WSN20100600006 40100660
WSN20100600006 40100660
WSN20100600006 40100660
Wireless Sensor Network based on ZigBee technology is a wireless network which is composed of many
nodes of ZigBee RF chips, sensors and MCUs, especially suitable for application of the remote monitoring
system in flammable and explosive environments. This paper presents the characteristics and advantages of
ZigBee technology, also discusses the system for hardware and software design. This system effectively ful-
fills the remote monitoring in flammable and explosive environments and posses high practical values.
Keywords: ZigBee, Wireless Sensor Network, Remote Monitoring, Flammable and Explosive
2. Explosive Production Environment ZigBee network information, such as: the production of
Remote Monitoring System Architecture the ambient temperature, pressure, overrun alarm, such
as the peak period.
System structure shown in Figure 3, the entire system by ZigBee end-node using the occasional wake-up call
monitoring the host, GPRS module (or, a ZigBee co- from time to time work, time to wake up from hiberna-
ordinator node, a number of ZigBee routers, ZigBee tion to start data acquisition, ZigBee routing node to send
nodes and a number of nodes of terminal equipment. This a message, send completed and then enter hibernation.
is a cluster tree network structure is conducive to the ZigBee routing nodes will collect the data sent to the
number of network nodes and the physical expansion of ZigBee coordinator node, gateway GPRS module through
the scope, complex, multi-node wireless network commu- the data uploaded to the remote monitoring center.
nication system is also an important reference value.
The co-ordination of the network nodes, network 3. System Hardware Design
management functions, the receiving terminal device
node for the data upload, and transfer through the GPRS Explosive production environment is a remote moni-
network to the monitoring center. Router nodes for rout- toring system by a number of ZigBee network node.
ing of information transmitted, allowing other nodes join Each node is basically the same hardware structure, but
the network. Node device to the network coordinator not the same network layer. ZigBee hardware in each
from time to time collect information to send and receive node has two basic components: micro-controller and
commands from the monitoring host. ZigBee module wireless receiver send some. Hardware-specific features
used for GPRS networks and Internet networks, the In-
into the single chip to achieve by the burning process to
ternet (also available in other ways), the realization of
ZigBee network datas to monitor the upload and down-
To facilitate the design and cost savings, the system
load the host commands. Host real-time monitoring of
the collection, storage, monitoring and processing uses a wireless transceiver and controller integrated with
equipment from a remote terminal nodes of information, the CC2430 single-chip solution module, the module
and can overrun the police at any time, such as setting from a Norwegian company Chipcon is in line with
parameters for the production environment to achieve standard IEEE 802.15.4-chip ZigBee products. It incor-
effective monitoring and management, its functions are porates a single chip ZigBee radio frequency (RF) front-
divided into two major parts, 1) Data Monitoring: to re- end, memory and microcontroller. It uses an 8-bit MCU
ceive from the ZigBee network information collected, (8051), and 128 kb with a programmable flash memory
the corresponding data into the database; to receive in- and 8 kb of RAM, also includes analog-to-digital con-
structions from the managers, and command frame for- verter (ADC), 4 timers (Timer), watchdog timer, 32 kHz
mat in accordance with the configuration commands, crystal oscillator of the sleep mode timer, power-on reset
GPRS module through the command issued to the Zig- circuit, power-fail detection circuit, as well as 21 pro-
Bee network and do the action. 2) Data Management: grammable I/O pin. Its block diagram is shown in
The database can be found, query data from the current Figure 4.
on, the user can call these functions to prepare their own
System Software primarily to achieve two basic func-
tions: 1) to achieve a co-ordinator node and other net-
work nodes and communications; 2) cycle to achieve the
various nodes and send sensor data acquisition.
CC2430 network, send and receive data is built on the Network as the network coordinator of the center is re-
ZigBee protocol stack based on. If we are to use the sponsible for the establishment of a network, information
CC2430 ZigBee chip, first of all be familiar with the reception, aggregation, processing and sending control
ZigBee protocol stack (see Figure 1), based on the actual instructions and implementation. Coordinator power to
needs of the application layer programming. At present, start the procedure after the initialization, by calling the
TI has fully disclosed the ZigBee protocol stack CC2430 function aplFormNetwork ()create a network, select a
proceedings; it is relatively easy program development Coordinator PANID as a network logo, create a routing
process to achieve. FLASH memory in the CC2430 in table, and then released to inform the other routers
the internal processor to run the application, when the broadcast frame or a terminal node The addition of node
system is activated, the chip will be stored in FLASH in equipment. Start by sending a GPRS module AT com-
the program in the implementation of the RAM. mand set serial communication rate, the establishment of
CC2430 chip with only a small number of external data communication socket connections ready to begin to
components to send and receive signals will be able to send and receive data and instructions to implement var-
achieve functional, very simple and practical. ZigBee ious operations. Process flow chart is shown in Figure 6.
nodes of the system hardware structure diagram as
shown. 4.2. Terminal Node Programming
According to actual needs of each node can choose a
number of different sensors (such as temperature, pres- Terminal node network is mainly responsible for a variety
sure, etc.) to meet the requirements of the monitoring of information (such as temperature, pressure, etc.) to col-
points. Coordinator node GPRS module also need to host lect data to send and receive commands to control the
and monitor connected to RS232 interface can also be implementation. End-node power-start initialization process
used to connect the host and monitor (if communication
from the close), chip-level conversion MX3232. Node
power circuit terminals using two alkaline batteries on
the 5th, as the coordinator node transceiver has been in a
state, so the use of external power supply.
Figure 5. ZigBee node hardware structure. Figure 6. Flow chart of the program coordinator node.
by calling the function aplJoinNetwork () to join the the degree of coverage cluster tree network structure,
network, active and effective network of channel scan- node chip CC2430, has flexible, economic practicability,
ning, the nearest coordinator to find a suitable node or design easy. If the target needs to be identified in accor-
router node apply to join the network, access is approved, dance with the actual sensor types and routers and the
the beginning of information gathering send and receive number of terminal nodes, the system can be applied to
instruction implementation. Terminal node to take a cy- the production and living more occasions to address the
clical mode, do not work in a dormant, down, low-power practical application of the cost of wired network cabling
to achieve energy-saving effect. is too high, not the arrival of the regional environment
Part of the node device code is as follows: kinds of information to monitor the problem.
void main (void){
hallnit(); // hardware initialization 6. References
apllnit(); // protocol stack initialization
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