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4- SAFETY PERSONNEL TRAINING & controls, emergency response procedures,

INDUCTION and the proper use of personal protective

“Safety first, because accidents last” equipment (PPE).

SAFETY PERSONNEL TRAINING & Department Order. No. 56, Series of 2005
INDUCTION Guidelines for the Implementation of DOLE D.
Safety personnel training is conducted in order O. No. 13, Series of 1998,
to equip employees with the needed On Occupational Safety and Health in the
knowledge and skill that will allow him to Construction Industry
perform his task in the right way, and
consequently, be able to comply with the set of Section 3: Methodology
standards and procedures. a. Construction Safety and Health Program
A safety induction is conducted to welcome Section 5 of DOLE D.O. No. 13 - provides
new employees to the company and prepare that every construction project shall have a
them for their new role. It ensures workers are suitable Construction Safety and Health
fully informed about the organization and are Program (CSHP).
aware of their work and responsibilities, along f. Safety and Health Training
with the risks and hazards that may come with Section 13 of DOLE D.O. No. 13 - requires
their job. that the contractor shall provide continuing
construction safety and health training to all
SAFETY PERSONEL TRAINING technical personnel under his employ.
The training of safety personnel is regulated by Section 4: Costing
the Department of Labor and Employment f. Safety and Health Training - Cost
(DOLE) through the Occupational Safety and associated for the provision of basic and
Health Standards (OSHS). The OSHS continuing construction safety and health
specifies the qualifications, training training to all safety and technical personnel
requirements, and duties of safety officers in shall be made part of the indirect/overhead
workplaces. cost of the project.

According to the OSHS, employers are Examples of Safety Personnel Training

required to designate a safety officer or safety Safety Seminars and Orientations
personnel depending on the number of Safety seminars and orientations are
employees and the nature of the workplace. conducted to educate individuals about
The safety officer must undergo training as various aspects of occupational safety and
specified by DOLE, which includes the health. These seminars and orientations are
completion of the Basic Occupational Safety typically organized by employers, industry
and Health (BOSH) Training Course. associations, government agencies, and
training providers to promote a culture of
Department Order No. 198 series of 2018 safety in the workplace and in the community.
REGULATIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT Training on environmental safety covers topics
NO. 11058 ENTITLED “AN ACT such as waste management, pollution
STRENTHENING COMPLIANCE prevention, and conservation of natural
PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF” Training on emergency procedures covers
how to respond to different types of
Under the OSHS, employers are required to emergencies, such as fires, earthquakes, and
provide their employees with safety and health medical emergencies.
training programs that are relevant to their
work activities. These programs should cover Rule 1030 (Occupational Safety and
topics such as general occupational safety and Health Training) of the OSHS
health principles, workplace hazards and
- Serves as a starting point for an organization WHAT ARE DISCUSSED IN A SAFETY
to introduce a culture of safety in the INDUCTION MEETING?
workplace - Important information about hazards, safety
- Ensures that new workers are introduced to risks, procedures, policies, and all site-specific
the hazards and safe work practices in their information that they need to know about the
workplace construction site they are working at.
- Major resource for helping prevent an injury - Making sure that all workers on a
or accident from happening in the workplace. construction site are fully aware and prepared
to report new and unknown hazards they
What is the purpose of Safety Induction? encounter.
Safety Awareness: Ensure all personnel - Everyone should be aware of how to work
understand the importance of safety and are safely with known hazards.
aware of potential hazards and risks in the - Discuss how to report safety incidents, and
workplace. how to respond in an emergency.
Compliance: Educate personnel on safety - Discuss the safety procedures, safe work
regulations, standards, and procedures to practices, safety policies, site access, site
ensure compliance with laws and industry best protocols, contracting requirements, and
practices. general safety and procedure-based
Risk Reduction: Equip personnel with skills to requirements for working on a construction site
identify, assess, and mitigate workplace
hazards effectively, reducing accidents and OVERVIEW OF SAFETY PERSONNEL
Emergency Response: Train personnel on 1. Preparation
emergency procedures, including evacuation 2. Welcome and Introduction
plans and first aid, to ensure swift and effective 3. Overview of Safety Policies and Procedures
response to incidents, minimizing harm to 4. Identification of Hazards
individuals and property. 5. Training on Safety Equipment and Personal
Protective Gear
WHO DELIVERS SAFETY TRAINING & 6. Emergency Procedures
INDUCTION? 7. Demonstrations and Practical Exercises
In most organizations, HR (Human 8. Interactive Learning
Resources) is responsible for coordinating and 9. Assessment and Evaluation
delivering the induction program. However, the 10. Documentation and Record-Keeping
responsibility for induction may also be shared
by other departments, such as health and TOPICS DISCUSSED IN SAFETY
safety, operations, or management. PERSONNEL TRAINING & INDUCTION
Health Safety Environment Policy
INDUCTION? Safe Gate Entry Procedure
Ideally, any person who is new to a workplace Confined Space Entry
needs to attend a safety induction Emergency Procedure
Excavation Safety Manual Handling
PERSONNEL INVOLVED: General Safety Instructions
Employees Safety Lifting
Contractors Safety Signages
Safety Officer Painting & Fire Safety
HR Representative Site Traffic Rules
Site Manager Scaffolding Personal
Incident Reporting
LAST? Housekeeping
Up to 3 hours or It could last a day or two or
even a week, depending on what area of work WHY IS SAFETY PERSONNEL TRAINING &
they will be in INDUCTION IMPORTANT?
All companies have an obligation to educate
employees on the importance of their health
and safety. Health and Safety Induction is an
important part of this process, because it
ensures that all new employees understand
the risks they are exposed to in the workplace
and how to minimize them.


New employees are particularly prone to
accidents and ill health from work-related
activity, especially if they are young and
inexperienced. This is likely due to a number
of factors, including:
- A lack of familiarity with the working
- Reduced risk perception (a lack knowledge
or awareness leading new employees to
underestimate risks); and/or
- Issues with training (a lack of on-the-job
training, or in some cases no training at all).


Help and encourage employees to work
Familiarize employees with the workplace
and their responsibilities.
Reduce accidents and injuries within the
Improve safety awareness among
Demonstrate the commitment of the
employer to safety.
Help new employees transition into the
Inform workers of their work responsibilities
and limitations when in the workplace.
Introduce employees to company policies.
Improve productivity and quality of work
among employees

Safety Personnel Training & Induction serves
as a cornerstone in creating a workplace
where safety is ingrained in every aspect of
operations. By ensuring that all personnel
understand the importance of safety and are
aware of potential hazards and risks,
organizations can safeguard the well-being of
their employees, enhance productivity, and
uphold their commitment to creating a safe
and thriving work environment.
5- PROMARY CAUSES OF ACCIDENT AND must also wear highvisibility clothing and hard
CASE ANALYSIS hats and ensure that equipment and materials
are secured to prevent them from falling.
OBJECTIVE: to identify recurring patterns,
contributing factors, and potential root causes,
ultimately aiming to establish a
comprehensive understanding of accident
prevention strategies and best practices in the
construction industry
FALLS FROM HEIGHTS Caught-in/between accidents occur when
Fall is one of the major causes of injuries and workers are caught between two objects or
fatalities on construction sites. Workers may caught in machinery. These accidents can
fall from ladders, scaffolding, roofs, or other cause serious injuries or fatalities.
elevated structures. Factors that contribute to
falls from heights include lack of fall protection, What were the contributing factors?
poor safety equipment, inadequate training, - Unsafe Work Practices, Lack of Training,
and poor housekeeping. Inadequate Machine Guarding, Poorly
Maintained Equipment.
What were the contributing factors? What are or could be the outcome?
-lack of fall protection, poor safety equipment, - Fatalities, Serious Injuries, Permanent
and inadequate training. Disabilities, Psychological Trauma
What are or could be the outcome?
-Fatalities, Severe Injuries, Permanent To prevent caught-in/between accidents,
Disabilities. construction companies must ensure that
workers are adequately trained on how to
To prevent workers from falling, contractors operate machinery safely and follow lockout
and construction managers must provide procedures when performing maintenance or
guardrails, safety nets, and fall arrest systems. repair work. Workers must also ensure that
Workers should be well-trained in using fall they are aware of their surroundings and keep
protection equipment. Moreover, it is a safe distance from machinery and
everyone’s responsibility to ensure ladders equipment in operation.
and scaffolding are in good condition.
STRUCK BY OBJECTS / FALLING These accidents are the result of negligence
OBJECTS and undermined electrical standards.
These accidents occur when workers are Unprotected live wires or unsafe and faulty
struck by moving objects, such as vehicles, electrical equipment can result in severe
cranes, or falling debris. These accidents can injuries and fatalities in the form of electrical
result in serious injuries, such as fractures, shocks, burns, or current-induced fire.
traumatic brain injuries, or even death.
What were the contributing factors?
What were the contributing factors? - Contact with Live Electrical Sources, Lack of
-Unsecured Tools and Equipment, Lack of Training, Improper Use of Tools and
Barricades or Warning Signs, Unsafe Work Equipment, Poorly Maintained Equipment.
Practices, inadequate Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE). What are or could be the outcome?
What are or could be the outcome? - Fatalities, Cardiac Arrest, Burn Injuries,
-Minor Injuries, Serious Injuries, Internal Injuries.
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), Fatalities
To prevent electrical accidents, workers must
To prevent struck-by accidents, construction receive proper training on how to work with
companies must implement safety protocols, electrical equipment and follow safety
such as traffic control plans, to separate protocols, such as de-energizing equipment
workers from moving equipment. Workers before performing maintenance or repair work.
Electrical equipment must also be inspected 3. Encourage active participation
regularly to ensure that it is in good working
Construction is a vital industry, but inherent Safety compliance training, like defensive
risks exist. Understanding the primary causes driving, fall protection, or hazardous
of accidents, the "Fatal Four" of falls from materials handling is vital, important and
heights, struck-by objects, caught-in/between, required. But at best, that compliance
and electrocutions, is crucial for creating a training will be provided to employees only
safer work environment. Additionally, once year or less often. Toolbox talks provide
addressing contributing factors like an easy way to keep safety on every team
inadequate training, unsafe practices, and member’s mind, every day, every week. The
pressure is essential. goal of toolbox talks is to provide safety
reminders, brief refreshers and quick lessons
on safety topics that might not get covered
in the longer safety training courses.


- To be able to explain the meaning of Toolbox
or Safety Prestart Meeting HOW TO CONDUCT TOOLBOX MEETING?
- To be able to demonstrate how to conduct a - Should be organized by Project
toolbox/safety prestart meeting - Leaders or Site Managers
- Choose a current subject
INTRODUCTION - Draw up a schedule
- Toolbox meetings are small discussion to - Keep it Short
understand safety that is conducted before - Document the meeting
shift starts at the jobsite.
- Also known as safety briefings or pre-start CONTENT OF A TOOLBOX MEETING?
- Lead by the crew Project Leaders or Site - Mention different job stages
Managers - Talk about the tools and materials
- Held daily prior to task - Talk about the hazards involved in
- Held anywhere each of the stage
- Usually done for about 5-10 minutes - Mention control measures
- Not only for Construction Industry - Mention PPE requirements
- A Company does not have to conduct many - Consider other on-going job in the
toolbox meetings area
- Attendance must be recorded - Ask and answer questions


1. Reduce workplaace incidents MEETINGS
2. Keep all workers alert - Protective Equipment
3. Improve team communication and - Electrical Safety
productivity - Workplace Hazards
4. Serve as a reminder of workers' duties and - Ladder Safety
responsibilities - Forklift Safety
5. Function as an updated record of hazards - Emergency Preparedness
and action plan - Wood Dust
- General Safety Reminders
PURPOSE OF TOOLBOX MEETINGS - Construction Toolbox meeting
1. Raise awareness - Slips Trips and Falls Toolbox meeting
2. Promote safe work practices - Working at heights Toolbox Meeting
- Confined Space Safety Toolbox Meeting
- Accident Reporting Toolbox meeting
- Asbestos Awareness Toolbox Meeting
- COSH Toolbox Meeting
- Excavation Toolbox Meeting
- Fire Extinguisher Toolbox Meeting
- Fire Safety
- First Aid

Effective Communication is a tool for
incident and accident prevention
1- CONSTRUCTION OCCUPATIONAL The DOLE is the lead agency of the
SAFETY and HEALTH (COSH) government in charge in the administration
and enforcement of laws, policies, and
CONSTRUCTION SAFETY programs on occupational safety and health.
involves implementing rules, regulations, and (Legal basis: Presidential Decree No. 442)
safeguards at construction sites to keep LABOR CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES
workers safe from injury and harm. There are As embodied in Article 162, Chapter 2 of Book
countless hazards that could cause serious Four o f the Labor Code of the Philippines,
injury or death unless the proper precautions “The Secretary of Labor and Employment
are taken. shall by appropriate orders set and enforce
mandatory occupational safety and health
standards to eliminate or reduce
occupational safety and health hazards in
all work places and institute new and
update existing programs to ensure safe
and healthful working conditions in all
places of employment.”

Constitutional mandate to safeguard the

worker’s social and economic well-being as
well as his physical safety and health.
Policy and Framework:
Labor Code of the Philippines
Art. 162 – Mandatory OSH Standards
Art. 164 – OSH Trainings
Art. 165 – Administration and enforcement
Art. 128 – Visitorial and enforcement power

Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Phil.

Secretary of Labor should:
• set mandatory standards;
• enforce such standards.

Article 164 of the Labor Code of the Phil.

Secretary of Labor should:
• develop and implement training programs;
• increase no. & competence of OSH

Article 165 of the Labor Code of the Phil.

• DOLE solely responsible for administration
and enforcement of OSH laws, regulations,
and standards
• But, chartered cities may conduct industrial
safety inspections

Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Phil.

1. Inspectors have access to employer records
and premises
• at any time when work is undertaken
• can copy such records
• can question workers
2. Can order compliance of labor laws (after
due notice and hearing)
3. Secretary can order stoppage of work or 1040 Health & Safety Committee
suspension of operations in imminent danger 1050 Notification & Keeping of Records of
cases Accidents and/or Occupational Illnesses
4. Presidential Decree 626 – created the 1060 Premises of Establishments
Employee’s Compensation Commission in 1070 Occupational Health and Environmental
1975Sanitation Code of the Philippines Control
5. R.A. 8504 – HIV/AIDS Prevention Act – 1080 Personal Protective Equipment and
signed in February 13, 1998 Devices
6. R.A. 9165 – Comprehensive Dangerous 1090 Hazardous Materials
Drugs Act of 2002 1100 Gas and Electric Welding and Cutting
7. R.A. 6969 – Nuclear and Other Hazardous Operations
Substance s and Chemicals Act 1120 Hazardous Work Processes
8. Local Government Act – decentralized 1140 Explosives
some national government functions to LGUs. 1150 Materials Handling and Storage
Ex. Inspection of buildings, health care 1160 Boiler
provisions, etc. 1170 Unfired Pressure Vessels
9. E.O. 307 – created OSHC as national focal 1180 Internal Combustion Engine
point on: 1200 Machine Guarding
• training 1210 Electrical Safety
• research 1220 Elevators and Related Equipment
• information 1230 Identification of Piping System
• technical services/assistance on OSH 1240 Power Piping Lines
matters. 1410 Construction Safety
1420 Logging
OSHC – Occupational Safety and Health 1940 Fire Protection and Control
1950 Pesticides and Fertilizers
1960 Occupational Health Services
1970 Fees1980 Authority of Local
1990 Final Provision

International Labor Organization (ILO)

Center 1 General Provisions
2 General Duties
3 Safety at Workplace
OSH STANDARDS 4 Scaffolds and Ladders
Purpose and Scope 5 Lifting Appliances and Gears
The objective of this issuance is to protect 6 Transport, earth-moving and materials-
every workingman against the dangers of handling equipment
injury, sickness or death through safe and 7 Plant, machinery, equipment and hand tools
healthful working conditions, thereby assuring 8 Work at heights including roof work
the conservation of valuable manpower 9 Excavation, shafts, earthworks,
resources and the prevention of loss or underground works and tunnels
damage to lives and properties, consistent 10 Cofferdams, caissons, and work in
with national development goals and with the compressed air
State’s commitment for the total development 11 Structural frames, and concrete work
of every worker as a complete human being. 12 Pile-driving
13 Work over water
Rules of OSHS 14 Demolition
1000 General Provisions 15 Electricity
1010 Other Safety Rules 16 Explosives
1020 Registration 17 Health hazards, first aid and occupational
1030 Training of Personnel in OSH health services
18 Personal protective equipment and STUDY AND UNDERSTAND ALL
19 Welfare ORDER 13
20 Information and training
21 Reporting of accidents and diseases Personal Protective Equipment
• Employer shall provide adequate and
Department Order No. 13 approved type PPE within the construction
Guidelines Governing Occupational Safety site.
and Health in the Construction Industry • Construction workers who are working from
Objectives unguarded surfaces six (6) meters or more
• To ensure the protection and welfare of above water or ground must be provided with
workers employed in the construction industry harness and life lines
• To ensure protection and welfare of the • For Specialty Construction Workers
general public within and around the • For all other persons authorized or allowed
immediate vicinity of any construction worksite within the construction site
as w ell as the promotion of harmonious • Free of charge
employer-employee relationships
• To take into consideration industry practices Safety Personnel
and applicable government requirements General constructor must provide for a full-
time general construction safety and health
Department Order No. 13 Objectives officer
Guidelines Governing Occupational Safety Additional construction SH Officer
and Health in the Construction Industry depending on the number of workers
Effectivity – signed July 23, 1998 Subcontractor’s safety officer
Construction Safety Signages
Accredited Organization - any organization • Danger of contact with electrical/facility
duly accredited by DOLE delegated or equipment
authorized to perform functions related to • Danger of contact with moving parts of
improvement of OSH in the form of training, machineries
testing certification, SH auditing or any other • Location of fire alarm and fire fighting
similar activity. equipment
Construction SH Committee - the general • Instructional signs• Periodic updating of man-
SH committee for a construction project site hour lost
that shall be the overall coordinator in
implementing OSH program “Low risk establishment” refers to a
Construction SH Officer - any workplace where there is low level of danger
employee/worker trained and, in addition to or exposure to safety and health hazards and
the regular duties and responsibilities, tasked not likely or with low probability to result in
by his employer to implement OSH programs accident, harm or injury, or illness.
in accordance with the provisions of the OSH “Medium risk establishment” refers to a
Standards workplace where there is moderate exposure
Construction SH Program - a set of detailed to safety and health hazards and with
rules to cover the processes and practices that probability of an accident, injury or illness, if no
shall be utilized in a specific construction site preventive or control measures are in place.
in conformity with the OSHS including the
personnel responsible and the penalties for
violation thereof.
• Executed and verified by the construction
project manager or project manager
• Shall be submitted to BWC for approval or
• Cost shall be integrated into the project cost,
provided it shall be a separate pay item. “High risk establishment” refers to a
workplace wherein the presence of hazard or
DEFINITION OF TERMS potential hazard within the company may
affect the safety and/or health of workers not Labor and Employment or his/her authorized
only within but also persons outside the representative shall be penalized of the
premises of the workplace (e.g. construction, administrative fines as follows:
mining, petrochemical, etc.)

“Safety officer”–refers to any employee or

officer of the company trained by the DOLE or
DOLE Accredited Training Organization and
tasked by the employer to implement an OSH
program in accordance to OSHS
“Worker” refers to any member of the labor
force, regardless of employment status.
“Workers’ OSH Seminar” refers to the
mandatory eight (8)-hour module conducted
by the safety officer of the establishment or
any certified OSH practitioner or consultant, as
prescribed by the OSH standards (shall
include a portion on joint employer-employee

R.A. 11058
An act strengthening compliance with NOTE:
occupational safety and health standards and SOP- Service Operating Permit
providing penalties for violations thereof. WSO- Work Stoppage Order
The OSH Law has a matrix indicating the
administrative fines that may be imposed for Requirements in the Practice of OSH
willful non-compliance of said law and its Completion of the Bureau Prescribed Training
Implementing Rules and Regulations(IRR) Course On OSH conducted by DOLE
under DOLE Department Order No. 198, S. Accredited Safety Training Organization
2018. Basic Occupational Safety and Health
Pursuant to DO No. 198, the DOLE Training (BOSH) – an 8 hour OSH orientation
Secretary and his representatives (through plus 2-hour training of Trainers designed to
the Bureau of Working Conditions) is impart knowledge and skills on basic concepts
empowered to conduct spot audits and can and principles of occupational safety and
enter workplaces (which include health to enable potential safety officers (SO1-
production sites) at any time of the day or certification) to implement their company
night where work is being performed to safety and health program.
examine records and investigate facts, Basic Occupational Safety and Health
conditions or matters necessary to determine Training (BOSH) – mandatory 40 hours
compliance with OSH rules and regulations, training for all industries (except construction
and in the case of the Safe Filming, to the and maritime) for safety officers whose work
FDCP-DOLE Joint Memorandum involves OSH. Qualified as Safety Officer 2
Circular(JMC). DOLE may order a stoppage (SO2).
of work or suspension of operations of any Construction Occupational Safety and
unitor department when non-compliance Health Training (COSH) – mandatory40
poses grave and imminent danger to the hours training for those in the construction
safety and health of workers in the industry, for safety officers whose work
workplace. involves OSH. Qualified as Safety Officer 2
Prohibited Acts and It’s Corresponding BWC Accreditation as OSH
Penalties practitioner/consultant. Includes PNRC first
Any willful failure or refusal of an employer, aid training to qualify as SO3.
contractor or subcontractor to comply with the
following OSH standards below or with a CONCLUSION
compliance order issued by the Secretary of
Every safety officer and worker must undergo SECTION 18. MISCELLANEOUS
safety training and seminar in order to be fully SECTION 19. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES
aware of the hazards and risks in construction. SECTION 20. EFFECTIVITY
Standards set by the Government in terms of
safety requires every construction project to
have at least a fulltime safety officer and shall
vary depending on the magnitude of the works.
Any project not following the DOLE safety
guidelines shall be penalized according to the
gravity of the situation.


OBJECTIVES: To protect the employee or
workers from risk and hazards or other words
prevention for work accidents.
COVERAGE: Applicable to all employment
- mining industry
RA 11058
- Establishments engaged in land, sea,
and air transportation except their
garages, docks, port hangars,
maintenance and repair shops.
DOLE's Response on OSH in Construction
- Decentralized Evaluation/Approval of CSHP
(AO152 dated April 26, 2011)
- Training and Accreditation of OSH
Practitioners (D.O. 16 s 2001)
- Prioritized inspection of construction sites
-Inter-agency collaboration (MOA-JAO-DOLE
- Harmonization of policies and programs to
ensure safety and health of workers in the
construction industry.
- Strengthen coordination and linkages among
concerned agencies to promote welfare of
construction workers and growth of
construction industry.
- D. O. 128-2013 - Amending Rule 1414 on
Scaffoldings of the 1989 OSH Standards, As
- Issued Memo to DOLE-ROS
- Strict observance of the prescribed PCT of 5
working days in the processing of CSHP
- Adherence to the forged DOLE-DPWH Joint
- D.O. 131-B - Revised Rules on Labor Laws
Compliance System (LLCS)
- Hazardous Establishments

D.O 198: IRR OF RA 11058 "AN ACT

FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF” 1. High-risk establishment- refers to a
Signed Dec 6, 2018 workplace wherein the presence of a hazard
Published Jan 9, 2019 (Phil. Star) or potential hazard within the company may
Effective: Jan. 25, 2019 affect the safety and/or health of workers
2. Medium risk establishment - a workplace
Coverage: where there is moderate exposure to safety
1. Establishments located inside special and health hazards and with probability of an
economic zones and other investment accident, injury, or illness.
promotion agencies 3. Low-risk establishment - a workplace
2.Utilities engaged in air, sea, and land where there is a low level of danger or
transportation exposure to safety and health hazards and not
3.Industries such as mining, fishing, likely or with low probability to result in
construction, agriculture, and maritime accident, harm, or illness.

1. Public Sector


- Register establishment to DOLE and comply
with OSH Standards
- Provide hazard free and safe work
- Use approved equipment and devices
- Workers welfare facility
- Budget Safety and Health Program
- OSH reports .Micro and Small Enterprises (MSES) -
- Payment during work stoppage due to establishments employing less than 10
imminent danger employees and establishments employing
less than 100 employees, respectively,
WORKER’S RIGHTS: regardless
- Right to refuse unsafe work
- Right to Free PPE
- Right to know
- Right to report accidents.
Imminent danger - a situation caused by a
condition or practice in any place of
employment that could reasonably be

Employee/ Employer Responsibilities

Project Safety Team/Committee

Employer Responsibilities
- Provide a Safe Work Environment:
Employers are responsible for making sure
construction sites are safe and comply to
safety standards.
- Implement Safety Programs and Training:
Employers should establish comprehensive
safety programs and provide adequate
expected to lead to death or serious physical training to employees on topics such as
harm. hazard recognition, fall protection, and proper
equipment usage.
- Provide Personal Protective Equipment
Employers are responsible for providing and
ensuring the proper use of PPE such as hard
hats, safety glasses, gloves, and respiratory
protection where necessary.
- Maintain Machinery and Equipment:
Employers are responsible for making sure
that all machinery and equipment on the job
site is safely operated, maintained, and
inspected on a regular basis.
- Emergency Preparedness:
Employers should have procedures in place Review corrective measures. Make written
for responding to emergencies such as fires, recommendation to correct the hazard, and
accidents, and medical emergencies. submit it to management for timely response.
- Accident/Incident Investigations:
Employee Responsibilities They must establish procedures for reviewing
- Compliance with Safety Procedures: reports completed for all safety incidents,
Employees must follow all safety procedures including injury accidents, illnesses and
and guidelines established by the employer, deaths.
including wearing PPE and using equipment They should review these reports so that
properly. recommendations can be made for
- Participate in Training: appropriate corrective action to prevent
In order to improve their understanding of recurrence.
safety procedures and hazard identification, - Safety/Health Planning:
employees should actively participate in safety They must establish procedures to review
training programs offered by the employer. inspection reports and make appropriate
-Report Hazards and Incidents: implementation of new safety/health rules and
Workers have an obligation to notify their work practices.
supervisors or safety officers as soon as they - Accountability:
become aware of any hazardous situations, They should make recommendations to
near misses, or incidents. implement supervisor and employee
- Wear Personal Protective Equipment accountability for safety and health.
(PPE): - Safety and Health Training for Committee
Employees must wear and properly use the Members:
required PPE provided by the employer to The committee must provide specific training
protect themselves from hazards present on on their type of business activity. Include at a
the construction site. minimum, hazard identification of the
- Use Equipment Safely: workplace and how to perform effective
Workers should operate tools and construction accident incident investigation.
equipment in accordance with safety Identify the location of safety procedures
regulations and manufacturer instructions. provided with appropriate equipment and
- Cooperate with Safety Inspections: inform employees of their location.
Employees should cooperate with safety
inspections conducted by regulatory agencies
or internal safety teams and provide necessary
information to ensure compliance.
- Management Commitment to Workplace
Safety and Health:
The committee must evaluate employers
safety/health policies and procedures, submit
written recommendations for safety
improvement and changes, and review
corrective actions taken by the management.
- Committee Meetings and Employee
The committee must hold regular meetings
and establish safety protocols from
suggestions, hazard reports, and other safety
- Hazard Assessment and Control:
The committee must establish workplace
inspection procedures to identify safety and
health hazards.
They must also assist the employer in
evaluating the accident and illness prevention
international and national regulations that
govern business and organization operations.
- In 1981 the International Labor Organization
(ILO) adopted the Occupational Safety and
Health Convention (C155). Later (R164)
supplements C155 and provides more
detailed guidance on how to comply with the
policies of C155. It identifies obligations that
might be placed on employers and employees
to achieve the basic goal of a safe and healthy
place of work.
- The Occupational Safety and Health
Standards Act, or the Republic Act (RA)
11058.Once enacted, this substantial
legislation will assist in reducing the rising
number of workplace injuries and illness in the
- A COSH certificate holder is not only eligible - When an accident or ill-health occurs, there
to become an approved safety practitioner by will be direct and indirect costs associated with
fulfilling compliance and accreditation that event.
requirements. Gaining knowledge and - Accidents and ill health can significantly
expertise about the requirements of the affect the financial resources of an
Occupational Safety and Health Standards, organization and, in some cases, can put an
including RA 11058 and other relevant laws organization out of business.
and legislation, is another crucial aspect of this - Direct Costs - the measurable costs arising
course. directly from the accident.
- Completing the COSH program is a - Indirect Costs - those which arise indirectly
requirement for safety officers working in the as a consequence of the event. are often
construction industry under Rule 1030 of the difficult to quantify precisely and may be hard
Occupational Safety and Health Standards to identify.
(OSHS)and the DOLE Department Order
No.13, s. 1998: Guidelines Governing Safety MORAL & ETHICAL
and Health in the Construction Industry. - It is all about a duty that every person owes
to protect the lives of others.
WHO SHOULD TAKE THECOSH TRAINING - This includes ensuring that the workplace is
COURSE? safe.
- Safety Officers/engineers - The moral reason can be summarized as.
- Members of safety and health committees “it’s the right thing to do”. It is proper that
- Supervisors, mangers, and executives workers go to work to earn a living and return
- HR personnel home in the same state, not suffering from ill
- Members of productivity councils health or physical injury.
- Workers and union members/officers - Managing health and safety in the workplace
protects employees. It is immoral to enable
COSH IS IMPORTANT FOR them to labor in hazardous situations.
- Financial & Economic - Low Compliance Rate
- Moral & Ethical - Limited Coverage of the Standard
- Absence of Strict Penalties
LEGAL & SOCIAL - Fragmented Administration
- The legal justification for managing health - Outdated Standard
and safety is based on the framework of
- Enforcement and Compliance with OSHS,
RA 11058 & DO 198-2018
- Implementation of reporting mechanism and
revision of forms
- Continuous development of Construction
- Provision of adequate Training and CONSTRUCTION SITE
- Conduct of Accident Investigation LOW RISK
- 10 TO 50 WORKERSONE (1) SO1
Safety Officer - 251 TO 500 WORKERSTWO (2) SO2 AND
refers to any employee/worker trained and ONE (1) SO3
tasked to implement occupational safety and - 751 TO 1000 WORKERSTWO (2) SO3
health programs in the workplace in
accordance with the provisions of the OSHS. MEDIUM RISK
- 10 TO 50 WORKERSONE (1) SO3
Safety Officer 1 - 100 TO 199 WORKERSONE (1) SO2 AND
refers to an employee who has completed the ONE (1) SO3
mandatory eight (8)-hour OSH orientation - 251 TO 500 WORKERSONE (1) SO2 AND
course as prescribed in the OSH Standards TWO (2) SO3
and two (2)-hour trainers' training. - 751 TO 1000 WORKERSONE (1) SO2 AND
TWO (2) SO3
Safety Officer 2
refers to an employee who has completed the HIGH RISK
mandatory forty (40)-hour OSH training course - 10 TO 50 WORKERSONE (1) SO2
applicable to the industry as prescribed in the - 100 TO 199 WORKERSONE (1) SO2 AND
OSH Standards. ONE (1) SO3
- 251 TO 500 WORKERSTWO (2) SO3
Safety Officer 3 - 751 TO 1000 WORKERSTWO (2) SO3
refers to an employee who has fulfilled the
following requirements: at least two (2) years SUMMARY POINTS & CONCLUSION
of relevant experience in occupational safety - Construction's health and safety
and health (OSH); completion of the performance has improved throughout the
mandatory forty (40) hour OSH training course years, but this does not imply that we should
applicable to the industry; and an additional be complacent; instead, we should be aware
forty-eight (48) hours of advanced/specialized that continuous improvement is possible and
occupational safety training course relevant to that we must reach the excellence level that
the industry. A qualified SO3 is qualified to be has establish for our industry.
certified as an OSH practitioner. - Workplace safety training is essential for
ensuring a safe and productive work
Safety Officer 4 environment. It entails providing staff with the
refers to an employee who has completed the knowledge and skills required to recognize
mandatory forty (40)-hour OSH training course possible hazards, manage risks, and respond
applicable to the industry, an additional eighty effectively in emergencies. Safety training
(80)hours of advanced/specialized covers a wide range of themes and practices,
occupational safety training course relevant to including danger recognition, correct
the industry, a total of three hundred twenty equipment use, emergency response
(320) hours of OSH related training or methods, and encouraging a safe culture
experience, at least four (4) years of actual among personnel. This safeguards
SO3experience, and other requirements as employees' health and safety while also
prescribed by the OSH standards and reducing financial losses, legal
Qualified SO4s will be eligible for certification responsibilities, and damage to reputation.
as OSH consultants.
9-10 COSH with Covid-19 Prevention and - Frequent Handwashing of all personnel on
Control the site.
Measures & Job Hazard Assessment - Promote good respiratory hygiene
- Create a record of employees with long-term
COVID-19 conditions like diabetes, hypertension, heart
- A highly transmittable virus and can be issues, allergies, asthma, cancer, etc.
spread from person to person by aerosolized
particles that are released when an infected WHAT TO DO DURING COVID-19?
individual talks, sings, breathes, sneezes, or AVOID THE THREE C’S:
coughs. - Crowded places
- Closed-contact settings
PHILIPPINE DOMESTIC CONSTRUTION - Confined and enclosed spaces
“Construction Guidelines for Project ASSESSMENT?
Implementation during the period of Public - Is a tool to help analyze the hazards
Health Emergency” associated with each step of a project so that
the proper controls are implemented to
4 M’s eliminate or reduce any hazardous
- MATERIAL consequences.
THE GENERAL GUIDELINES IN - With highest injury or illness rates.
RESPONDING TO COVID-19 - With potential to cause severe or disabling
1. The contractor will assign a focal point to injuries or illness,
implement and monitor prevention measures. - Jobs in which one simple human error could
2. Restrict entry to all visitors during the lead to severe accident or injury.
epidemic, until further instruction. - That undergone changes in processes and
3. If a worker or any other individual feels ill, procedures.
they must stay home.
4. Hold briefings at the beginning of the STEPS IN CONDUCTING JHA
workday to discuss COVID-19. 1. Identify the hazard
5. Take the temperature of all personnel and 2. Assess the risk
ensure that they wash their hands before 3. Evaluate the existing controls
entering the site or the project office. 4. Implement additional risk controls
6. Upon arrival at the construction site, the 5. Monitor and review
following preventive guidelines must be
- Avoid handshakes, hugs and any other forms 1 . Elimination- It makes sures to vanish the
of close contact on the job. hazard or hazard are no longer exists in all
- Maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter at all areas.
times 2. Substitution- It means to alter or modify the
- Wash hands before eating and drinking and material or process to minimize the hazard.
do not share food or drinks with colleagues. 3. Engineering Controls- The use or
- Do not share or exchange your personal replacement of engineered machinery or
protection equipment (PPE). equipment to remove or reduce exposure to
7. The proper disposable of used gloves and any hazards from coming to contact with
face mask will be mandatory. workers.
4. Administrative Controls- To reduce the
PREVENTIVE MEASURES IN duration, frequency and intensity of exposure
- Disinfect the areas at least twice a day chemicals or situations, changes in work
procedures such as written safety policies,
rules, supervision, schedules and training are
5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)- A
equipment worn to minimize exposure to
hazards that causes serious workplace
injuries and illness.
- Safety Glasses
- Hard hats
- Hearing Protection
- Protective Clothing, etc.

- Set performance standards
- Standardize operations based on acceptable
safe practices and Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
- Provides a form of training documentation
- Reduces injuries
- Reduces absenteeism
- Increases productivity
- Increases morale
- Protects employees


- Be sure to record enough information.
- Get input from other workers.
- Point out that you are evaluating the job itself,
not the employee’s job performance.
- Include the employee in all phases of the
- Photograph the worker performing the job.
11- Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment - 3 C's - Collaboration, Context, and
and Control (HIRAC) Communication - are fundamental to the
success of an Integrated Risk Management
HIRAC. Short for Hazard Identification, Risk
Assessment, and Control. HIRAC is a How to mitigate Risk
systematic approach to identifying and - Substitution
minimizing potential hazards in the workplace. - Isolation
By carefully analyzing and evaluation risks, - Engineering controls
employers can take proactive measures to - Reduce the risk using administrative controls
create a safe and secure environment - Reduce the risk using personal protective
for their employees. equipment (PPE)

Why is it important to work safely? Long-term Benefits of HIRAC for

- By implementing HIRAC, employers can Workplace Safety
systematically identify and address potential The long-term benefits of implementing
hazards, reducing the risk of incidents and HIRAC are numerous. By proactively
creating a safer working environment. addressing potential hazards, organization
can prevent incidents from occurring, thereby
HIRAC Process minimizing downtime, worker compensation
- The Hazard Identification Risk Assessment costs, and potential legal liabilities.
and Control process consists of three steps: Additionally, a safe and healthy work
hazards identification, risk assessment, and environment leads to higher employee morale,
risk control. Each step plays a crucial role in job satisfaction, and productivity.
ensuring workplace safety and reducing risks.

Step1: Hazard Identification

The first step in the HIRAC process is to Regulatory Requirements and Standards
identify potential 1. Occupational Safety and Health Standards
hazards in the workplace. (OSHS)
Step2: Risk Assessment 2. Republic Act No. 11058 (RA 11058),
Once the hazards have been identified, the otherwise known as the "Occupational Safety
next step is to assess the level of risk and Health Standards Act
associated with each hazard. 3. Department of Labor and Employment
Step3: Risk Control (DOLE) Guidelines and Issuances
The final step in the HIRAC process is to 4. DOLE Department Order No. 198-18
implement controls to manage and reduce the 5. DOLE Department Order No. 16-01 (Series
identified risks. of 2001)
6. Philippine National Standards (PNS)
How to identify hazard
- Observing how work tasks are being Training and Communication
performed Effective training and communication are
- Assessing the equipment workers are using, fundamental for ensuring that employees
and understand and adhere to hazard
considering how that equipment is being used identification, risk assessment, and control
- Analyzing the design and layout of the work measures.
areas 1. Safety Training Programs
- The physical work environment 2. Toolbox Talks and Safety Meetings
- Equipment, materials, and substances used 3. Online Training Modules
at the workplace 4. Safety Committees and Peer Mentoring
- Work tasks and how they are performed
- Work design and management Case Studies/ Examples/ Scenarios
Case studies and examples play a crucial role
What is Risk Assessment in illustrating the practical application of
HIRAC principles and highlighting the
effectiveness of risk management strategies in activities, processes, or operations.
various workplace settings.
1. Chemical Spill Response Procedure Technology and Automation- Utilize
2. Fall Prevention Measures technology and
3. Machine Guarding in Manufacturing automation tools, such as sensors, monitoring
systems, and data analytics, to proactively
Methods and Techniques of using HIRAC identify and mitigate hazards
Checklists and Forms- Develop in real-time.
comprehensive checklists and forms designed
to systematically identify potential hazards CONCLUSION
across different areas of the workplace. - Through effective hazard identification, risk
assessment, and control measures,
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)- Break down job organizations can prevent workplace
tasks into specific steps and identify potential accidents and protect the health and well-
hazards associated with each task. being of employees.
- Continuous improvement and commitment to
Safety Walkthroughs and Observations- safety is essential for maintaining a culture of
Conduct regular safety walkthroughs and safety and ensuring that safety remains a top
observations to visually inspect the priority in all aspects of operations.
workplace for potential hazards.

Incident and Near Miss Reporting- Establish

a system for
reporting incidents, accidents, and near
misses in the workplace.

Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP)-

Conduct systematic reviews of processes,
systems, or equipment to identify potential
hazards and deviations from intended

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)-

Analyze potential failure modes of systems,
processes, or products to identify potential
hazards and their effects.

Ergonomic Assessments- Evaluate

workstations, tools, and equipment to identify
ergonomic hazards that may contribute to
musculoskeletal disorders or repetitive strain

Chemical Management and Material Safety

Data Sheets (MSDS)- Maintain an inventory
of hazardous chemicals used in the workplace
and ensure access to up-to-date Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each

Environmental Risk Assessments- Assess

potential environmental hazards and risks
associated with workplace
8- PROJECT SAFETY INSPECTION & - Take Follow-Up Action
How to create a checklist?
PROJECT SAFETY INSPECTION 1. Identify inspection areas
- A monitoring carried out on-site, identifying all 2. Break down each area
the potential hazards that might endanger the 3. Define inspection area
health and safety of employees in buildings or 4. Create a Checklist
workplaces. 5. Test and Refine
- Ensure that all the materials and procedures
comply to the plan and

- General Inspections- checks on matters
such as housekeeping, chemical use,
handling techniques, use of personal
protective equipment, machine guarding and
noise exposure
- Technical inspections- more specific and The construction safety checklist should
often of a more technical nature than general be comprehensive, covering the following
inspections. Used to check cranes, lifting Topics at a minimum:
devices, electrical systems, noise levels, - Permits
explosives handling, chemical storage, lighting - Previous inspection
levels - PPE
- Tools and equipment
How Often Should You Conduct Safety - Fall protection method
Inspections? - Protective devices and signs
OSHA divides its regulations into two - Electrical concerns
categories: construction and general - Scaffolding
industries. Construction safety inspections, or - Fire safety
self-inspections as OSHA refers to them, are - Emergency evacuation
recommended to cover the entire worksite and - First aid facilities
be done weekly. - General site and building safety
- Hoardings, safety barriers, and temporary
Who should conduct Safety Inspections? stairs
- Safety Officers - Clinical safety and infection control
- Frontline supervisors
- Contractors and Subcontractors Significance of Project Safety Inspections
- Supervisor 1. Quality control - inspections ensure the
quality of your construction project is up to
- Identification of Hazards 2. Safety assurance - Regular inspections
- Assess the possible losses that these play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of
hazards might cause. workers and, eventually, the people who will
- Select corrective action to minimize or use the building.
eliminate these hazards. 3. Risk mitigation - helping identify potential
- Monitor the effectiveness of the control issues before they become major problems.
procedures 4. Saving time and costs - regular
- Review compliance with the OSH standards inspections can save you both time and money
in the long run.
- Preparation Tools Necessary During Inspections
- Inspection - Clipboard or Notebook
- Develop Remedial Action - Flashlight
- Documentation - PPE
- Camera select options for eliminating, preventing, or
- Checklist controlling workplace hazards.

Inside of a Safety Inspection Checklist SAFETY IN CONSTRUCTION

- Categories - Construction industry sites are one of the
- YES, NO, N/A most hazardous
- Priority Level (1-4) (Low-High) workplace environments to work in with regard
- Location(s) to health and safety of employees.
- Hazard Rating (A-C)
- Corrective Action (Who/When/Where) - Construction site safety is a very important
requirement in the construction industry that is
CONCLUSION: often neglected on project sites. Without
Inspections of construction sites offer an proper safety regulations employees are
approach that enables teams to handle prone to minor and major accidents on a
unforeseen changes and human error that regular basis because of the dangerous and
arise during the project, which helps to reduce dynamic environment of the construction
some of that risk. industry.

Ensuring safety on a project site is paramount, IMPORTANCE OF SAFETY IN THE

and creating an effective inspection checklist CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY
is crucial in achieving that goal. A well-crafted Public Protection: Construction safety
checklist for inspecting construction sites will management systems in such places can
facilitate the project's successful completion prevent any harm that may be caused to the
and highlight areas in need of improvement. public due to construction processes.
Teams are able to get ahead of safety
concerns and eliminate risk in this way. Efficient usage of Time and Money:
Construction safety aids in saving excess time
and money that has to be spent in case of any
unwanted situations.

Promote Compliance: Abiding by the

regulatory compliances not only protects the
employees but also the organization on the

Safe Site Management: In order to promote

PROJECT SAFETY AND RISK site safety, the safety manager must build a
MANAGEMENT strong relationship with the employees so that
they follow the safety manager.
Risk management is the process of evaluating
WHAT IS SAFETY? and implementing procedures to reduce the
- Safety is the state of being safe; freedom impact of risks in construction projects. This
from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or risk management process involves thorough
loss. planning to create a risk management plan
that allows project managers to identify,
- Safety is one of the most important aspects monitor and mitigate risks as they arise.
of a construction project, as construction
workers are often exposed to activities with RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS
potentially serious hazards. OSHA guidelines Managing risks on projects is a process that
recommend a proactive approach to includes risk
managing workplace safety and health and assessment and a mitigation strategy for those
recommend developing a plan to identify and risks. Risk
assessment includes both the identification of cost associated with accomplishing a project
potential risk and the evaluation of the task
potential impact of the risk.
- Risk sharing: involves partnering with others
to share
responsibility for the risky activities.

- Risk reduction: is an investment of funds to

reduce the risk on a project.
These measures can be utilized for risk
management: - Risk transfer: a risk reduction method that
- Risk Identification shifts the risk from the project to another party.
- Risk Analysis
- Risk Assessment and Evaluation Risk Monitoring
- Risk Mitigation - Part of the mitigation plan includes following
- Risk Monitoring up on both the risks and assessing the
effectiveness of any controls in place that were
RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS designed to eliminate or mitigate this risk(s).
Risk Identification
- Potential risks are defined, such as work site A risk mitigation plan is designed to eliminate
hazards or minimize the impact of the risk events—
- Process involves using checklists of potential occurrences that have a negative impact on
risks and evaluating the likelihood that those the project.
events might happen on
Risk Analysis Risk management procedures for
- Risks are then reviewed in order to determine occupational site health and safety can be
the probability of leading to negative roughly categorized as in four simple steps,
outcomes, their potential that are:
Plan– The safety policies and procedures
Risk Assessment and Evaluation must be planned as per risk assessment report
- After the potential risks have been identified,
the project team then evaluates each risk
based on the probability that a Check– In order to check for relevance,
risk event will occur and the potential loss effectiveness and
associated with it. efficiency of implementation, the safety
- Evaluating the risk for probability of performance is measured.
Do– Enforcements of policies and procedures.
Risk Mitigation
- This step is conducted in order to assess and Act– Proper remedial measures must be
prioritize risks, as well as develop plans to adopted in order to
mitigate them using specific risk controls. prevent safety and health issues.
During this step, actions to address the risk
and drive improvement through interventions CONCLUSION
occur. Safety and risk management are integral
components of
Risk Mitigation successful project execution. By identifying,
The project team mitigates risks in various assessing,
ways: mitigating, and monitoring risks effectively.
- Risk avoidance: usually involves developing Project Managers, Employers, and Safety
an alternative strategy that has a higher Officers can protect people, resources, project
probability of success but usually at a higher objectives and safety within the project team
and continuously strive for improvement in
safety and risk management practices.
Additionally, proactive management of risks
not only ensures project success but also
enhances overall organizational resilience and

Symptom Approach
- The symptom approach is a method of
problem-solving or
analysis that focuses on addressing the visible
signs or manifestations of a problem rather
than identifying and
CAUSE ANALYSIS addressing its underlying causes.
Root cause analysis is a method used to Root Cause Analysis
identify the underlying reasons or fundamental - Root cause analysis is a method used to
factors that contribute to a problem, issue, or identify the
event. It involves systematically investigating underlying reasons or fundamental factors that
the chain of events leading up to the problem contribute to a problem, issue, or event.
to determine the primary cause or causes,
rather than just addressing the symptoms. How to Conduct Root Cause Analysis
1. Define the problem
WHY CONDUCT AN RCA? 2. Collect all the relative data
- Root cause analysis is a crucial tool in 3. Identify and map events
preventing recurrent accidents in the 4. Identify the root cause
workplace. By identifying and eliminating the 5. Implement a solution
underlying cause of an issue, organizations
can create a Tips for Root Cause Analysis
safer work environment for their employees. There are a few things to keep in mind so that
- Conducting a thorough investigation that you get the most out of a root cause analysis:
identifies root causes will help to prevent - Address all root causes instead of focusing
similar events from happening again. In this on just one.
way, employers will reduce the risk of death - Focus on systemic answers, not personal
and/or injury to workers or the community or ones.
environmental damage. - Back up claims with evidence of a casual
- Root cause analysis fosters a culture of relationship.
continuous improvement within an - Fix "symptoms" of the root cause as well.
organization, promoting efficiency and
productivity. Several Tools used Root Cause Analysis
- Investing time and resources in root cause 1. Fishbone Analysis
analysis can lead to long-term benefits by 2. 5 Whys Technique
mitigating risks and enhancing overall 3. Pareto Analysis
workplace safety. 4. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
5. Root Cause Tree Analysis
Physical causes
- Tangible, material items failed in some way FISHBONE DIAGRAM
(for example, a car's brakes stopped working).
Human causes
- People did something wrong or did not do
something that was needed. Human causes
typically lead to physical causes (for example,
no one filled the brake fluid, which led to the
brakes failing).
Organizational causes
- A system, process, or policy that people use
to make decisions or do their work is faulty (for This visual tool helps identify potential causes
example, no one person was responsible for of a problem by categorizing them into major
vehicle maintenance, and everyone assumed categories like people, process, equipment,
someone else had filled the brake fluid).
environment, their potential effects and causes. It helps
and proactively
identify and address potential issues before


management. It helps teams brainstorm and

organize potential root causes.

This technique involves
"why" repeatedly (usually
five times) to trace back from
the symptoms of a problem
to its root cause. It helps This tool uses a hierarchical structure to
uncover deeper layers of causation beyond systematically identify potential root causes of
the initial symptoms. a problem and their relationships. It helps
visualize the interconnections between
different factors contributing to the problem.

This technique involves identifying the most

significant contributing factors to a problem by
analyzing which factors are responsible for the
majority (80%) of the effects. It helps prioritize
the most impactful root causes for further


FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS This tool is used to analyze potential causes of
(FMEA) a
This structured approach helps identify and specific event by creating a graphical
prioritize representation of the various combinations of
potential failure modes within a system, along events that could lead to the problem.

These statistical tools are used to monitor and

analyze process performance over time,
helping identify unusual patterns or trends that
may indicate underlying causes of variation or

Summary and Conclusion

Root Cause Analysis is a valuable tool in the
construction industry to identify and address
the underlying factors contributing to project
issues. By conducting thorough analyses,
construction professionals can improve project
quality, reduce costs, and enhance overall
Implementing the recommended solutions
based on RCA findings can lead to successful
project outcomes and client satisfaction.
Hazards Evaluation by minimizing exposure to dangerous
Methods & Tools of Evaluation conditions.
Legal Compliance- Evaluation is crucial for
Introduction compliance with safety regulations, avoiding
Hazard evaluation or assessment is a process penalties, and maintaining a positive
designed to identify, assess, and manage reputation.
health risks and safety hazards in the
workplace. It is a widely used industry practice Two Types of Hazard Assessment
that allows facility owners or operators to Formal Hazard Assessments
develop a complete understanding of potential This type of assessment takes a look at
hazards and the response actions necessary individual tasks involved in carrying out every
to address these hazards. job within an organization, from office work to
front line labor.
Hazard- A source, situation, or act with a Includes
potential • Identifying each position
for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, • Breaking it down into discrete tasks
or combination of these. • Noting the hazards encountered in carrying
out each task
Risk- The combination of the likelihood of an • Assessing the risks associated with each
occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure hazard
and severity of injury or ill health that can be • Recommending control methods for each
caused by the event or exposure hazard
• Overseeing the implementation of these
Acceptable Risk- Risk that has been reduced control measures
to a level that can be tolerated by the • Periodically re-evaluating the hazards, risks,
organization having regard to its legal and controls
obligations and its own Occupational Health & • Regularly updating documents
Safety policy. Site-specific Hazard Assessments
Also known as field-level hazard assessment
Risk Assessment- The process of evaluating (FLHA). Sitespecific hazard assessments are
the risk(s) more localized than its
arising from a hazards, taking into account the formal counterpart. They are concerned with
adequacy of any existing controls, and identifying
deciding whether or not the risks is acceptable. hazards in a particular area, at a particular
Common Types of Construction Hazards Hazard Controls
• Physical hazards: Falls from heights, • Elimination
tripping hazards, and electrical hazards • Substitution
• Chemical hazards: Exposure to toxic • Engineering controls
substances, gases, and fumes • Administrative controls
• Biological hazards: Exposure to infectious • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
agents, bacteria, and viruses
• Ergonomic hazards: Repetitive motion Methods and Tools for Evaluating Hazards
injuries and improper lifting techniques Hazard Identification & Assessment- It
involves a systematic approach to
Importance of Evaluating Construction understanding the risks
Hazards associated with various construction activities,
Prevention of Accidents- Evaluating hazards materials, and environmental factors. By
helps in identifying potential risks, preventing conducting a thorough hazard
accidents, and ensuring a safer work assessment, construction teams can prioritize
environment. and mitigate the most significant hazards.
Protecting Worker Health- Understanding
hazards safeguards the physical and mental Job Safety Analysis (JSA)- Job Safety
well-being of workers Analysis is a proactive tool used to examine
specific tasks or job procedures to identify • Jobs with the potential to cause severe or
potential hazards and control disabling injuries
measures. It involves breaking down tasks into or illness even if there is no history of previous
steps and analyzing each step for potential accidents
risks. • Jobs in which simple human error could lead
to a severe
Site Inspections and Audits- Regular site accident or injury
inspections • Unusual jobs/use of new tools or machinery
and audits are essential tools for evaluating • Any task in which an employee/supervisor
hazards in construction. These activities has safety concerns.
involve thorough examinations of the site,
equipment, materials, and work processes to Who should conduct JSA?
identify any deviations from safety standards ➢ Initially JSA’s are often conducted with a
and regulations. small team such as a Safety Technician,
Production Lead or Supervisor, and a
Hazard Identification and Assessment Production Worker. However, as the process
One of the "root causes" of workplace injuries, is better understood through experience and
illnesses, and incidents is the failure to identify training, many organizations rely on their front-
or recognize hazards that are present, or that line production workers to perform JSA’s.
could have been anticipated. A critical element
of any effective safety and health program is a The Four Basic Steps for Conducting JSA
proactive, ongoing process to identify and 1. Selecting the job to be analyzed
assess such hazards. 2. Breaking the job down into a sequence of
Hazard Identification and Assessment 3. Identifying potential hazards
1. Collect existing information about workplace 4. Determining preventive measures to
hazards overcome these hazards
2. Inspect the workplace for safety hazards
3. Identify health hazards Hazard Evaluation Tool
4. Conduct incident investigations Hazard evaluation (HE) can be defined as the
5. Identify hazards associated with emergency systematic identification and analysis of
and nonroutine situations hazards associated with a given product,
6. Characterize the nature of identified machine, or process. It involves identifying the
hazards, identify interim control measures, hazards and the failure modes that allow these
and prioritize the hazards for control hazards to cause injury, in addition to
determining the exposure of the hazards and
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) the severity of the hazard consequences. The
A tried and true method to identify and reduce deliverables resulting from HE are a definition
the risk of workplace hazards is a job safety of the system, a list of hazards, and a list of
analysis (JSA). In a JSA, failure modes with the associated hazard,
each basic step of the job is analyzed to exposure, and consequences.
identify potential hazards and to recommend
the safest way to do the job. Other terms used Hazard Evaluation Steps
to describe this procedure are job hazard 1. Establish boundaries
analysis (JHA) and job hazard breakdown. 2. Identify hazards
3. Identify failure modes
4. Evaluate exposure
5. Identify consequences

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Hazard Evaluation is Essential
After comprehensively evaluating the hazards,
Where it should be conducted? one of the primary conclusions is the
• Jobs with the highest injury or illness rates recognition that hazard evaluation is a
continuous process that requires ongoing
attention and adaptability. This means that
construction teams should regularly review
and update their hazard identification and risk
management strategies to address new
challenges and evolving work conditions.
Additionally, the importance of proactive
hazard evaluation, focusing on prevention
rather than reaction.

Hazard Evaluation is Always Beneficial

Furthermore, it is crucial to emphasize the
significance of incorporating hazard evaluation
into all phases of construction, from planning
and design to project completion. This
comprehensive approach ensures that
potential risks are identified and mitigated from
the initial stages, reducing potential
disruptions and enhancing overall project
- Document issued by DENR
ENVIRONEMNTAL SAFETY - It certifies that a proposed project or activity
- It is defined by the guidance, policies, and has been reviewed and found to comply with
practices enforced in order to ensure that the the country's environmental laws and
surrounding environment is free from hazards regulations and that all management plans are
that will warrant the safety and well-being of in place as part of the Environmental Impact
workers and employees, hazardous materials, Assessment.
as well as the prevention of accidental
environmental damage. DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 136 - SERIES
OF 2014
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN - Otherwise known as the Guidelines for the
CONSTRUCTION Implementation of Globally Harmonized
- Provide effective, site-specific procedures System in Chemical Safety Program in the
and mitigation measures to monitor and Workplace, governs the handling and use of
control environmental impacts throughout the hazardous substances and chemicals in the
construction phase of the project. workplace.


CONCERNS: 136-14
- Habitat Destruction - Implementation of DO No.136
- Noise Pollution
- Soil Erosion
- Air Pollution - The GHS is a system for standardizing and
- Waste Generation harmonizing the classification and labeling of
- Energy Consumption chemicals. It is a logical and comprehensive
- Hazardous Materials approach in:
- Defining health, physical and environmental
(EHS) - Creating classification processes that use
- An interdisciplinary field focused on the study available data on chemicals for comparison
and implementation of practical aspects with the defined hazard criteria; and
environmental protection and safeguard of - Communicating hazard information, as well
people's health and safety as protective measures, on labels and Safety
Data Sheets (SDS).
- Presidential Decree 1096 building code of the
- Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
- Department Order No. 136 - Series of 2014
- DOLE Department Order Number 136-14


- The Philippine Green Building Code seeks to
improve the efficiency of building performance
by adopting measures that promote resource
management efficiency and site sustainability
while minimizing the negative impact of
buildings on human health and the
environment. Also known as “Philippine Green ESSENTIAL WAYS TO PROTECT
- Use of Energy-efficient machine
- Optimize Transportation
- Implement waste management plan
- Waste Conservation
- Control of Air & Noise Pollution
- Utilize Renewable Energy
16- WORKER’S ALERTNESS TO HAZARDS ANSI accredits standards development
Hazard Awareness (SDOs) that demonstrate compliance with
- Hazard awareness means paying attention rigorous
and being aware of what’s going on around criteria for openness, balance, transparency,
you that could be dangerous. and due process in the standardization
1. Promoting Safety process.
2. Minimizing Risks
3. Successful Project Completion - NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION
Types of Hazards Offers training programs, seminars,
- Physical conferences, and
- Chemical certification courses for fire service
- Biological professionals, building
- Ergonomic inspectors, fire protection engineers, and other
- Psychosocial stakeholders involved in fire safety.

Consequences of Ignoring Hazards - AMERICAN SOCIETY OF SAFETY

- Workplace accidents and injuries PROFESSIONALS (ASSP)
- Health impacts ASSP provides guidance and assistance to
- Financial costs construction
- Legal repercussions companies in understanding and complying
with these
Factors Affecting Alertness regulations, helping them avoid penalties,
- Fatigue and Lack of Sleep fines, and legal
- Noise and Distractions liabilities associated with non-compliance.
- Complacency
- Lack of training Risk Assessment Techniques
- PPE non-compliance Identifying potential hazards, evaluating risks,
- Task Complexity and Repetition and implementing appropriate control
- Environmental Conditions: measures to mitigate those risks.
1. Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
Strategies for Enhancing Alertness Workers and supervisors collaboratively
- Training programs assess the risks involved and develop control
- Safety meetings measures to eliminate or minimize those
- Reporting systems hazards.
- Protocols and procedures 2. Safety Inspections
- PPE provision Regular safety inspections of construction
sites help workers identify hazards and unsafe
Regulatory Compliance conditions before they lead to accidents or
OSHA Regulations: injuries.
The Occupational Safety and Health 3. Toolbox Talks
Administration (OSHA) sets and enforces Toolbox talks provide an opportunity for
workplace safety and health regulations in the workers to share their experiences, raise
United States. OSHA regulations cover safety concerns, and reinforce safety
various aspects of construction work, including awareness among the team.
fall protection, scaffolding, electrical safety, 4. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Review
hazard communication, and personal By reviewing SDS, workers can assess the
protective equipment (PPE). risks associated with the substances they are
working with and take appropriate precautions
INDUSTRY STANDARDS to prevent exposure.
Specific Industry Standards: 5. Observational Risk Assessment
- AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS Workers and supervisors pay close attention
INSTITUTE (ANSI) to how tasks are performed, looking for
deviations from safe work procedures,
improper use of equipment, and other
indicators of risk.
6. Pre-Task Planning
Before starting a new task or activity, workers
engage in pre-task planning to assess
potential hazards, establish safety
procedures, and allocate resources effectively.
7. Near-Miss Reporting
By learning from near-misses, workers can
proactively address underlying safety issues
and prevent accidents before they occur.

In conclusion, promoting worker's alertness to
hazards is not only a legal and regulatory
requirement but also a moral obligation to
ensure that every worker returns home safely
at the end of the day. By embracing a proactive
approach to safety and fostering a
collaborative culture of risk awareness and
mitigation, the construction industry can
achieve its goal of zero incidents and create
safer work environments for all.
WORKERS ALERTNESS TO HAZARDS - Always take the proper precautions when
operating machinery or using tools.
• Workplace safety and health affect the 5. Locate Emergency Exits
overall productivity of every - Always know where emergency exits are
organization. Workers are expected to located and keep the path to them clear.
safeguard everyone's welfare but this 6. Report Safety Concerns
sometimes is not the case. Some - If you notice a potential safety hazard or risk,
employees may even sabotage the report it to your supervisor immediately so they
work of others that result to potential can address the situation.
risks and hazards. 7. Practice Effective Housekeeping
• Safety consciousness may be - Maintain a clean and organized workplace
defined as awareness of hazards and environment.
alertness to danger. It could reduce the 8. Make Use of Mechanical Aids
risk of accidents. A culture of alertness - Take the extra time to obtain a wheelbarrow,
is the way people do things to maintain crank, etc. to assist you in lifting heavy objects.
a high level of awareness to enhance 9. Reduce Workplace Stress
worker safety and health. - Stress can contribute to difficulty
concentrating, which make it hard to be alert at
5 Common Office Hazards to Prevent work.
1. Slips, Trips and Falls 10. Use Appropriate Safet Equipment
- Universal slip, trip and fall culprits include - Use the proper safety equipment for a task to
unattended spills, wet floors, exposed cords, help protect yourself from injury.
unstable work surfaces, uneven floors, loose
rugs and cluttered areas. How to Develop the Culture of Alertness
2. Ergonomic Injuries 1. Promoting work-life balance
- Office workers spend many hours a day - Change the way organization views work-life
seated at a desk, working on a computer, balance. There should be less pressure on
resulting in ergonomic strains and other workers to work for longer hours.
injuries related to posture and repetitive 2. Continuous training
movement. - Regular training will enable workers to know
3. Eye Strain the new issues that they should look out for.
- Spending a large portion of your workday at 3. Changing the management style to be
the computer can cause eyestrain. more safety-focused.
4. Fire Safety - As a leader, inspire your subordinates to take
- Cords should never overloaded outlets. The ownership of the overall safety of the
most common causes of fires started by organization. Communicate any changes to
extension cords are improper use and safety protocols and hold regular discussions
overloading. on the safety issues that arise.
5. Indoor Air Quality
- The office’s air quality can be greatly How to Develop Safety Consciousness
improved by proper maintenance, cleaning 1. Know the job and be thoroughly familiar with
and filtration of the ventilation, heating and air the work plan.
conditioning system. 2. Make, revise and utilize Job Safety Analysis
for tasks to be done.
Ways you can work to stay safe on the job 3. Perform our own work in such a way that will
1. Be Aware not create or leave hazard which may cause
- Always be alert to what’s happening in your accidents involving other employees.
surroundings. 4. Obtain training in first aid and become
2. Maintain Correct Posture thoroughly familiar with knowing hot to give
- Use correct posture to protect your back artificial respiration.
while at work. 5. Take an active part in safety meetings.
3. Take Breaks Regularly 6. Report all hazards, unsafe practices, and
- Regular breaks help you stay fresh and alert accidents. Correct all hazards we observe and
on the job. are capable of correcting safety.
4. Use Equipment Properly
7. Accept responsibility for using safety
protective equipment on the job.
8. Teach our own families, co-workers and
others about accident prevention.

What Compromises the Culture of

1. Complacency
- When your work is dangerous to a certain
extent, chances are that you will try to ignore
your fears to do your job properly.
2. Stress
- It is a major occupational health and safety
issue. Workers are more likely to deal with
weight gain, comprised immune system, and
less likely to have self-control.
3. Lack of enough sleep
- Sleep deprivation is another issue that
greatly compromises the culture of alertness in
the workplace. This may lead to the
development acute insomnia.
4. Leadership
- If you want workers withing your organization
to feel a sense of ownership concerning safety
policies, then you must lead by example.

Hazards may not be sometimes eradicated but
workers should be alert at all times and must
follow the safety policies and guidelines. It is
complex, tough and needs team effort.

“Workplace safety and health are the

responsibility of everyone. You need to be
proactive in safeguarding not just your welfare
but also that of your colleagues.”
Safety 1. Dementia is a slow decline in memory,
Safety in the workplace is a concern that problem solving-ability, learning ability, and
should be considered strictly and closely judgement.
observed. 2. Delirium is a sudden change on how well a
No matter in which occupation you are, safety person’s brain is working. Can cause
at work is of vital importance. Employers confusion, change in sleep-wake cycles, and
should always ensure that all safety cause unusual behavior.
advantages for their workers and workers 3. Amnesia is a memory loss caused by head
should obey all the safety laws and guidelines. injury, a stroke, substance abuse, or a severe
emotional event such as from combat or an
Awareness and Alertness equipment vehicle accident.
“Awareness and alertness help us spot
dangers, find quick solutions to problems and, Conditions in the Environment affecting
of course, answer difficult questions with worker alertness
confidence.” – Dr. Prem Jagyasi 1. Cold temperature, leading to hypothermia.
2. High temperature, leading to heatstroke.
“We must be alert, our eyes must be opened 3. Hospitalization. This especially affects
and our ears must be very attentive” -Sunday older adults when their environment and
Adelaja routines are changed.
4. Decreased oxygen in the blood (hypoxia)
Common Issues Identifies Affecting from high altitude.
Alertness 5. Exposure to toxins (poison), such as
1. Injuries carbon monoxide.
2. Confusion 6. Exposure to viruses
3. Memory Failure - A decrease in alertness may progress to loss
4. Conditions in Environment of consciousness.

Injuries- affect workers alertness at site. Conclusion

1. Head injury Worker’s alertness to the job is very vital in a
2. Infections day-to-day basis. Workers must be conscious
3. HIV/Disease all the time about the activities that are going
4. Epilepsy on around them. A decrease in alertness may
5. Brain tumors progress to loss of consciousness may result
6. Covid 19 virus to accidents and injuries in the job. It is also a
must that workers are required to have a
Confusion or Decreased Alertness regular medical check up to identify their
Confusion or decrease alertness is the first health status and fitness to do the job.
symptom of a serious health illness particularly
in older adults. How to stay alert at work?
- Infections (ex: urinary tract infection, 1. Stay healthy, eat well.
respiratory infection, etc.) 2. Be in good condition before going to work.
- Alzheimer’s disease 3. Exercise daily.
- Asthma 4. Stay focus at work.
- Cardiac problem (heart failure) 5. Stay away from distractions.
- Diabetes 6. Rest during activity breaks to rest memory.
- Kidney failure 7. Drink enough water.
- Alcohol 8. Go for a short walk before work to stay
- Malnutrition or vitamin deficiency awake.
- Depression 9. Sleep at least 8 hours at night.
- Thyroid problems 10. Reduce sugar intake.
11. Splash yourself with cold water.
Memory Loss- that begins suddenly or that 12. Go for medical check-up regularly.
significantly interferes with the ability function
daily may mean a more serious problem.

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