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05 TJ Agr 0112 01 p105 113
Effect of Nitrogen Levels on Growth, Yield and Oil Quality of Indian Mustard
Grown under Different Plant Densities
31 3,877
2 authors, including:
Peiman Zandi
Yibin University
All content following this page was uploaded by Peiman Zandi on 30 May 2014.
Department of Agronomy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Agronomy, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran
The study investigated agronomical and qualitative features of Indian mustard in a semi-arid
region. Field trials were designed in Split plot arrangement based on a Randomized Complete
Block Design with three replications at the Agricultural Faculty of Takestan, Iran. In the study,
plant height (cm), the number of seeds in the siliqua (seed siliqua-1), the number of siliquae in the
plant (siliqua plant-1), seed yield (kg ha-1), biological yield (kg ha-1), thousand-seed weight (g),
harvest index (%), oil content (%) and oil yield (kg ha-1) were determined. The all growth and
yield parameters of mustard plant were significantly affected by nitrogen fertilization. All the
parameters except for harvest index (HI), were drastically affected by applied densities. The
highest seed yield and oil yield (2961 and 1159 kg ha-1, respectively) were obtained for the crop
utilized with 200 kg N ha-1 in plots with 80 plant m-2. The maximum oil content (43.97%) was
recorded in the lowest plant density (80 plant m-2) and nitrogen application level of 50 kg ha-1.
Findings suggest that in semi-arid region of Takestan, researchers must direct their selection
treatments to increase oil quality of Indian mustard.
Keywords: Brassica juncea, nitrogen, plant population, yield and yield components, oil quality
noticed that increasing rates of N up to 180 kg ha-1 and Kazemeini et al. (2010), the highest dry matter
progressively increased the growth and yield (above-ground biomass) was produced under higher
components. Reddy and Sinha (1989) showed that plant populations. Several researchers (Munir and
seed yield has increased linearly by increasing McNeilly, 1987; Angadi et al., 2003; Danesh-
nitrogen consumption; comparing with no nitrogen shahraki et al., 2008) noticed that seeds per siliqua
consumption, the amounts of 40 and 80 Kg N ha-1 and thousand-seed weight were remained
increased the seed yield to 49.5% and 96.5% unaffected (stable) across populations. Yet,
respectively. Mobasser et al. (2008) showed that McGregor (1987) stated that number of seeds per
maximum siliqua number per plant were produced siliqua and seed weight increased with reduced
with use of 138 kg N ha-1. Arthamwar et al. (1996) plant density and the makeup was predominantly
reported that with increase in nitrogen application, attributed to the increase in number of siliquae on
siliqua number would be increased. The number of the remaining plants. The Rana and Pachauri
seeds per siliqua and TSW were significantly (2001) and Angadi et al. (2003) reported that plant
increased with increasing levels of nitrogen height declined as the populations dropped. The
fertilizer application (Chauhan, et al., 1995; decrease and increase in HI values in response to
Cheema et al., 2001). Some studies showed that the higher plant populations by DeLougherty and
most biological yield was produced with increase in Crookston (1978) and Danesh-shahraki et al.
use of nitrogen manure (Kjellstrom, 1993). Kumar (2008), respectively, can be due to the different
et al. (1997) also reported higher production of total environmental conditions under which these results
dry matter with increased rate of fertilizer obtained. The most important quality factor of
application. Majnoun-hosseini et al. (2006) and Indian mustard is oil content (Bani-saeedi, 2001).
Mobasser et al. (2008) suggested that with decrease Cheema et al. (2001) and Saleem et al. (2001) have
in planting space and use of nitrogen fertilizer the recorded the most oil content (46.23%) and oil
plant height would be increased. In the experiments yield (1422.82 kg ha-1) of rapeseed at row spacing
conducted by Saleem et al. (2001) and Kazemeini of 30 cm against the least at 60 cm. They also
et al. (2010), the harvest index (HI) values were concluded that at higher doses of N, oil yield
significantly increased by nitrogen rates of 135 and increased meanwhile decreased the oil content.
150 kg ha-1 respectively; while it was remained Considering that the information on yield
unaffected according to the findings of Danesh- dynamics of mustard with respect to nitrogen and
shahraki et al. (2008). Usually, plant density is one density is still not available in Iran, the present
of the most effective agronomic factors for study aims to generate more information
determining the yield which is individually affected concerning the effect of different plant populations
by cultivar and climatic conditions (Zandi et al., and nitrogen levels on the agronomic traits, yield
2011) as well as production system. For each crop and oil quality of Indian mustard under the irrigated
and environmental conditions, the optimum plant conditions of Takestan, Iran.
population should be determined through local
research. Previous studies have shown that plant Materials and Methods
density is an important factor affecting mustard
yield; however, it can govern the components of Site Description and Soil Type
yield and the yield of individual plants (Sing and This research was conducted during 2009-2010
Verma, 1993). A study by Sharif et al. (1990) cropping season at the Agricultural Research Field
showed that the highest crop yield is gained from (latitude 36°18´ N, longitude 49°57´ E, elevation
the lowest population density of 30 plant m-2 as 1314 m above mean sea level) , Faculty of
compared to other treatments (60 and 90 plant m-2). Agriculture of Islamic Azad University, Takestan,
In a research carried out by Singh and Verma Iran. This region has a semi-arid climate (312 mm
(1993) on mustard, the highest crop yield achieved mean annual rainfall). The soil at the experimental
at 30 cm row spacing against the lowest at 45 and site was clay loam with an initial fertility status of
60 cm respectively. According to the findings of 0.08% N,14.2 ppm P2O5 , 165 ppm K2O ,0.83%
Yousaf and Ahmad (2002), Mobasser et al. (2008) organic matter, pH of 7.8 and EC =1.33 dS m-1.
Vol. 45, No. 2, 2012 Nitrogen levels effect on Indian mustard under different plant densities 107
Experimental Design good crop growth. Final harvest was carried out
The field experiment was split plot based on manually (hand sickle, 5 cm above ground level) on
randomized complete block design (RCBD) in three 12 June 2010.
replications. Five nitrogen levels consisting of N1-no
nitrogen application as control, N2-fertilizing with Estimation of Traits
50, N3- fertilizing with 100, N4- fertilizing with 150, At maturity, ten random samples were hand
and N5- fertilizing with 200 kg N ha-1 were applied to harvested from each experimental unit and the
the Main plots. Subplots, which consisted of split following parameters were determined: plant height
plots, were allocated to three planting densities (PH), number of seeds per siliqua (seed siliqua-1) and
(D1=80, D2=100 and D3=120 plant m-2). number of siliquae per plant (siliqua plant-1). Main
stem length was measured as the plant height.
Agronomic Practices Numbers of siliquae per plant and seeds per siliqua
Individual experimental plot comprised of 6 rows, were counted from 30 randomly selected siliquae
4 m long, 2.5 m widths and a 30 cm row-spacing after hand threshing. The seed yield was measured
with a seeding rate of 7 kg ha-1. The experimental by harvesting 3.6 m2 of the central part of each plot
fields were mould-board ploughed and seedbed at crop full maturity (physiological maturity). After
preparation comprised of two passes with a tandem harvesting, the plants were left in the field for sun
disk. Weeds were controlled by Triflouralin (2.5 L drying to their constant weight (12% moisture
ha-1) which was applied prior to planting and content). Then, the total above ground plant weight
incorporated in to the soil by disking. After land was computed (biological yield) by a precise scale
leveling and furrow preparation, the plots were (0.001 g) and expressed as kg ha-1. Eight samples of
irrigated using the furrow irrigation method and 100 seeds were taken from each seed lot of the
subsequent irrigation was applied every 15 days experimental units and they were weighed
before the rosette appeared in Autumn and every 8- afterwards. Then, the average multiplied by 10
10 days during Spring. The planting depth was 1.5 to recorded as 1000-seed weight (TSW). Harvest index
2 cm at a rate of 100 seed m-2 on 10 October 2009. (HI) was calculated as ratio of seed yield to
The experimental plots were fertilized before sowing biological yield. The seed oil contents were
at the rate of N (N1-N0, N2-N16, N3-N33, N4-N50, and determined with the Soxhlet apparatus at the
N5-N66) P75K75. Phosphorus and potassium were used laboratory of Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad
in the form of triple super phosphate and potassium University, Iran. Fully matured siliquae were
sulphate, respectively. Nitrogen fertilizer in the form collected and their seeds were separated; next, they
of urea (46% N) was added into plots in three equal were dried in an oven at 105°C for 1 h. The dried
portions according to experimental treatments. The seeds of Brassica juncea L. (50 g per sub plot) were
first application of N (1/3) was incorporated and ground in a silit mortar into fine particles (0.1 mm of
added to soil as the basal dressing along with P, K mean diameter). The obtained powder (3 g of diced
fertilizer (in total amount) at the time of pre-sowing seed) was subjected to hot solvent extraction in a
and the remaining N (2/3) was split equally at the soxhlet apparatus using carbon tetrachloride
beginning of stem elongation and flowering stage. (Tetrachloromethane) in 1:1 ratio at temperature
The required plant populations (80,100 and 120 plant range of 70-100°C. Oil yield was computed by
m-2) were maintained by hand thinning after seedling multiplying seed yield and oil content.
emergence at two times (during 3-4 leaves phase).
During the study, three hand hoeings were given to Statistical Analysis
eradicate the weeds from the field. The crop was Data were subjected to analysis of variance
sprayed with Diazinon (a synthetic organophosphate (ANOVA) by using the MSTATC statistical package
Pesticide) at 1 L ha-1 for controlling the cabbage (MSTAT-C, Version 1.41, Crop and Sciences
aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae L.) in early December Department, Michigan State University, USA).
and April. Proper management practices were Duncan’s multiple range test (P < 0.05) was applied
adopted throughout the growing seasons to ensure for mean separation when F values were significant.
108 S. Keivanrad and P. Zandi Thai Journal of Agricultural Science
Results and Discussion The higher seed number per siliqua in N5D1
interaction implicated that in lower densities, due to
Plant Height lesser competition within the plants and a sufficient
Both the plant densities and nitrogen levels had light intensity as a potent source for increasing crop
significant effect on mustard plant height (PH) at biomass, higher dry matter accumulated in siliqua.
maturity (Table1). Taller plants (115.2 cm) were Consequently, it increased the seed number per
observed in a density of 120 plant m-2 against the siliqua by producing lower number of shriveled
shorter of 102.7 cm at 80 plant m-2 (Table 1). The seeds (Rana and Pachauri, 2001; Siadat et al.,
reduction in plant height with decrease in plant 2010).
population from D3 to D1 was attributed to
reduction in magnitude of competition for light at Number of Siliquae per Plant
wider spacing as compared to closer spacing (Rana The number of siliquae per plant of Indian
and Pachauri, 2001). Concerning nitrogen rates, mustard was highly affected (P<0.01) by the plant
application of 200 kg N ha-1 led to a notably taller densities, nitrogen rates and their interaction (Table
plant height (139.5 cm) than other levels (control, 1). Maximum siliqua number per plant (108.60)
50, 100, and 150 kg N ha-1). This implies that was obtained in plots which received 200 kg N ha-1.
application of nitrogen had increased the plant The minimum number of siliquae per plant (50.10)
height. The plant height was greatly influenced by produced in control plots (no nitrogen application).
interaction effect of plant population and nitrogen In fact, the increase in number of siliquae per plant
fertilizer (Table1). The significantly higher due to more nitrogen consumption emphasizes the
interaction for plant height was recorded in N5D1 existence of source limitation which results in
(146.2 cm) as compared to the rest of interactions. competition within plants and different parts of
These results are in accordance with the findings of each plant for receiving assimilates. This
Majnoun-hosseini et al. (2006) on Rapeseed and competition brings forth the flower per siliquae
Zandi et al. (2011) on Fenugreek. abscission. Therefore, there was a remarkable
difference between the highest and lowest level of
Number of Seeds Per Siliqua nitrogen consumption regarding this trait. These
Data pertaining to Table 1 revealed that number results confirmed the findings of earlier researchers
of seeds per siliqua was significantly affected by (Arthamwar et al., 1996; Mobasser et al., 2008;
the applied treatments (nitrogen levels, plant Siadat et al., 2010). Plant population of 80 plant m-2
densities and interaction thereof). Among the N recorded significantly higher siliqua number per
levels, the crop fertilized at 200 kg N ha-1 produced plant (86.70) as compared to 120 plant m-2 which
significantly more number of seeds per siliqua caused the lowest siliqua number per plant (73.68)
(17.32) than those of control, 50,100 and 150 kg N (Table 1). Generally, lower population increased
ha-1, which produced 10.78, 12.84, 14.31 and 15.96 and higher population decreased the number of
seeds per siliqua respectively. Qayyum et al. (1998) siliquae per plant. These findings are in agreement
and Cheema et al. (2001) also reported an increase with those of McGregor (1987), Ali et al. (1996)
in number of seeds per siliqua with the application and Cheema et al. (2001).The nitrogen and plant
of N up to 120 and 135 kg N ha-1 respectively. In density interaction showed that the most siliqua
different plant densities, the most seed number per plant-1 (115.6) was noticed in 200 kg ha-1 nitrogen
siliqua (14.90) was produced in 80 plant m-2 against application rate and 80 plant m-2 (Table 1). Similar
the least (13.61) at 120 plant m-2. This finding did results have been observed by Kazemeini et al.
not support by Munir and McNeilly (1987), Angadi (2010) on rapeseed in south of Iran.
et al. (2003) and Danesh-shahraki et al. (2008) who
found that there is no link between plant population Seed Yield
and number of seeds per siliqua. Higher number of Result indicated that nitrogen application rate
seeds per siliqua (17.80) was recorded with N5D1 (P<0.01), plant density (P<0.01) and their
interaction over the rest of interactions (Table 1). interaction (P<0.05) had significant effect on seed
However, N5D1 and N5D2 interactions were on par. yield (Table 1). Means comparison showed that the
Vol. 45, No. 2, 2012 Nitrogen levels effect on Indian mustard under different plant densities 109
Table 1 Plant parameters of Indian mustard as affected by nitrogen fertilizer and plant density.
Plant Seed Biological 1000- Harvest Oil
height yield yield seed wt. index content yield
(Seed (Siliqua
(cm) (-------kg ha-1--------) (g) (%) (%) (kg ha-1)
siliqua-1) plant-1)
N fertilizer
N1 74.97e 10.78e 50.10e 1038e 4823e 2.47e 21.55c 40.80b 424d
N2 97.97d 12.84d 66.47d 1861d 6123d 3.27d 30.44a 43.08a 802.6c
N3 111.5c 14.31c 80.60c 2214c 8149c 3.9c 27.14b 40.86b 905.8b
N4 123.9b 15.96b 94.10b 2568b 11330b 4.77b 22.56c 40.21b 1034a
N5 139.5a 17.32a 108.60a 2832a 12840a 5.3a 22.07c 38.64c 1095a
F-test ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Plant density
D1 102.7c 14.90a 86.70a 2218a 9154a 4.24a 24.67a 41.36a 912.5a
D2 110.8b 14.22b 79.50b 2105b 8668b 3.92b 24.78a 40.73b 853.3b
D3 115.2a 13.61c 73.68c 1984c 8136c 3.7c 24.86a 40.08c 790.9c
F-test ** ** ** ** ** ** ns ** **
N fertilizer×Plant density
N1D1 41.35c 21.16d 2.8gh 5322jk 1126h 56.40i 11.57i 65.20l 465.7h
N1D2 40.86cd 21.28d 2.5h 4861k 1035h 50.40j 10.70j 76.30k 423.3hi
N1D3 40.22d 22.22d 2.1i 4286l 952h 43.50k 10.07k 83.40j 383i
N2D1 43.97a 29.84ab 3.6 ef 6487h 1938fg 74.70g 13.57g 91.60i 852.7ef
N2D2 42.87b 30.69a 3.3f 6122hi 1879fg 66.20h 12.90h 99.80h 805.7fg
N2D3 42.39b 30.79a 2.9g 5761li 1766g 58.50i 12.07i 102.5h 749.3g
N3D1 41.38c 27.99abc 4.2d 8485f 2376de 87.40e 14.97e 106.3j 983cd
N3D2 40.93cd 27.39bc 3.8e 8176fg 2237e 78.60f 14.37f 112.7f 916.7de
N3D3 40.28d 26.04c 3.7e 7786g 2028f 75.80fg 13.60g 115.6ef 817.7fg
N4D1 40.93cd 22.42d 5.1b 11990c 2689bc 99.40c 16.60c 118.2e 1102ab
N4D2 40.38d 22.60d 4.7c 11290d 2553cd 93.90d 15.90d 125.3d 1031bc
N4D3 39.28e 22.93d 4.5cd 10720e 2461d 89e 15.37de 128.2d 967.3cd
N5D1 39.12e 21.92d 5.5a 13490a 2961a 115.6a 17.80a 132.1c 1159a
N5D2 38.59ef 21.94d 5.3ab 12900b 2822ab 108.5b 17.23ab 140.1b 1090ab
N5D3 38.21f 22.35d 5.2ab 12130c 2712bc 101.6c 16.93bc 146.2a 1037bc
F-test * * * * * * * * *
CV (%) 1.13 6.56 4.81 3.51 4.77 2.19 2.35 1.92 5.25
Note: ns non significant, * and ** significant at P<0.05 and 0.01 probability level, respectively, means in each column followed by
the common letters are significantly different (P<0.05) according to Duncan test.
N1=0 kg N ha-1, N2=50 kg N ha-1, N3=100 kg N ha-1, N4=150 kg N ha-1, N5=200 kg N ha-1
D1=80, D2=100 and D3=120 plant m-2
most (2832 kg ha-1) and the least seed yield (1038 Mirzashahi et al. (2000), Bani-saeedi (2001), and
kg ha-1) were belonged to the plots which received Siadat et al. (2010). Among the plant densities, 80
200 and 0 kg N ha-1 respectively (Table 1). The plant m-2 (D1) produced significantly higher seed
application of 200 kg N ha-1, by preventing flower yield (2218 kg ha-1) than other applied densities of
and siliqua abscission, increasing the number 100 and 120 plant m-2 which gave 2105 and 1984
ofsiliquae per unit area and affecting thousand-seed kg ha-1 of seed yield respectively (Table 1). The
weight (TSW) led to more seed yield. Higher seed higher seed yield in D1 treatment reveals that such
yield with increasing rate of nitrogen was also plant density facilitated maximum utilization of
reported by Singh and Rathi (1985), Reddy and nutrients and increased dry matter production
Sinha (1989), Mankotish and Sharma (1997), which ultimately enhanced seed yield (Cheema et
110 S. Keivanrad and P. Zandi Thai Journal of Agricultural Science
al., 2001). Moreover, in this level of density by assimilates distribution and adjusting the effect of
creating more suitable green canopy in the unit area inter/intra plant competition (Zangani et al., 2006).
with the least inter competition, solar radiation was It resulted in producing more foliage (through
used effectively for producing economic yield higher siliqua yield and stover yield) to the seed
(Sharif et al., 1990; Saeed-shariati, 1996). production. These results complies with the findings
Interaction effect of nitrogen and plant density of Kazemeini et al. (2010) and Zandi et al. (2011)
showed that the most seed yield (2961 kg ha-1) was who reported that the most biological yield was
produced in 200 kg N ha-1 in case of 80 plant m-2. produced in higher dose of nitrogen application.
Furthermore, the least seed yield (952 kg ha-1) was
obtained in no nitrogen application in case of 120 1000-Seed Weight
plant m-2. Clearly, as the plant density increased for According to results in Table 1, 1000-seed
each N amount, seed yield in the unit of area weight (TSW) was highly significantly (P<0.01)
decreased as well which did not confirm the results influenced by different plant densities and nitrogen
of studies done by Yousaf and Ahmad (2002), levels. Munir and McNeilly (1987), Angadi et al.
Danesh-shahraki et al. (2008) and Kazemeini et al. (2003) and Danesh-shahraki et al. (2008)
(2010). They found higher seed yield of rapeseed at contradictorily, revealed that TSW is the stable part
higher levels of both nitrogen and plant density. of yield and not affected by plant density
fluctuations. Data in Table 1 show that the TSW
Biological Yield increased with increasing the nitrogen application
Results in Table 1 show that the individual rates and decreased with increasing the plant
effects of nitrogen and plant density were highly densities. Thus, the highest and lowest values of
influenced the crop biological yield (P<0.01). The TSW were obtained from 80 and 120 plant m-2
application rate of 200 kg N ha-1 produced the respectively. Maximum TSW (5.3 g) was recorded
maximum biological yield (12840 kg ha-1), at 200 kg N ha-1 against the minimum (2.47 g) at
followed by 150 kg N ha-1 which produced 11330 control. In the studies of Sharma and Kumar (1990)
kg ha-1 biological yield. The minimum biological on Mustard and Bani-saeedi (2001) on Canola, the
yield (4823 kg ha-1) was recorded in control TSW enhanced as a response to nitrogen fertilizer.
treatment (N1) (Table 1). These results are in line The interaction effects of nitrogen and plant density
with the findings of Kjellstrom (1993) and Zandi et had a significant effect (P<0.05) on this trait (Table
al. (2011) who reported that biological yield 1). The N5D1 interaction recorded considerably
maximized with increasing nitrogen levels. Means higher TSW (5.5 g) as compared to rest of the
comparison results indicated that the highest (9154 interactions. Apparently, lower TSW of 2.1 g was
kg ha-1) and the lowest (8136 kg ha-1) biological recorded with N1D3 interaction. As compared to the
yield was that of 80 and 120 plant m-2 respectively. other traits, TSW changes to the levels of evaluated
The nitrogen and plant density interaction had a treatments had fewer fluctuations in this
considerable effect on biological yield of Indian experiment. Furthermore, no sharp drop was
mustard (Table 1). Among all treatment noticed in this trait while increasing the density at
combinations, N5D1 (200 kg N ha-1 coupled with 80 each level of nitrogen application. The optimum
plant m-2) produced the highest biological yield density strengthened the optimal use of
(13490 kg ha-1); while the lowest biological yield environmental condition for the crop and it lessened
(4286 kg ha-1) was that of the control treatment (no the inter plant competition which resulted in
nitrogen application) coupled with a density of 120 production of appropriate seeds with more weight.
plant m-2 (N1D3) (Table 1). The data obtained in our Although the competition between the plants
experiment are not in accordance with the intensified by increasing the plant density, these
information that maximum biomass would be plants by allocating more photosynthesis materials
obtained in maximum plant density (Yousaf and to the seed, which may be provided via
Ahmad, 2002; Mobasser et al., 2008; Kazemeini et remobilization of secondary materials
al., 2010). Higher biological yield at nitrogen rates (Translocation), prevented severe decrease in seed
of N5 was related to the effective role of nitrogen on weight. The plants which were cultivated at higher
Vol. 45, No. 2, 2012 Nitrogen levels effect on Indian mustard under different plant densities 111
density (D3) had lost their TSW at higher level of partitioning efficiency and resulted in more
nitrogen application (N5). This may be due to lower partitioning of dry matter into various plant parts
partitioning of photosynthetic materials to seeds than reproductive organs and it consequently
than other vegetative parts (plant height increased dropped the HI values (Danesh-shahraki et al.,
along with increasing crop densities). Moreover, 2008).
under N1D3 interaction, the excessive numbers of
plants under nutrient’ stress condition (no nitrogen Oil Content
application) resulted in severe inter plant Seed oil content was highly significantly
competition and a higher canopy transpiration (P<0.01) affected by different densities and
which reduced the effective seed filling duration nitrogen rates (Table1). The maximum oil content
and restricted the seed growth; consequently the of 41.36% was recorded at lower densities (80 plant
TSW declined. According to the results obtained by m-2) against the minimum of 40.08% at higher
Siadat et al. (2010) in Ahvaz, TSW increased as densities (120 plant m-2). The result was not
plant density and nitrogen rate increased; which do coincided with the findings of Singh et al. (1986)
not totally coincided with our finding. and Chauhan et al. (1993), who reported the highest
oil content with increasing crop population. The
Harvest Index differences in results might be due to differences in
The recorded data indicated no statistically environmental conditions under which these
significant difference in harvest index in terms of experiments were conducted. As for oil content
the applied plant densities (80, 100, and 120 plant (%), the data of Table 1 revealed that under 50 kg
m-2). Zandi et al. (2011) showed that plant nitrogen rate (N2) , oil content was the highest, then
population densities did not affect harvest index significantly decreased under the higher nitrogen
significantly. They found the harvest index (HI) to rates. Oil contents were 40.80%, 43.08%, 40.86%,
be relatively stable. By contrast, DeLougherty and 40.21% and 38.64% under the nitrogen rates of 0.0,
Crookston (1978) reported that with increasing 50,100.150 and 200 kg N ha-1, respectively. The
population density a significant decline in HI would results confirmed the findings of earlier researchers
be achieved; whoever, the HI values were greatly (Patil and Bhargava, 1987; Cheema et al., 2001;
increased by increasing the plant densities Saleem et al., 2001), who pointed out that oil
according to findings of Danesh-shahraki et al. content decreased with the increasing rate of N. The
(2008). HI was highly (P<0.01) affected by interaction effect between plant density and
nitrogen rates. Among the N levels, the plots nitrogen was significant (P<0.05) (Table 1). The
received 50 kg N ha-1 resulted in notably more HI N2D1 interaction recorded considerably higher oil
values than those of control, 100,150 and 200 kg N content (43.97%) over the rest of the interactions
ha-1. The interaction effect of plant density and (Table 1). The higher oil content in this interaction
nitrogen levels was significant (P<0.05) over this was due to the fact that the amount of applied
trait (Table1). The N2D3 interaction recorded manures should be considered regarding the oil
significantly higher HI values (30.79%) compared content. The excessive nitrogen in soil, as a nutrient
to other interactions; whereas, it was on par with material, generates harmful materials in seed oil
N2D1, N2D2, and N3D1 interactions (Table 1). For and causes its difficult extraction (Karimian-
each population density, when N application kelishadrokhi et al., 2009). Presence of N-
increased up to 50 kg ha-1, the crop’s HI was compounds in seed oil complicates the procedure of
augmented as well, and each extra fertilization led oil extraction and increases the amount of
to a significant decrease in HI values. It assumes undesirable materials such as glucosinolates
that besides improving the assimilate distribution, (Zangani, 2002). Zhao et al. (2006) and Omirou et
by making an effective nutrient management, N al. (2009) reported that glucosinolate content
could ameliorate the inter-plant competition in a increased with the increasing rate of N. The highest
way that increased the amount of seed yield to oil content in N2 treatment comparing to other
biological yield and caused the harvest index to nitrogen levels might be due to decreasing the
increase. Higher N rates disrupted the crop’s amount of N-compounds in the seed oil.
112 S. Keivanrad and P. Zandi Thai Journal of Agricultural Science
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Manuscript received 28 January 2012, accepted 30 August 2012