Ict Exam
Ict Exam
Ict Exam
1.0 Applications are called from Sri Lankan citizens who are qualified for the Open
Competitive Examination for Recruitment to Class 3- Grade III of Western
Prov incial Information and Communication Technology Service.
2.0 As per the Scheme of Examination mentioned below, under No. 07, applicants who
have completed qualifications based on the merit according to the result of a written
test that will be conducted by the Office of the Chief Secretary -Western Province
or an institution for which the power will be delegated, shall be selected and
appointed for the posts of Class 3- Grade III of Western Provincial Information and
Communication Technology Service.
3.0 Here, the total number of vacancies that is expected to be filled is 14. The active
date of the appointment is decided by the Chief Secretary of Western Province. The
Chief Secretary of Western Province has the power not to fill a cenain number of
vacancies or all the vacancies.
4.0 Salary - The monthly salary scale relevant for the grades of 3-lll, 3-ll and 3-l of
Western Provincial Information and Communication Technology Service is,
Rs.29,840 -10 x 300 - 11 x 350 -10 x 560 - l0 x 660 -Rs.48,890/- (MT 0l- 2016)
5.0 This post is permanent and pensionable. (You should be subject to the policy
decisions taken by the government in future regarding the pension scheme.)
d. The fact that the applicant has fulfilled the minimum qualification to sit for the
competitive examination which is for appointing for this service, will be accepted
only if the applicant has completed the qualifications in every aspect by the
closing date of applications.
e. (i) Not less thanlS years of age and not more than 35 years of age as at the
closing date of applications.
(ii) Applicants that complete qualifications while in permanent posts of Western
Provincial Public Service should not have completed 45 years of age by the
closing date of applications.
f. Educational Qualifications:
01. Passing six (06) subjects, with five (05) credit passes forthe subjects including
Language, Mathematics and English from G.C.E. Ordinary Level Examination
(O/L) in one sitting.
g. Professional Qualifications:
7.2 Subjects of the examination and the marks allocated for each subject are
mentioned below.
This question paper is consisted of structured and multiple choices questions (MCQ) that test
the knowledge on Information Technology in the fields of the applicants' general knowledge
on information and communication technology, Operating systems, software (lncluding
Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Management of Data bases) hardware and Internet &
Electronic Mail. Allthe questions should be answered.
Aptitudc Test :
This question paper contains questions that test the statistical ability of the applicant and
knowledge on logical explanations. It is consisted of 50 questions that require shofi answers
and multiple choices questions. All the questions should be answered.
These question papers are made to test the applicants' eligibility and ability of engaging in
official affairs. Even though this is a competitive examination, in order to get qualified for
obtaining an appointment, an applicant should obtain at least 400% marks for each subject out
of the marks allocated for each subject and at least 50% marks out of the total mark of the
examination. Appointments shall be made strictly in order of merit as per the marks scored,
subjecting to the number of vacancies allocated for the competitive examination.
7.3 The result sheet, in which the names of passed candidates are included, will be published
in the website of Personnel and Training Unit (www.mdtu.wpc.gov.lk) considering a number
of vacancies that is expected to be filled. In addition to this, the Chief Secretary will provide
a result sheet that includes marks and merits achieved for each subject to all the applicants
who sat for the examination.
8.0 Penalties for furnishing false information: - Accurate information should be provided
carefully in the act of filling the application. If a candidate is found to be ineligible as per
the regulations pertaining to this examination, his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled at
any stage prior to, during or after the examination. If the particulars furnished by a
candidate are found to be false, he or she is liable for dismissal from Western Provincial
public service.
9.0 Examination Fee: - Examination fee is Rs.6001. This can be paid at any Divisional
Secretariat located in Western Province to the credit of Revenue Head of Western Province
20-03-02-99. (Miscellaneous Revenue). The receipt issued for the name of the applicant for
making this payment should be sent with the application form having pasted it firmly on the
relevant cage of the application. It would be advisable to retain a photocopy of the receipt.
The examination fee shall not be refunded for any reason and money orders and stamps are
not accepted.
10.1 Based on the presumption that only those who fulfill necessary qualifications
as per the qualifications specified in the gazette notification have applied for this,
admissions are issued by the Chief Secretary of Western Province to all the
applicants who have duly paid the examination fee and submitted completed
applications in every hand on or before the due date, to sit for the competitive
examination. Issuance of an admission card to a candidate for the examination
should not be taken as an acknowledgement that the candidate has satisfied the
qualifications required to be appointed for this post. In the process of checking
qualifications in the interview, if it is revealed that the required qualifications
specified in the gazette notification are absent, the candidature of that person will
be cancelled.
10.3 The signature of the applicant should have been attested by a principal of a
government school, Justice of Peace, Commissioner of Oaths, Notary Public,
Commissioned Officer of Three Forces, an officer who bears a post in Police
service (Published in the Gazette), public officer who bears a permanent post in
public service with an annual salary of Rs. 240,360 or higher.
Open Competitive Examination for Recruitment to Class 3- Grade III of Western Provincial Information and
Communication Technology Service -2018
Sinhala - 2
Tamil -3
English - 4
2.1. Permanent Address
(ln English block capital)
3.1. Gender : Male - 0 Female- I
(lndicate Lhe relevant number in the cage)
[[[t Month: Date:
Subiect Grade
Subiect Grade
Subiect Grade
5.1 .l . Institution
5.1.2. Year
5.1.3. Duration of the Course :..
6.0. Have you ever been offended by a Court for any offence? (lndicate "i" mark in the relevant cage.)
(lf so, please give details)
Yes No
a) I declare that the details provided by me herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree
to bear any loss causes as a consequent of not filling certain parts of this application and/or filling the
application inaccurately. I further declare that allthe sections of this application have been filled accurately
andthereceiptthatbearsNo... anddated.. .........of paying
examination fee has been affixed.
b) If this statement, made by me is found false, I am aware of the fact that I am subject to be considered as
ineligible before the appointment and for the dismissal after the appointment.
c) Further, I declare that I am subject to the rules and regulations imposed by the Commissioner General of
Examination in conducting this examination
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