Frai 07 1402047
Frai 07 1402047
Frai 07 1402047
Massimiliano Pirani, Richard W. Puyt 1
* and Dag Øivind Madsen 2
Marche Polytechnic University, Italy 1
Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems (IEBIS), Faculty of Behavioural, Management
Hongjing Zhang,
and Social Sciences (BMS), University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 2 Department of Business,
Amazon, United States
Marketing and Law, USN School of Business, University of South-Eastern Norway, Hønefoss, Norway
Richard W. Puyt In this study we test ChatGPT-4’s ability to provide accurate information about the
Dag Øivind Madsen
origins and evolution of SWOT analysis, perhaps the most widely used strategy tool in
practice worldwide. ChatGPT-4 is tested for historical accuracy and hallucinations.
RECEIVED 16March 2024
ACCEPTED 15 April 2024 The API is prompted using a Python script with a series of structured questions from
PUBLISHED 03 May 2024 an Excel file and the results are recorded in another Excel file and rated on a binary
CITATION scale. Our findings present a nuanced view of ChatGPT-4’s capabilities. We observe
Puyt RW and Madsen DØ (2024) Evaluating that while ChatGPT-4 demonstrates a high level of proficiency in describing and
ChatGPT-4’s historical accuracy: a case study
outlining the general concept of SWOT analysis, there are notable discrepancies
on the origins of SWOT analysis.
Front. Artif. Intell. 7:1402047. when it comes to detailing its origins and evolution. These inaccuracies range from
doi: 10.3389/frai.2024.1402047 minor factual errors to more serious hallucinations that deviate from evidence
COPYRIGHT in scholarly publications. However, we also find that ChatGPT-4 comes up with
© 2024 Puyt and Madsen. This is an open- spontaneous historically accurate facts. Our interpretation of the result is that
access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License
ChatGPT is largely trained on easily available websites and to a very limited extent
(CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction has been trained on scholarly publications on SWOT analysis, especially when these
in other forums is permitted, provided the are behind a paywall. We conclude with four propositions for future research.
original author(s) and the copyright owner(s)
are credited and that the original publication
in this journal is cited, in accordance with KEYWORDS
accepted academic practice. No use,
ChatGPT, SWOT analysis, historical analysis of management concepts, AI in
distribution or reproduction is permitted
which does not comply with these terms. management research, strategy tools
1 Introduction
The rising interest in ChatGPT from both the public and the media has been noteworthy,
signaling a burgeoning field of research that has seen a near-exponential surge (Farhat et al.,
2024), particularly within the realms of business and management (Rane, 2023; Elbanna and
Armstrong, 2024). Numerous studies have explored the potential applications of ChatGPT-4,
aiming to utilize its capabilities to enhance the efficiency of diverse business processes.
Examples include explorations into ChatGPT-4’s utility in streamlining customer service,
decision-making, higher education, marketing and operations (Dwivedi et al., 2023; Loos
et al., 2023), as well as its competency in tackling examination questions across various
business disciplines (Terwiesch, 2023; Wood et al., 2023).
However, there exists a notable gap in the literature: the scarcity of critical and reflective
examinations of ChatGPT-4’s outputs from a management history perspective. Given the
significance of understanding the origins and evolution of management thought (Wren and
Bedeian, 2023), an analysis of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots like ChatGPT-4
interpret and respond to inquiries about fundamental management concepts and ideas could
provide valuable insights. At the outset, we had a hunch that ChatGPT-4 could potentially
struggle with recounting the origins and history of SWOT analysis since its history is murky,
even in the peer-reviewed academic literature (Helms and Nixon, 2010; Benzaghta et al., 2021).
Research has found that there is considerable confusion and misunderstanding of SWOT’s
origins even among scholars publishing on the topic (Madsen, 2016; basics. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
Puyt et al., 2023). and Threats (Hansler, 1988). The present-day SWOT analysis is
It is important to understand the ability of AI models like depicted as a 2 × 2 matrix used for brainstorming (Piercy and Giles,
ChatGPT to retrieve valid knowledge, for example about management 1989; Valentin, 2001). It is widely used in businesses and organizations
history. This is especially the case in the age of ChatGPT and similar to map out their strengths (what they excel at), weaknesses (areas
chatbots since many students and practitioners turn to these needing improvement), opportunities (chances in the environment to
technological tools and apps for answers and guidance about tools like grow or excel), and threats (external challenges to overcome). Its
SWOT analysis. An exploration of ChatGPT-4’s ability to provide application can be found in business strategy (Pickton and Wright,
valid answers on advanced and less clear-cut topics could provide 1998), marketing planning (Fahy and Smithee, 1999), change
useful insight that could be of use to those developing Large Language management (Heusinkveld and Benders, 2012) as well as personal
Models (LLM). Studies like ours could play an important role in development (Bailey, 1999). SWOT analysis can be called the
informing the ongoing development and refinement of AI chatbots, evergreen strategy tool for environmental scanning. Its popularity is
ensuring they align more closely with the nuanced trajectories of evident through mainstream appeal, exemplified by the tool’s feature
management theories and practices. Our study also has implications on the TV show Silicon Valley. Moreover, another characteristic of
for management history literature and management research more SWOT is its simplicity and the fact that it has been transformed into
broadly, as it enriches our comprehension of AI’s potential impact on a verb (‘Let us SWOT it’).
the field and the benefits and limitations of using these technologies The original SWOT analysis, denoted as the SOFT approach
in management education and scholarship. (Stewart et al., 1965), along with its modern rendition featuring a 2 × 2
In our study, we assessed ChatGPT-4’s ability to provide accurate matrix in a cruciform shape (Argenti, 1974) are both notably
information about the origins and evolution of SWOT analysis. underrepresented in the literature. Variations like Threat/Opportunity
SWOT analysis is arguably a very good case since studies have shown analysis (Ansoff, 1975), WOTS-UP analysis (Steiner and Miner, 1977)
that it is a very popular tool in business practice and research (Qehaja and the TOWS matrix (Weihrich, 1982) are widely recognized in the
and Kutllovci, 2020; King et al., 2023). Therefore, it is of great interest literature; however, they lack theoretical linkage to the original
to find out the extent to which ChatGPT-4 is providing accurate SOFT approach.
information about the history and origins of SWOT analysis. In the 1980s, a paradigm shift from business policy to strategic
Specifically, we compared the responses of ChatGPT-4 to a series of management led to the adaptation of economists’ language and
assertions in the literature that we know are inaccurate (but pervasive). models (Bower, 1982). SWOT analysis went out of fashion in the
For example: 1. The origins of SWOT analysis can be traced back to scholarly literature and has undergone several significant changes
the Harvard Business School in the 1960s, where it emerged from since its introduction. As a consequence, a disconnect in theory
discussions in the classroom (Chermack and Kasshanna, 2007; Leih development within the strategic management literature has emerged
and de los Reyes, 2023), 2. SWOT analysis was initially introduced in (Hofer and Schendel, 1978; Hambrick and Chen, 2008). Since the
1965 in the book Business Policy: Text and Cases (Learned et al., 1965), 1990’s, the dominant logic in the field of strategic management has
a case book written by Harvard Business School Professors in the been the resource-based view of the firm, a perspective inspired by
1960s (Barney, 1995; Jarzabkowski and Kaplan, 2015) and 3. SWOT economic theory (Wernerfelt, 1984, 1995; Barney, 1991). This
analysis is developed in the 1960s by Albert S. Humphrey (Jain, 2015; perspective is rooted in the LCAG framework (Christensen et al.,
Ojala, 2017; Teoli and An, 2019; Myllylä and Kaivo-oja, 2024). 1978; Andrews, 1980). Through revisionism and reification, the LCAG
To conduct an evaluation, we developed a Python script to framework or Andrew’s strategy framework (De Los Reyes, 2011; Bell
systematically prompt ChatGPT-4 API, using a series of questions, and Rochford, 2016) is often misattributed as the origins of SWOT
designed to probe its knowledge base and assess its proficiency in analysis (Mintzberg, 1990; Barney, 1995; Argyres and McGahan, 2002;
recounting the historical background and conceptual contributions to Bower, 2008). Due to this, there exists scant consensus and
SWOT analysis. We manipulated the settings of the two main documentation regarding the tool’s history and development (Bell and
parameters that control the creativity of the responses in ChatGPT-4 Rochford, 2016).
(Temperate and Top_p) to find out to what extent they affect the During the turn of the millennium, notable innovations in SWOT
differences in the quality of the responses to our prompts. The analysis emerged from other models and techniques. This period
responses were recorded in an Excel spreadsheet and the accuracy of marked the rise of hybrid SWOT models such as A’WOT (Kurttila
the responses was rated. et al., 2000), Dual-perspective SWOT (Novicevic et al., 2004) and
The rest of the paper is structured in the following way. In Section Meta-SWOT (Agarwal et al., 2012).
2 we provide a brief overview of SWOT Analysis’ origins and Over the past 30 years, but probably longer, SWOT analysis has
significance. In Section 3 we describe the methodology. Section 4 been reported as the number one strategy tool in practice (Webster
presents the results. In Section 5 we discuss the results considering et al., 1989; Rigby, 2001; Stenfors et al., 2007; Bellamy et al., 2019).
existing literature. Finally, in Section 6 we conclude the paper and Despite its popularity and widespread use among practitioners,
suggest propositions for follow-up studies. strategy scholars criticize SWOT analysis for being a traditional or
even a simplistic classificatory device (Haberberg, 2000; Arnaud et al.,
2016; David et al., 2021) and even repeat the assertion that it has ‘little
2 SWOT analysis: origins and intellectual content’ (Jarzabkowski and Kaplan, 2015, p. 542).
significance In our view, the enormous popularity and widespread diffusion of
SWOT in business practice and business school education (Farrokhnia
In this section, we provide an overview of the origins and et al., 2023), as well as the relatively broad and mainstream appeal of
significance of SWOT analysis. We start by briefly explaining the the tool, makes it all the much more important to ensure that the
TABLE 2 Availability of the top 5 most popular SWOT variations in the literature (1980–2020).
history and origins are correctly understood and recounted. This is 4 Results
especially the case in the age of ChatGPT and cognoscenti (Borges,
2023), since many students and practitioners turn to this technology 4.1 Response quality vs. Scopus citations
for answers and guidance about tools like SWOT.
Our assessment of ChatGPT-4’s responses is based on a rating of
five elements (Author, Outlet, Pages, Title and Year) on a binary scale
3 Methods (0–1). The overall response quality is found to be quite unsatisfactory
and does not correlate with evidence found in the top 5 most cited
We prepared for the evaluation by manipulating two key parameters, papers in our sample, based on the volume of citations found in the
Temperature and Top_p, which control the level of creativity or Scopus database (Table 1). This discrepancy highlights a significant
randomness in the responses generated by the ChatGPT-4 API from gap between the quantity of referenced material in a reputable The Temperature setting ranges from 0.0 to 2.0, while the academic database and the quality of the generated responses. It
Top_p setting ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. Notably, only one variable can suggests that despite the potential wealth of information available in
be adjusted at a time when prompting the API with a Python script, Scopus citations, this depth and breadth of knowledge are not
necessitating a comparison between default settings (Temperature 1.0; effectively reflected in the quality of the responses produced,
Top_p 0.5) and stricter settings (Temperature 0.2; Top_p 0.1). Our aim indicating a potential area for improvement in source integration.
was to assess the response quality across different settings, with an initial We further explored whether the top 5 most popular SWOT
hypothesis that stricter settings would produce more reliable outcomes. variations in our sample (1980–2020) are available via open access or
However, at the outset, there was uncertainty related to determining whether they are behind a paywall. All these articles are published in
which variable setting yields the most trustworthy results. traditional subscription-based journals. However, in the cases of some
To carry out the evaluation, we followed a systematic approach to of the articles, it is easy to find as a PDF via Google Scholar, and in one
data gathering and analysis. Initially, we selected 50 relevant case the article is posted in full-text on ResearchGate (see Table 2).
publications on SWOT analysis spanning from 1965 to 2019. Looking ahead to future investigations, we put forward the
Subsequently, we extracted all pertinent data necessary for grading following proposal:
ChatGPT 4 responses - such as Author(s), Outlet, Pages, Title, and
Year, and compiled them into a reference list. We formulated standard Proposition 1: Improving the incorporation of Scopus citations into
questions based on the first 50 authors and developed and tested a the training dataset is anticipated to beneficially impact the response
Python script with appropriate parameters. We then prompted the quality. This effect will be evaluated using a binary scale (0–1) across
API using these standard questions loaded from an Excel file. The five dimensions: Author, Outlet, Pages, Title and Year.
resulting responses were recorded in a separate Excel file. We then
graded these responses on a binary scale for both default and strict
settings, with particular attention paid to identifying hallucinations
and traces of training data sources. Further analysis included 4.2 Response quality vs. variable settings
investigating the availability of scholarly publications online,
constructing descriptive statistical analyses with normal distributions, The Temperature variable of ChatGPT is normally set to 1.0 (0.0–
generating descriptive tables, and finally, formulating propositions for 2.0) and strikes a balance between the accuracy and creativity of the
future research. generated responses. However, the quality of the responses did not
significantly improve when we changed the Temperature variable to a of the time. When it comes to No. 3, Stanford Research Institute,
stricter setting of 0.2 (see Figure 1). We expected to see a much higher ChatGPT-4 references this 12–16% of the time. Finally, Albert
level of accuracy in the responses. S. Humphrey is referenced between 22–30% of the time. Table 3
We compared our approach by testing the responses against the illustrates that the variances among the various configurations are
Top_p (or nucleus sampling) variable. The Top_p setting is normally comparatively minor. Overall, it is unclear where these references
set to 0.5 (0.0–1.0) and helps to control the word (AiPromptsKit, come from.
2023). Here, we also expected to see an increase in accuracy when Table 4 provides an overview of the best-scoring SWOT variations
we changed the Top_p variable to 0.2. However, the quality of the for different settings of the Temperature and Top_p parameters.
responses even deteriorated slightly (see Figure 2). The different We can see a strange pattern of scores based on the different settings
settings of the parameters Temperature and Top_p initially yielded of these parameters. There are several possible explanations for these
very little differences in the quality of the responses to the prompts. results, such as the age of the publication (range: 1975 to 2019), the
Upon close inspection of all the responses, we discovered number of citations, or the accessibility of the paper. However, based
spontaneous accurate historical facts about the origins of SWOT on our judgment, it seems rather random and there is no clear pattern.
analysis. Initially, there was no pattern to be discerned even when After close inspection of the responses, the sources of ChatGPT-4’s
we changed the settings of the parameters. However, ChatGPT-4 training data about the history of SWOT analysis can be triangulated
sometimes leaked fragments of the sources of its training data. For to three sources on the Internet: Businessballs Ltd., Marketingteacher
instance (partial) URLs (e.g., or Ltd. and Rapidbi Ltd (See Table 5). On, there are
https://www.businessnews), but also examples of hallucinations (e.g., elements of historically accurate information about the origins of
‘Albert Humphrey (1926–2005).” In Key Thinkers in Critical SWOT, and there are discussion of the role of Albert S. Humphrey in
Management Studies, edited by Martin Parker, Robyn Thomas, and the development of SWOT. The website has a
Martyna Śliwa, 147–152. London: SAGE Publications Ltd., 2016. doi: list with 9 references to SWOT-related articles, including a ghost
10.4135/9781473957953.n19’ or ‘Weihrich, H (2005). Swot analysis. reference called: Humphrey, A.S (1960). SWOT for Management
Encyclopedia of Management)’. Many instances of hallucinations in Consulting, SRI Consulting Business Intelligence. This document does
other fields have been reported in the ChatGPT literature (Alkaissi not exist and cannot be found in the archives of SRI Consulting
and McFarlane, 2023; Metze et al., 2024; Siontis et al., 2024). Business Intelligence. We can also find a full reference to the TOWS
Moving forward, we suggest the following hypothesis for matrix. Finally, has interesting contributions about myths
further study: in the history of SWOT analysis, demonstrating the value of studying
source material.
Proposition 2: Modifying the Temperature and Top_p parameters Future research could investigate the impact of diversifying the
to stricter settings in a language model markedly enhances the range of sources in AI training data on the quality and breadth of
response quality to prompts. knowledge related to business analysis tools such as SWOT analysis.
Specifically, this research could hypothesize that incorporating a wider
Table 3 shows spontaneous historically accurate facts about the array of authoritative sources beyond ideas from consultancies like
historical background of SWOT. As can be seen, regardless of the Businessballs Ltd., Marketingteacher Ltd., and Rapidbi Ltd. will
Temperate and Top_p parameters, ChatGPT-4 is not able to reference enhance ChatGPT-4’s generative capabilities and presentation of
the SOFT approach (No. 1). The same is the case for No. 5, which only SWOT analysis, potentially leading to a more nuanced and
shows up 2% of the time under TP 0.5. Other facts related to Long comprehensive insights into the history and evolution of management
Range Planning Service subscribers only show up between 2 and 8% concepts and ideas.
Quality of the responses to prompts after adjusting the temperature variable.
Quality of the responses to prompts after adjusting the Top_p variable.
Moving forward, we suggest the following hypothesis for Moving forward, we suggest the following hypothesis for
further study: further study:
Proposition 3: Incorporating a broader spectrum of authoritative Proposition 4: Granting ChatGPT 4 access to scholarly databases
sources into the training data of AI models like ChatGPT-4 will and including academic publications in its training data will
significantly improve their accuracy and depth of insights when enhance its accuracy and depth of knowledge on SWOT analysis.
generating content on SWOT analysis.
5 Discussion
4.3 Lack of scholarly training data
Our findings present a nuanced view of ChatGPT’s capabilities in
ChatGPT-4’s training data does not include scholarly publications the field of management history. We observe that while ChatGPT-4
on SWOT analysis, indicating a lack of direct access to academic demonstrates a high level of proficiency in describing and explaining
databases and journals, especially to articles that are behind a paywall the general concept of SWOT analysis and in terms of carrying out
and where no full-text is readily available via Google or a preprint relatively straight-forward analyses using the framework, it performs
server. This limitation suggests that while the model can provide worse on advanced tasks, such as detailing the concept’s history and
information on SWOT analysis, its responses might not reflect the origins. We found that there are notable discrepancies when it comes
latest research or incorporate in-depth analyses found in scholarly to detailing the origins of SWOT analysis. These inaccuracies range
work. As a result, the depth and currency of ChatGPT 4’s knowledge from minor factual errors to more significant hallucinations (Ahmad
of SWOT analysis could be primarily shaped by more generally et al., 2023; Giuffrè et al., 2023; Moritz, 2024), where the AI fabricates
accessible sources on the internet, rather than peer-reviewed academic elements of the strategy tool’s history. In addition, there might
studies. It seems that academic documents, such as PDFs or Word be another explanation for the accuracy of some results. Apart from
files, detailing the history or development of SWOT analysis, were not harvesting training data from a few topical websites, it is also possible
included in the training data for ChatGPT-4. that references to scholarly articles are harvested from Google Scholar
TABLE 4 Best scoring SWOT variations according to different variable settings (5/5 points).
2 ANP-SWOT 2007 X X X X
6 SWOPT 1993 X
TABLE 5 Potential training sources for ChatGPT-4 regarding the history minimized. If not, the chatbots will perpetuate falsehood and
of SWOT analysis.
contribute to the longevity of academic urban legends (McGee, 1985;
Nr. SWOT training sources Title and authors Rekdal, 2014). Secondly, it underscores the critical need for users to
1 Businessballs Ltd. SWOT Analysis (Chapman, 2011)
approach AI-generated information cautiously, especially when
dealing with complex historical data where accuracy is paramount.
2 Marketingteacher Ltd. SWOT analysis (Friesner, 2011)
Thirdly, our findings underscore the necessity for expert
3 Rapidbi Ltd. History of SWOT analysis involvement in the training of AI models to enhance their proficiency
(Morrison, 2015, 2012) in specialized fields such as business and management. This opens the
door to the potential creation of chatbots specifically designed for
business and management applications, offering tailored insights
( Scholar Google indexes pre printer servers like and analyses.
ArXiv, SSRN or SocArXiv and provides direct links to PDF files.
Our research allows us to situate these findings within the
expansive realm of Large Language Models (LLMs), with a 6.1 Limitations and future work
specific emphasis on ChatGPT. During our investigation,
we noted that ChatGPT’s responses to prompts on the conceptual Given the exploratory nature of our investigation, it is important
contributions on SWOT analysis were somewhat lacking in to acknowledge certain limitations and outline potential directions
accuracy. This inaccuracy could be attributed, in part, to the for future research. One limitation is that there is a risk of bias in our
inherently complex and obscure history of SWOT Analysis, evaluation of ChatGPT’s responses. Ideally, we would like the
where there is little consensus even among experts in the area. multiple independent reviewers to rate the answers provided by
Although exploring these inaccuracies across other management ChatGPT-4. However, given our exploratory aims, we faced some
theories was beyond the purview of our study, it is plausible that constraints and had to make trade-offs. The risk of bias is also
similar discrepancies could be identified in ChatGPT’s treatment mitigated by the fact that we have expert-level knowledge of the
of other management concepts and ideas, such as PEST analysis, topic area.
stakeholder analysis or scenario planning. For training the One significant area for further exploration is the comparative
generative training data, access to open-access publications could analysis of different AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT versus Google
be a good start. Supervised finetuning could be done by panels of Gemini, particularly in their handling of management history. Such a
topical experts, similar to a peer review process. study would aim to discern whether these AI chatbots show
convergence or divergence in their responses and how they describe
management concepts.
6 Conclusion Another intriguing line of inquiry involves the comparison of
ChatGPT’s proficiency in terms of describing various management
In conclusion, this study contributes to the ongoing debate about and strategic planning tools against other AI chatbots. Specifically, an
the reliability and usefulness of AI language models in academic and examination of how these AI models recount the origins and evolution
professional settings. Our findings not only add to our understanding of strategy tools like PEST analysis (Johnson and Scholes, 1995), could
of ChatGPT’s capabilities and limitations but also paves the way for yield interesting insights. Like SWOT analysis, this environmental
future research on improving AI’s role in supporting strategic scanning tool also stems from the dawn of long-range planning. It is
management education and practice. speculated that Francis J. Aguilar was the first to mention the factors
The implications of our study are three-fold. Firstly, it highlights of a strategic environmental analysis: Economic, Technological, Social
the potential of AI language models like ChatGPT as valuable and Political, which became known by the acronym ETSP
resources for educational and professional purposes, offering instant (Aguilar, 1965).
access to a wealth of knowledge. It is, however, key that the information Finally, our findings call for further studies to explore the
provided by the chatbots is accurate and that hallucinations are mechanisms behind the inaccuracies and hallucinations observed in
Supplementary material
The Supplementary material for this article can be found online
The author(s) declare that no financial support was received for at:
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. full#supplementary-material
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