Chapter 1 Ern Edit
Chapter 1 Ern Edit
Chapter 1 Ern Edit
Chapter I
Stories are very good media. A story, well told, can inspire an action, help
with the development of cultural appreciation, be emotional, expand children's
knowledge, or just evoke pleasure. Listening to stories helps them understand
their world and how they relate to others, according to Raines Danisbell
(2002:vii). When children hear stories, they use their imaginations.
They described the story based on the reader's description. This creativity
depends on how the story reader can make the story come alive and how the
active listener interprets what he hears. According to Factual Ruddin (2003:10),
despite all of it, the story has the power, function, and benefits of communication,
as well as the method of building the child's personality. The way of telling stories
is what makes them appealing to children. Storytelling is a form of art that can be
used as a means to instill values in a child without having to patronize the child,
according to Asfandiyar (2007:2). Storytelling is processor-child-producing in its
development and always activates not only intellectual aspects but also aspects of
sensitivity, void, bodies, art, fantasy, and imagination in children who not only
prioritize the ability of the left brain but also the right brain. In the story-telling
activity, the story becomes very important because, through this process, the
message of the story can come to the child. At the time of the storytelling process,
there was an absorption of knowledge delivered by the audience. Storytelling is
one effective way to develop cognitive aspects (knowledge), affective (feeling),
social, and the association of children.
1. Punctuality
2. Fluency
The capacity to communicate clearly and eloquently without stopping or
displaying distracting hesitation signs is known as fluency. It also includes certain
elements such as answering intelligibly throughout the discourse, employing
transitional words and phrases, maintaining a clear pronunciation, and utilizing
appropriate tone without undue delay. Accuracy and fluency are inseparable. The
mastery of discourse, syntax, and phonological aspects is referred to as accuracy
Inten Mujizat, (2016).
The choice of words should be precise, clear, and varied. Obviously, if the
intent is easily understood by the target audience, the listener will be more
aroused and will better understand if the words use words that have been known
by the listener (Musyawir dan Sifaul Ma'lul, 2018).
Students often experience anxiety and fear when they have to speaking or
interact in English with their peers. Second, due to a deficiency in vocabulary,
grammatical knowledge, and practice speaking the language, pupils lack the
motivation and ideas to communicate in English. Third, the pupils continued to
pronounce English words incorrectly on a regular basis. Fourth, their issues with
prosodic elements like tone, stress, and other phonological subtleties continue to
lead to communication breakdowns. These issues cause the kids to be reluctant
and uninspired to speaking.
Speaking is one of the following abilities that is most crucial: Speaking abilities are, in the
opinion of researchers, the most important requirement in this case. In particular, to
assess how well EFL students have learned the language and how successful they have
been in doing so. Gaining proficiency in speaking is crucial for students. For the learner
to effectively master English, they must begin focusing on quality instruction. Speaking is
a crucial part of assessing how successfully someone delivers a message or executes an
2) exercise
3) communication activity.
Researchers realize that many supporting factors affect the success of
speaking and teaching, and many inhibitors factor in that all such methods are less
effective. In Indonesia, many schools that teach English start in elementary
school, whereas English is not our daily language. As a result, many students have
difficulty learning English. When researchers conducted research at MTS Negeri
11 Boyolali, many of them did not like English lessons due to various factors,
including difficulties in speaking English. According to researchers, using the
storytelling method will greatly help them in speaking English because it has been
proven to be very useful in multicultural education. This method can help create a
classroom community, improve student stability and emotions, and improve their
understanding of social environments.
The researcher chose the MTsN 11 Boyolali in addition to the distance to school,
which was easily accessible. This is also due to the fact that researchers have practiced
teaching at MTSN 11 Boyolali, so they know the characters of several classes in the
The researcher here feels the need for restriction, so the study is more
focused and there is no widening of the study on the problem at hand. It's
limited to the correlation between student story-telling ability and
speaking skills. At MTsN 11, Boyolali Grade 7.
The results of the study are expected to benefit both theoretically and
2. Practical significance
a. Teacher
Can be input for teachers, especially English teachers in
understanding correlation between story telling ability and
speaking skills.
b. Students
This study can provide motivation for students in improving skills
skills by using storytelling methods.
c. Reader
This research is expected to contribute to readers, especially UIN
Raden Mas Said Surakarta students in enriching correlation
references between students story telling ability and speaking