Rules - Telangana
Rules - Telangana
Rules - Telangana
information as may be considered necessary. After considering the revised application and the additional information, if any, and after making such enquiry as he
considers necessary the assessing authority shall grant a certificate of registration in Form 1A.
4)Grant of certificate of enrolment
(i)An application for a certificate of enrolment under sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) of Section 6 of the Act, shall be made in Form II. An applicant having more
than one place of work in the State of Telangana whether within the jurisdiction of the assessing authoring or outside such jurisdiction shall be granted only one
certificate of enrolment.
(ii)Where an applicant has more than one place of work within the State of Telangana he shall make a single application in respect of all such places, name in such
application, one of such places as the principal place of work for the purposes of these rules and submit such application to the assessing authority in whose
jurisdiction the said principal place of work is situated.
(iii)On receipt of an application in Form II, the assessing authority may call upon the applicant to furnish such additional information or evidence as may be
necessary for determining the amount of tax payable by him according to the Schedule to the Act.
(iv)After considering the application and such additional information or evidence as may be furnished and after making such enquiry as he considers necessary, the
assessing authority shall grant a certificate of enrolment in Form IIA.
(v)Where the applicant has more than one place of work in the State, as many copies of the certificates shall be issued to him as there are places of work, in
addition to the principal place of work.
5) Amendment of certificate of registration
Where the holder of a certificate of registration granted under Rule 3 desires the certificate to be amended, he shall submit an application for this purpose to the
assessing authority setting out the specific matters in respect of which he desires such amendment and reasons therefor, together with the certificate of
registration, and such authority may, if satisfied with the reasons given, make such amendments as it thinks necessary in the certificate of registration.
6) Amendment of certificate of enrolment
(i)The certificate of enrolment granted under Rule 4 shall remain valid as long as it is not cancelled under sub-rule (2) of Rule 7.
(ii)An application for a revised certificate of enrolment shall be made in Form II. On receipt of such application the assessing authority may call upon the applicant
to furnish such additional information or evidence as may be necessary for determining the amount of tax payable by him according to the First Schedule to the Act
and after determining the amount of tax payable by the applicant, the assessing authority shall make necessary amendments in the certificate of enrolment under
his dated signature, indicating the year from which the tax at the revised rate shall be payable.
7) Cancellation of certificate 3/8
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(i) The certificate of registration granted under Rule 3, may be cancelled by the assessing authority after he has satisfied himself that the employer to whom a
certificate was granted has ceased to be an employer.
(ii) The certificate of enrolment granted under Rule 4 may be cancelled by the assessing authority after he is satisfied that the enrolled person is dead or his liability
to pay tax has ceased.
8) Exhibition of certificate
The holder of the certificate of registration or the certificate of enrolment, as the case may be, shall produce the certificate of registration or the certificate of
enrolment or a copy thereof when demanded by the assessing authority, either in digital or physical form. (Amended by G.O MS No. 30 (Rev CT- II) dt: 08-03-2021)
9) Issue of duplicate copy of certificate
If a certificate of registration or a certificate of enrolment granted under these rules, is lost, destroyed or defaced or mutilated or becomes illegible, the holder of the
certificate shall apply to the assessing authority for grant of a duplicate copy of such certificate. The said authority shall after such verification as may be necessary
to issue to the holder of the certificate a copy of the original certificate, after stamping thereon the works "Duplicate Copy".
10) Certificate to be furnished by an employee to his employer
The certificate to be furnished by a person to his employer under the second proviso to Section 5 shall be in Form III or, as the case may be, in Form IV.
11) Commissioner to give a public notice *
The Commissioner shall, in the month of April every year, give a public notice by publication in the local newspapers having wide circulation directing all persons
liable to pay tax under the Act to get themselves registered or enrolled, as the case may be (unless they are already registered or enrolled), and to furnish returns and
pay the tax according to provision of the Act and these rules.)
* Rule 11 is omitted as per G.O No 171, Rev. (CT-II) Dept., dated 24.02.2011
12) Returns and assessment
The return under sub-section (1) of Section 7 shall be furnished in Form V
Before an order of assessment is made under sub-section (1) or under sub-section (3) of Section 8 the assessee shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity of
showing cause against such assessment and for this purpose he shall be served with a notice in Form XI.
13) Payment of tax by employers
An employer shall make payment of tax and interest and penalty (if any) by deposit of the requisite amount in the Treasury by Challan in Quadruplicate. The copies
marked original and duplicate shall be returned to the employer duly receipted, of which the copy marked duplicate shall be submitted by the employer; other than
an officer referred to in Rule 15 to the assessing authority along with the return prescribed by Rule 12. An officer referred to in Rule 15 shall forward such receipted
copies of challans marked duplicate to the assessing authority along with statements prescribed in the said rule. 4/8
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assess the tax due to the best of its judgment and serve on him a notice of demand in Form XIV to pay the tax within fifteen days of receipt of the notice. Notice of
hearing in such a case shall be issued by the assessing authority in Form XIII. The notice under sub-section (6) of Section 6 in respect of persons liable for
enrolment shall also be in Form XIII.
24) Interest on tax, if failure to deduct or fails to pay the tax
If the assessee does not deduct the tax at the time of payment of salary or wages after deducting, fails to pay tax or if an enrolled person fails to pay the tax as
required by or under the Act, he shall pay in addition to the amount of such tax, interest at the rate of two rupees for every one hundred rupees or part thereof for
every month or part thereof from the day/date specified for its payment.
25 )Rectification of mistakes
(i) Any assessing, appellate or revisional authority may, at any time within four years from the date of any order passed by him rectify any clerical or arithmetical
mistake apparent on the record;
Provided that no such rectification which has the effect of enhancing an assessment or any penalty or fee shall be made unless the assessing, appellate or
revisional authority has given notice to the assessee of his intention to do so and has allowed him a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(ii) Any order passed under sub-rule(1) shall be deemed to be an order passed under the same provision of law under which the original order, the mistake in which
was rectified, has been passed.
26) Shifting of place of work
(i) If the holder of a certificate of registration or a certificate of enrolment in one area shifts his place of work to another area, he shall within fifteen days of such
shifting, give notice thereof to the assessing authority from whose office the certificate was issued, and shall, at the same time, send a copy of such notice, etc., to
the assessing authority exercising jurisdiction over the area to which the place of work is being or has been shifted.
(ii) With effect from the commencement of the month immediately succeeding that in which the notice is given, the assessing authority having jurisdiction over the
area to which the place of work has been shifted shall exercise all powers and discharge all functions pertaining to the determination and recovery of tax, and
matters ancillary thereto, in respect of the sender of such notice.
27) Service of notices
(i) Notices under the Act or the rules made thereunder may be served by any of the following methods, namely:
(a)by delivering or tendering a copy of the notice to the addressee or any adult member of his family residing with him or to a person regularly employed by
him; or
(b) by Registered post :
Provided that, if upon an attempt having been made to serve any such notice by any of the above mentioned methods the authority under whose orders the 7/8
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notice was issued is satisfied that the addressee is keeping out of the way for the purpose of avoiding service or that for any other reasons, the notice cannot be
served by any of the above mentioned methods, the said authority shall order the service of the notice to be effected by affixing a copy thereof on some
conspicuous part of the addressee `s place of work or residence last notified by him and such service shall be deemed to have been made on the addressee
(ii) When the serving officer delivers or tenders a copy of the notice to the addressee personally or to any of the persons referred to in Clause (i) to sub-rule (1), he
shall require the signature of the person to whom the copy is so delivered or tendered to an acknowledgement of service endorsed on the original notice.
(iii) When the notice is served by affixing a copy thereof in accordance with the sub-rule (1) the serving officer shall return the original to the authority which issued a
notice with a report endorsed thereon or annexed thereto stating that he so affixed the copy, the circumstances under which he did so and the name and address of
the person, if any, by whom the addressee `s place of work or residence is or was located was identified and in whose presence the copy was affixed. The serving
officer shall also obtain the signature or thumb impression of the person identifying the addressee`s place of work or residence to him report.
(iv) The authority under whose orders the notice was issued shall, on being satisfied from the report of the messenger or the postal acknowledgement or by taking
such evidence as he deems proper that the notice has been served in accordance with the rule, record the fact and make an order to that effect.
(v) If the authority is not satisfied that the notice has been properly served, he may after recording an order to that effect, direct the issue of a fresh notice.
28) Grant of copies
(i) If any assessee wants to have a certified copy of a document filed by him or of an order concerning him passed by any authority, he shall make to the authority
concerned an application bearing adhesive Court-fee stamp of the value of rupee one and twenty five paise for a copy which he desires to be supplied within two
days of his applying for the same.
(ii) On receipt of the application, the said authority shall inform the applicant of the amount of the Court-fee stamps required under the provisions of sub-rule (3) for
supply of the copy. After the requisite amount of Court-fee stamp is furnished by the applicant the said authority shall cause a certified copy of the document or
order to be prepared and granted to the applicant.
(iii) Additional fee in the shape of Court-fee stamp shall be payable for the grant of copies at the rates given below :
(a) Copy for the first 200 words or less of the Seventy-five paise documents.
(b) For every additional 100 words... Forty paise or fraction thereof.
29) Refund of tax
Every claim for refund under Section 21 of the Act, shall be made to the assessing authority in Form XV and shall be verified in the manner specified therein. 8/8