June 2017 (v3) MS - Paper 4 CIE Biology IGCSE
June 2017 (v3) MS - Paper 4 CIE Biology IGCSE
June 2017 (v3) MS - Paper 4 CIE Biology IGCSE
BIOLOGY 0610/43
Paper 4 Theory (Extended) May/June 2017
Maximum Mark: 80
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Cambridge International A and AS Level and Cambridge Pre-U components, and some Cambridge O Level
This syllabus is approved for use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate.
1(a)(i) arrow / (s) from a vena cava through atria and into right ventricle ; 1
1(a)(ii) C, aorta ; 1
1(b)(ii) stop back-flow (of blood) / ensure (blood) flows one way ; 1 I pressure changes
1(d) 1 septum ; 2
2 separates oxygenated and deoxygenated blood ;
3 to allow a double circulation ;
ribosome to max 1
4 site of, protein synthesis ; (‘protein synthesis’ is in question)
5 ribosome assembles amino acids into proteins ;
6 passes through the ribosome / reads mRNA ;
2(d)(i) 1 temperature ; 2
2 surface area of substrate ;
3 concentration / volume / amount / number, of enzyme (solution) ;
4 concentration / volume / amount, of (named) substrate (solution) ;
5 type of enzyme ;
6 type of substrate ;
3(a) description 6
1 (stem) cells divide ; MP1 I reproduce
2 by mitosis ;
3 to form, daughter / genetically identical, cells ;
4 nucleus buds off / AW ; MP4 A no nucleus (in mature red
5 digested / broken down, mitochondria ; blood cell)
6 only one of stem cells specialises / others continue to be stem cells ; MP5 A no mitochondria (in mature red
blood cell)
7 haemoglobin made prior to, mitochondria / nucleus removed / maturation ; MP7 must be in correct place in
8 (loss of structures) gives space for, oxygen transport / haemoglobin ; sequence of events
9 haemoglobin, transports / AW, oxygen ; MP8 A volume for space, I area
10 biconcave shape / described ; MP12 I ref to gas exchange
11 large surface area (to volume ratio) ;
12 for diffusion of oxygen / gas(es) ;
13 AVP ;
3(b) plasma ; 1
4(e) 1 to prevent extinction (of many species) / maintain (bio)diversity ; 3 MP 1 A saves many species
2 ref to preventing disruption of food, chains / web ; MP 4 examples
3 provide, habitats (for shelter / breeding grounds / AW) for many species ; • ref to flooding / natural
4 and 5 ecosystems provide, ‘service’, for humans ; ; disasters
6 idea of areas for, recreation / (eco)tourism / education ; • ref to nutrients cycle
7 ethical reasons / aesthetic reasons / AW ; • ref to maintenance of water
• ref to greenhouse
gas / carbon storage / carbon
sink waste disposal
• provide,
resources / food / fuel / drugs /
raw materials / building
• provide genes (for selective
breeding / genetic
5(a)(iii) eutrophication ; 1
5(c) 1 some species compete much better than others / better at obtaining 2 MP 2 I competition for mates
(named) resource(s) ;
2 competition for, light / water / nutrients / space / AW ;
3 some species grow faster ;
4 example of grassland, adaptions / fast growth ; MP 4 examples: taller stems / larger
5 better at using ions released by fertiliser ; leaves / longer roots
6 more ‘robust’ / less successful at combating disease or pests ;
7 some cannot survive grazing by grassland herbivores / AW ;
8 ref to adaptations ;
6(c)(i) 1 (vaccine contains) harmless / attenuated / dead / AW, form of, (named) 4
pathogen / antigen ;
2 (antigens / vaccine) stimulate an immune response ;
3 ref to lymphocytes ;
4 lymphocytes / white blood cells, make antibodies ;
5 ref to specificity ;
6 production of memory cells ;
7 rapid, immune response / AW, if exposed to same, pathogen / antigen ;
8 gives long-term immunity ;
9 AVP ;