Effect of Nitrogen Released From Rumen Digesta and Cow Dung On Soil and Leaf Nutrient Content of Gboma (
Effect of Nitrogen Released From Rumen Digesta and Cow Dung On Soil and Leaf Nutrient Content of Gboma (
Effect of Nitrogen Released From Rumen Digesta and Cow Dung On Soil and Leaf Nutrient Content of Gboma (
Department of Crop, Soil and Pest Management, Federal University of Technology, PMB 704, Akure, Nigeria
Objective: To study the effect of rumen digesta and cow dung as sources of nutrients for Gboma
(Solanum macrocarpon L).
Methodology and results: Experiments were conducted in the screenhouse in which five levels of
rumen digesta and cow dung (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 ton ha-1) were applied to Gboma seedlings. The
amount of nitrogen released into the soil from cow dung was 13.4% higher than that released from
rumen digesta while phosphorous released by rumen digesta was 21% more than that of cowdung.
Cowdung increased leaf N, P, K, Ca and Mg contents, with a rate dependent effect. Compared to
rumen digesta, cow dung at all levels resulted into higher values of plant height (3.9%), total
biomass (8.9%), root weight (20.9%), shoot weight (10.1%), leaf weight (5.8%), leaf width (3.7%)
and plant area (1.9%).
Conclusion and application of findings: Cow dung releases more nitrogen into the soil than rumen
digesta, but both manures can be used to grow vegetables. Application of 6 ton ha-1 of cow dung
would give optimum yield but higher rates iwould be required for rumen digesta.
Key words: Cow dung, rumen digesta, Solanum macrocarpon, soil, leaf nutrient content.
Citation: Awodun MA, 2008. Effect of nitrogen released from rumen digesta and cow dung on soil and leaf nutrient
content of Gboma (Solanum macrocarpon L.). Journal of Applied Biosciences 7: 202 – 206.
Managing cowdung and animal wastes (rumen problems and associated offensive odors
digesta) from abattoirs is a common problem further complicate their use (Stevenson &
in developing countries such as Nigeria. Cole, 1999). These wastes could however be
Putting these wastes into effective agrarian used to alleviate soil nutrient depletion
use is also often a problem because they are problems, which is one of the most important
bulky, low-grade fertilizers of variable constraints to crop productivity in sub-Saharan
composition and frequently have high water Africa (Schoberg et al., 2000). It is already
content thus not easy to transport far from documented that the current use of fertilizers
point of source. On-farm management in Africa is well below the recommended rates,
Journal of Applied Biosciences (2008), Vol. 7: 202 – 206.
ISSN 1997 – 5902: www.biosciences.elewa.org
partly due to prohibitive cost, limited availability Rumen digesta are wastes from
and lack of knowledge on appropriate and abattoirs that are presently a menace in most
efficient application. urban cities of developing countries. The use
Worldwide, interest in the use of of these wastes as plant nutrient sources has
organic materials as sources of nutrients in not received much research attention in
vegetable production has increased (Chikwuyu Nigeria. Other uses of rumen digesta from
et al., 2002). Organic materials are valuable cattle, sheep and goat could be in replacing
nutrient resources for all types of crops, fruit maize and/or whole wheat in monogastirc diets
and vegetables (Chikwuyu et al., 2002). Good (Rojugbokan et al., 2006).
sources of organic fertilizers include animal This study was carried out to compare
wastes, wood-ash, rice husks, mills and nutrient release rates from rumen digesta and
brewery wastes, sawdust and other crop cattle dung after incorporation into the soil and
wastes (Awodun, 2007). their effects on leaf nutrient content of gboma
(Solanum macrocarpon L).
Journal of Applied Biosciences (2008), Vol. 7: 202 – 206.
ISSN 1997 – 5902: www.biosciences.elewa.org
The experimental soils were sandy clay, containing transformations, fixations and changes into other
57.1 % sand 38.28 % clay and 4.62% silt. forms in the soil that are not readily available to the
Comparatively, the soil had about the same P plant is a major challenge (Resende et al., 2006).
content initially, but less Ca and Mg, than the cow This might explain why a higher content of
dung and the rumen digesta (Table 1). phosphorous in the rumen digesta is not reflected
Compared with the control, cowdung in its uptake by plants. Efficient addition of
applied at 8 ton ha -1 resulted in the highest phosphatic fertilizers to soils in the tropics remains
nitrogen content in Gboma leaves (Table 2). a challenge, particularly in long-term soil
Nitrogen content was higher in leaves of plants management (Resende et al., 2007).
treated with cowdung than those treated with After treating soil with cow dung or rumen digesta,
rumen digesta. Results further showed that more nutrients were released into the soil (Table
nutrient uptake, especially Mg, P, and K were 3). Cow dung had more residual nutrient after
significantly higher (P>0.05) when manure was planting than rumen digesta.This is consistent with
applied at 2 ton ha-1. When compared with other expectations since decomposition of rumen digesta
treatments Phosphorous uptake by crop is affected is slower than for cowdung (Moyinjesu &
by various factors (David, 2004). P Atoyosoye, 2002).
Table 2: Analysis of leaf nutrient content after treating plants with cow dung or rumen digesta.
Treatment Cowdung
P(mg/kg) N (%) Ca (mg/kg) Mg (mg/kg) Na (mg/kg) K (mg/kg)
T1 2901.89 3.09 3502.63 420.32 11383.54 37653.24
T2 8838.85 3.39 3474.90 1621.62 9073.36 38416.99
T3 6478.11 3.25 3083.39 840.93 700.77 3223.55
T4 6283.20 3.75 2245.61 842.11 7578.95 29754.39
T5 3575.19 3.85 3731.98 203.56 10347.75 38846.48
Rumen digesta
T1 3545.49 1.87 2584.81 1163.17 10985.46 38126.01
T2 7028.66 2.54 2816.90 938.97 12050.08 36131.93
T3 4373.36 2.60 12389.38 2123.89 12389.38 9536.08
T4 5515.02 2.65 3891.60 500.35 10701.88 73446.33
T5 2877.08 2.72 2850.00 1520.19 11084.72 743049.33
Journal of Applied Biosciences (2008), Vol. 7: 202 – 206.
ISSN 1997 – 5902: www.biosciences.elewa.org
Table 3: Chemical analysis of soil after treatment with cow dung or rumen digesta.
Rumen digesta has higher C/N ratio than cowdung fertilizers contribute substantially to production cost
and thus more nutrients would be expected to be of crops and thus may not be possible to apply as
released into the soil from cowdung (Odedina et required (Malvancy et al., 2006). Looking inwards
al., 2007). The higher nutrient uptake in leaves of into locally available and affordable cheap source
plants treated with cowdung might be due to faster of nitrogen would therefore be appropriate to
release of nutrients from this type of manure. ensure sustainable production. On the overall
Rumen digesta decomposes more slowly and thus our findings show that cowdung is better, but not
would release less nutrients during the short period significantly superior to rumen digesta in improving
of gboma growth in the field (Moyinjesu & soil fertility. Thus either of the two organic wastes
Atoyosoye, 2002). The better growth of gboma could be used to improve soils. To validate the
vegetable after treatment with cow dung (Table 4) findings of this screenhouse based study, it is
might be due to longer retention of nutrients recommended that field based experiments be
against leaching. carried out. Since vegetable production in cities is
In the past 50years, increased use of N usually done on small pieces of land, and
fertilizers and better management were the major repeatedly over several years, the fertility of such
contributors to large increases in global food land could be improved through use of organic
productions (Smil, 2004). However, nitrogen wastes such as rumen digesta or dung wastes.
Journal of Applied Biosciences (2008), Vol. 7: 202 – 206.
ISSN 1997 – 5902: www.biosciences.elewa.org
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