Microsoft 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report
Microsoft 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report
Microsoft 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report
we advance
2024 Environmental
Sustainability Report
In this report
Reviewing our
2023 progress
and learnings
Our employees are at the core of our sustainability Foreword 04
journey. Their passion and commitment catalyzes 2023 highlights 07
progress in every part of our business and their
How we work 08
communities around the world.
Images taken by employees are featured throughout
the 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report.
Captured by:
Erika Basham
Director of Sustainability
Product Strategy,
United States
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 04
Foreword “ There is no issue today that At the same time, there are two areas where we’re
not yet on track, and in each of these we are
connects everyone on the intensively engaged in work to identify and pursue
and partnership for people At the end of last year, the world met in Dubai at
COP28 to assess global sustainability progress.
Reducing water use and replenishing more water
than we consume in our datacenter operations.
and the planet The results were sobering. The world is not on
track to meet critical climate goals, and we see
Even amid the challenges, we remain optimistic.
We’re encouraged by ongoing progress across our
campuses and datacenters, and throughout our
many of the world’s challenges reflected in our
own situation. During the past four years, we have value chain. Even more, we’re inspired by the scores
overcome multiple bottlenecks and have accelerated of executives and employees across Microsoft who
Four years ago, Microsoft committed that by are rolling up their sleeves and identifying new and
progress in meaningful ways. As we report here, we
2030 we would become carbon negative, water innovative steps that are helping us to close critical
are on track in several areas. But not in every area.
positive, zero waste, and protect more land than gaps. We all recognize the same thing: there is no
We therefore are mobilizing to accelerate progress in
we use. Since that announcement, we have seen issue today that connects everyone on the planet
areas where we’re not yet on track.
major changes both in the technology sector and more than the issues around climate change. We all
in our understanding of what it will take to meet In four areas we are on track, and in each of these need to succeed together.
our climate goals. New technologies, including we see progress that has the potential to have
generative AI, hold promise for new innovations that global impact beyond our own sustainability work. Carbon negative
Brad Smith Melanie Nakagawa can help address the climate crisis. At the same time, These are: Our carbon negative commitment includes
Vice Chair and President Chief Sustainability Officer the infrastructure and electricity needed for these
Reducing our direct operational emissions three primary areas: reducing carbon emissions,
technologies create new challenges for meeting increasing use of carbon-free electricity, and
(Scope 1 and 2).
sustainability commitments across the tech sector. carbon removal. We made meaningful progress
As we take stock as a company in 2024, we remain Accelerating carbon removal.
on carbon-free electricity and carbon removal in
resolute in our commitment to meet our climate Designing for circularity to minimize waste and FY23. Microsoft has taken a first-mover approach to
goals and to empower others with the technology reusing cloud hardware. supporting carbon-free electricity infrastructure,
needed to build a more sustainable future. making long-term investments to bring more carbon-
Improving biodiversity and protecting more land
free electricity onto the grids where we operate.
than we use.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 05
Foreword continued
In 2023, we increased our contracted portfolio of Leaders in every area of the company have stepped Water positive 2 Our new datacenters are designed and
renewable energy assets to more than 19.8 gigawatts up to sponsor and drive this work. This led to the We take a holistic approach to becoming optimized to support AI workloads and will
(GW), including projects in 21 countries. In FY23, development of more than 80 discrete and significant water positive, which includes water access, consume zero water for cooling. This initiative aims
we also contracted 5,015,019 metric tons of carbon measures that will help us reduce these emissions— replenishment, innovation, reduction, and policy. to further reduce our global reliance on freshwater
removal to be retired over the next 15 years. We are including a new requirement for select scale, high- In 2023, we achieved our water access target by resources as AI compute demands increase.
continuing to build a portfolio of projects, balanced volume suppliers to use 100% carbon-free electricity providing more than 1.5 million people with access to 3 We are partnering to advance water policy.
across low, medium, and high durability solutions. for Microsoft delivered goods and services by 2030. clean water and sanitation solutions. We contracted In 2023, we joined the Coalition for Water
As a whole, this work builds on our multi-prong water replenishment projects estimated to provide
Carbon reduction continues to be an area of Recycling. Over the coming year we will finalize a
strategy, this year focusing on the following: more than 25 million m3 in volumetric water benefit
focus, especially as we work to address Scope position and strategy for water policy.
3 emissions. In 2023, we saw our Scope 1 and 2 1 Improving measurement by harnessing the over the lifetime of these projects—enough water
to fill about 10,000 Olympic sized swimming pools. 4 We are developing innovative scalable
emissions decrease by 6.3% from our 2020 baseline. power of digital technology to garner better
Finally, we continue to drive innovation in water, replenishment projects in high water stress
This area remains on track to meet our goals. But our insight and action.
through first-of-their kind replenishment projects like locations where we operate datacenters.
indirect emissions (Scope 3) increased by 30.9%.
2 Increasing efficiency by applying datacenter We recently announced Water United, a new
In aggregate, across all Scopes 1–3, Microsoft’s FIDO, which leverages AI-enabled acoustic analysis
innovations that improve efficiency as quickly initiative to unite public and private sectors in
emissions are up 29.1% from the 2020 baseline. to reduce water loss from leakage.
as possible. reducing water loss from leakage across the
The rise in our Scope 3 emissions primarily comes Looking ahead, as our datacenter business continues Colorado River Basin.
3 Forging partnerships to accelerate technology
from the construction of more datacenters and to grow, so does the need to minimize our water
breakthroughs through our investments and AI
the associated embodied carbon in building consumption and replenish more than we consume Zero waste
capabilities, including for greener steel, concrete,
materials, as well as hardware components such as in these operations. In FY23 our progress on water Our journey to zero waste includes reducing waste
and fuels.
semiconductors, servers, and racks. Our challenges accelerated, and we know we need to implement at our campuses and datacenters, advancing circular
are in part unique to our position as a leading cloud 4 Building markets by using our purchasing an even stronger plan to accelerate it further. cloud hardware and packaging, and improving
supplier that is expanding its datacenters. But even power to accelerate market demand for these We therefore are investing in our water positive device and packaging circularity. In FY23, we
more, we reflect the challenges the world must types of breakthroughs. commitment in four ways: achieved a reuse and recycle rate of 89.4% for
overcome to develop and use greener concrete, 5 Advocating for public policy changes that will 1 We are taking action to reduce the intensity servers and components across all cloud hardware,
steel, fuels, and chips. These are the biggest drivers accelerate climate advances. with which we withdraw resources by a target that is increasingly important as needs for
of our Scope 3 challenges. continuing to design and innovate in order to cloud services continue to grow. In 2023, we also
We have launched a company-wide initiative to minimize water use and achieve our diverted more than 18,537 metric tons of waste from
identify and develop the added measures we’ll intensity target. landfills or incinerators across our owned datacenters
need to reduce our Scope 3 emissions. and campuses, and we reduced single-use plastics in
our Microsoft product packaging to 2.7%.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 06
Foreword continued
From expanding our Circular Centers to piloting As the world experiences worsening impacts of
programs that give a second life to used fiber optic
“ The shift from pledges to
climate change, we are also helping to put planetary
cables through partnerships with local technical data into the hands of researchers, governments, progress requires action,
schools, we are working to keep materials in use companies, and individuals through the Planetary transparency, and accountability.”
longer and approach our work at every stage with Computer. We are providing open access to
circularity in mind. We are accelerating our work to petabytes of environmental monitoring data to help Last year, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella called climate
reuse and recycle cloud hardware wherever possible, empower people with actionable information to change “the defining issue of our generation.” To
and launched two new Circular Centers in Quincy, protect their communities. meet this generational challenge, we are putting
Washington and Chicago, Illinois in 2023. sustainability at the center of our work. With each
Microsoft’s sustainability progress requires global emerging technology, with each new opportunity,
Protecting ecosystems Customer and global sustainability engagement. We are investing in innovative we ask ourselves an important question: how can we
We have committed to protect more land than In last year’s Environmental Sustainability Report, solutions, advancing research, and advocating advance sustainability?
we use by 2025, while preserving and restoring we announced that we were expanding our for policies that we believe can drive progress
at scale. A hallmark of this effort has been our As we strive to answer that question, we are
ecosystems in the areas where we live and work. ambition to help advance sustainability for our
Climate Innovation Fund (CIF)—our $1 billion developing new approaches, experimenting with
As of FY23, we exceeded our land protection target customers and the world. In 2023, we continued
commitment set in 2020 to advance innovation new partnerships, and learning as we go. We are
by more than 40%. At this point, 15,849 acres of this work to empower our customers and partners
beyond Microsoft’s four walls. To date the CIF has optimistic about the role technology can continue
land have been legally designated as permanently on their own sustainability journey by creating the
allocated $761 million toward innovative climate to play in accelerating climate progress, and we
protected compared to our goal of 11,000 acres. technology needed to better manage resources and
technologies1 including commercial direct air look forward to working with others on this critical
optimize systems. On a global scale, we focused
We are incorporating green business practices capture technologies, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), journey for all of us.
on accelerating innovation, research, and policy,
that support the surrounding ecosystems near industrial decarbonization, and more.
not only for ourselves but also to support a more
our campuses and datacenters. This includes
sustainable world for all. Our science, research, and AI for Good teams are
regenerative design solutions around our datacenters
that enhance local biodiversity, improved stormwater The shift from pledges to progress requires action, also working to accelerate solutions and develop
climate resilience with AI. In November 2023, we Brad Smith
management, and contributing to climate resilience. transparency, and accountability. Microsoft Cloud
published a whitepaper and playbook that expands Vice Chair and President
We are also piloting AI-driven Microsoft technology for Sustainability is helping customers unify data
to provide insights into the overall health of the and garner richer insights into the sustainability on the incredible potential of AI for sustainability.
ecosystem and inform future actions. of their business. In 2023, we expanded Microsoft Through our AI for Good team, we are collaborating
Sustainability Manager to include Scopes 1, 2, and with the United Nations to research the use of AI
to advance the Early Warning for All Initiative, with Melanie Nakagawa
all 15 categories of Scope 3 carbon emissions to
a goal of better understanding the populations Chief Sustainability Officer
help track progress and inform action across an
organization’s operations and value chains. that may be at risk of extreme weather events and
other threats.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 07
2023 highlights
Carbon Water Waste Ecosystems
Total renewable electricity Total contracted water Total amount of solid waste diverted Total amount of land
use in FY23 replenishment since 2020 from landfills and incinerators FY23 protected in FY23
19.8 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy assets We met our water access target by providing 18,537 metric tons of solid waste were diverted 15,849 acres were designated as permanently
were contracted, including projects in 21 more than 1.5 million people with access to clean from landfills and incinerators across our owned protected. We exceeded our land protection
countries around the world. water and sanitation solutions. datacenters and campuses. target of 11,000 by more than 40%.
We contracted 5,015,019 metric tons of carbon Our new datacenters are designed and optimized Our reuse and recycle rates of servers and Through the Microsoft Datacenter Community
removal in FY23, and continue to build a to support AI workloads and will consume zero components across all cloud hardware reached Environmental Sustainability program we are
portfolio of projects, balanced across low, water for cooling. 89.4% in FY23. responding to local needs in the communities
medium, and high durability solutions. that host Microsoft datacenters and where our
We reduced single-use plastics in our Microsoft
employees live and work.
product packaging to 2.7% in FY23.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 08
How we work
Our sustainability journey starts with getting our
own house in order. In 2020, we set bold targets to
be a carbon-negative, water-positive, zero-waste
company that protects ecosystems by 2030. We are
committed to sharing our progress, challenges,
and learnings through our annual Environmental
Sustainability Report to help accelerate global
progress toward net zero.
We recognize that our actions alone will not solve
the climate crisis. As a global technology provider,
we also believe we have a role to play in supporting Microsoft sustainability: Customer sustainability: Global sustainability:
the thousands of customers and partners who put Taking care of our own Delivering digital technology Enabling a more sustainable world
their trust in Microsoft. We think about Microsoft’s environmental footprint for net zero
role in sustainability through three spheres of
Our sustainability work starts with taking Microsoft is committed to providing innovative Microsoft’s actions alone cannot solve the climate
influence: Microsoft sustainability, customer
accountability for our operational footprint. digital technology to help build a more sustainable crisis. As a global technology leader, we are also
sustainability, and global sustainability.
This means taking accountability for our operational world. From managing environmental footprints with committed to helping build the enabling societal
footprint across our campuses, datacenters, Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability to accelerating conditions that will support a net zero economy.
devices, software, and value chain. We look at our innovation for new climate technologies, We’re focused on accelerating the availability of
operations across the entire life cycle of assets we’re working to empower our customers and new climate technologies, strengthening our climate
and products, from design to building, usage, partners across industries. We are advancing policy agenda, helping to develop a more reliable
and end of life. We are committed to sharing our greener software and reducing carbon intensity and interoperable carbon accounting system,
learnings, accelerating markets, scaling solutions to improve device sustainability, and helping advocating for skilling programs to expand the
across our value chain, and being transparent about organizations measure and manage the health of green workforce, and working to help enable a just
our progress. the planet’s natural ecosystems with the Microsoft energy transition.
Planetary Computer.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 09
Microsoft sustainability
How are we
addressing our
Our sustainability work starts with taking Carbon 10
accountability for our operational footprint. In 2020, Water 23
we made a bold set of commitments: to be a carbon
Waste 35
negative, water positive, zero waste company that
protects ecosystems—all by 2030. Ecosystems 46
Amid this optimism, we face the realities of the
complexity of the challenge. Addressing Scope 1, 2,
and 3 emissions requires partnership and systemic
to carbon
action. We need to decarbonize supply chains
and take action to build the carbon-free electricity
infrastructure needed by Microsoft, our suppliers,
our partners, and the world.
In FY23 our emissions increased by 29.1% across In FY23, we contracted 5,015,019
Scope 1, 2, and 3 from our 2020 baseline, as we metric tons of carbon removal
continue to invest in the infrastructure needed to to be retired over the next
advance new technologies. 15 years.
Since 2020, our Scope 1 and 2 emissions have
Improving the measurement and 14
efficiency of our operations decreased by 6%. This result is driven by
our ongoing work to advance clean energy
Building markets and driving progress 18
procurement, green tariff programs, and use of
Learnings and what’s next 22 unbundled renewable energy certificates.
Scope 3 accounts for over 96% of our total
Our approach
emissions, which includes emissions from our supply
Our commitment to becoming carbon negative chain, the life cycle of our hardware and devices,
requires unprecedented innovation and partnership. and other indirect sources. Our Scope 3 emissions
Over the last four years since setting our continue to be our most significant decarbonization
sustainability targets, thousands of companies have challenge. Progress will take deep collaboration
also joined the call to reach a net zero future and are across industries.
taking steps, big and small, to help make that future
Microsoft has taken a first-mover approach, making
a reality. This year, technologies like AI brought
long-term investments to bring more carbon-free
renewed promise of the role innovation can play in
electricity onto the grids where we operate, and
accelerating progress. From improving measurement
we continue to advocate for the expansion of clean
to increasing datacenter efficiency and improving
energy solutions around the world.
energy transmission, technology can be a powerful
accelerant for the pace and scale the world needs to
achieve net zero.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 11
Scope 3 Categories
1 Purchased Goods & Services 36.23%
7 Employee Commuting
9 Downstream Transportation 0.45%
13 12
11 Use of Sold Products 14.05%
Key definitions
Carbon Table 2–Tracking progress toward carbon negative by 2030
Carbon-free electricity (CFE)
Microsoft’s overall emissions increased by 29.1% in FY23, in relation to our base year. Additionally,
Microsoft refers to the broader suite of technologies Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3
we retired 605,354 metrics tons of carbon removal as part of achieving our annual target to be
compatible with a fully decarbonized electricity
carbon neutral.
system as CFE. CFE technologies include solar, Direct Indirect Indirect
geothermal, sustainable biomass, hydropower, emissions emissions emissions
A Scope 3 B Scope 2 C Scope 1 created by a from the from all other
nuclear, carbon capture utilization and storage, and
company’s consumption activities
Retirements from Retirements from Projected Target carbon others with zero direct emissions.
D E F G activities of the in which we’re
avoided emissions carbon removal carbon removal emissions
Renewable energy electricity or engaged
Electricity technologies including wind, solar, heat we use
geothermal, sustainable biomass, and sustainable
15M B C B C hydropower.2
Scopes 1, 2, and 3
Since setting our targets
Indirect emissions from all other activities up in 2020, data has played an
9M and down the value chain such as upstream and increasingly important role
downstream transportation, materials, and end-of-
Metric tons CO2e
6M A
life impacts, as well as all suppliers’ direct Scope 1
in our journey by allowing us
and 2 emissions. to better measure and manage
3M our resource consumption.
G Scope 3 represents over 96% of Microsoft’s
annual emissions in FY23. Our Scope 3 emissions
result primarily from the operations of our tens
of thousands of suppliers (upstream) and the use
-3M E E E F
D E of our products across millions of our customers
FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY30 Tackling Scope 3 means decarbonizing industrial
Base year Current year Target year processes such as steel, concrete, and other
building material production for use in our campus
and datacenter construction, as well as jet fuel for
Find out more in our Data Fact Sheet business travel and logistics.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 14
through procurement
Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a ratio that and investment.
describes how efficiently a datacenter uses energy.
and efficiency The lower the number, the better the score.
We design and build Microsoft datacenters as close
Building operations Innovations in low-carbon concrete Additionally, an underground garage is set to be Achieving net zero is not something we can do
and construction To minimize our carbon impact in constructing completed in FY24 as part of our Redmond campus alone. As 76.5% of our total emissions originate from
datacenters, we build our datacenters to meet modernization project and will include 130 EV our suppliers, we have a role to play in bringing
Infrastructure decarbonization charging stations with 176 additional EV charging the global supply chain with us on our journey to
LEED Gold certification, with 37 datacenters already
Our sustainability standards for new construction meeting this goal globally.3 LEED buildings also stations planned for future phases. net zero.
continue to expand to meet our climate goals. use less water, utilize renewable energy and fewer As we continue to electrify our global fleet by 2030, By leaning into education and investing in
New campus projects require the procurement of resources, create less waste, and preserve land and these projects will help us test and implement our meaningful tools for carbon reduction, we can move
high-efficiency refrigeration systems, all-electric habitat. One example of innovation in this area is a EV infrastructure and apply it to more campuses these efforts up the supply chain tier.
kitchens and mechanical systems, and non-fossil- series of pilots completed this year using a net- across the globe.
fuel-powered backup power systems. Combustion is negative embodied carbon limestone alternative to
no longer permitted for daily use in any new office traditional concrete. Derived from algae cultivation in Improve measurements across our
construction project in our standard. We have also concert with other alternative cementitious materials, supply chain
expanded our requirements to reduce embodied the combination yielded a concrete mix that met
carbon in interior materials. While we know that the majority of our emissions
our performance requirements and achieved an
are from Scope 3, over 96% in 2023, we also needed
estimated 65% embodied carbon reduction from
greater precision on the drivers contributing to these
conventional concrete of a similar strength.
emissions. What we found is that these emissions
Fleet electrification have three primary, interrelated drivers:
On Microsoft campuses around the world, we are 1 Electricity use in both upstream embodied in
making progress toward electrifying our fleet and what we purchase, and downstream from the
eliminating dependence on fuel burning vehicles. usage of our products.
To establish the infrastructure needed to support 2 Key material procurement including
our goal of operating a 100% electric fleet by 2030, semiconductors, steel, cement, aluminum, We are working to scale carbon accounting
76.5% we’re constructing an Electric Vehicle Fleet Facility and plastics. methodologies to drive progress across our
supply chain.
that will house, charge, and maintain our electric
3 Fuel use from direct travel, commuting, logistics,
commute fleet of the future at our Redmond
and embodied in what we purchase.4
In FY23, 76.5% of our total emissions headquarters. The project is currently in the design
originated from our suppliers. We believe phase and is pursuing LEED Platinum certification.
Microsoft also has a role to play in bringing
the global supply chain with us on our
journey to net zero.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 16
Partnering with our suppliers Advancing procurement Reducing emissions in Cloud Logistics Measuring semiconductor emissions
Access to granular emissions data from our supply of carbon-free electricity In 2023, the Cloud Logistics team implemented a Driving targeted Scope 3 emission reductions
chain is essential to identifying where our largest When we identified a near-term need to support three-pillar strategy for emissions reduction: requires more precise measurement.
Scope 3 reduction opportunities exist and how these suppliers in decarbonizing their electricity For semiconductors, this means measuring emissions
1 Apply industry-leading data models, based on
can be actioned. consumption, especially our smaller- to medium- drivers down to the square centimeter of silicon–a
the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC)
sized suppliers who traditionally lack the expertise unit of measure required for life cycle assessment
To understand the full extent of our Scope 3 carbon Framework, to obtain detailed emissions data for
and resources to navigate this process on their (LCA)-based methodologies–and applying product-
footprint, we piloted a new feature in Microsoft each shipment. This “digital twin” of our
own, we partnered with climate solutions expert specific emissions factors. We modeled this for
Sustainability Manager called the environmental, operations data earned us a finalist spot in
3Degrees to launch Supplier REach, a renewable all high-impact components installed and sold
social, and governance (ESG) value chain solution. Gartner’s 2024 “Power of the Profession” award.
electricity portal. by Microsoft.
In 2023, Microsoft Procurement acted as customer
2 Utilize data to optimize our supply chain,
zero, as we used our own technology and utilized The portal assists with Microsoft supplier evaluation This advancement, which reflects Microsoft’s
identifying efficiency gains that helped us avoid
the ESG value chain solution as its disclosure and procurement of high-quality carbon-free application of leading-edge research findings from
over 90,000 mtCO2e emissions. These savings
platform to successfully collect emissions from electricity options based on factors such as their imec’s Sustainable Semiconductor Technologies
were achieved by shifting cargo to more carbon-
top in-scope suppliers. Additionally, due to the geography and energy load. and Systems (SSTS) program, enables us to quantify
efficient transportation modes, consolidation,
flexibility the ESG value chain solution offers, which specific products, manufacturers, geographic
and network design.
the Procurement Sustainability team was able to locations, and production stages are driving
customize the platform to collect more advanced, 3 Drive transformational solutions in trucking, emissions. This specificity deepens our supplier
granular emissions data from suppliers. In the future, shipping, and aviation. In partnership with our engagement efforts and focuses our policy and
the ESG value chain solution will enable customers largest transportation service providers, we have advocacy discussions.
to customize and collect detailed emissions data enabled them to source low-carbon or carbon-
directly from suppliers. free logistics services. This led to the successful
deployment of electric vehicles and
sustainable fuels.
To further our goal of sustainable transportation, we
joined collaborations like the Sustainable Aviation
Buyers Alliance (SABA) and we have launched a new
initiative with cargo-owning peers and suppliers that
By using data to optimize our logistics supply
plans to build the first electric interstate trucking
chain, 90,000 mtCO2e emissions were avoided.
corridor in the United States.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 17
progress Sustainability and clean water at 20% lower prices for 2,000 households and addressing food
largest corporate renewable energy purchasers security and economic hardship by reducing fish harvest loss.
provides the opportunity and responsibility to help
facilitate a circular economy in the renewable energy John Tien We have begun embedding community funds in global power purchase
sector. Our leadership is enabling and supporting agreements (PPAs)—for example, a 366-MW renewable energy deal in Ireland
The ability of Microsoft and the technology sector to with European developer Statkraft includes such a fund to support local
the market due to the scale of our procurement,
meet net zero targets is dependent on our collective At Microsoft, I play community needs.
laying the foundations for renewable energy
ability to procure carbon-free electricity and a role in achieving
infrastructure reuse and recycling, concurrently We also partnered with Clearloop to expand equitable access to clean energy
decarbonize our supply chains. Microsoft continues our sustainability
addressing environmental, community, and supply and help decarbonize the grid in the Mississippi Delta region, enabling a
to build and scale carbon-free electricity through goals by working
chain challenges. In advancing a circular economy 6.6-megawatt project in Mississippi through an upfront payment for long-term
our procurement of renewable energy and investing with suppliers
for all, we follow three principles: renewable energy credits. Microsoft helped get the project online and provided
to bring more carbon-free electricity onto the grids to implement
where we operate. As one of the largest corporate 1 Requiring recycling of renewable support for Clearloop’s model.
best practices
purchasers of renewable energy, we continue to seek energy infrastructure. and technology
ways to diversify and scale-up supply of impactful solutions in the
2 Requiring recycled materials in renewable energy
renewable energy and mechanisms enabling access sourcing of memory
infrastructure manufacturing.
for all. semiconductors.
3 Using our voice on circular economy for
The positive impact
renewable energy public policy.
of these efforts
on Microsoft, our
customers, and
the planet inspires
6.6 MW
We are partnering with Clearloop to help
me to believe that
we all have the
power to make a
difference, both in
decarbonize the grid in the Mississippi Delta our personal and
region, enabling a 6.6-megawatt project. professional lives.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 19
Metric tons
In FY23, we procured 5.015 million metric tons
Annual in-year neutrality target 2030 carbon negative target
Landmark BECCS in Europe: Our recent agreement Scaling up carbon removal Supporting global progress Microsoft is the first large commercial entity to use
with Orsted shows the near-term potential of Heirloom direct air capture: Heirloom’s next direct Powerex’s wholesale 24×7 Clean Load Service for
Meeting our carbon negative goals is tightly linked
bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). air capture (DAC) projects will prove their potential its new datacenter in Washington state. Under this
with global decarbonization. Supporting carbon-
This project will add carbon capture to an existing to scale towards the megatons per year that society agreement, Powerex will match Microsoft’s hourly
free electricity infrastructure through procurement
heat and power plant and then store the carbon needs this decade to stay on track for the goals datacenter demand with direct deliveries of carbon-
and investment is critical to making this happen. It’s
dioxide geologically to provide significant carbon of the Paris Agreement. Heirloom’s technology free hydro, solar, and wind power on a 24-hour,
a challenge that is bigger than any one company,
removals and anchor the high durability category of making and breaking limestone to take carbon year-round basis—supplying reliable electricity
but Microsoft has taken a first-mover approach,
this decade. dioxide out of air is simplicity itself. to our datacenter while also supporting our
making long-term investments to bring more
100/100/0 goal.
Securing the sustainability of biomass for the Orsted Enhanced rock weathering: Our deals this year carbon-free electricity onto the grids where we
project and future biomass-based pathways was a with UNDO and Lithos explore the novel carbon operate. We continue to seek ways to diversify and During the hours that Microsoft’s contracted
major focus and drove us to support Carbon Direct’s removal pathways that will reduce outstanding scale-up supply of impactful renewable energy and renewable resources produce more electricity
cross-sector work on this topic alongside Frontier market uncertainties, and which could feasibly scale mechanisms enabling access for all. than the datacenter can use, Powerex will take the
Climate. We believe that the time for responsibly in the next several years. In addition to the science surplus renewable power, allowing hydro generation
scaling BECCS is here and look forward to the Partnering to scale clean energy to be reduced and water to be conserved for
of enhanced rock weathering (ERW), we note that
coming wave of project developments. innovative business models will be important to Microsoft partnership goals are threefold: achieve later use. This will enable clean deliveries back to
expand projects with such front-loaded costs. our own operational needs, accelerate the this datacenter in later hours, when Microsoft’s
development of technologies that will help our contracted renewable resources produce less
customers and partners, and rapidly increase the electricity than the datacenter needs.
scale of the global sustainability market.
Microsoft and Helion announced an agreement to
In 2023, Microsoft increased its contracted provide Microsoft with electricity from its first fusion
portfolio of renewable energy assets to over 19.8 power plant. The plant is expected to be online by
gigawatts (GW) across 21 countries. We signed 2028 and will target power generation of 50 MW
new PPAs around the world, including with AES in or greater, dramatically shortening the projected
19.8 GW
We increased our contracted portfolio
Brazil, Constellation Energy in Virginia, Powerex in
Washington, Contact Energy in New Zealand, and
Lightsource bp in Poland.
timeline for commercially viable fusion energy.
The planned operational date for this first-of-its-kind
facility is significantly sooner than typical projections
for deployment of commercial fusion power.
of renewable energy assets to over
19.8 gigawatts.
in programs supporting SAF development.
is majority-owned (51%) by local First Nations, Together with RSB and Alaska Airlines, Microsoft
Chiniki and Goodstoney. This project is expected launched, an educational resource
to generate economic returns for the Indigenous designed to empower key decision makers with
communities and contribute to the lasting Microsoft entered a 10-year contract with
information on topics most relevant to choosing SAF.
prosperity of the Nations for future generations. World Energy for sustainable aviation fuel
(SAF) certificates, aiming to replace 43.7
million gallons of fossil jet fuel.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 22
Getting to
water positive 1.5M
In FY23, we met our water
Water In 2023, we continued to drive progress by focusing access target by providing
Reduction 26 on accelerating solutions to water challenges more than 1.5 million people
through innovation and partnerships. In 2023, we with access to clean water
Replenishment 28
nearly doubled our water replenishment portfolio, and sanitation solutions.
Access 30
and met our 2030 water access target to provide
Innovation 32 1.5 million people with access to clean water and
Policy 33 sanitation services. Our internal water fee continues
Learnings and what’s next 34 to play a critical role in funding replenishment and
access projects while providing an incentive to our
business groups to reduce water use.
Our approach
Amid this progress, we also believe Microsoft
Today, one in four people live in countries facing
has a responsibility to support our customers
high water stress, a number that is expected to
and the world in addressing the water crisis.
increase to one in three by 2050. We believe
Investments made across Microsoft operations are
Microsoft has an important role to play in protecting
made with a view to accelerating global progress.
freshwater resources in the areas where we operate
Our investments in innovation will help establish
and around the world. We recognize that water
new approaches to reducing water consumption,
reduction alone is not enough to address growing
and investments in replenishment will help scale
global water challenges—reduction, replenishment,
solutions and drive greater impact in the basins
access, innovation, and policy all play important
where we operate.
roles in our water positive journey.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 24
In FY23, we contracted for replenishment
projects that are estimated to provide more
than 25.4 million m3 in volumetric water benefit.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 26
for non-potable end-use and increase the use of 6M
as installing efficient irrigation systems.
recycled water and greywater. 4,772,890
We estimate that our Thermal Energy Center will 4,196,461
The new Sustainability Standards also require 4M
help save over 10 million gallons of water per
teams to develop a water reuse plan which outlines
year. The Thermal Energy Center at our Redmond
strategies to reduce, capture, and reuse water on the
Campus uses several unconventional approaches
construction site, for example, capturing stormwater 2M
to heat rejection, including geothermal heat
Water m3
from sediment ponds to be used later for dust
exchange, heat recovery chillers, and water
control and vehicle washing.
softening in its cooling towers.
While these water reduction strategies implemented FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23
through the Redmond campus modernization Base Current
projects are impactful, they also represent year year
Improvements as part of our Redmond important proofs-of-concept and testing grounds,
campus modernization project are estimated helping us apply learnings and techniques to other
to yield over 50% reduction in water use for campuses globally.
new facilities. Find out more in our Data Fact Sheet
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 27
Reduction continued
We are reducing our reliance on freshwater sources for our existing datacenters.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 28
replenishment projects that fit a basin’s unique 21M
operational. As such, we are contracting for projects
needs while also offering social and bring creative and innovative
today that will come online within a few years. 15,686,416
environmental co-benefits. approaches—such as through
14M 12,937,207
Keep community needs and impact new technologies or funding
at the forefront. We are intentionally integrating models—that will help the
environmental justice into our replenishment
market scale quickly to 7M
investments, considering how we can support
Water m3
marginalized communities while avoiding meet demand. 2,840,030
potential unintended harmful consequences. 0M
Focus on innovation with an aim to build FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23
61M m3
Our replenishment projects are contracted to
project supply and scale. We’re increasingly
looking for opportunities to support new project
implementers that bring creative and innovative
Replenishment continued
In support of our water replenishment target, Restoring the Lake Improving water resilience in Addressing water loss and
we’ve partnered with FIDO Tech to reduce water
Xochimilco ecosystem the lower Colorado River improving resilience
loss from leaks through three projects in the aging
water distribution networks of London (England), Conservation International is working to Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF), With support from Microsoft, Bonneville
Querétaro (Mexico), and Phoenix, Arizona (United restore the Lake Xochimilco ecosystem— in partnership with Microsoft and others, is Environmental Foundation is working to
States). The projects use FIDO’s AI-enabled acoustic home of the endangered axolotl and the last engaged in the Lower Colorado River Resilience improve water resiliency in the Dallas-Fort
leak analysis to identify and track leaks over a natural remnant of the Valley of Mexico lagoon project to conserve water in Lake Mead and Worth area, Texas. A partnership between
distance of 350 km within the networks. Once leaks system—which has been severely modified by support water resilience in Arizona and the BEF’s Business for Water Stewardship, Sensor
are identified, the local water utilities will conduct urbanization, resulting in water pollution and lower Colorado River Basin. The project brings Industries, Pacific Institute, and local housing
repairs. Over a 10-year period, FIDO plans to track endangering biodiversity. Using a site-specific together water leasing, habitat restoration, authorities will install 600 leak detection sensors
volumetric benefits alongside other complementary model designed to protect this ecosystem environmental flows, and private and public for toilets in multi-family, low-income housing
benefits, including greenhouse gas reductions. through various conservation measures, such as sector investment to increase water resilience in developments. The sensors have a 10-year
restoration of the traditional chinampa wetland the lower Colorado River. lifetime and will allow for real-time monitoring
Another project will support the use of AI and site-
agricultural technique, planting of native of leaks, enabling prompt response from
specific data to improve irrigation management
species, and employing biofilters to improve maintenance to minimize water loss.
on 385 hectares per year of private irrigated
water quality, the project is expanding its reach
family farms in the Maipo Basin near Santiago,
through support from Microsoft to incorporate
Chile. In partnership with Kilimo, the system
more local farmers and a larger wetland
can provide tailored irrigation schedules for a
restoration area.
variety of high-value crops, helping farmers to
decrease groundwater pumping and diversion of
surface water.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 30
for low-income populations, supporting people in Sapdiah is among those who live in Indonesia’s
countries in South and Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan rainforests and was able to overcome this challenge
Africa, and Latin America. This work represents our by securing a microloan for a water tank and filter
third water-related investment advanced through through a local financial partner of
We have invested more than $3 million
to improve water access in Brazil, India, Microsoft’s $1 billion Climate Innovation Fund.
Indonesia, Mexico, and Chile.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 31
Access continued
Water Table 3–Delivering on our water positive target by enabling access to water and sanitation services, and through water replenishment projects
49 Population provided
with water access
water benefit quantification claims; provide and biodiversity
guidance for collecting, tracking, and reporting
information to substantiate claims; and refine some
Through our Climate Innovation Fund, we have quantification methodologies.
invested $45 million in scaling water solutions.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 33
Getting to
zero waste 89.4%
Reuse and recycle rates of
Waste We recognize the urgent need to reduce waste
servers and components across
Reducing waste at our campuses 37 and carbon emissions associated with the life cycle
all cloud hardware reached
and datacenters of materials by prioritizing reduction and reuse as
89.4% in FY23.
Advancing circular cloud hardware 40 much as possible. As a company that manufactures
and packaging devices, builds campuses and datacenters, and
Improving device and packaging circularity 42 uses manufactured goods in our operations, we
have committed to responsibly design and source
Learnings and what’s next 45
materials, and are taking an increasingly circular
approach to reach our target of zero waste by 2030.
Our approach
This strategy, grounded in the prioritization of
Every year, people consume 100 billion metric tons reduction and reuse, enables us to extend the life of
of materials, and only 7.2% of those materials are the materials we use, and reduce waste and carbon
cycled back into the economy after use, according to emissions as a result. This effort begins upstream by
the 2023 Circularity Gap Report. Retooling existing reducing the quantity of materials wherever possible,
linear take-make-waste systems and infrastructure keeps products in use longer through reuse and
is required to meet the critical need to accelerate repair, and recovers materials downstream to our
progress in how we design and use products to recycling and composting programs.
effectively reduce material consumption.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 36
By 2025, all cloud packaging is planned to have a minimum of 50%
In FY23, we increased circularity in our rack packaging, which makes up most of our
recycled content; eliminate single-use plastics; will be 100% reusable, packaging waste by mass. We’re pioneering an innovative reusable rack packaging
recyclable or compostable; and packaging weight will be reduced by system that drives progress across all four packaging targets. As we scale our reuse
a minimum of 10% from a December 2020 baseline. system, we are partnering with our logistics service providers to implement a global
We reduced single-use plastics in our
recycling program across our worldwide locations.
Microsoft product packaging to 2.7% in FY23.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 37
at our campuses As we continue to pursue Zero Waste certification In FY23 we diverted more than 18,500 metric tons of waste from being landfilled or incinerated across
on campuses worldwide, we have focused on the our owned datacenters and campuses.
where employee devices and peripherals used on
campus turned in for recycling were refurbished
FY22 A B C D E
and reused, reducing operational waste, extending
Reducing construction the internal life cycle of devices and peripherals
and demolition waste
In FY23, we’ve achieved over 90% construction and
previously destined for recycle. The pilot was
a success, with over 18,000 items redeployed
demolition waste diversion rate on the Redmond internally, diverting 33,000 pounds of e-waste.
campus modernization project. This accounts for We’re evaluating the results for pilot expansion 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 90% 100%
over 11,000 tons of waste diverted from the landfill in future years.
thanks to thorough and detailed planning that
started early in concept design and continued
throughout construction.
In Silicon Valley, Dublin, Reading, and Herzliya LinkedIn waste reduction Datacenters
(Israel), campuses performed waste characterizations At our Dublin campus, LinkedIn has piloted a bin- Our goal by the year 2030 is for 75% construction and demolition waste diversion
to determine how materials are sorted and find free kitchens program with a dedicated fermentation for all projects, and 90% diversion for core and shell projects over 75,000 square
intervention opportunities to prevent waste room, where trim waste and fruit and vegetable feet. On the operational side, our goal is to divert 90% of operational waste by
contamination. In China, our campuses are actively pulps are dehydrated and repurposed. The removal Sustainability 2030 for our owned datacenters.
working with third-party waste auditors to codify of the bins has resulted in an average reduction of
terms and definitions around waste that are easily
food waste by 55% per serving since its introduction. Reducing construction and demolition waste
translated and understood by colleagues across Emilia Zamora
Additionally, LinkedIn creates in-house made Microsoft and our suppliers continue to look for innovative solutions within the
the world. Finally, across Microsoft campuses we
products and is cultivating strategic partnerships construction processes to reduce waste across the building materials’ entire life
are working to better define reduction and reuse
with vendor partners to facilitate plastic packaging As a member of the cycle and supply chain. In FY23, we piloted construction circularity principles
calculations in preparation for more campuses to
reduction programs across all facets of vendor Circular Cloud Supply onsite and gathered key learnings to apply to future projects. We continue
pursue Zero Waste certification.
supply chains. Chain team, I have to enhance our real-time database allowing for more robust data analysis.
the opportunity to Moving forward, construction circularity, upstream design considerations, take-
At our Dublin campus and globally, 100% of our
AI Accelerating progress with AI be at the forefront back programs, and repurposing of excess materials are all sustainability practices
micro-kitchens are free of plastic bottles, and
of circular supply we continue to pursue at datacenter construction projects.
As part of a three-year pilot program (FY22–FY25), each site with onsite full-service kitchens uses
chain design and
we are rolling out an AI-powered food waste reusable plateware.
prevention technology across several major locations Use of house-made oat milk and almond milk By supporting
including Bengaluru and Hyderabad, India; Shanghai, collectively diverted an average of 15.5 pounds of decommissioned
Beijing, and Suzhou, China; Charlotte, North plastic and 75 pounds of cardboard from material channel
Carolina; Silicon Valley, California; Dublin, Ireland; entering the landfill each month. development and
and Reading, England. Using scales and scanning operations, our team
LinkedIn is partnering with suppliers to
devices, the system tracks, learns, and classifies both has the responsibility
implement reusable cooking oil containers
back-of-house prep waste and front-of-house plate to find the optimal
(eliminating 1,854 pounds of packaging from
waste. The dining staff uses the data collected each path for every part.
landfills and oceans), bulk coffee (eliminating 420
month to calculate and monitor diversion rates to I feel lucky to be on
pounds of packaging), and bulk milk (eliminating
inform future purchases across campuses, bringing a team that works
over 50 pounds of single-use milk packaging).
Microsoft one step closer to zero waste. every day to support
our datacenters
and minimize
electronic waste.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 39
contamination and potential equipment failure.
zero waste; the history of plastics; an introduction members. We are looking into
We have been assessing whether durable air filters— to the United Nations Sustainable Development
with an anticipated lifespan of up to 15 years—can Goals; waste and carbon emissions; procurement scaling this initiative globally to
replace the disposable air filters that we currently Our goal by the year 2030 is for 75% practices and waste impacts; and an overview of build on the success of the pilot
use at our datacenters without compromising key construction and demolition waste diversion Microsoft’s zero waste initiatives. All workshops
performance metrics. for all projects.
and serve more communities
included an opportunity for self-reflection and tips
for integrating sustainable practices into daily life. where we operate.
Additionally, in our Singapore and Busan, South
Korea datacenters, we began using small-scale
onsite biodigesters to convert used coffee grounds
into compost, which is then used in the site
landscaping. The program provides an opportunity
for datacenter personnel to learn about composting
and Microsoft’s zero waste commitments.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 40
and packaging 89% in FY23. This progress was in large part due
to working directly with recyclers to understand
In FY23 Microsoft increased reuse and recycling of servers and components to 89.4%.
To support our efforts to reuse and recycle cloud Understanding our packaging landscape Reducing, reusing, and recycling Transforming the long tail
hardware, we developed the patent-pending Supporting Microsoft datacenters are over rack packaging of supplier packaging.
Intelligent Disposition and Routing System (IDARS), 150 different original equipment manufacturers We are pioneering two transformative programs In many cases, parts other than racks arriving at
which establishes and executes a zero waste plan (OEMs), as well as a variety of products, services, to address rack packaging waste: Sustainable our datacenters have packaging that is supplier
for our cloud hardware assets. IDARS is an end- and suppliers who support our cloud business. Rack Packaging transformation and Rack designed and applied, preventing any unilateral
to-end system that identifies the most sustainable Multiple types of packaging are associated with Packaging Recycling. capabilities for Microsoft to transform the packaging
disposition path for every part at any point in its life those products and services, which fall into two of the products that we receive. Therefore,
cycle across the supply chain. The innovative Sustainable Rack Packaging system
primary categories: IT hardware assets that are collaboration within industry is necessary to drive
is designed to be made predominantly from
Paired with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain integrated into a rack and packaged together; and sustainable packaging transformation. In FY23 and
recycled materials, completely devoid of single-use
Management and Microsoft Power Platform, IDARS IT hardware assets that arrive at our datacenters continuing into FY24 and beyond, Microsoft will
plastics, and fully repairable to prolong its lifespan.
utilizes the bill of materials of assets, inventory, packaged individually, or in groups, that are not yet closely collaborate with our suppliers to transform
The deployment of this system is estimated to
and demand to optimize the sustainable path, and integrated into a rack. packaging reaching our datacenters.
enable us to reduce over 100,000 metric tons of
provides Circular Center technicians with precise In FY23, Microsoft studied its heterogeneous waste from the landfill. This kind of groundbreaking
instructions on how to steward the asset onto its supply chain to identify the largest producers of packaging intervention is crucial for the cloud supply
next phase. This technology, along with our close packaging waste. We found that rack packaging chain to meet Microsoft’s zero waste targets.
collaboration with both upstream and downstream contributes most of our waste by mass, while other
partners, offers a model for the technology industry. But we’re not just looking to the future. We’re
parts arriving at our datacenters comprised the
delivering results now through our Rack Packaging
remaining mass. Given that Microsoft controls the
Increasing circularity of cloud packaging Recycling program. By partnering with our logistics
design and application of rack packaging, and that
In addition to reducing waste in cloud hardware, service providers, we’ve implemented a global
rack packaging is the majority waste contributor
Microsoft has the responsibility to address the recycling and responsible disposal program across
by mass, one of our main transformation focuses
environmental impact of packaging used to our worldwide locations. This program is designed
of FY23, and continuing into FY24, will be rack
transport cloud hardware to, from, or between to mitigate the impacts of existing packaging well
packaging transformation.
Microsoft datacenters. We also have an opportunity ahead of the full deployment of the Sustainable Rack
to utilize reusable systems to deliver sustainability Packaging solution. In this first year of deployment,
results and cost savings. To support Microsoft’s the Rack Packaging Recycling program is
public sustainability targets, our cloud supply chain forecasted to divert over 2,500 metric tons of waste
has begun the sustainable transformation of our from landfill.
cloud packaging landscape.
increasing our use of post-consumer recycled
content in the packaging materials, and second by
designing packages that are recyclable in existing
collection systems. The post-consumer recycled
Over the past year, we have continued our work content used in our devices packaging currently
to reduce the environmental impacts of Microsoft stands at 53.8%, while the calculated or theoretical
devices and packaging by increasing circularity and recyclability of our product packaging stands at 94%,
reducing carbon intensity across the entire product portfolio average. Our designers and engineers work
life cycle. relentlessly to increase use of recycled materials and
recyclability of packaging to support the circulation
of packaging materials, while delivering solutions
that protect the product.
A key pillar of our zero waste packaging strategy
is the use of renewable and recyclable materials,
and the elimination of single-use plastics used
in packaging by the end of calendar year 2025. Packaging continues to evolve to improve recyclability. Image shows packaging evolution from left to right
from 2005 to 2024.
We made strong headway against this goal in FY23.
The portfolio average of single-use plastic by weight FY23 was a year focused on the development of We take a data-driven, science-based approach
was reduced from 3.3% to 2.7%. We introduced new packaging technologies that are currently to this work and the tracking of our progress.
several single-use plastic-free highly recyclable deployed in new and existing products. The packaging recyclability and single-use
retail packages. These include the line of Microsoft These technologies include: plastics percentages were included in our
The post-consumer recycled content used
Adaptive Accessories and Surface Thunderbolt™ 4
Dock. The transition to sustainable wraps and bags
continued with the expansion of bamboo bags
across our line of Surface commercial devices.
1 Fiber-based cushioning solutions to replace
plastic foam.
third-party assurance.
Waste Table 3–Designing our product packaging for circularity Waste Table 4–Reducing single-use plastics
In FY23, we achieved a rate of 93.9% recyclability across all Microsoft product packaging. In FY23 we decreased single-use plastics to 2.7% across all Microsoft product packaging.
100% 6%
Target 5.7%
95% 4%
Packaging recyclability
Target 100%
Single-use plastics
94.4% packaging
by 2030 3.3%
90% 2%
Target 0%
by 2025
85% 0% Target
FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY30 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23
Base year Current year Base year Current year
Find out more in our Data Fact Sheet Find out more in our Data Fact Sheet
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 44
Designing for repairability Designing with more recycled content In addition to expanding takeback programs, we To improve discoverability and access to these
Designing our products for repairability reduces We continue to pursue innovative design with the are also expanding the scope of the products under programs, Windows 11 now allows OEMs to
waste by enabling servicing of the component or inclusion of recycled content such as aluminum, our recycling program. Business customers can include recycle and trade-in links in the Settings
sub-assembly needing repair. To reduce the overall rare earth magnets, plastics, and gold and tin now return Surface Hub 2S computer cartridges app. Microsoft and other device manufacturers
waste impact of Surface products, we collaborate solder paste in key components of our products. for recycling in many countries globally, allowing have included these links on their PCs.
across the disciplines of engineering, design, and Our Surface Thunderbolt™ 4 Dock and power supply customers to upgrade their existing Surface Hub 2S Approximately 150,000 customers interact with
business to ensure that our strategies to reduce unit enclosures (excluding the power cable) use 20% to the next generation computing platform.10 these links each month, based on Windows optional
waste are circular, timely, and globally relevant. ocean-bound plastic and feature lighter materials diagnostic data.
than our previous docks.
In 2023, we filled out our new Surface device
portfolio of repairable products with the launches of Expanding takeback programs
Surface Go 4, Surface Laptop Studio 2, and Surface
In September 2023, we expanded our device
Laptop Go 3. With the addition of these products, all
Microsoft Store Trade-In Program to Canada for
our latest model devices include spare parts such as
consumers. In addition, we also launched a new
displays, motherboards, keyboards, and batteries.
trade-in program for our commercial customers
We also increased access to services for commercial in the United States. Consumers and companies
customers by growing our authorized service can trade in their end-of-life devices, extending
provider network by more than 50%, and increasing the life of their devices through refurbishment
availability of spare parts for independent repair where feasible, and where not feasible, providing
services and end users via the Microsoft Store online. environmentally sound management practices
In addition to an expanded repair network, warranty following Microsoft’s end-of-life requirements
support for our commercial customers enables (H09117) publicly available on our website.
in-region Same Unit Repair in select countries.
This option provides our customers with choices,
and it reduces waste.9
By making our devices more repairable, it is possible
to extend their life.
our ecosystems
In FY23, 15,849 acres of land
were legally designated as
permanently protected in Belize
and the United States.
Ecosystems Our approach
Improving biodiversity at our campuses 48
In 2020, we committed to protecting more land
Increasing biodiversity at our datacenters 50 than we use by 2025. As of FY23, 15,849 acres of
Protecting more land than we use 51 land have been legally designated as permanently
Datacenter community 53 protected. We have exceeded our land protection
environmental sustainability target of 11,000 by more than 40%.
Learnings and what’s next 55 AI gives new hope and opportunity for ecosystem
and biodiversity management at a scale previously
not possible. Researchers and practitioners are using
AI to enable more reliable biodiversity monitoring
and assessments, and to transform conservation
decision making with the analysis of real-time data
and early warnings of ecological tipping points.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 47
Our targets Our progress Ecosystems Chart 1–Meeting our target of protecting more land than we use by 2025
As of FY23, Microsoft has contracted to protect 17,439 acres of land, and 15,849 acres were designated
Taking responsibility for our 15,849 acres as permanently protected.
land footprint permanently protected
We will take responsibility for the ecosystem We have exceeded our land protection target of
impacts of our direct operations by protecting 11,000 by more than 40%.
more land than we use by 2025.
Total land protected
11,000 acres
Image captured by Martin Tatar, Business Ops & Program Manager, Czech Republic
Find out more in our Data Fact Sheet
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 48
our campuses
Director of Biomimicry and
protections for local ecosystems such as green roofs, Advanced Ecosystems
open space restoration, and heat island reduction.
As the Director of Biomimicry and Advanced
The Redmond campus modernization project Ecosystems within the Microsoft Datacenter
In FY23, we updated our Sustainability Standards for includes 31,000 square feet of green roofs. Systems Technology team, Kaitlin Chuzi brings
new construction to include ecosystem protection These vegetation-filled canopies provide habitats 3.8 billion years of best practices in nature to the
for both flora and fauna. Namely, for projects that for pollinators and wildlife, while reducing design table to champion an aspirational vision:
include landscaping, a local expert will be consulted rainwater runoff and creating pleasant scenery creating technology that is indistinguishable
to avoid invasive species and ensure plantings are for employees on campus. from nature. A strong advocate for data-
native to the area. And to protect local wildlife, The project is designed with a network of driven decision making, her vision is supported
projects that alter or update an existing facade will underground-only parking, restoring over 30% by practical, measurable strategies. Kaitlin’s
be designed to meet LEED Bird Collision Deterrence of the site area to open space, or nearly 1 million methodology—crucial in her efforts to support
pilot credits. square feet. In lieu of parking, we’ve instead Microsoft’s progress towards a net zero and
planted native and adaptive vegetation in restored nature-positive future—is to equip teams with a
soil in this area. Our Redmond campus modernization project framework and tools to assess the impact of their
includes protections for local ecosystems. designs on the natural environment and identify
Open space occupies over 1.3 million square feet strategies to enhance the surrounding ecosystem
of the Redmond campus modernization project’s Together, these design choices contribute to and community.
site area. In combination with the green roofs, this better human, plant, and animal health, decreased
pollution, and less required energy for cooling Within the datacenter team, Kaitlin integrates
space helps mitigate water runoff as well as the
biomimetic principles in construction and
heat island effect where large clusters of concrete buildings on campus—creating a more enjoyable
operations. She leads projects that demonstrate
and urban structures absorb and retain more heat workplace in greater harmony with the landscape
how technology can not only coexist with but
compared to natural landscapes. it occupies.
enhance local ecosystems and communities.
For Kaitlin, the nature of innovation is recognizing
Open space occupies over 1.3 million square that we are part of nature and have the choice
feet of the Redmond campus modernization and ability to build products and technologies
project site area. that have a positive, lasting impact.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 49
learning to extrapolate bee-gathered data over large
honeybees can be a great choice for nurturing
areas. BeeOimpact uses machine learning in Azure Data
healthy flora and promoting greater biodiversity.
Factory to identify areas where pesticides may be in high
Honeybees have a wide flying radius and great
concentrations and assesses the impact of an activity on
pollinating abilities, all while being naturally docile
local biodiversity.
and bees
and uninterested in humans. By increasing the
pollinator population of the environment, we create Once the data is analyzed, BeeOdiversity scientists make
recommendations to clients and stakeholders to reduce
with AI
a thriving campus that supports biodiversity.
pesticide use and improve the overall environment. “In
that way we are working on factors like biodiversity and
pollution,” says cofounder Bach Kim Nguyen. “And in the
end, we save the bees.”
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 50
biodiversity at
but also support local ecosystems. Features such prevents erosion. efforts over time and validate that the ecological
as green roofs and walls, native landscaping, enhancements we deploy on our datacenter
The next phase will focus on soil remediation,
and sustainable water management systems are campuses have a positive impact on the
our datacenters integrated into our design concepts. These not only
help to minimize our impact on local habitats but
preparing the ground for the introduction of diverse
plant species aimed at attracting a broader range of
local environment.
birds and insects. The goal is to create a year-round This innovative tool captures and analyzes a
also may provide new ones.
thriving environment, emphasizing the importance segment of the insect population, providing insights
A primary consideration for our datacenter Our approach to land development for datacenters of a diverse mix of trees and shrubs for wildlife. into the overall health of the ecosystem. As we learn
construction and use is biodiversity. Before any is not just about building sustainably, but about valuable lessons through this pilot, we are exploring
new development begins, we conduct thorough coexisting harmoniously with the natural world, how these strategies can be incorporated across our
AI Accelerating progress with AI
ecological assessments to understand the local flora ensuring that as we grow, we also give back. footprint. This initiative underscores our unwavering
and fauna. This helps to ensure we are aware of, and Using the tools of biomimicry, we are assessing Overcoming biodiversity bottlenecks commitment not only to the communities we
can take steps to protect, any endangered or native the impact of our datacenters and identifying operate in but also to the planet.
species in the proposed area. This process also opportunities to enhance the ecosystems around us. As we expand our footprint to meet the demand for
results in benchmarks for ecosystem performance And, as we learn from our pilots, we are exploring cloud services, we are implementing regenerative
that help identify enhancements to improve the how our designs for biodiversity can be design solutions around our datacenters that
impact of our datacenters. implemented across our footprint. enhance local biodiversity, improve stormwater
management, and contribute to climate resilience.
This effort doesn’t stop at identification; we have Modeled results suggest that ecosystem performance As part of this initiative, we are piloting AI-driven
developed design playbooks for our internal teams can be restored to as much as 75%, as evidenced by Microsoft technology to monitor and measure the
and are actively piloting solutions that support and where we are able to successfully recreate 75% of the impact of our solutions. This is a powerful example
enhance local biodiversity around our datacenters. function of the untouched ecosystem. of how technology can be nature positive as well.
Our North Holland datacenter, located near In late 2023, we deployed our first on-campus
Middenmeer, Netherlands, stands as an example to Microsoft Premonition device to pilot ecological
this commitment. In collaboration with the Hollands monitoring. Premonition is a biological weather
Kroon municipality, we embarked on an ambitious station that lures, monitors, and samples
project to restore and enhance the ecosystem invertebrate species to easily track ecosystem
Modeled results suggest efforts to restore and around the datacenter. Initiated in early 2022, services, biodiversity, and disease transmission.
enhance ecosystems can recreate 75% of the the aim of Phase 1 was not only to integrate
the datacenter visually with the municipality We are incorporating green building practices
function of the untouched ecosystem.
that support local ecosystems.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 51
We are also working on recounting the amount of Kootenai National Forest, Montana
land that Microsoft directly operates on. We recount Linking migration corridors for mule deer and elk,
periodically to ensure that our protected lands creating landscape continuity, and stitching together
continue to balance with land used. landscape-scale conservation efforts within the
Kootenai National Forest in Montana, this project
will protect 35,653 acres of habitat under permanent
conservation easement. This easement is on track to
close by mid-year 2024.
will improve habitat and enhance movement as well as bighorn sheep, mountain goat, and
and migration for pronghorn and other wildlife several species of conservation priority including the
dependent upon these grasslands. This area of Fort greater sage-grouse, this project will permanently
Union Ranch includes both winter and summer protect more than 12,000 acres of private rangeland
In 2023, 3,579 additional acres of land were
ranges for the pronghorn. along the base of the East Humboldt mountains in
permanently protected in the United States.
northern Nevada through a conservation easement.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 52
protect vital quest to protect 236,000 acres in this biodiversity hotspot. This land was placed under One reason for the acquisition of BMF was to halt the continued expansion
declaration of trust by the Belizean government, putting 9% of Belize’s land under of large-scale mechanized agriculture in the region. As such, part of the
agreement between The Nature Conservancy and the Government of Belize
permanent protection. The designation of land protection is just the first important
step for the long-term conservation and management of Belize Maya Forest Project is for additional investment in regenerative agriculture in the buffer zones
(BMF). The Belize Maya Forest Trust was established as a local nonprofit, trustee, and neighboring BMF. Model and demonstration projects in partnership with
steward to create a globally recognized, locally relevant model of healthy, biodiverse the major stakeholders in the farming community, including the University
forest protected for and by all Belizeans and to be a global benchmark for effective and of Belize’s Central Farm campus and the Valley of Peace High School,
lasting conservation. will greatly assist to promote regenerative practices in the communities
surrounding BMF.
Ranger program The team and partners to date have planted approximately 1,500 native
To help legally enforce forest protection, Inga edulis plants as part of an alley cropping system in which rows of Inga
the ranger force has increased to 12 local provide added biomass and nitrogen for soil health and integrity alongside
rangers patrolling the BMF. All the patrols are the production of corn or other crops, as well as the establishment of two
now being recorded using the open-source acres of cover crops that can be used as green manure or to produce seeds
Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool for sale to other farmers in the area.
(SMART) used by parks globally. A significant
portion of the rangers’ time, apart from
anti-poaching patrols and maintenance, is
dedicated to fire management training and
fire suppression.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 53
Urban forestry Trees for Schools and Urban Food Forests Cool Streets Jarama Riverbed Revitalization
Tree Equity and Shade for Students in Phoenix In collaboration with Microsoft, Project Roots, In partnership with Blacktown City Council, Microsoft Fundacion FDI, with support from Microsoft and
and the Cartwright School District, Trees Matter is leading a local initiative in Sydney and Melbourne One Tree Planted, planted 2,000 trees along
The Arizona Sustainability Alliance, in partnership
is launching an initiative in West Phoenix. to combat urban heat and reduce carbon emissions Madrid’s Jarama riverbed from January to May 2023.
with the City of Phoenix, American Forests, and
Targeting Title I schools and nearby communities, by planting 400 street trees in sun-exposed areas. This initiative aims to restore a five-hectare area
Microsoft, is combating extreme heat in Phoenix by
the project combines Trees for Schools and Urban Urban areas globally are warming 29% faster near our San Sebastian de Los Reyes datacenter
advancing Tree Equity in low-income communities.
Food Forests programs. Working with Cartwright’s than rural ones, making trees crucial for cooling community, improving water quality, sequestering
With 80 trees planted so far at local schools near the
STEM and food service experts, the initiative neighborhoods and absorbing carbon dioxide. 547 tons of carbon over 50 years, and enhancing
Microsoft datacenter campus, this initiative is helping
educates students and residents about local food The Hebersham project engages the community, biodiversity. The project creates a green space
to address the city’s record-breaking high heat days
systems and tree cultivation, focusing on tree allowing residents to contribute to the tree planting for the community and benefits at-risk species.
by focusing on areas lacking trees, often affecting
identification, harvesting, and processing, and design, considering factors like appearance Fundacion FDI prioritizes inclusivity, involving
marginalized communities. The project enhances
community members are encouraged to explore and environmental impact. Over 80 Microsoft people with disabilities as volunteers and paid
school environments by providing shade to decrease
nearby food sources. Microsoft volunteers will employees and local citizens planted 45 large employees. Future plans include an environmental
temperatures, improve air quality, and foster mental
participate in tree planting events at Cartwright canopy trees, along with shrubs and understory education center in collaboration with local schools.
well-being. The schools’ staff, students, and families
schools, promoting environmental awareness. plants, in Heber Park at Hebersham. The initiative This collaborative effort tackles environmental
actively participate, ensuring communities voices are
This initiative aims to empower marginalized promotes community collaboration, enhancing issues while fostering community engagement
heard. The Arizona Sustainability Alliance employs a
communities, inspire environmental consciousness, public spaces’ livability while addressing climate and education.
five-year monitoring plan, collaborating with schools
and foster sustainable local food systems in change. Microsoft’s volunteer hours are matched,
and providing ongoing teacher education, ensuring
West Phoenix. and donations go to reforestation nonprofit One
the project’s long-term impact even beyond the
Tree Planted.
funding period.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 55
Learnings Datacenters
that support
biodiversity with AI
and local ecosystems
Microsoft’s vision of a sustainable
Preventing and reversing
biodiversity loss requires
what’s next future is one where technology
and nature coexist and thrive,
early detection and a deep
understanding of the factors
and that includes designing driving change. AI can help
datacenters to serve both us better monitor and track
functional and environmental biodiversity at a scale not
goals. This sets the stage for previously possible. Access to
sustainable development and real-time data and insights can
community engagement. inform better conservation
In our commitment to our decisions at critical moments.
environmental stewardship, we We will continue exploring how
have completed concept designs machine learning, geospatial,
for five additional datacenter bioacoustics, and computer
campuses across four regions. vision data can be used to
This will help to ensure we support conservation of
create a regenerative framework global ecosystems.
that is globally applicable and
locally configurable.
Microsoft is a Network Partner of the Ellen Microsoft was a founding member of The Student Energy is a global youth-led Greenlining is based in Northern California
MacArthur Foundation, which is focused on Carbon Call, a ClimateWorks Foundation- organization with ~50,000 members (college and works with local organizations to bring
developing and promoting the idea of a circular hosted initiative, that mobilized action to and young professionals) in 120 countries. economic opportunity to communities of color.
economy. We are elevating opportunities for improve the interoperability of digital GHG Student Energy provides clean energy Its programs include a Greenlining the Block
Microsoft employees to learn and engage accounting infrastructure. The Carbon Call educational resources and training, convenes initiative, an academy for leaders, and policy
on topics of the circular economy through developed solution blueprints for better the largest student clean energy summit, and advocacy. LinkedIn’s grants have enabled it to
community platforms, workshops, events, discovery, understanding, and sharing of GHG has launched a program supporting student expand its online reach and visibility and raise
courses, and collaborative projects. data, key to tracking our progress to a net zero leadership of clean energy projects. LinkedIn has awareness for climate equity and justice.
carbon economy. partnered with it for six years. The LinkedIn
Learn more about the Ellen Learn more about Greenlining
MacArthur Foundation
ad grant enables it to expand its membership,
Wide adoption of these solution blueprints
promote its summits, and raise the visibility of its
will facilitate data exchange across supply
online resources.
chains and increase transparency and accurate
interpretation of corporate carbon disclosures. Learn more about Student Energy
ClimateWorks Foundation will advance these
solution blueprints with standard-setters and
regulators through their global intelligence
advocacy efforts, in collaboration with
xBRL International.
Customer sustainability
How are we
for net zero?
Microsoft is committed to helping to provide Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability 59
the digital technology needed to build a more
Devices 61
sustainable world and supporting our customers
on their own sustainability journeys. From creating Green software 65
tools to better measure and manage environmental Arts and culture 67
data through Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability, to Planetary Computer 68
reducing the carbon intensity of our devices and Progress through partnership 69
building the Planetary Computer, we understand
that not one person or company can solve the
climate crisis and technology can play a powerful Captured by:
role in accelerating progress. Yasna Amas M
Project Manager,
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 58
We are committed to reducing the carbon 1 Starting at a new product’s inception, defined products that are easier to service with more Our latest products are ENERGY STAR® Certified,
intensity of our devices and we’ve made significant roles and clear sustainability targets are set to replacement components and expanded device consuming less than the recommended energy
investments in designing for a smaller manufacturing guide decision making throughout development. servicing options, we also continue to grow our limit set by the latest ENERGY STAR® computer
footprint by reducing waste, moving to more service network to offer servicing alternatives closer specification. For example, our Surface Laptop Go 3
2 During the initial design stages, screening life
efficient manufacturing processes, and increasing to our customers. This encourages consumers to uses 52% less energy and our Surface Laptop Studio
cycle assessments (LCAs) are used to gauge
the use of recycled and repurposed materials. choose servicing over replacement by removing 2 uses 65% less energy than the ENERGY STAR® limit.
potential carbon reductions of various design
perceived barriers and inconvenience, and by
concepts and to assess circularity. Surface Emissions Estimator
reducing cost.
3 Upon the product launch, detailed LCAs measure Since its inception, the emphasis for the Surface
The newest generation of Surface Laptop, Surface
the tangible achievements in carbon reduction Emissions Estimator has been to facilitate ease of use
Pro, and Surface Laptop Go lines are the most
and circularity, offering valuable insights for and accessibility for all Surface customers. This goal
repairable devices in their product lines to date; and
future design improvements. was further heightened in September 2023, with
for customers interested in self-service, we now offer
spare parts on the Microsoft Store.13 the tool accessible on a standalone webpage, and
integration into Microsoft Intune and the Surface
We publish the carbon footprint
Management portal, thereby expanding its reach
of each device, along with other to millions of new customers. This progress helped
sustainability metrics, in our to establish a new benchmark for other device
manufacturers. We continue to work to embed
Eco-profiles. Rigorous third-party CoPilot in Windows 11 chat functionality into the
ecolabels and standards provide Surface Emissions Estimator, aiming to demystify
validation of our products’ data interpretation for customers, eliminating
the need for extensive knowledge in life cycle
environmental attributes assessment or sustainability in order to understand
The Surface Thunderbolt™ 4 Dock uses 20%
ocean-bound plastic. and achievements. an individual’s emissions impact.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 62
Devices continued
Supporting game
console with carbon awareness. This innovative Following the initial collaboration with Xbox,
feature means that when a console is plugged in, and as a result of these changes, Epic estimates
creators and
Xbox is the first gaming console to offer carbon- connected to the internet, and has access to regional around 200 MWh per day of savings across the
aware game downloads and updates as part of carbon intensity data, Xbox will intelligently schedule total player base of Fortnite, or 73 GWh per year,
Shutdown (energy saving) mode. We have made game, app, and OS updates during times when which is the equivalent to 14 wind turbines running
significant strides in enhancing the energy efficiency
of these devices while simultaneously adopting
renewable energy is at its highest in the local energy
grid. This scheduling not only ensures convenient
developers for a year.14 Just as importantly, Epic has helped to
reduce the energy bills of its players on Xbox and
innovative approaches to product design aimed at updates but also strives to minimize carbon other platforms.
reducing waste and increasing recyclability within emissions by aligning updates with periods when a
The launch of the Xbox Developer Sustainability Case studies from our collaboration with some of
our Xbox controller lineup. higher proportion of electricity on the grid is derived
Toolkit in March 2023 marked the start of these studios can be read on Xbox Game Devs
from lower-carbon sources.
Recognizing that a substantial portion of emissions Docs today. Xbox continues to partner with the
empowering game creators and developers
in the Xbox value chain stems from console usage, New in 2023, Xbox also added the Active Hours UN-facilitated Playing for the Planet alliance to
with the knowledge and resources they need to
our primary focus over the past year has been to feature. Those that select the Sleep power option promote sustainable game design. We continue to
enhance the environmental impact of their games.
transition the majority of our players to Shutdown can now adjust their console’s active hours. Xbox will add more to our innovative Sustainability Toolkit
This toolkit introduces a range of analytical and
mode. This Shutdown energy saving mode offers boot quickly and be available for remote wake and are collaborating with even more studios
visual systems, measurement tools, and valuable
up to 20 times reduction in power consumption during the user’s selected active hours. When the into 2024.
resources that empower creators to make well-
compared to the higher power Sleep mode. active hours are done for the day, Xbox will fully
informed decisions regarding their games’
Importantly, players still maintain the ability to shut down and will draw 0.5 W versus 10–15 W
energy consumption to lower gamers’ energy
download updates for all their software while in while active.
bills and lower carbon emissions. By utilizing the
energy saving mode.
This year at Gamescom 2023, the world’s biggest toolkit, game developers gain access to precision
event for computer and video games and Europe’s engineering insights that enable them to pinpoint
biggest business platform for the games industry, and reduce energy usage during moments when
Phil Spencer, on behalf of Xbox, was honored to be
presented with the Green Game Studio of the Year
award in recognition of the industry advancements
we have made.
players don’t require maximum power, all while
safeguarding the overall gaming experience from
any adverse effects. We’ve already seen great
success with games like Halo Infinite, Fortnite,
200 MWh per day
of savings across Fortnite’s total player base,
Call of Duty: Warzone 2, and more. or 73 GWh per year, which is the equivalent
to 14 wind turbines running for a year.14
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 63
Devices continued
Improving design and efficiency Improving efficiency Advancing measurement and Microsoft Devices is working with the Carbon Trust
with AI Last year, we announced that a limited run of accountability and other leading tech companies, such as Amazon,
enhanced Xbox Series X|S consoles containing Meta, Samsung, and Sky, to develop an industry-
In FY23, we focused on improving data relevance
Our life cycle assessments (LCAs) help to build first specification for measuring, accounting for, and
power supply energy monitoring began providing and precision. First, to better reflect our supply chain
sustainability into our devices with the goal of decarbonizing the carbon emissions associated with
us with anonymized insights into console power and the impacts associated with the manufacturing
facilitating product and supply chain decision connected devices while being used by customers.
consumption. Over the course of 2023, we have of our products, we shifted from a spend-based
making at a larger scale.
been able to use this telemetry to build all-new data approach to using product-specific carbon footprints Microsoft and Xbox, as part of Playing for the
Partnership between Microsoft software engineering models and reports showing the dynamic power to account for the emissions of our devices. Planet, have also worked with the Carbon Trust to
teams and Makersite—an AI and data company consumption of individual titles across the Xbox In addition, we have enhanced our LCA approach, develop a report which aims to provide clarity on
specializing in digital twins—has transformed our platform. By doing so, we have been able to work moving away from a generic model based on the complexity of emissions related to video gaming,
LCA process by shifting from directional modeling with gaming development studios 343 Industries, secondary data to a more detailed model including and how they can be addressed going forward. As a
to a supply-chain-focused environmental impact Mojang, Infinity Ward at Activision, Epic, and others more supplier data. Second, although our customer next step, Xbox is currently working with Playing for
accounting approach. Makersite’s AI gives us the to support our publishing partners in their own use phase methodology is already informed by the Planet and the Carbon Trust to build a carbon
capability to automate the analysis of electronic pursuit of improving their energy footprint. real-world optional diagnostics, a detailed analysis calculator for video game businesses, to support the
product bill of material (BOM) data and material revealed some areas of improvement, such as industry in reducing its carbon footprint.
Microsoft continues to align with the Global
composition data—modeling each part, component, shifting from monthly to daily data.
Logistics Emissions Council framework. This globally
and sub-assembly down to the chemical
recognized and verifiable calculation method is Microsoft has used optional diagnostic data from
composition. Manual effort is significantly reduced
applied across all shipments in the global supply Windows devices to estimate power consumption
compared to a typical LCA process, while granularity
chain network to calculate carbon emissions. since 2020, and each year we have worked
and representativeness is improved.
Shipment-level emissions data empowers everyone to improve the quality of the methodology.
across the supply chain organization through Requiring numbers to be re-baselined each year is
data, reporting, simulation, and the ability to drive necessary to pursue increasingly better data. Initially,
decisions to reduce Microsoft’s emissions. we took a simple approach of gathering Windows
optional diagnostic data, averaging daily energy
We continue to focus on consumption for all sampled devices over a month,
increasing the energy and extrapolating to the entire group. We then
worked to refine the data; by grouping devices by We continue to explore how AI can help improve
efficiency of our devices characteristics significant to energy consumption the design and efficiency of our devices.
to reduce direct emissions. before extrapolation, we were able to focus only on
devices that were being actively used.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 64
Devices continued
Manufacturing and sourcing Quantifying the decarbonization impact from our Optimization control
for sustainability suppliers transitioning to renewable energy, Containers for Xbox are loose loaded rather than
through improvements to our LCAs. By shifting palletized, saving over 400 containers’ worth
In the past year we have made significant away from using generic industry models to of emissions, or 280 mtCO2e. Use of reusable,
steps in improving the sustainability impact supplier-specific primary data, the decarbonization lightweight pallets from factories to destinations
of our manufacturing and sourcing practices. efforts from our suppliers’ transition to renewable resulted in a savings of 950 mtCO2e.
Some examples include: energy are being reflected in our products.
For example, increased use of documented Technology and operational enhancements
Increasing the amount of renewable energy used
in our manufacturing supply chain. In FY23, 59 renewable energy in the supply chain resulted in a Electric vehicles and alternate fuel emissions
suppliers transitioned to using renewable energy reduction of approximately 13 kg CO2 equivalent in remain a focus of outbound shipments and final
in manufacturing facilities for Microsoft with six the carbon footprint of each Surface Laptop mile deliveries. Approximately 25% of all online
transitioning to 100%. These efforts contributed to Studio 2 as compared to the previous generation consumer deliveries were made with an electric or
105,000 mtCO2e, avoiding emissions roughly Surface Laptop Studio.15 Decarbonizing our device carbon neutral option. Our devices supply chain
equivalent to 21,000 homes’ annual average supply chain drove initiatives and solar installation across the
energy usage. distribution network, resulting in three net zero
Meeting our decarbonization goal and achieving
distribution facilities, with a reduction of over
Increasing the number of our suppliers responding carbon negativity by 2030 requires focus on three
1,000 mtCO2e annually.
to the CDP climate change questionnaire from key areas in our device supply chain: measurement
98.3% in 2022 to 99.4% in 2023. This enables and visibility, optimization control, and instilling
Microsoft Devices to have greater visibility into technology and operational enhancements to drive
emissions reduction and lead the industry.
supplier progress towards a sustainable future by
partnering with suppliers to identify areas of Measurement and visibility
improvement, set targets, implement best
The financial budget is mirrored and translated into
practices, and track progress.
a carbon emissions budget for logistics. This enables Approximately 25% of all online consumer
Improving the integrity of the decarbonization precise emissions target setting for monthly/ deliveries were made with an electric or
data shared by our suppliers by conducting quarterly reporting actuals against targets, driving carbon neutral option.
internal audits and independent third-party transparency across the business and enabling
external audits, including onsite supplier decision making and recalibration to the annual
assessments for suppliers who transitioned to target and control annual results. Microsoft Devices
using renewable energy in FY23. logistics emissions resulted in a 10% reduction in
emissions. Of that reduction, 5% is tied to reduction
initiatives throughout our logistics network.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 65
Empowering change with cloud “The time for climate Helping customers and partners Azure AI and Wildlife
computing and AI adaptation is now. It optimize Azure workload Protection Solutions
Vestas is using a combination of simulation, is encouraging that Microsoft developed new technical guidance and Wildlife Protection Solutions (WPS) uses remote
modeling, and machine learning in its business, best practices to help customers and partners cameras to gather image data about the status of
from minimizing the wake effect affecting windmill
Microsoft is leading by adopt and operate on Azure sustainably as part the species it protects, but the number of images
turbines within wind farms to designing the example to prioritize of the Cloud Adoption Framework. This covers that must be analyzed before action can be taken
turbines themselves. getting the most guidance across the cloud adoption journey, from is overwhelming. To overcome this challenge, WPS
strategy and planning to optimized landing zones, uses MegaDetector, an AI model developed by
Microsoft and Vestas co-developed an improved advanced technology in sustainable cloud operations, and governance setup. Microsoft AI for Earth, running on Microsoft Azure
solution for the existing Vestas Turbine Simulator
(VTS) to run large-scale simulations for wind turbines
the hands of those who We’re working across Microsoft to help customers
Virtual Machines to accelerate the processing of
need it most and making camera trap images. MegaDetector improves
to help determine optimal placement in wind farms and partners plan their path forward, improve
threat detection accuracy and processes images
and material design for location. The solution uses access a priority above sustainability, and create new business value while
faster than other AI models tried, in some cases
Green Software Foundation’s Carbon-Aware SDK reducing their operational footprint. This includes:
to efficiently move workloads between regions.
all else. We’re excited by up to 50%. The processing power of Azure AI
Sustainability guidance within the Azure Well- infrastructure makes a critical difference and offers
Vestas has deployed this solution to help it lower to bring this weather Architected Framework, designed to help optimize performance gains.
carbon emissions based on renewable production intelligence to Africa”. Azure workloads for greener IT, as well as a new
capacity, and to optimize cost by utilizing spot
Azure Well-Architected Framework sustainability
instances availability in the regions. Shimon Elkabetz,
CEO and Co-founder at
Microsoft is also collaborating with weather
The newly launched Cloud Adoption Framework
intelligence leader to introduce an
– Sustainability Guidance.
innovative cloud-based solution to bridge the
weather risk gap with swift, efficient, affordable, and The primary objective is to provide Sustainable software engineering practices in
reliable solutions. This pioneering solution harnesses governments in the Global South with Azure Kubernetes Service, which includes design’s extensive global coverage, which the opportunity to empower existing and configuration checklists, recommended
includes near real-time data from a novel weather meteorological agencies, enabling weather design, and configuration options.
radar satellite constellation, and incorporates it with intelligence, early warning systems, Educational sessions, hackathons, and value-based
a machine learning and AI-powered, high-resolution and climate information to citizens delivery workshops run by our Customer Success
global weather model hosted on the Azure High- and organizations. Unit for customers interested in optimizing their
Performance Computing platform. Azure environments and applications.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 67
Carbon Trust Green Software Foundation Sustainable Packaging Coalition Circular Electronics Partnerships
The Carbon Trust has created a secretariat titled Microsoft continues to support sustainability With over 600 member organizations, the The Circular Electronics Partnership (CEP) unites
Decarbonizing the Use Phase of Connected through its efforts with the Green Software Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) is its six influential partners, industry leaders,
Devices (DUCD) with representatives from Foundation, of which it is a founding member. the leading voice on sustainable packaging. and the wider stakeholder network behind
several leading technology companies With participation on the steering committee, For many years, Microsoft has been a key a vision for a circular electronics industry by
including Microsoft. The secretariat is focused Community, Open Source, and Standards partner of the SPC, working with like-minded 2030. CEP drives collective action to resolve the
on developing a standard for measuring the Working Groups, and Open Source green member organizations to use the power of barriers that companies face in their transition to
carbon emissions of connected devices and software projects, Microsoft is committed industry to advance sustainable packaging circular electronics.
using various carbon removal instruments to to helping developers become Green through education, collaboration, and
Learn more about CEP
decarbonize those emissions. Software Practitioners. action. Through these key pillars, Microsoft’s
partnership with SPC has helped create a more
Learn more about the Carbon Trust The foundation is advancing carbon-aware
informed marketplace focused on developing a
computing, industry standards to improve how
circular economy.
we measure software, building knowledge and
tools on green software principles and patterns, Learn more about the Sustainable
fostering climate advocacy, and accelerating Packaging Coalition
innovation to nurture a workforce fit to build
climate-conscious solutions that reduce the
environmental impacts of software.
Global sustainability
How are we
enabling a more
sustainable world?
Microsoft’s actions alone will not solve the climate Investing in innovation 72
crisis. As a global technology leader, we also commit
Accelerate sustainability solutions with AI 76
to help societal conditions that will cultivate a net
zero economy. We’re focused on accelerating Policy and advocacy 79
the availability of new climate technologies, Employee engagement 81
strengthening our climate policy agenda, helping to Scaling impact through Green Skilling 82
develop a more reliable and interoperable carbon Progress through partnership 83
accounting system, advocating for skilling programs
to expand the green workforce, and working to
enable a just energy transition. Captured by:
Holly Alpine
United States
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 71
Empowering our global workforce Tools to help close the green skills gap
We recognize that our employees are the most important asset and resource Microsoft and LinkedIn are taking action to empower the workforce with the
in advancing innovation in sustainability and are creating opportunities for green skills needed to drive climate progress. We are sharing our research,
them to contribute to our efforts. learnings, and tools to empower and build the workforce we need.
Since launching our $1 billion Climate
Innovation Fund (CIF), we have allocated
$761 million towards climate technologies.1
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 72
groups and designed opportunities to integrate with to build a high-quality
our climate intelligence and technology solutions. carbon removal market.
As an end customer, we are also able to offer novel
contracting structures that align with the needs
Since launching the Microsoft Climate Innovation of our portfolio companies, such as multi-year or
Fund (CIF) in January 2020 as part of our corporate forward procurement contracts and pilot projects.
sustainability commitments, we have allocated Our investments create impact beyond financial
$761 million towards climate technologies that investment by sending a demand signal to
reflect our vision for the sustainability markets of nascent markets, advocating with industry and
the future.1 Our investment priorities have evolved government agencies on shared policies and market
to focus on specific sectors. We remain committed building standards, and catalyzing additional
to optimizing climate impact in underfunded capital resources.
markets, with alignment to climate equity and our
core business. We continue to lead on first-of-a-kind climate
finance solutions and build bridges to bankable, Investing in carbon reduction FlexiDAO, a carbon-free energy analytics platform
We are advancing innovation beyond Microsoft’s scaled climate technologies that we and the world and removal solutions in which CIF invested in 2022, is helping Microsoft
four walls through CIF, with an emphasis on need to create a more sustainable and prosperous source, track, and certify energy towards our
expanding access to capital for innovators working future for all.
Addressing our own 100/100/0 carbon-free energy commitment.
to address the climate challenge, build new markets, environmental footprint The advanced and detailed management of a
and use AI to accelerate solution development In 2023, we brought together our portfolio in clean energy portfolio requires digital solutions to
Through CIF, we made investments in companies
and scale adoption. We continue to invest across Redmond, Washington, to connect our ecosystem accelerate market adoption, which we’re partnering
positioned to directly affect our Scope 2 and 3
energy systems, industrial supply chains, and natural of innovators and collaborate on reaching scale with FlexiDAO to develop and deploy across 37% of
emissions. These investments include:
systems, and prioritize direct equity and debt and our shared impact goals. It was a powerful our global Scope 2 carbon-free energy portfolio.
reminder of the value of convening entrepreneurs H2 Green Steel, a near-zero emissions steel
investments to finance solutions with the potential
and stakeholders working across multiple sectors to producer in Sweden, aims to build the world’s first Heirloom Technologies, a direct air capture
for mainstream adoption by 2030.
catalyze partnerships, share diverse perspectives, large-scale green steel plant with 95% reduction in company, currently operating America’s first and
As a corporate climate investor, we are differentiated and be reminded that we are in this together. carbon dioxide emissions compared to traditional only commercial direct air capture facility, has built
by our ability to mobilize our core business resources steel-making. Powered by renewable electricity, the on our investment in 2021 to provide Microsoft with
in support of our investees, in addition to providing plant will generate enough green hydrogen to bring up to 315,000 tons of permanent carbon removal
catalytic capital. 5 million tons of green steel to the market by 2030. delivery over a multi-year period.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 73
LineVision uses AI and computational fluid KOKO Networks, a clean technology company that EverEnviro, a Green Growth Equity Fund portfolio
AI This is a feature powered by AI dynamics to integrate local weather data with near operates a bioethanol cooking fuel utility in Kenya, company and one of India’s leading producers of
real-time ground sensor measurements to provide a is helping to switch households from charcoal to renewable natural gas, is supporting farmers to
Investing in AI
reliable hourly rating of the current-carrying capacity clean and safe fuel. KOKO reached its one millionth sustainably clear their fields in a faster manner,
The Climate Innovation Fund has made several of transmission lines. This dynamic line rating allows customer this year and is expanding to Rwanda and helping grow crops on time with better yields. It has
investments in 2023 in innovative uses of AI to transmission owners to unlock additional carrying other East African countries.16 created a network of Village Level Entrepreneurs
address some of climate’s biggest questions. capacity from their existing infrastructure compared to harvest, collect, and transport agri residue to
AI excels at combining disparate datasets with to traditional static line ratings and bring additional KOKO Networks its renewable natural gas plants, creating rural
varying spatial and temporal characteristics, renewable energy onto the grid. employment in the residue supply chain. Through its
enabling the data to relate so that it can be reasoned operations, EverEnviro is ensuring better waste
against—and this is exactly the type of technological Equity as a core principle management in both urban and rural areas by using
capability needed to provide more timely answers multiple feedstock in its processing and providing
Climate equity is a core principle of our investment
to the pressing questions being posed by a access to alternate clean fuel.
strategy. We recognize the disproportionate impact
changing climate.
of climate change on communities around the world Solstice, a CIF portfolio alum, is collaborating with
CIF is focused on areas where we believe AI and work to ensure we are investing in leaders and our energy procurement team and ENGIE North
can make a material difference, including novel companies that meet people where they are with the America on the development of two community
material development, climate intelligence and solutions they need. solar projects in Illinois that will serve historically
risk forecasting, digital MRV, and environmental excluded communities and help reduce participating
We know that to reach global climate goals, we
monitoring. In addition to Vibrant Planet PBC, residents’ electric supply costs by up to 60%.17
need to invest in a clean energy transition on
mentioned previously, in which we shared how we
virtually every continent and with every community. We consider every CIF investment through the lens
are building the high-quality carbon removal market,
These communities have a right to thrive, which of climate equity and social co-benefits. This will
examples in our portfolio include the following:
means increasing energy access and bringing CrossBoundary Energy Access, a project financing continue to be a focus as we invest our capital.
Mitiga Solutions provides climate risk intelligence healthier, more affordable solutions to the facility for solar mini grids, has funded its first batch
that combines science, AI, and high-performing market. We are investing in clean energy growth of mini grids in Nigeria with development partner
computing to help customers analyze, report, and infrastructure that directly serves low-to-
ENGIE. Around 28,000 people will have first-time
and act on their business exposure to climate risk medium income households. Investments include electricity access, including productive energy
through their self-serve platform EarthScan™ and the following: loads for grain milling and other income
risk models. Mitiga’s mission is to make the world generating activities.16
more resilient by providing climate intelligence on KOKO Networks is helping households switch
any asset, anywhere in seconds. from charcoal to clean and safe fuel. KOKO
reached its one millionth customer this year.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 75
First-of-a-kind financing Impact measurement and reporting Skilling for green jobs New Sun Road actively supports skilling and
encourages community contribution. It has
Many of the first-of-a-kind (FOAK) commercial At the launch of the Climate Innovation Fund, The clean energy transition will require a new
partnered with Microsoft to establish solar-powered
projects in our portfolio have been funded with we partnered with Rhodium Group to develop a generation of skills and talent to fill the economic
community centers in rural Guatemala that provide
an objective to create a bridge to bankability bespoke approach to forecasting environmental opportunity potential and green jobs. Our portfolio
broadband, digital skills, devices, educational
and economic sustainability alongside technical impact outcomes to optimize for climate impact companies, such as the following, are training the
experiences, and mentorship to women and youths
outcomes at scale. We are learning that structuring across CIF’s diverse priority sectors and financing workforce that can build the green economy of
in rural and high-migration areas. The company
these investments requires balancing flexibility and mechanisms. We have learned the challenge and the future.
often partners with local organizations to design,
creativity, while also ensuring we set our investees necessity of adequately quantifying the catalytic
BlocPower has been working since 2021 to install, and operate renewable energy systems, as
up to demonstrate the performance track record impact of our capital. With a portfolio of 55
ensure that green jobs include underrepresented well as train local technicians and entrepreneurs
required to raise institutional finance. investments, we can now internally benchmark
community members. In partnership with the to manage and maintain microgrids and provide
impact per dollar invested, which allows us to
We appreciate that FOAK risk involves not only New York City Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, customer support, creating jobs and building
further filter for the highest impact for our portfolio.
technology risk, but also development risk. BlocPower’s Civilian Climate Corps program has expertise in the local economy.
CIF is supporting the GHG emissions accounting
This requires teams that want to build FOAK projects trained over 1,700 members in skills such as HVAC
ecosystem through an investment in Novata, whose
to be sure they have the right skills, talent, and and electrical, largely in communities hardest hit by
digital platform was designed by and for the private
culture to execute projects successfully, as the gun violence.16
equity market and radically simplifies the process
competencies needed for project development are
of collecting, analyzing, and reporting on ESG and Eavor’s technology solution and target geographic
very different from those needed for technology
sustainability data. locations offer a valuable chance for those who
development in the initial stages of the company.
work in conventional fossil fuel companies to join
a climate-focused organization and apply their
industry best practices to facilitate a transition
towards cleaner, sustainable energy sources.
The geothermal industry has immense promise
as a catalyst for economic growth in the United
States, particularly benefiting rural communities.
The alignment presents a unique opportunity to
transfer technical knowledge and skillsets required in
We are advancing innovation beyond the oil and gas sectors directly, while also providing
Microsoft’s four walls through CIF, with a direct benefits to the communities that have been
portfolio of over 55 investments to help affected by fossil fuel production and use.
address the climate challenge.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 76
Partnering to accelerate progress Accelerating the development of better batteries Enabling more efficient carbon capture and storage
with AI BatteryML is an open-source tool that aims to Carbon capture and storage involves capturing carbon dioxide from industrial
streamline and unify the approaches to predicting emissions and storing it in subsurface structures. To optimize the amount
The ability of AI to measure, predict, and optimize and analyzing battery performance. In 2023, of carbon dioxide that can be safely stored, we have collaborated with
complex systems as well as accelerate the BatteryML harmonized the fragmented and diverse Schlumberger and Northern Lights to build an optimization workflow based on
development of sustainability solutions can help the Sustainability
landscape of battery data by introducing a unified global numerical optimization. This workflow relies on an AI simulator to find
world overcome some of the key challenges we face data format. This made it possible for various
Champion: the optimal location of the carbon dioxide injection wells. The AI-based carbon
on the transition to net zero. Microsoft is working models and features to be cohesively applied across Bichlien Nguyen dioxide flow simulations and genetic-based optimization on a test case resulted
with a wide range of partners, such as the following, multiple datasets, simplifying the experimentation in providing superior well placement, $50 million higher net value, faster total
to help unlock the full potential of AI for accelerating process and amplifying the efficacy of analyzing workflow time, and lower compute costs under all conditions tested.
progress towards net zero. factors that dictate lithium-ion battery performance. Bichlien is a
BatteryML’s versatile model repository underscores principal researcher
Transforming the world’s approach to
the synergy of machine learning and battery at Microsoft Research
measuring emissions
science. Future directions involve broadening its AI4Science and has
The Global Carbon Budget project, in collaboration
model repository, incorporating real-time data a PhD in chemistry.
with Tsinghua University, aims to develop the world’s
analytics, and fostering collaborations with the wider She is working to
first near real-time global carbon budget assessment
research community. help accelerate
framework driven by AI and data science techniques.
the development
In 2023, the team outperformed the state-of- Reducing embedded emissions in concrete of sustainable
the-art model in reconstructing ocean historical The University of Washington aims to offset the use technologies.
observations and predicting ocean carbon sink of classic concrete with biomaterials. The concrete Most recently, she
data in a near real-time context. The next frontier is industry is estimated to account for 8% of global has been working
broadening the project’s scope to encompass more greenhouse gas emissions, with 80% of that impact on the application
comprehensive facets of the global carbon budget. attributable to cement, a component of concrete. of AI for the
To propose concrete formulations that meet desired discovery and design
quality criteria, machine learning is used to evaluate of more sustainable AI can be used to evaluate large numbers of candidate materials to aid in the
the large number of candidate materials. We are discovery of more sustainable concrete and other materials.
currently performing experiments to demonstrate and materials.
the utility of machine learning in accelerating
discovery and demonstrating that bio-cements can
meet strength requirements for various applications.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 78
Developing climate resilience with AI Helping guide disaster response Microsoft is working with partners from around the Better understanding global biodiversity
Microsoft AI for Good Lab is researching the use world to help better understand, halt, and ultimately The world currently lacks the consistent, frequent,
As highlighted by the IPCC, the world is already
of new AI models and methods in supporting reverse the loss of nature. high spatial-resolution observations of biodiversity
experiencing the impacts of climate change. AI can
first responders during the immediate aftermath that are needed to deliver a nature positive world.
be used to help better understand risks and inform Helping to conserve the Amazon
of natural disasters. This year, in partnership with For example, it’s been estimated that less than 1%
the response to disasters when they strike. The Amazon rainforest, one of the Earth’s most vital
Planet Labs PBC and its temporal and spatial of the planet has been sampled at a resolution of
ecosystems, faces a dire threat as approximately 18%
Improving early warnings resolution data, we provided research on rapid 1 km.18 Microsoft has helped to develop a vision for
of it has already been lost and an additional 17% has
Microsoft is collaborating with the United Nations damage assessments to first responders tasked a global biodiversity observing system as a global
suffered degradation. Deforestation in the Amazon,
to research the use of AI to advance the Early with helping people after the flood in Derna, network of interconnected national and regional
driven by farming and illegal mining, poses severe
Warning for All Initiative, with a goal of better Libya, the wildfires in Maui, and the earthquakes networks to assess biodiversity trends worldwide.
consequences for climate stability and biodiversity.
understanding the populations that may be more in Turkey and Afghanistan. This research has This global system would provide the insights and
To combat this crisis, technology, particularly
at risk of extreme weather events and other proven invaluable to emergency response data needed to realize the world’s biodiversity goals,
AI, is being harnessed to predict and prevent
threats, often due to climate change. organizations in determining how to deploy and including those outlined in the Kunming-Montreal
deforestation. At Microsoft, our AI for Good Lab has
allocate limited resources to save lives and Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF).
Mapping population and risk been at the forefront of this research, collaborating
Knowing where people live and anticipating provide essential services to people affected by with Colombian organizations and utilizing Producing more food with less impact to nature
migration patterns is essential for policy decision natural disasters. innovative methods through Project Guacamaya. Project FarmVibes.AI is an open-source geospatial
making, from ensuring food security to multi-modal machine learning toolkit that includes
Supporting a nature positive world Project Guacamaya employs AI to understand
workflows and example Jupyter notebooks.
evacuation planning and improving population
the interconnectedness between forestation and
health. Population growth and migration in Achieving a nature positive world is essential for The toolkit demonstrates how to build rich heatmaps
biodiversity in the Amazon. It uses high-resolution
places like the Sahel region of North Africa are human well-being, a healthy planet, and economic of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and carbon
satellite imagery from Planet Labs PBC to detect
difficult to characterize due to a lack of recent prosperity for all. However, as highlighted in the using soil sample/sensor data along with remote
deforestation and signs of impending deforestation,
census counts or local population maps. AI can Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, sensing (satellite data). This workflow can help
such as detecting unauthorized roads. Additionally,
help us to produce population estimates where optimize fertilizer use. Another workflow identifies
camera traps in the rainforest capture wildlife
there are geographic or temporal gaps. ...despite ongoing efforts, farms that are irrigated versus rainfed. Future work
movements, and AI algorithms help classify animals
Microsoft AI for Good Lab, Planet Labs PBC, and biodiversity is deteriorating with remarkable accuracy. Sound analysis using
involves building AI models and workflows for water
the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation are use, soil carbon estimates using causal modeling,
worldwide at rates unprecedented bioacoustics further distinguishes between bird and
and hyper local weather predictions.
working on research to estimate population at
non-avian wildlife. These technologies can provide
highly granular levels using satellite imagery to in human history.
valuable insights into ecological changes and
better understand the impact of local threats on
early warnings.
health and assess strategies to mitigate risk.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 79
specifications to improve the interoperability of
corporate carbon reports. The Carbon Call will
deliver these actionable solution blueprints to
regulators and standard-setters and continue We are advocating for progress that supports
Microsoft and over 80 other Carbon Call
to advocate for its adoption, in partnership with sustainability and resilience in carbon-free
members are working to improve the generation, infrastructure, and supply chain.
Microsoft and over 80 other Carbon Call members.
interoperability of corporate carbon reports.
O verview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 80
APEC Energy Ministers Meeting frameworks—such as the Sustainability Indicators 2 Achieving carbon-free grids in the time needed
for Data Centers coming from the Delegated to meet climate targets will require strong policy
Microsoft hosted and participated in the APEC
Act for the Energy Efficiency Directive—to support. Key areas of focus include: robust and
roundtable on GHG accounting standards and a
include AI and incentivize the use of AI to enable diverse markets; data transparency and accuracy
Ministerial roundtable on grid decarbonization as
sustainability outcomes. to inform economic and environmental
part of the 2023 APEC Energy Ministers Meeting in
August. With over 250 government representatives Microsoft partnered with the UNFCCC in its pavilion efficiencies in markets and dispatch; grid
from 20 of the 21 APEC member economies present, at COP28 in Dubai and is supporting the UNFCCC enhancing technologies and expanded
topics ranged from clean electricity procurement to help deliver development and implementation transmission capacity; and deployment of
to electricity policy and carbon accounting. of new systems and tools required to put into fast-emerging carbon-free solutions to augment
These meetings delivered near consensus on a operation the Enhanced Transparency Framework existing clean resources and support a
new aspirational goal of approximately 70% carbon under the Paris Agreement. Using AI and data decarbonized grid.
free and carbon neutral electricity for the APEC analytics, this collaboration aims to augment the 3 The use of advanced digital technologies,
region by 2035, as well as a methane emissions capacity of UNFCCC with generative AI to increase including AI, can help expedite public policy
Advanced nuclear and fusion energy reduction target. transparency, accountability, and reporting on implementation, remove impediments, and
climate change commitments. speed the transition to a decarbonized grid.
In December 2023, we published a policy brief Advocating for waste reduction AI can enable faster decision making for power
that highlights the importance of carbon-free
In the European Union, we informed and advocated
Learnings and what’s next grid resource and transmission planning, as well
electricity, the role advanced nuclear and fusion
for a robust and coherent Eco-design for Sustainable 1 ESG reporting rules are fast evolving in many as speed permitting decisions and the grid
energy may play in a decarbonized energy future,
Products Regulation (ESPR), as well as new initiatives countries around the world. Increasingly based interconnection process for critical clean energy
and the priorities that guide our policy advocacy.
such as the European Green Claims Directive, the on a threshold of business activity, the policy assets. Moreover, AI could increasingly become
We focus on advanced nuclear and fusion energy
revision of the Waste of Electronics and Electronic scope is broadening from GHG emissions the basis of data science-led approaches for
technologies because of their potential and because
Equipment Directive, and the European Right to reporting to other environmental, social, and operating the clean energy grid of the future.
these technologies are rapidly evolving and face
Repair Directive. governance areas and the data requested is Utilities, balancing authorities, and their
a different set of regulatory considerations than
becoming more market, sector, and activity regulators will need policy means for including AI
other carbon-free technologies. Microsoft’s policy Advancing progress with AI specific. With more governments and regulators in power system management. In the year ahead,
advocacy priorities focus on advancing research,
Microsoft published Accelerating Sustainability consulting on proposed local policy, there is we will advocate and work with governments
development, and demonstration projects; enabling
with AI: A Playbook. The playbook outlines policy increased urgency for consistent rules across and partners to develop policy incentives,
safe deployment of technologies; and encouraging
principles to govern AI and align it with sustainability geographies and digital solutions to help investments, and a conducive environment
an efficient and effective regulatory process for new
outcomes. We are engaging with the European companies share data and report. to use AI for sustainability outcomes.
technologies to be deployed.
Union institutions to inform the AI Act to build
on existing and emerging sustainability policy
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 81
Employee eco-challenge actions resulted in
also having a big impact through panel discussions,
local campus initiatives, fundraising activities, and
employee resource group partnerships.
1.5 million pounds of carbon dioxide savings. Microsoft’s Rohit Shetty, Datacenter Technician
Manager, India
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 82
1 in 8
Today, only 1 in 8 workers have the green skills
needed to support a green transition.
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 83
Planet Labs PBC Instituto Humboldt and Instituto Sinchi Project Drawdown CERES
Microsoft AI for Good Lab collaborates Microsoft has partnered with the Humboldt LinkedIn has partnered with Project Drawdown CERES advances leadership among companies,
with Planet to bring geospatial machine Institute and the Sinchi Institute of Colombia for five years for their climate solutions investors, and capital markets influencers to
learning capabilities to vast datasets of high- to use AI to monitor biodiversity in the subject matter expertise. Drawdown’s team drive climate solutions and policy advocacy.
resolution satellite imagery. The use cases are Amazon rainforest. Using bioacoustics helped enrich LinkedIn’s green taxonomy by LinkedIn has participated for five years in the
numerous, including deforestation monitoring recordings, camera trap images of wildlife, spotlighting emerging green technologies, CERES-organized US LEAD program (Legislature
of the Colombian Amazon, irrigation water and satellite imagery, Microsoft is building skills, occupations, and industries that can draw Education and Advocacy Days) to meet
management for agricultural lands in Northern AI models that accelerate data analysis by 10 down carbon emissions. This information helps with members and staff of the US Congress.
Kenya, and measuring the global capacity times. This technology is scalable to other shape LinkedIn’s green jobs collection and In those policy meetings, LinkedIn has had the
for wind and solar energy production on a Amazon regions, so the aspiration is for more enables LinkedIn’s Economic Graph green data opportunity to provide lawmakers with insights
quarterly basis. governmental and non-governmental entities to insights for policymakers and business leaders. on the greening of the economy and advocated
take advantage of these AI technologies. In 2023 LinkedIn launched a Sustainability for investment and policies supporting
Learn more from Planet and explore Global
Renewables Watch
Resource Hub that includes Drawdown’s growth in clean energy, green jobs, and green
Learn more about our partnership
employee functional guides for going green workforce development.
and a LinkedIn Learning course for employees
Learn more about CERES
authored by the Drawdown team. LinkedIn has
provided Drawdown with ad grants totaling
over $1 million over the past three years, which
Drawdown has used to raise awareness and
reach a large target audience for its online
resources including its Climate 101 webinars and
employee green functional guides.
How can
we advance
Appendix A 85
Appendix B 86
#sustainabilitychampions 87
Captured by:
Therese Gule
Account Technology
Strategist, Norway
Overview Microsoft sustainability Customer sustainability Global sustainability Appendix 85
Captured by: Captured by: Captured by: Captured by: Captured by: Sustainability champion: Sustainability champion:
Finnian Power Therese Gule Yasna Amas M Martin Tatar Eoin Murphy Cameron Hughes Badarul Muneer
Sustainability, to me, is I love the natural beauty As a nature lover, At Microsoft I work with The most important part Cameron has been a Badarul has led
about the responsible of the world around I care about the our MVP community of of sustainability for me trailblazer in helping countrywide
stewardship of our me. I enjoy spending legacy we leave to technology experts to is finding a balance with colleagues and sustainability
planet’s resources to time in nature by hiking, future generations. reflect our commitment progress and protecting customers understand initiatives since 2022.
preserve them for skiing, and paddling. Sustainability is the to make a positive nature. National Parks their own environmental Through these efforts,
present and future These activities bring path to this legacy, as impact around the are a great example of footprint. He fosters his team has helped
generations. I volunteer calmness and inspiration it balances economic, globe, including how to protect nature for climate discussion and to reduce single-use
in a nature reserve to my life and help environmental, and social the environment. future generations. encourages action in his plastics, onboarded a
as a nature and me to understand the aspects. Through my Outside of Microsoft, community, highlighting local recycling company
wildlife photographer. importance of protecting personal actions and my when I am in nature, that everyone has a role to collect logistics waste,
The purpose of the the environment for role at Microsoft, I have I make a conscious to play in creating a and engaged with
photos I take is to future generations. the responsibility and decision to leave no more sustainable world. the building owners
promote awareness of the great opportunity trace, respecting the to record and track
the natural biodiversity to contribute to the environment and helping waste generation.
of our lands and the achievement of our to preserve it for future
wildlife they support. sustainability goals. generations to enjoy.
We all have a role in this.
#sustainabilitychampions Our employees are at the core of our sustainability journey. Their passion and commitment
catalyzes progress in every part of our business and their communities around the world.
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date on our
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