SOAL UJIAN Sekolah 2024
SOAL UJIAN Sekolah 2024
SOAL UJIAN Sekolah 2024
Untuk soal nomor 1 sampai dengan 50, pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda (X) pada
huruf A, B, C atau D pada lembar jawaban!
a. Twelve
b. Six
c. Five
d. Four
a. narrative c. procedure
b. recount d. description
15. When we can put the seasoning and oil into the bowl?
19. Miss Lita : …… We have a new student join us today. Please, introduce yourself ?
Sarah : Hello, my name is Sarah Ayu Dewita. But you can call me Sarah.
a. Can you go away !
b. Can I have your attention, please?
c. Are you sure ?
d. Do you understand what I just to you.
To: All students
To celebrate the Hero’s day, our Student Organization will hold some interesting programs such as
English Speech Contest, Story Telling and Class Wall Magazine Competition.
Time : November 15, 2018, 8.00 a.m – 13.00 p.m
Theme : Hero
Registration : Budi
The coordinator of this program
20. What does the text announce above?
a. A student organization c. Interesting event
b. An English Speech Contest d. A Hero’s Day Celebratio
a. wash hand before work c. use the shop for washing hand
b. wash hand before eat d. wash hand in the bathroom
Cendrawasih bird lives in Papua, the most eastern Province of Indonesia. The bird is nicknamed “The
Bird of Paradise” by the British people. They admire the beauty of Cendrawasih so much that they
refused to acknowledge that the bird even exists at all. After European people acknowledging that the
bird is real, they sent the bird as a gift for the Kings in 1522.
Fourty-one Cendrawasih species live in Indonesia. Thirty-seven of then live in Papua. The most
popular ones often named based on their main colours. Cendrawasih Kuning Kecil and Cendrawasih
Kuning Besar have yellow as their dominant color on their feathers. Meanwhile, Cendrawasih Merah
has red as its dominant feathers colour.
Cendrawasih also has beautifull voice and can dance gracefully. One of many good dancers is
Cendrawasih Parotia. The bird whice has black and a hint of light blue feathers has mesmerizing
dance during mating season.
Unfortunately, Cendrawasih are now classified as endangered species. Irresponsible people poach
them due to high demend. Their habitat is also in danger because of deforestation for the plantation.
However, if you want to find the birds, you can visit Jaya Wijaya, Mamberamo Foja, Merauke, and
Wamena districts. These birds have high smelling sensitivity and sharp ears. It is advised to not use
any kind of perfumes and to wear dark-coloured clothes so the birds cannot smell or see you.
33. Where is the place the most of Cendrawasih population in Indonesia?
a. Jawa c. Papua
b. Kalimatan d. Sumatra
39. The following items are not available in the store. They are…..
a. T-shirts
b. Magazines
c. Newspaper
d. Refrigerator
40. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To let the riders know the discounts
b. To persuade readers to buy the items
c. To thank customers for their loyalty
d. To make the readers happy
Ask after dinner to wash every night the dishes Budi Mom
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
41. a. 4 – 7 – 1 - 6 – 3 – 5 – 2 b. 4 - 7 - 1 – 6 – 2 - 5 - 3
c. 3 - 5 – 1 - 6 - 2 – 4 – 7 d. 3 - 5 - 1 - 6 – 4 - 7 - 2
In a village called Sali, there lived a grandmother. She lived alone in a small hut. Nobody liked her
because she was dirty and stink. She was very sad since she was treated badly by the villages. She
finally left her village. She was hurt.
She wandered alone. She went to the jungle, crossed the rivers, climbed the mountain, passed
through the valleys. She just followed where the wind blew. Finally, she stoped in a village named
Kurulu, near Wamena. She was lucky. In the village she was very welcome by all people. The gave
her food and a hut to stay. But at night, the grand mother left the village silently. She went to the