O2FLO Marketing PPT - 200608
O2FLO Marketing PPT - 200608
O2FLO Marketing PPT - 200608
8 June, 2020
Vincent Medical and Inspired™
Through the
process of preoxygenation the ‘apnoea time’
can be increased.
Majority of COVID-19 patients die
on or after being on Ventilators
COVID – 19
Transmission of COVID-19
• The main routes of transmission are respiratory droplets and contact
• Aerosol transmission is possible when exposed to high concentrations
of aerosol in a relatively closed environment for a long time.
Novel coronavirus pneumonia protocol (seventh edition) .China National Health Commission
COVID-19 common questions
1. Ensure caregivers are equipped with appropriate PPE
esp. within 1M from patient – high risk area
O2FLO is a simple to use system that delivers warmed and humidified respiratory
gases to spontaneously breathing patients and is capable of providing high flow
Traceable Records
Enhanced Safety System 1MB Internal memory records
•Patented Infrared water level sensor (alarm trigger) 10,000 logs (~7-day use)
•Tube detection and alarm 8GB SD card to record and export
the alarm and usage history.
Chamber Options
Max flow 60LPM 60LPM 80LPM 40LPM
Flow Adult mode Adult mode High flow mode
High Flow 5-40 LPM(increment:
Setting 10-60 LPM (increment: 1LPM) 10-25 LPM (increment: 1LPM) 10-80 LPM
Pediatric Mode 25-60 LPM (increment: 5LPM Low flow mode
Low Flow 1-8
2-25 LPM (increment: 1LPM) Junior Mode 2-25 LPM
2-25 LPM (increment: 1LPM)
Temp. 31-370C, increment: 10C 310C, 340C ,370C 310C, 340C ,370C
33-43°C, increment: 1℃
Humidity >33mg/L @ 370C ; >33mg/L @ 370C ; >33mg/L(2~60L/min、37°C)
>12mg/L @ 310 C~360 C >10mg/L @ 310 C, 340 C >10mg/L(2~80L/min、34°C) Minimum of 12 mg/L.
FiO2 21%~95% , ±5% 21%~95% , ±5% 21% ~100% , ±3% 21~100% , ±2%
Power Input 100-240V 50/60Hz 100-115V, 220-240V 50-60Hz 220V, 50Hz 100-240VAC, 50-60Hz
Noise ≤50dB ≤50dB 10L/min,<20dB(A) NA
Size 243mm x 220mm x 170mm 295mm x 170mm x 175 mm 358x197x165mm 300x200x180mm
Weight ~3.0kg ~2.2Kg / ~4.81 kg
Disinfection Gas won’t go back to unit and will Need disinfection Need disinfection The entire patient circuit is disposable and
go out from disposable chamber. (dry heat 90℃ for 90 min) (Ozonator to sterilize for no need for disinfection, The main unit,
No need for disinfection 10-15 mins) including the docking station for the
Reduce workload and time for disposable water path and temperature
reprocessing! sensor ports should be wiped down .
Warm-up 5 min to 37℃ at flow rate of 60 10 min to 31℃, 30min to 10 min to 31℃, 30min to
± 2℃ of 33℃ set point Warm-up time less
time LPM. 37℃ at flow rate of 35 37℃ at flow rate of 35
than five minutes
Faster! LPM. LPM.
Chamber Patented Infrared water level When alarm occurs, the When alarm occurs, the When alarm occurs, gas flow continues
water out detection. When alarm is activated, chamber runs dry, the chamber runs dry, the without heating or water circulation.
alarm there is still water in the chamber, chamber float may be chamber float may be
the unit still runs for a short time. damaged and need to be damaged and need to be Need to replace water bag or straighten
Allows time for refill. Safer! replaced. replaced. inlet tube and restart unit.
Alarm With SD card to record and export None None EMR and nurse call connectivity for
record the alarm and usage record. indicating an alarm condition on a hospital
Record traceable! nurse call system and interfacing EMR
capable technologies.
Power AC 100-240V~, 300VA (Dual 100-115V, 2.2A Or 220- 220V±22V,50±1Hz
100-240VAC, 50-60Hz
voltage, just need the right plug!) 240V, 1.8A
High-Flow Therapy
Competitors of high flow product
Market players:
1. Fisher & Paykel AIRVO2 market leader
2. Vapotherm High VNI
3. Respircare HIFENT (India market USD 1,950-2,000)
•Have problem of screen black out, after sales service not always
VM unit meet IEC60601-11 can be used in homecare with higher safety requirement.
Our Heater plate is designed to operate only at 24V voltage, which would still be relatively safe from causing
much damage should the insulating coating on the heater plate be scratch off, and an electric shock occurs.
Having said that, our O2FLO is safer than 220/110V votage used in heater plate of Respircare.
Why choose inspired™ O2FLO vs AIRVO2?
VM offers wide selections of disposables. The cheapest US$40 per set. While F&P is US$150.
No need for sterilization - our gas path is one direction from outside direct to chamber and from chamber to
patient via circuit and nasal prongs. Sterilization time 55 minutes on the AIRVO2 is an issue before use.
The display is on the side and easy to see - while AIRVO2 is obstructed by the circuit.
Our User Interface is more friendly to use. Large LCD screen located on the side of the humidification chamber
(not behind), easily viewed and accessed.
Our specification is the same as AIRVO2 in terms of performance and intended use
With SD card to record and export information on device alarms and usage. Record traceable!
(Patient details will have to be manual inputted by physician after records have been exported.)
VM is a consumables manufacturer for 20+ years, makes humidification chambers, circuits, filters,
etc. for many big MNC respiratory players in the market. Our quality has been proven. Smaller
players, e.g. Respicare are new – reliability?
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