Cur Map Computer 1

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Pres. Quirino Treasured Child School, Inc.

Purok Capilar, Polacion, President Quirino, Sultan Kudarat, Philippines

Government Recognition No: Kindergarten SK469030 – 113 S. 2021 | Elementary SK469030 – 086 S. 2021 | Junior High School: SK469030 – 041 S. 2021
SHS Permit to Operate ABM & GAS: SHS-R12-132 S 2016 | SHS Permit to Operate STEM & HUMSS: SHS-R12-015 S 2021
Tel. No. (064) 562-5989 | Mobile No: +63967-958-4548 | e-mail: |

Curriculum Map in Computer 1

SY: 2022-2023

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

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Dynamic and holistically developed value-oriented persons responsive to the changing society.

We commit ourselves to:
1. Offer quality instruction and formation programs for the total development of persons;
2. Provide the community diverse educational programs and services for the acquisition of appropriate competencies, development of multiple skills and enhancement of positive attitudes; and
3. Form vibrant leaders imbued with the value of peace, love, excellence, respect, compassion and service to make a significant difference in the community.

C. Core Values Statement

We value:
1. PEACE when we:
 manifest cheerful disposition;
 willingly support and cooperate;
 demonstrate optimism;
 show good manners all the time; and
 point out what is good in others
2.LOVE when we:
 consistently exhibit generosity and kindness;
 share what we have to others regardless of gender, belief or economic status;
 manifest intense pride in being Filipinos;
 appreciate cultural diversity and global change; and
 show care for the Mother Earth
3.EXCELLENCE when we:
 settle for the best results;
 go beyond what is required;
 work for exemplary performance;
 faithfully observe the standards
 start and work promptly; and
 complete the expected work on time

4.RESPECT when we:
 appreciate the uniqueness of others;
 treat others fairly;
 show consideration for others;
 treat others with honor and dignity; and
 avoid bullying others
5.COMPASSION when we:
 encourage others during hard times;
 willingly listen to others in need;
 understand the feelings of others; and
 cheerfully assist others
6.SERVICE when we:
 willingly help others without expecting anything in return;
 do things beyond the call of duty;
 willingly share one’s time, talents, efforts and resources;
 are always ready when needed;
 do before we are told; and manifest good leadership and followership

D. Motto
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.” –Matthew 6:21

E. Philosophy
“Teach Them Well and Let Them Lead the way”
1. Teach the needs of each child and youth so they can feel capable and successful.
2. Provide curriculum that enhances the interests of children and youth to make learning relevant to life.
3. Tie learning into the world community to help children and youth become active members of the society.

F. Goals
1. Offer quality basic education for the acquisition of functional knowledge, skills and competencies.
2. Provide opportunities for growth and development and proper attitudes and values.
3. Enhance learning experiences through participation and collaboration with the religious, political and civic organization in the community.

G. Objectives
1. Articulate statement of philosophy, vision, mission, core values and objectives of the school.
2. Provide quality instruction for the acquisition of functional knowledge, skills, and competencies.
3. Provide holistic human development program.
4. Provide responsive development programs.
5. Provide supportive educational environment.
6. Provide academic support services.
7. Provide effective school governance and leadership.
8. Provide collaborative programs with the community of other stakeholders.

Figure 1. The conceptual Framework of Computer 1

Conceptual Framework

Pres. Quirino Treasured Child School, Inc.
Purok Capilar, Polacion, President Quirino, Sultan Kudarat, Philippines
Government Recognition No: Kindergarten SK469030 – 113 S. 2021 | Elementary SK469030 – 086 S. 2021 | Junior High School: SK469030 – 041 S. 2021
SHS Permit to Operate ABM & GAS: SHS-R12-132 S 2016 | SHS Permit to Operate STEM & HUMSS: SHS-R12-015 S 2021
Tel. No. (064) 562-5989 | Mobile No: +63967-958-4548 | e-mail: |


Course Description:
The beginning of 22nd century is an era characterized by rapid economic growth, innovations and technological changes. The signs are all around us. Early graders texting
on their cell phones. Kindergarteners who can navigate an iPod Touch better than we can. Middle schoolers who already have an Internet following on their blog or YouTube
channel. These are not the same 21st century learners we came to know over the first decade of the new millennium. For these students, simply watching videos or images during
class, playing an Internet multiplication game, or even taking turns at an interactive whiteboard is no longer enough.

The 22nd century learners are highly relational and demand quick access to new knowledge. More than that, they are capable of engaging in learning at a whole new level.
With the world literally at their fingertips, today's students need teachers and administrators to re-envision the role of technology in the classroom. It is in this light that the authors
were inspired to write Cyber Interactive Series K to 6. The book is designed to make children learn more about computers on their own recognizing the importance of acquisition
of life- long skills, a reflective understanding and internalization of principles and values and the development of the person's multiple intelligences. Moreover, the book wish to
teach present generation of computer users, the "digital natives" to be responsible and ethical life-long learners of digital age.

This series intends to make computer learning and enjoyable and to prepare the pupils for the world of technology they will meet in the future.
The series will help the learners to discover all about computers and what computers can do. It tries to explain the concept about how computer works in everyday living
and also teaches kids how to take care of the computer.

The learner demonstrates and requires students to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving the history of
LEARNING AREA STANDARD computers, the use of every part of the computer, the different Microsoft application and the proper uses of internet in different ages
The learner demonstrates and appreciation of key concepts and proper use of the computer as well as it applied - using appropriate technology,
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD communicating, reasoning, making connections, representations, proper taking of computers, and how it uses in different ages as it will connect to the
decisions in real life.
CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates basic understanding of using the computer and its parts
The learner is able to appreciate the use of computer in education

Content: Learning Competency References/ Institutional

First Unit Topic Activities Assessment Learning Materials Core Values
School Based Home Based Formative Summative
(8 Weeks)
1. History of Acquisition: ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s
Week 1-2 Computers 1. Recognize the Reading Draw your Match the following Textbook), Dr. O. Excellence:
different evolution of favorite evolution pictures of different True or False Nath Varma, - Work for
computer of computers computers to its Mauritius Institute of exemplary
names Education (2017) performance,
Make Meaning: Spelling Multiple Choice -start and work
2. Discuss the Cyber Interactive (MS promptly
different evolution of Word and MS
computer Word Puzzle Arrange the jumbled Publisher) 1, Pastor,
words to complete Identification F. N., Barsolaso, M.L.,
3. Explain the uses of the sentence and Rubio, R.J.
computer Drawing Bright House
Publishing, 5 Services
Transfer: Look at the picture. Cor. Insurance St.,
3. Draw the different Picture Analysis Identify its name Proj. 8, Quezon
evolution of and year. City, Metro
computer Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116
4. Explain the
differences of
different computers

2. Computer Acquisition: Reading Fill in the crossword ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s
Week 13-4 Fundamentals 1. Identify the Draw the set of with the help of the Textbook), Dr. O. Excellence:
fundamentals of the computers pictures and letters True or False Nath Varma, - Work for
computer given Mauritius Institute of exemplary
Spelling Education (2017) performance,
2. Describe the Multiple Choice -start and work
pictures that shows Choose the word Cyber Interactive (MS promptly
the fundamental of Word Puzzle that describes the Word and MS
computer pictures and write Publisher) 1, Pastor,
the correct answer Identification F. N., Barsolaso, M.L.,
Make Meaning; Drawing in the box and Rubio, R.J.
Bright House
3. Define the parts of Publishing, 5 Services
the computer Picture Analysis Find the following Cor. Insurance St.,
words in the puzzle Proj. 8, Quezon
4. Discuss the uses of City, Metro
different parts of the Manila, NCR,
computer Philippines, 1116

5. Draw the parts of
the computer
3. Computer Acquisition: Reading Read the following ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s
Week 5-6 Operations 1. Describe the Draw the statement carefully. Textbook), Dr. O. Excellence:
picture shown computer On the space True or False Nath Varma, - Work for
operations provided, write Mauritius Institute of exemplary
Make Meaning: Spelling TRUE if the Education (2017) performance,
2. Define the different statement is correct Multiple Choice -start and work
software of the and FALSE is does Cyber Interactive (MS promptly
computers Word Puzzle not. Word and MS
Publisher) 1, Pastor,
3. Discuss the uses of Identification F. N., Barsolaso, M.L.,
each software in Drawing and Rubio, R.J.
computer operations Fill in the missing Bright House
words to complete Publishing, 5 Services
Transfer: Picture Analysis the sentence Cor. Insurance St.,
4. Draw the computer Proj. 8, Quezon
operations City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116

4. Computer Acquisition: True or False ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s

Week 7-8 Software and 1. Recognize the Draw the software Look at the words in Textbook), Dr. O. Excellence:
Hardware different uses of the Reading and hardware of the box. Categorize Nath Varma, - Work for
parts of the computer the computer their names Multiple Choice Mauritius Institute of exemplary
according to their Education (2017) performance,
Make Meaning: category -start and work
2. Explain the Spelling Cyber Interactive (MS promptly
computer software Identification Word and MS
and hardware Write H for the Publisher) 1, Pastor,
Word Puzzle picture that shows F. N., Barsolaso, M.L.,
Transfer: hardware and S that and Rubio, R.J.
3. Organize the shows software Bright House
different software Drawing Publishing, 5 Services
and hardware Cor. Insurance St.,
Proj. 8, Quezon
Picture Analysis City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116

The learner demonstrates and requires students to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving the history of
LEARNING AREA STANDARD computers, the use of every part of the computer, the different Microsoft application and the proper uses of internet in different ages
The learner demonstrates and appreciation of key concepts and proper use of the computer as well as it applied - using appropriate technology,
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD communicating, reasoning, making connections, representations, proper taking of computers, and how it uses in different ages as it will connect to the
decisions in real life.
CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates basic understanding of using the different tools use for education
The learner is able to appreciate the use of computer and its tool in education

Content: Learning Competency References/ Institutional
Second Unit Topic Activities Assessment Learning Materials Core Values
School Based Home Based Formative Summative
(8 Weeks)
1. Word Acquisition: Reading Identify the tools True or False
Week 9-10 Processing 1. Describe the files, Practice typing in uses in Microsoft ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s Excellence:
folders, drives and the your computer at word. Textbook), Dr. O. - Work for
Microsoft Word home Multiple Choice Nath Varma, exemplary
Spelling Mauritius Institute performance,
Make Meaning: Label the names of of Education (2017)
2. Explain the use of the tools in the
the files, folders, drives Word Puzzle Microsoft word Identification Cyber Interactive
and the Microsoft (MS Word and MS
Word Publisher) 1, Pastor,
Drawing F. N., Barsolaso,
Transfer: M.L., and Rubio, R.J.
3. Create a folder and Bright House
practice typing in the Picture Analysis Publishing, 5
Microsoft Word Services Cor.
Insurance St., Proj.
8, Quezon
City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116
2. Mouse Skills Acquisition: Identify the parts of
Week 11- 1. Describe the uses of Drawing the the computer ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s Excellence:
12 computer mouse Reading computer mouse mouse and its uses. True or False Textbook), Dr. O. - Work for
Write your answer Nath Varma, exemplary
Make Meaning: in the space Mauritius Institute performance,
2. Explain the uses of provided Multiple Choice of Education (2017) -start and work
computer mouse Spelling promptly
Cyber Interactive
Transfer: Read the statement (MS Word and MS
3. Draw the computer Word Puzzle carefully. Write Identification Publisher) 1, Pastor,
mouse TRUE if the F. N., Barsolaso,
statement is correct M.L., and Rubio, R.J.
Drawing and FALSE if does Bright House
not Publishing, 5
Services Cor.
Picture Analysis Insurance St., Proj.
8, Quezon
City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116
3. Spreadsheet Acquisition: Reading Create a simple data
Week 13- 1. Define the Practice typing in in the spreadsheet True or False ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s Excellence:
14 spreadsheet and its your computer at Textbook), Dr. O. - Work for
tool icons home Nath Varma, exemplary
Spelling Enumerate the Multiple Choice Mauritius Institute performance,
Make Meaning: different tools in of Education (2017) -start and work
2. Explain the use of spreadsheet promptly
spreadsheet and its Word Puzzle Cyber Interactive
tool icons Identification (MS Word and MS
Publisher) 1, Pastor,
Transfer: Drawing Identify the name of F. N., Barsolaso,
3. Create a simple data the different tools in M.L., and Rubio, R.J.
in the spreadsheet spreadsheet Bright House
Picture Analysis Publishing, 5
Services Cor.
Insurance St., Proj.
8, Quezon
City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116
2. Machines Acquisition: Reading Match the pictures
Week 15- Helps us 1. Identify the different Draw your that best describe True or False ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s Excellence:
16 benefits of machines in favorite machines about how the Textbook), Dr. O. - Work for
daily life machines help us Nath Varma, exemplary
Spelling Multiple Choice Mauritius Institute performance,
Make Meaning: of Education (2017) -start and work
2. Explain the Read the statement promptly
importance of using Word Puzzle carefully. Write Cyber Interactive
the machines in daily TRUE if the Identification (MS Word and MS
life statement is correct Publisher) 1, Pastor,
Drawing and FALSE if it is not F. N., Barsolaso,
Transfer: M.L., and Rubio, R.J.
3. Create a scenario Bright House
that shows the uses of Picture Analysis Publishing, 5
machines in daily life Services Cor.
Insurance St., Proj.
8, Quezon
City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116

The learner demonstrates and requires students to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving the history of
LEARNING AREA STANDARD computers, the use of every part of the computer, the different Microsoft application and the proper uses of internet in different ages
The learner demonstrates and appreciation of key concepts and proper use of the computer as well as it applied - using appropriate technology,
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD communicating, reasoning, making connections, representations, proper taking of computers, and how it uses in different ages as it will connect to the
decisions in real life.
CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates basic understanding of ethics, safety and do’s and don’ts in using the computer
The learner is able to practice the ethics, safety, and the do’s and don’ts in using the computer inside the computer laboratory.

Content: Learning Competency References/ Institutional

Third Unit Topic Activities Assessment Learning Materials Core Values
School Based Home Based Formative Summative
(8 Weeks)
1. PowerPoint Acquisition: Label the names of
Week 17- Presentation 1. Recognize the uses pf Reading Practice creating the tools uses in the True or False ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s Excellence:
18 PowerPoint slides in the powerpoint Textbook), Dr. O. - Work for
Presentation powerpoint presentation Nath Varma, exemplary
presentation Multiple Choice Mauritius Institute performance,
Make Meaning: Spelling of Education (2017) -start and work
2. Explain the uses of promptly
PowerPoint Draw the icons of Cyber Interactive
Presentation Word Puzzle powerpoint Identification (MS Word and MS
presentation Publisher) 1, Pastor,
Transfer: F. N., Barsolaso,
Drawing M.L., and Rubio, R.J.

3. Create a simple slide Bright House
of powerpoint Picture Analysis Publishing, 5
presentation Services Cor.
Insurance St., Proj.
8, Quezon
City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116
2. Health, Acquisition: Read the statement
Week 19- Safety and 1. Identify the do’s and Reading Enumerate the carefully. Circle the True or False ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s Excellence:
20 Ethics don’ts in using the advantages and letter of the correct Textbook), Dr. O. - Work for
computer disadvantages of answer that best Nath Varma, exemplary
using the describes the proper Multiple Choice Mauritius Institute performance,
Make Meaning: Spelling computer ethics in using the of Education (2017) -start and work
2. Explain the proper computer promptly
uses of the computer Cyber Interactive
Word Puzzle Identification (MS Word and MS
Transfer: Enumerate the Publisher) 1, Pastor,
3. Create an instruction safety precautions F. N., Barsolaso,
on how to take care of Drawing in using the M.L., and Rubio, R.J.
the computer computer Bright House
Publishing, 5
Picture Analysis Services Cor.
Insurance St., Proj.
8, Quezon
City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116
3. Microsoft Acquisition: Identify the
Week 21- Paint 1. Identify the colors Reading Draw the icons of different icons in True or False ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s Excellence:
22 use in the picture Microsoft paint the Microsoft paint Textbook), Dr. O. - Work for
Nath Varma, exemplary
Make Meaning: Multiple Choice Mauritius Institute performance,
Spelling of Education (2017) -start and work
Transfer: Explain the different promptly
2. Explain the uses of uses of Microsoft Cyber Interactive
the Microsoft paint Word Puzzle paint icons Identification (MS Word and MS
Publisher) 1, Pastor,
Transfer: F. N., Barsolaso,
3. Create a simple Drawing M.L., and Rubio, R.J.
painting in Microsoft Bright House
paint Publishing, 5
Picture Analysis Services Cor.
Insurance St., Proj.
8, Quezon
City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116
Proper Care Acquisition: Reading Write check in the ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s
Week 23- and 1. Distinguish the Explain the box that shows the True or False Textbook), Dr. O. Excellence:
24 Responsible proper caring of the important of way of caring the Nath Varma, - Work for
Use of computer being a computer and if not, Mauritius Institute exemplary
Computers Spelling responsible user just leave it blank Multiple Choice of Education (2017) performance,
Make Meaning: in computer -start and work
2. Explain the proper Write the letter C on Cyber Interactive promptly
care and being a Word Puzzle the statement that (MS Word and MS
responsible user in shows a correct Identification Publisher) 1, Pastor,
using the computer practice of taking F. N., Barsolaso,
Drawing care of our M.L., and Rubio, R.J.
Transfer: computer and if not, Bright House
3, Draw a picture that write NC Publishing, 5
shows the proper care Picture Analysis Services Cor.
of computer Insurance St., Proj.
8, Quezon
City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116

The learner demonstrates and requires students to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving the history of
LEARNING AREA STANDARD computers, the use of every part of the computer, the different Microsoft application and the proper uses of internet in different ages
The learner demonstrates and appreciation of key concepts and proper use of the computer as well as it applied - using appropriate technology,
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD communicating, reasoning, making connections, representations, proper taking of computers, and how it uses in different ages as it will connect to the
decisions in real life.

CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates basic understanding of proper using the internet and multimedia
The learner is able to follow the instruction in using the internet and multimedia

Content: Learning Competency References/ Institutional

Fourth Unit Topic Activities Assessment Learning Materials Core Values
School Based Home Based Formative Summative
(8 Weeks)
1. The Internet Acquisition: Reading ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s
Week 25- 1. Describe the Ask someone who Fill in the blank. Textbook), Dr. O. Excellence:
26 internet are using the Choose your answer True or False Nath Varma, - Work for
internet, the in the box Mauritius Institute exemplary
Make Meaning: Spelling benefits that they of Education (2017) performance,
2. Explain the uses and can get in using Multiple Choice -start and work
dangers of using the the internet Match the following Cyber Interactive promptly
Internet Word Puzzle names and their (MS Word and MS
description Publisher) 1,
Transfer: Identification Pastor, F. N.,
3. Write the do’s and Drawing Barsolaso, M.L.,
don’ts in using the and Rubio, R.J.
Internet Bright House
Picture Analysis Publishing, 5
Services Cor.
Insurance St., Proj.
8, Quezon
City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116
2.Internet Acquisition: Reading ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s
Week 27- Safety for Kids 1. Identify the safety in Explain why some Enumerate the ways True or False Textbook), Dr. O. Excellence:
28 using the internet other kids are not to stay safety online Nath Varma, - Work for
playing outside Mauritius Institute exemplary
Make Meaning: Spelling with other people Multiple Choice of Education (2017) performance,
2. Explain the internet -start and work
safety in using the Identify the proper Cyber Interactive promptly
internet Word Puzzle using of internet. (MS Word and MS
Identification Publisher) 1,
Transfer: Circle the correct Pastor, F. N.,
3. Draw the things that Drawing answer. Barsolaso, M.L.,
can show safety in and Rubio, R.J.
using the internet Bright House
Picture Analysis Publishing, 5
Services Cor.
Insurance St., Proj.
8, Quezon
City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116
3. Multimedia Acquisition: Fill in the blank the ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s
Week 29- 1. Identify the different Reading Explain the correct label of True or False Textbook), Dr. O. Excellence:
30 multimedia advantages and multimedia Nath Varma, - Work for
disadvantages in Mauritius Institute exemplary
Make Meaning: using the Multiple Choice of Education (2017) performance,
2. Explain the different Spelling multimedia inside List all the -start and work
multimedia uses for the classroom multimedia inside Cyber Interactive promptly
education the classroom (MS Word and MS
Word Puzzle Identification Publisher) 1,
Transfer: Pastor, F. N.,
3. Draw the Barsolaso, M.L.,
multimedia that shown Drawing and Rubio, R.J.
inside the classroom Bright House
Publishing, 5
Picture Analysis Services Cor.
Insurance St., Proj.
8, Quezon
City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116
4. The Social Acquisition: ICT Grade 1 (Pupil’s
Week 31- Web 1. Recognize the Reading Draw the social Write the names of True or False Textbook), Dr. O. Excellence:
32 different social web web that can the application Nath Varma, - Work for
watch movies, can below their picture. Mauritius Institute exemplary
Make Meaning: read articles and Choose your answer Multiple Choice of Education (2017) performance,
2. Discuss the uses of Spelling can listen to music in the box. -start and work
social web promptly
Cyber Interactive
Transfer: Word Puzzle Identification (MS Word and MS
3. Draw the social web Learn and fill the Publisher) 1,
that you are using missing words in the Pastor, F. N.,
Drawing statement. Choose Barsolaso, M.L.,
your answer in the and Rubio, R.J.
box Bright House
Picture Analysis Publishing, 5
Services Cor.
Insurance St., Proj.
8, Quezon
City, Metro
Manila, NCR,
Philippines, 1116


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