Marathon Planpdf
Marathon Planpdf
Marathon Planpdf
R Advanced
16 Weeks 7 Workouts/Week
2024-06-12 W01D3-Cross Training Cross training, 60 minutes. Focus on upper body and core.
2024-06-19 W02D3-Cross Training Cross training, 45 minutes. Focus on upper body and core.
2024-06-20 W02D4-Steady Run • Run, easy pace, 10 minutes.
• Run, steady pace, 20 minutes.
• Run, threshold pace, 20 minutes.
• Run, easy pace, 10 minutes.
• Cool Down, 5 to 10 minutes.
• Stretch.
2024-07-24 W07D3-Cross Training Cross training, 45 minutes. Focus on upper body and core.
2024-09-05 W13D4b-Body Weight Exercises Body weight exercises, 15 minutes. Leg exercises, 15 minutes.
2024-09-11 W14D3-Cross Training Cross training, 45 minutes. Focus on upper body and core.
2024-09-18 W15D3-Cross Training Cross training, 45 minutes. Focus on upper body and core.
Created by
Full Potential
At 30 years old, Keith Anderson changed his lifestyle and began running to get �t and lose weight. After expert advice and training, he ran a 2:17 marathon
and �nished 10th in the Commonwealth Games Marathon at age 41. Keith's company, Full Potential, provides professional coaching for everyone from
beginner to elite runners.
The information, advice, and training plans on this website are for educational purposes only. Before making any changes to your exercise habits and before implementing any
information or training plans on this website, you should consult your physician. If you follow the advice or training plans on this website, then you do so at your own risk. Garmin
will not be responsible for any injuries or other health problems that you may su�er if you follow the advice or training plans on this website.