Waec 2024 Biology Practical
Waec 2024 Biology Practical
Waec 2024 Biology Practical
Observable Features of specimen A- Presence of the following; i. gill filament ii. Gill rakers iii. Gill
arch iv. Gill lamella
Characteristic /Adaptive/Observable features of specimen A: i. Large surface area; to increase the rate
of diffusion.
iv. It is richly supplied with blood vessels/ high vascularized; as diffusion medium for gaseous exchange.
Group of organisms that uses specimen A as Respiratory surface: Pisces/Fishes e.g Tilapia fish, Cat
fish, (any bony fish).
Specimen B – Whole Liver from a domestic fowl with gall bladder attached, in a petri dish (freshly
Location in the body of Aves/Mammals: Below the diaphragm/upper part of the abdominal
Functions of specimen B: i. Production of bile. ii. Regulation of lipids. iii. Production of heat. iv.
Detoxification. v. Regulation of blood sugar
Diseases of specimen B: i. Gall stones. ii. Cancer of the Liver iii. Cirrhosis of the Liver. iv. Diabetes
mellitus. v. Infective hepatitis.
The gall bladder which stores the bile is connected to the duodenum by a short tube called bile duct.
i. It emulsifies fats and oil into droplets ii. The inorganic salt in it neutralize the acid in the chyme/bile
neutralize chime iii. It provides alkaline medium for pancreatic juice to act.
iv. It prevents the decay of food in the small intestine v. It gives brownish and yellowish colouration of
Observable features of specimen C: i. Soft/fluffy and spongy.ii. Red and brighter in colour.
iii. Many blood vessels/highly vascularized for transportation of gases/dissolved food substances.
iv. Large surface area to volume ratio for easy diffusion of gases.
Diseases of Specimen C – Lungs: i. Pneumonia ii. Asthma iii. Catarrh iv. Common cold v. Tuberculosis
Similarities between A and C: i. Both have moist surface ii. Both have large surface area iii. Both have
network of capillaries / highly vascularized iv. Pink/red in colour
ii. Gill arch present ii. Gill arch absent
iii. Gill lamella present iii. Gill lamella absent
iv. Gill filament present iv. Gill filament absent
v. Not fluffy v. Fluffy/soft
iv. Pleural membrane/cavity absent iv. Pleural membrane/cavity present
Examples of organisms that possesses specimen D : Domestic fowl, Duck, Turkey, Guinea fowl etc.
i. Thick muscular wall ii. Swollen anterior end called proventriculus (glandular stomach) iii. Grit /
pebbles / stones are present.
Function /uses / importance: Mechanical breakdown or grinding of seeds and other food substances.
Enzymes associated with proventriculus: It secretes protein digesting enzyme called pepsin, amylase
and dilute hydrochloric acid.
Associated organs with specimen D- Gizzard: Crop at the anterior end and Duodenum and Liver at the
posterior end
SPECIMEN E- Whole intestine from domestic fowl spread in a tray (freshly procured)
i. long and coiled; to provides large surface area for easy absorption.
Habitat- Land
Observable features: i. Brown/grey in colour ii. Cylindrical in shape iii. Leaves reduce to scales.
Scientific/Botanical classification:
Economic importance/uses:
i. Source of food (spices for food) ii. Source of income (it is a cash crop).
Specimen G- Onion bulb.
Habitat- Land
Observable features:
i. Spherical in shape ii. Presence of papery scales iii. Presence of bulbs iv. Presence of
succulent leaves for food storage v. Presence of adventitious root; for absorption of
water/mineral salts; for anchorage.
Economic importance: i. Source of income ii. Source of food iii. For medicinal use.
Scientific/Botanical classification:
Both have the following: i. Adventitious roots. ii. Scaly leaves. iii. Underground stem. iv. Terminal buds.
iii. Horny scales. Papery scales.
iv. Stored food in entire rhizome in form of Stored food (starch) in succulent leaves.
Underground stem is thick. The stem is reduced.
Habitat- Land
Biological Economic importance: i. Use for vegetative propagation ii.Storage organ (stores water,
mineral salts) iii. For photosynthesis iv. For exchange of gases v. For transpiaration.
Pests of Specimen J: i. Grasshopper. ii. Mealy bug. iii. White flies. Iv. Rodents.
Super-Class: Spermatophyta Class: Angiospermatophyta
Habitat- Land
Uses / importance / functions: i. Source of food (vitamin c & Carbohydrate) ii. Source of income iii. For
making of alcoholic beverages
SPECIMEN L – Thoracic vertebra of a mammal
i. Presence of long neural spine ii. Presence of a pair of short transverse process iii. Presence of
large cylindrical centrum iv. Presence of large neural canal v. Presence of demi-facets on
centrum for articulation with the capitulum of the ribs
i. It aids attachment of ribs ii. It assists in breathing alongside with the ribs iii. Muscles of the
shoulder and back are attached to neural spines iv. It forms the cage for the protection of the
-Neural arch provides surface for muscle attachment and protect spinal cord
NUMBER OF THORACIC VERTEBRA IN THE BODY: Man (12), Rabbit (12-13), Rat (13)
Location / Region of specimen M in the body: Upper arm (i.e. between the shoulder joint and the elbow
iv. A bicipital groove lies in between the head and the greater tuberosity.
vi. The distal end form a grooved pulley like surface called trochlea
ii. The bicipital groove anchors the biceps muscles. iii. Forms ball for socket joint at the shoulder iv.
Form hinge joint at the elbow v. it allows free movement of the arm
Bones attached/ articulated with: Anteriorly scapula at the glenoid cavity. Posteriorly articulated with
radius and ulna for hinge joint.
Observable features: i. oval in shape ii. leathery seed coat iii. The embryo and endosperm are present iv.
enclosed in stony endocarp.
Class / Type of Fruit: Drupe -Reason: it has a single seed and stony endocarp.
i. Water (moisture) ii. oxygen (air) iii. viable seeds iv. warmth/suitable temperature.
Dormancy: is a short period of rest which precedes the germination of seeds. Or it is an inactive period
of a seed during which growth slow or completely ceases due to certain internal or external factors.
Removal of Testa ii. Treatment of seed with acid or digestive enzymes or water iii. Exposure to
alternating high and low temperature iv. Addition of dormancy breaking hormones (Auxin) v. exposure to
Causes of dormancy
Non-viable seed been planted ii. Hard seed coat i.e. seed coat may be hard to absorb water iii. Failure of
the seed coat to swell even after absorbing water to allow the emergence of the radicle. iv. Lack of certain
chemicals in the soil to induce germination process.
Elements in mango seed: starch/carbohydrate, protein (amino acid), oil, water.
iv. The distal end bears the condyle and the patella groove.
Location in the Body: Hip (Between the hip and the knee)
i. Forms a ball and socket joint with the acetabulum (ilium) allowing free movement of hind limb
iii. The distal end forms a hinge joint with the patella, tibia and fibula
Bones articulated/attached: Anteriorly/proximal end: it articulate with ilium. Posteriorly/ Distal end:
articulate with patella , tibia and fibula to form a hinge joint.
Bones Articulated /Attached with Femur bone: Anteriorly /proximal end- Acetabulum (ilium) of the
pelvic; Posteriorly/ distal end, it articulates with patella, tibia and fibula to form a Hinge joint.
i. Both the heads form ball and socket joint with the corresponding bones
ii. Both the heads fit in the spherical process of the proximal ends
iii. Both contains three parts; proximal part, shaft and distal part.
SPECIMEN Q- Lumbar vertebra of a mammal
Bones that articulate/attach to the lumbar vertebra: Thoracic vertebra at the anterior end and sacral
vertebra at the posterior end
NB: Specimen L, and Q are axial skeleton while M and P are appendicular skeleton
Both have: i. neural spine ii. Centrum iii. Neural canal iv. Neural arch v. Transverse process vi. Pre-
SPECIMEN R- Orange seeds (dry)
Observable features: i. Oval in shape ii. seed coat iii. The embryo and endosperm are present
Class/Type of Fruit: Berry -Reason: seeds are many, small in size, succulent mesocarp.
-While L,M,P,Q are specimens that provide shape, protection and support.