Industry Project Rubric - Final
Industry Project Rubric - Final
Industry Project Rubric - Final
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2. Main (12 marks to > 10 marks) (10 marks to > 3 marks) (3 marks to > 0) 12
Components Correct Partial Correct Incorrect
Main components are The connection among The components are
covered, and the different parts are incomplete, the
connection is shown clearly. partially presented. connections are not
3a. Diagram of (4 marks to > 3 marks) (3 marks to > 1 marks) (1 marks to > 0) 4
the overall Correct Partial Correct Incorrect
architecture The diagram accurately The diagram partially The diagram does not
design represents the overall represents the accurately represent
architecture design of the architecture design of the architecture
security features mentioned the security features. design of the security
3b. (4 marks to > 3 marks) (3 marks to > 1 marks) (1 marks to > 0) 4
communicate Correct Partial Correct Incorrect
through a The diagram effectively The diagram partially The diagram does not
secure client- illustrates how users can explains how users can effectively explain
server securely communicate, securely communicate how users can
including secure search, through the secure securely communicate
access, and download client-server through the secure
functionalities, through the implementation. client-server
secure client-server implementation.
3c. Diffie- (4 marks to > 3 marks) (3 marks to > 1 marks) (1 marks to > 0) 4
Hellman Correct Partial Correct Incorrect
protocol The explanation The explanation partially The explanation does
produces the systematically describes describes how the Diffie- not systematically
shared key step by step how the Diffie- Hellman protocol describe how the
between a client Hellman protocol produces produces the shared key Diffie-Hellman
the shared key between a between a client and a protocol produces the
and a server.
client and a server. server. shared key between a
client and a server.
3d. Digital (4 marks to > 3 marks) (3 marks to > 1 marks) (1 marks to > 0) 4
signature is Correct Partial Correct Incorrect
used to The explanation provides a The explanation partially The explanation does
guarantee the clear and relevant example describes how a digital not effectively
related to the project signature is used to illustrate how a digital
integrity during (Option 1) that illustrates guarantee integrity signature is used to
secure how a digital signature is during secure guarantee integrity
communication used to guarantee integrity communication between during secure
between client during secure a client and a server. communication
and the server. communication between a between a client and a
client and a server. server.
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1. Create a QR (6 marks to > 5 marks) (5 marks to > 1.5 (1.5 marks to > 0) 6
code. Correct marks) Incorrect
web-based Secure Chat Partial Correct The web-based Secure
Application is successfully The web-based Secure Chat Application is not
designed and discussed in Chat Application is designed and
the report. It functions as designed and discussed discussed in the report
intended. in the report, but there or is not properly
may be some issues that linked to the QR code.
affect its design
functionality or
2a. Design (2 marks to > 1.5 marks) (1.5 marks to > 0.5 (0.5 marks to > 0) 2
intuitive user Correct marks) Incorrect
interfaces (UI) The user interfaces are Partial Correct The user interfaces are
designed intuitively and The user interfaces show poorly designed and
discussed in the report. some effort towards discussed in the
Adhering to best practices intuitive design, report. Besides, they
in UI design. discussed in the report. do not meet the
But there may be areas criteria for intuitive UI
where improvements design.
can be made.
2b. Design and (2 marks to > 1.5 marks) (1.5 marks to > 0.5 (0.5 marks to > 0) 2
implement Correct marks) Incorrect
security best The security best practices Partial Correct The design and
practices for for secure login are Some security best implementation of
user effectively designed and practices are designed security best practices
discussed in the report. (and discussed in the for secure login are
report.), but there may inadequate or flawed.
be areas where Also, it does not
improvements can be discuss appropriately
made. in the report.
2c. Design a (2 marks to > 1.5 marks) (1.5 marks to > 0.5 (0.5 marks to > 0) 2
secure Correct marks) Incorrect
password The password storage Partial Correct The design of the
storage mechanism is designed Some aspects of the password storage
mechanism. (also discussed in the password storage mechanism are
report.) securely. mechanism are designed inadequate or flawed.
securely (also discussed Also, it does not
in the report), but there discuss appropriately
may be areas where in the report.
improvements can be
2d. Design (2 marks to > 1.5 marks) (1.5 marks to > 0.5 (0.5 marks to > 0) 2
password Correct marks) Incorrect
recovery The password recovery Partial Correct The design of the
functionality. functionality is designed The password recovery password recovery
and securely and functionality is partially functionality are
effectively. Also, it does designed, but there may inadequate or flawed.
discuss appropriately in the be areas where Also, it does not
report. improvements can be discuss appropriately
made. Also, it does in the report.
discuss considerably in
the report.
3a. Develop (4 marks to > 3.5 marks) (3.5 marks to > 1 (1 marks to > 0) 4
secure Correct marks) Incorrect
authentication The authentication Partial Correct The design of
mechanisms, mechanisms, including Some aspects of the authentication
such as multi- multi-factor authentication authentication mechanisms, including
(MFA), are designed mechanisms, including MFA, is inadequate or
securely and effectively. MFA, are designed, but flawed. Also, it does
Also, it does discuss there may be areas not discuss
appropriately in the report. where improvements appropriately in the
(MFA) can be made. report.
3b. End-to-end (4 marks to > 3.5 marks) (3.5 marks to > 1 (1 marks to > 0) 4
encryption using Correct marks) Incorrect
strong The design of end-to-end Partial Correct The implementation of
cryptographic encryption is secure and Some aspects of the end-to-end encryption
algorithms. effective. Also, it does design of end-to-end is inadequate or
discuss appropriately in the encryption are in place, flawed. Also, it does
report. but there may be areas not discuss
where improvements appropriately in the
can be made. Also, it report.
does discuss
considerably in the
4a. Diagram of (2 marks to > 1.5 marks) (1.5 marks to > 0.5 (0.5 marks to > 0) 2
the overall Correct marks) Incorrect
architecture The diagram accurately Partial Correct The diagram does not
design of the represents the overall The diagram partially accurately represent
Secure Chat architecture design of the represents the the architecture
Application security features architecture design of design of the security
mentioned. Also, it does the security features. features. Also, it does
discuss appropriately in the Also, it does discuss not discuss
report. considerably in the appropriately in the
report. report.
4b. Diagram to (2 marks to > 1.5 marks) (1.5 marks to > 0.5 (0.5 marks to > 0) 2
adhere to strong Correct marks) Incorrect
passwords he diagram effectively Partial Correct The diagram does not
through your illustrates how users can The diagram partially effectively explain
designed Secure adhere to strong passwords explains how users can how users can adhere
Chat Application through the secure login adhere to strong to strong passwords
design. Also, it does discuss passwords through the through the secure
appropriately in the report. secure login design. chat design. Also, it
Also, it does discuss does not discuss
considerably in the appropriately in the
report. report.
4c. Diagram (2 marks to > 1.5 marks) (1.5 marks to > 0.5 (0.5 marks to > 0) 2
where users can Correct marks) Incorrect
store strong The diagram effectively Partial Correct The diagram does not
passwords illustrates how users can The diagram partially effectively explain
through your store strong passwords explains how users can how users can store
designed Secure through the secure store strong passwords strong passwords
password storage design. through the secure through the secure
Chat Application
Also, it does discuss password storage password storage
appropriately in the report. design. Also, it does design. Also, it does
discuss considerably in not discuss
the report. appropriately in the
4d. diagram (2 marks to > 1.5 marks) (1.5 marks to > 0.5 (0.5 marks to > 0) 2
(provided in 3. Correct marks) Incorrect
a) how users The explanation provides a Partial Correct The explanation does
can securely clear and comprehensive The explanation partially not effectively
communicate diagram illustrating how describes how users can illustrate how users
users can securely securely communicate can securely
(chat messages)
communicate through the through the designed communicate through
through your
designed Secure Chat Secure Chat Application the designed Secure
designed Secure
Application. Also, it does using a diagram. Also, it Chat Application using
Chat discuss appropriately in the does discuss a diagram. Also, it
Application. report. considerably in the does not discuss
report. appropriately in the
4e. Explain (2 marks to > 1.5 marks) (1.5 marks to > 0.5 (0.5 marks to > 0) 2
systematically Correct marks) Incorrect
(i.e., step by The explanation provides a Partial Correct The explanation does
step) how the clear and comprehensive The explanation partially not appropriately
Diffie-Hellman step-by-step breakdown of describes how the Diffie- describe how the
protocol how the Diffie-Hellman Hellman protocol Diffie-Hellman
protocol produces the produces the shared key protocol produces the
produces the
shared key between a client between a client and a shared key between a
shared key
and a server. server. client and a server in a
between a client systematic manner.
and a server
4f. The novel (2 marks to > 1.5 marks) (1.5 marks to > 0.5 (0.5 marks to > 0) 2
and secure your Correct marks) Incorrect
designed Chat The explanation highlights Partial Correct The explanation does
Application is the unique features and The explanation not effectively
and who (e.g., security measures designed discusses some aspects highlight the novel
in the Chat Application that of the designed Chat and secure aspects of
industry or
differentiate it from existing Application's security the designed Chat
businesses) will
solutions. and potential benefits, Application or identify
benefit from
but there may be gaps potential
having your or lack of detail in beneficiaries.
secure chat certain areas.
4g. resilient (2 marks to > 1.5 marks) (1.5 marks to > 0.5 (0.5 marks to > 0) 2
your designed Correct marks) Incorrect
secure chat The explanation provides a Partial Correct The explanation does
application is detailed overview of the The explanation not appropriately
against common measures designed in the discusses some aspects address how the
security threats, chat application to mitigate of the chat application's designed secure chat
common security threats, resilience against application is resilient
such as SQL
such as SQL injection and common security against common
injection and
cross-site scripting (XSS). threats, but there may security threats like
cross-site be gaps or lack of detail SQL injection and
in certain areas. cross-site scripting
scripting (XSS) (XSS).