Cavern Guide ARUP
Cavern Guide ARUP
Cavern Guide ARUP
Urban Area
6 Technical Matters
Various technical matters for cavern
development have been investigated under
the Study. The following are the major
tasks that have been carried out:
(i) Updating Geoguide 4: Guide to Cavern
(ii) Revising the list of land uses with
the potential for development in rock
caverns in the Hong Kong Planning
Standards & Guidelines;
(iii) Conducting Strategic Environmental
Assessment on cavern development;
(iv) Developing conceptual fire safety
schemes for cavern developments. (Geoguide 4: Guide to (Hong Kong Planning
Cavern Engineering, Standards and Guidelines)
Second Edition)
7 Recommendation and Way Forward
The Study has prepared the CMP to should further formulate a priority list for circulars. The Government is also
provide a strategic planning framework to launching feasibility studies on relocation recommended to launch further studies
guide and facilitate territory-wide cavern of suitable facilities, taking into account to rezone suitable areas for cavern
development in Hong Kong. The CMP various factors including resource development and explore the technical
should be referenced to alongside the Hong implications, relocation programme and feasibility and financial viability of
Kong Planning Standards & Guidelines in any earmarked schedule for releasing the underground quarrying-cum-cavern
the course of planning and engineering land. development in Hong Kong.
studies, preparation/revision of town plans
Various measures have been proposed The Government should continue
and development control for surface,
under the Study to facilitate cavern the current effort and seek further
subsurface and cavern developments in the
development for both public and private opportunities to enhance the promulgation
sectors. The Government should follow of the use of cavern development as an
The Study has broadly reviewed a list of up and develop guidelines to implement innovative option to increase the long-term
suitable Government facilities with potential the measures and promulgate the land supply of Hong Kong.
for relocation to caverns. The Government requirements through relevant technical
8 Epilogue
The CMP has gained international The CMP was also awarded of a Certificate
recognition and was awarded by the of Merit by the Hong Kong Institute of
International Tunnelling and Underground Planners in 2016 given its merit in unlocking
Space Association (ITA) as the winner of the the hidden land resources in Hong Kong.
Innovative Underground Space Concept of The details of this award are available in
the Year in the ITA Tunnelling Awards 2017
on 15 November 2017. The details of this ipipawards.pdf.
award are available in https://awards.ita-
9 Enquiry
For enquiry, please contact the Geotechnical Engineering Office of
the Civil Engineering and Development Department:
Planning Division
Geotechnical Engineering Office
Civil Engineering and Development Department
11/F, Civil Engineering and Development Building
101 Princess Margaret Road
Homantin, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Or by e-mail:
10 Related Information
1. Long-term Strategy for Cavern Development Website