Chem-Dr - Lamees-Cholesterol Metabolism
Chem-Dr - Lamees-Cholesterol Metabolism
Chem-Dr - Lamees-Cholesterol Metabolism
2nd stage
Dr.Lamees Majid Al-Janabi
Cholesterol is an animal sterol present in tissues and lipoproteins in either
esterified or free form.
Functions of Cholesterol
1. Cell membranes: Cholesterol is a component of membranes and
has a modulating effect on the fluid state of the membrane.
2. Nerve conduction:Cholesterol has an insulating effect on nerve
3. Bile acids and bile salts are derived from cholesterol. Bile salts
are important for fat absorption.
4. Steroid hormones:Glucocorticoids, androgens and estrogens are
from cholesterol.
5. Vitamin D3 is from 7-dehydro-cholesterol.
6. Esterification: The OH group of cholesterol is esterified to fatty
acids to form cholesterol esters. This esterification occurs in the
body by transfer of a PUFA moiety by lecithin cholesterol acyl
The liver plays a central role in the regulation of the body's cholesterol
Synthesis of Cholesterol:-
Cholesterol is synthesized by virtually all tissues in humans, although
liver, intestine, adrenal cortex, and reproductive tissues, including
ovaries, testes, and placenta, make the largest contributions to the body's
cholesterol pool. Synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm, with enzymes in both
the cytosol and the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum.
The first two reactions in the cholesterol synthetic pathway are similar to
those in the pathway that produces ketone bodies. They result in the
production of HMG CoA, The enzyme is HMG CoA synthase.
Regulation of cholesterol synthesis:-
HMG CoA reductase, the rate-limiting enzyme, is the major control point
for cholesterol biosynthesis, and is subject to different kinds of metabolic
1. HMG-CoA reductase: It is rate limiting enzyme, which is inhibited
by high cholesterol levels and stimulated by low cholesterol levels
(at gene level).
2. Hormonal regulation: Insulin and thyroxine increase cholesterol
synthesis. Glucagon and glucocorticoids decrease cholesterol
3. Bile acids: Inhibit HMG-CoA reductase.
4. Inhibition by drugs: Statins, competitive inhibitors of HMG-CoA
reductase, are used in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia, e.g.
Lovastatin, simvastatin, atorvastatin.
Degradation of Cholesterol
The ring structure of cholesterol cannot be metabolized to CO 2 and H2O
in humans. Rather, the intact sterol nucleus is eliminated from the body
by conversion to bile acids and bile salts.
Bile acids: These are 24 carbon compounds essential for lipid digestion.
Bile acid is the route of excretion of cholesterol. It is synthesized in the
• Primary: Cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid
• Secondary: Deoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid.
Enterohepatic Circulation
About 15–30 g of bile salt is secreted from liver to intestine per day.
About 0.5 g is lost per day and remaining reabsorbed by enterohepatic
circulation. Approximately 0.5 g of cholesterol is synthesized per day to
replace the loss.