Big Push - Rosenstein Rodan
Big Push - Rosenstein Rodan
Big Push - Rosenstein Rodan
● Rosenstein-Rodan, Paul N. 1943. “Problems of Industrialization of Eastern and
South-Eastern Europe”, The Economic Journal
This was a chapter from the report of the Economic Group of the Committee on
Reconstruction, the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
● Rosenstein-Rodan, Paul N. 1984. “Natura Facit Saltum: Analysis of the Disequilibrium
Growth Process.” In Gerald M. Meier and Dudley Seers (eds). Pioneers in Development.
Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 207-221.
Why Big-Push ?
Large investment bring sustainable development due to
● Complementarity or indivisibility of demand
● indivisibility in production functions
● Indivisibility in saving
Indivisibility Of Demands
● Most industries are inter-dependent
● Example of a shoe factory : increase employment in a shoe factory in urban area.
● Surplus agriculture Labours migrate to urban modern sector at relatively higher wage
● (Higher wages : to compensate for food cost inclusive of transport cost & housing rent)
● If labour spend all wages on shoes, a market for the products of their enterprise would
arise = expansion will not disturb previous market equilibrium
● Indivisibilities on the demand side refer to limitations imposed by the size of market on
● Indivisibilities on supply-side refer to lumpiness of capital and necessity of the
investment in large number of activities simultaneously can take advantage of various
external economies of scale
● Divergence between Private Marginal product and Social Marginal Product
● Small investments may not be useful to reap the external economies
● Large-scale expansion of activities for obtain external economies
● So ‘Big-Push’ is required as Natura Facit Saltum (Nature does not make a jump)
● To establish equilibrium in the world economy
● Recognition that automated Laissez Faire may not solve market imperfections
● The market imperfection are the big obstacles in the way of economic development.
● Therefore, deliberate action of planned & huge investment, rather than dependency on
market mechanism for sustained development
● Neglecting Investment in Agri. Sector: Agriculture is the largest sector in UDCs, which
has been largely ignored by the theory. The emphasis has been laid upon making
investment in infrastructure and industries.
● Inflationary Pressure: If funds are raised through foreign loans or by printing new notes,
may create inflationary pressure in the economy.
● Administrative and Institutional Difficulties: Decision-making mechanism in the State
for the investment may take longer time
● No empirical evidence for the theory: it’s a prescription for launching underdeveloped
economies on the path of progress rapidly. The Big Push theory lacks the historical
evidences and facts. It is not an historical expansion of how development takes place