Rule-Based Named Entity Recognition (NER) To Determine Time Expression For Balinese Text Document

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Jurnal Elektronik Ilmu Komputer Udayana p-ISSN: 2301-5373

Volume 9 No. 4, May 2021 e-ISSN: 2654-5101

Rule-based Named Entity Recognition (NER) to

Determine Time Expression for Balinese Text
Ni Made Sinta Wahyuni a1, Ngurah Agus Sanjaya ERa2

Informatic Departement, Udayana University
Bali, Indonesia


Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a process to identify words or phrases as a named entity,
such as a person, location, time expression, or organization. In this research, we are interested
in developing a NER which able to identify the time expression entity in Balinese text documents.
The time expression entity becomes an important component in the text because it is usually
followed by important facts and information. NER was built using a rules-based approach. The
rules are built based on direct observation of documents and pay attention to the morphological
and contextual structures. Based on the experiments conducted, the average results of the
precision, recall, and f-measure values were 0.85, 0.87, and 0.85.

Keywords: NER, Balinese text documents, time expression, rule-based, rules

1. Introduction
Indonesia is a rich country with cultural diversity. Each region in Indonesia has its cultural
characteristics. One form of Indonesian cultural diversity is regional languages. In 2017,
Indonesia has 652 regional languages [1]. Balinese is one of the regional languages of Indonesia.
The use of Balinese is still maintained and actively used in various aspects of life such as
communication, customs, religion, education, and even the media. Balinese is categorized as a
major regional language because it has a large number of speakers, a written system, and a
literary tradition [2].
The rapid development of technology and information is in line with the amount of availability of
Balinese text documents in digital format. Besides, the need for fast and accurate information also
increases. However, a lot of important information is still scattered in narrative documents, so it
can take a long time to find it. One way to find this important information is by using NER.
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a derivative of information extraction (IE). Information
extraction (IE) is the process of finding information from a document or natural language with the
results in the form of structured information in a certain format. The purpose of NER is to recognize
and identify named entities and classify them into predetermined categories [3]. The named entity
can be a person, location, organization, time expression, and others. NER also has an important
role in various natural language processing (NLP) applications, such as text understanding,
information retrieval, automatic text summarization, question answering, machine translation, and
knowledge base construction [4].
NER has three general approaches to use, there are the rule-based method, the learning-based
method, or the hybrid approach [5]. The rule-based approach relies on the rules and patterns of
named entities contained in sentences and is defined manually using regular expressions based
on linguistic knowledge and entity characteristics [6], [7], [8]. Linguistic knowledge can include
grammar, contextual, lexicon, and algorithms to determine each of the operations involved [6].
Several studies related to NER have been carried out using various methods in various
languages. However, research related to NER for Balinese has never been done before. In

Wahyuni and Sanjaya ER
Rule-based Named Entity Recognition (NER) to Determine Time Expression for Balinese Text

research [9], the authors constructed NER by using a set of rules by combining contextual,
morphological, and part-of-speech knowledge. NER is built for Indonesian. The evaluation is done
by calculating the precision, recall, and f-measure values with the results of 63.63% recall and
71.84% precision. These results outperform those obtained using the maximum entropy method
and associated rule-based method. Research [6], built a NER that able to identify entities in the
biomedical domain using rule-based and Naïve Bayes classifiers. 18 rules are built based on
observations on training data. The results obtained in this study are the highest average value of
precision, recall, and f-measure is 0.85 with a micro average.
In a document, the existence of a time expression is usually followed by important facts or
information in the vicinity [10]. Expressions of time have several types, there are range, sequence,
duration, function, other types, and omitted phenomena [11]. A range is a period between two
times or dates. The sequence is a sequence of several time ranges. Duration is a period.
Functions include implied semantic entities. Another type is complementary in representing time
expressions such as numbers which indicate numbers without any inherent temporal meaning.
Omitted phenomena focus on events or states relative to expressions of time.
In this research, a NER will be developed to identify and recognized time expression entities for
Balinese text documents using a rule-based approach. The rules are made based on direct
observation of documents that have a certain pattern by observing the morphological and
contextual structures. Evaluation is done by calculating the average of the precision, recall, and
f-measure values of the resulting NER.

2. Research Methods
The process stages of developing a rule-based NER for Balinese text include data preprocessing,
identifying the time expression entity with the NER, then generate output as time expression entity
according to the established rules. The preprocessing stage includes case folding, data cleaning,
and tokenization. The results from the preprocessing stage will be used as input for the
identification process of the time expression entity with a rule-based NER for the Balinese text
document. The following is a flow chart of the NER development process which can be seen in
figure 1.

2.1. Types of Time Expression

In this research, NER will be built to identify and recognized time expression entities. Time
expressions have some type, include range, sequence, duration, function, other types, and
omitted phenomena [11].
a. Range
The range is the period between two times or dates that represent or are called intervals.
An instance of a range is 17 Mei - 20Agustus 2020.
b. Sequence
The sequence is a sequence of several time ranges. The instance is rahina Redite
mangkin, rahina Redite sane jagi rauh.
c. Duration
Duration is a period of time. The instance is tigang rahina, telung tiban, aminggu.
d. Function
This type includes implied semantic entities. An instance of the function is 2 dina sane
e. Other types
This type is complementary in representing time expressions such as numbers without
any inherent temporal meaning. An instance is 2012.
f. Omitted phenomena
This type focuses on events or states relative to a timestamp expression. An instance is
warsa 90-an.

Jurnal Elektronik Ilmu Komputer Udayana p-ISSN: 2301-5373
Volume 9 No. 4, May 2021 e-ISSN: 2654-5101


Insert Data

Data Preprocessing

Data Cleansing

Case Folding



Rule Assignment


Figure 1. System Flow Chart

2.2. Data Preprocessing

Data preprocessing is a stage for preparing text into data that is ready to be processed for the
next stage. In this study, there are four preprocessing stages, namely data cleansing, case
folding, punctuation removal, and tokenization. Data cleansing is the stage of detecting,
eliminating errors, and inconsistencies in data to improve data quality, such as changing the
character é to e. Case folding is the stage of changing all letters in the text document to lowercase.
Punctuation removal is the stage of removing punctuation marks for the example ',! \ "# $% & () *
+.:; <=>? @ [\] ^ _` {|} ~ \ that is contained in the text. Tokenization is the breakdown step string
into the smallest unit called a token. In this research, what is meant by the token is the word.

2.3. Rule-based

The results obtained from preprocessing data, then used for the next stage, namely NER by using
a rule-based approach. At this stage, rule-based checks the suitability of each token toward each
rule that has been made. If any of the rules matches, the token is identified as a named entity i.e.
a time expression. However, if no rules match, it will proceed to the next token.
The rules for NER are made based on direct observation of documents that have a certain pattern.
Besides, rules are made with due regard to the morphological and contextual structures. The
morphological structure is based on the structure of the word, as in table 1. The contextual
structure observing to the word to be used as initially annotated text, as in table 2. For example,

Wahyuni and Sanjaya ER
Rule-based Named Entity Recognition (NER) to Determine Time Expression for Balinese Text

when you find the word "pinanggal" it is usually followed by a time expression such as 17/8 so
that the next word is a time expression.

Tabel 1. List of Morphological Features

Feature Explanation Example

numStr number in word kalih, telu, dasa, limolas
digitSlash number with slash 12/09/2019
digitHyphen number with hyphen 13-8-2020
digit all number 2020

Tabel 2. List of Contextual Features

Feature Explanation Example

day list of days redite, soma, anggara
month list of months januari, februari, maret
time_prefix time prefix pinanggal, duk, periode
time_sufix time suffix lintang, kaon, rauh
time_range range of time nyantos
duration duration detik, jam, menit
durationStr duration in word abulan, atiban, awai
notDatePrefix not in list of date no, nomer, pergub, perda

The following is an example of a rule built to identify time marking entities in Balinese text

IF token[index] in time_prefix and (token[index+1].isnumeric() == True or token[index+1] in

numStr) and token[index+2] in duration
THEN time_entity = token[index+1] + token[index+2]

If given the input sentence " Parikrama sane kamargiang antuk akeh dudonan puniki kakawitin
saking workshop nyantos kompetisi pantaraning mahasisya suennyane 3 dina ring Bali puniki.".
Based on the rule above, the NER will identify the “3 dina” as a time expression entity.

2.4. System Evaluation

In this research, to determine the performance produced by NER in identifying and recognized
time expression entities, an evaluation measurement technique be required. Evaluation is carried
out to obtain the average precision, recall, and f-measure values. Precision is a comparison of
the amount of relevant information obtained by the system with the total amount of information
retrieved by the system, whether relevant or not. Recall is a comparison of the amount of relevant
information obtained by the system with the amount of all relevant information contained in the
collection of information either that has been or has not been retrieved by the system. F-measure
is the relationship between precision and recall that provides system accuracy. The following is
an equation for calculating precision (1), recall (2), and f-measure (3).

number of correct responses (1)

Precision =
number of responses

number of correct responses

Recall = (2)
number correct in key

Jurnal Elektronik Ilmu Komputer Udayana p-ISSN: 2301-5373
Volume 9 No. 4, May 2021 e-ISSN: 2654-5101

Precision ∗ Recall
F − measure =
0,5 ∗ (Precision + Recall)

3. Result and Discussion

To determine the performance of the NER system, testing or evaluation is carried out to obtain
the average values of precision, recall, and f-measure. The type of data used in this research is
secondary data. Secondary data is data that is already available before the researcher starts the
research and that is related to the research to be carried out. Testing was carried out using 50
Balinese text documents consisting of news and short stories with file format * .txt. All documents
are used as test data. The following are the example of the result obtained by the system that is
shown in table 3 and the precision, recall, and f-measure result of some document can be seen
in table 4.

Tabel 3. Example of Testing Data

No Input Sentence Entity Result

1 Mirib sing sida naanang sakit ati, atiban ané liwat, atiban liwat
méménné nuturin bapanné apang suud ja ngantén-
palas, mamitra miwah mamotoh.
2 Ring Sensus Penduduk (SP) Online sane memargi 15 Februari-29 Mei
saking pinanggal 15 Februari kantos 29 Mei 2020, 2020
kasurat 1.571.119 krama utawi 35,59% saking
4.414.431 krama Provinsi Bali sampun ngamiletin SP
3 Ring rahina Wrespati (9/7/2020), Perhimpunan Wrespati 9/7/2020
Penggemar Mobil Kuno Indonesia (PPMKI) Bali
pacang ngelaksanayang tour sane kakawitin ring ajeng
Kantor Gubernur Bali.
4 Ring program sane megalah 60 menit punika taler 60 menit
ngerauhang juru raos praktisi tanaman toga lan pangan
Yuliani Djajanegara, miwah kadagingin baga metaken
nyawis interaktif indik orti ketahanan pangan
5 Pikobet kulawarga puniki kantun memargi santukan nem sasih lintang
Sutarini sane kaandelan kulawarga keni stroke nem
sasih lintang.
6 Telung tiban Madé Loka ngarap gumi, tusing taén telung tiban
7 Gubernur Bali pinanggal 20 September 2020 Wayan 20 September 2020
Koster nyihnayang pamujinnyane duaning ring
sajeroning acara pamungkah seminar nasional puniki
para pamilet nganggen destar khas Bali.
Gubernur Bali Wayan Koster ngamedalan Peraturan
8 Gubernur nomor 26 warsa 2020 indik Sistem Sukra 10 Juli 2020
Pengamanan Lingkungan Terpadu Berbasis Desa Adat
(SIPANDU BERADAT), Sukra ( 10 Juli 2020).
Parikrama sane kamargiang antuk akeh dudonan
puniki kakawitin saking workshop nyantos kompetisi 3 dina
9 pantaraning mahasisya suennyane 3 dina ring Bali
puniki, baos Prof Santoso, kamargiang olih pihaknyane
kasarengin olih Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Universitas Udayana (Unud).
Manut dane kuartal kaping tiga warsa 2020 puniki
10 dados kunci ngewalian ekonomi Indonesia kantos 2020
nenten tedun me jurang resesi.

Wahyuni and Sanjaya ER
Rule-based Named Entity Recognition (NER) to Determine Time Expression for Balinese Text

Tabel 4. Evaluation Result of Some Testing Documents

Document Precision Recall F-measure

Document 1.txt 0.5 0.33 0.4
Document 2.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 3.txt 0.5 0.5 0.5
Document 4.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 5.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 6.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 7.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 8.txt 0.66 0.75 0.70
Document 9.txt 0.71 0.62 0.66
Document 10.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 40.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 41.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 42.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 43.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 44.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 45.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 46.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 47.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 48.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 49.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Document 50.txt 1.0 1.0 1.0
Average 0.85 0.87 0.85

Based on the tests, we get the average value of precision is 0.85, recall is 0.87, and f-measure is
0.85. In the table, it is shown that several documents have less than optimal values of precision,
recall, and f-measure. This is affected by several factors, such as errors in writing time
expressions such as days, the existence of an entity that has not been recognized by NER as a
time expression entity because the rules have not been defined and some words or phrases which
are not classified as time expression entities but are recognized by the system.

Number of occurrences of the time expression







Sequence Range Duration Function OT OP
Time Expresssion Type

Figure 2. Number of Occurrences of Time Expression Type

Jurnal Elektronik Ilmu Komputer Udayana p-ISSN: 2301-5373
Volume 9 No. 4, May 2021 e-ISSN: 2654-5101

Besides that, we can see the number of occurrences of the most recognizable time expression
type in Figure 2. A sequence is a type of time expression that is most easily recognized and
retrieved by the system. This is because most of the testing data are news articles, which contain
time expressions such as sequences to explain the sequence of events. In this system, the types
of time expressions that can decrease accuracy are duration and function. This is because there
are various styles of writing, such as 20-30 January 2020, on the other hand, there are those who
write 20 January-30 January 2020 or 20 January nyantos 30 January 2020.

4. Conclusion
We have built Named Entity Recognition (NER) using a rule-based approach. NER recognizes
time expression entities in Balinese text documents. Rules are built based on direct observation
of documents and use the morphological and contextual structures. Based on the research
conducted, it is concluded that the rule-based approach can be used in NER on Balinese text
documents and able to provide results based on the compatibility with the rules. The results
showed that the average precision, recall, and f-measure values are 0.85, 0.87, and 0.85. A
sequence is the most recognizable time expression type because most of the testing data are
news articles, which contain time expressions to explain the sequence of events. Hopefully in the
future, the development of NER to identify time expression entities in Balinese documents will
continue to be carried out with other approaches so that it is expected to be able to recognize all
types of time expressions.


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Rule-based Named Entity Recognition (NER) to Determine Time Expression for Balinese Text

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