It - Kit 601 - Pes - QP - 31.05.2023
It - Kit 601 - Pes - QP - 31.05.2023
It - Kit 601 - Pes - QP - 31.05.2023
Roll No.
(To be filled by Students)
Note: (a) This paper is divided into three sections. Attempt all Sections
(b) Section A contains 10 Questions carrying 02 marks each.
(c) Section B contains 05 Questions carrying 10 marks each.
(d) Section C contains 05 Questions carrying 10 marks each.
Q 1:Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Be precise in your Marks CO BL
answers. [2 X 10 = 20 Marks]
(a) What is the need of data analytics? 2 CO1 1
(b) List the sources of data. 2 CO1 1
(c) What is multivariate analysis? 2 CO2 1
(d) What is kernel tricks? 2 CO2 1
(e) Give the full form of RTAP and enumerate at least two application. 2 CO3 1
(f) What is the importance of sampling data in a stream? 2 CO3 1
(g) What do you mean by mining frequent itemset? 2 CO4 1
(h) Explain the use of limited pass algorithm. 2 CO4 2
(i) What is elbow method? 2 CO5 1
(j) List names of any two visualization tools. 2 CO5 1
Q2: Attempt any three Questions from this section. [10 X 3 = 30 Marks] Marks CO BL
(a) Discuss the classification of data in details with proper justification. [10] CO1 2
(b) What do you mean by support vector machine? Explain the support vector [10] CO2 3
machine in detail. Also explain its application areas.
(c) Discuss the architecture of data stream model in detail. [10] CO3 2
(d) Illustrate the K-means algorithm in detail with its advantages and disadvantages. [10] CO4 3
(e) Compare and contrast between NoSQL and RDBMS databases. [10] CO5 3
Q3: Attempt any one part of the following. [10 X 1 =10 Marks] Marks CO BL
Q6: Attempt any one part of the following. [10 X 1 =10 Marks] Marks CO BL
(a) Compare and contrast between CLIQUE and ProCLUS clustering in detail. [10] CO4 3
(b) A database has 5 transactions. Suppose the given minimum support is 60% and [10] CO4 2
minimum confidence is 70%.