Immediate Denture A Review
Immediate Denture A Review
Immediate Denture A Review
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6 authors, including:
Kothiwal Dental College & Research Centre
Sabeeha Hussain
seema dental college
All content following this page was uploaded by Samarth K Agarwal on 12 June 2020.
Dental Science
Post Graduate student, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Kothiwal
Dr. Dipti Nayak Dental College & Research Centre, Moradabad-244001, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Professor, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Kothiwal Dental College
Dr. Romil Singhal* & Research Centre, Moradabad-244001, Uttar Pradesh, India. *Corresponding Author
Dr. Samarth Professor, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Kothiwal Dental College
Agarwal & Research Centre, Moradabad-244001, Uttar Pradesh, India
Dr. Sabeeha Post Graduate student, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Kothiwal
Hussain Dental College & Research Centre, Moradabad-244001, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Post Graduate student, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Kothiwal
Dr. Beenish Javed Dental College & Research Centre, Moradabad-244001, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Professor, Department of Periodontics, Uttaranchal Dental College & Medical Research
Dr. Shalini Gupta Institute, Dehradun-Uttarakhand 248140, Uttar Pradesh, India.
An immediate denture is a prosthesis placed immediately following tooth extraction due to esthetic reason. It is used to enhance esthetics, protect
extraction related surgical wound and provide function during healing. This type of transitional denture is often associated with a larger number of
teeth being extracted on the day of prosthesis insertion and a higher degree of unpredictability relative to anticipated healing. Consequently, the
required treatment addresses an immediate denture that will ultimately be transitioned into a denitive prosthesis.
conventional immediate denture, interim, transitional
INTRODUCTION Physiologic reasons:
An immediate complete denture is a restoration fabricated prior to the 1.Abnormal functioning of the mouth and mandible
extraction of a tooth, which is placed in the patient's mouth 2. Impaired enunciation,
immediately following the removal of the remaining teeth. They are 3. Abnormal deglutition,
fabricated increasingly nowadays, mainly for aesthetic and
psychological reasons. Psychologic reasons:
1. Humiliation,
The success of immediate dentures depends on correct indication and 2. adverse subjective reactions,
precise execution of clinical and laboratory fabrication procedures. 3. serving the indifferent patient
Usually posterior teeth are removed, leaving the six anterior teeth in
position and allowed for an adequate healing period of 8 to 12 weeks Contraindications for immediate denture5
before the nal impressions are made for the denitive prostheses.1 1. Diseases of a debilitating nature e.g., post irradiation of the head
and neck regions, systemic conditions that affect healing or blood
An immediate denture is classied as: clotting, cardiac or endocrine gland disturbances, and
A. Conventional immediate denture- one placed after healing is psychological disorders)2. Extreme deep overbites or other
completed and denture is relined to serve as the long-term abnormalities that make balanced occlusion impossible.6
prosthesis.2 2. Multiple extractions might be unwise because of systemic
B. Interim or Transitional immediate denture- prosthesis is designed conditions.
to enhance esthetics, stabilization and or function for a limited 3. Emotionally disturbed individuals
period of time, after which it is replaced by a denitive prosthesis. 4. Mental incapacities
C. Lavere and krol classied immediate dentures as conventional 5. Indifferent unappreciative patients
immediate dentures, transitional dentures or diagnostic dentures 6. Acute periapical or periodontal pathosis
(splint) and each further into groups as having a labial ange, 7. Extensive bone loss adjacent to remaining teeth.
partial labial ange, angeless immediate denture .3
Oral examination and informed consent
DIAGNOSIS TREATMENT PLANNING AND PROGNOSIS The panoramic radiograph provides a useful diagnostic aid. After
Patient assessment reviewing the dental and medical history of the patient, head and neck
The periodontal status, caries rate and current state of edentulism must examination is performed. During the normal intraoral examination,
be considered. Debridement of the existing teeth should be done with the dentist should include and record periodontal probing, a full
an initial prophylaxis followed by oral hygiene instructions. The health charting of all the teeth, need for frenum release, tori reduction or any
of the remaining dentition must be assessed and the strategic nature of other hard and soft tissue surgery if necessary .When possible, teeth
salvageable teeth also should be considered. Irregularities in occlusal should be selected for retention as overdenture abutments.
plane and opposing dentition must be evaluated as the retention of
strategically malposition teeth could result in adverse force The normal and the common anatomic abnormal difculties of the
transmission to the underlying structures, thereby resulting in greater mouth relative to immediate denture insertion is classied as: (1) Hard
functional and anatomical decit. tissues (exostoses, spiculae, mylohyoid ridges, knife-edge ridges,
maxillary tuberosity and alveolar contour) (2) Soft tissues (abnormal
Indications for immediate denture4 frenula and ligament and muscle attachments) (3) Ridge relation
Physical reasons: (faulty ridge relationship).7 Also notation of following factors help in
1. Disuse atrophy of the bony base, later visits like 1. Existing midline and need for modication of its
2. Unfavorable trabeculation of the repairing bone, position 2. Patient's existing vertical dimension of occlusion and
3. Damage of the temporomandibular joints, amount of interocclusal distance and the need for conforming to or
44 International Journal of Scientific Research
Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2020 PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
changing it 3. Horizontal and vertical overlap of anterior teeth 4. Type made using an elastomeric impression material.
of angle's classication of occlusion for the patient, 5. Display of
posterior tooth in the buccal corridor
Tooth modification
Many immediate dentures will require modication of opposing teeth
to correct the occlusal plane or to eliminate prematurities in centric
relation. They can also interfere with the proper determination of the
occlusal vertical dimension. It is determined best by performing a Fig 4: Wax Block-Out for CID2 and final impression
diagnostic mounting of the preliminary casts to carefully evaluate the
planned changes. Type two: Two- tray or sectional custom impression tray
The type two method is used only when the posterior teeth have been
removed as for conventional immediate denture. It cannot be used in
the interim immediate denture technique because usually there are
posterior teeth present. It involves fabricating two trays on the same
cast, one in the posterior, which is made like a complete denture tray,
and one in the anterior (backless tray). An alternative impression
Figure 1: Mounted diagnostic casts2 technique would be to use an impression tray in the posterior portion of
the oral cavity to impress the soft tissue only. This tray would then be
First extraction or surgical visit indexed in such a way that it would connect to an anterior tray that
For preliminary extractions in conventional immediate denture would capture the likeness of the anterior teeth at rest. This approach is
technique, the patient's posterior teeth are removed as soon as possible. particularly effective when the anterior teeth are quite mobile and if the
Any other required hard and soft tissue operation is also done at rst position of these teeth would be difcult to capture in a single
surgical visit. These posterior extraction and other operated areas are impression technique. After border molding the posterior impression
allowed to heal for a short time usually 3 to 4 weeks. tray, an elastomeric material is used to capture the tissues at rest. If no
undercuts exist in the soft or the hard tissue, these tissues could be
Preliminary impressions and diagnostic casts recorded with zinc oxide eugenol impression material. The anterior
Preliminary impressions are made for two primary reasons. The rst is segment is recorded with an elastomeric impression material.
to use these impressions in the fabrication of casts that will be used in Regardless of the impression technique, the posterior limit of the
diagnosis and treatment planning. The second purpose is for maxillary complete denture must be established to create a posterior
fabrication of custom impression trays. Regardless of the technique, palatal seal.
the clinician will identify a peripheral extension to which the custom
tray should extend. Then a custom tray is fabricated with an
appropriate amount of space between the natural teeth and the
impression tray. This relief is easily controlled by the application of a
specied thickness of wax (generally 1 to 3 mm) that is adapted to the
soft and hard tissues of the diagnostic cast.
Fig 5: Sectional Custom Impression Tray2 and final impression
Denture teeth arrangement If the labial plate of bone is relatively intact within a few millimeters of
The posterior teeth may then be used in a clinical trial of the wax trial the free gingival margin before removal of the tooth from the cast, then
denture to ensure that the appropriate vertical dimension and centric remove the tooth from the cast at the gingival crest and then hollow
occlusion positions have been established. Once again phonetics and grind the cast a similar number of millimeters to simulate tooth
facial support will all be considered when conrming the vertical and removal. Simply put, more pocketing demands deeper preparation of
horizontal positions. the cast. Once the depth of the alveolus is approximated, the labial soft
tissue can then be reduced to simulate the drape of the tissue over the
labial plate of bone.
Once “cast surgery” has been performed and the irregularities on the
cast have been corrected through smoothing and polishing, the
remaining denture teeth may be arranged.
Laboratory procedures
The immediate denture differs from the traditional denture in that the
cast must be modied to represent the anticipated changes in contour
that will occur with surgical removal of teeth. The preliminary step in
cast modication is the dental midline established by removing the Fig 12: Teeth setup and wax up2
central incisor and coinciding with the facial midline. The midline is
marked in pencil on the cast. The complete wax trial denture may then be removed from the cast so
that a duplicate impression can be made. This duplicate impression
would then be poured with stone and two layers of baseplate wax
adapted to it; this will be invested, packed with clear acrylic resin,
processed, nished, polished and used as the surgical template.
surgical template will be inserted before closure of the surgical site and psychological support after extractions and during the healing phase.
any areas of tissue blanching, which will be evident through the clear Proper follow-up care is essential to the success of an immediate
template, should be corrected by minor alveoloplasty. denture.
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[3] Lavere am and krol aj. Immediate denture service. J Prosthet Dent. 1973;29(1): 10-5.
[4] Devan mm. The transition from natural to articial teeth. J Prosthet Dent
Fig 14: Surgical template 1961;11(4):677-88.
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Prosthet Dent 1965;15(4):615-24.
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immediate denture will then be inserted on a trial basis. Pressure house: 1992; pg.457-82.
[7] Maison WG. Preparation of the mouth and casts for immediate dentures. J Prosthet Dent.
indicator paste may be valuable to identify areas of tissue Jan 1953; 3(1): 66-81.
impingement. The patient will be instructed not to remove their [8] Campagna SJ. An impression technique for immediate dentures. J Prosthet Dent. 1968;
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The patient will return to the dental ofce during that 24-hour time
frame when the denture will be removed by the clinician and adjusted
accordingly to eliminate soft tissue irritation and diminished denture
Postoperative care
The patient will be seen in 24 hours to evaluate denture retention,
support, and stability.
First 24 Hours2
The patient should avoid rinsing, avoid drinking hot liquids or alcohol
and not remove the immediate dentures during the rst 24 hours.
Because inammation, swelling and discoloration are likely to occur,
their partial control can be helped with ice packs (20 minutes on, 20
minutes off) on the rst day. Analgesic medications are prescribed as
required. The diet for the rst 24 hours should be liquid or soft, if
Immediate dentures fulll an important role in today's treatment
modalities by providing the patients with esthetics, function, and
International Journal of Scientific Research 47