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Agile AI
A Practical Guide to Building AI
Applications and Teams

Carlo Appugliese, Paco Nathan

& William S. Roberts

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: Agile AI Processes and Outcomes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

The Agile Approach 3
AI Processes in Businesses Today 4
Beyond R&D 6
Organizing for AI 7
Why Agile for AI? 9
Summary 11

2. Understanding AI Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Contrasting Machine Learning and AI 13
The Role of Open Source in Innovation 15
Tooling 17
The Fundamentals of Machine Learning Projects 19
The Machine Learning Life Cycle 21
Distributed Workloads and Hybrid Environments 24
Summary 26

3. AI Skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Understanding the Skills and Culture 28
Team Skills Assessment 29
Core Skills 31
Building Teams 37

4. Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Use Cases 41
Data 42
Tools and Process 43

Mindset 43
Integration and Trust 44
Conclusion 45

iv | Table of Contents
Introduction: Agile AI
Processes and Outcomes

With a claim in a potentially $13 trillion market1 at stake over the

next decade, companies are working diligently to take advantage of
the high returns of embedding artificial intelligence (AI) in their
business processes—but project cost and failure rates are on the rise.
Problematically, there is no standard practice for how to implement
AI in your business. That makes it very difficult for business leaders
to reduce their risk of project failure.
Although this is a book about potential project failures, we’d be
remiss not to point out the potential damage of organizational fail‐
ures. An organization fails without a corporate will to even consider
AI projects because its leadership doesn’t understand how far
behind they are from industry leaders. To use a bike race as a simpli‐
fied metaphor: in AI, industry leaders are the small number of riders
in the breakaway, most businesses are in the peloton, and those
without the will to adopt AI forgot they were in the race and are
watching on TV. We don’t speak to building institutionalized beliefs
that enable you to avoid organizational failures in this book, but we
do help AI projects address failure.

1 McKinsey & Company, “AI Adoption Advances, but Foundational Barriers Remain,”
November 2018; T. Fountaine, B. McCarthy, T. Saleh, “Building the AI Powered Orga‐
nization”, Harvard Business Review (2019); S. Ransbotham, D. Kiron, P. Gerbert, M.
Reeves, “Reshaping Business with Artificial Intelligence”, MIT Sloan Management
Review (2017).

Why are project failure rates so high? There are three areas in which
things can go wrong (see Figure 1-1):
First, high skill levels are needed to harness AI.
Every use case can be developed in a different way. There is no
blueprint for developing AI applications and integrating them
into your current business workflow.
There are hundreds of open source and proprietary AI tools.
Each can have hidden limitations and costs. There is no guaran‐
tee of success.
Skills, processes, and tools are like a three-legged stool: if just one of
the three legs fails, the stool falls over. With this in mind, this book
offers an agile AI approach for business that will allow you to inno‐
vate quickly and reduce your risk of failure.

Figure 1-1. The three pillars of AI success

This book was written with technical leaders in mind, especially

those who have an understanding of data warehousing, analytics,
software engineering, and data science. But anyone interested in an
Agile approach to AI for business will find it useful.
In 2017, IBM created the IBM Data Science Elite (DSE) team, a team
of the world’s top data scientists, to help clients on their AI journey.
We have used AI in hundreds of projects to bring real business value
to our clients quickly. We’ve built a unique Agile methodology using
AI and teamed up with leaders in the open source space. We’ve writ‐
ten this book as a guide for business leaders and all technical teams
working on AI projects.

2 | Chapter 1: Introduction: Agile AI Processes and Outcomes

In hundreds of conversations about data science that we’ve conduc‐
ted with practitioners, we’ve come to learn that there is no singular
way to pursue AI to achieve their analytics goals. There are only
quicker ways or longer ways. Some businesses are just picking up
data science, and some are deep into their analytics journeys, but
their approaches all differ. In this book, we talk about those journeys
and aim to impress upon you the value of an Agile AI practice.

The Agile Approach

Agile is a software development methodology designed to address
the shortfalls of antiquated Waterfall development systems. In old
software development practices, a team would scope a product a
length of time into the future and build work-back plans. Each sepa‐
rate participatory team would address those capability requirements
week by week and then hand off their work to the next group.
For example, to build my factory widget-counting software product,
I know I need components A through C. The design team comes up
with the design of A, hands that to the product team, and then the
product team scopes my work for the engineering team. The design
team then picks up component B, and so on.
In new software development practices (Agile), teams work cross-
functionally to design minimally viable products (MVPs) and ship
iterations of those products quickly. The handoff becomes less of a
waterfall, in which one team’s work flows downstream—cascading, if
you will—to the next group. With Agile, the handoff is much more
Let’s now look at building my factory widget-counting software
product from an Agile perspective. I know that I need components
A through C. Design works with the product ownership team and
engineering to build and certify the MVP of component A, while
another cross-functional team can pick up component B.
Agile methodology tends to work so well because the process of
building software inevitably runs into unexpected roadblocks (i.e.,
one group doesn’t have sufficient permissions, infrastructure, or
budget). Delays happen. Bugs pop up. By building MVPs in smaller
chunks, you’re not going to push off the entire development timeline
as you would when one group botches its delivery date in handing
off to a separate siloed group.

The Agile Approach | 3

IBM has incorporated a unique Agile software development life
cycle (SDLC) approach in our engagements with clients, but focused
on building AI products. In it we use sprint development principles,
work on cross-functional teams, and focus on readouts. Sprints are
two-week-long time boxes, and readouts are times to “show & tell”
your work. Within each sprint, we prioritize understanding the
business problem, engineering data features based on our in-depth
understanding of the business problem, and then we quickly move
to train and test our models based on that understanding. These
iterative cycles allow us space for creativity as well establish a
rhythm for fast-paced problem solving. If we’re able to explain as
much of the variance in our data as we need, we’re done! Otherwise,
when we run into roadblocks with finding signal among the noise in
our data, we can shift our focus, include new insights from the busi‐
ness, and then begin to perform feature engineering all over again.

There are some basic statistical principles you need to

account for as you go through these iterations so that
you don’t invalidate your hypotheses.

This process—with its incorporated principles of design and solid

fundamentals of software development—has worked time after time
and is something we love to talk to leaders about.

AI Processes in Businesses Today

When we hear clients or coworkers discussing AI, our first thought
is to ask them to define what AI means to them so that we can have
a shared understanding. Lots of people think of AI as magic. Think
of it instead as analytics that you and your enterprise depend upon to
make decisions to drive your business. The term artificial intelligence
reflects a broad practice of systems that mimic human intelligence
to make informed business decisions based on your company data.
At the heart of human intelligence is the ability to learn, which
means that AI must involve mastering and democratizing machine
learning. If you and your team have used predictive analytics to
optimize your business workflows, you might be as close to AI as
anyone else out there.

4 | Chapter 1: Introduction: Agile AI Processes and Outcomes

AI has not yet reached the capacities of generalized intelligence; that
is, self-empowered, decision-making computers: an AI system with
the ability to reason and decide with the same capacity of an indus‐
try expert. Currently, it produces decisions informed by the histori‐
cal data stored over the years by your enterprise. Generalized AI will
be achieved at some point as tools and business applications
develop, but it might be that every industry will reach that milestone
in different time frames. For example, AI researchers hypothesize
that AI will automate all retail jobs in 20 years, whereas automating
human surgeries will take 40 years. But using AI for your business?
That is something you can do today—and something you need to do
When we began working with the credit-reporting service Experian,
we discussed some of its challenges with entity matching to build a
corporate hierarchy for all companies. Experian’s existing process
required a lot of human capital and time, and that limited its ability
to match entities across its full population. Although the company
understood AI, the best approach for this specific line of business
was not clear, so we worked with developers on small steps and in
quick iterations. The companies leading the way in adopting AI
understand the value of incremental changes, and Experian became
one of these successes.

Entity matching is resolving records of a database and

deciding which align to one another. In the corporate
hierarchy application, the question is framed as “which
two businesses (and, importantly, their subsidiaries)
are the same?”

When we share our experience with clients, we push them to move

fast: if you’re going to fail, you should do it quickly. You don’t really
know whether your approach will work until you model it with data.
So, you need to invest. It makes client projects more successful
because we test the theories we suppose to be true, and if those theo‐
ries aren’t borne out in data, we quickly discover that and adjust.
Contrast this development cycle to a traditional modeling life
cycle—think of the Waterfall design of software development in the
past, with the antiquated premise that good software can go through
a “design first, deliver final” process instead of iterating on work

AI Processes in Businesses Today | 5

Each of these approaches (Agile and traditional) was a decision our
clients made intentionally, and each is valid. Ultimately, the differ‐
ence distills down to the rate of adoption of each enterprise’s AI use

Beyond R&D
The most effective campaigns to achieve AI at enterprise scale tend
to focus related projects on business objectives. Let’s compare the
different ways companies are approaching AI to help us understand
data science compared to R&D.
If machine learning is the language behind AI, statistics are the
grammar of that language. Enterprises have long had analysts
reviewing historical data in search of trends using statistical princi‐
ples that are useful for reports and experimentation. Those reports
and experiments are one function of advising the business, and busi‐
ness analysts have achieved great success utilizing them, but often
the report is the final—or only—outcome of that wider analysis.
Predictive capabilities for AI, on the other hand, must be wrapped
into broader application deployments and made available.
By comparison, when they participate in conversations about AI,
many enterprises think only of their research and development
function. For line-of-business leaders, AI can feel unachievable, so
they might believe that whatever comes out of the research organi‐
zation will be the closest thing to AI that their enterprise will ach‐
ieve. Predictive algorithms are improving all the time, thanks to
R&D, and many organizations, from IBM to McKinsey, to Google,
have excellent research functions to do just that. AI, however, is not
the improvement of a function; rather, it’s the broad and strategic
application of a set of predictive capabilities designed up front to solve
difficult business problems.
As we look to drive business outcomes, IBM data science teams
embed with client teams working to solve the business problems at
hand, not their R&D functions. As we build out their AI capabilities,
we design our applications to operationalize the models from the
very beginning. It is common for enterprises, and our clients, to
struggle to make substantive use of their predictive solutions
because they don’t begin their data science exercise with the inten‐
tion of consuming the models they’ve spent many hours training. If
enterprises are to achieve AI or the ability to apply predictive

6 | Chapter 1: Introduction: Agile AI Processes and Outcomes

features in every function where it is economically feasible, they
need to begin each problem-solving exercise with the expectation
that their modeling will be consumed by some other application
Leaders like Quicken Loans that adopt an innovation culture con‐
firm our view that innovation occurs when it is focused on business
problems and embedded in each line of business. We’ve seen many
enterprise companies treat AI as only a scholastic science fair project
or as a research and development project. Research is essential and
can make our applications better, more accurate, or more efficient,
but it is the widespread and ease-of-use tooling of predictive capa‐
bility that has enabled their AI. R&D might have improved it, and
analysis might have shown that it was effective, but designing their
predictive capabilities with business problems in mind is what
makes those solutions feasible.

Organizing for AI
We frequently hear from technical leaders when they struggle with
how to best organize the talent within their teams to enable AI
development to thrive. This is always a revelatory conversation.
First of all, when the IBM DSE team begins any engagement, we
mandate that each client bring data scientists from within their
organization to the table. We strive to help grow skilled data science
practitioners; if we didn’t, each engagement would fail as soon as
IBM left. Those data scientists can then serve as Centers of Excellence
for other groups or lines of business needing to build AI solutions. It
was never intentionally decided that the DSE team would help lead
enterprises in this direction, but ultimately, we help clients grow
their data science practice. Clients ask all the time about how best to
scale data science in their enterprise. Our answer is to build the
appropriate organizational structure. Companies can innovate with
separate pockets of data scientists serving different purposes in a
decentralized model, but the best model is a hub-and-spoke model.
The hub serves as a Center of Excellence focused on supporting all
parts of your company, whereas the spokes are located in each line
of business focused on business problems.

Organizing for AI | 7
Data Scientists
For each use case you will implement, each project team needs a
variety of skills. First, the data scientists tend to be generalists with a
toolbox, which allows them to serve as service centers. The princi‐
ples of their practice endow them with comfort in handling many
different sets and types of data and applying best practices when it
comes to cleaning, preparing, and understanding that data. They are
mandated to maintain an understanding of the state of the art in the
field, but as it applies broadly to data science.

Data Engineers
Data engineers are masters of the data pipeline, and they’re essential
for owning the data cleaning and architecture that data scientists
depend upon. They also don’t pray to any singular type of data, so
their skill sets generalize well to teams in a broad sense.

Business Analysts
By contrast, business analysts are often tied to business units and are
experts at the intricacies and practices within the field of concern of
that unit. They know data within their field well, and when a data
scientist doesn’t know what a specific feature means, they turn to the
business analyst. When a data scientist doesn’t understand a prob‐
lem in any specific sense, it would likely be the business analyst to
whom they turn.
There is a naturally cohesive partnership between the data engineers
and data scientists, with transferable skills across many teams,
whereas business analysts tend to remain embedded and act as a sta‐
tionary Center of Excellence. Teams that are set up to build applica‐
tions with full modeling and data science pipelines might think each
business unit requires its own set of data engineers and scientists,
but in the enterprise that tends to be overkill, especially when all
enterprises are competing for relatively scarce data scientists and
data engineers.
In summary, there are a few essential conditions for the hub-and-
spoke model to work. The business analysts should know the busi‐
ness problem as well as the data, in detail. The data scientists should
have the know-how to dissect that problem and data, and model an
approach. The data engineers can then help with the data pipeline,

8 | Chapter 1: Introduction: Agile AI Processes and Outcomes

create the architecture of a solution, and model operations.
Together, these clusters of talent and institutional domain expertise
can work together to deliver AI solutions.

Why Agile for AI?

Failure is good. And the best way to fail is to do it quickly.
Leaders, developers, and data scientists alike blindly believe in the
dogma that adding predictive capabilities to their businesses is
worth the effort only if it is an overnight success. That understand‐
ing is neither practical nor realistic when the reality is that an itera‐
tive approach is rooted in the scientific method of forming
hypotheses and validating your theories. Not all theories or predic‐
tions can be proven to be true.
First, make sure you’re working on the correct business problems. It
is difficult to identify business cases for which AI solutions will
drive impactful change to the business. Some business problems are
not economical to solve with a model because gathering, cleaning,
and storing the data are cost prohibitive. For example, we embarked
on a project to use machine learning to reduce noise in file process‐
ing. That’s a very common use case, and machine learning is very
effective on these kinds of projects. Although the client was interes‐
ted in using machine learning, when we quantified the business
impact, the solution would save two resources 10 hours of manual
work per week. The cost to do the project didn’t justify the savings.
We always tell clients that even though AI can transform your busi‐
ness, it’s best to first use it on big problems until you have proper
teams in place and can democratize the technology across your
Second, for some use cases, the existing data doesn’t carry the essen‐
tial signal for modeling efforts. Data scientists can save all the data
they want, but if there is no discernible historic relationship between
the data and the outcome, it will be impossible to predict the behav‐
ior of interest. This isn’t too common: typically, we can perform
additional feature engineering and pull in more relevant data to get
signal in our models. But it does happen, so you need to understand
it as a risk and adjust your use case and approach when faced with

Why Agile for AI? | 9

The salient point for all enterprises interested in modeling from
their data is that it is important to try to model many behaviors,
quickly. Leaders should establish a broad swath of hypotheses for
their teams and enable them to attempt each modeling experiment.
Many times, when the IBM DSE team is brought in to solve a mod‐
eling problem, we see enterprises despair at the slightest roadblock.
We always tell them: the first model snafu is not the end of the exer‐
cise. As long as we’re responsible with how we treat the significance
and power of our experiments, we can persevere.
As an example of perseverance, let’s talk about a project with one of
the largest automotive parts manufacturers in Canada: Spectra Pre‐
mium. We were asked to help the company build a better forecasting
model than a third-party tool it had been using. Spectra Premium
manufactures many parts, but runs are relatively low volume. Each
part takes a long time to manufacture because it requires special
machinery adaptations during production. Because of the lengthy
production time, forecasting accurately was critically important. If
Spectra doesn’t forecast the demand properly, it could potentially
have items back-ordered and open the door for competitors. In our
first few modeling attempts, we were only able to match the results
that the company was already achieving, which was 80% accuracy.
As a collective group, we were disappointed, but we dug deeper into
the data and found that our accuracy for some manufactured parts
was as low as 30%, whereas for other parts it was greater than 90%.
We changed our approach and instead began to try different algo‐
rithms for each part instead of modeling on the entirety of the
inventory. This approach pushed our overall accuracy to more than
90% and led to a successful example of the team adapting in the face
of adversity.
In contrast to software engineering teams, data science teams can
offer no guarantees about modeling outcomes. When your enter‐
prise adds a traditional software application, the development life
cycle is well-known and well-documented. Even then, leadership
needs patience as their teams iterate over the product features and
behaviors, but the exercise is not predicated upon an unforeseen set
of data: its success is largely driven by time and scope. Data science
exercises, however, all begin with a hypothesis. as in any experiment,
sometimes your teams cannot reject the null hypothesis.
The faster your teams iterate through their experiments and test
their hypotheses, the more likely you are to drive the amazing

10 | Chapter 1: Introduction: Agile AI Processes and Outcomes

outcomes that AI can offer enterprises. Your willingness and flexibil‐
ity to pivot is a key factor in the success of your AI projects.

The IBM DSE team built a unique Agile process for our clients’
projects, and in this book, we draw from those experiences to show
you how your teams can succeed with an Agile approach to AI.
Legendary science-fiction author Arthur C. Clarke famously wrote
that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
magic.” Despite what you might have read, AI is not magic. You
really need to understand this technology in order for your teams to
harness it. This book is a chance for us to share the stories and key
practices of our successful client engagements to help you succeed in
your Agile AI practices.

Summary | 11
Understanding AI Tools

This chapter is about how we can understand the technology behind

AI. We spend much of our time with clients talking about the differ‐
ences between terms that are often used interchangeably. That’s an
indication that it is valuable to differentiate here what they mean.
We also take the time to talk about how open source projects are
critical to the tools and fundamental principles behind AI, and then
talk about the trends and risks of machine learning. Both practition‐
ers and leaders in the AI space need to be aware of the effects of

Contrasting Machine Learning and AI

Before we discuss machine learning and AI, it’s important to clarify
what each means and how to talk about them. It’s essential to do
because we’re currently at the peak of the hype cycle for AI, and as a
consequence a lot of companies are selling snake oil branded as “AI.”
When a term is as overused as AI, people will continue to try to
define it so that they can abuse it. So, first, let’s define what these
terms and practices mean for technical leaders.
Machine learning is an engineering discipline: it’s the tooling and
techniques involved here. At its core, machine learning is catego‐
rized as a form of mathematical optimization—because the algo‐
rithms are used to perform optimizations to create “learners” from
training data. Keep in mind that algorithms are much less valuable
than data. In the article “Datasets Over Algorithms”, Alexander

Wissner-Gross showed that the mean time between a new machine
learning algorithm being published and its use in an AI break‐
through was 18 years; however, the mean time between the required
datasets becoming available and those AI breakthroughs was 3 years.
Machine learning without the necessary data and use cases is merely
a pile of nuts and bolts waiting to be built into something useful.
Nonetheless, machine learning is about learning from data, not
about writing code, and that represents a fundamental difference
from previous software engineering practices.
Artificial intelligence is where the uses of machine learning begin to
affect social systems. That can be where machine learning models
perform tasks with human-like levels of proficiency, such as con‐
verting speech to text or recognizing tumors from radiology images.
Even more likely, it can be where machine learning models augment
teams of people, such as flagging potential credit card fraud that
customer service agents need to explore further. Or it can be where
machine learning is used for wildly nonhuman tasks such as making
a computer science student appear on video to be able to dance as
well as a professional ballerina—see “Everybody Dance Now” by
Caroline Chan et al.—also known as deep fakes. In each case, the AI
applications have effects on groups of people, and that’s how we
measure their impact.
Note that we also talk about data science here. In general, we see
data science teams, which tend to use tools for machine learning, and
might develop artificial intelligence applications. When we’re talking
about expert teams, we describe those as data science teams.
To use a Star Wars analogy, R2-D2 is a robot that takes in data,
learns, and makes decisions, but he was built to interface with an X-
wing star fighter, aiding as a copilot. Think of R2-D2 as machine
learning. C-3P0 is also a robot that takes in data, learns, and make
decisions, but he can speak and is programmed to understand mil‐
lions of languages. He aids humans, but in more general ways than
R2-D2. C-3P0 can replicate human intelligence but in many cases
exceeds human performance. Think of C-3P0 as artificial intelli‐
gence. What about deep learning? Think of Yoda, who operates at a
deeper level using the force (neural networks). This is mostly a joke,
but it’s an easy way to describe the relationship between machine
learning and AI.

14 | Chapter 2: Understanding AI Tools

How do these technologies fit in with software development? In
some cases, software applications are sufficient for solving a prob‐
lem directly. For example, if I get a sales lead onto a queue from
marketing, I’ll create an application to automatically append infor‐
mation like the lead’s zip code and account information and then
give it to the sales representative. By comparison, machine learning
refers to applications that depend on probabilistic algorithms
applied in a programming paradigm. With machine learning, if I get
a sales lead onto a queue from marketing, I’ll send the lead to my
machine learning model, which was trained on historical sales data
with an algorithm (such as the random forest algorithm) to help me
decide how likely the lead is to purchase my product. In other
words, “How hot is this lead?" These are questions without definite
answers; however, we can offer predictions with some range of
As you might imagine, there are myriad business problems that have
no definite answers. Intuitively, when a person is asked to make an
estimate, we often think of answers in ranges or intervals. When you
train machine learning models to provide answers, you begin to
build out AI for your business.

The Role of Open Source in Innovation

In the data science space, open source is king. Groups like NumFO‐
CUS have created powerful and sustainable libraries and tools that
have changed the scientific computing and data science landscape
for the better. Projects like NumPy, SciPy, pandas, and Project
Jupyter are integral to every data scientist’s workflow and are the
standard to which all other data science projects are now compared.
As a testimony to the success of these projects, at IBM we’ve mod‐
eled our data science products on their revelations. In Watson Stu‐
dio, for example, we’ve incorporated an interface of stacked
executable cells like the notebooks from Project Jupyter, and we
actively support the pandas, NumPy, and SciPy libraries. In other
companies, it’s the same thing: Microsoft Notebooks and Databricks
Workspace, to name a couple. At a time when the scientific comput‐
ing space was fractured and without leadership, NumFOCUS step‐
ped in to standardize the libraries and APIs the vast majority of data
science now depends on.

The Role of Open Source in Innovation | 15

Open source as an ideology has changed the way companies around
the world build products. The premise is that people give their time
freely to build tools and libraries that solve problems that are impor‐
tant to them and their work. Red Hat (now part of IBM) decided to
use that in its business model by taking a fork of the code of those
open source projects, adding features important to its enterprise
customer base, and charging for support and consulting services.
Companies can take forks of these projects and build them directly
into features of their products.
The software community as a whole depends increasingly on open
source projects, and if your company uses software, it probably does
too. To innovate in your business, you need to raise your open
source social score. Community-sourced projects have maintainers
and core contributors who direct their projects, but they aren’t
beholden to any singular corporate entity. The projects bring into
their development pipeline the features that are important to them
and only them. As a consequence, the system can appear to outside
observers to be riddled with chaos. To enjoy the benefits of the capa‐
ble and qualified engineers solving these complicated problems,
leaders and companies need to embrace the chaos of community-
driven development.
It’s important to clarify that open source doesn’t necessarily mean
free. Open source project usage and maintenance still requires
upkeep and maintenance in your own applications. Those projects
are not always suited for regulated production environments. If Red
Hat is an example, consider that its value-adds are in major part
based on hardening the security of these community-sourced
projects. They turn those projects into offerings for the enterprise,
and many companies have embraced Red Hat as a way to trust open
source innovation in their enterprises. Additionally, open source
projects mean that maintainers and members of the community are
in charge of the project’s direction instead of you. When and if a
community chooses to pick up feature requests that are important to
you, it might be slow in doing so. Those adoption costs are factors
you need to consider.

16 | Chapter 2: Understanding AI Tools

There are many open source frameworks and tools for machine
learning that are appropriate for enterprise use cases. Figure 2-1
gives some context for the AI technologies that you’ll need to build
your models.

Figure 2-1. Technology stack

This is not an exhaustive list of tooling; it’s a list of tools rather than
specific data science packages. In other words, we’ve identified that
Jupyter notebooks are important as a tool without qualifying that, to
work efficiently, a data science team will need to depend on libraries
and frameworks like TensorFlow or scikit-learn. Additionally,
Python and R are commonly used languages, and each has a variety
of usable workbenches. Besides Jupyter Notebook, graphical user
interfaces (GUIs) are commonly used, such as PyCharm for Python
and R-Studio for R. A notebook, however, is entirely sufficient for
executing exploratory data analysis (EDA), model training, and
model evaluation.
Data science in large part deals with cleaning and evaluating large
stores of data. Data science as a discipline took off in popularity
concurrent with advances in capabilities to store and process data—
namely, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and map-reduce
as the storage and processing mechanisms, respectively. As it
became more economical to store and evaluate data, the practice of

Tooling | 17
utilizing it matured. In light of that, the open source solutions for
terabyte-scale data persistence will likely revolve around HDFS and
what many term Hadoop’s successor: Spark. Spark differs from
Hadoop in that it has figured out how to load data, at scale, into
memory for processing. By comparison, Hadoop depends on data
read from storage. The difference in the upper bounds of processing
speed, in comparing data read storage as compared to data
read from memory, are drastic. Spark’s gains in computational speed
have buoyed its recent popularity and made it an essential part of
the open source data science stack.
Although Hadoop and Spark are used extensively in AI projects, tra‐
ditional relational database management systems (RDBMSs) are still
relevant today for data science. Many organizations keep their trus‐
ted data in these managed systems, and data scientists perform
extensive structured query language (SQL) commands to extract the
information they need.
After we’ve built a machine learning model, it must be deployed for
the intended use case. Sometimes, that involves deploying a model
as a microservice and scaling to meet customer demand. That might
involve Kubernetes, autoscaling, load balancing, and other network
engineering work. Other times, we must run a machine learning
model directly on a smartphone and other mobile devices. For that,
we need to use model compression before loading the model into the
embedded hardware. In either case, there are tools for managing the
model deployment and then monitoring model performance in
A new field is emerging, called MLOps, for the operations work
required to manage the full end-to-end machine learning life cycle.
In other words, the definition of operations has had to change to
meet the needs of machine learning. Also note that the AI space is
replete with vendors attempting to own differing segments or steps
in the tooling. A lot of companies have perspectives on the full pipe‐
line, and solutions to accommodate storage, model training, and
model evaluation. An evaluation of vendors is beyond the scope of
this ebook; here, we simply offer our perspective on the minimum
required to staff and build in an AI pipeline.

18 | Chapter 2: Understanding AI Tools

The Fundamentals of Machine Learning
To build a data science team and lead it with authority, you need to
know the fundamentals of a data science project and understand
what they mean for your data science team’s life cycle. Here, we talk
about the different types of machine learning that underlie the foun‐
dation for AI as well as the life cycle of a data science project.
There are traditionally three types of machine learning that you’ll
need to be familiar with: supervised learning, unsupervised learning,
and deep learning.

Supervised Learning
Supervised learning is a subset of machine learning in which your
training data has a target feature (also called a label) that you’re try‐
ing to predict. As an example, if we were trying to create a model to
predict the balance in a client’s bank account, the dollar balance
would be the target variable. Models match input values to output
values based on historical information, and learn patterns within the
dataset to most closely approximate the labeled value when making
a prediction. There are many applications of supervised learning as
well as many models within supervised learning to help achieve
your modeling goals. Supervised learning models include linear
regression, logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, and boos‐
ted trees, to name just a few. Whenever your data has a target value,
you are going to use supervised learning to predict your target

Unsupervised Learning
Unsupervised learning is the subset of machine learning in which
your training data does not have a label for you to predict, and so
your goal is to model likeness between the different training exam‐
ples. Unsupervised models find patterns of similarity across the
training samples, and attempt to cluster them together. In grouping
data points together, we can learn a lot about their likeness and nat‐
ural belonging. We can use unsupervised learning in applications
that need capabilities like document/record classification, market
segmentation, and data compression. Consider the example of clas‐
sifying handwritten digits. Each training row would represent a vec‐

The Fundamentals of Machine Learning Projects | 19

tor of the pixels’ intensity in the photo of the digit, and each cluster
would reflect the model predicting an image to be one of the digits
we’re classifying. These unsupervised models aim to associate like
data points because they lack the target/label to serve as the ground
truth against which data scientists measure the success of the model.
Importantly, without ground truth metrics, it is also implied that
clusters do not need to be the same after each training run. Even
with the same training data set, a model can offer novel groupings
after each subsequent training run.

Deep Learning
Figure 2-2 depicts how deep learning, based on artificial neural net‐
works, is part of the broader scope of machine learning methods.
Deep learning can be used as supervised learning or unsupervised
learning—or even a newly emerging category of self-supervised
learning that’s beginning to be used to describe generative adversarial
networks (GANs).

Figure 2-2. Deep learning’s place within the AI sphere

The main point is that deep learning architectures have several lay‐
ers of neural networks, which in practice causes certain properties
and behaviors. For example, deep learning models can train without
“saturating” such that millions of data examples can be used—unlike
earlier forms of machine learning. This, in turn, allows deep learn‐
ing models greatly increased accuracy, as observed in use cases for
computer vision, speech recognition, natural language, and so on.
A good way to understand approximately how deep learning works
is to consider the layers in an analogy for human vision. People have
retinas on the back of their eyes. The retina has rods and cones that
detect contrast and colors. At this lowest layer, human neural net‐
works are taking in raw data. Then as the neurons connect further
and further into the brain, processing progresses from raw input to
higher-level concepts and actions: person, clown, danger, run! The

20 | Chapter 2: Understanding AI Tools

lowest layers of neural networks are vectors of raw data. Each layer
organizes the data further, until the top layers can be resolved into
the labels on the data; in other words, progressing from pixels in a
radiology image to a decision about where a tumor is located. After
a deep learning model has been trained, we can “lock” the lower lay‐
ers and fine-tune the upper layers with new labels; for example,
using a model originally trained on images of animals to fine-tune a
new model that recognizes lung tumors. This process is called trans‐
fer learning, and it’s where we begin to see really interesting uses for

The Machine Learning Life Cycle

Let’s look at the life cycle of a machine learning project in order to
better understand how to develop predictive solutions, regardless of
machine learning model type. The life cycle consists of three distinct
goals or processes: training, deployment, and running, as illustrated
in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3. The machine learning life cycle

In the training part of the process, a data scientist takes their dataset
and evaluates multiple models to identify which is the most effective
for their predictive needs. Some models are easier to evaluate and
understand, and offer greater parsimony: consider (regularized) lin‐
ear regression. Some models are more effective at gathering predic‐
tive signal, and more complex to explain or implement: consider
boosted trees.

The Machine Learning Life Cycle | 21

For industries in which the business needs to be able to explain the
choices its models have made, the power of parsimony makes sim‐
pler models appealing. Consider a model that evaluates whether to
lend to homeowners to finance solar panel installations. If the
model rejects applications for loans, your institution needs to be
able to explain the reasons behind that decision. In applications that
don’t affect people, your requirements for explainability are less
stringent. Consider a model that predicts whether your manufactur‐
ing line is going to experience a failure in equipment. If the model
catches a sufficient number of failures in advance of them occurring,
compared against a baseline metric of import to you, you won’t feel
obligated to understand the logic of each prediction made.
The training process is complicated not because of the model evalu‐
ation phase, but rather the steps preceding it: data cleansing and
preparation. Data scientists spend the vast majority of their time
working to prepare their data for modeling. They toil over under‐
standing, cleaning, standardizing, normalizing, and feature engi‐
neering, and this makes sense. From a data science perspective, the
greatest value-add in the process is in feature engineering.
Feature engineering is the part of the training process in which data
scientists, with clean data, imbue domain expertise into their dataset
by deriving new columns of data. Let’s consider a fictional scenario
of a data scientist modeling home prices. The data scientist can
guess that specific home features are indicative of the value of a
home—the more bathrooms a house has, the greater the price. To
further capture the signal in their data, they consult with an expert
in the field of selling homes. The realtor explains that it is actually
the ratio of bathroom square footage to bedroom square footage
that affects the price of a home. In their estimation, when a house
has big bedrooms and tiny bathrooms, it is much less valuable. Now
the data scientist needs to engineer that feature and add a column to
their dataset: bathroom/bedroom ratio (sq ft). In that process, the
data scientist has captured domain expertise in their solution by cre‐
ating a derived piece of data. It is an expressive, creative, and power‐
ful part of the training process.

The second part of the data science life cycle is deployment, wherein
the trained model must be made consumable. Data science and
building AI solutions is a powerful practice, but of little to no value

22 | Chapter 2: Understanding AI Tools

to your business if it can’t consume the result of the training process.
There are many ways to build an infrastructure around your models,
but because we’ve discussed tooling, we’ll instead talk about the
goals and principles of the process.
Model deployment is a step in which your data scientists, data engi‐
neers, and DevOps teams work together to expose a machine
learning model as an API. An API can take many forms, but more
often than not, in the AI space the API is offered as a REST service.
A web protocol like REST demands and defines a standardized
mode of consumption. By conforming to a standard communication
protocol, you make it easy for developers in your business (and pos‐
sibly external developers) to consume your data product. Each AI
model you train and deploy is a data product, and people aren’t
going to become customers if it’s difficult to use. (Some models are
accessed as batch deployments and therefore have a slightly different
architecture. Although they’re important to keep in mind, we don’t
address them here.)
The trained model is only a single component of the deployment an
AI team is responsible for creating. Consider that a data scientist(s)
provides the model after their data exploration, feature engineering,
and training, but the model requires a data engineer to build a pipe‐
line for the model. The data engineering team is responsible for
curating or standardizing the input and output of data to the model,
handling the routing of the data features that the model expects, and
then returning the prediction the model produced. The data engi‐
neer, in essence, builds the more permanent persistence of the data
going in and out of the predictive pipeline both for the sake of effi‐
ciency and retraining.

The final step in the data science life cycle is running your model to
evaluate results, and that’s where your application is made consuma‐
ble. Traditionally in this step, a DevOps team takes the software
application that the data engineers and data scientists have built and
creates a standard for deploying it and making it consumable in
applications and in production. Software applications require main‐
tainability and scalability. Applications are only as successful as they
are easy to deploy and maintain.

The Machine Learning Life Cycle | 23

Running a software application used to be significantly more com‐
plex. Each application required routing handled by load balancers
across many different application servers. That’s still the case for
many web-scale-sized app deployments, but the contemporary
design nowadays for the kinds of solutions we’ve been discussing
take advantage of containers and container orchestration
A container is simply a standard unit (your model and REST appli‐
cation) that packages all of your configurations and dependencies
into a single object, allowing flexibility and ease across runtime
environments. With your predictive model and routing application
bundled together, the DevOps team coordinates the environment
for containers to grow and collapse as they are needed. In these con‐
temporary designs, they don’t fret over the constant uptime or
maintenance of a single cluster of web servers and their respective
single REST application. These architectures are more scalable and
come with less overhead, which allows development teams to iterate
with alacrity.
We’ve touched on what types of solutions data science teams create
(training), how their counterparts in engineering (deployment) and
DevOps handle their data products (running), and some of the rea‐
sons why. When it comes to runtime design—the responsibility of
DevOps teams—take these suggestions with a grain of salt. There
are many ways to handle runtime environments, and with the rate of
innovation in the space, container orchestration could look like the
last fad by the time you read this.

Distributed Workloads and Hybrid

Data science is an old practice, but the huge volume of data being
used today is new, which is why data storage and compute are the
basis for significant changes and exciting trends.
Historically, data storage was owned by several vendors who were
able to serve consumers their data with great reliability and speed.
Their profitability depended on how reliably they could return cus‐
tomer information; the more information customers wanted to
store, the more it would cost them. To process more data, enterpri‐

24 | Chapter 2: Understanding AI Tools

ses had to learn how to store it more cost-effectively. With the
advent of HDFS, storage became cheaper.
Apache Hadoop was a project born of Yahoo’s need to store web-
scale data. The premise was that instead of using expensive hard‐
ware from large vendors, companies should be able to use cheap
commodity hardware that is likely to fail. If you can account for the
hardware failure by replicating the data, you can use cheaper hard‐
ware. The cheaper your hardware is, the more hardware you can
use, and consequently the more data you can store. Data science
teams started to store more and more data with the promise that
they no longer needed to sample because they could now use as
much data as they wanted to. Data lakes became popular as a result
of this affordability in storage.
In response to a growing demand for storage and compute solutions
to deal with the vast repositories in these data lakes, vendors have
provided offerings to both house and analyze customer data. The
emerging requirement in the past decade for distributed compute
and storage put cloud offerings that simplified those pieces of the
data analysis and modeling pipeline at the forefront of modern
application architectures. As a logical derivative, the trend now
appears to be headed toward building applications that rely on serv‐
erless architecture, in which there are no static virtualized environ‐
ments, only systems responsible for computing resources.
Serverless architectures (Function-as-a-Service, or FaaS), as com‐
pared to the virtualized environments often thought of as
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), don’t put the onus on developers
to maintain an environment and yet allow them to take advantage of
compute capabilities to which they otherwise wouldn’t be privy. As
an example, if our application were responsible for counting the
widgets on our production floor at any one time, we’d send the
actual application to a serverless service, the application would run,
and we’d be charged by the Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provider
for the amount of time our application takes to return us our final
widget tally.
There are as many uses for serverless architecture as there are soft‐
ware applications, but there is also obvious appeal to data scientists
and their teams who don’t want to own the responsibility of manag‐
ing or coordinating compute environments—the places they offload
long-running jobs such as model training. It’s in fact possible that

Distributed Workloads and Hybrid Environments | 25

the FaaS offerings will serve as the de facto environments for all of
our model training requirements moving forward. All we need to
provide is access to the data, stored in either a private or public
cloud, and the application that needs to execute. We would send our
training script (with its access credentials to our historical widget
production data) that’s responsible for data cleansing procedures,
model training, and cross-validation requirements, and then the
serverless service would charge us for the amount of time our model
takes to train and cross-validate. This is the basis for papers and
projects stemming from the same group responsible for the Apache
Spark project, which has revolutionized the way data scientists use
large data in their applications.
This fits with broader industry trends in the cloud offerings world:
we see companies working across public and private clouds and uti‐
lizing multiple clouds from varied cloud providers. From an ease-of-
use perspective, there are few more promising and scalable
technologies than these variations on cloud products. We’re excited
to see how they affect contemporary and future application designs.

This chapter covered the fundamentals of data science and AI tools
as well as provided an outline of possible trajectories to expect as
these projects become more and more commoditized. You, as a part
of a leadership team, have been armed with the knowledge of the
terms and practices your teams will need as your enterprise aims to
incorporate AI into its decision-making.

26 | Chapter 2: Understanding AI Tools

AI Skills

How can you assess the skills you need for a data science project? In
some regard, no matter how agile your team is during your science
project’s duration, it won’t matter if you don’t have a minimal apti‐
tude skill set within your team. In this chapter, we look at the core
skills in data science and effective practices for building a data sci‐
ence team and nurturing a supportive culture.
There are a few roles that are almost always found on data science
teams in industry. (Of course, some of the following descriptions
might change, depending on the needs of a business vertical or spe‐
cific focus.) We talk about these in general terms as follows:
Domain expertise
Understanding the business needs and nuances within it; for
example, regulatory compliance about data privacy if you work
in health care.
Data science
This is where the science and math come in—can you prove
insights about the business based on advanced analysis of its
Machine learning models need to be integrated into application
software, and that requires programming.

Data science tends to rely on lots of compute resources and
requires people who are proficient with data engineering, dis‐
tributed systems, and high-performance computing.
These typical roles indicate what kinds of skills are needed on a data
science team. Before we dive into specifics, let’s first take a look at
some of the history that led to data science.

Understanding the Skills and Culture

Data science and its culture trace back to 1962, with early definitions
introduced in the paper “The Future of Data Analysis” by John
Tukey. Prior to that point, statistics had been mostly a footnote
within the larger scope of mathematics. It was initially about how
nation states measured their economies, raised their armies, collec‐
ted taxes, and planned new developments. With new capabilities for
digital computing emerging in the 1960s, Tukey worked to make
data analytics its own discipline, a scientific pursuit in and of itself.
“We should seek out wholly new questions to be answered,” he
wrote. People working in this new field had a responsibility to use
computing resources to help make better judgments based on data
plus applied math.
Already in 1962, we could see the outlines of data science team capa‐
bilities that are still current more than 50 years later. We use com‐
puting resources and manage data, which speaks to needs for data
engineering. We use applied math, moving beyond academic
debates and theoretical mathematics to address real-world prob‐
lems. Algorithms and mathematical optimization play important
roles, but they’re only part of the puzzle. Domain expertise and firm
grounding in the business use cases are also essential.
Tukey emphasized the word judgment in his introduction, address‐
ing the fact that data analysis goes only so far toward solutions.
Some problems can be fully automated, such as optimizing an
advertising bid system, but the larger challenges in enterprise usu‐
ally demand a careful blend of automation and human expertise. At
the executive level, data science insights and machine learning mod‐
els inform judgments, playing supporting roles while decision sci‐
ence moves to center stage. Even in that early sketch, data analysis
was inherently interdisciplinary.

28 | Chapter 3: AI Skills
Today we take those definitions as givens. Successful data science
teams are diverse by nature. Because no single person is likely to be
an expert in several fields—computation, data management, applied
math, business use cases, decision science, and so on—we build
teams in which people with different skill sets and perspectives

Team Skills Assessment

A good way to map the skills needed on a data science team is to
look carefully at the typical stages of a project. Figure 3-1 describes a
typical, idealized workflow for the different stages of a machine
learning project.

Figure 3-1. Typical stages in a machine learning project (Sophie Wat‐

son, William Benton, Red Hat)

We examine each of these stages in terms of what skills are needed,

but the first big questions to ask are what kinds of work will be
needed in the project and which of these stages fit? For example,
although most projects involve lots of data preparation, some might
never need to move beyond reporting or visualization—enough
work is invested so that other people in the organization can begin
to see trends or other effects in the data. Other projects might
require data science teams to lend their expertise in developing a
narrative—for data storytelling—and other metrics that might then

Team Skills Assessment | 29

feed into executive discussions and help inform organization
Other kinds of projects for a data science team involve systems for
automated decisions, resulting in machine learning models to be
used in products and services. What kind of services are needed:
recommender systems? Anti-fraud models? Customer churn mod‐
els? In other cases, human-in-the-loop approaches such as semi-
supervised learning might be needed, in which machine learning
models handle cases where they can predict patterns with some
threshold of certainty but kick the problem back to human experts
when predictions are too uncertain—blending the best of both peo‐
ple and automation.
For example, we discussed Experian in Chapter 1. The company
processes high volumes of files from banks about payment history
for every person who has credit. Each day, hundreds of files fail
because of a rules-based system that identifies possible issues, and in
each of those cases someone must review the data—which typically
is not a problem; for example, a false positive. To reduce this work‐
load, we applied machine learning to train a model based on histori‐
cal data—using the credit files plus human evaluations about their
“bad/good” labeling. In production, the model reduces the rate of
false positives by 80%, reducing the number of files that require
human evaluation. Overall, the AI system combined both machine
learning and human insights to make the solution much more
Take time to understand what your project needs before beginning
to build a solution. That might be an iterative process: it might
require that your data science team explores the data first, maybe
developing a proof-of-concept, and then your organization decides
what outcomes are needed. After you have a sense of what kind of
work your project will require, take an inventory of the skills on
your team.
A good way to visualize this is to build a matrix of the people on the
team versus the skills needed for the project, such as the one depic‐
ted in Figure 3-2.
Your project needs might require different columns. For example,
the Production Systems column likely includes data engineering and
platform support, although in some projects there will be significant
need for application developers to integrate machine learning

30 | Chapter 3: AI Skills
components into production systems. Perhaps your organization
has a separate data engineering team, but requires that you embed
application developers to work side by side with data scientists. For
another example, in some verticals, such as finance, compliance
requirements and other domain expertise can become quite com‐
plex, so you might need Domain Expertise as a column. Adjust the
matrix to suit your project needs.

Figure 3-2. Matrix to assess team skills versus project needs

Some members of your team might be proficient in multiple skills

(e.g., a data scientist who previously worked in DevOps), whereas
other people might be more specialized. After you populate that
matrix, a gap analysis should be clear. What areas warrant more
training for your team? Are there people and skills missing from the
team? These are the kinds of questions to begin assessing after you
have that gap analysis in hand. Again, it’s about finding a balance of
complementary abilities to build a robust, interdisciplinary team.

Core Skills
Let’s look through the core skills for data science, considering each
potential stage of a project.

Core Skills | 31
Data Preparation
Much of the work performed by data science teams focuses on
cleaning and preparing data. When an organization uses machine
learning, core business value creation comes through a well-known
set of activities: continually improving data sources; resolving data
quality issues; finding better means for feature engineering; digging
into the edge cases with data that might introduce risks through
bias, privacy, security, or ethics issues; and so on.
By analogy, if you worked at an investment fund where most busi‐
ness value creation came from carefully managing the portfolio of
investments, most of the time spent by your organization would
probably be focused on curating that portfolio. Data is a similar
game. It would be impossible for a business to get all of those data
sources 100% correct on the first try. Instead, much of that work
depends on interacting with customers and vendors and arriving at
a better understanding of the data and use cases over time—similar
to managing a portfolio of investments. It makes sense that so much
data science activity is focused on data preparation.
Important characteristics for data preparation, which should be
essential for almost everyone on a data science team, include the

• Curiosity. Improving the data is what brings value, and being

curious is one of the best ways to approach that.
• Data wrangling skills, such as using SQL queries and pandas or
other popular libraries to get your data into the needed shape.
• Understanding how to navigate through different kinds of data
management frameworks.
• Some general programming skills: Python coding, Bash script‐
ing, debugging, and so on.

Data management skills such as SQL queries are generally needed to

pull data. Some kinds of data might not fit well into relational data‐
bases and instead need to be pulled from key–value stores, column-
wide stores, graph databases, pub–sub, and so forth. SQL queries
alone will go only so far. Learning to work with a variety of data
frameworks is important for anyone on a data science team.

32 | Chapter 3: AI Skills
Coding Chops
Overall, data preparation is a process that needs to be repeatable, so
programming skills are vital. Programming languages such as
Python and R have become hugely popular for data science work.
Some of the big data distributed frameworks can be implemented in
Java or Scala (such as Apache Spark) or in C++ (such as Tensor‐
Flow), so having familiarity with a range of programming languages
can be important. Not everyone on a data science team needs to be
fluent with every programming language needed; this reinforces the
need for skill diversity.
Along with the programming languages, adjacent skills in version‐
ing (Git), debugging and issue tracking, performance analysis, and
other troubleshooting are important too. Probably the best skill is to
know how to find answers when you become stuck on a program‐
ming problem by pairing with other people on your team, searching
online, or researching previous work.
Most important, developing processes so that data preparation
workflows can become reproducible is critical for the “science”
aspect of data science. Using tools such as Jupyter Notebook is a
great way to help make data preparation workflows reproducible
while also helping make results more understandable by stakehold‐
ers. Collaboration based on Jupyter often implies running atop
Docker containers and Kubernetes clusters as well as other system
level skills such as Bash shell commands and other Linux use.

Exploring and Visualizing Data

Now that you have your data in shape to use, the discovery stage is
where you explore it to find patterns and trends. That can involve
statistical analysis, and it might need some machine learning (such
as clustering). If the end goal is to produce reporting for stakehold‐
ers, the job will require some domain expertise about the business.
People working at this stage need good communication skills and
should work closely with stakeholders to tell the stories within the
data. Writing reports and articles, public speaking, developing inter‐
active explorations of data insights through Jupyter Notebook—
these are all vital communications skills on data science teams.
Data visualization—that is, composing a story visually with data—is
an effective and compelling way to convey what your team discovers

Core Skills | 33
in the data. The business concerns addressed by data science work
typically involve multidimensional problems. For example, an anti-
fraud model might need to limit credit card charge-backs, while also
considering the customer support costs for false positives, guarding
against bias toward particular subgroups of customers, and
minimizing computational infrastructure costs. Visualization is a
great way to explore multidimensional data, particularly for explor‐
ing the complex “performance” measures of machine learning mod‐
els. Stakeholders might be able to spot effects in the data by looking
at visualizations, over and beyond what the data science team recog‐
nizes. The skill sets involved in data visualization include using
libraries, data storytelling, and frontend programming skills.
Many data science projects don’t need to go beyond this point, after
stakeholders gain the insights needed. It can help to have people
who understand how stakeholders will use the inputs from the data
science team. For example, having familiarity with decision science
is one way to bridge between data science work and executive

Data Storytelling
Data storytelling is a way to communicate effectively with data.
There are many tools to help generate charts from data, although
those tools alone aren’t enough. The trouble is that people struggle
with understanding a collection of facts: clutter, attention span,
high dimensionality, cognitive overload—these aspects interfere.
Instead, people tend to learn through stories. Although it’s relatively
easy to generate a complex chart from data, it’s also easy to generate
charts that people will not readily grasp—or worse, ones that lead
to misconceptions.
In data science, we talk about how much time is dedicated to data
preparation, and, of course, much effort goes into the analysis to
reveal insights. However, the “last mile” of converting insights into
actions is the most crucial step. By creating a compelling story,
stakeholders will recognize what actions are needed. Anticipate
common questions and address those at the outset in your presen‐
tation. Better yet, create elements of narrative from your analysis,
then work side by side with stakeholders to help them craft the
story to be told.
For more about data storytelling, we recommend the following:

34 | Chapter 3: AI Skills
• Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business
Professionals by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic (O’Reilly)
• The collected works of Edward Tufte, available through
Graphic Press LLC

Platform Engineering
Whether your team is working on data preparation, discovery, data
visualization, modeling, or other areas, working with data requires
lots of computing resources. Some aspects are compute-intensive,
others demand lots of memory, still others need network band‐
width, and there’s always the issue of data storage. Making efficient
use of computing resources is crucial for the team to be effective.
Some organizations call this kind of work platform engineering. Oth‐
ers categorize it as site reliability engineering (SRE), DevOps, or
data engineering. In any case, you’ll probably be using some dis‐
tributed systems such as Apache Spark or TensorFlow, perhaps some
cloud services, perhaps Docker and Kubernetes. Having people with
engineering skills to use these systems and develop platform capa‐
bilities for the rest of the team is essential.

Feature Engineering
Machine learning models need training data, at least for supervised
learning, which is most commonly used. Data preparation will han‐
dle most of the work to develop training sets, but there are impor‐
tant nuances. Machine learning models build upon features in the
data. Your project might need to iterate on feature engineering to
train effective models, not simply take the raw data. For example,
some columns of a dataset might have imbalanced classes such as
fewer rows about people from a minority group. If not handled
appropriately, that situation can lead to bias in the resulting models.
Understanding feature engineering is an art, one that’s loaded with
math and science. To dive deeper into this, we recommend reading
Feature Engineering for Machine Learning, by Amanda Casari and
Alice Zhang (O’Reilly). Also check out the open source AIF360 tool‐
kit for a sophisticated set of tools that can be integrated into your
feature engineering workflows. AIF360 and tools like it help detect
potential bias and prepare data in ways that lead toward better AI
trust overall.

Core Skills | 35
Finally! By many media accounts, data scientists spend most of their
time being concerned with exotic algorithms. Realistically, that’s
only a tiny part of the job. It’s important nonetheless, and you’ll need
people who understand the algorithms used to train machine
learning models, especially when it comes to evaluating results of
machine learning models, given that each family of algorithms tends
to use different metrics and evaluation criteria.
In the era of deep learning, modeling has become substantially more
costly to compute. Relatively few organizations train deep learning
models entirely from scratch; instead, they reuse models that some
other organization had previously trained. In the latter case, we use
transfer learning to adapt a previously trained model, “fine-tuning”
the model with data specific to a new use case. Consequently, it
becomes important to manage the hyperparameters—configurations
that control and adjust models—which might number in the thou‐
sands, with recent research efforts trending toward billions. Hyper‐
parameter optimization can lead to large expenses if not handled
well. Using popular frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Ray,
and others is quite helpful, but you’ll need people who have these

Model Integration and Deployment

Deploying models in a production environment is emerging as its
own field: MLOps. Many kinds of problems emerge in production
only after the models begin interacting with live customer data. For
example, if a model’s accuracy suddenly jumps, that might be a very
bad thing, possibly indicating outliers or model drift. Security, pri‐
vacy, bias, ethics, and a growing variety of compliance issues emerge
precisely at this point of model deployment. These present opera‐
tions issues that are vastly different from what IT operations staff
have had to handle previously.
To build trust for the decisions AI is making on behalf of your busi‐
ness, you need an appropriate strategy in place for model manage‐
ment. This means refreshing models on a regular basis, monitoring
accuracy of predictions, and other feedback loops such as capabili‐
ties to explain a model’s decisions. Model trust is especially impor‐
tant in regulated industries to make sure that the automated

36 | Chapter 3: AI Skills
decisions are not biased and that they properly represent your

Troubleshooting in Production
Over and beyond what the MLOps team will need to handle, it will
be required to do some troubleshooting in the live production
environment. Understanding the edge cases for security, privacy,
ethics, bias, and a range of compliance requirements is difficult. It
will probably require the people on your team with the deepest
experience in statistics, plus lots of hands-on experience with
machine learning.
This kind of troubleshooting work, and the risks associated with it,
are quite different from other areas of software engineering. Few
product managers, so far, have much experience directing projects
that depend on machine learning models; these are probabilistic sys‐
tems and require very different skills and processes than, say, web
app development. To learn more about how product management
for AI differs from previous practices, see “Why Machine-Learned
Models Crash and Burn in Production and What to Do about It” by
David Talby, and “Why Managing Machines Is Harder Than You
Think” by Pete Skomoroch.

Building Teams
Engineering teams tend to focus on process: how to use or develop
APIs most effectively, troubleshooting systems, estimating efforts
through time-boxing, paying down technical debt, and so on. All of
these are important for developing software, but those priorities
reflect the software-deployment end goal of iterating on a code base.
In contrast, data science work encompasses a much broader scope
than code and software deployment: organizational decisions must
be made, and risks must be considered, all in the context of domain
expertise. Instead of coding, data science teams emphasize systems
learning: specifically, preparing and curating data so that it engen‐
ders learning, produces insights, and augments decisions.

Team Culture
The culture that emerges within data science teams will be different
from that in engineering teams. Their priorities and risks are

Building Teams | 37
different, so their processes and methods are different. Whereas
software engineering teams many times align closer to technology,
data science teams align closer to business. Data science teams must
evaluate risks; they typically work with probabilistic systems, unlike
the deterministic systems that software engineers use. The results
from data science teams help to drive business outcomes, where
executives are focused on decision-making processes.
Think about how a software engineering team builds a web app.
Typically, the most experienced members of a team work on early
stages, such as requirements, API design, architecture, and so on. As
the project matures, less-experienced members of the team develop
individual features, unit tests, and so on.
In machine learning work this scenario is reversed. Building a
machine learning model from a given dataset is something even the
least experienced member of a data science team should be able to
do. However, after machine learning models are deployed in pro‐
duction, unanticipated problems emerge: fairness and bias issues,
security issues, privacy, model drift, and edge cases that require
advanced statistics to troubleshoot. Those problems require the
most experienced people on the team. They also tend to involve
compliance and regulators, so mistakes at that stage can escalate to
the executive level. In other words, the life cycle and process for
machine learning in production are nearly the opposite of what’s
needed for web app development. It’s no wonder that a substantially
different culture emerges for data science teams.
Even though engineering teams typically take requirements from
product managers and execute on those, data science teams are
often involved in more exploratory work. A kind of “startup mind‐
set” comes into play: the data science team might need to perform a
lot of work at the outset to see whether an idea would even be feasi‐
ble with the data available.

Finding the Best People

You have the project analysis in hand, and you’ve run a gap analysis
on the skills your team already has versus what your project needs.
How do you find the appropriate data science professionals?
Computer scientists don’t necessarily have these skills. They’ll gener‐
ally need training before they can contribute to a data science team.
HR departments might advertise for “PhD or better in computer

38 | Chapter 3: AI Skills
science” on the job posts, but that’s not what your data science team
Oddly enough, scientists are often a very good candidate pool. Early
in the history of data science teams in Silicon Valley firms, it became
apparent that roughly half of the people hired had come from phys‐
ics or physical science backgrounds. Physics grad students collect
and prepare data and run analysis, visualizations, and modeling, as
well learn to use a wide range of distributed computing platforms.
There also tend to be many more physics grad students than there
are jobs open for them. So that’s a good way to hire people familiar
with the tools and processes needed in data science teams—people
who can be productive on day one.
Although physics tends to utilize machine learning and high-
performance computing, social science research tends to engage
with statistics, follow protocols for ethical handling of data, and
anticipate outcomes on the people involved. The latter tends to use
smaller datasets, but the data typically concerns confidential infor‐
mation about human subjects: wages, medical history, family back‐
ground, home addresses, and so on. Privacy concerns, biases, ethics,
security, and data governance—these issues, which are innate practi‐
ces for social science research, are rapidly becoming top priorities
for data science teams. Moreover, social science researchers gener‐
ally understand how to study human behavior, which is often where
data science teams in industry need to focus: on customers. Perhaps
even more to the point, and similar to physics grad students, there
are generally many more social science grad students than there are
jobs open for them.
There are many good programs for people interested in “upskilling”
into data science roles. One point to keep in mind: even though
some candidates come from degree programs that emphasize the
skills, tooling, and mindset needed for data science work, there are
still relatively few university programs that focus specifically on this
interdisciplinary field. Also, the field is evolving too rapidly for any
one individual to acquire all of the skills needed; in other words,
data science teams require continual learning and good, ongoing
mentoring programs to be effective. Therefore, plan to provide
training. Foster a culture for ongoing mentoring because there’s
much that your people will need to learn, especially from one
another. Build paths for internal hires; that is, people who want to
“reskill” to move into the field. You’ll get people who are already

Building Teams | 39
familiar with your business and bring extra domain expertise into
your data science team.
One area that is not as easy to capture is the culture of your team. In
our experience, a resume is half the story; the other half is having
the appropriate mindset. A successful team generates endless curios‐
ity and passion: the curiosity to understand problems and make
things better, and the passion in the practice of AI and to drive
change and make an impact. Data science work is not easily prescri‐
bed, and every company will face different challenges. We like to
think that each company must develop its own unique data science
practice for its lines of business. Hiring people with the proper
mindset becomes crucial to support that. You also must hire to
diversify your team’s mindset. Avoid building a team where every‐
one has the same background. Also, less-experienced data science
team members who bring the aforementioned mindset can be
unleashed on business problems and really make a big impact on
your business. Build a team of people who are empowered to make a
Overall, try to get people who cultivate curiosity and are good com‐
municators. If needed, you might even organize a Toastmasters
group for your team to practice their public speaking skills.

We recently helped host an MLOps Day track at

OSCON 2019. (See MLOps Day, OSCON 2019 for dis‐
cussion about the talks in that track, including slides
and videos.) The speakers presented their experiences
with production uses cases of machine learning in the
enterprise, including teams from Capital One, Com‐
cast, GitHub, Red Hat, and more. For other good
examples, see “Building a Rock Star Data Science
Team: My First Year with the IBM Data Science Elite
Team” by Carlo Appugliese.

40 | Chapter 3: AI Skills

As you can see, artificial intelligence (AI) has many moving parts. A
practical Agile approach to AI focuses on the right team mindset of
flexibility, the right set of tools, and the right set of team skills.
Across the first three chapters, we talked broadly about those ideas
as well as identifying the proper uses cases, organizing your data,
and changing your business by teaching it to trust the products
you’re building. We want to take a few last words to close on the sig‐
nificance of these points so that you can go forth leading your team
to achieve its most ambitious AI projects.

Use Cases
Integrating AI into your business happens one use case at a time.
First, work to identify the appropriate use cases: use workshops and
design thinking, and ideate as a team to get many perspectives and
insights. Focus on business problems; don’t get caught in the trap of
building technology for the sake of technology.
After a project, conduct retrospectives on those use case implemen‐
tations. What worked well? What could’ve been handled better?
Identify patterns in your use cases, and share those across the orga‐
nization. Ideally, create a Center of Excellence for AI patterns within
your organization.

You can’t deploy AI without first getting your data into shape. Those
are table stakes, the absolute basics. Recent industry surveys about
AI adoption in the enterprise have shown that the majority of firms
become bogged down in the technical debt they must resolve before
they can share data across divisions. Also recognize that data shar‐
ing runs counter to the inertia that tends to arise in large organiza‐
tions. When people have complex tasks to manage, it’s generally
simplest to break those into smaller, simpler tasks and then keep the
parts separate. Organizations respond to complexity in much the
same way over time, establishing silos between divisions. That’s
especially true when it comes to data management and access con‐
trols: the easiest answer to a request for data access is “no.” However,
the easiest answer is not always the best in the long run.
Some people have called data “the new oil”—an economic good
driving enormous value—but it’s better to think of data as an invest‐
ment portfolio. Your data science teams help manage those invest‐
ments in data, and they help realize equity and yield from them.
One idea that’s been making the rounds is data democratization: an
idea in which nearly everyone in a company can run queries, create
analysis, generate reports, and so on. Obviously, not all the data in a
firm will be made available to every employee, given that there will
likely be confidentiality concerns to balance, as well. Data democra‐
tization has drawbacks: making claims about data analysis depends
on having enough of a statistics background to get it right—
although this is where data science teams can help coach and
amplify results from the rest of the organization.
There’s a related term to data democratization: citizen data science.
This is when people throughout your organization become involved
in developing data insights; if you think of data science as a contin‐
uum in which people on one end are just beginning to “upskill” into
these kinds of roles, and experts on the opposite end are continually
learning new skills for their data science practice, citizen data sci‐
ence makes a lot of sense for a large organization. Drawbacks and
critiques aside, both of these approaches can make a lot of inroads
toward breaking down data silos.

42 | Chapter 4: Summary
Tools and Process
To get a job done well, you must have the appropriate tools and
apply the appropriate process to them. Embracing open source is an
excellent first step because there’s so much available and robust
developer communities to learn from. Also, don’t limit which tools a
data science team can use: let it evaluate alternatives and use what’s
appropriate for the people and the challenges involved. Bring in new
tools to support new talent while utilizing the existing approaches
and tooling to support your existing talent. For example, some of
your staff will need to use Python and machine learning frame‐
works, whereas other people might be more focused on SQL and
Be agile in your approach! This means keeping in mind that effec‐
tive work is not about building the best possible model for one use
case; it’s about the cadence you establish for creating many effective
models for a range of use cases. Invest time to prove value; however,
time is typically the most expensive resource in business, so don’t
spend too long to prove value in a given use case. Time is not your
friend. Joni Rolenaitis, Experian CDO, said it best, “Go agile or go

You need to foster the proper kind of culture for a data science team
so that the members can develop an effective mindset for the chal‐
lenges they face. Data and dogma don’t mix well. Data science teams
are often in the “hot seat” because they’re the gatekeepers for analy‐
sis that disproves what others in the organization might take as giv‐
ens. On a data science team, we’re fostering an analytic mindset, one
that’s driven by curiosity. To support that, create an environment in
which people can collaborate with their peers, where criticisms
coming from outside the team are constructive, and in which opin‐
ions—both inside and outside the team—are respected but not wor‐
shipped. Ultimately, data and reproducible analysis, and an extra
dose of curiosity, must rule over opinion.
Diversity helps. Diversity builds a wide range of skills and experi‐
ence across a team, which combine to produce effective solutions.
Data science is inherently interdisciplinary. Diversity also helps tem‐
per opinions so that they don’t turn into bias.

Tools and Process | 43

In terms of organization and planning, some aspects are crucial for
establishing an effective mindset:

• Keep your sprints quick when you need to prove or disprove

value, but give your people time to invest in a problem that
needs to be resolved.
• Develop team deployment models that fit your business needs.
Some data science practices use a hub-and-spoke structure to
get their members involved in use cases while still closely com‐
municating. In other firms, there’s an “embedded” model of
rotating people into product teams, but bringing them back
together periodically to compare notes. Experiment with what’s
best for your organization.

Integration and Trust

Integrating AI into your business will probably have at least two
dimensions. First, there’s the impact on your internal business work‐
flows. How does the organization arrive at decisions? How should
automation affect the decisions that people make? Second, there’s
the decision of where AI fits into your roadmap for customer solu‐
tions. Develop your analytics and machine learning work with these
end goals in mind: how will they be consumed?
In either of those categories—impacting internal operations and
product decisions—trust is key. To build trust in AI, people need to
be comfortable with automation systems and confident that they
produce good results. Good results go beyond the accuracy of pre‐
dictions; your organization and customers must also be comfortable
with your data science team’s practices addressing concerns about
fairness and bias, developing models and supporting workflows in
which decisions can be explained and explored, and designing for
security and robustness. There’s a growing body of open source
projects to help remediate concerns about AI trust, and related
foundations such as LFAI; for example, the Linux Foundation’s
AIF360 toolkit provides a range of advanced statistical tooling for
measuring and correcting bias in training data.

44 | Chapter 4: Summary
To close this book and pull together the components described
throughout it, your challenge is to build a data science strategy for
your organization. As Figure 4-1 shows, we approach this challenge
from two directions. We want a culture that supports discovery,
diversity of skills and perspectives; embraces new ideas and insights
about your business; and moves quickly to prove or disprove them.
We also want an effective data platform that supports a data science
team that has diverse needs, along with scaling for customer use

Figure 4-1. Strategies for accelerating AI

The upper-right corner of Figure 4-1 faces closest to your custom‐

ers. AI trust is paramount there, and to reach that, you must build
an appropriate culture for your data science team and for their rela‐
tionship with the broader organization. Your data science team
needs the skills, the diversity, the mindset, the mentoring, the curi‐
osity, the domain expertise, and continuous learning to take advan‐
tage of machine learning and integrate data products to meet your
customers’ needs.
The lower-left corner of the diagram is about your data and invest‐
ing in its value. Break down the silos, collaborate across teams, and
get the appropriate tools and processes in place to unlock the value

Conclusion | 45
of your data. Make these platform capabilities meet the needs of
your data science team’s culture and skills, both for immediate pur‐
poses and as their curiosity and insights and organization learning
grows. Also, make your platform capabilities meet your customers
needs as your business grows.
Ultimately, these two approaches must meet in the middle.
Throughout this entire process, there are feedback loops that you
can recognize and nurture so that both your platform and your team
improve continuously. With these practices, skills, and culture
together, you can be agile in building AI in your organization.

CTO Vietnam Network

46 | Chapter 4: Summary

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