Objectives & Action Plan
Objectives & Action Plan
Objectives & Action Plan
Write about the ideal future you have just imagined for 10 minutes. Write continuosly and try not to stop while you are writing. D
Dream while you write and don't stop. Write anything until the 10 minutes have passed. Be ambitious. Imagine a life that you wo
Remember you are only writing for yourself. Choose goals that you want to pursue for your own private reasons, not because s
Include your deepest thoughts and feelings about all your personal goals.
You have now written about the future you want to have. Clearly defining your future can help reduce the uncertainty in your life
experience, in consequence. This is good for your confidence and for your health. Having well defined goals also increases you
experience most of their hope and joy and curiosity and engagement as a consequence of pusuing valued goals (and not by at
It can also be very useful to deeply imagine the future you would like to avoid. You probably know people who have made very
want. You also likely have weaknesses yourself. If you let those get out of control then you might end up with a miserable, pain
Spend some time, now, thinking about what your life would be like if you failed to define or pursue your goals, if you let your ba
resentful and bitter. Imagine your life 3 to 5 years down the road, if you failed to stay on the path you know you should be on. U
have experienced in the past, when you betrayed yourself.
Think about people you know who have made bad decisions or remained indecisive or who chronically deceive themselves or o
Dream while you write and don't stop. Write at least until the 10 minutes have passed. Let yourself form a very clear picture of t
Steps Details Goal 1
Break down your ideal
A personal goal might be "I would like to
future into 6-8 goals.
be healthier."
A career goal might be "I woul like to start
a business."
A social goal might be "I would like to meet
more people."
Action Plan
Monthly coaching session with the aim to:
- become more aware of tendencies
- set reasonable goals
- receive criticism
- focus on meaning over perfection
- procrastrination