Artikel Bebas
Artikel Bebas
Artikel Bebas
JUATIKA eissn 2656-1727
VOL. 6 NO. 1 January 2024 Hal : 141 – 151
Jaboticaba (Plinia cauliflora) is a plant with numerous benefits. The destruction of its
natural habitat and illegal logging in areas where Jaboticaba grows have led to concerns about
population decline. Therefore, serious conservation efforts are necessary to protect this plant.
This research aims to plant and conserve Jaboticaba in an optimal environment in Bengkulu.
To maintain the viability of jaboticaba populations, it is essential to protect their natural habitat
and implement conservation efforts. The methods used included seedling preparation,
jaboticaba planting, and treatment and observation of soil conditions, air, light, and height gain.
The results indicated that Jaboticaba can grow in areas with soil pH 5.5; 50% soil moisture,
28℃ air temperature, 69% air humidity, and 900 µmol/m²/s light intensity. The study employed
an experimental approach to investigate the growth of Jaboticaba. The growth of Jaboticaba
from 15 cm to 30 cm was promoted within the study period through continuous care, including
watering and fertilization. The study results indicate that environmental factors play an
important role in the growth of Jaboticaba. Therefore, protecting its natural habitat in Bengkulu,
Indonesia is crucial for environmental sustainability and human health. Jaboticaba holds high
ecological, economic, and health values. The study's findings regarding the cultivation,
environmental requirements, and urgency of conservation are enlightening for safeguarding
this species for future generations.
Keywords: Jaboticaba, benefits, cultivation, conservation, optimal conditions.
Copyright © 2024. The authors. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Shabrina et. all Juatika Vol. 6 No.1 2024
Shabrina et. all Juatika Vol. 6 No.1 2024
3.1 Observation of pH and Soil crop productivity (Salim et al., 2022). The
Moisture pH value of the soil directly affects the
The jaboticaba planting procedure accessibility of nutrients to plants and
was examined by assessing the soil's pH their growth potential. Additionally, soil
level. Soil pH indicates the soil's acidity or pH influences various biological,
alkalinity and is crucial in determining chemical, and physical properties and
Shabrina et. all Juatika Vol. 6 No.1 2024
processes within the soil, all of which pH level directly impacts the availability of
impact plant development and biomass nutrients to plants and their overall
production (Turhal & Turhal, 2022). growth potential. Additionally, soil pH also
Assessing environmental factors is influences a range of biological, chemical,
crucial in determining the ideal conditions and physical properties and processes
for cultivating jaboticaba plants. The within the soil, impacting plant growth and
growth of jaboticaba seedlings is affected biomass yield (Turhal & Turhal, 2022).
by various environmental factors, such as Observations were carried out at the
soil pH, temperature, humidity, and water Center for Biodiversity Conservation,
availability (Amaral et al., 2021). One of Bengkulu University. The first observation
the key aspects to observe during the measured soil pH and moisture using a
jaboticaba planting process is the soil pH. soil pH meter. The results of both
Soil pH measures soil acidity or alkalinity measurements are directly obtained from
and significantly determines crop the tool used. Measurements using a soil
productivity (Salim et al., 2022). The soil's pH meter can be seen in Figure 2.
The soil pH results obtained were moist soil with good drainage. The
5.5 and humidity 50. The pH results were number 50 for soil moisture measurement
in accordance with the correct pH for results is ideal for jaboticaba plants. Too
planting Jaboticaba. This is in much water or poor drainage can cause
accordance with literature from Neina roots to rot and damage the growth of the
(2019), which states that the ideal soil for jaboticaba tree (Yu, 2021).
planting jaboticaba trees is fertile, rich in
organic matter, and has good drainage. 3.2 Observation of Air Temperature
Jaboticaba grows well in slightly acidic and Humidity
soil with a pH of around 5.5 to 6.5. The The next observations and
soil moisture result is 50, indicating the measurements made are air temperature
soil is in an ideal moist condition. and humidity. Measurements using a
According to Merbawani et al. (2021), thermohygrometer. This measurement is
Good soil moisture values depend on the important because air temperature and
type of plant planted. However, ideal soil humidity are important factors for plant
moisture for plant growth ranges from growth and development. Higher humidity
40%-60%, including Jaboticaba. levels have been found to improve plant
The results of soil moisture growth, as they help maintain
measurements provide information about photosynthesis processes and minimize
the amount of water in the soil. This evaporation (Hoang & Kim, 2018). The
critical parameter influences various results of measuring air temperature and
aspects of soil and plant health (Ahmad humidity can be seen in Figure 3.
et al., 2016). Jaboticaba grows better in
Shabrina et. all Juatika Vol. 6 No.1 2024
The results obtained for the air best in locations with a good intensity of
temperature were 28.8℃, and the air direct or semi-direct sunlight. Ideally, they
humidity was 69%. This air temperature need around 6-8 hours of direct sunlight
is a good temperature for jaboticaba daily (Saka & Okoye, 2021). Light
growth. According to Setiawan (2020), intensity measurements were carried out
Jaboticaba grows best at temperatures in two different areas. First,
ranging from 15℃ to 30℃. As a result, air measurements are taken in an area
humidity of 69% is good humidity for exposed directly to sunlight without
Jaboticaba to grow well. This is because shadows from trees or other obstructions.
Jaboticaba grows well in relatively high This area is an open space where
humidity. Ideally, around 60% to 80% of sunlight can shine without any
air humidity can support good growth for obstructions. Second, measurements are
jaboticaba trees (Handayani et al., 2023). carried out in an area that receives
It also influences the water use efficiency indirect sunlight. Even though the tree's
of plants and their sensitivity to pollution shadow slightly blocks it so it is not too
(Villalobos et al., 2016). Therefore, hot, sunlight still shines into the area.
maintaining proper air temperature and The tool used to measure light
humidity levels is essential to ensure intensity is a lux meter. The
optimal plant growth and development. measurement results are in PPFD
(Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) or
3.4 Light Intensity Observation µmol/m²/s. The results obtained can be
Jaboticaba generally requires seen in Figure 4 and Figure 5.
sufficient sunlight to grow well. They grow
Shabrina et. all Juatika Vol. 6 No.1 2024
The results obtained from the first Saka & Okoye (2021) in their research
area measurement were 900 µmol/m²/s. that Jaboticaba requires around 6-8
The result for measurements in the hours of direct sunlight every day. This is
second area is 154 µmol/m²/s. This result very important for optimal plant growth
is in the optimal Jaboticaba growing because Jaboticaba requires sufficient
category. The most suitable light intensity light so that the photosynthesis process
for Jaboticaba to grow optimally, runs well. Exposure to direct sunlight also
according to Saka & Okoye (2021), in allows plants to carry out the energy
influencing gas exchange and chlorophyll absorption process needed to produce
fluorescence of Jaboticaba seedlings is nutrients and healthy growth (Setiawan,
around 200 µmol/m²/s to 1000 µmol/m²/s. 2020).
Jaboticaba prefers to grow in areas that
receive direct light or partial shade. 3.5 Jaboticaba Height Observation
Jaboticaba is a plant that can adapt to The rate at which jaboticaba plants
different light conditions. They grow well grow can differ greatly due to various
in direct sunlight but also tolerate partial factors such as environmental conditions,
shade. However, exposure to direct plant genetics, care, and other variables
sunlight usually provides better results in (Setiawan, 2020). The planting of
growth and fruit production (Saka & Jaboticaba plants is scheduled to
Okoye, 2021) commence on October 8, 2023. These
Based on the results of light plants will be approximately 15 cm at the
intensity measurements, jaboticaba time of planting. Figure 6 displays the
plants planted in pots are placed in areas initial photograph of the planting process
exposed to direct sunlight, as stated by in a pot.
Shabrina et. all Juatika Vol. 6 No.1 2024
Observing and caring for jaboticaba ensure plants can grow optimally.
plants is a routine practice that requires According to da Silva et al. (2019),
special attention. This process involves a cleaning the potting area regularly and
series of actions, from regular watering to removing any weeds that may be growing
maintain proper soil moisture to regular too much is important. A combination of
fertilization to provide the nutrients the careful observation and programmed
plant needs. Bao (2017) states watering care helps ensure that jaboticaba plants
is essential for plant health and growth. It develop healthily and productively.
is recommended to water the plant Observation and nurture were
regularly, ensuring that the soil is moist carried out optimally, which made
but not waterlogged. Jaboticaba grow well. Jaboticaba's
In addition, cleaning the pot area growth until the end of November 2023
from weed growth is an important step to can be seen in Figure 7.
avoid competition for nutrients and
Shabrina et. all Juatika Vol. 6 No.1 2024
The researcher would like to da Silva, J. A. A., Teixeira, G. H. de A.,
express his deepest gratitude to the Martins, A. B. G., Citadin, I., Junior,
lecturer in the natural resources A. W., & Danner, M. A. (2019).
conservation education (KSDA) course, Advances in the propagation of
Prof. Dr. Drs. Aceng Ruyani, MS., and Dr. Jabuticaba tree Avanços na
Bhakti Karyadi, M.Pd., who has guided propagação da Jabuticabeira.
the planting process, provided direction, Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura,
and contributed many precious inputs for 41(3), 1–10.
the preparation of this research.
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