Srwa Sdiq Ahmad
Srwa Sdiq Ahmad
Srwa Sdiq Ahmad
Report about:
( Water and Air Pollution )
Prepared by:
Srwa Sdiq Ahmad
Supervised by:
Mr. Sabah A.Majeed
:Answer Problem1
x 1+ x 2+ x 3+… xm 60
= =8.57 1 = x
n 7
Pn=Po+n x
P2031=120+2(8.571) = 128.571
P2041=120+2(8.571) = 137.142
P2051=120+3(8.571) = 145.713
2-Incremental Increase Method:
n(n+1) x 1+ x 2+ x 3 … xm 60 y 1+ y 2+ y 3 … ym 18
Pn=Po+n x + ∗y X̄ = = =8 ∙ 571428 y= = =3
2 n 7 n 6
P 2031=120+ ( 1∗8 ∙571428 )+ ∗3=131 ∙ 571
P 2041=120+ ( 2∗8 ∙571428 )+ ∗3=146 ∙143
3 (3+1)
P 2051=120+ ( 3∗8 ∙ 571428 ) + ∗3=163 ∙ 714
3-Geometric Increase Method:
Pn=Po(1+ )
−9 ∙ 942
P 2031=120(1+ ) =108 ∙ 0696
−9 ∙ 942
P 2041=120(1+ ) =97 ∙325
−9 ∙ 942
P 2051=120(1+ ) =87 ∙649
:Answer Problem2
E) TS=1.45g/L , TSS=0.382g/L
TDS=TS - TSS=1.45 – 0.382=1.068g/L
:Answer Problem3
Parameters Arsenic Bariu Cadmium Fluorid Copper Lead Benzene Turbidit Uraniu
m e y m
Maximum 0.010mg/ 2mg/L 0.005mg/ 4mg/L 1.3mg/ 0.015mg/ 0.005mg/ 0.3 L/ μ30
Contamina L L L L L NTU
nt with
Level(MCL) filter if
filter is
Maximum 0mg/L 2mg/L 0.005mg/ 4mg/L 1.3mg/ 0mg/L 0mg/L N/A L/ μ 0
Contamina L L
=Level goal
:Answer Problem4
Use of fans instead of Air Conditioner: Air condition it gives off a lot of heat -1
which is bad for the environment. Air condition takes a lot of energy to work
.compared to fans
.Avoid smoking: Avoid smoking reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke -3
Adopt cleaner energy: It helps to address air pollution , climate change and -4
.human health
Start riding a bicycle: riding a bicycle is good for human health. cycling -5
.reduces car manufacturing and disposal
Plant and care for trees: planting trees is one of the best ways to improve the -6
environment. It absorbs carbon dioxide and gives back oxygen, thus fighting soil
Don't burn trash: If you burn trash, it will cause smoke and environmental -7
turn off engine: our study found that drivers save fuel and reduce emissions -8
.by switching off for stops as brief as short as 10 seconds
Recycle and reuse: due to recycling and reuse, less garbage is burned, as well -9
.as more cost saving
.reduce gas consumption: If we use less gas, the world will warm less -10
:Answer Problem5
The drinking water that comes to our house comes from the Sirwan River, that is, our
water source is the Sirwan River. Then Well is constructed which bring the water into the
project through a motor. This project has a pool called a storage pool, the water from the
project is pumped into this pool. The Alum is added through a machine that removes mud
from the water, filtering the water. It then goes from the pool to the filtration which filters
the water in a finer manner. Filtration is 3 parts, one part for large rocks, one part for small
rocks and one part for sand. the water passes through these parts. After it passes the
filtration, it enters another underground pool. In this underground pool, it is chlorinated
and cleaned of bacteria and viruses. After the water is purified it is sent through a motor
into a very large tank located at a heighy. At this time, the water is ready for consumption.
Then the water goes from this tank into an underground pipe that sends the water to the