SPP Annex-3
SPP Annex-3
SPP Annex-3
There are many ways by which a Client can engage the services of an Architect. The most
appropriate method of selecting an Architect will depend on the type and complexity of the project.
The scope of services will depend on the method by which the Architect is selected.
3.1. Direct Selection is used when undertaking a relatively small project. The Client selects his
Architect on the basis of:
3.1.1. Reputation
3.2.1. Invitation. The Client issues an invitation which includes the Terms of Reference (ToR)
for the project which is based on the Design Brief prepared by another Architect. The
selection committee established by the Client may consist of representatives from other
State-regulated professions and/or the construction industry, as well as persons with
related expertise.
3.2.3. Interview. The Architect explains his methodology in translating the plan/design
requirements of the proposed project.
3.2.4. Verification. The selection committee may visit buildings designed by the Architects and
check references such as former clients and financial institutions.
3.2.5. Evaluation & Ranking. The selection committee may adopt its own procedure in
evaluating the entries and recommending the most capable firm.
3.2.6. Negotiation. The Architect explains to the Client the Scope of Services and the
Architect’s Fee as prescribed under the Architect’s Guidelines.
3.3. An Architectural Design Competition (ADC) is used for civic or monumental projects. The
competition may either be an idea competition, design or design build competition. Various
Annex “A” 2010 Standards of Professional Practice (SPP) 3 of 4