PROFIBUS Interface
PROFIBUS Interface
PROFIBUS Interface
PROFIBUS Interface
User Manual
LinMot PROFIBUS Interface
© 2018 NTI AG
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1 System overview
The LinMot PROFIBUS drives E1130-DP, E1230-DP and E1430-DP are PROFIBUS-DP
Further information on PROFIBUS can be found under:
2 Installation on Drive
For installing the PROFIBUS-DP firmware on the drive, start the LinMot-Talk software and
press the install firmware button . Choose the file “Firmware_Buildxxxxxxxx.sct” and press
“Open“. The wizard will guide you through the installation. The PROFIBUS-DP interface will
be automatically selected and loaded.
Dis-/Enable With the Dis-/Enable parameter the LinMot drive can be run without
the PROFIBUS going online. So in first step the system can be
configured and run without any bus connection.
PROFIBUS Interface\ Dis-/Enable
Disable The drive runs without PROFIBUS.
Enable The drive runs only with a PROFIBUS connection.
CAN Term
RS485 Term
Node Address This directory contains the parameters defining the node address.
By default, the node address is set by the rotary switches S1 and S2.
MC CMD Intf Par Order Defines the used parameter word order.
PROFIBUS Interface\ Byte/Word Order\MC CMD Intf Par Order
Reversed Order is reversed. CMD Header - Par word 1 - Par word 0 - Par
word 3 - Par word 2 - etc...
Not reversed Order is not reversed. CMD Header - Par word 0 - Par word 1 -
Par word 2 - Par word 3 - etc...
Node Address:
This shows the used node address, which can be either configured by
the two rotary hex-switches S1/S2 or by parameter settings, as a
decimal number.
Baud Rate:
The baud rate is auto detect. This shows the baud rate, which was
found on the bus. Zero means no baud rate found.
Bus Cycle Time fast:
This shows the actual cycle time in s. The fast Cycle time is updated
up to 10ms.
Bus Cycle Time slow:
This shows the actual cycle time in ms. This value can be used when
the bus cycle time is extremely large (>10ms).
DP State:
This shows the actual state of the LinMot internal DP-State machine:
- (0) Initialise: The firmware is initialising the PROFIBUS Interface
- (1) Searching Baud rate: The detection of the baud rate is in
- (2) Wait for Parameter Telegram: No valid parameter telegram has
been received.
- (3) Wait for Configuration Telegram: No valid configuration telegram
has been received.
- (4) Ready for Data Exchange: The PROFIBUS is ready for Data
Exchange, but the master has not done the transition.
- (5) Data Exchange: The PROFIBUS is running and exchanging
cyclic data with the master.
There are the following modules defined, to be configured according the demands of the
desired application:
Word DO DI
1. Parameter Channel Control Parameter Channel Status
2. Argument (meaning depends on Cmd Argument (meaning depends on Cmd
3. Argument (meaning depends on Cmd Argument (meaning depends on Cmd
4. Argument (meaning depends on Cmd Argument (meaning depends on Cmd
Command Count
A new command is only evaluated, if the value of the command count changes. In the
easiest way bit 0 could be toggled.
Parameter Command ID
This selects the command.
Address Usage:
calculationNot used for Hash
Life Parameter
ROM Write
RAM Write
ROM Read
RAM Read
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command Table: Get Entry List (0..7) (Command IDs 87h .. 8Eh)
Word DO DI
1. Parameter Channel Control Parameter Channel Status
2. - Offset in bytes
3. - Bit field (Bit set= undefined / Bit cleared =
4. - Bit field (Bit set= undefined / Bit cleared =
With STEP7 from Siemens the module “Universal Module” must never be
8 PROFIBUS Diagnosis
The LinMot drive supports 12 bytes of diagnostic data. The diagnosis telegram is according
the following table:
Byte Description
0..5 Data according PROFIBUS-DP standard
6..7 Extended Diagnosis Header and stuffing
8..9 Warn Word (see chapter 11 for description)
10..11 Error Code (see chapter 10 for description)
9 Display
The drive has two real-time LEDs:
• OK (green LED)
10 Error Codes
Please refer to “User Manual Motion Control Software” for the Error Codes of the MC
Software. The PROFIBUS Interface has the following additional Error Codes:
11 Warn Word
Please refer to “User Manual Motion Control Software”.
1. Release lock state: Control Word = 0000h (Only needed if StateVar MainState is 00h) :
StateVar MainState becomes 09h: Homing, Homing is finished if SubState becomes 0Fh
StateVar MainState becomes 08h: Operation Enabled, Drive is ready for motion commands
To send the next command the count nibble has to be changed. The header for the next VAI
Go To Pos command is therefore 0100h.
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PROFIBUS Interface
As it appears with LinMot-Talk after “Read Command” in the Control Panel:
Example task: Change the “Maximal Current” (UPID 13A6h) over Profibus while firmware is
As Command ID use 13h “Write RAM Value of Parameter by UPID”, Command Count 1
The UPID of “Maximal Current” is 13A6h. The internal scaling of the current value is 0.001A:
3A (Scaled) = 3000 (Int) = 0000088Bh (HEX)
Add a new User Defined variable by clicking on the button UPID and search for the UPID
Hint: Consider the Command Count in the Parameter Channel Control. A new command is
only evaluated, if the value of the command count changes. In the easiest way bit 0 could be
13 Troubleshooting
If the PROFIBUS connection is not working, proceed as followed:
- Is the correct firmware installed on the drive? When installing the firmware the
PROFIBUS interface must be selected. The actual firmware and configuration
software can always be downloaded from
- Is the node address correct (attention, the rotary switches are hexadecimal)?
The correct setting can be verified with LinMot-Talk in the variables section
under \PROFIBUS\Node Address
- When using a S7 PLC from Siemens, the “universal module” should never be
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