Grille D'analyse
Grille D'analyse
Grille D'analyse
1 : A decision support system for evaluating the logistical risks in Supply chains based on RPN factors and multi criteria de
Motivated by the security For several years, the automotive
requirements inherent in wireless industry and government
vehicular networks, this study agencies have sought ways to
proposes a secure and enhance road safety and traffic
lightweight authentication management. The evolution of
scheme for V2X communication. wireless communication systems
The methodology involves the has paved the way for the
use of Attribute-based Signature realization of vehicle-to-vehicle
(ABS) to achieve message (V2V) and vehicle-to-
authentication, privacy, and infrastructure (V2I)
integrity. The proposed solution communication. Referred to as
supports vehicles in securely intelligent transportation systems
receiving a secret key and (ITS), these wireless automotive
message from a roadside unit communication systems,
(RSU) or other vehicles. To specifically Vehicle-to-Everything
validate the security of the (V2X) communication, are critical
proposed solution, a formal for improving road traffic and
verification is conducted using ensuring the safety and privacy of
the Automated Validation of users. However, the challenge
Internet Security Protocols and lies in maintaining security
Applications (AVISPA) tool. requirements to uphold system
functionality and safeguard users'
safety and privacy.
2 : A Secure Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communication Model for Intelligent Transportation System Commentaires impo
This paper presents a multi-level One of the latest trends in EU
decision-making framework manufacturing research is to
targeting dynamic work balancing increase reconfigurability of
among human operators and production systems by
robot resources. The proposed introducing mobile dual-arm
mechanism exploits Artificial workers able to collaborate with
Intelligence techniques for humans in dynamic changing
generating efficient task environments. The flexibility of
sequences while ensuring the system is increased by the
optimal and collision-free path ability of the mobile robots to
generation for the assigned easily re-locate themselves inside
resources. The focus is given on the shopfloor for performing
the integration of multi-criteria various assembly operations.
decision-making mechanisms
with mobile robots’ low-level
planning modules for deriving
effective reconfiguration plans
considering the shopfloor's real-
time status.
3 : AI based combined scheduling and motion planning in flexible robotic assembly lines Commentaires importés
To this end, the purpose of this The COVID-19 crisis has severely
paper is to propose a leagility disrupted Moroccan automotive
evaluation framework using fuzzy production. This pandemic has
quality function deployment weakened the automotive supply
approach. chain; it faced a fall in demand
and reduction in sales.
Consequently, the automotive
industry developed their
production capabilities through
constant innovation in resource
reduction (leanness) while
responding rapidly to demand
changes (agility). A combination
of lean-agile supply chain leads to
obtain competitiveness in a time
and cost effective manner.
Successful implementation of
leagile supply chain requires
evaluation of criteria and
4 : An integrated fuzzy QFD approach to leagile supply chain assessment during the COVID-19 crisis Commentaires import
The proposed approach consists This paper deals with a topical
in the realization of an algorithm issue for researchers, namely the
to detect an object in the shape detection of objects in real-time.
of a triangle, square, and This is an important topic in the
rectangle, applied on traffic road field of computer vision, as the
signs for the automotive sector. detection and recognition of
Many detection methods can be objects from images require very
adapted to progress efficiently powerful algorithms. There are
and robustly, combining these different ways to detect objects,
different studies to find the best for example, based on either the
strategy. Besides, the use of color or shape of the objects.
numerous images in the test
phase can be used to increase
the accuracy of object detection.
5 : Applying Real-Time Object Shapes Detection to Automotive Traffic Roads Signs Commentaires importés
This paper deals with a topical The vision of Industry 4.0 impacts
issue for researchers, namely the the mechanism as well as its
detection of objects in real-time. benefits to the supply chain
This is an important topic in the system. The biggest challenge to
field of computer vision, as the achieve a robust, stable and
detection and recognition of efficient eco-system for Supply
objects from images require very chain system is to have an
powerful algorithms. There are architecture that initiates the
different ways to detect objects, framework for both the eco-
for example, based on either the system and predictive analysis.
color or shape of the objects.
6 : Architectural Framework for Industry 4.0 Compliance Supply Chain System for Automotive Industry Commentaires imp
This paper explores different The first part of this paper
areas of the automotive industry presents a literature review-
like the vehicle itself, the based study of the most
designing and manufacturing emerging technology of the
sectors, the after-sales services. It century, artificial intelligence (AI)
provides solutions to make each and its various applications in the
of them ‘Intelligent’. automobile sector. In this era of
the fourth Industrial Revolution
(Industry 4.0), industries have
become all the more
sophisticated owing to the
intelligent technologies
employed to maximize
production, quality, and profits;
and minimize wastage, time and
cost of production. This paper
studies various aspects of AI and
related tools and techniques and
aims to employ them in the
automobile industry to make
modern vehicles smart, safe and
reliable. Simultaneously, it strives
to automate the drives, thereby
reducing manual labor, increasing
efficiency and relieving humans
7 : Artificial intelligence and advanced materials in automotive industry~ Potential applications and perspectives Commen
of performing mundane,
This survey systematically automotive industry is
reviews existing research at the undergoing a profound digital
intersection of AI/ML and V2X transformation to create
communications, focusing on autonomous vehicles. Vehicle-to-
handover management, Everything (V2X) communications
proactive caching, physical and enable the provisioning of
computation resources transportation use cases for road
allocation, beam selection traffic and safety management.
optimization, packet routing, and At the same time, during the past
QoS prediction in vehicular decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
environments. We extract the and Machine Learning (ML) have
underlying AI/ML techniques, the been in the spotlight because of
training features, their their outstanding performance in
architecture and discuss several various domains, including
aspects regarding the intricacies natural language processing, and
of vehicular environments and computer vision. Considering also
ML. These aspects include time current standardization efforts,
complexity of the algorithms, towards incorporating AI and ML
quality of real-world vehicle as integral sub-systems of
traces, suitability of AI/ML beyond 5G and 6G networks,
techniques in relevance to the these technologies are
designated network operation considered very promising to
and the underlying automotive optimize user, control, and
use case, as well as velocity and management network functions,
positioning accuracy but also to support road safety
8 : Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as key enablers for V2X communications~ A comprehensive survey Comme
requirements towards the and even entertainment
This paper presents an Industry To implement an Industry 4.0
4.0 framework, named BiDrac, Framework in an ongoing
that integrates computing, industrial manufacturing process
communication and control to prepare it for complex
under an Industrial Cyber- Artificial Intelligence use cases is
Physical System (ICPS) ecosystem. not an easy task. The automotive
It combines Artificial Intelligence industry is undergoing a large
and Industrial Internet of Things transformation due to a variety
(IIoT) inside the Industry 4.0 of disruptive factors through the
paradigm for the Predictive introduction of CASE (Connected,
Maintenance of an Automotive Autonomous, Shared, Electrified)
Paint Shop Process inside an technologies. Production
Industrial Cloud (IC) as an open improvements will enable future
platform that provides a development of CASE
community of cloud-based capabilities.
solutions to enable the
development of new digital
9 : BiDrac Industry 4.0 framework~ Application to an Automotive Paint Shop Process Commentaires importés
Hence, this study investigates the In traditional industries, such as
extent to which incumbents the automotive industry,
innovate through the design of AI- incumbents must draw on big
embedded systems-either via data and artificial intelligence (AI)
explorative or exploitative technologies by designing AI-
strategies-by focusing on the case embedded systems integrated
of the automotive industry. It into their end products. While
employed a sequential such systems are predominantly
explanatory mixed-method presented as paving the way for
design and a knowledge search new knowledge explorative
theoretical framework. approaches, traditional industry
incumbents may face challenges
integrating such disruptive
technology in their optimized
new product development
10 : Big data as an exploration trigger or problem-solving patch~ Design and integration of AI-embedded systems in the au
The objective of this chapter is to The rising demand for digitization
present the opportunities and and the increased focus on
challenges of Industry 4.0 in the efficiency and cost-efficient
automotive supply chain. We also productivity are boosting the
propose a blockchain-based automotive industry as well as
automotive supply chain model other industries’ growth. Recent
and study how it can fulfill our technological advances such as
needs in terms of transparency, industrial automation, IoT, cyber-
security, and traceability of physical systems, artificial
operations with the challenges intelligence, and blockchain lay
that come with it. the foundation for significant
advancements in the automotive
industry. The increased demand
for customized products in the
automotive market as well as
transparency regarding the
product’s life cycle challenges the
current automotive supply chain
11 : Blockchain-Based CPS and IoT in the Automotive Supply Chain Commentaires importés
This article discusses the The automotive industry is
modelling of an industrial process constantly seeking performance
“cataphoresis” of a large to remain competitive in a
automobile manufacturer via constantly changing market.
neural networks in order to
control and optimize it.
15 : Design and development of automobile assembly model using federated artificial intelligence with smart contract Co
In this context, in collaboration Object recognition is among the
with an Automotive components most important subjects in
manufacturer and FST faculty of computer vision, it has
sciences and technologies of undergone a huge evolution
Tangier (UAE University) they during these last decades, but in
have taken the initiative to the last years artificial
develop an object recognition intelligence has seen the
and self-correction system for a appearance of Deep Learning,
winding machine that requires a and through the efforts of
good accuracy of location of the researchers, Deep Learning is
needle using Deep Learning having great success, its
which is the purpose of this applications have touched on
paper. This report summarizes different fields, such as robotics,
the work done within this industry, automotive.
Company concerning the
development and
implementation of a system for
automating and self-correcting
the location of the needles of
winding machines using artificial
vision with Deep learning.
16 : Detection and Control System for Automotive Products Applications by Artificial Vision Using Deep Learning Commen
This study is therefore designed The latest boom of artificial
to find out which general use intelligence (AI) has left the
cases exist for AI within the information management
context of car manufacturing and community in strong need of
which ones might be the most structure-providing, high-level
promising ones to pursue at this overview works. Such works are
early stage. We conducted a supposed to allow both
Delphi study with 39 experts in researchers and practitioners to
25 different globally scattered keep track of that steep
organizations over one and a half development across the
years. technology's numerous possible
application domains. So it is
among other things that AI is said
to incorporate enormous
potential for reducing the
operational costs of car
manufacturers all over the globe.
Nevertheless, many of them are
still struggling with adopting it at
a large scale just because of a
lack of knowledge on if and
where to apply it.
17 : How can artificial intelligence enhance car manufacturing~ A Delphi study-based identification and assessment of gen
Intelligent methods can support The automated design of
engineers in repetitive tasks and production systems is a young
give them more opportunity to field of research which has not
focus on work which requires been widely explored by industry
their core competencies. This nor research in recent decades.
paper presents a novel artificial Currently, the effort spent in
intelligence methodology that production system design is
automatically generates initial increasing significantly in the
production system configurations automotive industry due to the
based on real industrial scenarios number of product variants and
in the automotive field of body-in- product complexity.
white production. The hybrid
methodology reacts flexibly
against data sets of different
content and has been
implemented in a software
18 : Hybrid Artificial Intelligence System for the Design of Highly-Automated Production Systems Commentaires importés
We apply several techniques; the In this paper, we aim to improve
first is pre-processing, which the performance of Deep
includes the conversion of color Learning (DL) by creating a robust
space RGB, then equalization and and efficient Convolutional
normalization histogram of the Neural Network (CNN) model.
image dataset according to This CNN model will be subjected
Computer Vision (CV) tools. The to detecting and recognizing
second is devoted to Artificial traffic signs in real-time.
Intelligence (AI), which requires
the right choice of a neural layer
such as the convolution layer or
dropout layer, with powerful
optimizers such as Adam and
activation functions such as ReLU
and SoftMax. Also, we use the
technique of augmentation
dataset which characterizes by
the function of batch size for
each epoch.
19 : Improved Deep Learning Performance for Real-Time Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Applicable to Intelligent T
Next, an evaluation index system The reasonable location of a
is constructed based on five charging station is crucial for
location influencing factors: land promoting the rapid
cost, construction costs, road development of the new energy
traffic flow, power grid automobile industry. This paper
conditions, and the surrounding initially establishes the location
environment. Numerical studies model with the goal of
show that both grey incidence minimizing the total social cost,
decision and grey target theory employing a genetic algorithm for
have the advantages of ease of the solution.
operation, low requirements for
data collection and processing
when selecting the optimal
20 : Location of electric vehicle charging stations~ A perspective using the grey decision-making model Commentaires imp
This paper aims to apply different Key performance indicators are
machine learning methods, tools for management, decision
namely support vector support, and forecasting; they
regression, optimized support reflect the strategy and vision of
vector regression (using a genetic the company in terms of
algorithm), random forest, objectives and allow always
extreme gradient boosting, and staying in step with the
deep learning to predict the expectations of the stakeholders.
overall equipment effectiveness
as a case study. We will make use
of several configurations of the
listed models in order to provide
a wide field of comparison. The
data used to train our models
were provided by an automotive
cable production industry.
21 : Machine learning for KPIs prediction~ a case study of the overall equipment effectiveness within the automotive indu
This paper presents a research In the context of
methodology using a reference internationalization, the supply
model called GRAILOG to capture chain (SC) becomes complex with
decisions and related KPI’s to a profusion of decisions to take.
control the SC. Then, the SC modeling and performances
methodology PPTechIP is have been widely discussed by
described and applied to researchers. The emergence of
accompany the company on the new technologies impacts the
relevant digital transformation to running and key performance
improve performances. PPTechIP indicators (KPI) of SC. There are
is based on a set of radars several models of SC but none of
divided into different decision them are oriented towards SC
levels and SC functions based on operations management, given
the GRAILOG model. The importance of Industry 4.0
calculated potential of progress technologies.
helps in decision-making.
22 : Methodology combining industry 4.0 technologies and KPI’s reliability for supply chain performance Commentaires im
To achieve this, a design of In this paper, the authors study
experiment has been performed. the applicability of artificial
The main functions of the neural networks (ANN) for the
proposed model on this article modeling of a particular welding
are: simulate the process for process widely used in the
operators training purposes, automotive industry: pulsed gas
improve the performance of the metal welding process (GMAW-
welding process by identifying P). To apply this artificial
regions which are insensible to intelligence technology, it is
variations on input parameters, necessary to introduce input and
and finally increase flexibility of a output data (stimulus and
robotic welding cell. answers) to the network.
25 : Predictive maintenance enabled by machine learning~ Use cases and challenges in the automotive industry Commen
To support planning and decision- In many industries, there is a high
making in manufacturing probability that production lines
systems, new analytical might produce extreme
approaches must emerge to quantities, far away from what
enable the transformation and would be expected and/or
representation of the available desired considering the
data. The paper presents and production and market
discusses the use of prediction conditions. This impacts
models, specifically linear considerably on product costs
regression based on supervised and respective margins.
machine learning algorithms.
Multiple linear regression models
can be trained for different time
periods, allowing better control
of costs and serving as decision-
making tools for subsequent
Assurance frameworks for vehicle Automated Driving Systems
systems have traditionally been (ADSs) in road vehicles, which can
underpinned by standards. Some undertake the dynamic driving
commonly adopted standards will task without requiring a human
provide barriers to the market driver, are on the verge of large-
deployment of ADSs, particularly scale deployment.
the inherent capability of ADSs to
have their driving functionality
changed using Machine Learning
(ML) during in-service operation.
30 : Standards relevant to automated driving system safety~ A systematic assessment Commentaires importés
Introducing and integrating an AI- The success of data-driven
enhanced methodology in maintenance is strongly
reliability-centred maintenance dependant on effective use of AI
study of complex production and multi-structured data
systems leads to reducing failure sources.
rates and optimizing availability.
In manufacturing enterprises,
information about machine
failures and expert knowledge
are often stored in digital shift
books (DSB).
31 : Text mining for AI enhanced failure detection and availability optimization in production systems Commentaires impo
This review outlines the recent The electrification of mass
advances in EVs and related transportation is hailed as a
infrastructure, mainly from solution for reducing global
artificial intelligence (AI), which greenhouse-gas emissions and
makes EVs a more attractive dependence on unsustainable
consumer option. The application energy sources. The annual sales
of AI in improving EVs, facilitating of electric vehicles (EVs) has
EV charging stations, and EV continued to rise since 2011, with
integration with the smart grid is a global sale of EVs of 2.1 million
critically analyzed and reviewed. in 2019. This increase in sales is
mainly due to continued
improvement in the cost and
performance of commercial EVs,
increased EV options available to
consumers, and environmental
awareness. However, despite the
positive outlook, EVs still face
major challenges that hinder
their rapid and widespread
adoption: limited driving range,
long charging times, and a lack of
sufficient charging infrastructure.
32 : The role of artificial intelligence in the mass adoption of electric vehicles Commentaires importés
In this paper, a framework is Data is everything - at least this is
presented for processing sensor one of the main messages of the
data of machining processes with ongoing industrial revolution.
variable cycle times in an Manufacturing companies all
unstable environment. over the world are expanding
Traditional and novel AI their digital infrastructure and
algorithms are tested on the data knowledge on data analysis in the
of a vulcanization process from hope of increasing their KPIs with
the automotive industry, namely the help of artificial intelligence
from tire manufacturing’s curing (AI). Although several well-
phase. The process in question designed data-driven solutions
consists of several subprocesses, are available, the most crucial
and the quality of curing is mostly part, data preparation is still not
dependent of the status of a fully supported.
specific type of machine tool.
Conventional methods (e.g.,
examining the cured product
manually) are currently used for
failure recognition, however the
examination is only feasible after
a long delay due to the extreme
level of heat, which leads to
unnecessary and unwanted scrap
33 : Tool failure recognition using inconsistent data Commentaires importés
This paper presents aspects of Vehicle software architectures
ongoing research at the BMW have been evolving over the last
Research Department regarding a twenty years to support data-
conceptual design for vehicle driven functionalities. Several
software architectures in the enterprises from different
automotive industry. We discuss domains are currently focusing
the principles of a modern data on improving their data
architecture with particular architectures by re-defining the
emphasis on the data-centric underlying data models to enable
mindset. We also explore the core support for analytics and
current challenges and possible artificial intelligence. Moreover, a
working points as the foundation common desire to add clear data
to move from siloed data provenance and explicit context
towards a so-called AI factory. impulses the field of semantics
and knowledge graphs.
Nevertheless, in the automotive
industry, the scenario of
connected vehicles implies extra
complexity. Vehicle data has an
enormous variety, making it
essential to develop and adopt
38 : Using Machine Learning for Predicting Efficiency in Manufacturing Industry Commentaires importés
The article shows an approach to In high-tech production,
virtual in-line inspection, companies often deal with the
predicting the product's manufacture of assemblies with
functionality. An artificial neural quality requirements close to the
network (ANN) fed with product technological limits of
characteristics and process data, manufacturing processes.
as well as the resulting functional
fulfillment of the product, is
trained for virtual function
39 : Virtual In-line Inspection for Function Verification in Serial Production by means of Artificial Intelligence Commentaire
C : Resultat