Facebook Advertising Guide
Facebook Advertising Guide
Facebook Advertising Guide
Takeaways J ............................................................................................................. 3
Placement.......................................................................................................................... 13
“Facebook helps you broadcast your messages at
scale. But its true value centres on public
conversations and engagement.”
Takeaways J
Facebook Launching
Campaign Facebook Ad Analysing Results
Roadmap Campaigns
Facebook Campaign Strategy
Your roadmap to success
Write down your Facebook Campaign goals
How Long Is Your Campaign Going To Last?
• Planning phase
• Launch date
• End date
• Reporting phase
Write down your core audience/s you want to reach
for this campaign. Be specific – gender, age,
location, interests.
Writing for Facebook
People engage with stories & ‘people like me’
Perfect example!
TIP 3: Tell a story
A story has a start, middle and an end, so be sure
to have those three elements in your copy. Ask the question when you’ve
written your story: “Why would somebody care about this story?”
What’s next?
TIP 5: Link to a landing page
Social media is like the starters of a meal, but the main meal should be on
your website. Have a dedicated landing page where people can go and find
out more.
Key Messages
Write down your core campaign messages.
You have to plan, write and then tell your story.
Audience Awareness Engagement Conversion
Multi-Media Content For Facebook Ad Campaigns
1. Go to business.facebook.com.
2. Click Create Account.
3. Enter a name for your business, select the primary Page and enter your name
and work email address.
4. Note: If you don't yet have a Page for your business, create one.
5. Move through the rest of the onboarding flow by entering the rest of the
required fields.
6. Learn how to add people to Business Manager.
1. Visual: Visual content is not only treated more favourably in the Facebook
algorithm. It's also more likely to be shared and remembered than written
2. Relevant: Relevance is critical for success when using Facebook advertising.
Remember, you are spending money when someone views or clicks on your
ad (depending on the settings you use). If you're showing ads that aren't
relevant to your target audience, you're wasting your time and money and will
likely not see success with any kind of advertising. Your ads get a relevance
score between 1-10, the higher the score, the more relevant your ad is.
3. Value: A value proposition tells the reader why they should click on your ad to
learn more about your product. How is your product or service different from
any other? Why should the viewer click on your ad to see your website?
4. Clear call-to-action: Add a CTA like “Register now and save your seat.” or
”Registration ends in 24 hours” and add a sense of urgency to your audience.
Your CTA should encourage people to click on your ad now.
When you create your ads, you have the option of letting Facebook show your ads in
places where they're likely to perform best or manually choosing where you show
your ads
Audience Network
Your ads appear on apps and websites in the Audience Network. With Audience
Network, you can extend your ads beyond Facebook to reach your audiences on
mobile apps and websites, desktop websites and connected TV apps.
Facebook Ad Formats
Format 3: The Mobile News Feed Ad
Like the desktop News Feed ad, this type of ad appears in the user's mobile News
Feed and displays like an organic post from the people and Pages they follow.
Template 1: Video Ad
Did you know there are 8 billion videos being watched on Facebook every day?
Template 2: Photo Ad
The optimal size for News Feed photo ads is 1200x628 pixels, otherwise your image
will get cropped. Adjust your image based on the target audience's needs and by
what will appeal to them the most.
Template 3: Reach Ad
Reach ads on Facebook are designed for to grow your local awareness. They only
work if your organisation has a physical location to which you're trying to drive real
foot traffic or if you have an event. If you fall into this category, locally targeted
Facebook ads might be a great fit for you, as you can hyper-target on Facebook
down to the mile.
Template 4: Offer Ad
An offer ad is a form of Facebook advertising wherein a business can promote a
discount on a product or service that can be redeemed on Facebook. The benefit of
this? It eliminates one step in the buyer's journey, which ultimately increases sales.
Template 5: Event Ad
Event ads promote a specific event. The CTA on these ads usually send users
directly to the ticket purchase page, wherever that happens to be hosted. Using this
type of ad will help drive a targeted group of people to attend your event. These will
show up in the News Feed of the specific audience you've chosen.
Template 6: Boosted Ad
A boosted post is an organic Facebook post that was originally on the homepage of
a company's Facebook, and that later was boosted with advertising money.
This is different from the above ads because it's not created in the Facebook Ads
Manager. You can include more in the description, as there is no limit to word count
on boosted posts like there is in ads. You can also have a link in the copy.
The cons? Boosted posts leave you fewer options for bidding, targeting, and pricing.
You also cannot run any types of A/B tests because you're promoting a post that has
already been created; you're not creating one from scratch.
Template 7: Re-Targeting Ad
• A retargeting ad promotes an ad to a specific list of previously identified
people. Have you ever seen ads follow you across the Internet after visiting a
certain website? Then you've seen a retargeting ad.
• Facebook has the same capability. You can advertise to a list of leads or
customers by uploading a list of email addresses you already to make a
custom audience. A good retargeting ad acknowledges that the brand knows
you're already interested in its product.
Building your Facebook Ad Campaign
In Facebook Ads Manager, click Create Campaign or Create Ad,
and choose your campaign objective.
Sample Facebook Ad Campaign
ü Trigger Approach
This approach builds up trust, awareness and interest before getting your
audience to take action. It uses a drip-feed storytelling method of building up
to your call to action (CTA).
ü Ad Campaign Goal
Build up a warm audience of young people, currently engaged with your work
and who could be considered possible attendees at your next event.
Ad Campaign #1 – Awareness
• Message: Did you know that one in 1 in 150 children in Ireland will need the
support services provided by Tusla?
• Media: Image of child aged 5 hugging a teddy.
• CTA: Contact us if your family needs non-judgemental and confidential
• Targeting: 25-50 year olds, (Sligo/Leitrim)
Ad Campaign #2 – Engagement
• Message: All families need support
• Media: 60-second video
• CTA: Sign-up for our families first programme
• Targeting: 25-50 year olds, (Sligo/Leitrim)
Ad Campaign #3 – Conversion
• Message: Did you know there’s a Child and Family Support Network near
• Media: Web link with featured photo of a group of women at a meeting
• CTA: Sign up for updates
• Targeting: 25-50 year olds, (Sligo/Leitrim)
Measuring Success
The success of your Facebook ad campaign will depend on what your initial goal
was. However, here are the metrics that matter when evaluating Facebook ad
Relevance Score
CPC (cost per link click) - the cost of an average click from your ad to your
CTR (click through rate) the percentage of people that have clicked on your
website, after seeing your ad.
CPA cost per acquisition is the cost of acquiring a new fan? Voter? Subscriber?
This metric will be measured against your own ‘voter’ KPI’s
Frequency the number of times each person in your audience has seen your ad, on
Relevance the relevance of your content and messaging to your target audience
After your ad receives 500 impressions, you'll get a relevance score between one
and ten. Ten means that your advert is highly relevant to your audience, while a
score of one would mean that your advert isn't very relevant to your audience. If you
have a low relevance score, try updating your audience or changing your
advert's creative to be more appealing to the audience that you've targeted.
What do you notice about this Facebook ad campaign report?
This screenshot shows that the frequency of the ad campaign was 10 but the
relevance score was 1.
Optimal frequency is three to four, because your ad becomes ineffective after you
serve it to the same audience more than five times.
Caution! A high frequency rate may result in your ads being hidden.