Hansel and Gretel
Hansel and Gretel
Hansel and Gretel
Hansel and Gretel is a story set in medieval Germany. Both were the
children of a poor woodcutter. When a great famine struck the area where they
lived, the stepmother decided to throw Hansel and Gretel into the wilderness and
leave them there so that she and her husband would not die of hunger. The father
of the two brothers initially did not have the heart to abandon his own son, but
later, due to his weakness of heart, he could not go against his wife. Hansel and
Gretel heard this before they fell asleep. After his parents went to sleep, Hansel
quietly went out and collected as many white pebbles as he could.
The next day, Hansel and Gretel and their parents went to the forest.
Silently, Hansel dropped the pebbles he had collected and formed a sign for the
way home. The father lit a fire for the two brothers, while he looked for wood in
the forest. After a while, they realized that their father had not come. Gretel begins
to cry, but Hansel tries to reassure her that everything will be fine. When night fell,
the moonlight reflected off the white pebbles that Hansel had previously dropped
along the road. They followed the pebbles and made it home the next day. Their
father felt relieved and happy, then scolded himself for leaving them in the forest.
Some time passed and hunger struck again. This time, the stepmother
again forced Hansel and Gretel's father to throw them into the forest. He even
locked the door of the house at night so Hansel couldn't look for white pebbles like
before. The clever Hansel didn't run out of ideas, he divided the bread into several
breadcrumbs and scattered them along the road. Unfortunately, the birds ate the
bread crumbs so they couldn't find their way home. After searching and walking
for a long time, they found a house in the middle of the forest made of bread, cakes
and sugar.
Seeing a house made of various kinds of sweets, Hansel and Gretel then
ate the house because they were very hungry. While they were busy chewing, a
wizard came out and invited them in. He became a friendly figure and offered food
and a place to shelter. After feeding them, the witch traps Hansel and Gretel, then
forces them to do housework every day. The witch kept feeding Hansel and Gretel
to grow fatter. The witch intends to eat Hansel and Gretel.
After some time, the witch decided that today was the right day to eat the
two brothers. Gretel had prepared a burning oven for herself and boiling water to
cook Hansel. The witch told Gretel to go into the oven. Gretel, who knew the
witch's evil intentions, tricked her by saying that she didn't know how to get into
the oven. Annoyed and feeling that Gretel was stupid, the witch gave an example
of how she should go into the oven. The witch moved her body closer to the oven,
and that's when Gretel pushed her in and closed the oven door, then the two
brothers ran away leaving the witch burned alive. They also found some kind of
treasure and took some jewelry to take home. They arrived home safely and
received news that their stepmother had died for unknown reasons, and their father
had never been happy since they left home. The family lived happily ever after
with the wealth they had acquired.