Ayuda Perforacion
Ayuda Perforacion
Ayuda Perforacion
Product Overview
Service Leader
Zero Harm
Mine Performance Rotary Blasthole Drills from
Every customer is a reference Joy Global - productive solutions 250XPC 285XPC 320XPC
Hole diameter 200 mm - 311 mm 229 mm - 349 mm 270 mm - 444 mm
for all mine types 7 7/8” - 12 1/4” 9” - 13 3/4” 10 5/8” - 17 1/2”
Superior propel
Our commitment to quality and Built for maximum strength, P&H
reliability is supported by our focus mainframes and crawler frames stand
on Operational Excellence. We use up to hard-rock mine conditions. Rugged
Joy OpEx principles to eliminate waste, 250XPC 285XPC 320XPC
crawlers and powerful hydrostatic propel
simplify the process, automate and The P&H 250XPC provides up The P&H 285XPC provides up The P&H 320XPC is the
drives deliver maneuverability, gradability Rugged masts
remove people from harm’s way. to 53,524 kg (118,000 lbs) of bit preferred choice for large
to 40,823 kg (90,000 lbs) of bit
and fast set-ups. The drill mast is a structure subjected
loading specifically designed loading specifically designed diameter blasthole drilling
to high loads. P&H masts are designed
for 250 and 270 mm diameter for 270 and 311 mm diameter in extremely difficult rock
Ample air using finite element analysis to achieve
hole applications. This drill hole applications. This drill is conditions. The electric main
A range of reliable, mining duty high cycle fatigue resistance and less
can be found drilling in coal, well suited for the majority of power and carriage provides
compressors are available to meet the downtime and costs repairing cracks.
copper, and diamond mines copper and iron applications. more than enough torque
specific bailing air needs for your mine. Constructed of common high strength
around the world. and bit loading to drill in these
P&H drills utilize reverse helix screw alloy steel, the mast provides maximum
tough conditions.
compressors that provide years of rotary carriage and drill string support.
reliable service.
2 | Joy Global | P&H Rotary Blasthole Drill Product Overview P&H Rotary Blasthole Drill Product Overview | Joy Global | 3
Operator comfort and safety Getting the most out of your P&H drills
P&H drills are designed to provide mounts to provide isolation Prevail Remote Health Management system
operators with a safe, comfortable, and to the operator from vibrations The Prevail Remote Health Management (RHM) System helps
productive working environment. The common to drilling. mines by providing timely, efficient machine health and
drill operator’s cab includes the latest in performance data. The PreVail RHM system taps into the
ergonomic and safety improvements. Productive environment
powerful communication, command and control capabilities
Controls are located within easy
of the electrical control system, transforming the data and
Superior visibility reach of the operator to allow for
information it produces into more refined knowledge of great
The operator is provided with a clear, maximum productivity.
value to your operations and maintenance management teams.
unobstructed view of the drilling area and That knowledge is available in several forms including KPI (key
areas surrounding the drill. Expansive performance indicator) dashboards, graphical analysis tools,
windows and video cameras ensure that Safe environment
predictive modeling and reporting tools.
the operator is able to maintain complete A FOPS Level II certified structure and
situational awareness during drilling and shatter resistant glass protects the With PreVail RHM installed on your P&H drills, you have access to:
propelling. The operator’s chair can swivel operator from harsh mining conditions. • Increased asset performance visibility to help you determine
to face the direction of travel during The seat rests on an adjustable, air when to intervene – and position you to minimize corrective
propelling for safer repositioning. suspension and the cab rests on viscous action cost
® Select Equipment Type Drill
time and mean time to recovery Time Range: 1/14/20XX 00:00 to 1/18/20XX 00:00
Uptime Ratios Top Outages By Count
4.81 (Feet)
• Operating practices analysis to allow for review and Operating
Non Operating
Machine Names Status Total Depth (Feet) Total Holes Time/Hole (Mins) Avg ROP (Feet) Drill Hours Idle Hours % Utilization Hole-Hole Time (Mins)
BD3200000 (0000) 4769 83 43:00 4.81 38 6 54.17 26:02
no matter where the mine is located. machine’s controls quickly and safely, as well as master the
Weak power grids entire operator process from start to finish, before they ever step
Arctic conditions Joy Global’s electric P&H 320XPC has a foot into a real-world piece of machinery. Training simulators lead ® Select Equipment Type Shovel
Welcome: logout
P&H drills operate reliably in some of soft start transformer available that limits to less machine downtime, fewer accidents, and a more efficient PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE REPORTS NOTIFY JOY GLOBAL
Selected Machines: BD0000X, BD000XX, BD00XXX, BD0XXXX, BD00000,
Home By
and productive operation.
the coldest environments on the planet. the impact of starting the drill on weak
Time Range: Last One Week
The drill is equipped with the necessary power grids by reducing the initial inrush The Series I Drill Training Simulator provides a real world feel in Hole Summary View Chart
Hole 1606- 130428-5630 Hole 1606- 130428-5629 Hole 1606- 130428-5628 Hole 1606- 130428-5627 Hole 1606- 130428-5626
heaters and insulation to protect the current. This can reduce the overall
0 0
a very compact package. The simulator uses a 17” laptop, HDMI
operator and drill from temperatures power infrastructure costs for a mine cable included for connection to a large screen monitor, and
that reach -40°C (-40°F). and increase the life of the main motor real world joystick controllers that clamp to almost any table top
5 5
4 | Joy Global | P&H Rotary Blasthole Drill Product Overview P&H Rotary Blasthole Drill Product Overview | Joy Global | 5
Life Cycle Management
JoySmart Service Centers
Through collaboration, operational
excellence and integrated technology
solutions, Joy Global partners with
our customers to provide the asset
management strategy needed to
achieve desired results. Customers
can select from LCM options that
complement their support structure
to reduce costly downtime, optimize
equipment performance and take the
uncertainty out of maintenance, repair
Joy Global recognizes the diversity of our customers, allowing them to select from flexible service offerings that are designed to Prognostics and remote
help maximize performance and productivity of P&H and Joy mining equipment. Customers are served directly by Joy Global service health management
centers and distribution facilities that are regionally located and globally linked. The following service offerings are designed to help Leverage predictive, prescriptive and
anywhere in the world. incorporating the latest design with Joy Global service centers offering rugged drilling rigs:
improvements, available from regional expedient turnaround time and
Machine Assembly and Rebuild warehouses for same day or next high-quality service repairs based on easy to operate, easy
Our service teams are structured to OEM specifications. Each service Performance Life
be the preferred resource for every
day delivery.
center is staffed with experienced and Cycle Management to maintain, designed
Technical and field services well-trained technicians committed to
machine rebuild by applying new
and built for exceptional
machine assembly factory best practices We offer factory-trained service delivering quality and reliability.
culminating with the Joy Global Flawless technicians and skilled tradesmen Prognostics and remote performance value.
health management
Start Up process. Our assembly and
rebuild program is backed by a complete
range of OE services including SP&C,
Life Cycle Management
Component Exchange Program (CEP),
on-site project management, labor, shop Joy Operational Excellence
Contact your
services, as well as a wide range of products/processes/people
Joy Global service
technical support.
representative for
Flawless from the Start
more information
on P&H drills or visit
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Joy Global worldwide locations
Product designs, specifications and/or data in this document are provided for informational purposes only and are not warranties
of any kind. Product designs and/or specifications may be changed at any time without notice. The only warranties that apply to
sales of products and services are Joy Global’s standard written warranties, which will be furnished upon request.
Joy Global, Joy, Montabert P&H and related logos are trademarks of Joy Global Inc. or one of its affiliates.
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