Cfe 106B
Cfe 106B
Cfe 106B
As a student Accountancy of the School of Accountancy and Business, you realize that
responsible leadership is the call of the times. It is observed that many leaders fail to
exercise their calling to serve. With “sampuso” (one in heart), you are entrusted with
gifts/talents that will give you the capacity to become an excellent leader who serves
others with justice, honesty, love, and care. To enkindle in your heart the qualities of a good
leader, reflect on the following questions
1. How do you behave when you believe you have an advantage over another person?
I don’t boast around even though people tell me that I’m quick witted
because I know that everyone is trying there best. Even though I know that I have
advantage over another person I just keep it to myself and try to hone my skills and
be a better version of me. I am taught by my family to be humble and always look
back where you came from because you are not what you are today without your
past. Though sometimes I tend to compare myself with others who are better for me
but I realize that I will not gain and just become bitter of their success if I look
always compare what I can do to what others can do. Thus, in order for me to grow
fully and learn to be contented I just push myself to be a better version of yesterday.
2. Will you tell the truth, even when it does not place you in the most positive light?
Honestly, when I was little, I always tends to lie when I did something wrong
because I know that mom would scold me for being clumsy and I will be punished. I
was taunted with the idea that if you commit a mistake you should pay for what you
did. But when I was growing, I realized that lying will never do any good for you, at
the end of the day our dirty little secret will always finds it way and come out.
People would know what you did and you cannot explain or defend yourself out of
embarrassment because you lie about it and the truth come to light and you looks
like a liar to everyone until no one believes whatever you say. Thus, I will tell the
truth even though that truth will put me in the dark because at least I admit that I
made a mistake and I am will to face the consequences of my action. I am willing to
be accountable and responsible to the decision that I made and I shouldn’t lie about
it about how I made a wrong decision so that I can still fix it. In my chosen career, we
are taught to have integrity meaning we should be honest all the time even though
we will be put our names in the bad light as long as we could clean up the mess that
we made and learn from the mistake that we commit. Therefore, in order to have
the value of integrity I should be honest and truthful all the time.
3. Will you do the honest thing, even when it cost you more than you could otherwise
get away with? Why?
Yes, I will do the honest thing, even though it will cost me more than I could
otherwise get away with because if ever I lie and that lie affects the life of a person, I
always feel guilty towards that person and whenever I face that person, I cannot
look at him/her straight in the face without feeling guilty about what I did.
Therefore, when I will be face in a situation whether to tell the truth or to lie I will
always choose to be honest even though it will not do any good to me than to live
with guilt forever. As future accountant, in the work that I will be doing in the future
my honest will be put to the test in different situations but I will remain faithful to
my values to protect the interest of the public than to conceal the truth to them
because our work is to disclose a fairly presented and credible report in which the
public could trust and use for their decision making. In addition, telling the truth my
put me in the bad light but I will never discredit the name of my profession and be
an accomplice to deceive others.
4. Will you go out of your comfort zone to extend concern and care for others? Why?
There is always joy in being “sambuhay” (one with the community) when you selflessly
give your best for the common good. An ounce of kindness, though small, would mean so
much joy to the lost, the least and the last. As a future professional in your chosen
programs, may you be a source of Joy to everyone you will encounter. Reflect and celebrate
your joy in writing this journal.
2. Are your encounters with clients above reproach? Do you play favorites in dealing
with them?
Whenever, we are given a chance to attend the assembly of the Barangay Captain’s
in the Municipalities that we handle, I never reproach our clients or play favorites in
dealing with them because in the workplace if you are dealing with a lot of people
you need to approach them nicely and politely. I always ensure that I respond
politely to the queries of our clients and I pay my respect to them by greeting them. I
don’t play favorites because in the actual work I believe that I should treat everyone
fairly especially in our field wherein independence is a must. I should be
independent both in mind and appearance, therefore in order to achieve being
independent in appearance I should be associated by being unfair to one of our
clients to ensure that all of them are treat equally and with no bias.
3. What do you do when you see a friend violate a rule? Do you publicly support a
work rule or policy but privately fail to enforce it?
If I saw my friend violate a rule, I will confront her that what she did is wrong. Not
for her to feel that I am getting in her way to make her realize that I care her.
Especially when she will be facing the consequences of her actions. I should remind
her that before she will do a decision that is against the rules she should think about
it twice and weigh the consequences of the decision that she will choose before she
I don’t publicly support a value or rule but privately I fail to enforce it because it
feels like I am not valuing my virtues and I can’t walk the talk that I did. Therefore,
before I publicly support a rule I ensure first if I have not violated it or if I have
violated it I will ensure to myself that I shouldn’t do it again because it is against the
rule of the company that I work with and if I wanted to stay longer with that
company I should follow the rules and comply to the rules and regulations that was
4. Describe and share the happy feelings of being able to share your skills in the
accounting field.
The happy feelings that I have encountered in my field of career is when I can
share financial tips to my family and friends especially on how to manage their
finances and I am happy if they will take my advice and when they’ll tell me that
they are doing what I do on how to keep track to my finances for me to know where
my money is going. In addition, sometimes when my uncle asked me regarding the
laws of contract and obligations and what are will you do if someone is in delay and
how can you recover what you lend to others if they become insolvent. This kind of
talks made me happy because they are now considering my opinion and I can apply
what I have learned in school in real life situations.