Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise
Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise
Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise
Human Kinetics
Preface vii
Acknowledgments ix
Friction 52
itio n 57
Ad diti on of Forces: Force Com pos
Resolution of Forces 62
Static Equ ilib rium 67
Sum ma ry 72
ts in Linear Motion 75
Chapter 5 Linear Kinematics: Describing Objec
Mo tion 76
Linear Kinematics 78
Sum ma ry 93
s of Linear Motion 95
Chapter 6 Linear Kinetics: Explaining the Cause
Law of Ine rtia 96
Law of Acceleration 100
Imp uls e and Mo me ntu m 105
Law of Action-Reaction 109
Sum ma ry 110
ng the Causes
Chapter 7 Work, Power, and Energy: Explaini 113
of Motion Without Newton
Work 114
. Ene rgy 117
The Work-Energy Relationship 119
Pow er 123
Sum ma ry 125
intaining Equilibrium
Chapter 8 Torques and Moments of Force: Ma 127
or Changing Angular Motion
Wh at Are Torques? 128
Forces and Torques in Equ ilib rium
Wh at Is Cen ter of Gravity? 140
Sum ma ry 153
jects in Angular Motion 157
Chapter 9 Angular Kinematics: Describing Ob
An gul ar Position and Dis pla cem ent I
161 I
An gul ar and Linear Dis pla cem ent
An gul ar Velocity 163 ,I
Chapter 10 Angular Kinetics: Explaining the Causes of Angular Motion 171
Angular Inertia 172
Angular Momentum 178
Angular Interpretation of Newton's First Law of Motion 180
Angular Interpretation of Newton's Second Law of Motion 183
Angular Impulse and Angular Momentum 184 I
Chapter 13 The Skeletal System: The Rigid Framework of the Body 239
Bones 241
Joints 244
Summary 251
Appen dix B Answe rs to Selected Review Quest ions
385 I
References and Sugge sted Readings
About the Autho r
A average velocity 88-89
abdomen 18-19 avulsion fracture 231
abduction 30,32-35 axes, anatomical 26-29,174-175
absolute angular position 159, 167 axis ofrotation 165,174-175
acceleration 44,90-93,100-105,166-167,207 B
activity, effect of 230-231,352-353 balance 286-287
adduction 30,32-35 ball-and-socket joints 246-247
adductor longus muscle 22 balls
age, effect of 230-231 action-reaction and 110
agonist muscles 262 as projectiles 97-98,100-101,208
airfoils 204-205 spin on 206,315-316
anatomical analysis. See qualitative anatomical analysis baseball 13,306-310
anatomical axes 26-29 base of support 148-154
anatomical planes 25-29 bench presses 116,326-329
anatomical position 24 bending loads 220-223,225,235
angles 158-159,161 Bernoulli's principle 204-206
angular acceleration 166-167,328-329,334,337,342 biceps brachii muscle 19,22,134-135,262-264
angular displacement 158-163,169 biceps femoris muscle 23-24 .
angular impulse 184-185,188 biomechanical analysis 293-321. See also qualitative
angular inertia 172-178,186 anatomical analysis
angular kinetics 171-188 evaluation of performance 304-305
angular momentum 178-185 fastball pitch 306-310
angular impulse and 184-185 football punt 331-335
human body and 179-180 forehand drive in tennis 310-316
Newton's laws and 180-187 ideal technique 295-300
overview 186-188 identifying goals 296-297
rigid body 178-179 instructing performer 305-306
angular motion 77 observation of performance 300-304
angular position 159,167 qualitative 294-295
angular velocity 163-166,181-182,187 quantitative 294-295
anisotropic materials 230 sprint running 316-321,334-339
ankle 19-20,30-32,250,330-339 technique improvement 295-306
antagonist muscles 263 training and 324-325
anterior, definition of 24 vertical jump 330-331
anteroposterior (AP) axis 26-27,30-33,35 biomechanics 3-14
aponeuroses 257 definition 5-6
Archimedes 194 friction and 56-57
arm curls 134-135,138-139 future of 14
arms 18-19. See also elbow goals of 6-12
articular capsule 247 history of 12-14
articular cartilage 232-233,247-249,251 body fat 195
autonomic nervous system 281 bones
average acceleration 90-91 anatomy and classification 241-243
average angular velocity 163 elastic modulus 231
average speed 85-89 growth and development 243-245
center of pressure 206 H
drag force 197-202 hammer throwing 167-168
lift force 202-206 hamstring muscle 270-272
overview 40 hand 18-19
relative velocity 196-197,202 head 18-19
foot 18-19,223,358-362,365 heel 350
football punt 331-335 Held, Dick 8-9
force couples 128 Held, Frank ''Bud'' 8-9
forces. See also Newton's laws of motion high jumping 3,7-9,144,298-300,302-304
addition of 57-62 Hill, Archibald V. 13
buoyant 192-196,207 hinge jOints 245,248
centric 128-129 hip
centripetal 166-169 in football punt 331-333,335
colinear 57-59 in javelin throwing 338,341,344-345
compressive 51, 349-350 joint movement 30-34, 246
concurrent 59-62 overview 19-21
contact 52 in sprint running 338-339
definition of 43,50 in vertical jump 330
drag 197-202,208 horizontal motion 96-98,101-102. See also displacement
dynamic fluid 196-208 hormones, bones and 244
eccentric 128-129 human body. See also qualitative anatomical analysis
graphical determination of 63-64 angular momentum 179-181
gravitational 45-46,52,59 axes 26-29,174-175
impact 108-109,328-329,334,337 buoyancy 195-196
injury and 348,350 center of gravity 143-145
lift 202-206,208 mechanical properties 230-235
moment of. See torque moments of inertia 175-176
in muscles 138-139,273-274 response to stress 350-353
net 57,66-67, 106 humerus 18,20-21,216-218
normal 53-54 hurdling 182-183
reaction 68-71,98,103-104,109-110,359-361 hyaline cartilage 232
resultant 57-62 hyperextension 30-31,35
static equilibrium 67-72 I
tensile 51,266-274,350 ice hockey 296-297
torque and 136-140 ice skating 10-11,67-68,182
trigonometric determination of 64-67 impact force 108-109,328-329,334,337
types of 51 impulse 105-109,184-185,187-188
zero net 98-100 impulse-momentum equation 105-108,110
forearm 18-19 impulsive load 360
forehand drive in tennis 310-316 inertia 42-44,96-100,172-179,186,188
form drag 199-202 inferior, definition of 24
Fosblll"Yr Dick 7, 9 injury 347-367
fossa 242 biomechanics and 11-12,235,304
fovea 242 cross-training and 364
free-body diagrams 67-71 factors affecting 354-358
friction 52-57 individual differences and 354, 356
frontal plane 25-27,35 loading patterns and 359-360
frontal-sagittal (longitudinal) axis 26-27,29,33,35 mechanical stress and 348-351
frontal (transverse) axis 26-27,30,34-35 overuse 352-353,358-367
G psychological considerations 366-367
gastrocnemius muscle 23-24,263 traumatic 353
general motion 77-78 instantaneous acceleration 91
gliding joints 245 instantaneous angular velocity 163 I,I
gluteus maximus muscle 19,23 instantaneous speed 88 I1