterns; .1 pengetahuan ttg ancaman keamanan & polanya
.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous .2 pengenalan & pendeteksian senjata, alat & unsur
substances and devices; berbahaya;
.3 recognition of characteristics and behavioral patterns .3 pengenalan karakteristik & pola perilaku orang yg
of persons who are likely to threaten security; mungkin mengancam keamanan;
.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures; .4 teknik utk menghindari tindakan keamanan
.5 crowd management and control techniques; .5 manajemen & teknik pengendalian kerusuhan;
.6 security related communications; .6 komunikasi yg terkait dgn keamanan;
.7 operations of security equipment and systems; .7 operasi peralatan & sistem keamanan;
.8 testing, calibration and maintenance of security .8 pengujian, kalibrasi & pemeliharaan peralatan &
equipment and systems, sistem keamanan;
.9 inspection, control, and monitoring techniques; and .9 teknik pemeriksaan, pengawasan, & monitoring; &
.10 methods of physical searches of persons, personal .10 metoda penggeledahan phisik orang, barang pribadi,
effects, baggage, cargo, and ship’s stores. bagasi, muatan, & perbekalan kapal.
18.3 All other port facility personnel should have 18.3 Semua personil fasilitas pelabuhan yg lain harus
knowledge of and be familiar with relevant provisions of memiliki pengetahuan & menjadi terbiasa dgn ketentuan
the PFSP, in some or all of the following, as appropriate: PFSP yg relevan, dlm beberapa atau semua hal yg beriku:
.1 the meaning and the consequential requirements of .1 maksud & persyaratan sebagai akibat tingkat
the different security levels; keamanan yg berbeda
.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous .2 pengenalan & pendeteksiansenjata, alat & unsur
substances and devices; berbahaya;
.3 recognition of characteristics and behavioral patterns .3 pengenalan karakteristik & pola perilaku orang yg
of persons who are likely to threaten the security; mungkin mengancam keamanan; &
and .4 teknik yg digunakan utk menghindari tindakan
.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures. keamanan.
18.5 To ensure the effective implementation of the 18.5 Utk memastikan implementasi yg efektif mengenai
provisions of the PFSP, drills should be conducted at least ketentuan PFSP, latihan harus diselenggarakan sedikitnya
every three months unless the specific circumstances setiap tiga bulan kecuali jika keadaan khusus menentukan
dictate otherwise. These drills should test individual lain. Latihan ini harus menguji setiap elemen dlm
elements of the plan such as those security threats listed in rancangan seperti ancaman Keamanan yg tercantum dlm
18.6 Various types of exercises which may include 18.6 Berbagai jenis ujicoba yg meliputi keikutsertaan para
participation of PFSO, in conjunction with relevant PFSO, bersama dgn otoritas CG, Para CSO, atau para SSO,
authorities of CGs, CSO, or SSO, if available, should be jika tersedia, harus dilakukan sedikitnya sekali setahun &
carried out at least once each calendar year with no more tidak lebih dari 18 bulan setelah uji coba yg terakhir.
than 18 months between the exercises. Requests for the Permintaan utk keikutsertaan para CSO atau para SSO di
participation of CSO or ships security officers in joint dlm uji coba bersama harus dilakukan mengingat keamanan
exercise should be made bearing in mind the security and & pekerjaan yg berimplikasi pada kapal. Uji coba harus
work implications for the ship. These exercises should test menguji komunikasi, koordinasi, ketersediaan sumber daya
communication, coordination, resource availability and & respon. Uji coba mungkin dilakukan:
response. These exercises may be: .1 lengkap atau langsung;
.1 full scale or live; .2 simulasi di atas meja atau seminar; atau
.2 tabletop simulation or seminar; or .3 kombinasi dgn uji coba lain seperti respon thd
.3 combined with other exercises held such as keadaan darurat atau uji coba otoritas pelabuhan.
emergency response or other port State authority