An Optimization Routing Protocol For Fanets: Research Open Access
An Optimization Routing Protocol For Fanets: Research Open Access
An Optimization Routing Protocol For Fanets: Research Open Access
(2019) 2019:120
With the wide-ranging application of mobile ad hoc networks, flying ad hoc networks (FANETs) have received more
and more attention from the industry. Routing technology is a key technology of ad hoc networks. The high-speed
mobility of nodes poses a greater challenge to FANET routing technology. Based on the Dynamic Source Routing
(DSR) protocol, the continuous Hopfield neural network is used to optimize the route to be adapted to the high-
speed movement of the FANET node. In a simulation using NS3, the result shows that the optimized DSR protocol
has greatly improved key indicators such as end-to-end average delay, throughput, and packet delivery ratio.
Keywords: FANET, MANET, Routing protocol, Neural networks
1 Introduction may easily lead to route breaks, which will trigger rout-
In the past, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) had ing updates frequently, generate a large amount of con-
been applied more and more, and have expanded into trol overhead in the network, cause route convergence
the air to form flying ad hoc networks (FANETs) [1]. As difficulties, increase data forwarding delay, and increase
an improved mobile ad hoc network, FANETs use the packet loss rate, and even the routing protocol is invalid.
aircraft as a node for transmitting, receiving, or forward- In order to realize reliable and effective networking of
ing over the air wireless communication. It can set up a high dynamic nodes, routing protocols are one of the
network at any time and any place without any fixed fa- key issues that need to be solved in FANETs. The same
cilities and realize a multi-aircraft system. The network as the MANET routing, the FANET routing protocol
layer is effective communication. The FANETs have the should also have the ability to self-organize and
commonality of traditional MANETs, such as no center, self-heal. At the same time, the FANET routing protocol
multi-hop, self-organization, and self-healing, but are also needs to adapt to frequent changes in the network
also given their specific design goals and network char- topology brought by the high-speed movement of nodes.
acteristics. The characteristics of the aircraft nodes are Compared with MANETs, nodes in FANETs have higher
fast, maneuverable, and complex in the flight environ- moving speed, and their routing is the most likely to
ment and the high degree of confrontation. It will lead break in the communication process. Although the trad-
to restricted bandwidth of the communication transmis- itional meaning of MANETs’ routing also considers the
sion link, frequent switching changes, and high error moving speed of nodes, it cannot be directly trans-
rate. The network topology has dedicated time-varying planted to FANETs with high moving speed. In the
and significant dynamic, so FANET routing design is meantime, it is necessary to ensure the corresponding
also more difficult and at the same time very improvements or redesigns in conjunction with the ac-
challenging. tual situation of FANETs.
Routing protocols [1–6] have always been the core
technology in various types of wired networks and wire-
less networks, and are also research hotspots. For the 2 Related work
highly dynamic FANETs, the strong mobility of a node 2.1 Overview of FANET routing protocol
At present, the industry does not have a proprietary
routing protocol for FANET, and its main routing proto-
* Correspondence:
Guangxi Colleges and Universities Key Laboratory of Robot and Welding, col still uses the routing protocol of MANETs. MANET
Guilin University of Aerospace Technology, Guilin, China routing protocols [7–10] can be divided into different
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Yang and Liu EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019) 2019:120 Page 2 of 8
types according to different classification criteria. Ac- node, it is possible to obtain more topology information,
cording to the route discovery strategy, it is divided into and more and more network topology information is
reactive routing, proactive routing, and hybrid routing. stored in the cache to improve the cache hit rate of the
route lookup. So, it can reduce the frequency of routing
2.1.1 Reactive routing discovery process and save network bandwidth. DSR
This type of routing protocol creates a route only when mainly includes route discovery and route maintenance.
the source node needs to communicate, and does not
need to maintain the routing information of all nodes in 2.2.1 Route discovery
real time like a table-driven routing protocol. Therefore, When the communication node needs to transmit
such routes are known as on-demand routing protocols. packet data, the route discovery process checks whether
This type of routing protocol has poor stability in highly the node itself contains the destination and routing in-
dynamic networks and is also less secure, for example, formation for the initialization data. If it has, the route is
Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) [11–13] and ad hoc initiated to establish a connection. Else, the route is initi-
on-demand distance vector (AODV) [11, 14, 15]. ated to establish a flood routing the request to deter-
mine whether the destination node exists. If it exists, the
2.1.2 Proactive routing routing response is sent. The source node receives the
According to the characteristics of MANET, based on the response to establish a connection. If there is no destin-
wired network routing protocol, all nodes maintain a rout- ation node, it determines whether the routing informa-
ing table that contains routing information from this node tion to the destination node is cached. If sure, routing
to other nodes. When the network topology changes, the response is sent, and the source node receives the re-
node maintains the routing table updated by exchanging sponse to establish a connection. Else, it determines
routing information, so the routing table can accurately re- whether the maximum hop count reached restrict, and
flect the network topology information. Because of FANETs, then return to search again. If the limit reached, the
high-speed movement of nodes causes network topology to route fails to establish a connection. When the routing
change very frequently, such routes are not suitable for use connection is interrupted, the node will send an error
in FANETs, for example, Optimized Link State Routing packet to the source and the notice in reverse. At this
Protocol (OLSR) [11, 16, 17] and Destination-Sequenced point, the route discovery process is completed.
Distance Vector (DSDV) [11, 18].
2.2.2 Route maintenance
2.1.3 Hybrid routing After the route is established using the route discovery,
This type of routing algorithm uses both active routing a routing table will exist in the source node, and the data
and on-demand routing. It divides the network into do- transmission will be performed according to the routing
mains and uses active routing and reactive routing pol- table. During the process of transmitting the data, the
icies within and between domains, for example, Zone established route has to be maintained to be continu-
Routing Protocol (ZRP) [11, 19]. ously available. By maintaining the routing table, the
In the above main routing protocols, the DSR has low source node can monitor the network topology and dis-
overhead and rapid response to network topology cover changes in the network topology in time to deter-
changes and can provide fast response services to ensure mine whether the route to the destination node is
that data packets can successfully reach the destination continuously available. When a node in the network detects
node. Therefore, it is more suitable for FANETs with fast a route break, the node will send a route error packet, and
node movement and strong topological changes. Based the node who receives the error packet then caches it and
on the DSR, it is optimized based on CHNN, and the ex- deletes the route information. If the source node in a com-
pected route is more suitable for FANETs, thereby im- munication receives a route error packet, it deletes the
proving the performance of FANETs. route and the route discovery process is started.
network (CHNN) and discrete Hopfield neural network iterated throughout the network. No longer
(DHNN). changing in the process.
CHNN mainly solves the combinatorial optimization (3) The state of the network changes with time, and
problem; Hopfield and Tank realize that with this basic the output state of each neuron at time t is related
neural network organization form, by selecting the to its own t-1 time.
weights and external inputs that can properly represent (4) Introduce the concept of energy function to judge
the function to be minimized and the desired state, it is the stability of network iteration, that is, the
possible to calculate the specific solution and the convergence of the network, that is, the energy
method of optimizing the problem. Updating neurons function reaches a minimum value.
based on differential equations ensures that energy func- (5) The solution of the network, that is, the state set of
tions and optimization problems can be minimized at each neuron when the network runs to stability.
the same time. The analog nature of the neurons and
the hardware implementation of the update process can The circuit topology structure of CHNN is shown in
be combined to create a fast and powerful solution. The Fig. 1, where Ui represents the input voltage of the elec-
key to solving various combinatorial optimization prob- tronic amplifying component, Vi represents the output
lems with neural networks is to map the problem into a voltage, and operational amplifier i represents the ith
neural network dynamic system and to write the corre- neuron.
sponding energy function expressions and dynamic Its state equation is
equations. They should satisfy the constraints of the
problem. Finally, the neural network is studied. The dy-
dui X n Xn
namic process ensures that the steady-state output of Ci ¼ T ij v j − T ij u j −T i0 ui þ I i ð1Þ
the network corresponds to the minimum value of the dt j¼1 j¼1
energy function and the solution to the combinatorial
dui X X
optimization problem. n n
The features of the Hopfield neural network are as Ci ¼ T ij v j − T ij u j −T i0 ui þ I i ð2Þ
follows: j¼1 j¼1
(1) All neurons are both an input and an output, where the input voltage vi satisfies the nonlinear map-
forming a single-layer fully connected recursive ping rule f:
(2) The synaptic weight of the network is different
from other neural networks obtained through vi ¼ f i ðui Þ ð3Þ
supervised or unsupervised iterative learning, but is
calculated according to certain rules when building CHNN uses the energy function to measure the stabil-
the network, and the weight of the network is ity of the network, which is defined as:
Fig. 1 CHNN circuit topology. Hopfield neural network equivalent to amplifying electronic circuits. Input information of each electronic
component (neuron), including constant external current input, and feedback connection with other electronic components
Yang and Liu EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019) 2019:120 Page 4 of 8
network. So the key to solving the problem is to con- Using RSD to represent the integrated distance from the
struct a suitable neural network energy function. node S to node D, the Fig. 2 total length of the route is
In order to optimize the CHNN routing of the FANET,
the appropriate expression of the route must be found RSD ¼ RS4 þ R42 þ R23 þ R31 þ R15 þ R5D ð11Þ
first. A route is an ordered arrangement, which has a
source node, some of the intermediate nodes, and the des- For FANETs, routing cannot pass through each inter-
tination node; the intermediate nodes can be represented mediate node. The size of the matrix must be set to an
in the form of n-dimensional vectors. In FANET, there upper limit. When there are too many intermediate nodes,
have n intermediate nodes, and the required vector di- it is considered unreachable. Referring to the RIP routing
mension is n − 2, such as there is a matrix representation protocol in the wired network, set to n = 16, the energy is
of 5 intermediate nodes (Fig. 2). In Fig. 2, the only route is the third function of the function is described as:
shown: Source - > N4 - > N2 - > N3 - > N1 - > N5 - > Destin-
ation. For every possible route, every intermediate node T XX
can only reach once, so each row and column in this hðV Þ ¼ V xi −n ð12Þ
2 x i
square can only have one element with 1 and the
remaining elements with 0. This is the constraint of the
routing problem. Every route with the above constraints In order to contain the effective solution route length
can be represented by a transposition matrix. So, the first information, the fourth term of the energy function is
two terms of the energy function are set to
f ðV Þ ¼ S mn V mi V nðiþ1Þ þ V nði−1Þ
QX XX 2 m n i
g ðV Þ ¼ V mi V ni m≠n
2 m n i
m≠n ð13Þ
þ V mi V mj ð10Þ
2 m j i Therefore the total energy function can be expressed
i≠ j using the following equation:
E ¼ f ðV Þ þ hðV Þ þ g ðV Þ ð14Þ
Fig. 3 Average end-to-end delay simulation results for DSR and Fig. 5 Throughput simulation results for DSR and CHNN-DSR. The
CHNN-DSR. The simulation results of the average end-to-end delay simulation results of the throughput for CHNN-DSR and DSR under
for CHNN-DSR and DSR under the change of node the change of node movement speed
movement speed
This work is supported by Guangxi Colleges and Universities Key Laboratory
of Robot & Welding.
The Science and Technology Research Project of Department of Education
of Guangxi (Grant:2019KY0815)
Authors’ contributions
This manuscript is mainly completed by YH and LZY. YH designed an
improved algorithm and simulated it. YH and LZY analyzed the simulation
results. YH wrote this manuscript, LZY checked and reviewed the manuscript.
Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Fig. 4 Packet delivery ratio simulation results for DSR and CHNN-
DSR. The simulation results of the packet delivery ratio for CHNN-
DSR and DSR under the change of node movement speed Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Yang and Liu EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019) 2019:120 Page 8 of 8
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