Batik (Infografis)
Batik (Infografis)
Batik (Infografis)
What is Batik?
Batik is a traditional textile art form that
involves the creation of intricate patterns
and designs on fabric using a wax-resist
dyeing technique. It is particularly
associated with several countries in
Southeast Asia, including Indonesia,
Malaysia, and parts of the Philippines and
Thailand. The word "batik" itself is
Javanese in origin, and it means "to dot."
history of batik
Ancient Origins: The origins of batik are somewhat
uncertain, but evidence of this dyeing technique
dates back to ancient civilizations. Some of the
earliest known examples of batik-like textiles have
been found in Egypt and the Middle East, dating as
far back as 4th-century BC. These textiles were
created using a wax-resist method similar to batik.
prices of batik