Global Governance
Global Governance
Global Governance
Involvement of IGOs and NGOs
IGOs- composed of member states established for single or
multiple objectives
NGOs – private voluntary organizations whose members are
either individuals or groups gathered on a common purpose
NGOS LINKED WITH IGOS – Funds for World Bank projects
are disbursed through NGO’S
Many emerging issues are linked with transnational flows of
people, goods, capital, technology and ideas
There is greater emphasis on sovereignty that is contingent
upon the respect of human rights
Many actors continue to use force and coercion as their
instruments to achieve their goals;
Support for peaceful means of dispute settlement, the rule
of law and diplomacy
Not only for preservation of states but also for the
protection of the interests of communities and
transnational actors
Along with rules, IGOS constitute the formal parts of a
Regimes – set of implicit and explicit principles, norms,
rules, and decision-making procedures around which actors’
expectations converge in a given area of international
relations (Krasner, 1982)
Composed of informal parts (principles and norms); and
formal parts (rules and decision-making procedures);
Its content may change from time to time but the norms
and principles do not
When GATT was replaced by WTO, trade principles and
norms of reciprocity and non-discrimination survived
Provide confidence-building measures to avoid
misperceptions of states’ individual intentions;
Reduces transaction costs;
Show the shadow of future which means they provide
states idea of sunk costs for deviating from their
commitments and compliance;
Provide enforcement mechanisms and norms of reciprocity
Relative peace after World War 2
Embody the economic institutions cosmopolitan values of
liberal political and
During much of Cold War –regimes persisted despite the
declining influence of the Western states that helped create
Helped overcome the difficulty of providing collective goods
such as liberal trade and financial system through
mechanisms that dissuade free-riding and raise or
internalize the costs of defection
Regime may affect the decisions of states, they do not
matter as much as the balance and distribution states’
material capabilities do
Regimes may be considered as an extension of a major
power’s interests and preferences
There is no organization with the formal authority to
undertake policy-making designed to regulate or facilitate
affairs within the system
There is no single system with the police powers to enforce
and implement policies made
No government
IGOs are no world governments that have ultimate authority
Role of International Organizations
IGOs such as the UN develop the habits of cooperation
among actors through regular interactions
Along with states IGOs spearhead the creation and
maintenance of principles, norms and rules based on
collective concerns
United Nations
Establish expectations about the behavior of states and
other actors
Through its Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) consult
with NGOs in many important matters
Advocates for specific policies and offer alternative forum
for political participation;
Mobilize mass public in the promotion of advocacies;
Perform the roles of providing education, health and
agriculture which are supposedly functions of the
Rely on soft power;
Provide credible information and expertise that attracts the
attention and admiration of governments and the public;
Politically independent from any sovereign state;
Can make and execute international policy more quickly
and directly and with less risk to national sensitivities than
Can participate at different levels, from policy formulation
and decision- making to implementation
Limitation of NGO
Lack the traditional forms of power;
Very limited economic resources
Principal Organs
1.The Security Council
Maintain international peace and security
Made up initially of 11 states after 1965, 15 states;
Includes 5 permanent members P5 ( US, UK, France,
Russia and China – all are nuclear states) plus 10 non-
permanent members, two states from Latin American
The 10 non-permanent seats are divided among regions:
five states from African and Asian Sates, one seat from the
Eastern European State and last two from Western
European and other States (UNGA Resolution 1991 (XVIII of
17 December 1963)
9 out of 15 members – majority – for decision-making
5 permanent members – veto power over all decisions
3.The Secretariat
Carries out substantive and administrative work of the UN
as directed by the other principal organs;
Led by the Secretary- General who provides all
administrative guidance
On the recommendation of other bodies, it carries out a no.
of research functions and some quasi- management
Primarily bureaucratic; lacks the political power and the
right of initiatives
Empowered to become involved in threats to peace,
economic and social problems and humanitarian crises