Omandailyobserver 20240521 1
Omandailyobserver 20240521 1
Omandailyobserver 20240521 1
SUNRISE - 05:23 AM
689 jobs in public sector
The Ministry of Labour announced 689 job
vacancies in various public sector units. Of the FAJR - 03:58 AM
announced jobs, 443 are for holders of Bachelor’s
degree. Another 65 vacancies are for post-GED DHUHR - 12:08 PM
(General Education Diploma) holders and 181 ASR - 03:30 PM
vacancies for GED holders and below. The ministry
announced that applying to compete for these job MAGHRIB - 06:49 PM
opportunities will be open for a duration of two
ISHA - 08:09 PM
weeks from the announcement.
WEATHER MUSCAT: Max 340C Min 290 C SALALAH: Max 360 C Min 280 C NIZWA: Max 410 C Min 270 C
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T U E S DAY , M AY 2 1 , 2 0 2 4
- J O R DA N T
The symposium deals with the relationship between the International Humanitarian Law and humanitarian action and
initiatives. — ONA
T U E S DAY l M AY 2 1 l 2 0 2 4
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coconut shortage
O V E R - H A R V E S T I N G R E A S O N B E H I N D
ARDLY one month has
been left for the Dhofar
Khareef and the shops
dealing in tender coconuts
are facing a short supply of
this Salalah signature fruit.
The shopkeepers cite some bugs as
the reason behind it, while competent
authorities disagree ‘totally’ with this and
cite ‘over-harvesting’ as the main reason
behind the short supply.
“We are facing the challenge of rhinoceros
beetles (Oryctes rhinoceros), and coconut
hispine beetles (Brontispa longissima)
attacks, which lead to deaths of coconut
palms in early growth stage and young or
mature stages respectively. But the short
supply in the market is not due to this
problem,” said Dr Ahmed al Shanfari,
Director of the Department of Agricultural
and Livestock Research in Dhofar.
He called for awareness among the
farmers to allow the fruits to mature and
then pluck, because the bugs at the moment
are only affecting the shape of the trees and
leaves and not the fruits.
“For example, there may be tree leaves
getting yellow or dry and fruit shells having
production,” he said.
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T U E S DAY l M AY 2 1 l 2 0 2 4 5
KABEER YOUSUF good but he was too good. He was short stint in Oman as a journalist, of the Republic of Iran to the
@kabeeryousef a leader who attended to people’s feels she had lost someone from Sultanate of Oman said that
problems, mended relations her family. “Raisi was one of the embassy would accept
Iranians living in the Sultanate of with other countries and always the leaders who was so popular condolences at its premises on
Oman paid tributes to their Dr worked hard for the well-being of among the people in Oman as Tuesday and a book to register
Ebrahim Raisi who passed away the people,” said Abdussamad. well as outside the country who condolences will be available
in a copter crash along with his Sherif Abounajad, an oil and gas was behind many life-changing at the diplomatic mission on
foreign minister and other officials employee says he couldn’t come initiatives,” she said. Tuesday and Wednesday.
on Sunday in northwestern Iran. into terms with the tragedy. “I am “As president, he cracked down “We are immensely touched by
Mohammad Hossein very saddened by what happened on dissent at home as well as he the condolences that both citizens
Abdussamad, a merchant in to our beloved president. Dr pursued uncompromising stance and expatriates in Oman send
Muttrah Souq said he felt so Ebrahim Raisi was one of the in nuclear talks. I sincerely hope us. The ceremony for condolence
saddened learning the news of compassionate and tireless leaders that the legacy will continue book will be on Tuesday and the
his favourite leader who was the of our beloved country, Iran. I’m through his successors,” she day after where people can attend
contender to succeed supreme still trying to accept the fact that added. at 10 am for Tuesday and from 9
leader Khamenei. he is no more,” he said. Dr Ebrahim Raisi Meanwhile, Mohammed am for Wednesday till 12 pm,” he
“Dr Ebrahim Raisi was not just Maryam Dilouh, who had a Rouhani, the Deputy Ambassador said.
the Telecommunications
MOSCOW: Shaikh Abdulmalik bin Regulatory Authority (TRA)
Abdullah al Khalili, Chairman of the State has launched a project to
Council on Monday had a meeting with measure fixed broadband
Mikhail Bogdanov, Deputy Minister of services (home Internet).
Foreign Affairs and Special Representative The integrated system will
of the President of the Russian Federation measure fixed broadband TRA aims to protect the interests of
for the Middle East and Africa. services (home Internet), users, ensure transparency and
consumer satisfaction
The meeting comes within the framework verify the quality of service
of the State Council Chairman’s visit to the provided to the beneficiary by accurately for a specific
Russian Federation. measuring several indicators time and to measure several
During the meeting, the two sides and compare them with the indicators such as the download
reviewed bilateral relations between Oman package announced by service and upload speed, network
and Russia. They also touched on areas of operators, through a device response time, network outages,
joint cooperation in various fields. designated for that purpose. and other indicators.
The two sides explored matters of TRA will provide the device to TRA aims to protect the
common interest and ways of enhancing subscribers to fixed broadband interests of users, ensure
them. services for free, which will transparency and consumer
This visit comes within the framework of enable them to evaluate various satisfaction, and enhance
enhancing bilateral cooperation between the packages. competition based on quality
two countries in all fields and consolidating The device will be connected of service. The device can be
relations between the State Council and the to the user’s home network to requested by contacting TRA
Federation Council of the Federal Assembly. The two sides reviewed bilateral relations between Oman and Russia and also touched on areas of joint verify companies’ commitment on its website, e-mail, call centre
— ONA cooperation in various fields. — ONA to the level of service provided and WhatsApp service.
Cohen acknowledges stealing from Trump at trial Russia claims control of Ukrainian stronghold South Africa’s top court strikes Zuma from ballot
Donald Trump’s former fixer Mi- Russia said on Monday its forces South Africa’s top court ruled on
chael Cohen testified on Mon- had captured the Ukrainian vil- Monday that graft-tainted for-
day that he stole money from lage of Bilogorivka, one of the mer president turned firebrand
Trump’s company, an admission few remaining settlements in the opposition challenger Jacob
that could chip away at his cred- eastern Lugansk region under Zuma is ineligible to stand for
ibility as a star witness at the for- Kyiv’s control. parliament in next week’s general
mer US president’s hush money “As a result of active combat election.
trial. operations, units of the Southern The top court backed an elec-
Cohen said he paid rough- grouping of troops completely toral commission decision that
ly $20,000 of the $50,000 that prosecutors as they seek to con- liberated the settlement of Bilo- come under intense pressure Zuma’s previous conviction for Zuma was convicted of con-
Trump’s company owed to the vince a jury that Trump broke gorivka,” the Russian defence in the past two weeks, fighting contempt of court prevents him tempt in 2021 and sentenced to
tech company in cash. He was re- the law by covering up a $130,000 ministry said. off a fresh Russian offensive in from becoming an MP, ruling 15 months. The court ruled that
imbursed $100,000 total. payment that bought the silence Bilogorivka was a symbol of the Kharkiv region while facing that the constitution bars any- this was irrelevant as the consti-
Cohen is the final and most of Stormy Daniels shortly before Ukrainian resistance in Lugansk critical shortages of ammunition one sentenced to more than 12 tution refers to the sentence im-
important witness for New York the 2016 election. — Reuters region. The Ukrainian army has across the front lines. — AFP months in jail. posed, not served. — AFP
T U E S DAY l M AY 2 1 l 2 0 2 4 7
ranian president Ebrahim Raisi was confirmed dead on Monday
after search and rescue teams found his crashed helicopter in a
fog-shrouded mountain region while travelling back from East
Azerbaijan province where he had inaugurated a dam project.,
sparking mourning in the Islamic republic.
Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has ultimate
authority in Iran, declared five days of mourning and assigned vice
president Mohammad Mokhber, 68.
“In accordance with Article 131 of the constitution, Mokhber is in charge
of leading the executive branch,” said Khamenei in a statement, adding that
Mokhber will be required to work with the heads of legislative and judicial to
prepare for presidential elections “within a maximum period of 50 days”.
Mokhber, 68, was appointed vice president as Raisi took office in August
2021. The vice president was born in Dezful city in the southwestern province
of Khuzestan, where he held several official positions.
For years since 2007, Mokhber chaired the Execution of Imam Khomeini’s
Order, a governmental organisation tasked with managing properties
confiscated following the 1979 revolution.
Earlier on Monday, state TV announced that “the servant of the Iranian
nation, Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi, has achieved the highest level of martyrdom”
and broadcast pictures from Raisi’s life as a voice recited the Holy Quran.
Khamenei had urged Iranians to “not worry” about the leadership of the
Islamic republic, saying “there will be no disruption in the country’s work”.
Killed alongside Raisi were Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
and seven others, including the crew, bodyguards and political and religious
Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi took office during a tumultuous period of
confrontation abroad and mass protest at home.
The Iranian president — whose career started in the years after the 1979
Islamic revolution and who is close to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
— took power in a 2021 election that
was followed by turbulent years of
protests and tensions.
Raisi took power after an election
in which more than half the electorate
stayed away.
He succeeded Hassan Rouhani,
whose signature achievement was a
2015 nuclear deal with world powers.
Iran’s veteran nuclear negotiator
Ali Bagheri, a harsh critic of the West,
was on Monday named acting foreign
minister to replace the top diplomat
killed in a helicopter crash along with
the president. Bagheri, 56, had served
as deputy to the foreign minister of
the Islamic republic, Hossein Amir-
Abdollahian, who perished along with
Late Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein
Amir-Abdollahian the Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi
and seven others in the accident.
Condolences flooded in from
countries and organisations worldwide. Iran’s Gulf neighbours on Monday
mourned the deaths of President Ebrahim Raisi and foreign minister Hossein
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday held a telephone call with
Mohammad Mokhber, Iran’s interim head-of-state.
China’s President Xi Jinping said “his tragic death is a great loss to the
Iranian people, and the Chinese people have lost a good friend.
The European Union expressed its “sincere condolences”. “Our thoughts go
to the families,” EU Council President Charles Michel said in a statement.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he was “deeply saddened and
shocked by the tragic demise” of Raisi, adding that “India stands with Iran in
this time of sorrow.”
France sent its Condolences “to the Islamic Republic of Iran... (and) to
the families of the victims of this accident,” in a statement from the foreign
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sent his “sincere Condolences to
the friendly and fraternal people and government,” in a message on X.
A black flag was hoisted in city of Qom, south of Tehran, as a sign of
mourning for Raisi, whom many had considered a favourite to one day
succeed the supreme leader. — AFP
8 Opinion TUESDAY MAY 21, 2024
Attack on tourists
rocks Afghan Smart cities and sustainable development
tourism sector
ecent news reveals more to improving life quality by providing
about the Sultan Haitham a high-quality living environment
City project and its stages through innovative services such
PASCALE TROUILLAUD that have started. This as healthcare, education, and
ambitious national project entertainment.
n attack claimed by the IS group is tied to the term “smart city,” which These services, key elements of
which killed foreign tourists represents a new phase in human smart cities, reflect what one can
visiting a market in central civilisation adopting what is known as expect in the future from the Sultan
Afghanistan has also dealt a blow the”digital society”. Haitham City project, embodying
Dr Muamar bin Ali
to the country’s nascent tourism Al Tobi The Sultanate of Oman’s ambition to the desired digital transformation
sector. keep up with digital and technological Sultan Haitham City is part of the through smart homes, streets,
“If there is another attack in the next few weeks The writer is Omani advancements is based on the vision of sustainable system. facilities, integrated digital systems in
or months, Afghanistan’s tourism industry will academic and researcher the country’s leader, His Majesty Sultan healthcare institutions, and educational
be over,” said Joe Sheffer, founder of the Safarat Haitham bin Tarik. routes, reducing carbon dioxide institutions focused on advanced
tourism agency, which specialises in tours to His Majesty has given special emissions and improving air quality technical and digital education.
the country. He spoke after the attack by one or attention to digital projects and their through smart sensors operating via In smart cities, many smart
more gunmen last Friday that killed six people in role in sustainable development, the IoT system connected to analytical applications stand out, such as
central Bamiyan province, including three Spanish and the Sultan Haitham City project systems linked to AI algorithms. This intelligent transportation systems
tourists. Another four foreigners in the tourist reflects this noble vision. digital advancement is supported that include smart buses and trains
group were wounded. Many interesting things arise about by the proliferation of smart cars, enabling easy and efficient movement
The IS group on Sunday claimed the assault Sultan Haitham City and its link to within and between cities, and taxis
on the group of 13 travellers with a Spanish tour smart cities. Readers can refer to relying on advanced digital means.
agency, believed to be the first against foreign numerous details published on this Waste management is also managed
tourists since the Taliban’s return to power project and its stages, scheduled for SMART CITIES ARE AMONG through smart applications providing
in 2021. The Taliban authorities have touted completion between 2024 and 2045. THE KEY TECHNOLOGICAL an accurate waste collection schedule
improved security in Afghanistan ever since their This article focuses on the general and guiding residents to proper
takeover in 2021 ended their insurgency against concept of smart cities, with Sultan disposal locations or advanced
foreign-backed government forces. Haitham City being part of the TO IMPROVE LIFE QUALITY transportation channels, some using
Bamiyan province, with its giant Buddhas sustainable system. IN HUMAN SOCIETIES, smart underground pipe systems
dynamited in 2001 under the Taliban’s first Smart cities are among the key TRANSFORMING THEM FROM supported by suction systems with
rule and turquoise lakes at Band-e Amir, is the technological advancements aiming to TRADITIONAL INDUSTRIAL smart waste sorting capabilities.
country’s leading tourist destination. improve life quality in human societies, SOCIETIES TO ADVANCED This contributes to sustainability
Sheffer said a couple of customers had already transforming them from traditional in the waste recycling industry and
cancelled their trip and the company was industrial societies to advanced digital reduces environmental pollution.
reviewing its operations in Afghanistan. ones, and enhancing sustainable Another important smart
“We will reduce group sizes... We are cancelling economic development. application in smart cities is techniques
itineraries in remote locations... We are reducing The main goal of smart cities is to expected to increase in the coming for improving agriculture and its
walking in public places,” he said. provide a sustainable and resilient years, which can exchange data with outputs through smart irrigation
Founder of the Untamed Border tour agency, living environment using advanced smart sensors in the streets, enhancing systems and pest monitoring and
James Willcox, said, “Of course, any violent attack technologies such as artificial traffic flow quality. resistance using ground monitoring
on tourists will have a negative impact on future intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things Smart cities also aim to achieve high means with smart sensors and smart
tourist interest.” (IoT), cloud computing, and other levels of natural resource management imaging devices.
However, he added: “We have been working related technologies. by using smart applications in cities Aerial monitoring by drones collects
in Afghanistan for over 15 years and there has These technologies improve to manage the supply and demand of and analyses data using AI algorithms
never been a time when there has not been anti- all aspects of daily life, including resources such as water and electricity to double agricultural quality and
government groups operating in the country. transportation, energy, water, more effectively, contributing to production at lower costs, providing
Sadly it is something that everyone that visits communication, and government environmental conservation and local food sources free of pests. Other
Afghanistan has to consider when they travel.” services. The importance of smart resource availability for consumers and applications in smart cities include
In Bangkok, Phakhaporn Thantadakul, cities lies in their contribution to future generations. Smart cities also smart government technologies, which
manager of the Away Vacation tour agency, sustainable development and their support the local economy and provide use AI in big data analysis to improve
wants to cancel a trip set for June/July. The group ability to sustainably enhance and the required sustainability by creating government services such as urban
from majority Buddhist Thailand wanted to automate infrastructure. Smart cities new jobs in digital development and planning and public security.
visit Bamiyan, once a major centre of Buddhist help update and control infrastructure, advanced technological innovation Some government institutions
influence. “I will check with my group first reducing resource waste such as energy fields. They enhance trade and tourism currently rely on such technologies,
because the security is coming first,” she said. and water consumption and improving with advanced digital systems that like the Ministry of Housing and
The founder of travel agency Let’s be Friends efficiency. They also help reduce analyse data with high quality and Urban Planning, which seeks to
Afghanistan (LBFA) Noor Mohammad Ramazan congestion and traffic jams. speed, offering the best solutions and highlight the digital footprint in its
said, “Questions flooded towards me from clients Smart systems improve traffic flow recommendations. modern projects like Sultan Haitham
worried about safety” after the attack. — AFP and guide drivers to less crowded Generally, smart cities contribute City and other upcoming smart cities.
Biden faces silent Gaza ‘protest’
S President Joe Biden peace” in the wider Middle East
said on Sunday he that would lead to an independent
heard the voice of Palestinian state, which he called the
Gaza war protesters as “only solution.”
some students turned The president’s National Security
their backs on his graduation ceremony Adviser Jake Sullivan is in Saudi Arabia
speech at the former university of civil and Israel this week trying to push for a
rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. ceasefire.
A small number of graduates carried Danny Kemp Biden had earlier applauded as
out the silent protest, with some holding Morehouse College’s valedictorian,
Palestinian flags and one holding up The writer is White DeAngelo Jeremiah Fletcher, also called
a fist as Biden spoke at Morehouse House Correspondent for an immediate ceasefire in his own
College, a historically Black university speech.
for AFP
in Atlanta, Georgia. “It is important to recognise both
Others wore keffiyeh scarves over sides have suffered heavy casualties
their gowns in a sign of solidarity with since October 7,” said Fletcher.
the protests that have roiled campuses Morehouse president David Thomas
across the United States over Israel’s — who had last week threatened to shut
offensive on the Gaza Strip after the down the ceremony if it was disrupted
October 7 attacks. — told Biden after the speech that
“I support peaceful, non-violent “you’ve been listening.”
protest. Your voices should be heard, “You spoke to the hard issues
and I promise you I hear them,” said confronting our nation and the world at
Biden, who wore a maroon and black this moment,” said Thomas.
gown in the colours of the all-male The speech at the alma mater of slain
university. rights hero King was part of a series
The speech was Biden’s most direct of Biden events this week aimed at
encounter with American students winning over Black voters, amid polls
since the Gaza protests engulfed showing that their support for him is
campuses nationwide, causing him flagging.
political troubles with an election Biden did not specifically mention
rematch against Donald Trump just his rival Trump but leaned heavily into
over six months away. “This is one of themes of democracy and racism that
the hardest, most complicated problems he has previously invoked while talking
in the world. There’s nothing easy about about the twice-impeached Republican
it,” added Biden about Gaza. former president.
“I know it angers and frustrates many “This is what we’re up against --
of you, including my family, but most of extremist forces aligned against the
all, I know it breaks your heart. It breaks meaning and message of Morehouse,”
mine as well.” said Biden. His outreach efforts to Black
He did not elaborate, but First BIDEN TOLD voters and Gaza protesters were two
Lady Jill Biden reportedly urged the THE STUDENTS sides of the same coin as Biden tries to
president in April to “stop it now” as THAT GAZA WAS shore up support among the coalition
the toll of Palestinian civilians mounted that helped him beat Trump in 2020.
from Israel’s offensive. A number of Later Biden travelled to Detroit in
Morehouse students had called for ‘HUMANITARIAN the key swing state of Michigan where
Biden’s speech to be cancelled over the CRISIS’ AND he visited a cafe owned by two former
Gaza war but the ceremony went ahead THAT HE WAS NBA players, brothers Joe and Jordan
without disruption. WORKING FOR Crawford, before attending a major civil
Biden told the students that Gaza was AN IMMEDIATE rights group gathering.
enduring a “humanitarian crisis” and CEASEFIRE Addressing thousands of people at
that he was working for an “immediate the NAACP event, Biden said strong
ceasefire to stop the fighting, bring the support from African-American voters
captives home.” FIGHTING, in the close 2020 election meant they
The 81-year-old Democrat added BRING THE are “the only reason I’m standing here
he was pushing for a “lasting, durable CAPTIVES HOME as the president.” A visitor with floral-themed headwear attends Chelsea Flower Show, in London, Britain on Monday. — Reuters
sport Follow us on
Friendly match between Oman and Singapore. Oman technical team led by Dutch coach Seigfried Aikman (C).
WALEED AL JAHWARI semifinals, and two teams will excellent performance in their Aikman, assisted by Salah al Saadi two friendly matches while losing qualification ticket to the Indoor
MUSCAT, MAY 20 qualify for the Indoor World Cup last participation in the Men’s and Khaled al Raisi. two and one draw. World Cup,” he added.
finals. Hockey 5s World Cup in Muscat Salah bin Nasser al Saadi, Abdullah bin Mohammed
Oman national hockey team Oman team will open their in January, during which the team INTEGRATED TRAINING Oman assistant coach, said: “The al Obaidani, head of Oman
all set to take part in in the journey with Malaysian team on claimed the bronze medal. The Oman team went through team needs friendly matches delegation, explained: “We hope
Men’s Indoor Asia Cup hockey Tuesday, while Oman will play The Oman squad consists 12 an integrated preparation in order to prepare greatly the team will perform at the level
championship on Tuesday, the second match on Wednesday players, including goalkeepers programme immediately after the for this participation, as the required for this participation and
the tournament hosted by against Indonesian team, then Fahd al Noufali and Amjad Muscat World Cup, divided into team succeeded in playing five show presence in the Asian Cup
Kazakhstan in Taldykorgan will conclude the group stage by al Hassani, Rashad al Fazari, three stages. The first stage began friendly matches with the Iranian finals, after an absence of more
city during May 21 to 26, with taking on Kazakhstan team. Khaled al Shuaibi, Amir al with 28 players for two weeks and team, during which our players than seven years.”
participation of eight teams. The Oman team is taking part Mashari, Amin Faraj, Shafi al ended by selecting 22 players to presented a good technical level.” Al Obaidani added, “the Oman
Oman are in first group along in this qualifier for the second Shatri, Shehab Naheth, Talal the third stage, where the coach “This participation is Hockey Association has provided
with Indonesia, Kazakhstan time in history, seeking for one Mohammed Beit Hazim, reduced the squad to 12 players. somewhat new for the team since an integrated programme for this
and Malaysia, while the second of the two qualification tickets to Abdullah al Alawi, Mohammed The final stage witnessed friendly 2017. On Tuesday, we will return important participation, today
group included Iran, Singapore, the Indoor World Cup finals in al Noufali and Osama Ramadan matches with the Iran team who start with new jersey and systems the team is ready to compete, we
Tajikistan and Thailand. October. Nassib. The technical staff is are ranked second and chose in managing matches. And hope our players will provide the
Four teams will qualify to the Omani players showed led by Dutch coach Seigfried Oman as their camp. Oman won our great ambition is to grab a best.”
Germany’s Alexander Zverev kisses the trophy after beating Chile’s Nicolas Jarry in the final of Rome Open. — AFP
Oman Crude $ 85.20
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treasury bills
in the last three years, the CEO said. facilitating their regional and global
The company also intends to establish expansion.
At a media briefing on Monday, Omantel a specialised academy to foster artificial Omantel also signed a significant
CEO Talal bin Said al Maamari underscored intelligence skills, collaborating with agreement with Google to develop Cloud
the profound transformation under way in international partners to ensure alignment Edge using AI and machine learning
the telecommunications sector in Oman, with the latest advancements in this critical capabilities. Additionally, agreements with
while also highlighting the company’s pivotal field. Microsoft to accelerate ICT innovations and
role in connecting the economy and essential Earlier, Al Maamari highlighted with Huawei to establish Oman’s national
services, and providing comprehensive, Omantel’s success in forging partnerships cloud platform were secured.
high-quality solutions encompassing with a number of global players with the The CEO noted that these partnerships,
artificial intelligence, education, healthcare, goal of enhancing national capabilities in along with solutions from Omantel
MUSCAT: The Central Bank of and a wide range of other services. Omantel CEO Talal bin Said al Maamari cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and subsidiaries and the company’s international
Oman (CBO) said in a statement
that the total government Al Maamari said Omantel’s allocation machine learning. connectivity, support Omantel’s transition
treasury bills allocated for this of around RO 12 million towards the destinations over the next two years. These collaborations aim to boost into an integrated technology solutions
week amounted to RO 39.03 empowerment of Omani tech entrepreneurs, Omantel already boasts a substantial commercial value and drive innovation provider to meet the growing needs of its
million. demonstrated its belief in the significance market share in the regional in the information and communication enterprise and consumer customers.
The bank said that the value
of treasury bills allocated for of innovation and the growth of the digital telecommunications landscape, with its technology sector, he stressed. On the nationalisation front, Omantel’s
a maturity period of 91 days economy. submarine cables accounting for nearly 15% Notable agreements include a Omanisation level has now reached an
amounted to RO 10.03 million, Further, in a bid to bolster its capacity to of total regional connectivity. partnership with Amazon Web Services impressive 93%, reflecting its commitment
with an average accepted price meet surging demand for Internet services, Underscoring the expansive growth of to develop cloud sovereignty, enhancing to developing national competencies and
of RO 98.750, and the lowest
accepted price reached RO the company plans to lay four to six new its Internet and digital services, individual Oman’s cloud capabilities, and another enhancing citizen participation in the
98.730 for every RO 100. The submarine cables linking Salalah with other data consumption over its network has to launch a marketplace that will create development journey, he added.
average discount rate was
5.01368%, and the average yield
was 5.07714%.
Meanwhile, the value of
the treasury bills allocated for
a maturity period of 182 days
amounted to RO 29 million, with
an average accepted price of RO
97.446, and the lowest accepted
Oman-Russia ties progressing well: Al Saqri
price reached RO 97.440 for
every RO 100. The average HIBBA AL KINDI boosting cooperation and However, he argued that
discount rate was 5.12127%, and MUSCAT, MAY 20 enhancing investment, notably nations must now align their
the average yield was 5.25548%. the International North-South legislations with future plans to
The statement indicated that
the interest rate on repurchase Bilateral and multilateral ties Corridor — a multi-modal capitalise on future partnerships.
operations (repo) with the CBO involving Oman and Russia are network launched in 2000 “The necessary foundations for
for these bills is 6.00%, while the progressing well, according to a connecting India, Iran, Russia and this cooperation have already
discount rate with the central statement made by the Omani other countries in Central Asia been laid. We must continue to
bank on treasury bill facilities is
6.50%. Minister of Economy, Dr Said bin and Europe. act and align our legislation with
Treasury bills are a short-term Mohammed al Saqri, during the According to Dr Al Saqri, these plans to fully realise the
guaranteed financial instrument 15th Russia-Islamic World Forum Organisation of Islamic potential of our partnerships.”
issued by the Ministry of Finance held in Kazan, Russia. Cooperation (OIC) member The Omani delegation to the
to provide investment outlets
for licensed commercial banks, Taking part in a panel discussion countries are already well six-day forum also included the
with the Central Bank of Oman addressing financial and logistics endowed with strong logistics Under-Secretary of the Ministry
acting as the issuance manager infrastructure of Russia and OIC infrastructure. of Agriculture, Fisheries and
for these bills. Minister of Economy, Dr Said bin Mohammed al Saqri.
countries, the minister shared “For the past 50 years, Water Resources for Agriculture
Treasury bills have the
feature of quick liquidity that there is a strong emphasis concluded on May 19, 2024, play a significant role in fostering OIC member countries and the Deputy CEO of the
through discounting with the on enhancing investment ties quoted Dr Al Saqri as saying these ties. have significantly invested Oman Investment Authority for
Central Bank of Oman and between the two nations. that established frameworks, Additionally, the minister in infrastructure, including Investment Affairs, in addition
through conducting repurchase A report on the Russia- including agreements promoting also highlighted the role of ports and seaports within the to other government officials and
agreements (repo) with the Islamic World Forum, which and safeguarding investments, transportation corridors in logistics sector,” he noted. industry experts.
central bank as well. — ONA
T U E S DAY l M AY 2 1 l 2 0 2 4
Oman participates in meeting of Under-Secretaries Omani, Qatari firms sign cooperation pact
DOHA: Izkaa Group, an Omani
of Ministries of Finance of GCC countries communications and IT firm,
signed a cooperation programme
with Qatari firm ‘Meeza’
the two sides, the expansion of
foreign investments in the field of
information and communications
technology, and moving forward
that focuses on enhancing according to a common vision to
DOHA: The Sultanate of Oman, technological capabilities and find the best advanced solutions
access to innovative technologies in this field and implement
represented by the Ministry of in line with the ongoing efforts them according to the highest
Finance, participated in the 71st made by the Sultanate of Oman standards.
meeting of the Committee of and the State of Qatar. International standards, which
Undersecretaries of Ministries of The programme aims to open supports our future goals and is
new horizons to unify visions in line with the rapidly changing
Finance of the Gulf Cooperation and work side by side in this vital market needs.
Council (GCC) countries, which field, in addition to focusing on Mohsen bin Nasser al
was held in Doha, Qatar. several main areas of cooperation, Ghaithani, Acting CEO of
This meeting was in including: the possibility of Meeza, said: The cooperation
increasing opportunities for programme that the company
preparation for the 121st meeting concluded with Izkaa Group
knowledge exchange and
of the Financial and Economic professional development, represents an important step in
Cooperation Committee, facilitating access to advanced the company’s endeavours to
scheduled to be held at the end topics, including the outcomes of Additionally, it reviewed linkage system between the GCC technologies and research enhance the information and
of May. the meetings of the Committee the outcomes of the meetings countries, the programme for initiatives, maximising benefit communications technology
from them, and formulating many landscape throughout the region,
The Sultanate of Oman was of Governors of Central of the task force researching achieving economic unity among Of joint projects and initiatives. especially as it allows exploring
represented in the meeting by Banks of the GCC countries, the initiatives of the G20 in the the GCC countries by 2025, Eng Said bin Abdullah al greater opportunities for growth
Abdullah bin Salim al Harthy, the management of the GCC financial track. and the follow-up on the latest Mandhari, CEO of Izkaa Group, and expanding the scope of
Under-Secretary of the Ministry Customs Union Authority, The meeting also reviewed studies and projects of the Office explained that this partnership innovation by unifying the
opens the way for the exchange company’s efforts and expertise
of Finance. and the Joint Gulf Market the latest updates on the status of of Economic and Development of experiences, knowledge and to those of the Iszkaa Group.”
The meeting discussed several Committee. the agreement on the payment Affairs. — ONA strategic initiatives between — ONA
UK to have slower inflation than Euro zone and US Oman oil price rises to reach $85.20 per barrel Microsoft to unveil AI devices and features
The United Kingdom (UK) is Oman oil price (July delivery Microsoft plans to announce
set to have slower inflation than 2024) yesterday reached $85.20 several pieces of hardware and
both the Euro zone and the US per barrel, comprising a rise by software related to consumer
for the first time in over two 67 cents from the price of last devices at an event at its
years as falling energy prices for Friday which stood at $84.53. Redmond, Washington, campus.
consumers cut Britain’s rate of The average price of Oman The Windows maker is
headline price growth. oil (May delivery 2024) has expected to reveal a new version
The Financial Times said that stabilised at $78.49 per barrel, of its Surface Pro tablet and
the annual growth in consumer thus $3.74 per barrel lower than Surface Laptop that feature
prices for April is predicted to The newspaper added that the April delivery 2024. could spell further weakness for Qualcomm chips based on Arm The Qualcomm Snapdragon
drop to 2.1 per cent, which is decline is largely the result of a Meanwhile, global physical benchmark crude futures. Holdings’ architecture. X Elite chips include a neural
close to the Bank of England’s 12 per cent fall in the regulatory crude oil markets are weakening The weakness indicates high Qualcomm and other makers processing unit that is designed
target of 2 per cent. cap on household energy bills because of soft refinery demand interest rates and inflation of lower-power Arm components to accelerate AI-focused
This would be sharply below last month, following a decline in and ample supply, traders and are depressing consumer and have tried to compete in the applications, such as Microsoft’s
March’s 3.2 per cent figure. wholesale gas prices. — Reuters analysts said, in a move that industrial demand. — Agencies Windows-PC market. Copilot software. — Reuters
16 Opinion TUESDAY MAY 21, 2024
man’s leading investors, and visionaries are Services – definitely a one-stop- professionals from the region. Forum provides valuable insights to announcements many other
annual technology expected to attend this most shop and venue for any individual There will also be special zone from keynote speakers and panel participating organisations, has in
exhibition is just a anticipated locally supported or business that wish to explore at the event for companies to discussions featuring top experts store for you.
week away. yet with global reach technology the latest tech trends and promote the latest technology in from around the GCC, sharing I have been personally
COMEX event. networking with industry leaders renewable and sustainable energy. their vision for the future of engaged with the exhibition
2024, the global technology Like every year, the exhibition in the region. Highlight will be on Drones, technology. since childhood, yet continue
show, organised by The Arabian aims for Oman to be a technology What more? I understand Future Mobility, EV, Renewable The COMEX VIP Majlis, every year to await and witness
Research Bureau in cooperation investment destination that more-than 24 different elements. and Sustainable Energy Zone. which connects industry leaders, where, what and how technology
with the government’s Ministry also showcases indicators of Intriguing activities and zones Additionally, like last year potential partners, and like- is paved in, for Oman. Until
of Transport, Communications development in the National will be featured at the event. This yet with enhanced value, the minded individuals to foster then, stay positive and continue
and Information Technology, is Programme for Digital Economy. again includes but is not limited exhibition will also feature collaboration and innovation in a winning.
property projects. aphael Brandao
CHAN KA SING As of the end of last year, beams with pride
China had a combined floor as he describes the
The author is China area of unsold homes of up high-end Brazilian
columnist for Reuters
to 3.6 billion square feet, coffee he produces
per official data. Analysts at with beans sourced exclusively
Tianfeng Securities estimate from Black farmers in a country
hina’s national it will cost 7 trillion yuan, or where many still associate the
team is going nearly $1 trillion, to buy the product with slavery.
house hunting. entire stock. The 31-year-old buys his coffee
State-owned Notable beneficiaries include beans solely from farms owned
enterprises and the cash-strapped Country by Afro-descendents and says his
local governments are answering Garden, the country’s largest goal is to “reverse this logic that
Beijing’s call to purchase the private developer which is Black people” like himself “are
country’s vast swathe of unsold facing a liquidation petition mere labourers.”
apartments. That should help from creditors on Friday, as well “In my own way, I am trying
put a floor on plunging property as Agile Group, which earlier to make historical reparations,”
prices. this week defaulted on its US Brandao said at his roastery in
Local authorities in dollar bond. Hong Kong’s Hang Nova Iguacu, a poor suburb of
Hangzhou, home to corporate Seng Mainland Properties Index Rio de Janeiro.
titans Alibaba and Geely rallied nearly 6% on Thursday. Four years ago, he launched
Automobile kicked off the bold The risk is that local his brand Cafe di Preto.
initiative by announcing they governments are already sitting By 2022 he sold 800
will buy up to 100,000 square on 110 trillion yuan of debt, kilogrammes, the following year
feet of apartments in Linan estimates the IMF. SOEs like 1.4 tonnes. This year he hopes to
district at market prices and rent China Resources Land are increase that to more than two
them out at affordable rates. also grappling with a slowing tons following a 20 per cent sales
Other regions are set to economy and will be pushed increase in the first quarter alone.
follow: the ruling Politburo in to take on less profitable public The logo for Cafe di Preto is
April called for a nationwide housing projects, straining a raised Black fist clutching a
effort to reduce housing balance sheets even more. coffee branch, and the different
inventory. China’s cabinet, The central government, flavour lines are each named
the State Council, is also for its part, is set to issue 1 after important Black women of
considering a proposal that trillion yuan worth of long-term Brazilian history. Coffee producer Neide Peixoto selects coffee beans at the Santo Antonio farm in Santo Antonio do Amparo, Minas Gerais,
would see local governments sovereign bonds. Brazil was the last country in Brazil. — AFP
and state-owned enterprises That may not be enough. the Americas to abolish slavery,
buying unsold homes from Rebuilding confidence in the in 1888, and racial inequalities among people of African descent Minas Gerais, a mecca for coffee
distressed developers using property market will come at a remain high in a country where as a tool for social progress. production.
loans from state lenders, huge cost. — Reuters more than half of people identify At first, he had trouble finding Unlike her parents, she grows
as “preto” (Black) or mixed-race. Black suppliers given that the coffee on land that belongs to
Through his endeavours, overwhelming majority of coffee By 2022 he sold 800 her own family, bought by her
Brandao said he wants to remind plantations in Brazil still belong husband and brothers who are
the world that Brazil became a to white families.
kilogrammes, the also former labourers.
leading coffee producer on the “My black suppliers are the following year 1.4 “It means a lot to me to be a
back of slaves from Africa, where first generation to produce on tonnes. This year he Black producer of special coffee,
coffee originates from. their own land, often only a few hopes to increase that because... we, Black people have a
He is also seeking to “break hectares,” he said. very difficult and painful history,”
to more than two tons
the stigma that Black people do And Brandao has more than Peixoto said.
not produce quality.” once had to defend his chosen following a 20 per cent Most of the farm’s production
“So my work also gives light crusade. sales increase in the is for export, but the beans
to this,” he said. “Today I have six “I am sometimes asked: ‘What first quarter alone reserved for Cafe di Preto have a
coffees produced by Black people, if it was the opposite, if roasteries special significance for Peixoto.
all of them... of great quality.” owned by whites bought coffee “It’s exciting to know that the
Many of his clients, he added, from white farmers?’ But isn’t coffee I produce, which is coffee
are looking for quality but also that what is happening already?” produced by Black people, is also
for a product that is “changing About 500 kilometres from coffee since childhood. My roasted by Black people,” she said.
A man walks on a scaffolding at the construction site of the Beijing Xishan
the world.” Nova Iguacu is the 47-acre coffee parents worked in crops and “I’m very happy to know that
Palace apartment complex developed by Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd in Beijing. Brandao is a leader in the plantation of Neide Peixoto, one I often accompanied them,” we are making this connection,
— Reuters so-called Black Business wave in of Brandao’s first suppliers. Peixoto, 49, said on her farm from production here on the
Brazil that promotes commerce “I have been in contact with in the southeastern state of farm to the cup.” — AFP
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this page are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the opinion of the Observer.
TUESDAY MAY 21, 2024 | DHUL QA’ADA 13, 1445 AH
REQUIRED service
technician for air
compressors with
D/L. Send your CV to
com. 79119341
B. COM. 35 years of experience in accounts, WAREHOUSE / workshop 2,600 sq metres
sales coordinator, admin, HR, personal for rent in Misfa near Oman Cement Factory
including accommodation contact: GSM INDIAN female, completed Masters in Computer
assistant, document controller with Oman
98286899, email: Application (MCA), having experience in
D/L, looking for a job. Contact: 92558734
teaching profession and looking for a prospective
job. Also having knowledge in Programming
IN Ruwi, 2 bedrooms, 2 languages.Currently available in Muscat. Email:
3BKH- Ghubra bathrooms, hall, kitchen, GSM: 94117967 /
18 Nov Street. Tel: with car parking. RO 79090343.
INDIAN male 6 years experience in 92408308 150 monthly only. Tel:
accounts/automobile/admin. Seeking for 94402003.
suitable opening in any field, currently ACCOUNTANT & sales Executive, Indian male,
in Oman. Contact: 78988055/ 92850930, 31 years, BA English, specialised in Accounting. 2
email: SIT. WANTED
years experience in India & 6 years experience in
29 YEARS old Indian Looking for a good Oman. Seeking position in Accounts/Sales fields
female, MBA holder job change. Contact: (has Oman licence). Mob: 78805951. Gmail:
with 2 years experience. 78501743.
PLANNING Engineer, PMP. Indian Seeking a suitable
male 11 years experience in Construction position. Currently in A Sudanese resident
Projects. Well versed with Primavera P6 Muscat on visit visa. in Salalah, Bsc of
Software, strong communication skills, Contact: 78641071, administrative sciences
Interpersonal skills, EDT Claims, Recovery with 21 years of
schedules, project control. Having Omani experience in the fields
Driving License. Contact: 78002582, 28 YEARS Experience in of (sales/ management/
email: engineer4planning@ Oman in sales, marketing logistics and fleet).
and management, Indian Contact: +968 98510880.
with DL and release.
A performer is CULTURE
suspended from FILM
balloons during FESTIVAL El Rocio pilgrimage,
the largest in Spain,
Sporting’s cele- gathers hundreds of
brations for win- US actress Demi
Moore attends a thousands of devo-
ning the 2023-24 press conference for tees in traditional
Portuguese the film “The outfits converging in
League Substance” during the a burst of colour as
Championship. — 77th edition of the they make their way
AFP Cannes Film Festival on horseback and
in Cannes, southern on board decorated
France. — AFP carriages across the
Andalusian country-
side. — AFP
Coffee producer
Neide Peixoto
selecting coffee
beans at the Santo People walk near the
Antonio farm in Caryatids, the sculpted
Santo Antonio do female figures that
Amparo, Minas were supporting the
Gerais. —AFP porch of the ancient
Erechtheion temple, at
the Acropolis Museum,
as museums across
Greece offered free
admission to visitors to
celebrate International
Museum Day, in
Athens. — AFP
LIFESTYLE GCC and the United States, and ultimately, Lulwa Al-Wazzan,
encourage foreign investment in the Gulf a passionate jeweller
region. with a decade of
Omani female
artists shine at
through Art
Forum in Egypt
he cultivation
of date palms
and their
fruits is a
multifaceted endeav-
our marked by both
challenges and
rewards. Dates are
esteemed for their
delectable taste and
nutritional benefits,
thriving in regions
with warm, arid cli-
mates across the
Sultanate of Oman.
With over a hundred ed dis-
tinct varieties of date,e, culti-
vation encompasses a diverse e
array of flavours, textures
and appearances.
The Sultanate of Oman,
man, with
its hot and arid climate,
e, pro-
vides ideal conditions for date
palm cultivation. The region
egion has
a rich history of date cultivation
dating back thousandss of years,
with techniques passed d down
through generations.
The Wilayat of Dima a
W’attayeen in Al Sharqiyah
North Governorate boastsoasts a
unique landscape. Its moun-
tainous terrain and abundant
water sources make the area
ideal for growing some me of the
most prized date
The date harvest season,
known as Al Qaidh, has as begun
in Dima W’attayeen. This his time
is crucial for locals ass it brings
financial benefits. The e farmers
focus on caring for palmalm trees, espe-
cially the valuable Al Naghal variety,
variety essen-
tial for local and global date markets. The
first batch of dates usually sells at high
prices, adding to the season’s importance. tion of Al Naghal dates. Traders venture
Mohammed bin Nasser al Busafi, a across borders to market these prized
prominent date trader in the wilayat, dates, drawing interest from neighbouring
explained, “In our region, the Al Naghal countries like the UAE and Qatar, where
palm trees are typically pollinated in demand for early summer dates remains
November due to the warm weather and strong annually. Despite the demanding
mountainous terrain. This makes it the nature of the trade, dealing in dates
only palm tree to be pollinated earlier in proves exceedingly lucrative.
the Al Qaidh season.”
He explained, “Residents highly value the AN IMMERSIVE CULTURAL EXPERIENCE
Al Naghal variety for its abundant and val- Date harvest season offers an immer-
uable fruit yield.” sive cultural experience for tourists due to
Al Busafi noted that it takes around its blend of tradition, community involve-
three months for Al Naghal to yield its ment and culinary delights.
early dates, making its prized golden fruits As the season reaches its peak, typically
ready for harvesting by early April. in late summer or early fall depending on
Residents in the wilayat gather their the region, the sight of lush date palm
dates from their farms and convene at groves bustling with activity becomes a
designated assembly points within each spectacle to behold.
village for selling. Groups of date sellers At this time, locals and visitors alike
then disperse to various villages equipped gather to witness the meticulous process
with gram-weighing scales to purchase of harvesting these succulent fruits. From
dates directly from farmers. Subsequently, climbing the palm trees to skilfully picking
these traders sell the dates in both local the ripest dates, every step in the harvest
markets and those in the Gulf region. is steeped in age-old techniques passed
Concerning the pricing dynamics of Al down through generations.
Naghal dates, Al Busafi shared that they Moreover, the ambience is often
command a high price at the onset of the infused with lively festivities, sometimes
harvest season. Initially, individual dates including traditional performances that
showcase the rich cultural heritage
fetch as much as RO 5, gradually
decreasing to RO 1 for a bundle of 2-3 surrounding date cultivation.
dates within four days. Subsequently, Experiencing the harvest at its peak
traders adopt a pricing scheme of RO 150 ensures one encounters the fullest array
per kilogramme for three days. As the of activities and flavours, with markets
season progresses and dates flood in brimming with freshly harvested dates in
from various villages across the wilayat, various shapes, sizes and flavours. The
the price decreases, the 4 kilogrammes sensory feast of tasting freshly plucked
of dates reach approximately RO 40. dates, indulging in date-based delicacies
Towards the conclusion of the Al Naghal and soaking in the vibrant atmosphere
season, the 4 kilogrammes are only worth makes the peak of the season an unfor-
RO 3 rials. gettable experience, allowing visitors to
Dima W’attayeen has grown in populari- immerse themselves fully in the cultural
ty in the Gulf region for its early produc- tapestry woven around this ancient fruit.