NIS End Term Notes
NIS End Term Notes
NIS End Term Notes
The network layer has two main functions. One is breaking up segments into network packets,
and reassembling the packets on the receiving end. The other is routing packets by
discovering the best path across a physical network.
1. Routing:It is the process to determine the most effective route for data transmission in the
network. When a data packet arrives at the router's input link, it determines the ideal route for
data transmission in the network. It determines the path that will be used to transfer the packet
further in the network.
2. Fragmentation:It is the conversion of data packets into the smallest individual data units
capable of being transmitted in the network.
3. Internetworking:This is the most important function performed by the network layer of the
OSI model. It establishes the logical connection between nodes in the same or different
4. Logical Addressing:There are two types of addressing performed in the network: logical
addressing and physical addressing. The data link layer performs the physical addressing, while
the network layer does the logical addressing in the OSI model. Logical addressing is also used
to distinguish between the source and destination system. The network layer adds a header to
the packet, which includes the logical addresses of both the sender and the receiver.
For example, a home office requires basic network security, while large businesses require
high maintenance to prevent the network from malicious attacks.
Confidentiality or privacy means that the sender and the receiver expect
confidentiality. The transmitted message must make sense to only the intended
receiver. To all others, the message must be garbage. When a customer
communicates with her bank, she expects that the communication is totally
Authentication is a service beyond message integrity. In message authentication,
the receiver needs to be sure of the sender's identity and that an imposter has not
sent the message.
Data exfiltration
Data exfiltration is the unauthorized copying or transfer of data out of your domain. This transfer
may be conducted manually by someone with access to resources within your organization, or the
transfer may be automated and carried out through malicious programming in your network. For
example, the data can be stolen through a breach of an account with access to the data, or by
installing a third-party app that sends the data outside of your domain.
Phishing/whaling is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable
companies to trick individuals into revealing personal information, such as passwords and account
numbers, or to acquire control over a user account in your domain. There are three variations of
Phishing attack—Broadly targeted email that works through large volumes of low-cost messages to
many users. The message might contain a link to a site inviting users to sign up to win a cash prize,
and by signing up, the victim gives up their sign-in credentials.
Spearphishing attack—A targeted attack against a specific individual; for example, inducing an
accountant to open an attachment that installs malware. The malware then helps the attacker gain
access to accounting and bank data.
Whaling attack—An attempt to trick individuals into taking a specific action such as making a
money transfer. A whaling scam is designed to masquerade as a critical business email, sent from a
legitimate authority.
Malware is software that’s designed with malicious intent, such as computer viruses, trojan horses,
spyware, and other malicious programs.
Spoofing is the forgery of an email header by an attacker so that a message appears to have
originated from someone other than the actual source. When one of your users sees the email
sender, it may look like someone they know, or appear to be from a domain that they trust. Email
spoofing is a tactic used in phishing and spam campaigns, because email users are more likely to
open a message when they believe it’s from a legitimate source.
The IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) is a symmetric key block cipher
that operates on 64-bit blocks of data. It uses a 128-bit key for encryption and decryption.
Here's a brief explanation of the keys used in the IDEA algorithm:
1. Encryption Key: The encryption key is a 128-bit key used to encrypt plaintext data. This
key is kept secret between the sender and the receiver. IDEA processes the plaintext in 64-bit
blocks using this key.
2. Round Keys: The encryption process of IDEA involves multiple rounds (typically 8 or 16).
Each round uses a subkey derived from the original encryption key. These round keys are
generated from the 128-bit encryption key during the key scheduling process. Each round key
is used only for that specific round of encryption.
3. Subkeys: IDEA generates round keys by splitting the 128-bit encryption key into smaller
parts, which are used in each round of the encryption process. These subkeys are used for
various operations within each round, such as XOR and modular addition.
Bus Topology:
In a bus topology, all devices are connected to a single central cable called the bus. This cable
serves as the communication medium, and each device can transmit data onto the bus, which
is then received by all other devices on the network. However, only the intended recipient
processes the data. Here's an example:
Imagine a small office with several computers connected via Ethernet cables to a main coaxial
cable running through the office. This coaxial cable acts as the bus. Each computer can
communicate with the others by transmitting data onto the bus. When one computer sends
data, it travels along the bus and reaches all other computers. However, only the intended
recipient computer processes the data, while the others ignore it.
Star Topology:
In a star topology, each device on the network is connected directly to a central hub or switch.
All communication between devices passes through this central hub. Here's an example:
Consider a home network where several devices like computers, printers, and smart TVs are
connected to a central Wi-Fi router. This router acts as the central hub in the star network.
Each device communicates with the router, and the router manages the traffic between
devices. If one device wants to communicate with another, it sends data to the router, which
then forwards it to the intended recipient. In this setup, even if one device fails or is
disconnected, the rest of the network remains operational.
10.Classify different types of attack and explain any two of them?
Data exfiltration
Data exfiltration is the unauthorized copying or transfer of data out of your domain. This transfer
may be conducted manually by someone with access to resources within your organization, or the
transfer may be automated and carried out through malicious programming in your network. For
example, the data can be stolen through a breach of an account with access to the data, or by
installing a third-party app that sends the data outside of your domain.
Phishing/whaling is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable
companies to trick individuals into revealing personal information, such as passwords and account
numbers, or to acquire control over a user account in your domain. There are three variations of
Phishing attack—Broadly targeted email that works through large volumes of low-cost messages to
many users. The message might contain a link to a site inviting users to sign up to win a cash prize,
and by signing up, the victim gives up their sign-in credentials.
Spearphishing attack—A targeted attack against a specific individual; for example, inducing an
accountant to open an attachment that installs malware. The malware then helps the attacker gain
access to accounting and bank data.
Whaling attack—An attempt to trick individuals into taking a specific action such as making a
money transfer. A whaling scam is designed to masquerade as a critical business email, sent from a
legitimate authority.
Malware is software that’s designed with malicious intent, such as computer viruses, trojan horses,
spyware, and other malicious programs.
Spoofing is the forgery of an email header by an attacker so that a message appears to have
originated from someone other than the actual source. When one of your users sees the email
sender, it may look like someone they know, or appear to be from a domain that they trust. Email
spoofing is a tactic used in phishing and spam campaigns, because email users are more likely to
open a message when they believe it’s from a legitimate source.
11.List out the disadvantage of des and explain the functioning of TDEA?
Disadvantages of DSA
Key Management Complexity: Cryptographic keys that are used for signing
documents must be properly managed. Generating, storing, and distributing keys in a
secure manner are all complicated procedures that need to be attended to, and
revocation has to be handled carefully.
Infrastructure Dependence: Digital signatures are built on a secure and reliable
infrastructure of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Authorities. If the
infrastructure is compromised or becomes unavailable, it may compromise trust in
digital signatures.
Legal and Regulatory Challenges: Although many people are increasingly using
digital signatures, there might still be legal and regulatory challenges in some places. It
will be very important to observe local laws and standards.
Initial Setup Costs: A proper setup of an extensive digital signature system may
include the cost of obtaining certificates for digital certificates, putting in place safety
measures, and training of the users.
Offline Usability: In the event of not having access to the signer’s private key, digital
signatures are found to be challenged. Solutions of hardware tokens and secure
elements add to the complexity.
User Education: Education of the proper application and value of digital signatures is
necessary in order that the users should be educated in use. The correct measures to be
taken against vulnerability, as well as being aware of any possible threat, are important
in successful implementation.
Vulnerability to Key Compromise: Private keys need to be safeguarded from
unauthorized access since one compromised private key can initiate fraudulent
12.Define message digest and explain one-way hashing function with a neat diagram.
Message Digest is used to ensure the integrity of a message transmitted over an insecure
channel (where the content of the message can be changed). The message is passed through
a Cryptographic hash function. This function creates a compressed image of the message
called Digest.
Lets assume, Alice sent a message and digest pair to Bob. To check the integrity of the
message Bob runs the cryptographic hash function on the received message and gets a new
digest. Now, Bob will compare the new digest and the digest sent by Alice. If, both are same
then Bob is sure that the original message is not changed.
This message and digest pair is equivalent to a physical document and fingerprint of a person
on that document. Unlike the physical document and the fingerprint, the message and the
digest can be sent separately.
The importance of this process lies in its generation of a unique "fingerprint" for each
input. Any minor alteration in the input results in a substantially different fingerprint, a
quality known as "collision resistance."
Hash functions play a crucial role in various security applications, including password
storage (hash values instead of passwords), digital signatures, and data integrity
checks. Hash values, or message digests, are values that a hash function returns. The
hash function is shown in the image below −
13) explain with example the use of coprime and primitive ROOTS IN cryptographic
Coprime numbers and primitive roots play crucial roles in various cryptographic algorithms,
particularly in asymmetric cryptography and number theory-based cryptographic systems like
Diffie-Hellman key exchange and RSA encryption. Let's explore their use with examples:
In the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol, two parties can agree on a shared secret key
over an insecure channel without directly exchanging the key. The protocol relies on the
difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem. Here's how it works:
- Choose a large prime number \( p \) and a generator \( g \) such that \( g \) is a primitive
root modulo \( p \).
- Both parties agree on \( p \) and \( g \), which can be publicly known.
Key Exchange:
- Each party chooses a private key (\( a \) for party A and \( b \) for party B) randomly from
the set of positive integers less than \( p \).
- Party A computes \( A = g^a \mod p \) and sends \( A \) to party B.
- Party B computes \( B = g^b \mod p \) and sends \( B \) to party A.
- Both parties can compute the shared secret key \( K \) using \( K = A^b \mod p = B^a
\mod p \).
- Let's choose \( p = 23 \) and \( g = 5 \). Here, \( g \) is a primitive root modulo \( p \).
- Party A chooses \( a = 6 \), computes \( A = 5^6 \mod 23 = 8 \), and sends \( A = 8 \) to
party B.
- Party B chooses \( b = 15 \), computes \( B = 5^{15} \mod 23 = 19 \), and sends \( B = 19
\) to party A.
- Both parties can compute the shared secret key \( K = 8^{15} \mod 23 = 19^{6} \mod 23
= 2 \).
- The security of Diffie-Hellman relies on the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms,
especially in the case of large prime numbers.
2. RSA Encryption:
In RSA encryption, coprime numbers are used to generate the public and private keys. The
RSA algorithm is based on the difficulty of factoring large composite numbers into their
prime factors. Here's how it works:
Key Generation:
- Choose two large prime numbers \( p \) and \( q \).
- Compute their product \( n = pq \), which serves as the modulus.
- Choose an integer \( e \) such that \( e \) and \( (p-1)(q-1) \) are coprime. \( e \) is the
public exponent.
- Compute the modular multiplicative inverse \( d \) of \( e \) modulo \( (p-1)(q-1) \). \( d \)
is the private exponent.
- **Example:**
- Let's choose \( p = 61 \) and \( q = 53 \). Their product \( n = 3233 \) serves as the
- Choose \( e = 17 \) as the public exponent, which is coprime to \( (p-1)(q-1) = 3120 \).
- Compute the modular multiplicative inverse of \( e \) modulo \( 3120 \) to obtain \( d =
2753 \).
- RSA's security relies on the difficulty of factoring large composite numbers, making it
computationally infeasible to derive the private key \( d \) from the public key \( e \) and
modulus \( n \).
In both examples, the use of coprime numbers (in RSA) and primitive roots modulo a prime
(in Diffie-Hellman) ensures the security and correctness of the cryptographic algorithms by
leveraging the computational hardness of certain mathematical problems.
IEEE 802.11 standard, popularly known as WiFi, lays down the architecture and
specifications of wireless LANs (WLANs). WiFi or WLAN uses high-frequency radio waves
instead of cables for connecting the devices in LAN. Users connected by WLANs can move
around within the area of network coverage.
Stations (STA) − Stations comprises of all devices and equipment that are connected to the wireless LAN.
A station can be of two types−
o Wireless Access Point (WAP) − WAPs or simply access points (AP) are generally wireless routers
that form the base stations or access.
o Client. Clients are workstations, computers, laptops, printers, smartphones, etc.
Each station has a wireless network interface controller.
Basic Service Set (BSS) − A basic service set is a group of stations communicating at the physical layer
level. BSS can be of two categories depending upon the mode of operation−
o Infrastructure BSS − Here, the devices communicate with other devices through access points.
o Independent BSS − Here, the devices communicate in a peer-to-peer basis in an ad hoc manner.
Extended Service Set (ESS) − It is a set of all connected BSS.
Distribution System (DS) − It connects access points in ESS.
It defines the hardware characteristics of the transmission medium, such as cables, connectors, and signaling
Functions include transmitting raw data bits over a communication channel and handling issues like voltage
levels, timing, and data rates.
It ensures reliable point-to-point and point-to-multipoint communication by handling issues like framing, error
detection, and flow control.
It determines the best path for data to travel from the source to the destination based on network conditions
and congestion.
It segments and reassembles data from upper-layer applications into smaller units (segments or packets) for
This layer also handles issues like flow control, error recovery, and congestion control.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) operate at this layer.
It provides services such as session establishment, synchronization, and checkpointing to ensure that data
exchange between applications is reliable and orderly.
It deals with the syntax and semantics of the information exchanged between systems, ensuring compatibility
between different data formats.
It enables communication between user applications and the network, handling tasks such as email, file transfer,
and web browsing.
Protocols like HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and DNS operate at this layer.
This model serves as a universal guideline for developing and understanding network communication protocols
and systems, facilitating interoperability and standardization in networking technologies.
15.Explain Tcp/ip Model with a Neat Diagram
The TCP/IP model, often used as a conceptual alternative to the OSI model, is a simpler and more practical
approach to networking. It consists of four layers:
Application Layer:
The topmost layer in the TCP/IP model.
Corresponds roughly to the combination of the top three layers (Application, Presentation, and Session) of
the OSI model.
Examples of protocols and services at this layer include HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS, and DHCP.
Transport Layer:
Equivalent to the Transport Layer of the OSI model.
Provides end-to-end communication between hosts and ensures reliable data delivery services.
Key protocols at this layer include Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
TCP offers reliable, connection-oriented communication with features like error checking, sequencing,
and flow control, while UDP offers connectionless communication without these features, making it faster
but less reliable.
Internet Layer:
Comparable to the Network Layer of the OSI model.
Responsible for addressing, routing, and fragmenting data packets across interconnected networks.
Core protocol at this layer is the Internet Protocol (IP), which provides logical addressing and routing functionality.
Other protocols such as Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Internet Group Management Protocol
(IGMP) also operate at this layer.
Link Layer:
Corresponds to the combination of the Data Link and Physical layers of the OSI model.
Handles the physical transmission of data over the network medium and manages communication between
devices on the same local network segment.
Includes protocols and technologies such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11), PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), and
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line).
Responsible for framing data into frames, error detection, and handling access to the physical medium.
The TCP/IP model is widely used in modern networking implementations, especially in the context of the
Internet, and provides a more streamlined and practical framework compared to the OSI model. 3.Compare
osi with tcp/ip model
16.Explain transmission modes
Transmission modes
o The way in which data is transmitted from one device to another device is known as
transmission mode.
o Each communication channel has a direction associated with it, and transmission media
provide the direction. Therefore, the transmission mode is also known as a directional
Simplex mode
o In Simplex mode, the communication is unidirectional, i.e., the data flow in one direction.
o A device can only send the data but cannot receive it or it can receive the data but
cannot send the data.
o This transmission mode is not very popular as mainly communications require the two-
way exchange of data. The simplex mode is used in the business field as in sales that do
not require any corresponding reply.
o The radio station is a simplex channel as it transmits the signal to the listeners but never
allows them to transmit back.
o Keyboard and Monitor are the examples of the simplex mode as a keyboard can only
accept the data from the user and monitor can only be used to display the data on the
o The main advantage of the simplex mode is that the full capacity of the communication
channel can be utilized during transmission.
o In simplex mode, the station can utilize the entire bandwidth of the communication
channel, so that more data can be transmitted at a time.
Half-Duplex mode
o In a Half-duplex channel, direction can be reversed, i.e., the station can transmit and
receive the data as well.
o Messages flow in both the directions, but not at the same time.
o The entire bandwidth of the communication channel is utilized in one direction at a time.
o In half-duplex mode, it is possible to perform the error detection, and if any error occurs,
then the receiver requests the sender to retransmit the data.
o In half-duplex mode, both the devices can send and receive the data and also can utilize
the entire bandwidth of the communication channel during the transmission of data.
o In half-duplex mode, when one device is sending the data, then another has to wait, this
causes the delay in sending the data at the right time.
Full-duplex mode
o In Full duplex mode, the communication is bi-directional, i.e., the data flow in both the
o Both the stations can send and receive the message simultaneously.
o Full-duplex mode has two simplex channels. One channel has traffic moving in one
direction, and another channel has traffic flowing in the opposite direction. o The Full-
duplex mode is the fastest mode of communication between devices.
o The most common example of the full-duplex mode is a telephone network. When two
people are communicating with each other by a telephone line, both can talk and listen
at the same time.
o If there is no dedicated path exists between the devices, then the capacity of the
communication channel is divided into two parts.
1) Bus Topology
o The bus topology is designed in such a way that all the stations are connected through a single
cable known as a backbone cable. o Each node is either connected to the backbone cable by drop
cable or directly connected to the backbone cable.
o When a node wants to send a message over the network, it puts a message over the network. All
the stations available in the network will receive the message whether it has been addressed or not.
o The bus topology is mainly used in 802.3 (ethernet) and 802.4 standard networks. o The
o The backbone cable is considered as a "single lane" through which the message is broadcast to all
the stations.
o The most common access method of the bus topologies is CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access).
CSMA: It is a media access control used to control the data flow so that data integrity is
maintained, i.e., the packets do not get lost. There are two alternative ways of handling
the problems that occur when two nodes send the messages simultaneously.
o CSMA CD: CSMA CD (Collision detection) is an access method used to detect the collision. Once
the collision is detected, the sender will stop transmitting the data. Therefore, it works on "recovery
after the collision".
o CSMA CA: CSMA CA (Collision Avoidance) is an access method used to avoid the collision by
checking whether the transmission media is busy or not. If busy, then the sender waits until the
media becomes idle. This technique effectively reduces the possibility of the collision. It does not
work on "recovery after the collision".
o Low-cost cable: In bus topology, nodes are directly connected to the cable without passing
through a hub. Therefore, the initial cost of installation is low.
o Moderate data speeds: Coaxial or twisted pair cables are mainly used in bus-based networks that
support upto 10 Mbps.
o Limited failure: A failure in one node will not have any effect on other nodes.
o Extensive cabling: A bus topology is quite simpler, but still it requires a lot of cabling.
o Difficult troubleshooting: It requires specialized test equipment to determine the cable faults. If
any fault occurs in the cable, then it would disrupt the communication for all the nodes.
o Signal interference: If two nodes send the messages simultaneously, then the signals of both the
nodes collide with each other.
o Reconfiguration difficult: Adding new devices to the network would slow down the network.
o Attenuation: Attenuation is a loss of signal leads to communication issues. Repeaters are used to
regenerate the signal.
2) Ring Topology
o The data flows in one direction, i.e., it is unidirectional. o The data flows in a single loop
o It has no terminated ends, i.e., each node is connected to other node and having no termination
o The most common access method of the ring topology is token passing.
o Token passing: It is a network access method in which token is passed from one node to another
o A token moves around the network, and it is passed from computer to computer until it reaches
the destination.
o The sender modifies the token by putting the address along with the data.
o The data is passed from one device to another device until the destination address matches. Once
the token received by the destination device, then it sends the acknowledgment to the sender.
o Network Management: Faulty devices can be removed from the network without bringing the
network down.
o Product availability: Many hardware and software tools for network operation and monitoring are
o Cost: Twisted pair cabling is inexpensive and easily available. Therefore, the installation cost is very
o Reliable: It is a more reliable network because the communication system is not dependent on the
single host computer.
o Failure: The breakdown in one station leads to the failure of the overall network.
o Reconfiguration difficult: Adding new devices to the network would slow down the network.
o Delay: Communication delay is directly proportional to the number of nodes. Adding new devices
increases the communication delay.
3) Star Topology
o Star topology is an arrangement of the network in which every node is connected to the central
hub, switch or a central computer.
o The central computer is known as a server, and the peripheral devices attached to the server are
known as clients.
o Hubs or Switches are mainly used as connection devices in a physical star topology. o Star
o Network control: Complex network control features can be easily implemented in the star
topology. Any changes made in the star topology are automatically accommodated.
o Limited failure: As each station is connected to the central hub with its own cable, therefore failure
in one cable will not affect the entire network.
o Familiar technology: Star topology is a familiar technology as its tools are cost-effective.
o Easily expandable: It is easily expandable as new stations can be added to the open ports on the
hub. o Cost effective: Star topology networks are cost-effective as it uses inexpensive coaxial cable.
o High data speeds: It supports a bandwidth of approx 100Mbps. Ethernet 100BaseT is one of the
most popular Star topology networks.
o A Central point of failure: If the central hub or switch goes down, then all the connected nodes
will not be able to communicate with each other.
o Cable: Sometimes cable routing becomes difficult when a significant amount of routing is required.
4) Tree topology
o Tree topology combines the characteristics of bus topology and star topology.
o A tree topology is a type of structure in which all the computers are connected with each other in
hierarchical fashion.
o The top-most node in tree topology is known as a root node, and all other nodes are the
descendants of the root node.
o There is only one path exists between two nodes for the data transmission. Thus, it forms a parent-
child hierarchy.
o Support for broadband transmission: Tree topology is mainly used to provide broadband
transmission, i.e., signals are sent over long distances without being attenuated.
o Easily expandable: We can add the new device to the existing network. Therefore, we can say that
tree topology is easily expandable.
o Easily manageable: In tree topology, the whole network is divided into segments known as star
networks which can be easily managed and maintained.
o Error detection: Error detection and error correction are very easy in a tree topology. o Limited
failure: The breakdown in one station does not affect the entire network. o Point-to-point
o Difficult troubleshooting: If any fault occurs in the node, then it becomes difficult to troubleshoot
the problem.
High cost: Devices required for broadband transmission are very costly.
o Failure: A tree topology mainly relies on main bus cable and failure in main bus cable will damage
the overall network.
o Reconfiguration difficult: If new devices are added, then it becomes difficult to reconfigure.
5) Mesh topology
o Mesh technology is an arrangement of the network in which computers are interconnected with
each other through various redundant connections.
o It does not contain the switch, hub or any central computer which acts as a central point of
The Internet is an example of the mesh topology.
o Full Mesh Topology: In a full mesh topology, each computer is connected to all the
computers available in the network.
o Partial Mesh Topology: In a partial mesh topology, not all but certain computers are
connected to those computers with which they communicate frequently.
Reliable: The mesh topology networks are very reliable as if any link breakdown will not
affect the communication between connected computers.
Fast Communication: Communication is very fast between the nodes.
Easier Reconfiguration: Adding new devices would not disrupt the communication
between other devices.
6) Hybrid Topology
o When two or more different topologies are combined together is termed as Hybrid
topology and if similar topologies are connected with each other will not result in Hybrid
topology. For example, if there exist a ring topology in one branch of ICICI bank and bus
topology in another branch of ICICI bank, connecting these two topologies will result in
Hybrid topology.
o Reliable: If a fault occurs in any part of the network will not affect the functioning of the
rest of the network.
o Scalable: Size of the network can be easily expanded by adding new devices without
affecting the functionality of the existing network.
o Flexible: This topology is very flexible as it can be designed according to the requirements
of the organization.
o Effective: Hybrid topology is very effective as it can be designed in such a way that the
strength of the network is maximized and weakness of the network is minimized.
o Complex design: The major drawback of the Hybrid topology is the design of the Hybrid
network. It is very difficult to design the architecture of the Hybrid network.
o Costly Hub: The Hubs used in the Hybrid topology are very expensive as these hubs are
different from usual Hubs used in other topologies.
o Costly infrastructure: The infrastructure cost is very high as a hybrid network requires a
lot of cabling, network devices, etc.
18. Compare star and Mesh topology
19.Explain SHA-1 Algorithm with a neat diagram?
21.Explain all stages of x 509 authentication
X.509 is a standard that defines the format of public key certificates and the
procedures for validating their authenticity. X.509 certificates are widely used in
various security protocols, including SSL/TLS for secure web communication, VPNs,
and digital signatures. The authentication process using X.509 certificates involves
several stages:
1. Certificate Generation:
- The first stage involves the generation of X.509 certificates by a Certificate
Authority (CA) or a self-signed certificate by the entity itself.
- The certificate contains information such as the entity's public key, its identity
(common name or subject), the issuer (CA), validity period, and digital signature.
2. Certificate Distribution:
- Once generated, the certificate needs to be distributed to the parties that need
to verify the entity's identity.
- Certificates can be distributed through various channels, including email, web
servers, LDAP directories, or embedded in software applications.
3. Certificate Validation:
- When a relying party (client) needs to authenticate an entity (server), it obtains
the entity's X.509 certificate during the handshake process.
- The client verifies the authenticity and integrity of the certificate using the
following steps:
- a. Certificate Chain Validation:
- The client checks if the certificate is trusted by verifying its signature and issuer
against a set of trusted root certificates (root CA certificates) stored locally or
obtained from trusted sources.
- If the certificate is not self-signed, the client builds a certificate chain by
recursively validating the issuer's certificate until it reaches a trusted root
- Each certificate in the chain must be issued by the preceding certificate,
forming a chain of trust back to a trusted root.
- b. Certificate Expiry Check:
- The client checks the certificate's validity period (validity start and end dates)
to ensure it has not expired.
- If the certificate is expired, it is considered invalid, and authentication fails.
- c. Certificate Revocation Check:
- The client checks if the certificate has been revoked by querying Certificate
Revocation Lists (CRLs) maintained by CAs or by using Online Certificate Status
Protocol (OCSP) services.
- If the certificate has been revoked, it is considered invalid, and authentication
- d. Key Usage Check:
- The client verifies that the certificate's key usage extensions match the
intended purpose (e.g., digital signatures, encryption, server authentication).
- If the key usage is not appropriate for the intended use, authentication fails.
4. Authentication:
- After successfully validating the certificate, the client extracts the entity's public
key from the certificate and uses it to authenticate the entity.
- For example, in SSL/TLS, the client encrypts a random session key with the
server's public key and sends it to the server, proving that it possesses the
corresponding private key.
- The server decrypts the session key using its private key and uses it to establish
a secure communication channel with the client.
5. Secure Communication:
- Once authentication is complete, the client and server can securely exchange
data over the established communication channel.
- Data exchanged between them is encrypted using symmetric encryption
algorithms, with keys negotiated during the authentication process.
The Authentication Server verifies the access rights of users in the database.
Kerberos Overview:
User login and request services on the host. Thus user requests for ticket-
granting service.
Authentication Server verifies user’s access right using database and then
gives ticket-granting-ticket and session key. Results are encrypted using the
Password of the user.
The decryption of the message is done using the password then send the
ticket to Ticket Granting Server. The Ticket contains authenticators like user
names and network addresses.
Ticket Granting Server decrypts the ticket sent by User and authenticator
verifies the request then creates the ticket for requesting services from the
The user sends the Ticket and Authenticator to the Server.
The server verifies the Ticket and authenticators then generate access to the
service. After this User can access the services.
Kerberos Limitations
Each network service must be modified individually for use with Kerberos
It doesn’t work well in a timeshare environment
Secured Kerberos Server
Requires an always-on Kerberos server
Stores all passwords are encrypted with a single key
Assumes workstations are secure
May result in cascading loss of trust.
Is Kerberos Infallible?
No security measure is 100% impregnable, and Kerberos is no exception. Because
it’s been around for so long, hackers have had the ability over the years to find ways
around it, typically through forging tickets, repeated attempts at password
guessing (brute force/credential stuffing), and the use of malware, to downgrade
the encryption.
Despite this, Kerberos remains the best access security protocol available today.
The protocol is flexible enough to employ stronger encryption algorithms to
combat new threats, and if users employ good password-choice guidelines, you
shouldn’t have a problem!
What is Kerberos Used For?
Although Kerberos can be found everywhere in the digital world, it is commonly
used in secure systems that rely on robust authentication and auditing capabilities.
Kerberos is used for Posix, Active Directory, NFS, and Samba authentication. It is
also an alternative authentication system to SSH, POP, and SMTP.
User Authentication: User Authentication is one of the main applications of
Kerberos. Users only have to input their username and password once with
Kerberos to gain access to the network. The Kerberos server subsequently
receives the encrypted authentication data and issues a ticket granting ticket
Single Sign-On (SSO): Kerberos offers a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution that
enables users to log in once to access a variety of network resources. A user
can access any network resource they have been authorized to use after
being authenticated by the Kerberos server without having to provide their
credentials again.
Mutual Authentication: Before any data is transferred, Kerberos uses a
mutual authentication technique to make sure that both the client and
server are authenticated. Using a shared secret key that is securely kept on
both the client and server, this is accomplished. A client asks the Kerberos
server for a service ticket whenever it tries to access a network resource. The
client must use its shared secret key to decrypt the challenge that the
Kerberos server sends via encryption. If the decryption is successful, the
client responds to the server with evidence of its identity.
Authorization: Kerberos also offers a system for authorization in addition to
authentication. After being authenticated, a user can submit service tickets
for certain network resources. Users can access just the resources they have
been given permission to use thanks to information about their privileges
and permissions contained in the service tickets.
Network Security: Kerberos offers a central authentication server that can
regulate user credentials and access restrictions, which helps to ensure
network security. In order to prevent unwanted access to sensitive data and
resources, this server may authenticate users before granting them access
to network resources.
22.explain any two framing methods?
Fixed Size Framing
Variable size framing involves dividing the data into frames of varying sizes.
This approach is commonly used in networks where the data being
transmitted does not fit neatly into fixed-size frames, such as video or audio
streaming. In variable-size framing, each frame contains a header that
specifies the length of the payload, allowing the receiving device to know how
much data is in each frame.
25. explain cfb and ofb block mode of operation with a neat diagram
Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB) –
In this mode the cipher is given as feedback to the next block of encryption with
some new specifications: first, an initial vector IV is used for first encryption and
output bits are divided as a set of s and b-s bits.The left-hand side s bits are selected
along with plaintext bits to which an XOR operation is applied. The result is given
as input to a shift register having b-s bits to lhs,s bits to rhs and the process
continues. The encryption and decryption process for the same is shown below,
both of them use encryption algorithms.
Advantages of CFB –
Since, there is some data loss due to the use of shift register, thus it is difficult
for applying cryptanalysis.
Disadvantages of using CFB –
The drawbacks of CFB are the same as those of CBC mode. Both block losses
and concurrent encryption of several blocks are not supported by the
encryption. Decryption, however, is parallelizable and loss-tolerant.
Output Feedback Mode –
The output feedback mode follows nearly the same process as the Cipher Feedback
mode except that it sends the encrypted output as feedback instead of the actual
cipher which is XOR output. In this output feedback mode, all bits of the block are
sent instead of sending selected s bits. The Output Feedback mode of block cipher
holds great resistance towards bit transmission errors. It also decreases the
dependency or relationship of the cipher on the plaintext.
Advantages of OFB –
In the case of CFB, a single bit error in a block is propagated to all subsequent
blocks. This problem is solved by OFB as it is free from bit errors in the
plaintext block.
Disadvantages of OFB-
The drawback of OFB is that, because to its operational modes, it is more
susceptible to a message stream modification attack than CFB.
o PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) which is invented by Phil Zimmermann.
o PGP was designed to provide all four aspects of security, i.e., privacy, integrity,
authentication, and non-repudiation in the sending of email.
o PGP uses a digital signature (a combination of hashing and public key encryption) to
provide integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. PGP uses a combination of secret
key encryption and public key encryption to provide privacy. Therefore, we can say that
the digital signature uses one hash function, one secret key, and two private-public key
o PGP is an open source and freely available software package for email security.
o PGP provides authentication through the use of Digital Signature.
o It provides confidentiality through the use of symmetric block encryption.
o It provides compression by using the ZIP algorithm, and EMAIL compatibility using the
radix-64 encoding scheme.
Following are the steps taken to show how PGP uses hashing
and a combination of three keys to generate the original
o The receiver receives the combination of encrypted secret key and message digest is
o The encrypted secret key is decrypted by using the receiver's private key to get the one-
time secret key.
o The secret key is then used to decrypt the combination of message and digest.
o The digest is decrypted by using the sender's public key, and the original message is
hashed by using a hash function to create a digest.
o Both the digests are compared if both of them are equal means that all the aspects of
security are preserved.
PGP at the Receiver site (B)
| Input Message |
| Hash Function |
| Hash Value |
Input Message: This is the data or message that we want to hash. It can be of any
length and can contain any type of data (text, binary, etc.).
Hash Function: The hash function takes the input message and applies
mathematical operations to it, transforming it into a fixed-size hash value. The
specific operations performed by the hash function ensure that the resulting hash
value is unique to the input message.
Hash Value: This is the output of the hash function. It is a fixed-size string of
characters (usually represented in hexadecimal format) that uniquely represents the
input message. Even a small change in the input message will result in a
significantly different hash value.
In summary, the input message is processed through the hash function to produce a
hash value. The resulting hash value serves as a unique fingerprint of the input
message, allowing for data integrity verification, password hashing, digital
signatures, and various other security applications.
The Authentication Server verifies the access rights of users in the database.
Authentication Server verifies user’s access right using database and then
gives ticket-granting-ticket and session key. Results are encrypted using the
Password of the user.
The decryption of the message is done using the password then send the
ticket to Ticket Granting Server. The Ticket contains authenticators like user
names and network addresses.
Ticket Granting Server decrypts the ticket sent by User and authenticator
verifies the request then creates the ticket for requesting services from the
The user sends the Ticket and Authenticator to the Server.
The server verifies the Ticket and authenticators then generate access to the
service. After this User can access the services.
Kerberos Limitations
Each network service must be modified individually for use with Kerberos
It doesn’t work well in a timeshare environment
Secured Kerberos Server
Requires an always-on Kerberos server
Stores all passwords are encrypted with a single key
Assumes workstations are secure
May result in cascading loss of trust.
30.Explain with a neat diagram the functioning of des algorithm?
Round function
Key schedule
Any additional processing − Initial and final permutation
Key Generation
The round-key generator creates sixteen 48-bit keys out of a 56-bit
cipher key. The process of key generation is depicted in the
following illustration −
The logic for Parity drop, shifting, and Compression P-box is given in
the DES description.
DES Analysis
The DES satisfies both the desired properties of block cipher. These
two properties make cipher very strong.
MD5 Algorithm
The MD5 message-digest technique, which produces a hash value of 128 bits, is a
frequently used hash function. Ronald Rivest created MD5 in 1991 to replace the older
hash function MD4, and it was defined in RFC 1321 in 1992.
As a checksum, MD5 may be used to ensure data integrity and protect it from accidental
damage. It has been discovered that this historically used cryptographic hash algorithm
has several serious flaws. It continues to be useful for various non-cryptographic tasks,
such as locating the partition for a certain key in a partitioned database, and could even
be favored because it requires less CPU power than more contemporary Secure Hash
Professor Ronald Rivest of MIT created a number of message digest algorithms, including
MD5 (Rivest, 1992). Rivest created MD5 in 1991 as a secure substitute for MD4 after
analytical research suggested that MD4 was probably unsafe. (Hans Dobbertin did in fact
discover MD4's flaws later.)
Den Boer and Bosselaers provided an early, albeit constrained, conclusion in 1993 by
identifying a "pseudo-collision" of the MD5 compression function, or two initialization
vectors that yield the same digest.
1. Add Padding Bits: In the first stage, padding bits are added to the original message
so that the overall message length is 64 bits shorter than the precise multiple of 512.
Consider receiving a message with 1000 bits. We now need to modify the original
message by adding padding bits. Here, we shall pad the original message with 472 bits.
The original message/output of the first step will be 1472 after the padding bits have been
added, which is 64 bits less than an exact multiple of 512 (i.e., 512*3 = 1536).
We shall have 512 * n, which is an exact multiple of 512, after adding the two.
3. Initialize the MD buffer: Here, we employ the J, K, L, and M buffers. Each buffer has a
32-bit size.
1. - J = 0x67425301
2. - K = 0xEDFCBA45
3. - L = 0x98CBADFE
4. - M = 0x13DCE476
4. Method The most crucial phase of the MD5 algorithm is each 512-bit block. In this case,
4 rounds and a total of 64 operations are carried out. There will be 16 operations
conducted in the first round, 16 operations in the second round, 16 operations in the third
round, and 16 operations in the fourth round. For example, we apply the F function for
the first round, the G function for the second, the H function for the third, and the i
function for the fourth. For computing functions, we use logic gates such as OR, AND,
XOR, and NOT. We employ three buffers-K, L, and M-for each function.
Now that the function has been applied, we are going to do something with each block.
To conduct activities, we need
1. • In the first step, Outputs of K, L, and M are taken and then the function F is applied to them.
We will add modulo 232 bits for the output of this with J.
2. • In the second step, we add the M[i] bit message with the output of the first step.
3. • Then add 32 bits constant i.e. K[i] to the output of the second step.
4. • At last, we do left shift operation by n (can be any value of n) and addition modulo by 232.
The outcome of step J will be put into step K after all stages. The same procedures will
now be followed for all G, H, and I functions. We shall obtain our message digest once all
64 operations have been completed.
After all, rounds have been performed, the buffer J, K, L, and M contains the MD5 output
starting with the lower bit J and ending with Higher bits M.