Production Material
Production Material
Production Material
Types of companies
Drug Substance
• The active ingredients in a drug are the chemicals- responsible for its effects.
(Drug) Any substance (other than food) that is used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or relieve
symptoms of a disease or abnormal condition
• Natural APIs, on the other hand, are derived from plants or animals and then purified.
• It is also intended to help ensure that APIs meet the requirements for quality and
purity that they purport or are represented to possess. In this Guide “manufacturing” is
defined to include all operations of receipt of materials, production, packaging,
repackaging, labelling, relabelling, quality control, release, storage and distribution of
APIs and the related controls.
• The Guide as a whole does not cover safety aspects for the personnel engaged in the
manufacture, nor aspects of protection of the environment. These controls are inherent
responsibilities of the manufacturer and are governed by national laws.
• The responsibility for production activities should be described in writing, and should
include but not necessarily be limited to:
• 1. Preparing, reviewing, approving and distributing the instructions for the production
of intermediates or APIs according to written procedures;
• 3. Reviewing all production batch records and ensuring that these are completed and
• 4. Making sure that all production deviations are reported and evaluated and that
critical deviations are investigated and the conclusions are recorded;
• 5. Making sure that production facilities are clean and when appropriate disinfected;
• 6. Making sure that the necessary calibrations are performed and records kept;
• 7. Making sure that the premises and equipment are maintained and records kept;
• 8. Making sure that validation protocols and reports are reviewed and approved;
• 10. Making sure that new and, when appropriate, modified facilities and equipment
are qualified.
• Acids/Bases/Chemicals/Solvents/Purified water
• Def: A raw material, intermediate or an API that is used in the production of an API
and that is incorporated as a significant structural fragment into the structure of the
• 1. Ensure that the no balance quantities of previous batch are present in the
manufacturing area
• 4. Ensure that all the raw materials which are to be used in the batch are properly
identified with dispensing labels
• 5. Ensure that the employees that are handling the manufacturing are wearing the
dress code and personal protective equipment
• The reaction shall be controlled with the help of utilities supplied through the reactor
jacket. Proper reaction shall be ensured with the help of agitator.
• The reaction mass after process shall be withdrawn/transferred from the bottom valve
of the reactor.
Utilities Requirements
Steam Required
Chilled Water Required
Hot Water Required
RT Water Required
Brine Required
High Vacuum Required
Plant Vacuum Required
Parameter Observation
1.0 Charge Raw materials as per BMR Yes/No
2.0 Check all the services Yes/No Leakage
3.0 Switch on the agitator
The hydraulic system shall make the operation smooth and fast. It is capable of
filtration of suspended solid matter of the slurry and solute solid proportion and dry
the material
• The Obtained Final Wet cake after Process will be checked for its Quantity obtained
and Moisture content.
A Centrifuge is the most energy efficient machine suitable for separation of solid and liquid.
The filtration type centrifuge has a rotating basket, which supports the filter media
within itself. Slurry is fed inside the rotating basket.
Due to the centrifugal force the liquid is forced out through the filter media while the
solid is retained inside the rotating basket.
• Process: The reaction mixture is charged into centrifuge and washes the material with
• The Weight of the wet cake shall be taken for information purpose and check for the
quality parameters.
• Pre-heated air flows through the perforated plate of the product container bottom
upwards, at a velocity and pressure thereby lifting the material form its bed and forces
the product that is lying on it to fluidise, thus forming the air fluid bed. This is called
• The product shall be charged in the product container manually, the container will be
put in place and this will enable the operator to start the cycle.
• The product will be dried with controlled airflow and controlled inlet air temperature.
• The wet cake obtained from the process is loaded in Dryer and dried. During drying
samples were collected as per the approved sampling plan.
• After drying, samples were withdrawn from different locations as per the approved
sampling plan and the Average result of the Moisture Content of all the three batches
shall reflect the uniform drying.
• Before performing the test functions it is required to check the cleaning, lubrication
and damage occurred (if any) status and maintenance- at supplier end prior to dispatch
and at receiver end before operational checks.
• Efficiency of running.
• During drying, one composite sample shall be taken three different hours for
information. After Drying, five samples shall be withdrawn from the different
location of the equipment as per the annexure.
All the results should comply the Moisture content as per the specified limits to
ensure the uniformity of drying
The principle of Tray Dryer is a highly effective recirculation air system is provided
for drying. Uniform air circulation, controlled temperature, which is suitably designed
to cover the temperature range.
The studies are carried out at 50°C, 100°C and 120°C + 2°C for two hours.
The temperature mapping studies data shall be reviewed and the evaluation can be
• Evaluation
• The equipment is used for to reduce the particle size of the product by utilizing the
energy of air. The MOC is SS-316 for material contact surface of the equipment.
The Blender consists of Octagonal shape, having charging and discharging nozzles.
The octagonal blender has rectangular shell with welded boss and shaft, mounted on
Supporting frame assembly fabricated from rectangular pipes of SS 304 material, with
mounting plates for bearings.
All the contact parts shall be of SS 316 material. All non contact parts shall be of SS
304 material. Safety railing has been provided with limit switch position.
• The samples shall be taken from different location of the Blender for each batch to
check the moisture content and RSD is NMT the required specifications to confirm its
• The results of the three batches shall meet its pre determined specifications and shall
confirm the homogeneity of the process.
May judge that others "have integrity" to the extent that they their results recorded as they happen on the approved protocol
act according to the values, beliefs, and principles they claim .
to hold [2]. So integrity is the “Doing the Right Thing for the
Right Reason". It is a personal choice, an uncompromising Original: The original data sometimes referred to as source
and predictably consistent commitment to honour moral, data or primary data whether recorded on paper (static) or
ethical spiritual and principles" [3]. electronically. Information that is originally captured in a
Significant attention is given to the subject of integrity in law dynamic state should remain available in that state [1]. This
and the conception of law in 20th century philosophy of law could be a database, an approved protocol or form, or a
and jurisprudence centering in part on the research of “Ronald dedicated notebook. It is important where your original data
Dworkin” as studied in his book Law's Empire. Dworkin's will be generated so that its content and meaning are
position on integrity in law reinforces the conception of preserved. For example: Ensure validation test results are
justice viewed as fairness [2]. recorded in the approved protocol. Recording results in a
Before a pharmaceutical product available for a patient, the notebook for transcription later can introduce errors and if
manufacturing company has to present evidence of efficacy your original data is handwritten and needs to be stored
and safety. For this, they have to run trial studies and lab electronically, ensure a “true copy” is generated, the copy is
testing. ALCOA in pharmaceuticals is used to ensure that the verified for completeness and then migrated into the
quality of the evidence collected is maintained as per electronic system. [3]
regulatory guidelines. Many regulatory bodies as the FDA,
Health Canada and the EMEA recommend the use of ALCOA Accurate: The recorded data should be correct, truthful,
to ensure good documentation practices in pharmaceuticals [4]. complete, valid, reliable, free from errors and reflective of the
observation [7]. Editing should not be performed without
ALCOA: ALCOA is defined by US FDA guidance as documenting and annotating the amendments. For example, if
Attributable, Legible, Contemporaneous, Original and witness checks are used for critical data collection. Videos of
Accurate. It relates to data, whether paper or electronic and the record making process are also gaining acceptability in
these simple principles should be part of your data lifecycle, this regard. These standards make sure that the data is
GDP, and data integrity initiatives [4]. It helps in developing collected and processed with integrity [4]. ALCOA in
strategies so that the integrity of the evidence is maintained pharmaceuticals helps both the companies and the users
both in research and manufacturing. The aspects of ALCOA making it sure that there are no record-keeping errors due to
in pharmaceuticals have been discussed below: which some sub-standard product is released onto the market.
Therefore, ALCOA is a necessity for maintaining quality in
Attributable: Attributable means that the evidence or every the pharmaceutical field [4].
piece of data entered into the record must be capable of being
traced back to the person collecting it. This ensures ALCOA-plus: It is an implicit basic ALCOA principle
accountability. This contains a record of who performed an commonly used an acronym for “attributable, legible,
action and when. This could be a paper or electronic record [4]. contemporaneous, original and accurate”, which puts
It requires the use of secure and unique user logins and additional emphasis on the attributes of being complete,
electronic signatures. Using generic login IDs or sharing consistent, enduring and available [4].
credentials must always be avoided. Unique user logons allow
for individuals to be linked to the creation, modification, or Data: Data is the original records and true copies of original
deletion of data within the record [6]. It should be possible to records, including source data and metadata and all
demonstrate that the function was performed by trained and subsequent transformations and reports of these data, which
qualified personnel. This applies to changes made to records are generated or recorded at the time of the GXP activity and
as well: corrections, deletions, changes, etc [1]. allow full and complete reconstruction and evaluation of the
GXP activity. Data should be accurately recorded by
Legible: The record created, especially the paper-based permanent means at the time of the activity. Data may be
records should be legible. The records should be permanent contained in paper records (such as worksheets and
and not erasable so that they are reliable throughout the data logbooks), electronic records and audit trails, photographs,
lifecycle [4]. The terms legible and traceable and permanent microfilm or microfiche, audio- or video files or any other
refer to the requirements that data are readable, media whereby information related to GXP activities is
understandable, and allow a clear picture of the sequencing of recorded [9]. The data on which these decisions are based
steps or events in the record [8]. This is very important in the should, therefore, be complete as well as be being attributable,
pharmaceutical industry as a mistaken spelling could result in legible, contemporaneous, original and accurate, commonly
the administering of a completely different drug [4]. For an referred to as “ALCOA” [8]. Data retention may be classified
electronic record to be considered legible, traceable and as archive or backup.
permanent. Prohibit the creation of data in temporary memory
as well as immediately committing data to a permanent Archival: It is the process of protecting records from the
memory before moving on [6]. possibility of further alteration or deletion, and storing these
records under the control of dedicated data management
Contemporaneous: Contemporaneous is the evidence of personnel throughout the required records retention period.
actions, events or decisions should be recorded as they take [10] Archived records should include, for example, associated
place or generated [8]. This documentation should serve as an metadata and electronic signatures [4].
accurate attestation of what was done, or what was decided
and why i.e. what influenced the decision at that time [5]. If Raw Data: Raw data was described in 21 CFR 58.3 a “Raw
executing a validation protocol, tests should be performed and data means any laboratory worksheets, records, memoranda,
~ 307 ~
notes, or exact copies thereof, that are the result of original through processing (including transformation or migration),
observations and activities of a nonclinical laboratory study use, data retention, archive / retrieval and destruction [5, 1]
and are necessary for the reconstruction and evaluation of the
report of that study” [11]. Means it is an original record and True Copy: True copy is an exact verified copy of an original
documentation, retained in the format in which they were record (e.g. analytical summary reports, validation reports
originally generated (i.e. paper or electronic), or as a ‘true etc.) of data [1, 5]. That has been certified to confirm it is an
copy’. exact and complete copy that preserves the entire content and
Raw data must be contemporaneously and accurately meaning of the original record, including in the case of
recorded by permanent bases. In the case of basic electronic electronic data, all metadata and the original record format as
equipment which does not store electronic data, or provides appropriate [10]. These records must be controlled during their
only a printed data output (e.g. balance or pH meter), the life cycle to ensure that the data received from another site
printout constitutes as the raw data [5]. (sister company, contractor etc.) are maintained as “true
copies” [1].
Meta Data: Metadata is the data that describes the attributes
of other data, and provides context and meaning [1]. Metadata Data Governance System: The data governance system
describe the structure, data elements, inter-relationships and should be integral to the pharmaceutical quality system
other characteristics of data. It is structured information that described in EU GMP [5]. The rationale for this is based on
describes, explains, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, MHRA’s interpretation of ICH Q10 on Pharmaceutical
use, or manage data [10]. They also permit data to be Quality Systems (PQS) [13]. as per MHRA guidance, the data
attributable to an individual. For example, in weighing the governance system is “The sum total of arrangements to
number 8 is meaningless without metadata, i.e. the unit, mg. ensure that data, irrespective of the format in which it is
Other examples of metadata may include the time/date stamp generated, is recorded, processed, retained and used to ensure
of the activity, the operator ID of the person who performed a complete, consistent and accurate record throughout the data
the activity, the instrument ID used, processing parameters, lifecycle” [9, 13]. The totality of arrangements to ensure that
sequence files, audit trails and other data required to data, irrespective of the format in which they are generated, is
understand data and reconstruct activities [9] recorded, processed, retained and used to ensure a complete,
consistent and accurate record throughout the data life cycle
Static Data: A static record format is a fixed data document .
(e.g., paper record or an electronic image) [12], It is one that is The effort and resource assigned to data governance should be
fixed and allows no or very limited interaction between the commensurate with the risk of product quality and should also
user and the record content. For example, once printed or be balanced with other quality assurance resource demands.
converted to static pdf, chromatography records lose the As such, manufacturers and analytical laboratories are not
capabilities of being reprocessed or enabling more detailed expected to implement a forensic approach to data checking
viewing of baselines or any hidden fields [9]. on a routine basis, but instead design and operate a system
which provides an acceptable state of control based on the
Dynamic Data: Many electronic records are important to data integrity risk, and which is fully documented with
retain in their dynamic format, such as electronic records, to supporting rationale [5]. The organization shall appoint a task
enable interaction with the data. Data must be retained in a force to govern the overall data reliability process. A robust
dynamic form where this is critical to its integrity or later data governance approach will ensure that the data is
verification. This should be justified based on risk [5]. complete, consistent and accurate, irrespective of the format
Dynamic record format allows an interactive relationship in which data is generated, used or retained [10].
between the user and the record content [12]. For example,
electronic records in database formats allow the ability to GxP: GxP is an acronym for the group of Good Practice
track, trend and query data; chromatography records Guides governing the preclinical, clinical, manufacturing and
maintained as electronic records allow the user to reprocess post-market activities for regulated pharmaceuticals,
the data, view hidden fields with proper access permissions biologics, medical devices, such as good laboratory practices,
and expand the baseline to view the integration more clearly good clinical practices good manufacturing practices and
. good distribution practices [9].
Electronic Data: This includes data from ERP software used Importance of Data Integrity: Regulators increased
for controlling quality systems, laboratory electronic data and attention to data integrity for several years, the FDA and other
records, etc [10]. global regulatory bodies have emphasized the importance of
accurate and reliable data in assuring drug safety and quality
Quality Risk Management (QRM): This refers to a
systematic process for the assessment, control,
communication and review of risks to the quality of the drug World Regulatory Guidance on Data Integrity
(medicinal) product across the product life cycle [10] USFDA: 21-CFR: 21-CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) is a
codification of the general and permanent rules published in
Data Life Cycle: Data lifecycle is a planned approach to the federal register by the executive departments and agencies
assessing and managing risks to data in a manner of the Federal Government. Title 21 of the CFR is reserved
commensurate with potential impact on patient safety, product for rules of the Food and Drug Administration. Each
quality and/or the reliability of the decisions made throughout title/volume of the CFR is revised once each calendar year on
all phases of the process [9] include the life of the data approximately April 1st of each year [15].
(including raw data) from initial generation and recording
~ 308 ~
MHRA: MHRA guidance on GMP data integrity Good controlling of data records helps to ensure that the data
expectations for the pharmaceutical industry the guidance is generated are accurate and consistent and help to take good
intended to complement existing EU GMP relating to active decision making by pharmaceutical manufacturers and
substances and dosage forms. Data integrity is fundamental in regulatory authorities [18].
the pharmaceutical quality system which ensures that
medicines are of the required quality [5]. Management Responsibility: It is common observation
management using ‘Rule by Fear’ method with employees
TGA: Australian regulatory body Therapeutic Goods (for example- employee do what employer are told him). This
Administration (TGA) give the requirement of data integrity leads to a culture of fear and blame and an inability of
in the form of deficiency. A deficiency in a practice or employees to challenge and not follow regulatory guidelines.
process that has produced, or may result in, a significant risk Poor education could lead to bad decisions or
of producing a product that is harmful to the user. Also occurs inappropriate behaviour based on knowing ‘How’ but not
when it is observed that the manufacturer has engaged in ‘Why Complex systems and systems with inappropriate
fraud, misrepresentation or falsification of products or data design can encourage and, at times, even force bad
. practices.
An employee should be encouraged to take advantage of
cGMP: As a reflection of the importance of this issue FDA an open-door route to organization top management when
released guidance on Data Integrity and Compliance with it comes to raising compliance issues and discussing
cGMP within the guidance itself the FDA notes the trend of potential compliance concerns pertaining to data
increasing data integrity violations. [14]. cGMP compliant reliability [10].
record-keeping practices prevent data from being lost or
obscured. FDA’s authority for cGMP comes from FD&C Act
section 501 a drug shall be deemed adulterated if “the
methods used in, or the facilities or controls used for, its
manufacture, processing, packing, or holding do not conform
to or are not operated or administered in conformity with
current good manufacturing practice to assure that such drug
meets the requirement of the act as to safety and has the
identity and strength, and meets the quality and purity
characteristics, which it purports or is represented to possess”
~ 309 ~
Fig 2: Drug GMP warning letters issued from FY2013 to 2017 regarding Sites
From the stating days of discovery of issues relating to data Expected Approach: Expectations have been communicated
validity and reliability, it is important that their potential by the regulatory agencies in a variety of forms, including
impact on patient safety and product quality and on the regulations and guidance documents from the USFDA,
reliability of the information used for decision-making and MHRA, EMA, and WHO [23].
applications are examined as matters of top priority. Data integrity requirements equal to paper (manual) and
Respective health authorities shall be notified if the electronic data. Manufacturers and analytical laboratories
investigation identifies the material impact on patients, should be aware of reverting from automated/computerized to
products and reported information or on application dossiers manual/paper-based systems will not in itself remove the need
. Data Reliability Auditors are responsible for performing for data integrity controls. This may also constitute a failure
scheduled and unscheduled data reliability assessments to comply with Article 23 of Directive 2001/83/EC, which
(DRAs) and inspections at sites as per authorized data requires an authorization holder to take account of scientific
reliability checklists with the help of trained data reliability and technical progress and enable the medicinal product to be
auditors manufactured and checked by means of generally accepted
Auditors are responsible for ensuring compliance related to scientific methods. Designing systems to assure data quality
the discrepancies identified during the inspection and integrity systems should be designed in a way that
encourages compliance with the principles of data integrity.
Common Data Integrity Issues For examples: Attribution of actions in paper records should
User privileges: The system configuration for the occur, as appropriate, through the use of Initials, full
software does not adequately define or segregate user handwritten signature or personal seal [5]
levels and users have access to inappropriate software
privileges such as modification of methods and Expectations for Electronic: Designing and configuring
integration. computer systems and writing standard operating procedures
Common passwords: Where analysts share passwords, it (SOPs), as required, that enforce the saving of electronic data
is not possible to identify who creates or changes records, at the time of the activity and prior to proceeding to the next
thus the A in ALCOA is not clear. step of the sequence of events (e.g. controls that prohibit
Computer system control: Laboratories have failed to generation and processing and deletion of data in temporary
implement adequate controls over data, and unauthorized memory and that instead enforce the committing of the data at
access to modify, delete, or not save electronic files is not the time of the activity to durable memory prior to the next
prevented; the file, therefore, may not be original, step in the sequence),
accurate, or complete. [1] Use of secure, time-stamped audit trails that
Audit Trail capture: FDA recommends that audit trails independently record operator actions,
capturing changes to critical data be reviewed with each Unique user logons that link the user to actions that
record and before final approval of the record. create modify or delete data or electronic signatures,
Audit trails subject to regular review should include, for (either biometric or non-biometric).
example, changes to finished product test results, sample Electronic signature and record-keeping requirements in
run sequences, sample identification, critical process 21 CFR part 11 apply to certain records subject to record
parameters [12]. requirements set forth in the regulations (i.e., 210, 211,
Overwriting and 212) [12].
Runs that have been aborted Outline back-up copies of original electronic records
Testing into compliance stored in other location as a safeguard in case of a
Deleting data disaster that causes loss of the original electronic records,
Backdating controlled and secure storage areas, including archives,
Altering data for electronic records;
~ 310 ~
Access to clocks for recording timed events Back up of data: A backup means a copy of one or more
Accessibility of batch records at locations where electronic files created as an alternative in case the original
activities take place so that ad hoc data recording and data or system are lost or become unusable (for example, in
later transcription to official records is not necessary the event of a system crash or corruption of a disk). It is
Control over blank paper templates for data recording important to note that backup differs from archival in that
User access rights which prevent (or audit trail) data backup copies of electronic records are typically only
amendments temporarily stored for the purposes of disaster recovery and
Automated data capture or printers attached to equipment may be periodically over-written. Backup copies should not
such as balances be relied upon as an archival mechanism [9]
Proximity of printers to relevant activities It is a true copy of the original data that is maintained securely
throughout the records retention period. For example, the
Access to sampling points (e.g. for water systems)
backup file shall contain data (including associated metadata)
Access to raw data for staff performing data checking
and shall be in the original format or in a format compatible
with the original format and shall be maintained for the
purpose of disaster recovery. The backup and recovery
Sharing login ID: Use of authority checks to ensure that only
processes must be validated disposal of original record [10]
authorized individuals can use the system, electronically sign
a record, access the operation or computer system input or
Audit trial reviewed: An audit trail is a process that captures
output device, alter a record, or perform the operation at hand.
[22] details such as additions, deletions, or alterations of
information in a record, either paper or electronic, without
obscuring or over-writing the original record. An audit trail
Electronic signature: Determination that persons who
facilitates the reconstruction of events relating to the creation,
develop, maintain, or use electronic record/electronic
modification, or deletion of an electronic record, Chronology:
signature systems have the education, training, and experience
who, what, when, and why of a record. Track actions at the
to perform their assigned tasks. Persons who use closed
record or system level [12]. For example, in a paper record, an
systems to create, modify, maintain, or transmit electronic
audit trail of a change would be documented via a single-line
records shall employ procedures and controls designed to
cross-out that allows the original entry to be legible and
ensure the authenticity, integrity, and, when appropriate, the
documents the initials of the person making the change, the
confidentiality of electronic records, and to ensure that the
date of the change and the reason for the change, as required
signer cannot readily repudiate the signed record as not
to substantiate and justify the change. Whereas, in electronic
genuine. Such procedures and controls shall include the
records, secure, computer-generated, time-stamped audit trails
at both the system and record level should allow for
a) Validation of systems to ensure accuracy, reliability,
reconstruction of the course of events relating to the creation,
consistent intended performance, and the ability to
modification and deletion of electronic data. Computer-
discern invalid or altered records.
generated audit trails shall retain the original entry and
b) The ability to generate accurate and complete copies of
document the user ID, time/date stamp of the action, as well
records in both human readable and electronic form
as a reason for the action, as required to substantiate and
suitable for inspection, review, and copying by the
justify the action. Computer-generated audit trails may
agency. Persons should contact the agency if there are
include discrete event logs, history files, database queries or
any questions regarding the ability of the agency to
reports or other mechanisms that display events related to the
perform such review and copying of the electronic
computerized system, specific electronic records or specific
data contained within the record [9].
c) Protection of records to enable their accurate and ready
retrieval throughout the records retention period.
Process flow mapping in data integrity: To balance the
d) Limiting system access to authorized individuals. [22]
focus on electronic data that data integrity tends to drive, a
useful approach is to map the workflow within the laboratory,
Expectations for Paper: Paper record should be legible,
to identify and list all the steps performed for each analytical
traceable and permanent controls it includes.
technique (from sample receipt to approval of results) and
Use of permanent, indelible ink, use of single-line cross-
each laboratory operation. For each step [1], the mapping
outs to record changes with name, date, and reason
should identify:
recorded and
What actions are performed
No use of pencil or erasures,
How those actions are performed
No use of opaque correction fluid or otherwise obscuring
How they are recorded
the record;
Any decisions made
Controlled the issuance of bound, paginated notebooks
The extent to which the process is manual or automated
with sequentially numbered pages (e.g. that allow persons
to detect missing or skipped pages) The possible risks associated with the step (e.g., how
Controls for retention of original paper records or could fraud be prevented or detected).
certified true copies of original paper records include, but
Types of Error: Overwriting of electronic raw data and paper
are not limited to:
document is common error until acceptable results not found
Expectations for paper controlled and secure storage [16]
. Human errors may be a data entered by mistake ignorance
areas, including archives, for paper records;
(not being aware of regulatory requirements or poor training)
Designated paper archivist(s) who is independent of GxP
willfully (falsification or fraud with the intent to deceive).
operations as is already required by GLP guidelines;
Selection of good or passing results to the exclusion or poor
~ 311 ~
or failing results, unauthorised changes to data post- cGMP: Current Good Manufacturing Practice
acquisition, errors during transmission from one computer to IT: Information Technology
another, changes due to software bugs or malware of which LIMS: Laboratory Information Management System
the user is unaware, Hardware malfunctions, technology SAP: Systems, Applications, and Products
changes making an older item useless, old records may WHO-NOC: World health Organization – Notice of
become unreadable or difficult to understand [16]. Concern
BMR: Batch Manufacturing Record
The reason of issue: There is various reason for data integrity
BPR: Batch Packaging Record
issue some of them write the following:
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
1. No raw data to support records or loss of data during
COTS: Computer Off-The-Shelf
changes to the system
2. Creating inaccurate and incomplete records CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
3. Test results for one batch used to release other batches RPN: Risk Priority Number
4. Backdating CAPA: Corrective Action and Preventive Action
5. Discarding data repeated tests, trial runs, sample runs
(testing into compliance) References
6. Changing integration parameters of chromatography data 1. Data Integrity in the Analytical Laboratory.
to obtain passing results Advance Devlopment and
7. Deletion/manipulation of electronic records or fabricating Manufacturing.02 May 2014. http://www.pharmtech.
of data com/data-integrity-analytical-laboratory
8. Turning off audit trail 2. Dorkin R. Law’s Empire Harvard University Press,
9. Sharing password 1987, 191.
10. Inadequate controls for access privileges 3. Intgrity. Doing the right thing for the right reason,
11. Inadequate/incomplete computer validation. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010, 25.
12. Activities not recorded contemporaneously 4. Ankur C. ALCOA in Pharmaceuticals: a necessary tool
13. Employees that sign that they completed manufacturing for quality. Pharmaceuticals Guidelines. Cited, 2018.
steps when the employees were not on premises at the
time the steps were completed 5. MHRA. GMP Data Integrity Definitions and Guidance
for Industry Revision, 2015.
Conclusion 6. Review of Good Data Integrity Principles Of ni system,
In the pharmaceutical industry, data integrity play an 808 Salem Woods Drive Suite, 103:1-11. http://www.
important role to maintain the quality of a final product
because the poor practice can allow the substandard product 7. World Health Organization, Guidance on good data and
to reach patients, so it’s necessary for an existing system to record management practices, 2016.
ensure the data integrity, data traceability, and reliability. On medicines/publications/pharmprep/WHO_TRS_996_ann
quality bases, data integrity is a critical component of a ex05.pdf
Quality System. Quality data provides the base for the 8. Guidance on good data and record management
confidence of the company to utilize correct data to operate in practices, WHO Technical Report Series. 2016; 5:165-
accordance with regulatory requirements. 209
Data integrity is critically important to regulators for various 9. World Health Organization, Guidance on good data and
reasons, including patient safety, process, and product quality. record management practices, (‘Draft for comment),
The integrity and trustworthiness of the data provide a 2015.
baseline for the regulators' opinion about the company. 10. Review of Good Data Integrity Principles, Ofni Systems,
It’s also the responsibility of the manufacturer to prevent and 1-11
detect poor data integrity practices which occur due to the 11. McDowall RD, LCGC Europe, RD McDowall Ltd, UK.
lack of quality system effectiveness. Quality Risk 2017; 30(2):84-87.
Management (QRM) approach can prevent, detect and control 12. Sharon K. Pederson (PharmD National Expert of
potential risks where data is generated and used to make Pharmaceutical Inspections Food and Drug
manufacturing and quality decisions, ensure it is trustworthy Administration). Data Integrity Issues & Concerns PDA
and reliable. Meeting St. Louis, MO, 2017. ISBN 9780773582804.
2nd edition, writer, Barbara Killinger, 2013.
Abbreviations 13. Pharmaceutical manufacturing. By Ashley Ruth, Senior
FDA: Food and Drug Administration Consultant, Analytical Services, Bio Tech Logic, Inc,
MHRA: Medicines and Healthcare Product Regulatory 2017.
Agency 14. US Food and Drug Administration, Code of Federal
Regulations - Title 21 - Food and Drugs, Medical Device
PQS: Pharmaceutical Quality System
Databases, 2018.
GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice
SISPQ: Strength, Identity, Safety, Purity, and Quality
SME: Subject Matter Expert 15. Stephen Hart, Data Integrity TGA Expectations, PDA
DRA: Data Reliability Assessment conference, 2015.
ICH: International Conference on Harmonization 16. WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for
GLP: Good Laboratory Practice Pharmaceutical Preparations Fiftieth report, 165-209,
GCP: Good Clinical Practice WHO Technical Report Series No. 996, 2016, 06-06-
GXP: Good Practice Guides
~ 312 ~
GMP guidelines
GMP as per WHO
GMP as per MCA now known as MHRA
GMP as per US FDA
GMP as per ICH guidelines (ICH means International Conference on Harmonisation,
Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use).
In-Process Control refers to the checks performed during an activity (it can be manufacturing or
packing) in order to monitor and if necessary to adjust the process and/or to ensure that the
intermediate or finished product conforms to its specification. The control of equipment and
environment may also be regarded as the part of in process control.
In process checks are vital as manufacturing activity itself and the same shall be performed at
regular intervals. Frequency of the in process checks need to be realistic.By carrying out in
process checks one can assure the product quality.
In process quality check is designed to provide early warning for quality or other problems
arising during production. In Other words it is intended to provide a snap shot of the quality of
the product manufactured at the factory. The objective of in process checks are both quality
control and process control.
During process checks following things needs to be checked
Verification of the status labels on the area, equipments & process containers.
Online stage wise review of the batch record (Online review).
Cleanliness of the area, equipment and line clearance.
Confirming material correctness,, quantity & vendor against the batch
Product attributes like weight variation, avg.wt, hardness, thickness, D.T,
Monitoring environmental conditions.
Weight of the blend & other intermediates.
Results of the in process checks shall be documented with initials of the person carrying them
out and results obtained. If problems or deviations from the manufacturing formula and
processing instructions occurred, all relevant information associated to this have to be
documented well.
• Production aspect
Large scale production at lowest cost
Easiest and cheapest to package and ship
High stability
• Some drugs resist compression into dense compacts.
• Drugs with poor wetting, slow dissolution, intermediate to large dosages may be difficult or
impossible to formulate and manufacture as a tablet that provide adequate or full drug
• Bitter taste drugs, drugs with an objectionable odor, or sensitive to oxygen or moisture may require
encapsulation or entrapment prior to compression or the tablets may require coating.
Types of tablets
1. Route of administration
a) Oral tablets,
b) Sublingual or buccal tablets,
c) Vaginal tablets,
2. Production process
a) Compressed tablets,
b) Multiple compressed tablets,
Tablet within a tablets: core and shell,
Multilayer tablet Sugar coated tablets,
6. Glidants
Reducing friction between the particles.
To improve the flow properties of the granulations.
7. Antiadherants
To prevent adherence of the granules to the punch faces and dies.
1. Soluble fillers
a. Lactose
i. Spray dried lactose
• Lactose is placed in aqueous solution, removed impurities and sprays dried.
• Mixture of large alpha monohydrate crystals and spherical aggregates of smaller crystals.
• Highly fluid.
• Non hygroscopic.
• Tablets are three to four times harder than regular spray dried.
• Good flow property, contained high amount of fines, its fluidity is less than optimal.
• Can be reworked.
• At high RH anhydrous lactose will pick up moisture forming the hydrated compound increase
in the size of tablets if the excipients make up a large portion of the total tablet weight.
b. Sucrose
i. Di-Pac: co crystallization of 97% sucrose and 3% modified dextrin
• Small sucrose crystals glued together by dextrin.
• Good flow properties and needs a Glidants only when atmospheric moisture levels are high
• Tablets tend to harden slightly during the first hours after compression or when aged at high
humidity’s and then dried (this is typical of most direct compression sucrose’s or dextrose’s).
c. Dextrose
i. Emdex: spray crystallized
• 90-92% dextrose, 3-5% maltose and the remainder higher glucose polysaccharides.
• Excellent compressibility.
• Completely soluble.
2. Insoluble fillers
a. Starch
i. Starch 1500: intact starch grains and ruptured starch grains that have been partially
hydrolyzed and subsequently aggromerate.
• Extremely high MC (12-13%).
• Retains the disintegrates properties of starch without increasing the fluidity and compressibility
of the total formulation.
• Deforms elastically when a compression force is applied, it imparts little strength to compacts.
• Lubricants tend to dramatically soften tablets containing high concentrations of Starch 1500.
• MC 10-13%.
• Rework ability.
b. Cellulose
• Microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel)
• The most important tablet excipients developed in modern times.
• Derived from a special grade of purified alpha wood cellulose by severe acid hydrolysis to
remove the amorphous cellulose portions, yielding particles consisting of bundles of needlelike
• PH102 more agglomerated, larger particle size, slightly better fluidity but not significant decrease
in compressibility.
• Most compressible.
• A strong compact is formed due to the extremely large number of clean surfaces brought in
contact during the plastic deformation and the strength of the hydrogen bonds formed.
• When more than 20% of drugs or other excipients are added, lubrication is necessary.
• Not used as the only filler because of its cost and density.
• Usually used in the conc. of 10-25% as a filler-binder-disintegrates, rapid passage of water into
the compact and the instantaneous rupture of hydrogen bonds.
• Fluidity is poor because of its relatively small particle size, small amount of Glidants are
recommended in the formulations containing high conc. of MCC.
• This softening is reversible when tablets are removed from the humid environment.
• More than 80% MCC may slow the dissolution rates of AI having low water solubility.
• Small particles get physically trapped between the deformed MCC particles, which delays
wetting and dissolution.
• No hygroscopic at a RH of up to 80%.
• Good fluidity.
• Precludes its use with AI that is sensitive to even minimal amounts of alkalinity.
• Have the strength to withstand the rigors of mechanical shocks encountered in its production,
packaging, shipping and dispensing.
• Release the medicinal agents in the body in a predictable and reproducible manner
Tablet production
Powders intended for compression into tablets must possess two essential properties-
• Powder fluidity
The material can be transported through the hopper into the die.
To produce tablets of a consistent weight.
Powder flow can be improved mechanically by the use of vibrators, incorporate the Glidants.
• Powder compressibility
The property of forming a stable, intact compact mass when pressure is applied.
b) Dry granulation
• Wet methods
a) Wet granulation
1. Direct compression:-
Disintegrates Blending
Glidants Compression
• Tablets are compressed directly from powder blends of the active ingredient and suitable excipients.
a) Economy
Machine: fewer manufacturing steps and pieces of equipment.
Labor: reduce labor costs.
Less process validation.
Lower consumption of power.
h) Concerns
Excipients available from only one supplier and often cost more than filler used in granulation.
Procedure conservation, Machine investments, Lack of material knowledge.
2. Wet granulation:-
Wet granulation is a process of using a liquid binder or adhesive to the powder mixture. The amount of
liquid can be properly managed, and over wetting will cause the granules to be too hard and under wetting
will cause the granules to be too soft and friable. Aqueous solutions have the advantage of being safer to
deal with than solvents.
Filler Adhesive
Glidants Sizing
This process is used when the product needed to be granulated may be sensitive to moisture and heat.
Dry granulation can be conducted on a press using slugging tooling or on a roller compactor commonly
referred to as a chilsonator. Dry granulation equipment offers a wide range of pressure and roll types to
attain proper densification. However, the process may require repeated compaction steps to attain the
proper granule end point.
Also called as “Pre-compression” or “Slugging” method.
Filler Blending
Lubricant Sizing
Importance of granulation
Powders to be used for encapsulation or to be granulated must be well blended to ensure good drug
Inadequate blending at this stage could result in discrete portion of the batch being either high or low in
Steps should also be taken to ensure that all the ingredients are free of lumps and agglomerates.
For these reasons, screening and/or milling of the ingredients usually makes the process more reliable and
Size of blender.
Separation of a mixture of various-sized particles, either dry or suspended in a liquid, into two or more
portions, by passing through screens of specified mesh sizes.
Importance of sieving
The sieving process gives three fractions of granules:
Very coarse granules, which return back to the milling process.
Very fine fraction, which return back to the compaction.
A tablet press is a mechanical device that compresses powder into tablets of uniform size and weight. A
press can be used to manufacture tablets of a wide variety of materials, including pharmaceuticals, illicit
drugs, cleaning products, and cosmetics. To form a tablet, the granulated material must be metered into a
cavity formed by two punches and a die, and then the punches must be pressed together with great force to
fuse the material together.
Tabletting procedure
• Filling,
• Compression,
• Ejection,
• Feeding mechanisms for moving granulation from the hopper into the dies.
• Stamping press.
The dies and the corresponding pairs of punches are arranged around a circular rotating turret.
Each individual die with lower punch in its lowest position, passes under the powder bed which is
contained within a feed frame, which in turn is fed from a hopper.
The die is completely filled under gravity, flow sometimes being assisted by rotating fingers in the
feed frame.
The quantity of solid in the die is adjusted by weight controlling cam.
These punches then pass upper punch to descend and the lower punch to rise.
The tablet pressing operation an old Cad mach rotary tablet press
Tablets coating:
The coating in tablets, which is additional step in the manufacturing process.
To makes the taste, odor, or color of the drug.
To provide physical and chemical protection for the drug.
To control the release of the drug from the tablet.
To protect the drug from the gastric environment of the stomach with an acid resistant enteric coating.
a) Enteric coating
b) Controlled release coating
1. Sugar coating
Traditionally sugar coatings formed the bulk of coated tablets but today film coatings are the more
modern technology in tablet coating.
Description of tablets: Smooth, rounded and polished to a high gloss.
Process: Multistage process involving 6 separate operations.
1. Seal tablet
2. Sub coating
3. Smoothing
4. Colouring
5. Polishing
Multistage process
1. Sealing tablet core- application of a water impermeable polymer such as Shellac, cellulose acetate
phthalate and polyvinyl acetate phthalate, which protects the core from moisture, increasing its
shelf life.
2. Sub coating -by adding bulking agents such as calcium carbonate or talc in combination with
sucrose solution.
3. Smoothing process -remove rough layers formed in step 2 with the application of sucrose syrup.
4. Colouring - for aesthetic purposes often titanium based pigments are included.
Tablet appearance
Rounded with high degree of polish.
Larger weight increase 30-50% due to coating material.
Logo or ‘break lines’ are possible.
Difficult to automated e.g. traditional coating pan.
Considerable training operation required.
Multistage process.
Not able to be used for controlled release apart from enteric coating.
2. Film coating
Modern approach to coating tablets, capsules, or pellets by surrounding them with a thin layer of
polymeric material.
Description of tablets: Shape dictated by contour of original core.
Process: Single stage process, which involves spraying a coating solution containing the following;
1. Polymer.
2. Solvent.
3. Plasticizer.
4. Colorant.
The solution is sprayed onto a rotating tablet bed followed by drying, which facilitates the removal of the
solvent leaving behind the deposition of thin film of coating materials around each tablet.
Produce tablets in a single step process in relatively short period of time. Process enables functional coatings
to be incorporated into the dosage form.
There are environmental and safety implications of using organic solvents as well as their financial expense.
Tablet appearance
Retains shape of original core.
Small weight increase of 2-3% due to coating material.
Logo or ‘break lines’ possible.
Can be automated e.g. Accela Cota.
Easy training operation.
Single stage process.
Easily adaptable for controlled release allows for functional coatings.
Water insoluble pigments are more favourable than water soluble colours for the following reasons:
Better chemically stability in light.
Optimised impermeability to water vapour.
Better opacity.
Better covering ability.
3. Press coating
Press coating process involves compaction of coating material around a preformed core. The technique
differs from sugar and film coating process.
This coating process enables incompatible materials to be formulated together, such that one chemical or
more is placed in the core and the other (s) in the coating material.
Formulation and processing of the coating layer requires some care and relative complexities of the
mechanism used in the compressing equipment.
4. Functional coatings
Functional coatings are coatings, which perform a pharmaceutical function.
These include;
a) Enteric coating -
The pH status of enteric coated polymers in the stomach
The ideal properties of enteric coated material
b) Controlled release coating
Polymer dissolution
Factors affecting the release of a drug from a polymer:
Thickness of the coating material,
Other excipients,
Ionic state,
Dissolution of polymers intended for enteric targeting is dependent upon the dissolution medium. This is
influenced by the composition of the polymer, the monomers, or the type and degree of substitution.
Other excipients
Influence the dissolution of polymer.
Plasticizers may decrease or increase dissolution rate, depending on the nature of the plasticizer,
whether it is lipophilic or hydrophilic.
Coating Problems
1. Picking /chipping.
2. Roughness.
3. Sticking.
4. Film cracking/peeling.
Coating Equipment
Unsuitable granule size Change the granule size; usually small granules are for
smaller tablets.
Granule shape Prepare as round granules as possible to avoid uneven
air spaces.
Powder content The proportion of the fine powder should be kept
below 20% of granulate.
Volume differential The filling volume in the die should be near as
possible to the loose volume density.
Flow Control Lubricants- Choice and quantity may be changed to
control the flow of granules usually 1-5% are
Electrostatic charging This can be eliminated by spraying the granules with
water in order to increase their conductivity so that the
electricity is conducted t0 the surrounding machine
parts and earthed.
2. Double feed:
Double feed may occur when tablets adhere to the punches or if they are not properly ejected due to
incorrect due to incorrect setting of ejectors check the setting of ejectors.
4. Capping:
In capping the top or bottom part of the tablet separates from the main body completely are partially.
5. Sticking:
Adherence of granules to die walls is referred to as ‘sticking’
Excessive humidity Dry the granules and or air condition the room.
Evaluation of tablets:-
1. Appearance,
2. Content of active ingredient in the tablets,
3. Uniformity of weight,
4. Size and shape,
5. Organoleptic properties,
6. Uniformity content,
7. Hardness and friability test,
8. Disintegration test,
9. Dissolution,
1. May be swallowed whole by the patient.
2. May be inserted into the rectum for drug release and absorption from the site.
3. The contents may be removed from the gelatin shell and employed as a pre measured medicinal
powder, the capsule shell being use to contain a dose of the medicinal substance.
4. Elegance.
5. Ease of use.
6. Portability.
7. Tasteless shell to mask the unpleasant taste/odor of the drug.
8. Permits physician to prescribe the exact medication needed by the patient.
9. Conveniently carried.
10. Readily identified.
11. Easily taken.
12. tasteless when swallowed.
13. Commonly embossed or imprinted on their surface the manufacturer’s name and product code readily
Components of Capsules
1. Gelatin.
2. FD & C and D & C colorant.
3. Sugar.
4. Water - 12 to 16 % but may vary depending on the storage condition.
5. Sulfur dioxide (.15%) - prevent decomposition during manufacture.
6. Opaquants/Opacifying agent - titanium dioxide.
Type of capsule
The two main types of capsules are-
1. Soft Gelatin or Soft Gel Capsule
2. Hard Gelatin Capsule
Height or
Typical Fill Weights
Outer Locked Actual Vol.
Size (mg) 0.70
Diameter (mm) Length (mL)
Powder Density
For human use, empty capsules ranging in size from 000 the largest to 5 the smallest. Generally, hard gelatin
capsule are used to encapsulate between 65 mg to 1 gram.
Usually use in the extemporaneous compounding of Rx.
Made of gelatin, sugar, and water.
Clear, colorless and essentially tasteless.
Colored with various FD & C and D & C dyes and made opaque by adding agents such as titanium
a) Diluents:-
The diluents have to be added to bring the medicament up to a desired bulk.
The quantities of diluents are related to the dose of the medicament and the capsule size.
b) Protective sorbents:-
Sometimes some inert materials are included to prevent the absorption of moisture by hygroscopic
Materials like – oxides and carbonates of Mg or Ca.
c) Glidants:-
Glidants become essential when the powders are filled by automated machinery requiring their
regular flow in the capsule bodies.
Glidants like- Talc, Stearates.
d) Anti-dusting compounds:-
These are the compounds which prevent the flow of dust particle of the drug in the air to causes
health hazards.
Anti-dusting compounds like- inert edible oils.
It is obtained by the partial hydrolysis of collagen obtained from skin, white connective tissue and
bones of animals.
Available in the form of a fine powder, a coarse powder, shreds, flakes, or sheets.
Stable in air when dry but when become moist - subject to microbial decomposition.
The filled the sealed capsules necessitate finishing operation before inspection, bowling or packing in strips
and labeling. The following steps are involve in the finishing process-
Pan polishing.
Cloth dusting.
Inspection (ROTOSORT).
1. Uniformity of weight.
2. Content of active ingredients in capsules.
3. Disintegration.
4. Dissolution.
Page 1 of 5
Container permeation test
Labeling of inactive ingredients
(Official in USP)
The tablet may well be subjected to a tumbling motion. For example, Coating, packaging,
transport, which are not severe enough to break the tablet, but may abrade the small particle
from tablet surface. To examine this, tablets are subjected to a uniform tumbling motion for
specified time and weight loss is measured. Roche friabilator is most frequently used for this
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I. Weight of tablet – Single pan electric balance.
II. Crushing strength – Controls friability and disintegration time.
III. Tablet thickness – Very thick tablet affect packaging particularly into blisters.
IV. Disintegration time.
V. Friability
As a part of Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP), the production run is monitored under
control chart. At regular interval (10 – 15minutes) the operator must sample specified number of
tablets, weigh them individually, check thickness, crushing strength and all the properties as
mentioned above. The process can be automated and interfaced with printer. Such data
promotes process improvement.
Key Phrases
USP mentions some of the quality control tests to be performed before the powder is
compressed. e.g., powder fineness, density. etc.
Friability is official test as per USP.
At regular interval (10 – 15minutes) during the course of manufacturing the operator
must sample specified number of tablets for testing
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1. General Appearance:
The general appearance of a tablet, its identity and general elegance is
essential for consumer acceptance, for control of lot-to-lot uniformity and
tablet-to-tablet uniformity. The control of general appearance involves the
measurement of size, shape, color, presence or absence of odor, taste etc.
2. Size & Shape:
It can be dimensionally described & controlled. The thickness of a tablet is
only variables. Tablet thickness can be measured by micrometer or by
other device. Tablet thickness should be controlled within a ± 5% variation
of standard value.
3. Unique identification marking:
These marking utilize some form of embossing, engraving or printing.
These markings include company name or symbol, product code, product
name etc.
4. Organoleptic properties:
Color distribution must be uniform with no mottling. For visual color
comparison compare the color of sample against standard color.
5. Hardness:
Tablet requires a certain amount of strength or hardness and resistance to
friability to withstand mechanical shakes of handling in manufacture,
packaging and shipping. Hardness generally measures the tablet crushing
Friability of a tablet can determine in laboratory by Roche friabilator. This
consist of a plastic chamber that revolves at 25 rpm, dropping the tablets
through a Distance of six inches in the friabilator, which is then operate for
100 revolutions. The tablets are reweighed. Compress tablet that lose less
than 0.1 to 0.5 % of the Tablet weigh are consider acceptable.
7. Weight Variation test (U.S.P.):
Take 20 tablet and weighed individually. Calculate average weight and
compare the individual tablet weight to the average. The tablet pass the
U.S.P. test if no more that 2 tablets are outside the percentage limit and if
no tablet differs by more than 2 times the percentage limit.
8. Content Uniformity Test:
Randomly select 30 tablets. 10 of these assayed individually. The Tablet
pass the test if 9 of the 10 tablets must contain not less than 85% and not
more than 115% of the labeled drug content and the 10th tablet may not
contain less than 75% and more than 125% of the labeled content.
If these conditions are not met, remaining 20 tablet assayed individually
and none may fall out side of the 85 to 115% range.
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9. Disintegration Test (U.S.P.):
The U.S.P. device to test disintegration uses 6 glass tubes that are 3” long;
open at the top and 10 mesh screen at the bottom end. To test for
disintegration time, one tablet is placed in each tube and the basket rack is
positioned in a 1-L beaker of water, simulated gastric fluid or simulated
intestinal fluid at 37 ± 20 C such that the tablet remain 2.5 cm below the
surface of liquid on their upward movement and not closer than 2.5 cm
from the bottom of the beaker in their downward movement. Move the
basket containing the tablets up and down through a distance of 5-6 cm at
a frequency of 28 to 32 cycles per minute. Floating of the tablets can be
prevented by placing perforated plastic discs on each tablet.
According to the test the tablet must disintegrate and all particles must
pass through the 10 mesh screen in the time specified. If any residue
remains, it must have a soft mass.
Disintegration time: Uncoated tablet: 5-30 minutes
Coated tablet: 1-2 hours
10.Dissolution Test:
A) Apparatus-1 (Basket Type): A single tablet is placed in a small wire
mesh basket attached to the bottom of the shaft connected to a variable
speed motor. The basket is immersed in a dissolutionmedium (as
specified in monograph) contained in a 1000 ml flask. The flask is
cylindrical with a hemispherical bottom. The flask is maintained at
37±0.50C by a constant temperature bath. The motor is adjusted to turn
at the specified speed and sample of the fluid are withdrawn at intervals to
determine the amount of drug in solutions.
B) Apparatus-2 (Paddle Type ): It is same as apparatus-1, except the
basket is replaced by a paddle. The dosage form is allowed to sink to the
bottom of the flask before stirring. For dissolution test U.S.P. specifies the
dissolution test medium and volume, type of apparatus to be used, rpm of
the shaft, time limit of the test and assay procedure for.
The test tolerance is expressed as a % of the labeled amount of drug
dissolved in the time limit.
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Formulation Section
Labeling Area
Packaging Section
After washing the bottles were dried at about 50OC in hot air dryer.
The completely dried bottles and glass wares were sent to filling
section as per requirements.
a) Solubility :-
b) pH :-
Cosolvents are employed not only to effect solubility of the drug, but
also to improve the solubility of volatile constituents used to impart a
desirable flavor and odor to the product.
d) Solubilization :-
Solubilizer Solubilizate
e) Complexation :-
Sr = [D] + X [DxCy]
= Ks
f) Hydrotrophy :-
After filling the specific quantity in the container glass, bottles were
sealed by semi automatic cap sealing machine. During the channel of
formulation of liquid preparation to the filling into containers, there were
various in process quality control test done. They were as follows :
Labels were pasted on the bottles with the help of labeling machine.
A good quality natural gum was used for this purpose. Before pasting the
level on the bottles Exp. Date, Mfg. Date, Batch No. printed with a hand
operated printing machine in SMPL.
a) Propeller mixer are most widely used for liquids of low viscosity.
This was a semi automatic machine which is used for seal the cap of
the bottles.
Production Order
Rechecking of Weight
Syrup manufacturing
Dissolving of ingredients
Sealing of Container
Clarity Test
Packed in Cartons
Usually two samples were chosen randomly from each batch of tablets
and liquids. The first sample met for immediate quality control testing,
whereas second sample was intended to be maintained under appropriate
storage conditions to determine whether or not the sample obey the
jurisprudence of the Drug and Cosmetic Act’s various rules, over pre
decided and distinct period of time.
For Tablets :-
For Liquids :-
3. Measuring Cylinders
1. Burette s 2. Pipettes
The store room is place where various materials are stored and
preserved until they are issued to other departments. This unit had a
The storeroom was almost in the center of the unit and near the
section so that transportation of raw materials from store to various sections
become very easy & economic. In generally it consists of bulk drugs, raw
materials coloring agents, flavoring agents, sweetening agents, various
suspending agents tools and spare parts of machine etc.
Semisolids constitute a significant proportion of pharmaceutical dosage forms. They serve as carriers for drugs that are
topically delivered by way of the skin, cornea, rectal tissue, nasal mucosa, vagina, buccal tissue, urethral membrane, and external ear
lining [1]. A semisolid dosage form is advantageous in terms of its easy application, rapid formulation, and ability to topically deliver
a wide variety of drug molecules. Semisolids are available as a wide range of dosage forms, each having unique characteristics [2].
Topical semisolid dosage forms are normally presented in the form of creams, gels, ointments, or pastes. They contain one or more
active ingredients dissolved or uniformly dispersed in a suitable base and any suitable excipients such as emulsifiers, viscosity
increasing agents, anti microbial agents, antioxidants’, or stabilizing agents. The objective of this compiled data is to provide a clear
and in-depth knowledge of about various tools, strategies, critical process parameters and strategies of the manufacturing and
validation processes specific to semisolid dosage forms.
Ointments are semisolid preparations for external application to skin or mucous membranes. Their composition softens but
does not melt upon application to the skin. Therapeutically, ointments function as skin protectives and emollients, but they are used
primarily as vehicles for the topical application of drug substances. Creams are semisolid dosage forms that contain one or more drug
substances dissolved or dispersed in a suitable base, usually oil in- water emulsion or aqueous microcrystalline dispersion of long-
chain fatty acids or alcohols that are water washable and are cosmetically and aesthetically acceptable. Gels are semisolid systems that
consist of either suspensions of small inorganic particles or large organic molecules interpenetrated by a liquid. Pastes are semisolid
dosage forms that contain one or more drug substances incorporated in a base with large proportions of finely dispersed solids.
A wide range of raw materials is available for the preparation of a semisolid dosage form. Apart from the usual
pharmaceutical ingredients such as preservatives, antioxidants, and solubilizers, the basic constituents of a semisolid dosage form are
unique to its composition. The choice of suitable raw materials for a formulation development is made on the basis of the drug
delivery requirements and the particular need to impart sufficient emolliency or other quasi-medicinal qualities in the formulation. In
general, semisolid dosage forms are complex formulations having complex structural elements. Often they are composed of two
phases (oil and water), one of which is a continuous (external) phase, and the other of which is a dispersed (internal) phase. The active
ingredient is often dissolved in one phase, although occasionally the drug is not fully soluble in the system and is dispersed in one or
both phases, thus creating a three-phase system. The physical properties of the dosage form depend upon various factors, including the
size of the dispersed particles, the interfacial tension between the phases, the partition coefficient of the active ingredient between the
phases, and the product rheology. These factors combine to determine the release characteristics of the drug, as well as other
characteristics, such as viscosity [3].
Hydrophobic ointments:
Hydrophobic (lipophilic) ointments are usually anhydrous and can absorb only small amounts of water. Typical bases used
for their formulation are water-insoluble hydrocarbons such as hard, soft and liquid paraffin, vegetable oil, animal fats, waxes,
synthetic glycerides and polyalkyl siloxanes.
Water-emulsifying ointments:
Water-emulsifying ointments can absorb large amounts of water. They typically consist of a hydrophobic fatty base in which
a w/o agent, such as wool fat, wool alcohols, sorbitan esters, mono glycerides, or fatty alcohols can be incorporated to render them
hydrophilic. They may also be w/o emulsions that allow additional quantities of aqueous solutions to be incorporated. Such ointments
are used especially when formulating aqueous liquids or solutions.
Vol 7, Issue 11, 2017. . Amman Maqbool et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
Hydrophilic ointments:
Hydrophilic ointment bases are miscible with water. The bases are usually mixture of liquid and solid polyethylene glycols
(macrogols) [4].
Creams are homogeneous, semi-solid preparations consisting of opaque emulsion systems. Their consistency and rheological
properties depend on the type of emulsion, either water-in-oil (w/o) or oil-in –water (o/w), and on the nature of the solids in the
internal phase. Creams are intended for the application to the skin or certain mucous membranes for protective, therapeutic, or
prophylactic purposes, especially where an occlusive effect is not necessary.
Gels are usually homogeneous, clear, semi-solid preparations consisting of a liquid phase within a three-dimensional
polymeric matrix with physical or sometimes chemical cross-linkage by means of suitable gelling agents.
Hydrophobic gels:
Hydrophobic gel (oleogel) bases usually consist of liquid paraffin with polyethylene or fatty oils gelled with colloidal silica
or aluminium or zinc soaps.
Hydrophilic gels:
Hydrophilic gels (hydrogel) bases usually consist of water, glycerol, or propylene glycol gelled with suitable agents such as
tragacanth, starch, cellulose derivatives, carboxyvinyl polymers, and magnesium aluminium silicates.
Pastes are homogeneous, semi-solid preparations containing high concentrations of insoluble powdered substances (usually
not less than 20%) dispersed in a suitable base. The pastes are usually less greasy, more absorptive, and stiffer in consistency than
ointments because of the large quantity of powdered ingredients present. Some pastes consist of a single phase, such as hydrated
pectin, and others consist of a thick, rigid material that does not flow at body temperature. The pastes should adhere well to the skin.
In many cases they form a protective film that controls the evaporation of water.
A poultice is an ancient form of topical medication also known as a cataplasma. It is a soft mass of vegetable constituents or
clay, usually heated before application. Kaolin poultice BP is prepared by mixing and heating dried, heavy kaolin and boric acid with
glycerine. After cooling, the aromatic substances are incorporated with stirring. The product is spread on a dressing and applied hot to
the skin.
(Fig 1: Basic raw materials used in the development of various semisolid dosage forms)
Vol 7, Issue 11, 2017. . Amman Maqbool et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
For topical:
Vectical (TM):
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder that affects 2 to 3 percent of the U.S. population. It is characterized by thick, red, scaly
patches of skin and caused by an abnormally high growth rate of skin cells that form thick, dry scales (plaques).
Vectical (TM) Ointment is indicated for the topical treatment of mild to moderate plaque psoriasis in patients 18 years and
older [5] Vectical (TM) Ointment contains calcitriol, the naturally-occurring, active form of vitamin D3, and is one of the only vitamin
D3 products shown in clinical trials to be well-tolerated even when used on sensitive skin fold areas [6].
Creams containing microspheres:
Microspheres are white powders that under a microscope show every particle to be spherical. In cosmetics, microspheres are
used for: enhanced feel, optical blurring, absorption/ delivery of materials. Microspheres can alter the tactile qualities of a cosmetic
like initial contact, application, after feel etc.
The word ‘‘gel’’ is derived from ‘‘gelatin,’’ and both ‘‘gel’’ and ‘‘jelly’’ can be traced back to the Latin gelu for ‘‘frost’’ and
gelare, meaning ‘‘freeze’’ or ‘‘congeal”. The USP defines gels (sometimes called jellies) as semisolid systems consisting of either
suspensions made up of small inorganic particles, or large organic molecules interpenetrated by a liquid. Most topical gels are
prepared with organic polymers such as carbomers which impart an aesthetically pleasing, clear sparkling appearance to the product
and are easily washed off the skin with water. In a typical polar gel, a natural or synthetic polymer builds a three dimensional matrix
throughout a hydrophilic liquid. Typical polymers used include the natural gums Tragacanth, carrageenan, pectin, agar and alginic
acid; semi synthetic materials such as methylcellulose, hydroxyl ethyl cellulose, hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose, and carboxy
methyl cellulose; and the synthetic polymer, carbopol may be used. Gels are compatible with many substances and may contain
penetration enhancers for anti-inflammatory and anti-nauseant medications [10].
Nanosphere gel:
Tyrosine-derived nanospheres have demonstrated potential as effective carriers for the topical delivery of lipophilic
molecules. Gel formulation containing nanospheres was developed for effective skin application and enhanced permeation. Carbopol
and HPMC hydrophilic gels were evaluated for dispersion of these nanospheres. Sparingly water soluble diclofenac sodium (DS) and
lipophilic Nile Red were used as model compounds.
of absorption. However, drug release from the gel must be sustained if benefits are to be gained from the prolonged contact time.
Vol 7, Issue 11, 2017. . Amman Maqbool et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
It was possible to control the release of uncharged drug substances by including surfactants that form micelles in the gel. This
release depended on lipophilic interactions between the drug and the polymer and/or the micelles. Controlled-release formulations of
charged drugs could be designed by mixing the drugs with oppositely charged surfactants in certain ratios. In this way, vesicles in
which the drug and surfactant constituted the bilayer formed spontaneously. The vesicle formation was affected by the presence of
polymer, and very small vesicles that gave a slow release rate were formed when a lipophilically modified polymer was used. The gels
were also evaluated in the Ussing chamber using porcine nasal mucosa. The rate of transport of drugs through the mucosa could be
controlled by the rate of release from the formulation. Furthermore, the Ussing chamber could be used to evaluate the potential
toxicity of formulations [11, 12].
Amphiphilic gels:
Amphiphilic gels can prepared by mixing the solid gelator like sorbitan monostearate or sorbitan monopalmitate and the
liquid phase like liquid sorbitan esters or polysorbate and heating them at 60°C to form a clear isotropic sol phase, and cooling the sol
phase to form an opaque semisolid at room temperature Amphiphilic gel microstructures consisted mainly of clusters of tubules of
gelator molecules that had aggregated upon cooling of the sol phase, forming a 3D network throughout the continuous phase. The gels
demonstrated thermoreversibility. Gelation temperature and viscosity increased with increasing gelator concentration, indicating a
more robust gel network. At temperatures near the skin surface temperature, the gels softened considerably; this would allow topical
application.This study has demonstrated the formation/preparation of stable, thermoreversible, thixotropic surfactant gels
(amphiphilogels) with suitable physical properties for topical use.
Hydrophilic gels:
Hydrophilic gels are bicoherent systems composed of the internal phase made of a polymer producing a coherent three-
dimensional net-like structure, which fixes the liquid vehicle as the external phase. Intermolecular forces bind the molecules of the
solvent to a polymeric net, thus decreasing the mobility of these molecules and producing a structured system with increased viscosity.
The physical and chemical bonds binding the particles of the internal phase provide a relatively stable structure, which can originate
by swelling of solid polymers, or by decreasing the solubility of the polymer in a solution. An important group of gels used in
pharmacy are hydrophilic gels, or hydrogels, usually made of hydrophilic polymers, which under certain conditions and polymer
concentration, jellify. Attention of pharmaceutical research now concentrates primarily on hydrophilic gels, as this dosage form seems
to be prospective for the development of modern drugs based on systems with prolonged and controlled release of active ingredients.
Bioadhesive Gels:
Chitosan bioadhesive gel was formulated for nasal delivery of insulin. A nasal perfusion test was carried out to study the
toxicity of four absorption enhancers like saponin, sodium deoxycholate, ethylendiamine tetra-Acetic Acid (EDTA) and lecithin. The
gels contained 4000 Iu/dl insulin, 2 or 4% of low and medium molecular weight of chitosan, and lecithin or EDTA. Drug release was
studied by a membraneless diffusion method and bio adhesion by a modified tensiometry test.
Vol 7, Issue 11, 2017. . Amman Maqbool et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
Advantages of thermo sensitive sol-gel reversible hydrogels over conventional hydrogels are:
a) It is easy to mix pharmaceutical solution rather than semisolids
b) Biocompatibility with biological systems
c) Convenient to administer
d) The pharmaceutical and biomedical uses of such sol-gel transition include solubilization of low molecular- weight hydrophobic
e) Release can be in a controlled fashion.
f) Helps to deliver labile bio macromolecule such as proteins and genes.
g) Immobilization of cells
h) And tissue engineering [14].
batch size from the pilot or clinical size to commercial level must exist with similar equipment. Guidance from FDA’s Scale-Up and
Post approval Changes Semisolids (SUPAC-SS) Working Group provides the basis of comparison for the design and operating
principles of equipment [17].
Vol 7, Issue 11, 2017. . Amman Maqbool et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
Mixing times
Optimizing mixing time requires identifying the minimum time required for ingredients to dissolve and the maximum mixing
time before product failure (e.g., when viscosity begins to drop). For polymeric gels, particularly acrylic acid-based types, over-
mixing, especially high shear, can break down the polymer's structure. In an emulsion, over-mixing may cause the product to separate
prematurely, resulting in a drastic decline in viscosity.
Guidance on the Manufacture of Sterile Pharmaceutical Products by Aseptic Processing
- 13 -
- 14 -
disturbance of airflow. If such designs are unavoidable, their structures should be suitable for
easy cleaning. Sliding doors may be undesirable for this reason.
8. Adequate space should be provided for gowning, storage of gowns, and disposal of used gowns
and other materials.
9. Transparent (e.g. glass) windows or video cameras should be installed in the APA to facilitate
observation and supervision from non-aseptic areas.
10. Layout of equipment in the APA should be designed to minimize environmental exposure of
open containers or finished products and facilitate easy access of personnel to these items during
processing or quipment maintenance.
11. Equipment not essential for processing in the critical area should be installed in non-critical
12. Corridors should be adequately distributed along working areas in indirect support areas
(Grade C or D) in order to prevent those areas from being used for routine passage of
personnel not directly engaged in processing in the areas.
13. When parenteral and other sterile drug products are manufactured simultaneously in the same
room, manufacturing equipment for preparation, filling, and sealing of drug products should
be dedicated and should be closed system for those operation. If any part of the equipment
structurally is kept open, appropriate measures and activities should be implemented to
prevent contamination.
14. The working areas for preparation, filling, and sealing of sterile drug products and sterile API
should be separated from the areas for processing non-sterile drug and non-sterile API. The
separation is not necessary if there is virtually no risk of contamination of products processed in
the working areas.
15. Facilities should be structurally designed to be efficient in preventing or minimizing risks of
cross contamination if used for processing highly pharmacologically active substances,
pathogenic substances, highly toxic substances, radioactive substances, live viruses, or
16. Walls, floors, and ceilings should be easily cleanable and durable against cleaning agents and
17. Drains and sinks should be prohibited in the APA. If drains are placed in Grade C areas in
indirect support areas, drains should be fitted with traps or water seals parts which are easy to
clean and disinfect to prevent contamination by back-flow. If floor trenches are located, they
should be shallow to facilitate cleaning.
18. Piping, air ducts, and other utilities in clean areas should be installed so that they do not create
- 15 -
- 16 -
- 17 -
- 18 -
2. The per-cubic-meter count of particles (diameter: ≥ 0.5 μm) in the direct support area should
be controlled below 352,000 and 3,520 under operating and non-operating conditions,
respectively. These levels of air cleanliness are designated as Grade B, Class 10,000, or ISO-7
(under standard operating conditions) according to domestic and international standards on air
3. The count of airborne particles and microorganisms should be regularly monitored by
appropriate procedures in the direct support area. The frequency and method of monitoring
should be carefully selected based on evaluation results of product contamination risks in the
critical area.
- 19 -
7.2.2 Air
It is critical to secure constant airflow from an area of higher cleanliness level to an area of
lower cleanliness level in order to maintain required environmental conditions of clean areas.
1. Pressure difference between the APA and indirect support areas should be adequately defined,
monitored, and controlled.
2. Air locks should be established between the APA and indirect support areas and pressure
difference between these areas should be maintained at a level sufficient to prevent the
reversal of defined pressure difference or airflow. For example, a desired pressure difference
between areas, when both closed, should be at least 10 to 15 Pa. The air lock design should
meet requirements defined in Item 26 (gowning room) in Article 6.1. Likewise, an appropriate
pressure difference should be established and maintained between indirect support areas of
different cleanliness levels.
3. Wherever pressure difference is an essential part of sterility assurance, it is recommended to
continuously monitor pressure difference between areas and install an alarm system to enable
prompt detection of abnormal pressure differences.
4. Airflow in the critical area (Grade A) should be unidirectional and supplied at velocity and
- 20 -
uniformity sufficient to swiftly remove airborne particles away from the critical area. Airflow
should also be supplied with sufficient care so as not to create reverse currents from adjacent
areas (direct support areas, Grade B) into the critical area to prevent contamination. When
conventional clean benches and RABS are used, the recommended mean flow rate is 0.45
m/sec ± 20%. Lower flow rate may be necessary depending on the type or usage of isolator
5. The airflow requirements stated in the preceding Item 5) should be verified by appropriate
method of validation by smoke test or other qualification tests at the installation of airflow
equipment. Similar validation is also necessary when airflow patterns are changed or
suspected of being changed.
6. Changes in flow velocity can alter flow direction when airflow is specified to be unidirectional.
The velocity should be confirmed to be constant at a predetermined level by monitoring the
velocity of airflow from HEPA filters at time intervals specified in the program.
7. An appropriate air change rate should be established by evaluating the potential of product
contamination for individual processing areas and gowning rooms in the APA to maintain air
cleanliness at specified levels. The generally recommended air change rate is 30 times per
hour in the direct support area and 20 times per hour in Grade C work rooms among indirect
support areas. These change rates should be monitored at regular intervals to verify that the
rates are continuously maintained as specified. Air current should be controlled not to ascend
to prevent deterioration of work environment due to dust and bacteria stirred up from the floor.
The most common method of securing downward current is to install supply vents close to the
ceiling and exhaust vents close to the floor. Similar considerations on ventilation are
applicable to indirect support areas, although the rigidity of specifications depends on
potential risks of contamination with microorganisms and foreign matter.
8. The cleanliness of the work room must be promptly returned to the non-operating level after
completion of processing and workers leave the room. In the direct support area, airborne
particle count should preferably be returned to the non-operating count in 15 to 20 minutes.
9. Intended differential pressure and airflow patterns during processing should be specified and
documented and then validated to be suitable and appropriate for commercial manufacture.
The impact of turbulence created by the movement of personnel on the cleanliness of the
manufacturing environment should be evaluated, and evaluation results should be reflected in
relevant SOPs.
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- 23 -
(2) The selection of disinfectants should be primarily based on the safety of personnel who
are engaged in disinfection processing.
(3) If selected disinfectants might have inferior efficacy against microorganisms isolated
from the environment, the efficacy should be reevaluated and the replacement with or
alternate use of different disinfectants should be considered and implemented, as
(4) If environmental monitoring data indicate or suggest the presence of spore-forming
bacteria or fungi, suitable sporicides or fungicides should be selected for disinfection.
(5) The directions for use of disinfectants should include the method of disinfection,
application site of the agents, and time required for the agents to exert anticipated
(6) Chemical properties (e.g. corrosivity) which might damage the surface of facilities and
equipment to be treated should be assessed prior to the selection of cleaning agents and
10. If use of sporicides or fungicides in processing areas for sterile pharmaceutical products is
likely or probable, the type, concentrations, and usage of the agents should be predetermined
and specified in writing.
11. The preceding Item 10 should also be applied to the selection and use of fumigating agents
(including aerosol formulation), although such application is dependent on the properties of
the agents to be used.
12. Cleaning agents, disinfectants, and utensils for applying these agents should not be stored in
critical areas. Materials needed for operations in the critical area such as hand sprays to
disinfect gloves may be stored in critical areas, if well controlled. If cleaning agents and
disinfectants are stored in critical areas, reasons and control procedures for keeping should be
defined in writing.
- 24 -
- 25 -
9.1.2 Validation
1. When raw materials are required to be sterile, validation should be performed to ensure their
2. When raw materials need to be sterilized, applicable sterilization procedures should be
3. When individual raw materials are separately sterilized, not only sterilization processes for
individual materials but also those for final drug solution should be validated to ensure their
4. When raw materials are released after sterilization using parametric or dosimetric methods
such as steam sterilization and irradiation, such methods should be validated.
5. When raw materials are depyrogenated, the depyrogenation procedure should be validated.
Generally, the depyrogenation process must achieve at least a 3-log reduction of endotoxins
below challenge.
- 26 -
(2) If containers and closures are depyrogenated after transfer into the critical area, suitable
depyrogenation procedures should be instituted by taking into account physicochemical
properties of containers and closures.
6. Sterilized containers and closures should be protected from microbial or pyrogenic
contamination by appropriate preventive measures.
9.2.2 Validation
1. Procedures for sterilizing containers and closures should be validated.
2. When containers and closures are depyrogenated, the depyrogenation procedure should be
validated. Generally, the depyrogenation process must achieve at least a 3-log reduction of
endotoxins below challenge.
- 27 -
- 28 -
(1) Check whether or not leakage occurs in containers on hold status under positive
(2) Check whether or not leakage occurs in containers on hold status under negative
(3) Immerse containers in pigment solution or bacterial suspension and check whether or
not pigment or bacteria are detected in containers.
(4) Inspect containers with a gas leakage detector.
(5) Inspect containers with an electric pin hole testing machine.
10.3 Charging and Discharging Sterile Intermediate Products in and out of Containers
When charging and discharging sterile intermediate products in and out of containers before
and after storage or transportation, the following matters should be taken into account:
1. Automatization
Wherever feasible, automatic charging (including divided charging) and discharging systems
should be instituted to minimize personnel intervention.
2. Minimization of personnel intervention-related risks
If automatic systems cannot be introduced, the following matters should be considered to
manage intervention-related risks:
(1) Working personnel should not physically block or disrupt airflow directed to the
charging and discharging ports.
(2) Charging and discharging operations should be performed in Grade A areas (e.g. clean
(3) Certain risk reduction measures such as sterile connections using tubing systems that do
not require opening of containers should be examined and evaluated.
3. Process simulation
A process simulation test should be performed to demonstrate the validity of procedures for
charging and discharging sterile intermediate products in and out of containers.
4. Limitation of working hours
Time is always a critical factor for maintaining sterile conditions; the more time required for
charging and discharging operations, the greater the risk of contamination. A maximum time
limit should preferably be set for these operations, and if more than one container is used per
shift, the containers should be marked with identification numbers or other identifiers to
facilitate a first-in, first-out order of operations.
- 29 -
(1) Target airborne particles are those ≥ 0.5 μm in diameter. Particles of other diameter (e.g.
≥ 5 μm) should be measured as required by a need of environmental monitoring on an
- 30 -
as-needed basis.
(2) Target microorganisms are bacteria and fungi.
(3) Target microorganisms are airborne bacteria and microorganisms on the surface of walls,
floors, fixtures, equipment, gowns, etc.
4. Preparation of environmental monitoring program
An environmental monitoring program should be drawn up prior to performance qualification
(PQ) and finalized after PQ completion. Finalization of the monitoring program may require
reevaluation of the monitoring program initially developed based on PQ and subsequent
inclusion of the monitoring program in the routine control program for routine practice. Since
PQ requires performance testing of the worst-case scenario, the numbers of sites and
measurement of monitoring targets tend to be large. Reduction in number of sampling
locations and frequency is acceptable when the monitoring program is included in the routine
control program, as is reduction in frequency of bacterial monitoring by implementing
adequate inspection, maintenance, and supervision of equipment on regular and occasional
bases, provided the equipment has isolators, RABS, a blow-fill-seal system, or other devices
which prove it robust enough to withstand bacterial contamination. Requirements for routine
monitoring and control such as the number of sampling site may be reduced by referring to
ISO specifications including ISO DIS 14644-1.
5. Monitoring targets and locations
Environmental monitoring targets should also include air in working areas, manufacturing
equipment (and process control equipment, where appropriate), and aseptic environments; air
for keeping the aseptic environment clean; and compressed air or gas that comes in contact
with the environment and equipment. The monitoring frequency of compressed air and gas
necessary for manufacturing equipment or used during manufacturing processes as shown in
Table 2 may be separately set, provided the cleanliness level can be maintained by integrity
test for filters for sterile liquid filtration or other tests.
6. Sampling frequency for environmental monitoring
Sampling frequency should be determined in accordance with air cleanliness level required for
individual working areas under both operating and non-operating conditions. The sampling
procedures should include specifications on the frequency of sample collection from gown and
other stuff. Frequencies of sampling shown in Table 2 may be helpful for establishing the
7. Monitoring methods: sampling and testing procedures
Optimal number and locations of monitoring points should be determined for individual
manufacturing areas by taking into account the size of working area, scope of operations, and
- 31 -
process flows of materials or products. The points should be added as they are considered to
be necessary for assessing potential product contamination.
(1) Devices for collecting and counting airborne particles and bacteria should be used after
validated calibration. Results of particle counting should be converted to the count
per-cubic-meter of atmosphere (/m3).
(2) Sampling for collecting airborne microorganisms should be conducted via one or more
suitable procedures including settle plate, impact, and filtration methods, and collecting
microorganisms on the surface should be conducted via one or more suitable methods
such as contact plate or swabbing. The size of the area to be sampled should be
determined in accordance with the shape and surface condition of equipment and
apparatuses. In principle, the recommended sampling area of equipment and apparatuses
is 24 to 30 cm2. Air volume to be sampled for airborne microorganism monitoring
should be decided by overall considerations and discussion of factors involved, such as
cleanliness of the target area and routine monitoring frequency. If the target area is
Grade A, microbial count monitoring usually uses a circular flat plate of 90 cm in
diameter, and the maximum exposure time is 4 hours.
(3) The culture medium used for the detection and enumeration of airborne and surface
microorganisms should be suitable for the growth of target microorganisms such as
aerobic bacteria, fungi (i.e. yeasts, molds), and anaerobic bacteria. The medium should
be tested for the absence of cell growth inhibitory substances to select a competent
medium suitable for microbacterial monitoring. The objective of testing for cell growth
inhibitory substances is to confirm that the collection and growth of microorganisms
will not be affected by the presence of alcohol, antibiotics, etc. and to ensure that
monitoring results are not altered by the quality of medium used.
(4) The incubation temperature of the medium should be suitable for the growth of target
8. Alert and action level specifications
Alert and action levels should be established for individual target substances and locations to
be monitored.
(1) Action level specifications may be established by referring to data contained in Table 3.
Caution should be exercised not to underestimate the contamination risk by averaging
particle or microbacterial count. If microorganisms are detected in a Grade A area, the
effect of such microorganisms on product quality should be evaluated even if the count
meets acceptable criteria.
(2) Alert level specifications should be established based on results of PQ tests.
- 32 -
(3) The monitoring program should include actions and measures to be taken (i.e.,
investigation of causes of non-compliance, suspension of manufacturing) when alert or
action level specifications are met. In principle, a deviation from the alert level
specifications does not require a suspension of manufacturing but other appropriate
actions or measures should be taken. Deviations from the action level specifications
should be investigated for cause(s) prior to shipment of final products manufactured
through the process where the deviation occurred, and corrective measures should be
taken. The validity of corrective measures taken should be verified to confirm the
recovery of acceptable environmental conditions, as needed. The recovery may be
readily confirmed in some instances by, for example, counting particulate matter, but
not reproducible in other instances, such as with bacteria adherence to gowns. If the
cause(s) cannot be traced, recovery should be established by general approaches
including prohibition of personnel entry for a certain period, retraining of personnel, and
reviewing assigned tasks.
- 33 -
monitoring should be analyzed to detect any trends in changes in the environment and
establish monitoring limits for trend analysis. Even if changes in the environment do not
deviate from the specified limits (the alert level), any trends suggesting variations from normal
conditions (trend analysis level) should be predicted and the cause(s) investigated to maintain
the quality of the environment at an appropriate level. Trend analysis results should also be
utilized for the maintenance of equipment for environmental control, such as the HVAC
system, and for optimization of sterilization and disinfection procedures.
- 34 -
6. Sampling of particulate matter in Grade A and B areas should preferably be conducted via
continuous monitoring from equipment assembly until completion of critical operations.
7. The monitoring of particulate matter during times when no manufacturing operations are
taking place should be conducted on an as-needed basis to maintain the environment at
predetermined cleanliness levels and thereby, for example, detect malfunctions in the air
conditioning system.
8. Assessment results of particulate matter monitoring may differ depending on the amount of air
sampled and air suction capacity of monitoring devices. Air samplers and assessment method
should be appropriate for the particulate matter control system used.
Area in which
products and
containers are Once a month Twice a week Twice a week ----
C, D
exposed to the
- 35 -
B 10 5 5 5
C 100 50 25 −
D 200 100 50 −
- 36 -
4. Flow lines for sterile pharmaceutical products, sterile raw materials, and other sterile materials
should beadequately designed by taking into account personnel movement and airflow
5. Personnel movement and intervention into sterile pharmaceutical products should be designed
to be minimum. In addition, operation, maintenance, repair, and adjustment of equipment
should preferably be performed from outside the critical area, whenever feasible.
6. Generation of turbulence and particles in critical areas should be controlled to a minimum.
The flow of clean air from supply vent to return or exhaust vent should be optimally designed
in direct and indirect support areas.
7. Equipment should be laid out so as to minimize the physical burden on operators.
8. Requirement specifications (user requirements specifications, URS) for equipment and utilities
should be defined in writing with regard to required quality levels, facility capacity for
amounts of use during manufacture, applicable regulatory requirements (e.g. laws, regulations,
guidelines), quality of component materials, and performance, etc., and DQ should be
conducted in accordance with the URS.
9. The duration of exposure of sterile pharmaceutical products, surface of equipment that may
contact with sterile pharmaceutical products, and containers uncapped, should be kept as short
as possible. 10. IQ should verify that the equipment and utilities have been installed as
directed in relevant design specification in accordance with written procedures.
11. OQ should verify that equipment and utilities have a capacity of performance as required by
their specifications. If the equipment and utilities are to be operated or used in APAs, it should
be verified that the required cleanliness in the APAs is maintained throughout operation or use.
12. All processes conducted in the APA that may influence the sterility of pharmaceutical
products should be scientifically evaluated and appropriately validated.
13. Operational procedures for all key equipment and control parameters, and theire acceptable
limits should be described in relevant SOPs in an appropriate manner.
14. Validation of the processes utilizing cleaning, sterilizing, incubating/fermenting, filtering,
filling, capping, freeze-drying, and sealing equipment should be conducted to assess the
sterility assurance level of pharmaceutical products in each of these processes. Sterility
assurance levels may be validated together for multiple processes using different equipment if
the processes are continuous.
15. The sterility of equipment surfaces that may come into direct contact with sterile
pharmaceutical products should be validated.
16. OQ studies should be conducted for utilities including CIP/SIP systems and equipment that
- 37 -
supply purified water, water for injection, compressed air/other gases, pure steam, etc.
17. Validated period for use of the equipment after sterilization should be established to ensure the
sterility of sterile pharmaceutical products. If critical process changes are made, the potential
impact of the changes on validated period foruse should be reevaluated.
18. Since design concepts applicable to aseptic manufacturing of sterile pharmaceutical products
vary, any additional techniques available for promoting sterility assurance should be positively
employed whenever available.
19. When sterilization equipment is a continuous system, conveyor belts should not pass through a
partition between an APA and a processing area of lower air cleanliness, unless the belts
themselves are continuously sterilized (e.g. heat sterilization tunnel). When a continuous
sterilizer is used, airflow should be monitored to ensure that air does not flow from a
non-sterile to sterile area during processing.
- 38 -
12.3 Calibration
1. For the calibration necessary for the control, measurement, and monitoring of equipment and
utilities critical in ensuring the sterility of pharmaceutical products, calibration protocol and
SOPs should be established to define assignment of responsibility of individual personnel and
other related matters. These SOPs should then be followed for calibration.
2. The calibration of equipment and utilities should be performed using certified and traceable
standards, whenever available.
3. Records of the above-mentioned calibration procedures should be maintained.
4. The current calibration status of critical equipment and utilities should be known to relevant
personnel and verifiable.
- 39 -
- 40 -
13.2 Autoclaving
1. The quality of steam used for sterilization should be ensured not to adversely affect the
function and safety of materials or equipment to be sterilized. The generally recommended
procedure is to use vapor (pure steam) generated from purified water or water of high quality.
Condensate water resulting from the vapor should also meet specifications for water of higher
purity than that used for product formulation. The description of vapor should be periodically
inspected, and causes of quality deterioration should be investigated, whenever suspected, in
order to implement proper corrective measures.
2. Appropriate control procedures (e.g. visual inspection procedure, maximum allowable
frequency of steam cleaning) should be established for the sterilization of materials to be used
repeatedly (e.g. filters, utensils, aseptic gowns) to ensure maintenance of specifications, safety,
and intended functions after repeated exposure to steam at its maximum intensity. Accordingly
materials for repeated use should be properly managed by the control procedures.
- 41 -
materials to be sterilized.
3. If air or water come into direct contact with materials to be sterilized during the sterilization
process, their purity and physical characteristics (e.g. pressure, temperature) should not
adversely impact the intended performance or safety of the materials.
4. Commercial biological indicators (BIs) and chemical indicators (CIs) used in the verification
of the sterilization process should conform to international standards or other official
5. When the validity of a certain sterilization process is tested by simulation using a dummy load,
the validity, efficacy, and time limit of use of the load should be verified and documented.
6. When the sterilization process includes a procedure or procedures other than sterilization (e.g.
drying), the assessment method for such a procedure or procedures should be established,
documented, and implemented for appropriate control.
7. Pretreatment procedures in the sterilization process (e.g. cleaning) should be defined with
appropriate conditions and controlled accordingly so as not to impair the validity of the
sterilization process.
- 42 -
filters should be tested for their integrity to ensure the sterility of gas to be supplied.
6. Cycle parameters of sterilization equipment necessary for monitoring sterility of materials or
products should be freely established in ranges suitable for the control of sterilization
processes and easily managed with excellent reproducibility. Sterilization patterns of the
equipment should also be easy to establish depending on properties and physical state of
materials to be sterilized.
7. Sterilization equipment should be equipped with functions (e.g. computerized system control)
that enable the sterilization cycle to proceed accurately. If the equipment is of the continuous
cycle type, there should be a function that enables the correct transfer of products into and out
of the sterilizer chamber.
8. Sterilization equipment should be equipped with appropriate sensors and recorders for the
measurement and control of critical cycle parameters to achieve the required level of
sterilization. The specifications (e.g. type, precision, materials), location, and other
requirements for the sensor should be selected based on characteristics and required conditions
of the sterilization process to be run with the equipment.
9. Sterilization equipment should have a function to ensure maintenance of conditions
permissible for anticipated sterilization processing at all times during operation. It is
recommended that alarming and recording systems which function in response to the type and
severity of emergency be installed. It is also recommended that safety devices (e.g. safety
valves) be installed to prevent major accidents.
10. The location where sterilization equipment is installed should have sufficient space for the
operator to work and should be maintained at the required cleanliness level.
11. Sterilization equipment should be designed to facilitate easy manual operations by the operator,
such as operation of control buttons and transfer of pharmaceutical products into and out of
the chamber.
12. If the computer system for manufacturing control or other purposes is connected to and
controlled by a higher-level host computer, input/output data, control specifications, and other
processing should be precisely documented.
13. SOPs should be established and documented to ensure reflection of physical changes and
process changes made to sterilization equipment in the specifications for the equipment.
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sterilization cycles to achieve thorough sufficient ventilation to replace air deep in the
materials with vapor.
13. Air inside the chamber of the sterilizer should be periodically confirm to be completely
removed during sterilization cycles. This check should be added to routine monitoring and
control items, as required. The typical air removal test is the Bowie-Dick test.
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2. The SOPs should also specify procedures for obtaining and storing various records of
sterilization processing. The records should include information on the following matters and
be reviewed and approved by the supervisor:
(1) Time started and ended and date of sterilization processing
(2) Sterilization equipment used
(3) Materials sterilized
(4) Sterilization conditions employed
(5) Assessment criteria and results of sterilization processing
(6) Records of physical process parameters (e.g. temperature, pressure, etc.)
(7) Identification of sterilized materials and their traceability
(8) Operators’ names
When sterilization is carried out by a batch process, retrospective investigations of the
sterility of sterilized materials can be easily traced by allotting batch numbers to individual
3. If any materials are judged not to have been adequately sterilized, such materials should be
handled in accordance with relevant SOPs. Causes of inadequate sterilization should be
investigated and appropriate corrective actions implemented.
4. Sterilized materials should be stored under conditions suitable for preserving and maintaining
their sterility and other properties. The location, method, environmental conditions, and
duration of storage should be predetermined and managed accordingly.
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electron beam and gamma ray sterilization should be established and implemented, as appropriate.
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drain condensate.
2. Steam used in the SIP process should be generated from purified water or water of not less
than purified water grade. Condensed water from steam should meet specifications of water
used for product formulation.
3. Locations most difficult to sterilize so-called “cold spots” in the equipment should be
identified, and the SAL achieved at these spots should be evaluated are appropriate intervals.
4. Equipment integrity should be maintained after completion of SIP. Steam and condensate
should be purged from the SIP system by either sterile compressed air or nitrogen gas, and the
system should be maintained under positive pressure until it is used for processing. For any
equipment which may be operated under negative pressure or atmospheric pressure, a
qualification test must be performed to confirm that the sterility of the entire equipment is not
compromised. The maximum allowable time between the completion of SIP and the use of the
equipment should be specified and verified.
5. When the equipment is not equipped with an automatically controlled and valve sequenced
SIP system, manual SIP procedures should be established and then strictly complied with, and
critical procedures of the system should be double-checked. Records of manual SIP operations,
when performed, should be maintained as evidence that the operations were conducted as
stipulated in the procedures.
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9. Measures necessary to maintain sterility of the systems to be sterilized during and after SIP
processing, such as the installation of appropriate vent filters and maintenance of positive
9. When equipment and/or pipes are sterilized by dividing them into several segment, the segments
should overlap o ensure that all portions of the system are adequately and effectively sterilized.
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injection of steam for sterilization and that condensed water forming during SIP is properly
discharged. If the shape and size of pipes to be sterilized by the SIP system or steam supply
conditions are modified, such modifications should be subject to change control, documented and
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machines and container supply machines that would directly contact drug products, and then
monitoring data obtained should be duly evaluated. The information on how to undertake
environmental monitoring, such as frequency, should be referred to the Environmental
Monitoring Section of this guidance.
4. Equipment surfaces that come into direct or indirect contact with sterile pharmaceutical
products should be decontaminated or sterilized prior to manufacturing according to validated
sterilization procedures.
5. Sterilized equipment should be preserved in validated procedures to keep sterile condition
until use.
6. Connecting area of a reserve tank of sterile bulk product with filling equipment (including
filling lines) should be sterilized by the SIP system in a critical area (Grade A). If connecting
area cannot be sterilized by the SIP system, the following alternative method to secure sterility
assurance, may be employed :
● Containers and filling equipment should be aseptically connected in a critical area.
● If the connection is performed in Grade B or lower environment, the connecting area
and any downstream thereafter should be sterilized using the SIP system.
These procedures may not be applied to connecting system which is proved to ensure a higher
sterile assurance (e.g. commercial available sterile connectors).
7. The transfer or supply of sterile materials such as sterilized rubber closures through indirect
support areas should be conducted by validated procedures that ensure to maintain the sterility
of such materials. The frequency of such transfer or supply should be as minimum as possible.
8. The sterility assurance level of aseptic filling process should be verified by process simulation.
9. If the active ingredients of sterile pharmaceutical products have high potent physiologic
activity or are bacteria which may carry a risk of infection, the premise and equipment must be
in compliaqnce with requirements and rules stipulated in the Regulations for Buildings and
Facilities of Pharmacies and the Standards for Manufacturing Control and Quality Control of
Drugs, Quasi-drugs (known as “GMP Regulations”). Further, the equipment and processing
areas should be inactivated and cleaned after completion of processing, if necessary . If an air
circulating the filling area is to discharge outside, the air should be pre-treated by an
appropriate cleaning procedure prior to discharge.
10. The maximum allowable time for filling process should be established and validated for the
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(2) SOPs for the integrity test should include, but not be limited to, the following:
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drug substance with the filter, and then the challenge test should be performed under
modified test conditions.
(2) Challenge bacteria
The challenge test should be conducted with Brevundimonas diminuta (ATCC 19146) or
other scientifically selected bacteria to confirm that the filtration process generates a
sterile filtrate. The challenge level should be at least 107 colony-forming units (cfu) of
test organism per cm2 sample surface.
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(2) Processes in which filtered gas comes into direct contact with sterilized products
Air filters used in processes in which filtered gas comes into direct contact with sterile
pharmaceutical products (e.g. processes using aseptic filling equipment, vent filters of
sterile bulk holding tanks, freeze-drying equipment, vacuum-break filters of autoclave)
should be subjected to an integrity test which provides data positively correlated to data
from the bacteria challenge test performed with liquids used in testing filters for sterile
liquid filtration (in general, the challenge test is conducted by the filter manufacturer
using liquid [water, routinely]). Details of the filter integrity test should be confirmed
with the filter manufacturer (refer to Section 17.1.3).
(3) Air filters used in processes in which filtered gas does not come into direct contact with
sterilized products (e.g. air supply during bulk intermediate product manufacturing
process and fermentation process) should be controlled by establishing appropriate
control procedures based on risk analysis.
3. Conditions of filtration sterilization process
Gas filters are generally used repeatedly for a significant period of time. The materials of the
filter should be examined for durability, including resistance to oxidation and degradation. In
addition, the following parameters (1) to (5) for gas filtration sterilization should be
established prior to processing. Unlike with filters for sterile liquid filtration, process
parameters for gas filters cannot be realistically established by assuming the worst-case
scenario; therefore, it is not absolutely required for the manufacturer to validate the bacterial
retention capacity of each process.
(1) Temperature
(2) Maximum pressure differential
(3) Gas flow direction
(4) Duration of use
(5) Frequency of filter sterilization
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of filtrate and inviting proliferation of bacteria. Filtration system should be designed to remove
condensed water from filters and their housings promptly upon generation. If such generation is
inevitable as with the WFI tank, certain preventive measures such as heating of filter housing should
be instituted (refer to Section 17.1.4).
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cap-screwing. The distance between points of cap application and cap-screwing and time
between these processes should be as short as possible.
5. Microbial cleanliness level should be supervised in the areas where the operations described in
Items 2), 3), and 4) above are conducted.
6. Sterility of pharmaceutical products with screwed-on caps should be ensured via the validated
container/closure system integrity test and in-process control tests. All ampoules and other
containers sealed by fusion should be subjected to a leak test or other test that ensures the
integrity of the products after the fusion process. Vials mounted with closures for screwing
should be checked for completeness of closure placement to eliminate vials with missing
closures or those inappropriately stoppered. Recommended procedures to confirm the
tightness of closures include close torque control and press pressure control.
7. Entry of air into processing chambers (e.g. machinery room) under reduced pressure relative
to the outside environment should be strictly kept to a minimum to ensure the sterility of
pharmaceutical products during the freeze-drying process. Procedures necessary for ensuring
the reliability of leak tests to supervise air entry and integrity tests of vacuum break filters and
leak filters to control vacuum level should be established and implemented.
18.2 Validation
1. The sterility of the freeze-drying process should be ensured by developing and validating
microbiological and physical monitoring programs for the process itself and processes
immediately before and after. The microbiological monitoring program is usually comprised
of a media fill test, process simulation test, assessment of bioburden during sterilization
(including for freeze-drying equipment for general use), and bioburden control features. The
physical monitoring program is comprised of a leak test and integrity test for vacuum break
filters and leak filters. Routine validation of the sterilization process, bioburden control, and
filter integrity test should be conducted in a manner similar to that employed with equipment
actually used in the manufacture of sterile pharmaceutical products.
2. Process simulation should be conducted in accordance with provisions stipulated in Chapter
20 as one of the critical control programs for the freeze-drying process. It is important to select
appropriate conditions by referring to actual manufacturing processes in order not to inhibit
the growth of bacteria nor impair the viability of culture media.
(1) Temperature and time for cooling purpose should be appropriately specified.
(2) Pressure reduction should be gradual so as not to cause explosive boiling or spontaneous
(3) The freeze-drying program (particularly, drying time) should be carefully established to
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avoid drying the culture media or impairing the viability of culture media.
(4) With regard to the freeze-drying processes, those processes which cause turbulence at
the time of starting pressure reduction, vacuum break, or loading of materials or
products to be freeze-dried, and processes with the highest risk of microbial
contaminationsuch as a process with human interventionshould be simulated and
evaluated repeatedly several times under the worst-case scenario.
(5) Some freeze-dried products need to be prepared with containers filled with inert gas
such as nitrogen to ensure product stability. If growth conditions for aerobic bacteria
need to be secured, air should be used instead of inert gas. If anaerobic bacteria are
identified or suspected to be present in the preparation, inert gas and growth media for
anaerobic bacteria should be used.
3. If the capacity of the freeze-dryer is equal to or smaller than the standard equipment with
respect to accommodating the standard unit number of media, the equipment concerned should
be loaded with a unit number of media suitable to the size. If the capacity of the freeze-dryer is
larger than the standard (5,000 units of media), containers filled with media should be placed
at appropriate locations within the freeze-drying chamber: medium containers should be
randomly placed or decimated in sequential order to be evenly placed for unbiased evaluation.
If the evaluation assumes the worst-case scenarioincluding incomplete integrity of vacuum
break filters, leakage from doors or ice-condensers, or back-diffusion of gas or air from
vacuum pumpmedium containers should be placed in locations where the risk of
contamination associated with any one of these abnormalities is particularly high.
4. The integrity of containers and closures should be validated to ensure the sterility of
pharmaceutical products.
5. The validity of the leak test and the integrity of vacuum break filters and leak filters for
vacuum control should be validated for the control of air entry into the freeze-dryer chamber
under negative pressure. The judgment criteria for the leak test should be strictly established
by taking the following factors into account so as to minimize the risk of microbial
contamination within the chamber of freeze-drying equipment: volume of the freeze drying
chamber, retention time under reduced pressure in the freeze-drying process, and environment
surrounding the freeze-drying equipment.
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awareness of the difficulties involved in cleaning the complex inner structure of the
freeze-drying chamber.
(2) Sampling procedures for verifying cleaning efficiency should include sampling of
drained rinse water and combine the swab method to sample materials at the nearmost
surfaces of shelves and areas around drains. The transfer method using clean sticky tape
is also an effective sampling procedure. For verification of cleaning efficiency using the
rinse-water sampling and swab methods, a pharmaceutical product (actual or simulated)
employed as an indicator of cleaning efficiency should be selected based on ease of
cleaning and pharmacological activity of the pharmaceutical product.
(3) When a detergent is used in cleaning, toxicity and other relevant data for the agent
should be obtained from the supplier for evaluation, and appropriate assessment
procedures for the swab and rinse-water sampling methods should be established to
assess potential effects of residual agents on pharmaceutical products to be freeze-dried.
2. Appropriate sterilization procedures should be established and validated to ensure the
sterilization of freeze-drying equipment.
(1) Freeze-drying equipment has a complex inner structure and is composed of materials
varying in type and size. Sterilization procedures for the equipment should therefore be
sufficiently comprehensive to secure complete sterilization after taking into account
possible cold spots and diffusion of sterilization gas throughout the complex chamber.
In particular, with regard to sterilization procedures which use gas, temperature and
humidity inevitably vary within the chamber, and therefore sterilization should be
conducted over sufficient time to allow for permeation. Circulation and diffusion
patterns of gas should be evaluated in detail for optimization of sterilization procedures.
(2) With regard to sterilization procedures which use steam, given the complex inner
structure of the chamber, due care should be exercised to achieve efficient displacement
of stagnant air and removal of condensed water.
(3) Steam sterilization should be conducted for every freeze-drying cycle, as a rule. When
the interval of sterilization is changed in accordance with properties of pharmaceutical
products or for other reasons, the validity of sterilization between intervals should be
ensured by microbiological validation.
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(1) Leak test for every batch of pharmaceutical products at the completion of freeze-drying
Records of leak test data should be obtained in brief at the completion of freeze-drying.
(2) Leak test at the completion of steam sterilization
Records of leak test data should be obtained after cooling of freeze-drying equipment
since steam sterilization exerts significant stress on the chamber.
(3) Leak test during periodic revalidation
Freeze-drying equipment should be run through an empty cycle overnight to measure
leakage of air or gas from the equipment during periodic revalidation.
(4) An additional leak test should be conducted upon detecting actual or signs of abnormal
leakage in the leak test in Items (1) or (2) above.
2. The program for periodic equipment function testing should include, but not be limited to, the
functional diagnosis of the heat transfer/circulation system for shelves, the cooling system for
refrigerating machines, and the vacuum/exhaust system.
3. Vacuum break filters, leak filters, gaskets for vacuum sealing, and other parts should be
periodically replaced depending on their cumulative duration and frequency of use.
4. Critical instruments for monitoring and controlling freeze-drying equipment such as
temperature regulators and vacuum gauges should be calibrated periodically and have their
calibration results documented for records. A calibration interval of approximately 6 months is
recommended unless previous calibration results suggest a need to change the interval.
5. Vacuum gauges are highly sensitive meters used to measure very minute changes in pressure,
and on-site calibration via the method confirmed to be traceable is practically impossible. As
such, it may be acceptable to contract out calibration to an authorized testing facility.
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2. The rate of air exchange in the isolator should be sufficient to prevent retention of particulate
matter or contaminants and conditioning of air should enable temperature to be maintained
within the predeterminedrange.
3. Air velocity and airflow patterns should be sufficient to maintain a clean environment
necessary for operations within the isolator system.
4. Air in the isolator system should be circulated through a HEPA or higher-grade filter. The
supply of outside air to the HVAC inlet and the isolator exhaust should also take place through
a HEPA or higher-grade filter.
5. The pressure differential between the isolator and isolator room should be maintained at a
minimum of 17.5 Pascals. A greater differential may be necessary depending on the type of
operation, such as when half suits and gloves are used during operation. The pressure
differential should be continuously monitored and recorded throughout operation, and an
alarm system should be installed to warn operators of an abnormal drop in pressure.
19.1.4 Decontamination
1. The decontamination process should be established by taking the following points into
(1) Cleaning and drying of the internal surface of isolator system, as required, prior to
decontamination of the enclosure and equipment contained therein
(2) Amounts of decontaminant injected into the isolator
(3) Biological indicators (BIs)
(4) Chemical indicators (CIs)
(5) Temperature distribution within the isolator and in the surrounding environment
(6) Humidity
(7) Duration of decontamination process
(8) Concentrations of decontaminants when using gas decontaminants
(9) Pressure differential
(10) Verification of a relatively uniform distribution of decontaminants within the isolator
(11) Bioburden
2. Decontaminants should be selected based on evaluation of compatibility with the isolator’s
materials of construction, type of operations to be performed inside the isolator, volume and
configuration of materials brought into the isolator, and bioburden in the isolator. Possible
agents for isolator decontamination include peracetic acid, ozone, chlorine dioxide, and
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hydrogen peroxide.
3. Decontamination should be conducted by personnel with sufficient knowledge and
understanding of the characteristics of the decontamination mist, vapor, or gas and with
familiarity with the operation of the decontamination employed.
4. The residual level of the decontaminant should be confirmed to have been reduced to equal to
or less than acceptance criterion value after completion of decontamination. The value should
be established by considering not only the safety of factory personnel but also potential
influence on product quality and subsequent processes.
5. Every batch of decontamination agent used should be analyzed before use to confirm that they
meet their predetermined composition and identity.
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protection booth should be installed outside the system. Air should be ensured to run from
inside the RABS to the protection booth upon opening the door.
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19.3.2 Process Flow and Environments for Container Molding and Filling
1. Critical processes of the BFS system
(1) Preparation of drug solution
(2) Filtration sterilization
(3) Temporary storage of filtered drug solution
(4) Molding (including clean air supplied into the molding environment)
(5) Filling
(6) Fusion sealing
2. Characteristics of BFS processes
(1) All processes of the BFS system from molding of plastic containers to filling and
fusion-sealing should be performed in a continuous automatic operation.
(2) Filling and fusion-sealing operations are carried out in a restricted, isolated area;
therefore, the working space is not necessarily an aseptic area with air cleanliness grade
of “A” which is routinely required for the manufacture of sterile pharmaceutical
products. As such, it is acceptable to maintain Grade A cleanliness level only for the
restricted processing areas of molding and filling. For this reason, however, accurately
controlling the cleanliness level of the molding and filling areas is quite important for
protecting pharmaceutical products from contamination by foreign and particulate
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level, and the quality of air surrounding the equipment should be of Grade C or higher
cleanliness. Operators should wear gowns suitable for these cleanliness levels.
5. Quality of air for extrusion blow molding and integrity of air filters
Air contacting the inner surface of the container should be supplied after passing through
sterilizing filters. When compressed air is used instead, the oil and water content in the air
must be strictly controlled. The cleanliness level based on viable bacterial and particulate
matter counts should be Grade A equivalent.
6. Air supply to local spaces for filling operations
Air supplied to local spaces for filling operations, which are air-shower rooms equipped with a
filling nozzle and parisons where melted plastic resin is inflated to form the container, is
generally passed through sterilizing filters. Environmental monitoring of these local spaces is
usually performed by measuring airborne particle matter. If the spaces are purged with sterile
air supplied through sterilizing filters, the filter integrity test may be employed instead of
particulate matter monitoring as a means to ensure air sterility. Additional environmental
monitoring is necessary if filling operations in these spaces require human intervention to
prepare materials for filling, adjust materials and equipment during operation, or clean up
7. Heat transfer medium and product quality
Although the heat transfer medium is unlikely to come into direct contact with the molded
plastic containers, the possibility of leakage or contamination of the medium into melted
plastic should not be ruled out.
8. Integrity of fusion-sealing performance
The integrity of sealing performance is a highly critical process parameter for the BFS system,
and a number of methodsincluding rare gas leak and high voltage leak detectionhave
been developed to test the integrity. Seal integrity should be ensured via an appropriate
method, and validity of the method should be verified after employment.
9. The CIP and SIP of the BFS process (temperature, time, and F0)
10. The integrity of the SIP in the filling process and maintenance of sterility
11. Challenge test of fusion-sealing process
12. Media fill process simulation test of filling process
13. Continuous operation (acceptability of continuous operation and verification of the maximum
allowable time of operation)
The BFS process is often operated continuously with no break; therefore, the maximum time
allowed for continuous operation should be established depending on stability of the drug
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solution in question and microbial contamination risk over the entire process. Procedures and
control parameters should be specified for resuming processing after interruption or
discontinuation of operation.
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monitoring, and all deviations thereof should be prepared and maintained to adequately
control environmental microorganism level.
6. For appropriate environment control of cell culture or fermentation processing areas, the
criteria for hygiene control for restriction of personnel entry, gowning, and operators health
should be established and reduced to training, as appropriate.
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off. In addition to CIP and SIP, other cleaning methods such as cleaning with complete
disassembly and manual cleaning should be conducted, as appropriate, depending on the
structural characteristics of the equipment.
6. Culture media should be sterilized before use via a method suitable for protecting the quality
of culture solution or fermentation solution.
7. Standard procedures for counter-measurements in the event of contamination with bacteria or
others (e.g. decontamination, disposal, washing feasibility check, potential impact on finished
products) should be established.
8. The process for seeding and additive addition should be basically performed in a closed
system. If these processes are to be performed using open vessels, it should be conducted in a
biosafety cabinet or similarly well-controlled environment to prevent contamination. These
measures should be controlled to prevent contamination from personnel, environment, and
production process.
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5. All equipment should be properly cleaned after use and, if appropriate, disinfected, , or
sterilized, whenever feasible.
6. Purified API and intermediate products should be stored under predetermined appropriate
conditions, such as sterilization by filtration or other appropriate methods.
A2 Pharmaceutical Water
Basic concepts applicable to the manufacturing control and quality control of pharmaceutical water
are indicated as follows.
A2.1 Considerable Points Essential tor Basic Design of Pharmaceutical Water Equipment
The basic design of the equipment, and other subsystems s applicable to pharmaceutical water
production should be developed after establishing the procedures necessary for the efficient
manufacturing and quality control of pharmaceutical water so well as to maintain a constant supply
of pharmaceutical water in required quality. Critical points to consider on designing the water
systems should include, but not limited to, the following:
1. All of the grades, specifications, quantities, and control methods for pharmaceutical water(s)
should clearly be defined.
2. The variant quality of source water including seasonal changes y should be thoroughly be
3. The principal water system design should be predetermined on maximum momentary water
flow rate, application time and frequency of water to be used, and such conditions demanded at
the points of use as temperature, number of ports, and piping specifications, including branches
and pipes’ diameters.
4. Pharmaceutical water equipment should have such a reliable sterilization or sanitization
system as to ensure microbial control provided.
5. The locational adequacy of water sampling ports for water quality control should be evaluated
so well as to ensure stable supply of pharmaceutical water that fulfill required quality
specifications. Water samples should be collected from the locations not only of points of use
but also other critical points for the pharmaceutical water process. Locations necessary for water
quality assessment should be provided with certain structural features that facilitate the sampling
for quality analysis. If no sampling ports can structurally be set up at the expected locations, the
ports should preferably be located as close to the points of use as possible.
6. Although the water supply to the points of use should in principle be made through a loop
system, any appropriate alternative means for maintaining water quality should be employed,
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sterilization with pure steam. If steam sterilization is inapplicable to the equipment because of its
low heat resistance, an alternative system should be allowed to perform sterilization or sanitization
using hot water or chemical agents. Some points to consider in designing the equipment for
producing WFI are summarized below.
1. Distillation Equipment (Water Stills)
Commonly applied types of distillation are single-effect, multi-effects, and vapor-compressors.
The latter two types are so highly efficient in producing high-quality water and highly
energy-saving as to be recommended for a large-scale of pharmaceutical water production.
Since each of these three methods has different attributes, it is important to select a proper
distillation method based on the intended use, and the estimated f consumption in order to
fully utilize the advantages of each method.
The design of the water distillation system should include such adequate and practical
considerations as to satisfy the specifications required for the still combined with the
procedures of such feed water pretreatment as ion-exchange, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration,
and any other subsystem used and to prevent any entrainment of impurities carried over with
vapor and to determine a blow-down flow appropriate for prevention from scaling due to
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downstream contamination due to leaks through pinholes developed in the membrane, the
structural system composed of two ROs in series should preferentially be designed to provide
enhanced reliability and better control. Additionally, UV sterilization, heat-sterilization, and other
appropriate treatments in the downstream should be performed to inhibit microbial growth in the
3. Ultrafiltration (UF)
Ultrafiltration (UF) is a hyper-filtration method capable of removing endotoxins from feed water.
Unlike RO systems, UF units can generally be operated at a far lower pressure than RO and are
excellent in heat-resistance. Some UF membranes are made of materials resistant to steam
sterilization, and hence the membranes can be relatively allow their surfaces to be easily sterilized
with high-temperature water or chemical agents. It is recommended to select high-grade UF
membranes capable of removing organic substances with a molecular weight of fraction exceeding
6,000 Daltons and suitable for the intended use. Although the purification performance of UF
modules is dependent on the upstream water quality and the modules’ grade as that of RO, routine
maintenance and control of the UF system should be made in order to exercise no ill effects on the
purification performance and water quality developed by microbial growth due to the fouling of
particulate matter and microorganisms.
4. Storage Tanks for Water for Injection (WFI) and Other High-purity Waters
WFI should preferably be used so immediately after production as to avoid any intermixture
contamination with microorganisms and other chemical substances. The following factors
should be taken into account in storing WFI and other high-purity pharmaceutical waters in
(1) Storage tanks should be a closed-type with smooth inner surfaces. The nozzles of a level
indicator attached to the tank should be minimum in number and as short as possible.
(2) Storage tanks should be structured to allow no water stagnation and easier cleaning of
the inner surfaces and to facilitates complete drainage.
(3) The appropriate capacity of a storage tank should be determined to provide a water
turnover at the highest possible rate. However, wherever feasible, a longer storage of
pharmaceutical water in the tank should be avoided. The maximum storage time should be
established by validation.
(4) The storage tank should be provided with such a hydrophobic ventfilter with micropores
of 0.2 or 0.22 μm as to prevent the tank from any invasion of microorganisms and foreign
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matter. The integrity of the ventfilter should be ensured prior to installation and at regular
intervals thereafter.
(5) Where hot water is supplied into a storage tank, a heater should preferably be set up
around a vent filter to prevent the filter from obstruction due to condensation of the hot
(6) When the tank is disinfected with hot water, the tank should be equipped with such an
additional mechanism as to have heat spread over the whole inner surface of the tank
including its upper part.
(7) As common safety valves are difficult to disinfect or sterilize because of their structural
complexity, a sanitary type of safety valves should be employed or combined with a
rupture disc type of valve to ensure the water quality in the tank. When a rupture disc
valve is used, an alarm system should desirably be in place employed to give an alarm
signal on the rupture.
(8) As the gas-liquid interface in a tank is a part ready to induce microbial growth and
develop corrosion, water should preferably be spread over throughout the entire tank,
including the tank top with constant water fluidity kept.
5. Piping Structure
Pharmaceutical water stored in a tank is transported to the points of use through the piping
with relatively small diameters and structured as a closed system so that the inner situation of
the piping, once installed, is difficult to examine and inspect . Therefore, thorough review of
control methods and preventive measures for troubles in the piping system should be made at
the design phase. Key points to consider in the piping system are described below:
(1) It is basically preferable that the piping system should not be provided as allowable as
possible with any bypass or branch through which water is not constantly running.
(2) WFI should preferably be circulated constantly at a temperature not lower than 80°C
and at a turbulent flow rate enough to prevent microorganisms and organic matter from
anchoring on the surfaces. Where no water circulation is given, the unused water should
be drained and refilled with new water.
(3) Any loop circulated at an ambient temperatur should be considered on some preventive
measures for microbial growth. One example is the employment of UV lamps (Germicidal
Ultraviolet Lamp) placed at an appropriate location along the piping route.
(4) If The piping system is designed as a closed-loop should be provided with some
preventive measures in the loop to maintain a positive inner pressure against any backflow
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6. Heat Exchangers
Any contamination of feed water due to the leakage of heat medium contained in the heat
exchanger should be prevented. A double tube type or a double tube-sheet type (shell-and-tube
type) of heat exchanger is generally used. Any plate-type of heat exchangers should not be
used for manufacturing WFI. When If a heat exchanger other than the first two types is used, a
heat exchanger allowing no contamination of feed water due to heat medium should be
selected. If any potential risk of contamination of feed water is supposed, a positive pressure
on the feed water side should be maintained at a level higher than that on the heat medium side,
and an appropriate monitoring system and alarm for the pressure differential should be
attached to the heat exchanger.
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9. Pumps
Pumps should be a sanitary type in structure of a sealed casing protected against
contamination and be capable of withstanding hot water sanitization and/or pure steam
sterilization. Although centrifugal pumps made with stainless steel are mostly used, some
appropriate pumps should preferably be selected from the viewpoint of such key functions as a
head, discharge capacity, contact surface smoothness, and mechanical seal integrity in
consideration of various essential factors such as maximum momentary water consumption, an
average flowrate, the piping system from a water tank to the points of use, and some other
points relating to the piping.
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Below are some Interview Questions and answers which can help the freshers as well as
experience personnel for interview preparation
1.What is Production :
All operations involved in the preparation of a pharmaceutical product, from receipt of raw
materials through the completion of a finished product i.e from Raw material Receipt to
Finished product dispatch. It also includes the handling of manpower and recording the
manufacturing and the packing activity performed.
Documentation that provides the history of a batch from the raw material dispensing stage to
completion of the batch or lot which include Dispensing of raw material, Granulation,
Blending Compression, Capsule Filling, Coating, Inspection and yield at different stages. It
also includes the details of the activity performed by whom, checked by whom, at what time
activity was performed, at what date activity was performed and signature of the personnel
involved in the batch or activity.
Documentation that provides the history of a batch from packaging material dispensing,
Blister packing, Bottle packing, Jar packing, Dry syrup Filling, labeling, Carton packing and
shipper packing up to Dispatch of a Batch or Lot.
It also includes the details of the activity performed by whom, checked by whom, at what
time activity was performed, at what date activity was performed and signature of the
personnel involved in the batch or activity.
Everybody working in organization has to follow the instruction which are written in SOP
and perform their activities accordingly.
Good manufacturing practices (GMP) are the practices required in order to conform the
guidelines recommended by agencies that control the authorization and licensing of the
manufacture and sale of food and beverages, pharmaceutical products, dietary supplements,
and medical devices.
These guidelines provide minimum requirements that a manufacturer must meet or follow to
assure that their products are consistently high in quality, from batch to batch, for their
intended use.
CGMP is Current Good manufacturing practices (GMP) and we have to follow the
current practices as there are the changes in regulations so always you have to follow the
current practices so it is called current.
Appearance, Group weight of filled capsule, Individual weight of filled capsule, Net fill
content of the powder, locking length and Disintegration time.
Appearance, Inlet temperature, out let temperature, pan RPM, Gun distance from tablet bed,
spray rate, weight gain, Group weight of Coated tablets, Individual weight of Coated tablets,
and Thickness.
Picking, sticking, capping, laminating, weight variation, Broken, chipped, Rough Surface,
Double compressed, Rough edges, Powdery, Incorrect Description, Black spot, Oil spot,
Foreign Product and Debossing/ Embossing.
Water for injection It is the water of extra high quality without significant contamination and
Water for injection is generally made by distillation or reverse osmosis.
It involves Sifting of API & Excipients, Wet mixing, drying, Sifting, Blending and then
Blend shall be compressed or Filled in Capsule and then compressed tablets are coated with
coating solution.
Sifting of API and Excipients through Sifter, Mixing of API & Excipients then addition of
binder solution to form a wet mass in Fluid Bed Processor or Rapid Mixer Granulator, then
dried the wet mass in Fluid Bed Processor or Fluid Bed dryer. Dried granules are again
screened through a sieve which helps it to break down the granule then it should be lubricated
or mixed in Blender. These same size Blend are then compressed or can be filled in capsule.
Dry granulation involves mixing, pre-mixing, milling, compression or Capsule Filling. API
and Excipients are sifted, milled in roll compactor to product slugs then slug size is reduced
in multi mill or Oscillating granulator. Then these granules are Mixed or lubricated in
Blended and then blend shall be compressed in compression machine or can be filled in
capsule filling machine to form tablets or capsules.
Tablets is defined as the solid unit dosage form of medicines with suitable Excipients and
prepared either by molding or by compression. It comprises a mixture of active substances
and excipients, usually in powder form, pressed or compacted from a powder into a solid
Picking– Because of adhesion to the punch faces, Localized portion missing on the surface of
the tablet.
Sticking– Adhesion of tablet localized portion to the punch faces resulting in rough and dull
Cycle of shaft holding the tube basket limit is 29-32 cycles per minutes and distance covered
by shaft basket is 50-60 mm and beaker temperature is 35 to 39 º C. Disintegration is to be
Performed to determine whether tablets or capsules disintegrate within the prescribed time
when placed in a liquid medium at the experimental conditions.
Gastro resistant capsule DT 2 hrs without disk in 0.1 M HCl and phosphate buffer pH 6.8 for
further 60 min as per BP.
Hard and Soft gelatin capsule DT 30 min as per BP & USP.
Friability is defined as the percentage of weight loss of powder from the surface of the tablets
due to mechanical action and the test is performed to measure the weight loss during
W1 = Weight of Tablets (Initial / Before Tumbling) &
W2 = Weight of Tablets (After Tumbling or friability)
Tablets with individual weight equal to or less than 650 mg then take the sample of whole
corresponding to as near as 6.5 gram equivalent and tablets with individual weight more than
650 mg then take sample of 10 whole tablets to perform friability test. Tablets must be de-
dusted prior to and after use.
The demonstration that a particular instrument or device produces results within specified
limits by comparison with those produced by a traceable standard over an appropriate range
of measurements.
The action of proving that any equipment or process work correctly and consistently
and produces the expected result. Qualification is part of, but not limited to a validation
process, i.e. Installation Qualification (IQ), Operation Qualification(OQ) and Performance
Qualification (PQ).
The act of planning, carrying out and recording the results of tests on equipment to confirm
its capabilities and to demonstrate that it will perform consistently as intended use and against
predefined specification.
Documented verification that equipment, instrument, facility and system are of suitable
design against the URS and all key aspects of design meet user requirements.
The documented verification that all components of the equipment and associated utilities are
properly installed or modified in accordance with the approved design and manufacturer’s
Consecutive meaning following closely with no gap or following one after another without
Statistical evaluation cannot be done by considering two points, because two points always
draw a straight line so minimum three points required for comparison of data.
A comparison between the theoretical quantity of the material and the actual quantity.
Yield Reconciliation can be done in manufacturing and packing stages . i.e Blending,
Compression, Capsule filling, Coating, Inspection and packing etc.
Checks performed during production in order to monitor whether it is meeting the required
specification or not and, if necessary, to adjust the process to ensure that the product
conforms to its specifications. The control of the environment or equipment may also be
regarded as a part of in-process control.
Partly or Partially processed product that must undergo further manufacturing steps which
includes Blend, Filled capsule, Compressed tablets, coated tablets etc.
When the product is under drying in FBD, the product loss often occurs due to a puncture or
broken filter bag. Solid flow monitor (SFM ) or broken bag detector (BBD) provides good
detection of filled filter bag failure or tear in FBD, thus prevent product loss. SFM or BBD
located in the exhaust duct of FBD.
In tablet compression machines Punches and dies are used to compressed powder to form
table. The dies and punches and their setup on compression machine is called tooling.
There are four types of tolling in compression machine B Tolling, BB tolling, D tolling and
DB tolling. D tolling punch and die diameter is greater than B tolling punch and die diameter.
D tolling punch diameter is 25.4 mm and Die diameter is 38.10 mm where as B tolling punch
diameter is 19.00 mm and die diameter is 30.15 mm
In tablet compression, dwell time is the time that the punch head remains in contact with the
compression roller and it is defined as the amount of time that the compression force applied
when forming the tablet is above 90% of its peak value.
These are the very first rollers in rotary tablet press. Basically, these rollers apply a small
amount of force on the upper and lower punches.
This gives the initial compression force. The aim of this process is to remove air that could be
in the die or powder particles.
Main compression rollers exert a predetermined amount of force (final compression force) for
the formation of tablets. The compression force at this stage is higher than the pre-
compression force.
It is important that the rollers remain stable with no vibration during the entire process. This
is to ensure consistency of the tablets’ thickness and size.
Kilogram (kg), Newton (N), Pound (lb), Kilopond (kp) and Strong-Cobb (SC)
Leak test Apparatus is used to test the quality of the packaging process and to check that the
seals enclosing the product are perfectly intact and no water should go inside the pack. It is
designed to find the smallest holes or Puncture and imperfections in packed Products .
The FMD (Falsified Medicines Directive) is a legal framework introduced by the European
Commission to improve the protection of Public health within the European Union. The
directive applies since 2 January 2013 & the European Commission Delegated Regulation,
(EU) 2016/161, supplements Directive 2001/83/EC with rules regarding safety features for
the packaging of medicinal products for human use. The regulation was adopted in October
2015 to counteract to fake medicines include stricter record-keeping of wholesale
distributors, pharmaceutical producers, an EU-wide quality mark to identify online
pharmacies and mandatory safety features on packages.
In order to identify the leakage in Blister or stripes methylene blue colour is used and the
solution in the desiccators required to be changed every day or whenever required.
Non Fill Detection is an system incorporated into the machine which enables the machine to
automatically detect and reject those strips or Blisters that have missing tablets or capsules in
cavity. This arrangement involves a sensing system, a control system consisting of a
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and an HMI (Human Machine Interface), and an
electro pneumatically activated auto-rejection system. Both – the Strip & blister Packing
Machine as well as the NFD system are designed and built by us at our works and are
therefore fully integrated with each other.
Hold Time studies establish the time limits for holding the materials at different stages of
production to ensure that the quality of the product does not degrade significantly during the
hold time at a required temperature and Relative Humidity.
Hold time can be considered as the established time period for which materials (dispensed
raw materials, intermediates and bulk dosage form awaiting final packaging) may be held
under specified conditions and will remain within the defined specifications. Hold-time
studies establish the time limits for holding the materials at different stages of production to
ensure that the quality of the product does not produce results outside the acceptance criteria
during the hold time.
Any unwanted event that represents a departure from approved processes or procedures or
instruction or specification or established standard or from what is required. Deviations can
occur during manufacturing, packing, sampling and testing of drug products.
After Final approval of change control the changes can be made in documents and change
control can be closed after completion of required action plan which is mentioned in the
Change control form. Change controls are of two types i.e Major and Minor.
An action taken to eliminate the cause of the existing deviation , incident or problem in order
to prevent its recurrence (occurring again).
An action taken to eliminate the cause of potential deviation, incident or problem in order to
prevent its occurrence (an incident or event) is called preventive action.
The basic principle of tablet coating involves the application of coating solution to a moving
bed of tablets with the concurrent use of heated air to facilitate evaporation of the solvent.
The distribution of coating is achieved by the movement of the tablets either perpendicular
(coating pan) or vertical (air suspension).
54. What are the Coating equipments which are being used :
For the coating process use of one of the 3 types of following equipments.
1. Conventional coating pan. 2) The perforated coating pan. 3) The fluidized bed coater.
The Conventional Coating Pan is simple unit, which employs the principle of rolling a batch
of tablets in an oval shape pan, spraying the coating solution on it and passing hot air across
the tablet bed. An exhaust blower may be used to carry away the excess fumes generated
during the coating and drying process.
Improvements in conventional pan are pellegrini system which has a baffled pan and diffuser
which improves the drying efficiency and can be suitable for sugar coating process.
The immersion sword system which includes a metal sword that will immerse in the tablet
bed and during drying process it will introduce drying air which flows through perforated
metal sword then upwards towards bed.
The coating drum is an enclosed housing with various spray nozzles and these spray nozzles
atomize the coating solution. This coater have an dry inlet air flows from the upper section of
the drum, passing in between the tablets which leaves the drum through the perforations.
There are different type of coating systems which are Accela-cota system, Hi-Coater system,
Dria coater and the Glatt coater.
The fluidized bed coaters have enhanced drying efficiency fluidization of tablet mass is
achieved by columnar chamber by the upward movement of the drying air. The movement of
the tablets is upward through the center of the camber. Then they fall toward the chamber
wall and move downward to re-enter into air stream at the bottom of the chamber. It has a
basically two spray application systems they are (1) high pressure airless (2) low pressure air
58. What are the Process parameters which are to be checked during Coating:
Inlet temperature, Outlet temperature, Spray rate, Automizing air pressure, Pan Rpm, Gun
distance from tablet bed, weight gain of tablets, Peristaltic pump RPM, tablets thickness,
tablet hardness, Group weight of tablets and Appearance.
The possible causes are If coating solution are sticky, If spray guns are too close to the tablet
bed, Inappropriate tablet shape, If pan speed is low & if spray rate is too high.
60. What are the reasons for Picking or Sticking of tablets in Coating: The possible
causes are if spray rate is too high, Poor distribution of coating solution, If pan speed is low,
Inadequate drying conditions and Inadequate atomizing air pressure.
Dedicated equipment: It is used solely for the production of a single product or product line.
Concerns over cross-contamination with other products are markedly reduced. Dedicated
equipment’s must be clearly identified with the restrictions of use in order to prevent
potential errors during cleaning and preparation.
Non-dedicated equipment: Where the same piece of equipment is utilized for a range of
products formulations. The prevent of cross-contamination between products becomes the
main objective in the cleaning validation effort. Clearly, cleaning non-dedicated equipment’s
represents a more significant obstacle to overcome.
65. Describe the method of testing for checking of MOC of SS material (Molybdenum
i) Put one drop of electrolyte solution of molybdenum test kit on clean metal surface,
which is to be tested.
ii) Switch on the detector and touch the metal tip of the detector on metal surface &
carbon point in electrolyte solution.
iii) Do not pass the current for more than 3 to 4 seconds
iv) If the red color appears and is stable for more than 2 seconds then it can be
concluded that MOC of the part being tested is SS-316.
v) If the solution remains colorless or green color appears then it can be concluded
that MOC of the part being tested is SS-304.
vi) If the black color appears & is stable for more than 2 seconds then it can be
concluded that MOC of the part being tested is SS-302.
Generally clean rooms are classified in to the following types as per different guidelines:
Schedule M: Grade A, Grade B, Grade C, Grade D
USFDA (US 209E): Class 1, Class 10, Class 100, Class 1000, Class 10000, Class 100,000
WHO 2002: Grade A, Grade B, Grade C, Grade D
EU GMP: Grade A, Grade B, Grade C, Grade D
ISO 14644-1: ISO-3, ISO-4, ISO-5, ISO-6, ISO-7, ISO-8, ISO-9
Non-viable count ·
Microbial monitoring
Drug Master File (DMF) is a submission to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that
may be used to provide confidential detailed information about facilities, processes, or
articles used in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, and storing of one or more human
drugs. Important facts regarding DMFs It is submitted to FDA to provide confidential
information Its submission is not required by law or regulations It is neither approved nor
disapproved It is filed with FDA to support NDA, IND, ANDA another DMF or amendments
and supplements to any of these It is provided for in the 21 CFR (Code of Federal
Regulations) 314. 420It is not required when applicant references its own information.
Dedicated equipment: It is used solely for the production of a single product or product line.
Concerns over cross-contamination with other products are markedly reduced. Dedicated
equipment’s must be clearly identified with the restrictions of use in order to prevent
potential errors during cleaning and preparation.
Non-dedicated equipment: Where the same piece of equipment is utilized for a range of
products formulations. The prevent of cross-contamination between products becomes the