RK Shankar Article - MMT July 2018
RK Shankar Article - MMT July 2018
RK Shankar Article - MMT July 2018
he modern Total Quality Management of features and characteristics of a product or a
(TQM) techniques emphasize ‘Do the service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or
right things, right the first time, every implied needs’.
time’ to enhance productivity and quality of
Quality Management System (QMS) is based on
products produced and services rendered so
PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle to ensure
as to maximize the stakeholders’ satisfaction.
continual improvement and the same is briefly
Quality Management basically involves: Quality
described below:
planning, Quality manual, Quality control and
Quality improvement. Plan: Establish the objective and processes to
deliver results in accordance with customer
The need of the hour is to develop a ‘Quality
requirements and organization’s policies
philosophy’ in the organization and a systematic
(What to Do? — Objective and How to
approach to Quality Management so that,
Do it? —Procedure).
products produced and services rendered add
value for the customers and thereby provide Do: Implement the process — Do what
them not only satisfaction but also give them was planned.
the required delight, which is the ultimate Check: Measure and monitor the processes and
‘benchmark’. One will appreciate every product the product against policies, objectives and
that is sold and every service that is rendered requirements and report the results to check
always acts as an ambassador because every whether things have happened according to plan.
customer who receives the same gives the
Act: Take actions to continually improve process
necessary advertisement for the product/service.
performance (How to improve next time through
Here we must know the meaning of ‘Quality’. In corrective actions).
simple terms, Dr Juran defined Quality as ‘Fitness
We can understand the same clearly from the
for use’. We divide quality into ‘Product Quality’
following figure given in the simplest form
and ‘Service Quality’.
(Please refer Figure 1):
Product Quality is decided by customer’s
It may be noted that the PDCA Cycle is a
needs, conforming to specifications, assured
framework for executing Kaizen technique to
performance and safety, proper packaging,
ensure continual improvement. Kaizen is a
timely delivery, efficient technical service and
Japanese word where Kai means ‘change’ and
incorporating customer’s feedback.
Zen means ‘for better’.
In case of Service Quality, speed of response,
So, Change for better can be made possible, if
dependability, control and facilities become
we divide the job into small tasks and attempt
important factors.
to make improvement in every task on a
The International Organization for continual basis.
Standardization (ISO) defines quality as ‘Totality
The ISO 9001:2015 version calls for risk-based The TBM theory is fairly very simple. It believes
thinking so that preventive actions are envisaged that cycle time is the most critical parameter
beforehand for all operations by remaining of efficiency simply because everything else
proactive always rather than reactive. While is linked to time. A modern leader who gives