Vibrant - Interview Questions
Vibrant - Interview Questions
Vibrant - Interview Questions
Interview Details
Applicant Name: Date: Time:
Interviewer Name/Title:
Agency Name:
2. At this time employment at Vibrant Emotional Health does not count towards hours
for licensing. Is that something that will be an issue for you?
4. What are some challenges that you faced professionally or academically? How did
you address this challenge?
5. As you take on a new position, what do you do to ensure you learn the ropes?
6. Give me an example of a time when you had to think on your feet to delicately
remove yourself from a difficult or awkward situation.
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8. Give me an example of a time you faced a conflict while working on a team. How
did you handle that?
9. What are the biggest challenges individuals and families are faced with before
finally connecting to services?
13. Training for this position is 5 consecutive weeks during which days cannot be
missed. We are understanding of certain events that can potentially take place in
which certain documentation would be asked to be provided. Do you have any
upcoming planned vacation time to disclose currently?
The Contact Center provides Services 24/7, including weekends and holidays. Our current
shifts are overnight or evening with at least one weekend day- Can you commit to this?
Candidates selected for this position are required to take the Mental Health First Aid Training offered
by the city. We will provide you with a link to find a local training to attend, prior to our New Hire
Training beginning. Please ensure you attend and obtain a certificate of completion. If you have
already completed this training, please provide your certificate upon hire.
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*** To be completed by the Agency before emailing***
Candidate Full Name:
Salary or Bill Rate: $38.60/hour (NYPL) or $39/hour (NYC WELL)
Candidate Phone Number:
Candidate Email:
Location of Candidate:
Candidate Highest Level of Education:
Does the candidate have their own laptop?
Schedules the candidate are open to post training?
*Please provide any additional information/notes about the candidate below*
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