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GE Oil & Gas

Oilfield Technology

robust, reliable
GE’s Measurement While Drilling (MWD) systems and Logging While Drilling
(LWD) plug-and-play options provide reliable and accurate instrumentation
for optimum well placement in a wide range of drilling environments.
World leaders in drilling measurement instrumentation
GE Oil & Gas designs, develops and engineers state-of-the-art MWD and LWD sensors and systems for customers
to run well site operations for oil and gas corporations. Our research and development is continuous to ensure
we always provide reliable technology, delivered on a global scale through exceptional customer service,
specialist sales and local customer support.

Excellence you can rely on

Escalating costs of drilling operations and increasing well profile complexity are leading to more demand for
formation evaluation measurements during the drilling process. Such measurements can be acquired while
drilling to optimize the placement of the wellbore and provide valuable information about the reservoir.

Our LWD systems are designed to fit seamlessly into GE MWD platforms and provide a range of features
to address numerous drilling applications. Our resistivity systems can be used to complement gamma ray
measurements for simple bed boundary identification and determination of hydrocarbon/water contacts.
Real-time analysis of resistivity measurements whilst drilling allows the geologist to geosteer the well to
optimum well placement within the targeted reservoir zone.

The MWD business is highly capital intensive. The fewer assets needed to perform the job and the more active
service days achieved, the better the return on investment. Efficient equipment utilization is directly related to
tool reliability.

GE’s MWD systems incorporate the latest micro-circuit design and electronic packaging to withstand the
severity of the most demanding conditions. The technical sophistication of these systems results in simple
to use, uncomplicated designs offering significant improvements in operational efficiency. A wide range
of transmission options are available that offer solutions for traditional horizontal and directional drilling,
managed pressure drilling, coal bed methane exploitation and high efficiency vertical drilling.

Improving industry standards

Focused on improving industry performance and safety standards, GE is the recognized leader for high
accuracy sensors that operate in the most extreme environments with a safe and efficient record.
MWD Systems
Data Acquisition – Surface Systems Transmission Systems – Positive Pulse,
GE MWD and LWD systems transmit directional measurements Negative Pulse and Electromagnetic
and logging data for real-time display. In addition data are GE offers a range of MWD transmission systems to address
stored at higher resolution in the tool memory for retrieval at a wide range of drilling applications. Transmission systems
surface and merged with depth data to provide final logs. A include positive or negative mud pulse and electromagnetic
comprehensive set of surface equipment is supplied with systems for unconventional drilling applications.
each system.


Tensor Geolink
Solenoid-driven pulser (Page 6) Mud pulse transmitter (Page 8)

Electromagnetic transmission system (Page 9)

WellTracer II and Pilot MWD Systems
The WellTracer II and Pilot MWD systems offer an entry-level option for customers wishing to
use proven GE technology. WellTracer II systems are specifically designed for vertical well
monitoring with minimal operator presence. The Pilot MWD system provides full MWD
capability with optional gamma upgrade for drill collar sizes ranging from 3 ½ in. (89 mm) to
9 ½ in. (241 mm) O.D.

• Retrievable/Reseatable  ireline-retrievable MWD probe reduces lost-in-hole risk and eliminates tripping to
replace equipment.

• Motor-Driven Pulser Pulser exerts up to 100 lb force for improved LCM tolerance.

• Power Efficient  p to 400 hours battery life with Pilot MWD system, enabling prolonged runs and
reducing battery consumption.


Motor-Driven Pulser Directional Module (DM)

The motor-driven pulser is a bottom-mounted, positive mud A simplified design of the full-feature DM is used to provide
pulse, retrievable/reseatable, high LCM tolerance device. vertical well survey data for the WellTracer II system.

Technical Overview

Pilot Motor-Driven Pulser Directional Module (DM)

A high-efficiency lead-screw motor assembly produces the positive pressure pulses The Pilot DM uses Q-Flex inclinometers and tri-axial flux-gate magnetometers to
that send information measured downhole to the surface in real time. The pulser provide wellbore inclination, azimuth and toolface orientation measurements. The
design is based on Bernoulli’s Principle; the main poppet moves down into the main transmission sequences are completely configurable by the operator at the rig site
orifice when the pilot valve is activated. The mud flow is restricted, which generates for pulse width, data resolution, order of parameters within a sequence and number
an increase in circulating pressure. NOTE: Pilot and WellTracer II systems require of updates per sequence. A simplified version suitable for vertical wells is available
different pulser versions. with the WellTracer II system.

WellTracer II and Pilot MWD Systems
The surface systems are compact for efficient rig up and provide a user-friendly interface
for operators. The rig floor display (RFD) is based on a rugged computer integrated with
GE proprietary hardware and software. The RFD is installed in a compact, toughened
enclosure with a touch-screen interface. Two-way wireless communication may be added
to provide remote monitoring and additional logging functionality with gamma module.

• Compact with Few Components  esigned for rapid system rig up, the small RFD footprint allows versatile installation
on the rig floor.

• Easy to Operate Simple user interface results in reduced operator training costs.
T he WellTracer II system does not require an operator except for job set-up and
occasional rig visits for battery changes.


Rotary Connector Surface System

The GE rotary connector simplifies field tool make-up and The compact RFD is the central processor for the surface system.
reduces risk of damaging connectors.

Technical Overview

Battery Module Surface System

The lithium thionyl chloride battery pack provides power to operate the pulser, Flexible tool programming options allow the operator to select the optimum
directional sensors and control electronics. For longer operations, two modules can telemetry sequence and rate for the application. The wireless option permits
be connected in parallel and power will switch to the second module when the first is communication between RFD and a remote laptop (for survey QC or gamma
fully depleted. Battery life of up to 600 hours for WellTracer II with one battery module. logging) and between RFD and MWD tool for tool programming and testing on deck.
In addition to the main components shown above, the surface system includes
GE Rotary Connector a complete set of test equipment required to test and fully configure the system.
The GE Rotary Connector simplifies field tool make-up and reduces risk of damaging Compatible with numerous depth tracking systems.
connectors. Connection integrity significantly improves mean time between failures (MTBF).

Tensor MWD System
The well-established and reliable Tensor MWD system is acknowledged as the industry
standard in retrievable MWD systems. Comprised of a downhole probe-based tool with a
bottom-mounted pulser, modular tool components and associated surface systems, the
Tensor directional system provides real-time azimuth, inclination and tool face data via
positive mud pulse telemetry. Plug-and-play options are available to provide gamma and
resistivity for LWD applications.

• Retrievable/Reseatable Wireline-retrievable MWD probe reduces lost-in-hole risk and eliminates tripping to
replace equipment.

• High Temperature Rating Recognized as the system of choice for hot-hole applications, MWD and LWD tools are
rated to 175ºC (347ºF) operating temperature.

• Configurable Additional modules for gamma or Centerfire propagation resistivity can be easily
added as required.


Solenoid-Driven Pulser Tensor Directional Module (DM)

The pulser provides the positive pressure pulses to transmit The DM makes measurements of the earth’s gravitational and
measured data from downhole to surface. magnetic fields to calculate the inclination and azimuth of the
wellbore and orientation of drilling tools.

Centralizers are used to minimize vibration within the tool and
to centralize the sensors within the drill collar for accurate

Technical Overview

Solenoid-Driven Pulser Tensor Directional Module (DM)

The bottom-mounted solenoid-driven Tensor pulser and MWD probe are wireline The Tensor DM uses tri-axial flux gate magnetometers and Q-Flex inclinometers to
retrievable. The pulser is seated in a muleshoe assembly just above the motor. provide measurements of wellbore azimuth, inclination, toolface and tool temperature.
The pulser main poppet moves down into the main orifice when the pilot valve is The primary DM calibration is performed in our state-of-the-art Total Field
activated. The mud flow is restricted, resulting in a positive pressure pulse. This Calibration lab, and can be recalibrated in our service centers using the latest
design uses Bernoulli’s Principle of fluid dynamics to supplement battery power techniques in a Helmholtz Coil, ensuring sensor accuracy at all orientations and over
with energy from the fluid flow to increase battery life. The Dual Smart Coil solenoid the entire operating temperature range.
design maximizes pull force.
The Pilot motor-driven pulser can also be used within the Tensor MWD system For the standard retrievable configuration, collapsible bow spring centralizers are used
if requested. as they allow the tool to be retrieved through the upper BHA. In extremely harsh drilling
areas the tool can be fitted with rubber fin stabilizers for more robust vibration protection;
however, in this configuration, the tool is not retrievable without tripping.

Tensor MWD System
The Tensor surface system hub is located in a safe area and is an extremely reliable,
efficient receiver and decoding system. Color LCD rig floor display, surface sensors and
peripherals are all connected to the hub. A comprehensive software interface ensures both
surface and downhole systems can be easily programmed for various tool combinations
and telemetry parameters.

• User-Friendly Software Robust decoding and simple tool programming interface results in quick and effective
operator training.

• Downlink Telemetry Change Operator can change data rates and telemetry parameters without tripping.

• Flexible Telemetry Operator selectable real-time data resolution and data sequences for optimizing
telemetry to application.


Surface System
Surface system comprises a Safe Area Interface (SAI), Rig Floor Display (RFD), surface sensors, logging computers and peripherals. The
system can be easily upgraded to support Tensor LWD services.

Technical Overview

Surface System
The RFD provides a driller’s graphical display. The SAI hub processes and decodes The proprietary MWD software provides operating and testing programs for MWD
the mud pulse signal and houses the required barriers for an intrinsically safe and LWD tools, allowing configuration of the RFD.
system. The output signal from the SAI is further processed into displays and logs
on a laptop computer.

Geolink MWD System
The Geolink MWD system is ideal for customers who require a collar-mounted system.
The system is recognized within the industry for its reliability, accuracy and quality. It is
available with either mud pulse or electromagnetic (EM) transmitter options; vibration
monitoring is provided in all configurations. A wide range of optional modules (gamma,
resistivity and pressure during drilling (PDD) enables expansion into markets requiring
increased service levels.

• Integral Vibration Measurements Real-time lateral and axial vibration data can be used to mitigate BHA damage and
optimize drilling efficiency.

• Reliability Stable, reliable and proven technology with a fixed mounting maximizes operational
efficiency and reduces operating costs for harsh environments.

• Accuracy Industry-leading directional sensor accuracy for precise well placement.


Mud Pulse Transmitter Survey Electronics Assembly (SEA2)

The transmitters produce negative pulses in the drilling fluid, High-accuracy measurements of wellbore inclination and
which are decoded at the surface by the computer system. azimuth are taken, stored in memory and transmitted in
real time to the surface.

Technical Overview

Standard and Ultraslim Transmitters Survey Electronics Assembly (SEA2)

The transmitters contain a solenoid-operated poppet valve which, when opened for Tri-axial flux-gate magnetometers and Q-Flex Inclinometers make the measurements
a period of 0.5 s, creates a pressure drop that is detectable by the surface system. The for wellbore inclination and azimuth with industry-leading accuracy. Additional
time between the pulses represents the data measured by the downhole sensors. The measurements include toolface, temperature and vibration monitoring. Survey
telemetry sequence is decoded by the surface computer system. quality control parameters are also transmitted in real time.

Geolink MWD System
The Geolink surface system uses proprietary Geolink software running on a Windows
operating system. Additional sensors allow either mud pulse or EM transmission to be
detected; each system is compatible with the optional plug-and-play depth tracking kit for
formation logging operations.

• Efficient Telemetry Rotation detection to maximize data update rates, vibration data only transmitted when
above safe range. Downlink capability to select optimum transmission sequence.

• Expandable Additional modules for LWD and pressure measurements can be added as required.

• EM Capable Provides reliable, high-data-rate signal detection independent of circulation or drilling

fluid properties.


EM Surface System E-Link Transmission System

Standard Geolink surface system can be easily be upgraded Comprising a gap sub, internal gap assembly, mounting kit and
with an EM signal detection kit. E-Link transmitter, the E-Link system can be used instead of
the negative pulse transmitter for Underbalanced or Managed
Pressure Drilling.

Technical Overview

E-Link Receiver E-Link Gap Sub and Transmitter

Ground electrodes are required to receive the EM signal from the E-Link tool. Either The gap sub incorporates an insulated tool joint to provide the electrical insulation
single or differential electrode systems (DES) can be used depending on signal between the upper and lower bottomhole assembly that is required by the
strength. The system includes a YAGI directional aerial and signal amplifier for DES propagation wave data transmission. The E-Link transmitter sends electromagnetic
detection mode. The surface interface box for the E-link system provides signal pulses comprising a carrier frequency modulated to one of four transmission
reception, filtering, processing functions and data output to the laptop computer frequencies, which are operator selectable for different drilling depths and formation
for decoding. A range of test equipment is supplied to enable efficient rig up of the properties.
surface signal detection system.

Tensor LWD System
The Tensor MWD system can be expanded to fulfill specific LWD project requirements by adding
the Scinturion Gamma Module and the Centerfire* resistivity tool. The LWD system is
specified to 175°C (347°F), uses a standard solenoid-driven pulser with the gamma module and
a special solenoid-driven pulser with a wet connect fitting to connect to the Centerfire tool.
Four tool configurations are possible with the Tensor LWD system: Scinturion Gamma Module
1. Directional-Gamma with the gamma tool placed above the The Scinturion gamma module can be added to a directional
pulser and using two battery modules. bottomhole assembly to provide a directional-gamma (DG)
service. The same gamma module can be placed directly below
2. Directional-Gamma-Resistivity with the gamma tool placed
the 4¾ in. and 6¾ in. Centerfire resistivity systems to provide a
below the resistivity and using three battery modules.
comprehensive LWD assembly. The 8¼ in. Centerfire system has
3. Resistivity-Gamma, memory only, with the tool powered by a the gamma module integrated into the body of the sub.
battery module below the gamma module.
Scinturion Key Features
4. Resistivity, memory only, with the tool powered by a battery
• High reliability from the gamma module using innovative shock
module below the resistivity sonde.
and vibration protection techniques and minimizing number of
• Increased gamma sensitivity by using a titanium housing.
• Gamma measurements closer to the drill bit when run below
the Centerfire tool.


Scinturion Gamma Module Scinturion Gamma Crystal

Connects directly into the directional tool and is powered from Unique mechanical suspension ensures reliable performance
the same battery modules. Can be positioned directly below under harsh conditions while maximizing crystal volume.
the Centerfire tool for LWD applications.

Technical Overview

Scinturion Gamma Module

The gamma module uses an industry-leading scintillation counter to measure
natural formation radioactivity. A patented shock-absorption method reduces the
amount of drilling vibration transmitted to the detector and ensures integrity of
recorded data.

Tensor LWD System

Centerfire Resistivity System Centerfire Key Features

The Centerfire resistivity system uses an industry standard • Eight borehole compensated resistivity measurements.
transmitter-receiver design to provide multiple depth of • Temperature rated up to 175°C (347°F).
investigation (DOI) borehole compensated resistivities. The fully
retrievable probe-based directional MWD module is situated above • Retrievable probe-based directional module.
the resistivity tool and can be removed from the tool string with
the logging data downloaded at the surface even if the rest of the
bottomhole assembly becomes stuck.


Centerfire Resistivity System Centerfire Wet Connect

Connects to the directional or directional-gamma tool via a The wet connect assembly enables connection of the MWD
wet connect on the bottom of the solenoid-driven pulser. pulser system to the resistivity collar and allows the probe to
be retrieved if required.

Technical Overview

Centerfire Resistivity System

The Centerfire tool uses a standard, symmetrical, four-transmitter and two-
receiver antenna configuration to make borehole-compensated measurements of
formation resistivities at eight depths of investigation. The tool has 19 and 41 in.
transmitter-receiver spacing and uses both 400 kHz and 2 MHz frequencies. The
data are transmitted to the surface in real time and recorded in downhole memory
at a higher data density. The Centerfire tool may be run in memory-only mode by
powering it from a battery module connected below the resistivity sonde.

Geolink LWD System
The Geolink MWD system features a wide range of components that can be added to
provide a comprehensive suite of measurements. Along with gamma, pressure and
vibration modules, a choice of single or multiple depth of investigation resistivity tools are
available to provide LWD services.

Modular Gamma Ray Assembly (MGRA) Pressure During Drilling (PDD)

The MGRA uses wireline-standard measurement technology in a The PDD tool measures both drillpipe and annulus pressure, transmits
patented rugged assembly to provide an accurate API gamma log the data in real time via the SEA and transmission system, and stores
while drilling to allow real-time identification of basic sand-shale the information at a higher data density in memory to be downloaded
sequences and formation tops. at the surface. The data are presented as either equivalent circulating
density (ECD) or pressure allowing for real-time decisions to maintain
The MGRA is capable of transmitting real-time formation gamma safety and efficiency levels.
ray information and stores high resolution data downhole that can
be downloaded from memory when the tool is brought back to PDD Key Features
surface. • Easy add-on to directional or directional-gamma tool strings
MGRA Key Features • Self-powered
• Calibrated to the API standard—directly comparable • Rated to 15,000 psi/1,034 bar (20,000 psi/1,380 bar on request)
to wireline logs
• Rugged patented design is extremely reliable
• Geolink Navigator Plus software with user-friendly surface
interface and log plotting capabilities


Modular Gamma Ray Assembly (MGRA) Pressure During Drilling (PDD)

Rugged scintillation counter, state-of-the-art electronics and Drillpipe and annulus pressure measurements make the PDD
compact assembly for reliable determination of formation tool ideal for managed pressure drilling.
boundaries and estimation of formation composition.

Technical Overview

Modular Gamma Ray Assembly (MGRA) Pressure During Drilling (PDD)

The MGRA measures natural formation gamma ray emissions by means of a NaI The PDD tool uses two piezo-resistive sensors to accurately measure wellbore
crystal scintillation counter and photo-multiplier tube, transmits the data to surface pressures, is self-powered from lithium thionyl chloride batteries and may be added
and stores in memory at a higher data density for surface download. The tool is to any other Geolink tool string configuration or run in standalone,
calibrated to API standards using a secondary calibration technique (the primary memory-only mode.
calibration having been performed at the University of Houston test pit) and the log
is presented in Apparent API units (AAPI).

Geolink LWD System

TRIM Induction Resistivity Tool Compact Propagation Resistivity (CPR)

TRIM provides wireline-comparable induction resistivity measurements The CPR tool uses propagation wave techniques to provide phase
from its unique side-mounted coil arrangement. The physical layout of and attenuation resistivity measurements from three sensor spacings
the tool ensures protection for electronics and coils and enables quick and two frequencies. The tool uses a unique transmitter-receiver
and easy service turnaround. configuration to keep tool length shorter than conventional
propagation wave tools—with borehole compensation achieved
TRIM Key Features using the properties of EM reciprocity.
• 20 kHz frequency, comparable to wireline induction tools
CPR Key Features
• Unique physical layout protects sensitive components and • Up to 12 depths of investigation
ensures ease of maintenance
• Compensated or uncompensated data available depending
• Depth of investigation (DOI) equivalent to deep-reading wireline on client requirements
induction measurement
• Short tool length for ease of handling and maintenance


TRIM Induction Resistivity Tool Compact Propagation Resistivity (CPR)

Unique design ensures a robust and compact tool for Innovative tool design provides industry-standard propagation
the provision of wireline-comparable induction resistivity wave resistivity measurements at multiple DOI from a shorter
measurements. instrument length.

Technical Overview

TRIM Induction Resistivity Tool Compact Propagation Resistivity (CPR)

TRIM uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to measure formation The CPR tool uses the principles of electromagnetic propagation to make
resistivities. The use of a 20 kHz frequency makes the measurement directly measurements of formation resistivities at three transmitter-receiver spacings
comparable to deep wireline induction tool measurements and less likely to require (18, 27 and 36 in.) using two frequencies (400 kHz and 2 MHz). Uncompensated
borehole corrections (drilling fluid and borehole size dependant). One (1) deep phase difference and attenuation resistivities are calculated giving a total of 12
measurement is made. possible DOI measurements. Borehole compensation is achieved using the principle
of electromagnetic reciprocity, depth aligning dual receiver and dual transmitter
measurements and taking an average. By using only two transmitters and three
receivers, tool length is kept shorter than competitor tools, while also offering
borehole compensated measurements.

Systems Feature Comparison

WellTracer II Pilot Tensor Geolink

Positive Pulse

Negative Pulse

Electromagnetic (EM) Transmission

Motor Driven Pulser 1

Retrievable 2

Directional Sensor Full Range 3

Vibration Monitoring

Temperature Sensor

175°C (347°F) Temperature Rated

Gamma Option

Pressure During Drilling Option

Propagation Resistivity Option

Induction Resistivity Option

1 Optional for Tensor directional and directional-gamma systems

2 Only EM is retrievable

3 Limited toolface and inclination range

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