Casting Simulation of Automotive Wheel Rim Using Procast
Casting Simulation of Automotive Wheel Rim Using Procast
Casting Simulation of Automotive Wheel Rim Using Procast
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1 author:
Srinivasulu Reddy
Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Srinivasulu Reddy on 14 December 2017.
Abstract: Aluminium wheel rims used in transport vehicles are commonly produced by gravity die casting.
Casting simulation studies are used to improve the quality of casting and to predict shrinkage, porosity and
mechanical characteristics. Various FEM and VEM based casting simulation softwares are widely used in
foundry. This paper discusses casting simulation of automobile wheel rim using ProCast. Solidification
behaviour of the material and detection of hot spots in castings is studied and redesigned to eliminate these
Keywords: aluminium alloy wheel, casting simulation, ProCast software.
I. Introduction
Wheel rims are manufactured by either casting or forging. Cast aluminium alloy based wheel rims are
of high strength, light in weight and flexible to repair compared to forged rims. ProCAST is a three dimensional
solidification and fluid flow software package used to perform numerical simulation of molten metal flow and
solidification phenomena in various casting processes, primarily die casting (gravity, low pressure and high
pressure die casting) and sand casting. It is particularly helpful for foundry applications to visualize and predict
the casting results. Cast and mold design is transformed into a 3D model and imported into ProCAST.
Simulation of mould filling and solidification of alloy wheel castings are carried out.
Figure 1 is the tree diagram for system of simulation & Figure 2 shows 3D model of wheel rim CAD
model and for which simulation tools are utilized to improve the casting process design. Computer simulation
based on the design procedures described above have been implemented. Let's consider automotive wheel
casting made of Aluminium alloy (Al95.5-Cu4.5) for the present study which is widely used in automobile
industry. Figures.3&4 shows the 3D model of initial & modified gating systems. During simulation of the
gravity die casting process, mould filling and solidification processes are examined and optimized. 11 | Page
Casting Simulation of Automotive Wheel Rim Using Procast
Fig.3 3D model of initial gating system Fig.4 3D model of modified gating system
II. Methodology
Methodology adopted in this work is simulation of solidification of aluminium alloy castings and
analyze the results obtained after solidification. Casting parameters are optimized in order to achieve better
properties. The procedures are mainly divided into three stages. They are Simulation Preparation, Computer
Aided Simulation on ProCAST, and Analysis. Each stage contained several steps. We have followed this
operation flow to try and examine different influencing factors, such as molten metal temperature, mould
material, inlet velocity, and substrate pre-heating temperature. Figure.5 shows the entire methodology followed
in the present work.
Fig.5 Methodology 12 | Page
Casting Simulation of Automotive Wheel Rim Using Procast
In the present case we compare the solidification simulation results of the automotive wheel rim
castings at different time intervals and different gating systems as shown in the Figures.6&7. Solidification time
is proportional to volume to surface area ratio (modulus of casting)[2].Therefore the faster solidification rate at
the runner tip is expected. The mould cavity which is in the center of sand mould has the longest solidification
Since there are long list of possibilities for a gating system of a particular casting, various gating
systems were tried and tested in the ProCAST software[3]. One of those gating system with ingates settling all
around the casting can be seen in the figure 6. Molten metal is poured at a temperature of 1200°C with a yield of
60%. A defect usually seen in plate castings is the free end distortion which is avoided through an improvised
gating system. The main defect with this gating system is that the ingates solidify before the molten metal
reaches the mould thereby providing no inlet to the mould and leading to a partial filling for the casting.
Moreover with such a gating system high turbulence is seen as in the figures 6 & 8. Hence, a remedy
for such defect would have been to increase the temperature of the pouring molten metal so that the molten
metal reaches the cavity and then solidifies. A Simulation is again done at 700°C and a defect free casting is
obtained during the simulation processes. Accordingly, the turbulence levels are quite high in the initial gating
system and the stresses in the casting are quite high after the solidification. A modified gating system is
prepared and gating calculations are performed with a yield of 80%. Once simulation is complete, a defect free
casting is obtained with a yield of 80%.
The fraction of solid and liquid metal in the mushy zone is a function of time and temperature. When
the last drop of liquid metal is crystallized into solid, the solidification process is completed. Temperature range
at the start of mould filling to the end is same in initial gating system. In the modified gating system the
temperature variation between nodes at the start seems to be non-uniform but at the end of solidification it is
uniform. Shrinkage porosity in initial gating system and modified gating system are shown in figures 8 & 9. It
can be seen that shrinkage porosities are eliminated in the modified gating system.
Fig 6: Mould filling and Temperature variations Fig 7: Mould filling and Temperature variations
of initial gating system at various stages resp. of modified gating system at various stages resp.
Fig. 8 Shrinkage Porosity in initial gating system Fig.9 Shrinkage Porosity is eliminated in modified gating
at various spots. System. 13 | Page
Casting Simulation of Automotive Wheel Rim Using Procast
IV. Conclusions
The main conclusions that can be drawn from this study are:
1. We can replace trial and error casting procedures with simulation software which involves virtual process
can be able to utilize our resources efficiently.
2. Simulation tool used has the flexibility of visualizing and analyzing the processes of mold filling and
solidification at a time with high resolution.
3. Simulation tool can be successfully used to identify critical locations, filling pattern and solidification
related problem areas in the casting.
4. Simulation tool identifies the defects after solidification like shrinkage porosity, distortion, warm holes etc.
5. Defects can be shown in numerical values or in line diagrams at specified nodes.
[1]. M.R Bharkudarov, C.W Hirt (2005), Casting simulation: mould filling and solidification- Benchmark calculations using flow-3d.
[2]. Ravi, B (2005), Metal Casting – Computer AidedDesign and Analysi, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited,New Delhi
[3]. Viswanathan, W.D.Porter (2000), FeedabilityAnalysis and Optimization Driven by Casting Simulation,Indian foundry journal,
53(6), 71-78, 200
[4]. Application of Commercial Software Package “ProCAST” to the Prediction of Shrinkage Porosity in Investment Castings., accessed during February, 2011. 14 | Page