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A structure collapsed and an investigation reveals that (d) has aided or abetted in the practice of
substandard measurements were a significant factor in architecture any person not duly authorized to

the failure. Who would be held liable for this incident practice architecture in the Philippines; or

and which section of the Implementing Rules and (e) has openly solicited projects by actually
Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 9266 addresses undertaking architectural services without a
this liability? Architect-of-Record, Section 3- valid service agreement guaranteeing
Definition of Terms compensation of services to be rendered and/or
has actually allowed himself/herself to be
exploited by undertaking architectural services
2. A group of newly licensed architects and their friends
without a valid service agreement, both acts
wanted to put-up an architectural firm. How many
being prejudicial to other architects registered
percentage of the corporation should be owned by the
and licensed under R.A. No. 9266 and inimical
Architects? At least 75%
to the interests of the profession; or (f) has
violated any provision of R.A. No. 9266, its
3. Who is responsible for enforcing the IRR of RA 9266?
implementing rules and regulations, the Code
It shall be the primary duty of the Commission
of Ethical Conduct and Standards of
and the Board to effectively enforce the
Professional Practice.
provisions of R.A. No. 9266 and this “IRR of the
Architecture Act of 2004”. (Section 44.
6. What are the documents to be submitted in applying
Enforcement of the Act)
Section 13
4. How can a foreign citizen be allowed to take the (1) Certificate of Live Birth in National Statistics
Architect Licensure Examination? Through adhering Office (NSO) Security Paper
to the reciprocity requirements (Section 27) (2) Marriage Contract in NSO Security Paper for
married female applicants

5. What are the official grounds for the suspension or (3) College Diploma with indication therein of
date of graduation and Special Order
removal of the Certificate of Registration of an
Number unless it is not required
Section 23 (4) Baccalaureate Transcript of Records with
indication therein of date of graduation and
(a) has signed and affixed or permitted to be
Special Order Number unless it is not
signed or affixed his name or seal on
architectural plans and designs, specifications,
drawings, technical reports, valuation,
(5) Accomplished Diversified Training (DT Form
estimates, or other similar documents or work
(6) Accomplished Diversified Training (DT Form
not prepared by him/her or not executed under
his/her immediate supervision; or
(7) Architect-Mentor Affidavit
(b) has paid money except the regular fees
(8) Photocopy of Architect-Mentor’s valid
provided for to secure a Certificate of Professional Identification Card,
Registration; or
Professional Tax Receipt and IAPOA number
(c) has falsely impersonated a practitioner, or
(9) National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
former practitioner of alike or different name Clearance
or has practiced under an assumed, fictitious (10) Other documents the Board may require.
or corporate name other than that of the
registered; or
7. If a successful candidate in the exam was not able to 12. Ar. Alison is assigned to design an innovative eco-
take his oath before any member of the Board or friendly resort and actively contribute to advocating its
authorized representative, can he/she still practice the unique features to potential investors and the local
profession? community. In the context of her responsibilities,
SECTION 17. Oath which specific service of an architect’s scope is she
All successful candidates in the examination shall primarily engaged in? Project Promotional Services
be required to take an oath of profession before
any member of the Board, any government official 13. Congratulations! You are exempted from our graded
authorized by the Commission pursuant to Sec. recitation regarding our topic, R.A. 9266, and its IRR.
7(k) of R.A. No. 8981 or any person authorized by You will receive 10 points automatically.
law to administer oaths, prior to entering upon
the practice of the profession. 14.Congratulations! You are exempted from our graded
recitation regarding our topic, R.A. 9266, and its IRR.
You will receive 10 points automatically.
8. The consulting architect assumes no civil liability
under Article 1723 of the Civil Code unless?
Consulting Architect assumes no civil liability 15. Epitomie, a graduate with a degree in BS
under Art. 1723 of the Civil Code unless he/she Architecture, has fulfilled 3,340 hours of her
attempts and/or succeeds to interfere or contravene diversified architectural experience. Is she eligible to
the legal and professional functions of the take the architecture licensure examination? Why or
Architect-of-Record; the Consulting Architect why not?
assumes the normal civil liability under the service No. Must be 3, 840 hours
agreement he/she signs with a Client. 16. Architect Hya is about to commence work on a
significant architectural project, and a client has
9. You are an experienced architect planning to establish requested a detailed agreement outlining the scope of
your practice as a sole proprietorship. Which services and compensation. What specific document,
government entities are you required to register with? as mentioned in the IRR of Republic Act No. 9266,
DTI, BOA and the PRC. should she provide to the client, serving as a notarized
written contract stipulating the scope of services and
ensuring compensation? Service Agreement
10. This document bearing the registration number, date
of issuance with an expiry date is due for periodic 17. What comprises the Contract documents, as specified
in the IRR of RA 9266?
Professional Identification Card a) Special Provisions or conditions
b) General Conditions

11. You, as a licensed are engaged in a project that c) Drawings

involves extensive pre-design services, including d) Specifications
consultations and attending conferences. Can it be e) Other Bid Documents
considered as part of the scope of the practice of
architecture? In which particular section of the IRR of
18. According to RA 9266, how long is the term of office
RA 9266 is it stated?
for members of the Board, and what happens in case of
Yes. Section 3-Definition of Terms (Scope of
a vacancy within the term?
Practice of Architecture)
Section 6. Term of Office
The members of the Board shall hold office for a
term of three (3) years after appointment or until
their successors have been appointed and duly mandatory requirement for the renewal of
qualified. Any vacancy occurring within the term Professional Identification Card.
of a member shall be filled for the unexpired
portion of the term only. 25. They determine and prepare questions as well as
administer, correct, and release the results of the
19. Who shall designate the Secretary of the Board and licensure examinations.
shall provide the secretariat and other support services Section 7. Board
to implement the provisions of R.A. No. 9266? 26.Ar. Peñafranda is already a holder of Master’s Degree
Section 8. The Commission shall designate the in Architecture. Can she substitute it for practical
Secretary of the Board
experience, and if so, how long will be credited?
20.Who shall make the official appointment of the Yes. 1 year
chairman and members of the PRBOA from the
IAPOA’s list of recommendees?
27. Give at least 3 grounds for suspension or removal of
Section 4. President of the Philippines the member of the Board.
(a)Neglect of duty or incompetence;
21. Congratulations! You are exempted from our graded (b) Violation or tolerance of the violation of R.A.
recitation regarding our topic, R.A. 9266, and its IRR. No. 9266, or its implementing rules and regulations
You will receive 10 points automatically. or the Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of
Professional Practice;
22. Who currently holds the position of chairman, along (c)Final judgment of crimes involving moral
with two members, in the Professional Regulatory turpitude; and

Board of Architecture (PRBOA) in the Philippines? (d) Manipulation or rigging of the architecture
Chairman: Robert S. Sac licensure examination results, disclosure of secret
Member: Corazon V. Fabia- Tandoc and confidential information in the examination
Member: Robert M. Mirafuente questions prior to the conduct of the said
examination or tampering of grades.

23. If an architect is employed as a faculty member

teaching architectural subjects in an educational 28. What is the minimum weighted general average
institution, would they be eligible to serve as a required for a candidate to be considered as having

member of the board for architecture? Why or why passed the licensure examination for architects?

not? SECTION 15. Rating in the Licensure

Section 5. not be a member of the faculty of any
To be qualified as having passed the licensure
school, college, university or review institution
examination for architects, a candidate must
where a regular course or review course in
obtain a weighted general average of seventy
architecture is taught, nor have pecuniary interest
percent (70%), with no grade lower than fifty
in such institution.
percent (50%) in any given subject.

24. An act which requires CPD as the mandatory

29. Considering the Architecture Licensure examination
requirement for the renewal of Professional
Identification Card.
Republic Act No. 10912, otherwise known as the Architectural Design and Site Planning: 70%
History and Theory of Architecture; Principles of
“Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act Planning, Architectural Practice: 68%
of 2016”, is an act which requires CPD as the Utilities Systems / Structural Conceptualization /
Building Materials and Construction: 49%
within the Board's authority to opt against registering
Does the candidate qualify as having passed the
her as an architect due to apprehensions about her
examination based on these scores? Explain
ability to practice responsibly?

No. To be qualified as having passed the licensure Section 22. The Board shall not register and issue a

examination for architects, a candidate must Certificate of Registration and Professional

obtain a weighted general average of seventy Identification Card to any person who has falsely

percent (70%), with no grade lower than fifty sworn or misrepresented himself/herself in his/her

percent (50%) in any given subject. application for examination or to any person

30.Ar. Khristia’s certificate of registration has been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of a

revoked. Can she stamp or seal any architectural criminal offense involving moral turpitude or

documents? guilty of immoral and dishonorable conduct or to

No. Section 20. it shall be unlawful for any one any person of unsound mind.

to stamp or seal any documents with said seal

34.An architect was convicted of participating in a
after the certificate of the registrant named
peaceful protest related to a political cause. Can the
thereon has expired or has been revoked,
Board refuse to register him as an architect solely
unless said certificate shall have been renewed
because of the conviction for a political offense?
or re-issued.
Section 22. That registration shall not be refused
and a name shall not be removed from the roster of
31. The drawings and specifications of a residential architects on conviction for a political offense or for
building signed and sealed by Ar. Magadia have not an offense which should not, in the opinion of the
been executed since the owner decided to move Board, either from the nature of the offense or
abroad. Can it still be considered as the intellectual from the circumstances of the case, disqualify a
property of the architect? person from practicing under R.A. No. 9266.
Yes. Section 20 Drawings and specifications duly
signed, stamped or sealed, as instruments of
35. Tell something about the reciprocity requirements
service, are the intellectual properties and
under Section 27 of R.A 9266 and its IRR. A person
documents of the architect, whether the object for
who is not a citizen of the Philippines at the time
which they are made is executed or not.
he/she applies to take the examination shall not be
allowed to take the licensure examination unless
32. Who shall prescribe the design, size, and contents of he/she can prove, in the manner provided by the
the dry seal to be used in signing and sealing of Rules of Court that, by specific provision of law, the
architectural plans? country of which he/she is a citizen, subject or
Section 20. The Board shall prescribe the design, national either admits citizens of the Philippines to
size, and contents of the dry seal to be used in
the practice of the same profession without
signing and sealing of architectural plans,
restriction or allows them to practice it after
drawings, specifications, contract documents and
passing an examination on terms of strict and
architectural permit prepared by or under his/her
absolute equality with citizens, subjects or nationals
direct supervision.
of the country concerned, including the
unconditional recognition of prerequisite
33. Given that Ar. Euna, a recent architecture graduate, degrees/diplomas issued by the institutions of
has been diagnosed with a severe mental illness learning duly recognized for the purpose by the
affecting her capacity to make rational decisions and Government of the Philippines.
comprehend the consequences of her actions, is it
36. What specific section of R.A. 9266 and its IRR that Board while allowing for the introduction of new
speaks about the Ownership of Plans, Specifications members over time.
and Other Contract Documents?
Section 33

41. According to the stipulations outlined in R.A. 9266

37. Is it permissible for an employee being a and its implementing rules and regulations (IRR), is it
representative of a Registered Architect to collect fee permissible for professionals from other fields to sign
for architectural services? and seal architectural documents? No. Section 20. All
SECTION 36. Collection of Professional Fees architectural plans, designs, specifications,
It shall be unlawful for any unregistered person to drawings and architectural documents relative to
collect a fee for architectural services except as an the construction of a building shall bear the seal
employee collecting a fee as representative of a and signature only of an architect registered and
Registered Architect. licensed under R.A. No. 9266 together with his/her
professional identification card number and the
38.What shall be secured by foreign nationals who have date of its expiration.
gained entry in the Philippines for them to perform
professional services as architects or consultants in 42.Consider an architect, Rizzi, who has been found guilty
foreign-funded or assisted projects of the government of repeatedly signing and affixing her seal on
before assuming their duties? architectural plans that were neither prepared by her
Section 38. Foreign nationals who have gained nor executed under her immediate supervision. What
entry in the Philippines to perform professional potential action could the Board take in response to
services as architects or consultants in foreign- such misconduct?
funded or assisted projects of the government or The Board shall have the power, upon notice and
employed or engaged by Filipino or foreign hearing, to suspend or revoke the validity of a
contractors or private firms, shall, before Certificate of Registration/Professional
assuming the duties, functions and responsibilities Identification Card, or shall cancel a special
as architects or consultants, secure a permit granted under R.A. No. 9266 to an
special/temporary permit from the Board subject architect, on any ground mentioned under Section
to approval of the Commission, to practice his/her 22.
profession in connection with the project to which
he/she was commissioned: 43. Consider a scenario where Gellie practices
architecture in the Philippines without obtaining the
39. How many years of active practice are needed to be necessary registration or license. Additionally, she is
qualified as a member of the Professional Regulatory caught using the Certificate of Registration and
Board of Architecture? Professional Identification Card of another person.
active practitioner of architecture for at least ten Under the relevant provisions of RA 9266, what would
(10) years on the date of his/her appointment. be Gellie's potential charge in this situation? Section
29. Guilty of Misdemeanor

40. Instead of appointing all members of the PRBOA for

the same duration, each member of the board serves
for a different term length. Explain why? 44. A foreign construction company compels an architect,
This staggered system ensures that the terms of who is registered and licensed under R.A 9266 to
Board members don't end all at once. The rotation undertake architectural services without first executing
helps maintain experienced members on the a service agreement. The company shall be guilty of
misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction be sentenced registered Filipino architects shall be members
to a fine of not less than without prejudice to membership in other
________________________ or to suffer voluntary professional associations;
imprisonment for a period not
_________________, or both, at the discretion of the
49. Define association based on Section 3 of R.A. 9266
and its IRR.
“Association” any formal grouping of two or
SECTION 30. Prohibition in the Practice of
Architecture more architects or architectural firms working in
Any person or entity, whether public or private, joint venture on a project basis.
Filipino or foreigner, who/which shall entice,
compel, coerce, require or otherwise force an 50. Discuss about the repealing clause of R.A. 9266.
architect registered and licensed under R.A. No. SECTION 46. Repealing Clause
9266 to undertake/perform any service under the Any provisions of the rules, regulations, codes,
general practice of architecture as defined under orders, resolutions, measures, and other policies or
R.A. No. 9266, without first executing a written parts thereof issued and promulgated pursuant to
contract/service agreement, shall be guilty of a R.A. No. 545 (as amended by R.A. No. 1581), P.D.
misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction be No. 223 (as amended), R.A. No. 8981, and other
sentenced to a fine of not less than Two hundred laws which are inconsistent with this “IRR of the
thousand pesos (P200,000.00) or to suffer Architecture Act of 2004” are hereby superseded,
imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) repealed or amended accordingly.
years, or both, at the discretion of the Court.

45.According to Article 1723 of the Civil Code, how many

years is the civil liability of the Architect-ofRecord?
Section 32. 15 years (RA 9266)

46. Are IAPOA members allowed to join other architect

associations? In which section of the IRR of R.A.
9266 is this regulation outlined?
Yes. Section 40. Membership in the integrated and
accredited professional organization of architects
shall not be a bar to membership in other
associations of architects.

47. A legally binding document that outlines the terms

and conditions governing the professional services to
be provided by an architect.
Service Agreement

48. What do you mean by IAPOA? Define.

IAPOA – Integrated Accredited Professional
Organization of Architects
means the existing official national organization of
all architects of the Philippines in which all

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