IEM 1st Lesson
IEM 1st Lesson
IEM 1st Lesson
Formula : V= IR
Direct Current
Resistance – the property of a circuit element
Electrons flowing in one direction along the
that impedes the flow of electricity.
The amount of resistance of a particular
The flow of electric charges in one direction.
conductor depends on four things :
Produced from sources such as batteries , solar
1. Materials – Some material allow the free flow
of current they have an abundance of free
Alternating Current – Current in which electrons where other materials have
electrons oscillate back and forth. tremendous resistance because they have
virtually no free electrons.
The movement of electric charge periodically
reverses direction. 2. Length of the conductor – Resistance is directly
proportional to the length of the conductor.
Comes from the source such as power plant.
Long conductor has more resistance than
Also known as the 60 Hz current this means short.
that the voltage goes to positive to negative
3. Cross Sectional area – A conductor with a large
then back to positive 60 times per second.
cross sectional area has a lower resistance
than the one with a small sectional area
because there is a greater external area on
which electrons can travel.
Step-down Transformer
- Converts AC to DC.
- Best example x-ray tube. - Same in half wave except there is no dead
. Solid State Rectifier
- Half the exposure time is needed for full wave
- A device built entirely from solid materials and
than half wave.
in which the electrons or other charge carriers
are confined entirely within the solid material. - Full wave rectified x-ray machine contains at
least four diodes.
- Much faster and more reliable but are usually
more expensive. - This allows 120 pulses of x-ray per second.
Half-wave rectification
Self rectified
Advantages and disadvantages :
- X-ray tube serves as the vacuum tube rectifier
- The principal disadvantages are the efficiency
and is not use in medical unit.
of radiation production due to pulsating
Advantage : Disadvantage : waveform.
1.Small in size 1. Limited x-ray tube rating. - Not providing enough voltage to produce x-ray
for portion of the time and inability to select
2.Light in weight. 2. Poor insulation short exposure times.
3.Inexpensive 3. possibility of reverse current
which shortens tube life.
4.Simple to operate.
5.Easy to transport.
- Maybe flat or curved but must be uniform in 2. The way the x-ray are used.( Diagnostic or
thickness and as transparent to x-rays as therapeutic)
X-ray machine are usually operated at :
- Usually made of carbon fiber.
• Kilovoltage ranging from 25-150 kVp.
- Carbon fiber table top is strong and absorbs
• Tube currents from 100-1,200 mA.
little radiation ( radiolucent)
Operating Console
It helps reduce patient dose.
- Used to control the voltage applied to the x-
• Fluoroscopic x-ray tube
ray tube, the current through the tube and the
- Located under the examining table. exposure time.
• Radiographic x-ray tube - The part of the x-ray machine that the
operator controls its operation.
- Attached to an overhead movable crane
assembly that permits easy positioning of the - Components of the system most familiar to
tube and aiming of the x-ray beam. radiologic technologist.
• kV selector
• Exposure timer
• Rotor
• Exposure switch
- Actually reads the voltage not the kVp. 4. Commonly referred to as automatic exposure
control or AEC
- It determines the number of kVp applied to the
x-ray tube. 5. Widely used in medical radiography.
- The tube current, the intensity, the no. of Desired film density
electrons crossing from cathode to anode per
Spinning top timer
second is measured in milliamperage.
- A simple mechanical device that can be used to
- The quantity of electrons is determined by
check the accuracy of x-ray timer in half wave
filament temperature.
and full wave rectified units.
Control Factor Electrical Device
- The top is a flat disk metal with a small hole
and Location in
drilled near one edge.
- It is placed above an x-ray film or cassette and
made to spin while a short exposure is made. kVp Selection kVp Level Autotransforme
Solid State radiation detector r ) between
incoming line
- Used for exposure time check and replaced the and exposure
spinning top. switch)
- Also called semiconductor radiation detector.
mA Filament Variable
- A semiconductor material such as Silicon or Current resistor( in
Germanium crystal constitute the detecting filament circuit
medium. between
incoming line
and step-down
• Main circuit - supplies power to the x-ray tube transformer)
so that x-rays are produced.
Time Length of Timer circuit(
1. Main switch – the switch that generates power
Selection exposure Between
to the x-ray tube.
exposure switch
2. Exposure switch – a device that permits current and step-up
to flow through the circuit. transformer)
3. Timer – device used to end the exposure at an
Rotor Switch Speed of Stator(separate
accurately measured pre set time.
rotating circuit from
PARTS OF THE FILAMENT CIRCUIT anode stator of anode
• Filament circuit – supplies power to the
filament of the x-ray tube so that the filament
supplies enough electrons by thermionic Exposure Moment of Switch (between
emission. Switch exposure autotransformer
and timer
1. Main breaker – This is where the AC comes circuit)
from to power the circuit.