Lesson 1 Grade 7
Lesson 1 Grade 7
Lesson 1 Grade 7
Jesus who moved around Galilee preaching the Gospel, reached the
boundaries of Judea. There, He taught the people and healed the sick. Then a
rich young man approached Jesus and asked: "Teacher, What good deed must I
do to have eternal life?" Jesus answered: "If you wish to enter into life, keep the
Commandments." (Mt 19:16-17).
God chose Israel as His own people, delivered them from Egyptian captivity
and led them to the land of Canaan. When the Israelites reached the desert of
Sinai, God established a covenant with them. "Now therefore, if you obey my
voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession out of all the
peoples" (Ex.19:5). This was the core of the old covenant. The Israelites agreed
that they will obey whatever the Lord commanded. On Mount Sinai, God gave
Moses two Covenantal tablets. Ten Commandments were written on them, and
God taught them how to obey them.
Significance of Commandments
The basis of God's Commandments is love. Its essence is Love of God and
love of fellow brethren. Thus, the ten Commandments are summed up in two
Commandments: 1.Love your God; 2. Love your Brethren.
God gave these Commandments for the integral growth and progress of
Israel, the God's own people. We can categorize them into two sections. The
first three Commandments belong to the first section. They refer to the
relationship of man with God. The next seven Commandments belong to the
second section. These Commandments teach us about the mutual
relationships of human beings.
The Commandments which the Lord gave to Moses on stone tablets are
now written in human hearts. The Lord says: "I will put my laws in their minds and
write them on their hearts." (Heb 8:10). These Commandments of God also
contain the moral laws for all people. The Commandments of God are the
instructions to know and love God and to live in righteousness. These
Commandments also help for the welfare and prosperity of entire humanity.
The Commandments have not only literal meaning, but also have an inner
meaning. While we interpret them, we have to take it into account. Since many of
the Commandments express a negative statement, we may think that they are
all negative. But, they not only prevent us from doing evil, but also give us
powerful inspiration to do good things. For example, The fifth Commandment,
'You shall not kill' teaches us not only to keep ourselves away from murder, but
also to respect and protect human life. This Commandment also means to
maintain the dignity of life. We should understand that the Commandment 'You
shall not steal' intends not only to avoid stealing, 'but also to protect others
properties' and to be just in the use of money.
Commandments in Our Daily Life
Commandments convince us about our duties and responsibilities to God,
our brethren and ourselves. They help us to know, love and serve God and thus
attain heaven. It is not enough that we know the Commandments; we must obey
them. Jesus taught by His own life how to obey the Commandments with love.
Jesus longed that every person who follows Him should obey these
Commandments in daily life. He said: "If you keep my commandments, you will
abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in
his love.' (Jn. 15:10).
Jesus, who asked the rich young man and the lawyer to keep the
Commandments in their right sense tells us: keep the Commandments; grow in
love that makes it meaningful. Love is the hallmark of a Christian. When we obey
God's Commandments sincerely, we will grow in love and thus we will inherit
eternal life. Hence, let us obey God's Commandments, live in love and inherit
eternal life.
Let us Pray
O loving God, thank you for teaching us the commandments,
the way to eternal life. Help us to attain eternal life,
obeying your commandments in our day to day life.
Word of God for our Guidance
If you keep my commandments, you will abide in
my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments
and abide in his love (Jn. 15:10).
Let us Do
Learn the Ten Commandments by-heart.
My Resolution
I will lead a life, obeying God's commandments.